Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
12 1'JIK DEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1914. RUSSIANS HURL THEGERHAHS BACK AtUck on Warsaw Tail Became of Inability to Brinj Up ' Deary Gua. ILL THE ROADS IMPASSABLE fffrlat Hevr1 Iaiet Ofmn TbracBt7 fa tea la Tata Cam saiga aaa" 1 naala 1a Malta f rrti rrma. News of Omaha's Suburbs rETROGFAD. vla, London). Oct. !.-1 After flKhtln their way to within flv mile of Warsaw tha German wrn burled hark with heavy loesea owtna" to lh Inability of the artillery to follow up nij aurport their advnre ruard, accord' nn to advice received her. Piiire. Mr. and Mr. A. n. Elite ara maKinf hort vlrlt in Chicago. Mr. and Mr. It. P. Whltelioua xpct to leavo for Txaa this meek. Mr. and Mr Van It. Iadjr left Wednes day for an extended esatem trip. Mra. A. C. HarlTnan entertained one of the brt1e luncheon cluba Friday. Mra. W. I Drayton left Wednesday to rpend threa week tn Jerome, Idaho. Mr. and Mri O. O. Oulnter left Wedne- dy to apend a weak In Ftoux Falls, 8. V. Ml-a F:th Flahatiirh Imth thla week to visit Mis Crulkahank tn Hannibal, Mo. M. t Tlaflrea of dileaao wa the rueat or hla dauchter, Mra. J. It. Iicaton, laM week. Mra. Hark well and dauatiter of I-oa An- aele are the greets of Mr. and Mra. A. IE. Archer. Mr. end Mra. Jamea Chadwlrk Wt Wednesday to apend ten day at Colfaa Hprlnca, la. Mra. C. J. Hubbard entertained tha J. F. Tha W-kwardneaa of tha artillery la du to tha rractlcally Impaaaabla rondttlona W. club at Ita firat -fait meeting Thur of tha country aa a. refill of four day' I av artertioon. rontinuou rain. Tha ground between War-taw and Fklemlewecl. Lowlca and K'ltno, being flat and marihy, cannon Immediately mlra or freeae. making an Immediate advance Impoeslhle. The one railroad from Lowlrx, forty-four mile aouthweat of Weraaw, to Waraaw, which Miea Ula Hok entertained a few airla at dinner Monday Id honor of her birth day annlveraary. Mra. IX F.. I.vnda of Chlcaao and Mia Olive Flndell of Mlnneapolla ar her for the Norton-rindell wedding. Mr. and Mra. H A. lt-ardelev left the firrt of the week for combined busineaa u Germany only meani for transport- I and pleaaur trip through the south. Ing heavy gun, vu destroyed by I Mr"- Oscar Itlllla entertained Informally h nuealans. Waraaw la virtually un- "! i? Monday afternoon i for her g.ieat. Z T. Z.i . . . . i ra. Morman Ametead or jralrfleld, la. ! !.- .".."- . I JIT r Karr Dyer and Mlra Amelia Dyer . .it.... - lot Aomncm. Maaa., are tn rueat of Vistula region mhere the Oermana are I Mr. and Mra. C. 8. 11 ay ward of Fair Btterpptin to marrh toward Krasntk and I acrea. - Lublin. A battle la officially reported a I . M'- and Mra. Fred meteC Jr., enter- developtn aouth of Pntemytl, chiefly with the Austrian. The situation of the German force, aa gathered from the official reports ! about as follows, on the Russian frontier: The Oerrean array from East Prussia, tiow near Mlawa, la Intercepted tn Ita f. fort to pSJia tbronirh riotech to Warsaw talned at a brldg- party Paturdav ven Ing. About twenty-tour guests were pre enc , Judge and Mra. W. W. 1ehaurh enter. talned at dinner Wednesday In honor of their wedding, anniversary. Covers were iam ror twelve. Mrs. T. Tarwomt nt Cnud! m.H. v,.. bean vial tin ber da.uahter. Mra. F. B. Mammon, while Mr. Hamilton was In fcy maaking tha fortress of Novo Oeor-1 aflnncaota. on a, hunting trip, ariMVsk. the Thom-Poaen forces are fol-1 Mis Mercedes Coughlan entertained lewtna- the left huxln of the Vistula and I bridge party at her home Thuiaoav aft. l!av occupied the Kutno-Uowl district. ?T!n '"nor Mr. Blaine Toung. a while the fcilealan army I. beleagwrlng Mr. and Mrs. W. tr ..... . ivsngorod and extends to Bandemlr. iiy inn,r tn))l , honor of M ' t. ne tatsst details or the nghung on thai 'ineii and Mr. Norton. Cover will be isiais as announces oy m war mo I r iwn, say that the Oermana were beaten and that hundred prisoners, hav been taken Into Warsaw. thlefjy of artillery duels, Flrr. Days' Ftghtlaa;. thoroughly T.n. hct neetlng of the Dundee Motlt of Oerman !7 T"'J ld Monday at Uie bom In th center tha flahtmg consisted 1 trol." ' ' w v-oa- Mr. Joaenh Polcar entertained the Dun de. Luncheon club Monday i honor of Miss An; Ina T1n1ll .h.. , Betwer Joaefow and Irahgorod th Cyril Norton takes nine t,i.h. battl continued for nearly flv day, j Mr.- C. O. Tulmago and Mr. E K Xear Joscfow the Russian commander. It I Vmbrly entertained at luncheon at the it atated, learned that tha German wer.PVV wLC fo1 ow"1 by Orpheum preparing to croi. th Vistula. H X- Seil. ' J"J,T ' Ml" Pn- posed aome gun about seventeen mile Mrs. O. M. Durkee from hi. bank of the river to m.U. the d-v at a ffidi?' ""nii.M iuh tiis poeuiori wa -"" mpnoames f rank armlchael eon fm. , i. ""'rt-Jned at lunch on Friday In her honor.' were gtst f Ir. and Mra. C. A. Porcn een fundsy. Mra. W. B. Tarks, whi. la In the Meth odic hoiplt7il with typhoid fever. Is Im proving rapidly. ' T. Ireitel of Flkliorn will occupy the m Hoff iilace while he ta building on hla five-acre tract. . Mra. Charles Johnson of Fpokane, Wash., 'a a guest of her brother, J. H. Pender, and family. Th Porcae aocletv of the Christian church will meet with Mr. Ida Cooper Thursday afternoon. The rnr- society of the Christian church will hold a soclnl at the Odd Fellows- hall Wednesday evening. Mrs. W. A. Todr has Vn entertain ing her rather and mother. Mr. end Mm. John fldner of Nlckerson. Neb. Mrs. L T. Amis, who Is st the Nicholas enn hospital with trphold fever. Is Im provlnj and will be home thla week. - Mrs. Graham and children are guests of Mrs. I.rwlM Meyer and family. Mrs. Oraham and Mrs. Hteyer re sisters. -,Wr- O. W. Nelson and Mrs , Frank Parker left ftaturrtay for Kavenport, la, her they will visit for several weeks. Mrs. J. H. Price, who ha been sick for a week, took a turn for the worse Thurs day and is in charge of a trained nurse. - Mns. K. fl. CI a hrl 1 mrtn -.e i n i la., la th guest of her alster, Mrs. James n.injiw, ana aiso ner son, E. E. Oabrltl E. Rpslnhnwer and family of Omaha . ""T" """'"t tne home or Mr. Musklt In Florence Heights, expect to locate very soon.- Mr. and Mr. John Tracy f at Paul, Minn., who hav been th gueeU of Mr. and Mrs. John Brew, returned to their horn Saturday evening. ..'iH' ",f?:,ch fmy met with an accident In Omaha Bundsy, when a large car rnliito them, alvln Mp. Helfrlch and Mlsa Ruth, a very .sd shaking un The car was badly damaged. Mr. George Hayden entertained Tue. day at luncheon In honor of Mrs. Jim Bryant of Council Bluff,, her goemta were Meedamea Ahmanson, Omaha: Salisbury Omshs; Bryan." Council Bluffs, ,nd FRENCH REPULSE , DESPERATE BLOWS Fighting: of Most Violent Character Going on "Diilj on the Eat Wing. OEEUAKS BiHUO UP BIO GTO3 Make Alaseat "a perk a ma a Fffert to Caplare Fortresses kat Bar F.ntraare te Fraaee frem , Mela. Ilsyden. The Indies' society met with Mr. PI lnt and Ml Clara, Pliant Wednesday afternoon. Plans for the baser to be hen November I Were discussed and a program will be held. The next meeting will b with Mr. Lou! Lynch. Threw ad I.asjr Treable will oaaaa to trouble you by the timely us of Dr. Xing' New Dls:overy, sure fl. All drugglt.-Adver. the IluvsUn front. During th niclit, according to the offl lsl vernlon, Russian infantry with four o.uirk flrera hid tn th dens bushes near tho rlvr. whllo om dlstsnc back sixteen field guns were concealed. A Ger man aeroplane flew over th spot next morning, but th aviator perceived noth ing and the Germs ns began crossing th liver on rafts I The RuHslan allowed two battalion of German to land, preceded by a detach went of , sapper to preps re a landing plate, which wa within 13 to 400 yard vl the concealed Russian gun. Had In Bayaaet Attack Th Russians then opened gua and rifle fir which, it Is asserted, accounted for nearly every man acroea the river, th German losses .being well over 1,000, hL , - . . . i j ifciimr cnofi in a nayonei axuscK. Th German on th opposite side ef the rlvr could not fire without th risk vt killing their own men. Russian quick f'.rrr mowed down the men packed on ' Beasoa, James Tfowsi-4 i... , . trip to 6heu uk;rnvs: . " irom Mr. and Mr. x. c. ri ...--j. "Pent la Sunday-In penn.' '"'maa week.' in piVi i"p'I?,"- er,,' ot een m laclflo Junction on businetl. varsity spent th weeknit hm. . go. " " Miss Lillian PifKMl.. ... th. W,nia Theta club .t OriaS meeting and program at th church las" riday, several talk being given. rr.tu . M" Aid society will w iiin tnurrn llPil U aWlaulu temoon. , "r ' xrmrmr liinm n r e, a . , ... --- -- - . - i , - v. .uirn nq Miss Mats th raft, and many of those who jumped I fu'hrer of Central city were married Into tha river and tried to swlra aihore last wek. Mr. W. O. Tslbot will b hostess to auioa py nil ur. I iji i. C . . " io At an unmentloned plac, .outhw.rd tt Mw''vt1. C.S rT''Z - I wia in luiun ( s inran Warsaw, th official report ay. the RuMian and German strove sitnul. tt-neout,ly to oros th river." Th Hus- slfing ucceeied under a terrible schrapnel flie, suffering heavy casualties, but club irlrtn in I V, t; . . i k w.-vuwjr wfc in-a i weea. Jack Price of Vn. - and Mrs. Ueorga C. Hitch of Goehner wriiltch hoTe. r'CTOl Ue,U " th J- j ne vautiff neonle .r th. t ...u-.- Bvnii,.iy inry suencea in uermaa gun I "ir;n entertained about fifty at a Hal and repulsed tn German division cover- . tiy ,asi veanesday evening. n. ... i A ho"t program as had. !:orr"- h.e-A7-h"vy js-i -ss Mr-- rffrjrw; x i , - . at in rv. i. i cr- ' - .A. i'...v . - j j I aona borne. . . . , fcj u u , in iriroiru. large quantities of th luxury being con- ..J?hw ,Koch ' Benson and Mla Neitl trlbuted by th populac for tha seMlera J LT. vV. ! - . 'm"inm r married ia at th front . , Joaeh Amlsh w..T..-rf . ... r s fa'.-. at I rrty lani Tuesdatv vninr p ki. l.- lNDON. Got 1.-"A11 the Austro- '"-Z"""" f hU l,'0hdX nnlversary. -r - ofTr,.:ranm vsszrsn the Vistula have thua far failed, and the M. M,-C.ffrey f Omaha wss , mad enemy hav been compelled everywhere f"J S,un,'ly vtl fading took plac to assume the defensive." says a retro- I "IT .Vu ' , '"v aipcax. However, to hav te-l lac wedding. is Omaha last i Jneaday. i na m gtKKi orar ana are R. 0. Hunter Extols Endeavor of Bee to Shorten the Ballot bP Ihe efforts of The Re other along th line St bringing about a hort ballot system will indue eotmidera- "oji ny tne people and that legislation long this Una can be enacted at tha neit session of the legislature," said Richard C. Hunter, democratic candidate for the rguuaiure. In hla three-mlnute talk commercial tlub. when demDcr.tlu t.anaiaaie ror the legislature wore In nea nerore th club. Mr. Hunter made i no nort ballot the burden of hi talk, ui ni agrocate this niuima" k- merely Mcause It is democratic I it - n tact mors republican than demo, static, but It la a riant nrinrini tn mer fact that you hav. h. r..u t"r totethef her to get acquainted with ma men , who seek to represent you in1 the legislature la evidence enough of tho I necessity of tha consideration of th pro-! ior a snort ballot ' that will glv a opportunity for the people to know taose wno are to represent them.'' v in candidate were called tn alpha betical order and those who .now. ... follows: J. c. Barrett. J. W. Bedford. Jim Brennan. E. Kf Howell. Jerry Howard, Richard C. Hunter. Jerry Unahan. Jo seph M. Lovely, Kranola Morgan, Thoma B. Murray, J. J. Nagley, w. IC Queenan. Lauri 3. Qulnby, John E. Reagan, Henry C. Richmond and John il. Tanner. NEW HUDSON 6 'U" ' ARRIVES IN OMAHA The new 151 Hudso alx 3 has arrived In Omaha and la on dlrpiay In the show room of Quy L. Smith at Twenti-slxlh nd Farnatn street. It embodle many new, feature this year. It la of beautiful lines and deiMgns and the finish I of the very best workmanship. Ths upholstering of. the seat Is of "th vry finest of leather. One of the features worthy of mention is tho divided front ret, which make an easy way of aocess from the front to th rear part of th car without alighting. likely to snake a stubborn fight tn prepared post tions before allowing themselves to b driven off Russian oll. "With an' enormous mans of artillery the Germans kept up a terriflo bombard- mm i, wnirn reesea Bell tier day nor n!ght. Uder cover of this fire numer ous ttrmits wer made on th 11th and Itth to throw pontoons across th r" lolg next week. ' rlvr. According to on- report, bridging detachment Were working at no leas than eighteen different points. They were everywhere repulsed and Urge quant! ib or bruiting materials wer de- rlroyed." At last Thursday' rmmrll M..iir city scale was ordered and K. II. Tlndell waa appointed aa ottjclal welghmaster, to " - per cent r in gross reoetpta. Mrs. E. C. Holbrook w Kv.. A limes cmn laat Thursday and " eowara o tn .Whist club Ml iUVJKlty, Messrs. F. It. McCrsv anit TU u... tnn will represent the Odd Fellows" lodge and Mrs. J. Appleby the Kebekaha .1 The Wal Luther leaaua will b .n-.. ented at Omaha tient week by Missea " joniwon. rima tijork, A. illombera FUNERAL CFC.H..DUGDALE TO BE HELD THIS MORNING The funeral of C. B, Dugdate will take jjlaca from the family rceldcnoa, ' 711 i.-A-rih inirtteta ireet, this morning at- o'clotk, to Ft. John's church. Tnty-fifth end California streets at o'cIck k, where- solemn requiem Iiigj n - ill be held by the IUv. M. U. Broiieccemt: Interment wia t tn Holy tvpukher cemetery. , Th palllesreis are: A. rcli 11, William P. RuistL'. iJiiv Kt-til, P. J. Dunoliue, T. J. r yet. T. Frank t'osd, ' T P. liclinond. I red llimiUun. Tbs ui lit arc; Tn B. Iltitler. Charies M. Harvey, r raiiK t "Hfcrirey, irt siurpiiv, T.J.ONtii!. John M Mulisa.- !3IL FI.IIER TO TALK HEALTH TO Cr.!AHA CUCiNLSS f'EN !r. Georte J. Fisher of New. York Is to tell the buMniKt men of Omaha bow to ronsciv thrir lieaJth aa.l strength, wlten l.e fcpi4trs before the Commercial club t a I'ullic affairs tjarhcoa Thurxl&y r.Kn. (is U a cartful student of th ll . b-i.1 rm:da of the ttversa buelness tfiun. fe,l l,e hs some goud siiiiKesiion t r. ...rie of tvt ry lsy tun Ue that are toil ) te of krt-at aul ti the buy man : o r-' t J fonsf-t'te liis renth eo he ri.-i;.' cir.. y a long j.tri'Jd Of buni i.'ii ui '.r.'lty. ( TTie funeral services of C. Rnatpkee imm hi trie tats noma last Sunday, Hev . miuni omciating. interment at mi. noin cemetery. Th Board of Fducation have added two rrtmary rooms In the public schools and -miss oscpmn rvcnetlck to the teacher' list.- ' The marrUce of Miss I.laa lentnln. of Henaon and W. J. McA'affrey of Omsa took pinoe Wednesday mornftig. The nriiiai coupie i-rt on a trip to th eaet and will reside In Omaha. Th brtd aww iw 'wonwonooa ia tinson. Th nousla County Poultry iuvi tion have decided to bold a poultry show at the leiiot auditorium and the tiai fl:ted was November S te . with a lar omuiuva vm ikjui luxira OI in building. tii t atnenn gulidreorganised last -n.wi.iay ana le tea offi. era for th year, wh ar Misses Merle llosliea, Kl "Nan llnrn and Mrs. 1-rl Wao. The next , meeting In two week will b aa in 110m 01 Mrs. atcciung. , I . 1 ' 8.' Richard ia reported en tha sick list. Rsv. J. B Iiutter filled tha nuhilt a tan runaay. Mise Jennie Peters ha been en tha bk: usi lor a waea. Mr. Wall of Benson la the a-ueat of b daughtar, Mr. J. H. Clillea Mr. J. Tavlor of On-.aha ill 1 Flor. eni-e viauor 1 nursoay evening. lr. H. If. Averr eoent Huudav evvnln vim rue parens west or town. Mrs. K. iros or Ploux Rapids, la. ia tn guest 01 nn, iu 1 tnltier. Mr. and Mr. Mat'ox ar rejoicing ovt in arniai or a aaugMer on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. fl. O. Highland of Larna. 111., are iomii rt-iavnn norm or town. Mr. and Mrs. Finery Johnson lf Omaha ere guts cf Rev. Mi. aed Mra I reeioa nuiiiay. The Roal Neighbors of Amer're gov a ielij lianc at tiicir ball 1 tiuitia evcDina. Sir. and irs. w niiaii: Ashlar ef Omehs isement. FROM THE BATTLE FRONT,' Oct 1. (via rarlsl, Oct !. What In previous war would hav been called "great bat tles were fought today on the eastern wing of tha f'ghtlng line atretchlng from the Belgian coast to Hwltserland. In thla great battle of nations, how ever, these fights are regarded merely a Incident. The fighting always baa been of tbe most fierce nature In this district, owing to the strenuous efforts of the German to obtain popseseion - of the strong fortreese of Verdun,' Toul and F.pinal In order to open a way from Met Into France, Pt. We. on the Murthe, thirty-two miles northeast of Eplnal, waa th cen ter of today' attack, which resulted In a repulse for Ve German with heavy casualties. The border of both Alsace and Lorraine, also felt the shock of battle ond In the Voaxos, the famous French Alpine regiment wer In' contact with German column. These mountaineer continually .-kept th Germans busy -by utilising their remarkable mountai.t gun and baffling their efforts to drive them out, ' . I.lne to Colmar Cat. Their greatest achievement tn the re cent operation wa th cutting oft of railroad communications between Colmar, capital of Upper Alsace, and Muelhauah, Prussia, thereby Increasing the difficul ties of the German In eendjng their wounded to the rear and bringing tip supplies. Th German have brought up ton-Inch mortar In this district, supposedly for ar. Intended eventual siege of Belfast In view, of this possibility, th French hev renewed their attacks from th south and agaljp advanced beyond Altklrche. A great part of the theater of operations In southern Abiace In Illuminated at night, by forest fire along the Swiss frontier caused by shell falling acrcss the border. Along th - entrenched line where the armies have been face to face for six weeks, nothing Beyond. deaultory bom bardment ; occurred today, but farther north, on the western wins,' where- 'the German effort to break the allies" lines have been unsuccessful, th fighting still continues. , Daring Feat of Iafantryiaea. '.During a dense'fog which overhung the battl line, hindering operationa on both side, a Section of French infantry, un der cover of the fog, recently madd a dash on tbe Germans on the Fomm river, sur prising the men in th trenches and anni hilating the first line with the bayonet. The Frenchmen pursued their advaa tag but fell into thcMianda of a reserve battalion of German Jnfantry, who cap tured all of them. The fog thickened and prevented the German from moving, and they formed a hollow square around the prisoners and stacked their arm to await the clearing of the atmosphere. The Ger man then bivouacked and absolute si- 1 . . . . icnce reisnea ior some lime. Then a vole rang out from among (he prisoner. "To the guns, comrade!"' Every French man there rose and ruhe.t to lb stack of guns, the butt of which could b seen beneath th fog. Th German commander and a dozen men who were standing guard tried to resist the French, but fell under their own bayonet a, and tha entire , German battallth, dated by the onslaught, j surrendered. The French took them back 1 to th Frenrh lines after the fog lifted. On another part of th line, where SOO ' Germans were well burrowed ia the qusr- j ries, the French general cslled for 9n0 1 Turco volunteer. During the night the Algterlana, discarding their rifle, crept ! In with bayonets between their teeth and j surprised tho Germans, of whom, only 1 eight escaped. - j Tareoa Make Aaeaalt. ' The number of rple In therwar son seems undiminished and there are frequent 1 executions of them, 'particularly In the ' east.- Recently a German colonel and a captain appeared In a French ramp dresed In the uniform of French pri vates. They ssld they had been separated I from their regiment and requested to be permitted to serve at the frent In another command., .'They replied without accent to all questions and their Identity waa re vealed only when they claimed to know the commander bfth regiment to which they had applied for eervlce. They said they had een tho commander at a certain plac, but th commander not having been there, the spies were forced to admit that they were German officers. They were sbo.' , , . Hanan Shoes For Here is a combination hard to achieve. The only shoe in which wo have found both real comfort and cor rect stylo is the Hanan, That ia why we. take pride in sell inn: Hanan Shoes. ' DreseL 1419 Fa mam (7a-W' At PICKPOCKETS HELD FOR .. CARNIVAL; AGAIN AT WORK .Half a dosen professional -pickpockets, known to the Omaha police through rec ords from other cities, are still in Omaha, causing the police much difficulty. These men were arrested during the carnival and held as , "ausplclou characters." Police Masistrate Foster, despite the evidence presented by the arresting of ficers, turned them all loose when va grancy complalu,ts were Mod. 6lne. they have been1 at' liberty the pickpocket have been heating' farmers out of money on the old coin matching gam and selling automobiles not. their ' own. Police officials say " that ' If they can rind the pickpocket again they will take them befot a Justice of th peace If Fester refuse to hold them. MAYOR RIDING OVERLAND VALENTINE TO CHADRON Mayor Jamea fc. Dahlman, who has been at the ploneera' reunion at Valentine, ill now engaged in an overland trip on horse back rrom valentine,, to Cnedron. The. mayor la making the trip with a number of pioneers, old friend of his. ' ' Paelflo Limited 10 Chlcaao.' Thta plndliy equipped, all ateel ob- ervntlon-ear train of the Chicago, Mil- j wauke Bt. Paul railway leave Union tation Omaha, T: p. m., arrive Union tation. Chicago, :l5 a. tn. IU numerou comfort feature, directness of route and fast schedule make It the premier train to Chicago. No extra far. ' FotJJekots and bertha Inquire at city ticket otflce. 1311 Farnam street. Omaha. ALLEGED MURDERER NIPPED AFTER TWO-YEAR SEARCH "Lucky" Brown, a negro charged with ' rataay snooting another negro named John Kane In South Omaha "two years ago, ha been arreeted by nolle at Kan aa City, Mo, Captain Sheahan of the South Omaha police force will bring th prisoner back for trial In Douglas county. Bad Cold, Headachy or Bilious? Regulate Your Bowels! 10 Cents Break a bad cold? Yea! Surest way In the world 1 to' take twoCaacarett tonight and you will wake up with a clear head and the 'cold gon. Try thla'. If headachy, stuffed tip and sore all over from a cold or grippe give your liver nd bowel a thorough cleansing with CascareU and you will wonder in the morning what became jbt your misery, making cold. . Cascaret la the surest cold ' breaker known a 10-oent box will prove it. Mother ahould cur children's colds this way no harm no dangerous drugs. OXrJDV CATHARTIC 1-7 ia CENT BOXES -ANY ONUS STORE ALSO SS BO CfMT 8CH" 'A. ft trvr k. T it em li r New advertisers particularly, need to get atten tloa. Peopl ara , mora apt to remember aa-ad with a good cot. j s We know how to make "striking illustrations.' Every advertiser nowaday ant lUustration. . V caa aar you a treat deal of troutl and expense, too. We have facilities for making the photographs, drawlags, cuta and electrotype, all under ona root, and tha best workmanship ia to a la acb departmeaU , We have over 10,000 negatives of all sorts of sub ject classified, and wa can sir you a print immediately of most any subject yon can think of, and at a nominal charg. - Bee Engraving Department, Bee Building, Omiha. JSP Mo in America" Goods: You cannot display a finer kind of patriotism just now than to boost for America and everything American. If the mem bers of an organization or community are not boosters that organization or community is pretty certain to be a dead one. Be a booster for "Made-in-America' goods. Ask for them demand them. We've made this "ade in America" Week AT Hundreds" of Sale Events. Will Offer" . Buyers Keen est Economies kJL. matin r-nv- - ' "' ' " " Most Interest ing Displays . and Special Sales in All Departments Remarkable Bargains in Cloak Dept. Beautiful New . Dresses $18 to $23 values,' $10,001 Hundreds of them, big as sortment of designs for street, af terncon and even ing wear, all colors, botR pilk and wool fabrics, at $10.00 Women' Blanket Robes " All colors, regular $5.00 valuoR, choice : w .$2.95 Sample Tailored Suits, up - to $30.00 values at $35.00. ' 100 "of them in elegant . broadcloths, '. gabardines, velvets, etc., the season's newest' styles and color- ECs, choice . .. .$35.00 Women's Silk Petticoats Fitted tops, all colors, reg . ular $5 values, at $2.95 Over 10,000 Pairs of Blankets ond 15,000 Comfurtalilcs at Almost tHALF KICE 1,000 single blankets,; 3, size, each 12c 1,000 single, blankets - 34 size, each .25c All our 8o blankets, pr. 50c All our $1 blankets, pr. 68c All our $1.25 blankets, pr.85c All our $1.50 blankets, pT.94c All our $2 blankets, pr. $1.19 All our $2.50 blankets pair...; .$1.49 All pur $3 blankets,pr. $1.98 All our $3.50 blanket's pair $2:25 All our $4 blankets, pr. $2.95 All our $3 blankets, pr. $3.48 1 ' . . Domsstic Rcom Tuesday Misses' and Boyt Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, " all a'r.,2..!:.!?..: 49c Ladies' 'and Children's Outing Flannel Gowns, 7 tic Af values, at )C Men's Flannel Shirts with flat or Military collars. Brown, Blue, Gray and Tan, qq values to 12.00, at HOC Ladles' Heavy Fleeced - Union Suits, regular, and. extra sizes, $1.23 values, 7E at 3 C Men's Outing Flannel Gowns, all sizes, worth- to Af 1.00,-nt 60 and ilC All our $G blankets, pr. $4.39 All our $7.50 blankets pair .......... . .... $4.95 All our $9 blankets, pr. $6.50s AUour $10 blankets, pr.$7.50 All our $12.50 blankets, pair ....$8.95 All our $15 blankets, pr.$9.95 All Comforts of the same piice as blankets will sell. at same reductions A 65c baby blanket. .... .30c A '50c baby blanket . . . .24c Auto Bugs, Auto Shawls, Indian Robes come in on this sale.' ' V- Matchless Linen Specials . ; Tuesday; ; Dew bleached Satin Damask, pure,linen, $1.5Qti je quality, yard . . j) 1 wO Silver bleached pattern Table Cloths, pure flax, s f nn $3.00 values, ea. 4 1 70 Mercerized pattern , -Table Cloths, hemmed and - hem stitched, regular $1.60, (t sale 'price, each $1 Unhemmed - pattern, v Table "Tloths, .pure flax, ,J0. 50 $4.00 values.' each Oaw Table Padding, o itM. wide, heavy double 'fleeced, off the bolt, 38c values, nr yard awOC Hade in America UAtiDKERCIIIEFS Regular 5c values Tuesday. .......... Colored borders or all white hemstitched handker chiefs; bargains for Tuesdaj' you can't afford to pass. 10c Embroidered Handker- I 15c All Linen Handker chiefs ...... .40 . chiefs ....... ........ 7Yc Hsydcn's Grocery Specials for Tuesday 19 lb. Beat "VThite or Tellow Corn, meal ... a as . 4 lb. -Fancy Louisiana Rice, quality, foo .ao The Het tHjmeatlc Macaroni, Ver micelli or Kiiujfhet t. made In Omaha, pkff, TH " Idirg ilottles Pur Tomato "at aup, made at 1'lorence, per bot tl 13H Advo Jell, the jell ' of ijuality, made In Omaha, pkg TiO K Cirn Flake, pkg ,...6 flrape-Nuta, pHa- 10 Loie-ViUa 1-aniotia C'ogklea. red-, ulnr 15c, ljic. lo tood. Mon-' day lSHo, lOo. . Bpeolal Oolflan - Banto Oof f , var 1. ....SO Tb Bt Creamery "jntr. ear to r balk, made la Omasa, per lb, 31- 'fh Beat Country Creamery But ter, lb 88o Oool Ialrv Table Putter, lb. .fio Full Cream Wisconsin Caee, pr lb 18 Full Cream, Vounit AniAiifRS or New York Whit The UeHt fttrlctlv Freeh Guaran teed Kg SB, notlUng finer, dot SS TU TSOSTABX SCABKXT rot - im rxorx,a or ouaxi, li lha. Potatoes to the peck..SOo teniand J6 lb. the law re- qulrea It ?ew t Jibbatre, per lb.. . . . .--.lUo llubtard Huuash, each . . .lOo-ltH 8 bunche Freeh Kadi shea. .. , 6 i bunches Fresh Shallot a S head Fresh Ilothous Lettuc for ft YeRh Spinach, per peck 10 BeetH, Carrot or Turnips, lb.. So Kutabaaaa, lb. a ! atttlKs FreHh Celery 6 Green Tomatoes, for pickle, ba, . ketfor.... l&o this win is ami win W have purchased for thin spe cial occasion two rarloada of th faroi'lt varietie for etin: and cook! nr. Every box extra fancy and selected fruit.- We look for an advance In apple any time and advla our customer to buy now.. Following are aome of the varta tiea: Jonathan, Qrime Golden, Wealthy, Hjver Hpttxenberfer, boT.,,.,r..r.e.rL-.Ji.35 to ui rjv li I MM Mr, m ajJf Cuts M W FIOST n pan I Crotch V i VJ Union fJj iTs Suits. I Lie"' ' ' H -; 1.g,; , The improved spring needle knit fabric of Sprtngttx Underwear means ..perfect lteeaom, snug;,' easy m, ana ideal comfort, Remember to buy Sprwglex and you will forget you have it on. ' At youf dealer, $1 up. Ite Xaavr C4.. M.amk I'afca, X. X. M.E.S?.!ITy&C9. Bistrihutors 3