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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1914)
1 THK DEE: OMAJIA, TUESDAY, OOTOUER HO, 1914. 11 ron rent lermleked Apartaaeat. Bachelors' Apartments. Take Hunmrn Park car to B. tth Pt-, to. Private residence,' two In family Two Suites of room a, two bedroom, parlor t each bedroom, beautifully furnished; Strictly modern, with proper car. Trivet ith; "fin for two bualneaa men or trav eling aaleemen with headquarters In Omaha. wishing a pleasant honw. Prices rtuoMMa These roiy rooms on nwn floor: private entrance: want front; south exposure; fin surroundings; near car; walking distance. REAL FSTATE FARM at RANCH LANDS roR IUR T-R. HOUSRN. Xlh Bt. Tel. I. P4. rratahw BMait. rLWASANTLY furnished room In private family. HO month. Phone Harney 4161. QUIKT location, modern room, hot an cold water: walking (Untune; t. W.4343. BAnriAIN tVacre Improved farm. tt mllee from Minneapolis; on rood gravel road; lays level: about 130 acre under cultivation, balance used for pasture; Ktn fin nrnwlow land; fan practically all b put under cultivation; building constat of t-room house tarn, granary. Corn crib, machine shed, windmill, etc.; good arpla orchard. Frlca. ISO per acre; ana-half rash, reasonable Irrmi on bal ance. Adtolnlnar farm held at double this price. Schwab Bros.. ItCt Biymouth Bldg, Minneapolis. Minn. FURNISHED rooms by day or week; modorn; steam beat; H.V) up. 1V7 B. l'Jth. r. ma NICK front room In modern home for one or two gentlemen. On car line. Reasona ble. Kim Leavenworth. Harney 717. Best dairv and general crop a tat la tae union; elders wanted; lands for sale at low prtuea. on easy terms. Ask for book. on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Plate acres wanted. Write about our (Taxing lands. If Interested la fruit lands. ask for Mixm on' Apple urcnaroa i Wisconsin. Address Land PepU Bon Una KxM Minneapolis. Minn. 2317 HARNET ST. Modern, warm rooms; reasonable. ' . MODERN front room and bedroom al Joining on car line, US. tlZl Charles. "Webster 43fi6. ' STEAM heat, mod. rooms, adjoining, for gentlemen, and tn. O. . FURNISHED room for enn or two gen tlemen. 10. K30 Meredith Ave. W. S1T. FURNISHED room for rent, near Crelih ton nn1ver1ty. Phone Douglas 7M1. COZir rooms, steam heat, fine view, $rt to SIS month; respectable people; 3d floor. 701 N. lth. ' lloasekeealnn Rooms. THRK15 nice rooms, hak'g. 1113 8. llth.s ELEGANT suite rooms, furnished com plete ; strictly modern; B. gth St. Pnrnlaked ilotawekeepin; Ran. Mod. room with kitchenette; reaa.; u. Farntshed He era. n-R. furnished house, ltna Wirt. W. BS5. FURNISHED HOUSE. Ftve-room, J71G N. 24th; strictly modern, beautifully furnished. Wchster 717d. Itatels and) Aaartaaeata. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates SI and up. Douglas TDM. OGDEN HOTEL Rooms 12 per week. Council Bluffs. ; pnnOH HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. Homaea and Cottasre. 223 N. 25TH ST. 7 rooms, all modem. S40. ISSn raafellar S-r.. mod. ax. heat. CO. W2 8. SBth 8t.--r., modern ax heat. H. 7421 Ersklne 8t 6-r., mod. ex. heat, II. 1231 Corby 8t, 6-r. partly modern, 113.50. S23 N. 30th St. R-r., mod. ex. heat, J1&.50. f MnCAOUE INVESTMENT CO., IfiOS Dodfre Bt. Phone Douglas 415. IF you want strictly modern home, S room, never before rented, call HarneV 1346. Low rent to right tenant. Twenty minutes' walk from city hall. 8-r. mod. house, 3S16 Charles. Walnut 8381. NEAR Crelghton College. 2iti Caaa, walk ing distance. Brand new, nil modern. elegant two-ntory, six-room bungalow, SOT. owner. Webster S75. 131 8. 22 D ST. S rooms, modern except neat, sju. iea w. FOR RENT 611 California St.. new 7 room house, never occupied. Phone Web. NICE &-rjom modern cottage, $18. Harney BARGAINS FOR THE WINTER. 2813 Woolworth Ave.. 8-r.. modern.. 130. viia r.kirtAo-A o u 1 . fireplaces, suitable for light houeekeop ing, u. 16S0 N. 20th rooms, modern, $1. RINQWALT, Brandeta Theater Bldg. 2150 8. 32a. 10 r., mod.; garage, sleep ing porcn, w. 27 Farnam, 8 r., mod. brick, 150. 134 N. 24th. 10 r., mod., 340. Others. RINQWALT, BrandeU Theater Bldg. NINE rooms, steam .heat, thermostat. szio riurt t. uougias lt&K. 8EVEN rooms, modern except heat, 2127 Douglas Ht. uougias 1K8. 8715 OHIO 7-room modern; 317. 447S. Zkuglaa LARGE list of houses at special prices for the winter, jjo. not ansa tms oppor tunity. V. D. wead. lth and Fafnam 8ta 7-ROOM modern houae,- never been occu pied ; will sell. S72 N. 4M. J. 3. FOR RENT November 1. 316 8. 2th Are., 7-room modern flat ' See Charles G. McDonald or J. J.' Toms; 616 Brandela Bldg. Phono Douglas mas. . BRAND NEW A HOME FOR YOU. 7-room brick dwelling, . beautiful oak finish, built-in bookcases, kitchen cabi nets, paneled dining room with plat rail. eieganc iigoung uxturesv via B. 2btu. Tvlar fM J j I 7-R-, mod, cottage. 2014 N. SSd. D. 1246. s-R cottage, first-class condition; large yam; near car line; siz. ti. iivi. BEAUTIFUL 8-roora, modern house on Z'tti and California. Harney-ftftis. fob RErr We hav a complete lurt of all houses. apartments and zlata that aro for tent This list oaa be seen free of charge at Omaha Van 4k Storage Co.. 80S & Uth BC MODERN 8-roora house, 206 8. Kth Ava., vacant November 6. Can be seen after 9 a. m. any day. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, f nones Harney ium or loueiaa U1S. , 6-R. modern hoose, 1727 8. 10th. D. 7416. f loilSPS ,n u ParU ot the city. UOUSeS creigh Sons Co.. Bee Bldg. BTEAM beat, all modern, J-room house; iau -crm iiai. m pto. sda. Fidelity Storage Co. to rage, moving, pacxing . and ahlpplDg. IS th 4k Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas JfcS. Globe , Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and 8 men. 1.36 per hr.; storage 12 per mo. Batisfactory guar. D. 4338 & Ty. bu, J. C. ReGCl f1"0! storage 7j?L OO AV " rate tow daya !, wou, a per ni; dray i per nr. iih Webster. Uoug. lsl S-R. mod. cottage, 71S S. 37th Bt.. tA 7.. mod. hduae. Mi Leavenworth Bt. 836." n.i.k i . i ... ... . .uwnUn., j-none weoeter 3&H0. - Stores aaaV Wfiieea. ZND FLOOR office rooms or suitable for iiauv-wig. w rig ui ti LMOnry, eus a. Ami du ioug. lax. FOR RENT Mat market, all equipped. Write or. call E. I Buackley, Avoca. tiuoo barn, room for or 10 horse. uui vveoaiar si ait XJovglaa 41. WANTED TO RBfCT TWO "jfurnisbed rooms for houtekeep ing, waiiunt! aiataaoe. Addree H. o4 Bee. Upper Wisconsin REAL BSXATB IA0AX8. CITY and farm loan, 6, S. 8 per cent j. ii. Dumont A Co., ism ('arnam, Omaha, WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebrsaka farm. O KEEKH REAL. ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas I71&. GAitviN nnoassst sra: HARRISON MORTON. 1 Om NaU. WTO-Farm loans Kloke Inr. Co. Omaha. WANTED City loans and warrants. ramam r-rnun a i o.i ramam. W W, property. Large loans a specialty. IL Thomas, 228 State Batik Bldg. POP to 110.000 made promptly, r. D. Wead, wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Pta. MONEY on hand for dty and farm loans. m. w. mnuer, uity wati. btnit wing. firlCITY LOANS. BemU-Carlberg Co., U81(WS12 Prandels Theater Bldg. BEE us first If you want a farm loan. United Btates Trust Co.. Omaha, Neb. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee end Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. . 8. 17tn Bt Phone Douglas MM. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flea In Nebraska. 2" Brendels Theater. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE North Side I have for sale a pretty 6-room bunga low, new, all modern throughout and located t block from school and 1 block from car Una, Cement walk In all around. Houae beautifully finished, principal rooms in oak. balance or house in edge- sawed hard pine; has full cement base ment and is heated by furnace. . Tertns: $32.50 Cash; $32.50 Per Month. . ' For further Information phone South 1587. " . CHAS. F. WAHL. FOR SALE , Brick, two 6 -room Pt Louis flat East front, good yard, with shade. South bay windows. Built 6 years, never changed tenant. Part cawh. HARNET 8117. WANT AN OFFER on a 7-room, all modern house on Pratt Ht. There's a sleeping- porch, good fur nace, electric lights, large comer lot paved street and you can nam the Price ana term. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. Phone Douglas 17S1. . ' v Ware Block GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bulls in the Wheat Market Fifht Hold inr the Fort CORN OUTLOOK NOT SO GOOD Trade In Von Ha Been Moderate Proarlma aa4 1-arsrer DeU ra Are Friendly 4 That Grata. OMAHA. Oct mi. Joseph V. rrltrhard says: The bulls In heat hold the fort. And from presrnt appearances there la a slim chance lor th ttMra Mfiinint control of the bread- f.iff. attiiaiion. The exDort taklnga ot wheat and flour continue on a large scale In all poelttona and thla strength ening influence U not Ukely to ba over come. . Word romee or the nig taaiara 01 wnrav In nearly every market ff this country r .nurina the two wheat ...... ...nn.n.a t, buvinr nower has extended well Into the Interior Vou,Iiri" quantities at the milling point of tho northwest and southwest It seems useless for the bears In wheat to put out short lines In the hope of being hi tn even uo tneir position pivui. as circumstance are decidedly against them. There are manv reoortji eomlna forward of the corn promise a having deteriorated materially dur1nr the laat fortnight Cor respondents In Iowa say tho crop promise Is not as good as formerly believed; that the recent heavy rains In that state ana the fact that considerable corn In down will shorten the euppllMt no little. The trade In com has been of moderate proportions, and the larger people In the market are friendly to that grain and ex pect higher prices for It. It Is said that In some sections of the corn belt the new crop la already being- fed In goodly quantities. Wheat was lflle higher. Corn was lo higher and lc lower, Oats were UtfvVc hlcrher. Clearances were: Whest and flour equal to l.ZM.ono bushels; corn, 8,008 bush els; oats, to.ow biisneis. Liverpool dosed: Wheat. lVtCyll h1hr: pom. unchanered. Primary wheat receipt were t,034.0no bushels and shipments 1,177.000 bushels, against reoelpts of 1.417,000 bushel and uf l.flOT.OoO bushels laat year. Prtniaxv corn receipt were 8S8,O0ft KuaKola and ahlnmentfl 448.000 bushel aralnst reoelpts of 684,000 buahela and vf SK.ttW buahela lul rear. Primary oat receipt were KiS,000 bushels and shipments W3.000 bueheta, against receipts of 966,000 bushels and Shipment of B38.000 bushel last year. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard. fl.OStn.Ot; No. I hard, W.o4l.lw; no. No. spring, tl.oeei.0t; No. sortn". BtofJ 11.00: No. 2 durum. tc451.00; No, durum, pH99c. Corn: No. 1 whit. TS iff744c.j No. 3 whit. 7SWI4o; No. t white, 7S474c; No. 4 white, 73rT4c; No. t white, TOVMrrac; No. 9 white, nwwi o. i yel low. WAifttfgitc: No. t yellow. 88ttc: No. t yellow, 6846fVfcc; No. 4 yellow. 7M 6S4c; No. S yellow, S7H8c; No. t yel low, 7HtT6c: no. 1 mixed, Bi',r!(c: wo. 1 mixed. 7HSc: No. II mixed. 67146Sc; No. 4 mixed, KlWHc: No. 6 mixed, 7i 7c: No. mixed. SSrVe. Oats: No. I white. 46VR4fHc; standard, 44tN6c; No. 1 whit. U44Hc: No. 4 white. 449 44"c. Hariey: Malting. 5,fi,8nc; no, feed. 4fk63a Rye: No. i, 84H35c; No. t. 8WC. ' CARLOT RBCRTPTS. WheatCom.Oata, NEW, modern 6-room bungalow. Oak una in am. zza Be Ames; terms, web. 4228. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE (LfiOO BUYS a 7-room house, large lot oviv eo. in bu A REAL BARGAIN. A At41v hlvh.1 1.,u.m .In,.. K brick residence -with - good garage,' one block from Hanscom park. Cannot be beat In city for quality or price. If In terested can owner, Harney 2J. Field Club Bargain? $12,000-- Elegant residence, seven rooms. Ii. fully decorated, (rood sleeping porch, fireplace, delightful sun parlor, modern in every particular, located on the corner ot 13d and Lincoln Ave., ivst faun blocks from Field club; south front large lot, 60x160. This place is positively worth SI&.000. Can be - purchased with 6.0U0 caan, oaianc mommy. CfALLAUllEit & NEL.SON 444 Brandels Bid. D. 1381 Chicago Minneapolis . Puluth ....... Omaha Kansas City St. Louis Winnipeg- .... ...17 ... ...272 ... ftS ...m ...101 ...S4l 96 41 4 171 83 wMte, 7c; Ixember, tV wc. oats-Ko. I wh te. 47c: No. 4.440. SEW YORK (tr.r.RlL MARKET May, I mixed. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET aoatla ef Ik. nay Vartoaa ramtaodttle NKW YORK. Oct. la.-r-LOt-R Flnnlv held. W HF.AT Spot atrona: No S red. Il mi- No. t hard. II UA: .No. 1 northern Oiiluth ll: No, 1 northern Manitoba. II. nw nominal, c, I. f. Buffalo. Future mar ket was without tranaactkns, Decem ber, 11. : Mav, II.SIH4. CORN pot, firm; No. t yellow, 1e I. f. to arrive: Arsentlne nrlme. :;. nominal, delivered. OATH Snot firmer: standard while. nvfiJo; No. t white. M AM Van; fancy clipped white. Utioo. 1AT Steady; prime. 11 10: No. 1. 1106: No. S, smiOTSc; No. I, SJVvirttTV. steady : state common to choice. 1914. m-44e; IRIS, nominal; Faclfto coast 114. 134-len; his, JOalSo. HlPi--4Steaiy; Bogota. leCTOr: Cen tral America. S4c. LEATHHR Firm: hmlock flrats. Sift SDo; seconds. PROVISIONS IVrk. easy: mesa. 12100) ramiiy. .'4; short clears. lil(tfflR.0(. R.vf. nulet: mesa. tn.(W3 00: family. latOVWOOO. Lard, firm; middle- west, nu.fh ui.60; refined, steady; con tinental, $11.40; Bouth America, til 70; compound, 7V4irr7Hc Tallow, quiet; city. 4c; country, V4Wc; special, 644c, BITTTER Firm; receipts, i.liiO tubs; creamery extras, 8o; creamery. Xlr: creamery firsts, SMjflic; eonda, S.tiC7p; process extra. JwiJJ6c; ladles, current make, nrots, ZSVMiMc; seconds. lliiiHV4c: packing stock, current make. No. 1, 2oQ 'o. CHEEfK Steady: receipts. 1.67S boxes state whole milk, fresh white and col- ered srierials, I4tn(c; starte wholo milk. average rancy, iic; BKims, rv.v. buua irmer; receipts, 0.S.7 caaes; fresh gathered, extra fine, S3iU3Ac; extra firsts. JSttijtflc; flrsta 2J'2ic; seconds, mt Vr; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hen nery whites, (0tulc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered whites. &4jt.xc: state, Pennsylvania and neerhy hennery browns. lf63Kr; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered browns and mixed colors, JKJ 3.c. POULTRY Dressed, steady; western roasting chickens. 17Hi'llv: fresh fow-la, I41fi!0c; turkeys, frosen, lVfilc; live, eas ier; western chickens, 14Vo; fowls, liif lbMrc; turkey, HijjlSc. Cattle Eeceiptt Larg-ett of Year and Ten to Fifteen Lower. HOGS FIFTEEN TO QUARTER OFF lards Fall ef Sheep a La tabs, bat AH aelllaaT Freely ()ld Dheea "teady Stroar Lamb Mostly' Kteady. X.M7 4.iwn .4 I.4 84,S-. J7.M 4.1 MA 41, M SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. , lilt. Receipts were: Cattle.Hoga.Bheep Ketimate Monday 18.flfl0 .) 47.UW oamn flay laat week....ia,21 Kam day 1 weeks ago.12.2IS fKine day t weeks ao.I4.2! Kama day 4 weeks sgo. 1,13 Kama day last year... .10.411 The following table snow the receipts ot rattle, hosa and aheea at tn Mouth Omaha live stock market for tn year to data, as vuuiymrva wiui iaei yean 1514. 1911. Inc. Dec Cattl 7:V4! 7.(H5 t.M7 Hons 1.W.7.KSS l.O&H.ira) , t30,a.i neep J,41,to4 rt.ll.Kl U.063 The following table show ta price for Cogs at in south omah live stocK mar et for tb last few day, with comparl- aooa. OMAHA UKNER1L . MARKET, REAL ESTATE MISCKLLAXEOC8 For Sale At a big bargain, a modern t-room house, well located land close in. Will U for 11,500 if sold mi week. Address D-664, care Bee. MARRIAGE! LICENSES. ' The following- permit to wed have Veen frantad: Name and Residence. Ag-e. John P. Robare, Hastings X Nina Holllster, Hastings...... '. tl Homer B. Orubb, Omaha B Marie J. Beverns, Galesburg, III tl Henry C. Dross, South Omaha.....;.,;. 21 Theresa Bestenlehnar, South Omaha... tl Elmer O. Roberts. Fort Dodge. la 47 Mrs. Elisabeth N'oland. Fort Dodg-e, la. tl Harry C. Townsend. ' Omaha............ 14 Carrie B. Hill. Council Bluff 17 John H. Crown. Omaha, over tl Elisabeth C Gill. Omaha, over 11 Dean B. Carman, Omaha tl Emma M. Klots, Omaha 11 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow between t-'.ouO and 13.00U private money.' Will give first mortgage on western real estate, apple orchard. Address J, U. Lyon, 4K1 8. td St-. Norfolk. Neb. ' ESTATE riBM RANCH LANDS FOR flALB Coierade. FOR - 6ALKiC0-uT homastead. well Improved; south of Tumi, Colo.; corn and hay goes with place. Prio It MX Ad-dn-sa P. O. Box 17. Yuma. C'olo- laake. FOR BALE 10 acre Idaho fruit ranch. bej-ln-, appies CaJ. plums; grapes anil cherries, t-r. mod. bungalow, hot water heat; near town. Bargain If sold this year. Owner, John W. Fink, Buhl, Idaho. KaaiM. FOR BALE Kuiiu wheat farma Have several Improved Kaiuaa wheat farma of 1W to WJ0 acres. Will sell rlgnt on easy terms. Addreas, Owner, Box . 164, Inde pendence, la. ' nr.kraLa, 800-ACR& ranch. Brown county, Ne bra.ka, for sale of trade; 107 ft. 17th; . . . OMda II k4 tor racer Ootobar 1. 114: Kaueood KaaJtr CO. to Christina Z. Btacker. lot 4. Kaavood add I Mi W. r. Ur to Albert i. amaa, tax ault'for ywr 1M6. lot 10. block 1; lot 17, block I; lot , block 4; Iota it. 11. U aa4 2ft. block 7: lota 1 sail 11, block 1; lota t and II, slock ; lots 1 ea 14. block 14. AlbrlglU's Anaex, Boutk Onuse iaha K Shtllar an Bmma J. tthallor la Bile Plunimor, nlH teat t mH at lot U, kluvk 1, Improvement Aaaoclatloa a44.... 1 aUrtin J. gckafar aa4 wlta te Oertruea Kchatar. M fact ef lot 4. Haves' add ... I Mg W. Howard Heer to arovc-Whartoa Cba-. atructlua Co., lot 13. block 0, Benaon 1 Joha P. Patsnaa and wife la William Ge- trlnf, lota It aa4 -14, block 1. boiuoa I.SOo Frank Leonard Jokneoo sad Glttabeth Anda Jobaaoa ta Lai N Jerome, lot I, block 1, Penmaa Plaoa add . t Lala N. Jerome to Kraak Leneard Jobaaoa, wS04 feet lot It. Mock I. Norwood Maraarat C. Keaaaa aad Joba K. Reacear to Kama Held. a4 test ef lot 1. Muck 42, KouaUa Plaoa add I.H0 Atoaee . Hall ta fcxeaa M. Shesard. tot la. bloik 4. Omeiia View I Kesiak M. Brown U Walltr I. Judab. lot 44, keawood add M Jeaepb O. Bbarrr and wlte ta Job rXnear. lot M, Meek t, B. V. Bailtb's add 1,00s ttnsera Real Batata C1. to Joha Power, loU T aad 4, block 4, Credit roncter ad "it Ml J. t-baler and Job B. Rbater to J'reacee Keaaeback sad Jobs W. Keaae beck, lota ! aad , Kenwood add Cbej-lee J. corkblll te Bthet J. aad Joba It. Hbaror, tots tot aad su, Kaawood add Tboenaa a Martla aad tiara A. Mania ta CWtea J. Otrkblll. leu ltd tot at, Kea- wod add - I aawara r. wmiaata aad wlta te TTwaaaa O. Mania, lota ! aad SO, Kaawood add 1 iimotar auinoea ta James V. 1, lot IT, bietk 1 Haaaroat Fleae. and tots 7 aad T7. retrtu add t rwder knwr to Beaete Oardaer, lot IT, Mock 6, Bakei'a flaea Peder Bkrirer to Beast Oardaer. let It. block t. Park Poreet add . Peder Skrt'er ta Beeet Oardaer. M 11 block I. bafcefa Plane Btbel Klas te Oyarlea Woadaoa. lot a block 4. Drake's add. 1 Clyde H. Reek te Tnemas C. HsDooald. lot t. Forbear eab l,(o jobs r. aoraa eaa wire te Robert J.. Bate kia aad wile, let 10, block T, Fatrlek'e ' eooad ado ret Robert U ftatekla aad wife to Bire'i. Parrta lot l. b''k I. A. 8. Patrick' add 1 Beery B. PrKe aad wile to Coca U. 'Kites aad nTtd A. FltHi. w44 feet and 4 tocnea a( Iota U aad 14. block M ! n uw t i.. 1 1 L luaaa to core M. r'ttcb. at leat These sale were reported today: - " Wheat-No. t hard winter: 1 car. 11.(161 S cars, $1.0fVi, No, 4 hard winter: 1 car, i cars, i.v; j cars, I car, i.V4; car, 11.04; 1 car, II. us. No hard winter: 1 car, tl.OSTt; 1 car, 11. 0J, no. apnruj: 1 car, 11.03. No. 4 spring 1 car, tl; 1 car, lfcht, Wc. No. I mixed 1 car. tl.OStt. No. A mixed: 1 car, 11.01. No. Z durum: z car. IL No. 1 durum: cars, 89c. No grade: 1 car, 93c. ' Rejected 1 car, tl; 1 car, white spring, SIHc. Rye Mo. zi s cars. Hoc. No. : 1 car, MSic (jgi stanuara : 1 car, 40c; 1 cars, nc no. x white;, is car, 44vta ' no. 4 white I ears. Uc; 8 cars, 44o. No. I mixed oar, 44c. No gTade: 1 cars, 4Vc. Corn No. 1 white: ' 1 t-6 oars. 74c; No.t white: 1-6 car, 74o: - car. 7Hc: Na 4 white: 1 car, 74c; No. 1 yellow: 2-4 car, ffic: No. 2 yellow: t cars, SHttc; No. i yellow: t cars. 68c; No. e yellow: 1-8 car, 68c; No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 68c; No. t mixed: 1 car (near white), 71c; 1 ears, SBci lo car, 67c; No t mixed: 1 car. 67Hej l ovr. 67c; No. mixed: 1 car, 7c; sample: I car. 67Vsc. Barley No. 4 malting: 1 car, 64c CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featarea of h Tradlngr and Cloata; Priee ea Board Tvaial). CHICAGO. Oct. 18. Stresa nf avrnnrt A- mand brought about an almost constant tightening; or value today In wheat It Was nerVOUS at the elnaav whixh ranged to to t'Ao above Saturday night's close. Cora gained Vfro net and oat V Ho to o. ITie outcome in provisions varied from so decline to an advance of 10c . Pro-pec te for a sevartnr of diplomatic relation between Ruaaia and Turkey seemed to hare a good deal to do With the evident Increase of anxiety on the part of European buyer and led to a noticeable enlargement of speculative in terest. .Sales to foreigners here and at New York amounted to about L000.0O0 bushels exclusive of s'nlir transactions at Winnipeg-. Duluth and in the south west. On the ensuing bulge, country offerings of both spring- and winter wheat became mora liberal, but the fact appeared to have no influenca as a means of stopping the upward sweep of the market. , Corn hardened with wheat At first though tbo market wag Inclined to ease off a a result of fine weather. Later, the alowneaa of eastern - casQ Inquiry acted a a check on the bull. Active domestlo and European shipping demand helped to lift the price of oat. On lot ot 100.00U bushels wa sold to Italy and another 200,000 bushels to France. Provision rallied owing to the bulf-e in grain. Early depression was du tn hog- receipt being more plentiful than expected. Articlel Open ! High.) Low. j Cloee.j nst'y. Date. 1 tax, ikij.m) ii 'ii. iie fept U.i t Lfrfcl I oi 141 I U) I S t 7 aept .i t liv 1 til 16 , , wm , bePU X) 7 87 t I Rli IS 411 T Ml t M yyu 1..1 1 bSH ill I 41. 1 1 all T 7 so Oct. 1.1 J kV 8 lt. I 44 t l (lJ Oct 4.. I I lit I &U It 14 it 21 t 1 Oct 4.1 T ttVI I t UI t Ol I 8(1 T M 41 N ! u I IS i 16 Oct .. Oct 7. Oct. I.. Oct. . Oct 10 Oct 11. Oct. 14.. lct. 14. Oct 15. Oct 14. Oct. 17. Oct 1 Oct. 19 T 71 I Ml a T 6( T i 71 7 rvn 1 (.. 8 77 I 77 I M t M t 14 143 t 47 14 t til ta t (Mi I4 I 41 iim 7 44 7 - t IU 7 4f 7 K'kl I (Ml 7 S4WI 7 Ml 7 1 3I I 771 t H 7 Zl 1 90 t 74 t 8? 7 6 1 Hi XI 7M t m 1 47 1 mi 1 17 1 ( 161 1 Wl X 1 1 71 1 1 y 74 7 67 a t T 7 70 S 9t 7 dot a M t 4:4- 4HI 6 M T 4tl k bll I 4: t 7 n & 43 I SI 1 7 Mt 11 s 1 Wheatl Pec. May. Corn Dec. May.pOW, Oats I l5Va(2ri 1 14' I 1 JOie-jd 74J4j! Iec. May. Pork. Jan.. Lard. Oct. Nov.. Jan.. Ribs. Oct. Jan.. 4M,rv It C5 10 40-K0 11 00 87411 1 16, 70ii 60 M 7-70j 10 M 10 M 86 11 00 7a 11444 1 toW 44 It 44. 10 40 10 17V 11 00 1 45 116H 1 (Ma to its 10 60', 10 10 11 00 76 1 144 1KH4 u mi 10 40 10 to lr7H 11 00 7H Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red, tl 12Wrt lW; No. I hard. tl.lS1!.! Corn: No. t yellow. 734r74c; No. t yel low, VsVsfiMaO. Oats: No. t whit. &V3 47 He; standard. 4U'(t4VV". Rye: No. 2. tlMc. barley. auTtc. Timothy. MOaJ I A. Clover, tll.0uui4.00. Pork, I17.W. isra, iwou. itios, lu.(rBIUw. Bl!TTER-8teady; creamery, a. Me. EOOS Lower; receipts. 7,1 case; at mark, case Included, 17'.'Jj ordinary urate, evcucj iirata, umjuo, POTAllitA flteavdy; reoelpts. M care: ailchlgan and Wisconsin. 44it4o; Ulone- sota ana iaaota, aftcio. POULTRr-AUv. lower; springs, Uc; Kaaaaa City Grsla sai Prwwlaleaa. KANSAS CITY. Oct It. BUTTER tjMamery, jo, ursia, mo; coads, 'iun; wr.ii'a, o. FXM6 First. S2c; seconds, ltc. Pol'LTRY Hen. Uo; brollera Jc WHEAT No. I hard. ILofraJ 07: N red, 11 wTl 07; Lwcciubar, Al.OiltLtoH; May. 11'i. CORN-No. t mixed, lygns; No. I BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartoDs. toe; No. L n-ib. tuba, 1 9c. CHEESU Imported Swisa Amer can Bwlss, t!tc: block Rwias, Uc; twins. 1Stc; daisies. 17Vc; triplets, IRc: Young Americas, 18c; blu label brick. ITHc; 11m burger. t-lb., tUc; 1-lb . 10c; New Tork white, 10; imported French Roquatort 48c. FISH Trout lTo; large erapples, VXt 16c; salmon, nClbc: halibut. 4o; channel catfish, IV- pike, 17o; pickerel, 10c. POULTRY Broilers, JeSc; spring chick ens, 11c; hens, !Wllc: cocks, to; ducks, 10c: trceaw. sc: turkera 14c: pigeons, per do., Me: duck, full feathered, 10c; geeae. full feathered, to; squabs, No. I, tl.t5; No. I, BOc. BEEF CUTS Wholesale prices or Beet cuts are a follow: No. 1 ribt, tic: No. t rib, l&Vc; No. t ribs. IZHo. No. 1 loins, SVkc; 'No. t loins, 17c; No. t loins, 14o. t chucks. a. No. 1 rounds, IS140; No. 1 rounds, i3"c; iso. rounas, ubo. no, 1 plate. (o; No. t plates. tVic; No. I plate, tc ' Market quotation rurwtsbed by Olllnskl Fyult company: FRUITS Orange: extra fancy Valen cia, Wis, 112s, liib", l&Os, 176s and KO. per box, 16.76; Red Hall Valencia, ail sites, t&.60 per box. Lemons: Fancy Oolden Howl, SOOa, 360a. per box, t6.&0; 811 ver Cord, 420s, SOOs, 8008, per box, t&fiO. Grape fruit: AH stses, 1176 per box. Apples: Fncy Washington 'T" brand Orlmes, per box, fl.60; Fancy Colorado Jonathans, per box, 1L26; extra fancy Washington Hoovers, per box, tl-40: New York Green ing, per bbl., IS.OO; New York Baldwlna "A" grade, ship Nov. 1. par bbi.,; choice Hood River Spltsenburgs, per box, $1.60; fancy Hood River tiananaa, per box, 11.76. Pear: Callfornlk Clurglous, per box. 12.36: extra fancy D'Anlou. per box. 12. b0. Grapes: . Tokay, 11X; extra Cali fornia Emperors, per bbl., 13.50. New York, per basket 23c; per 2S-basket lots, 12c. Bananas:. Per bunoh. tl.7t36.b0. Umea: Per box, 1L7S. Date: Urorue dary, per caaa, 13.00. Figs: Per case, fee. Persimmons: Per crate t20O. VEGETABLES Cauliflower, per lb., U4c. Cabbage, per lb., 1VC. Onions, yellow, per lb., lV4c; red, per lb., 114c. Pep Pera, per basket. 60a. Tomatoes, fancy, per basket, 7?c Cucumbers, hothouse, per i-dos. box, 11. B0. Celery, , Michigan, per do., 16c ; Denver Jumbo, per do.. 76c. Lettuce head, per doa. 6tMgl.&0; leaf, per dot., 40a Onion (shallot), per do., ioc. Radish, ' per dos., Sua Oarllc, Italian, per lb., 30c Horseradish, per cae. 11. Ho. Asparagus, home-grown, per do., about SOn. Potatoes, per bu., 70c. Sweet pota toes, per bbL, ti.00. Hquaeh, per lb., lHo NUTS-No. 1 California walnut, ner lb., lMbC. Filberts, per lb., 16c. Sugar walnuts, per box, 11.40. Pecans. Per lb.. 12Hc; Jumbo, per lb., 19c. Almonds, per lb., 80c. Checkers, per box. 13.60: per case, 11.76. MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn. per lb.h 4c Craukerjack, per case, t-1.60; per to-cae. 11.76. Honey, per case. U.60. Cider, per keg. 1S.00: per -bbl.. 16.00. Cocoanuta, per sack. 14.00; per dog.. 7&o. Vlnaeapoll Grain Market.' MINNEAPOLIS, Oct 1 WHEAT De cember, tl-18; May. tl.lWH: No. 1 hard. tl.l4; No. 1 northern. tL13Wtil.HA.; No, 1 northern. lMNtfaA-VX FLOUR-Unrhanged. P A RLET oTjjtjOc RTE-!S7c. BRAN-10.00. CORN No. t yellow, 71dr7ic. OATS No. t white, 4&V4iHCa FLAX-ti-aaug. , . I.lverpeel Grata Market. LIVERPOOU Oct. l.-WHEAT-Spot market tirm; no. 1 Manitoba, old. vs bd No. 1, new, Is lid; futures, firm; Oc tober, s lOd: Oecember. 0s Hd. CORN pot market firm; American mixed, 7a td; future, steady; November, os x. .. t. LeaU GreUa Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. lt.-WHEAT-No. t red. tl.11w.1u: No. 1 hard, - 11.u4pl.ltH; December, 11.144; May, 11. 121-. CORN No. 1. 75Wa76SbOL No. t whin. tlVic; December, toUc; May, 70ei 7vTc. OATS-No. i, 4fcHO4Tc; No. I whit. 49a Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK. Oct. lfl.-COFFBE Tha coffee market was higher today, owing to a further advance of tha rate of lUo exchange on London and the firmer rul ing of the onat and freight situation. A better demand was reported in the local spot market, with Rio 7' quoted at ftSc ana cantos 4 s at nc. More business also was reported through the voluntary liquidating committee and Uecenioer con tracts sold at t.90c, compared with i.&c last Friday. This Improvement was largely attributed to the accepatnee of fresh buying orders, wnicn are supplied only inrougtt ins sales 01 01a long. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralte NKW YORK. Oct. 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Dull; fancy, 71i'i7c; choice, ta-We- prime. MIUO'Ac. DaiF.D FRUIT-Prun. . nominal; California lUVc. Orvgons, luUo. Apricot, dull; choice, 12killc: extra choice, lmz'y: ranoy, iic. Peaciie. dull; choice, 6jA(?f.c, extra choice, OVi? rancy, 7va''- Haisina steady; loose muecatels, (AaffTHo; choice to fancy, seeded, 7Wtt't; eedlwsa, vwwVfcc. Lon- oon layers, (agar Market. NEW YORK. Oct 1. SlT.Ar-Ha w, quiet; inolaasea, 174c; centrifugal, 4.3Vo; refined, easy; 26 point lower; cut loaf, s.auc; cruenwo, 0 sue, muuia a, oc; cubes, 2be; powdered, 16c; XXXX powdered, t.uo; powdered. a.l0u; fine granulated, tc; diamoad A, to coaloctloaer' A, No. i, aa Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock the Union atimk yards, Houth Oniaha, for twenty-four hour ending at I o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARfl. Cattl. llog Sheep.H'MS C. M. A Pt. P 1 Missouri Paolflo .... S, Union Paolflo 186 C. N. W east.... 6 C. N. W.. west.. ..197 C, St. P.. M. t O.. 4 C. B. e Q east.... 4 C , B. 4 Q., west....tSt C, R. I, a P., east t Illinois Central 1, Chicago O. W 1 to It 14 ii 6T Total receipt ...CC7 66 171 1 11 to Eatier Tone to Foreign Exchange One of Factors. FLOW OF GOLD TO CANADA Off caawaJerrted'he heed! WALL STREET CffiEwUIj The receipts ran mn!y to feeders, amongl " u 1 ,luu w" " wnicn a re rew resiiy gucwi tee.ier eneep 1 or lamba. What fst offerlnK were on sale Included few, It any, prim killers and largely on this account the pecker buyers were out early looking over the day's supply, even having men outside the barn watching for good lambs as the offering were driven from tho chute Inlo the sheep barn. 7 he esrly sales eon1ted cmertv or fat nd feeder ewes and a few rearllnaw. The fat ewes sold around tl.eW4.90 for the bulk of them, the feeder ewes bringing prices armind KOid r and the fat year ling ranaed at tA.WthVaA. Mutton and feeder ewes were regarded as steady to atmng. trade being active and the clear ance seasonable. Quotations on range sheep and lamb: Itmhs, good to choice, t7 4iMfJ-70; lambs, fair to good, 17 lO-a.40: lambs, feeders. yearllnts, good to choice, 1K.M Akatract of Report hy Natlanal Banks Show They Held1 ( lear Iw Hoaae Certificates at f sa,ooo,ooo. " NEW YORK, Oct. .-Re,penlng cf thai eastern freight rate case before th Interstate Commerce cnmmlaalnn the, rellent condition of the loal bank ss disclosed by Isst week's statement, con- "1 f T-si 1 lie as. aitnj a VU"Hr, it.rug . -a j awan nr-rr t tVt TI 1 1 f7 II L, t,7in- tM W; yearlings, fair to good, H.ftVfrVU; "nued progress In the formation of the yearlings, feeders, 18 40j;4 "; wether. "Id Ah"! cotton pools and an easier tone roreign exennnge, combined to put .en eii-ei in a more rneeriiu frame ot good to choice, toMMfntO; wethers, fslr to good,; wethers, feeders. 14.n 4 STi; ewes, good to choice, I4.6trr4 : wes. fair to good. Hl&JN ; swea, feeders, 11. M ti4 2 Repreaentatlve sales: 71 native lambs .1 M 7 S 8 native lambs M M DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . . ...l.oau ..1.041 .. 645 Morris t Co Mwlft as Co Cudahy Packing- Co Armour ft Co M or re 11 S Lincoln- Packing Co 6 Hwlft from country...' W. B. Vanaant C 236 Benton, Vansant ck L... 901 Hill A Son fl0 F. B. Lewis...'. 344 Huston 4 Co 179 i: B. Root 4V Co J3 .1 H. Bulla 1M U F. Hues tdt Kosenstock Bros 278 Mi-Creary & Kellogg..,. 7ia Merthelmer A Degen..'. X22 11. F. Hamilton 247 Sullivan Bros t Rothschild '. 93 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 144 Christie ..: tl HUKlna Jluffmaa 1 ; Roth ... 1 Meyers ' 11 Baker, Jones S " 65., Tanner Bros 22 John Harvey Wl Dennis & Francla Hi Clin M Othar buyer , 614 (Wl i.W 1.VM w 4,812 3.42ft t,4iS 167 ';.. - f'T. r ' CHICAGO LIVR STOCK MARKRT Cattl DalV He Weak ta Lower Sheep Firs. CHICAGO. Oct ls-CATTLTO-necelpte. head; market dull, mostly 10a to 2oc lower; beeves, t.tT:IO.; steers. tS.9titf t.!; stockers snd feeder. tOOfT M; cows gnd helfera. t.VSS.0; calves, tf.2f.fl 11.00. HOOS Itecelpta, M.0O) head; market weak to 1V lower: bulk Of sales, 17.10,(7.66, lleht ,1404r7.6T.: mixed. 17.0ii7M; neavy. ' vrr.i6; rongh. to-!Ml'7.00; purs, 14.60 7.00. MIEF.P Receipts. 11.0P0 head: market firm: sheep. 1 Xtf.; yrarllhgs, t5.6ttl40; lambs, t.00S7.tiO. , Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS PITT, Oct. It. CATTLE Recelpta, 16.000 head; market lower; prime fed steers, 7V(t!tt.?r: drened beef steers, 17.76!q 60; western steers, t 6tvtrs.76; stock ers end feeders. tr.M$8.00; bulls, 16.(KJjl. 40; Calves, pi ,'iOj 10.50. HOC.9 Kecelpts, 1,000 head: market lower: bulk of ea'es. t7,nitt7.46: heavv, t7.1iv((7 Sr: packer and butchers, t7.OfroI.40; light. IW 7.j;,. p)g11 h u;,,;5. BHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, T.W head; market tHi77K; yearlings, U.Ktl 8.00, wethers, I6.0u4ju.t0: ewes, tt.26ifjt.00. St. I.oals Lire. Stock Market. j T T AT'rd Vn 10 r i T TT W Dv.lnli 11.100 head: market lower: native beef steers, t7.60tfl0.a5; rows and helfera. tl.OO rrv.M: stockers and feedera I6.pmw.6o; aouthem steers, t.0ilf.00: cows and heif ers, i4.oofi.M; native calves, is. HOt Keoelpu, lo.iuo head: marKet lower: Pigs and lights. tt.7Ml7.flO: mixed nd butchers. 17.20417.10: good heavy. 17.60 7: ... MriP nereipis, J.ww neaa; marset steady: native muttons, tt-OOVK; lamba. li.WU'l.b. Sloax City LIT Stock Market. SIOITX CITY. la.. Oct. It. CATTLE Receipts, 6,600 head; market U926a lower; atlv ateers. s.1wno; butchers, l&.w CHI. 00; western ateera tl.kxff4.76; cows and helfare, 14156.76; tanner. UfxiN.76; stockers end feeders. tu.0ottJ40; calves. lo.0Ol7-S.00; bulls, stags, etc.. Mr-Tf60. nous Heceitna. ,! neaa; mrt, ic lower; heavy, ld.K47.10; mixed. tAti; lleht. M Kx&d.W: bulk of asles. tA.ft6b.IMV filbiliP i-Aiatio naceipts, iw head. Ht. Jeaepk llvei Stack Market. RT JOHEPH. Oct. ll.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 4 000 head; market slow; steers. M nln hi, a,M hlff 41 Qfll 111! waives. 1R.00A 10.60. HOGS Receipts, 4,wq neaa; Piaaing, lo tftto lower. HIIEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000 bead; market steady; lamb, 7.0S7.W, Llv Stork ta Sight. RecelnU of live stock at tha five prin- cloal western markets: vbhiq, iid"i ononi. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS of eve k baa t aad 1, block U. taiUaia add if Jotia r. bfeArdl aad wife ta iamsa Waleh. lot . Mecb 14. Waterloo v. I.Vot Drnlaaila T, K letter aad wile te g1raaiis H. Yertaa. ei (et of lot 14 aad loot of lot 17, block 17, Bcaaoa J 13.7&1 Totals 1,421 t.L3 24.641 CATTLE RecehHs ware very large this morning, 421 cars being reported tn. This was very cioso to a record-breaker, tn largest recelpta In the history of th mar ket having been 623 cars, received on Oc tober I. 1SU. The official recount of the day' run may show that th record has been broken. At the same time other market points, especially Chicago and Kansas City, were heavily loaded, th for mer market being reported on the open ing a 10n?6o lower and th latter lVAlbc lower. Under the influence of the un- fcrorabla advice at all selling points tha market here opened very slow and the morning- wa well advanced before enough business naa been transacted to reaiiy. ea- labium prices. All kinds of cattl continued alow throughout the morning. Some of the test gradea that were especially sought ' .V r WUU lliabiwrie ill HHiuaiaia did not show o much decline, but gen erally speaking, the market was lOtiplec lower on killers and feeders alike. In terlor kinda were very much neglected and hard to move. Cows and helCers sold at the' low point of the year to data Quotation on cattle: Good to choice cornfed beeves. 19.UKuilO.60: far to good cornfed. beeves, t&Ht).00; common to fair cornfed beeves, 17.ia.y8.2i; good to choice range steers, t7.404.t-uti; fair to good range ateers, .0ui9d.76: good to choice grass helfera. t& M.mi OOr arood tn cholc grass rows, t6.764id.44); fair to good grades, !j it gtn.76; common to fair gradea. 14.006.26; "time readers, fs.oojm.oo gooa a cnoio stockers and' feeder, t7 .40(111.00: fair to good stockers aad feeders. m.w9i.vj common to fair stockers and feeders, M.OI 50; slock heifers, 16.6041 76: stock cows, ai fj,jitA cA' ..a..u tSAOifbk.6: vea calves. i7.7ti(Jio.aD; duus, sisga, mw., tin Representative . sales: WESTERNS. Ira Nelson Neb. No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. 2a feeders.. 6m 7v NEfHRASKA. 17 feeders.. 827 70 g feedera.. T7t 38 M feeder.; W 160 t stockers. 610 76 10 stk.cws.v44 4 76 4 feeders.. 671 40 10 feeders., ot7 00 10 stk.olvs. 304 T 36 I stk.clv. 306 7 26 t stk. hfrs. tuO t 60. WYOMING. steers.. ..1150 7 26 t steers... .1215 T 36 HOGS Receipt were only fair for a Monday, but with very heavy runs at all other points prices broke badly all along the Una. Advices from other market In dicated a decline of anywhere from ltd to as much a a quarter in some spot, and the local trade waa no esceptlon to lin eenereJ rula. valuea declining fully 20c, The market opened out dull and It waa some time before much of anything wss dona, but packets again had the whip hand, when they re! used to better their early bids to any great extent, sellers do rUIA that ihev miint as -well cut loose at the figures that had been offered, that is, anywhere from lie to 2&o lower than haturday. As these quotation would In dicate, price were rather uneven, with heavln getting a little the beat end of th deal. Light and butchers showed the big end or the aecune, peing iuiy and In many Instance StKgAo lower, Heavies did not show ud quite so taoiy and aa a general thing were quoted a li4ra0c lower. Hhipplng and speculative de mand waa fair, but price pwa oy snip- tiera for aood IlKhl and butchers were all of 20o lower, and In some case were quoted a a quarter on. viuamy was gen erally bstur.tliaa at tho oioaa of last WA4.1.. r , wvhnla tha aanaral market la about toe lower. Movement wa very alow early, but alter a trading baai wa ea Llabllshod livened up a liul. and a fair rVlearanc was made lo good season, nuia Is not quite so wide a ai ine cioee t the week, being- quoted at td-bvirt.U). Good mixed hogs, running well to light, sold as high a r 26. Receipts footed up Tiny nln. , mm cr 1 MX) ha. This Is Kn O l.uo head over laat woek and slightly heavier than a year ago, Representative sales Dry OeMMls Market. NEW YORK. Oct. It. DRY OOOT) I ,1- Cotton good and yarns quiet. Raw silk i" easier. There wa a maintained demand I I," iviwmu wr wiaii.via wine uuivr BUpJie tor foroUrn arroie. Metal Matrkea ST. LOUIS, Oct 1.-LEAD-Dul at SPELTER-e4.t694.7t. Bank Clearlatt. OMAHA. Oct 1.-Hank elearlogs for Omaha today were M.MMTS.SJ, and for the correapoDdlng day last year 13. M.-64470. Va. A. t4h. Fr. He. 41 14 lo 4 W 4U M 114 14 44 44 14 ...fcT7 ... 4 i 4 ... ..40 iuo a ri-rtj eo ,.Xt a 7W 41 ..Jt M IN 44 ..114 KM 7 a tl T "J T ) U 46 ,vti 44 IW,.. 70. MV M :...4 144 7 0 74..... ai ri ) t c to m 424 40 1 P) 40 m rt tn t) M. ...... .47 lQ T 00 M v4 ... T os Ar. BV rr. ... 7 n ...a Mil l-jo Tot ...rt in 11 i t t 7 04 ...tM tu 1 ... II 111 ...U4 tuO 1 10 VI 1 11 0 7 14 40 f 1 .. 1 14 tl 1 ..It .tn .t!4 .mi ii. HI 10., PIOcS. d Ill ... t 4e 4 lit ... 4 44 1. 4 4 44 tl Ill ... 4 1 , witi-KfThe local market led all others in the matter of recelde. with an estimate f sum 44.0U0 head, against M.M mind today. The decline In bills on Lon don, while accompanied by little actual business, waa accepted as an augurv of' further relaxation by foreign holder of our maturing obligations. There was a revival of recent rumor dealing with th early resumption ef business on the locsl exchanga, but tn conservative quarters this wss received by a degree of reservation. Regsrdlesa of contrary statements,- the belief per sists that this market cannot safely re new operation": until London point th way. The presence In this country of a representative of th British exchequer and the approaching termination of the moratorium In England will, it la ex pected, give rise to interesting develop ments on this point In the near future. Outflow ot gold to Canada continues In moderate demand. The total already laced at Ottawa to th credit of the Bank of England is said to be sufficient for all temnorarv reaulrementa and th sentimental effect has been salutary, but estlmutes of the probably extent of ur exports have increased to An s ha tract 01 it-port maae ny soma 600 National banks to the comptroller of the currency, on his recent call, re- esls tho fact that these Instltutiena hold learlnr house certlflcntea nrgrearattng f.M,Ooi,noo with sn Increase In hank notea of almnat t-'Ou.OflO, while Individual de pnarts sre smaller bv about tl60,0,0fl0. There figures give significance to the steady reduction or loan ceruncaies now being made at most reserv centers. A further gain In western mercnanaiae nnn.t. annxars tn be one largely to shipments by manufacturers engaged In meeting forelrh orders for war materials. the movement, so tar aa u in foodstuffs showing Irregularity, in tmft erraln recelnts at Ohlratm war under thos of the preceding week, if bova those of th corresponding penoa last year. . . Money oroKers reponeo a anaima rate for time loans, but onlv In Instances here collsteral of tn ningeat grane offered. Call money was in light r- qdest at unchanged rates. NINE-HUNDRED-MILE AUTO ROAD RACE TO SAN DIEGO PAN DIEXX). Cal.. Oct. lt.-Offlei! sanction to hold a tOO-mlle road race from El Paso. Tex., to thla city wag received 1 her today by tho Panama-California ex position from th Amerlckn Automooii association and it Is planned to hold th race In January or February of next year. The racers will follow th cour of tn Southt.rn National highway, finishing on th grounds of th Panama-California exposition hare. A pur of 10,000 ha been guaranteed. Bee Want Ada Produce Result. Chics go Pt. Louis Kansas City . South Omaha Bloux City ...i Totals .... .30,010 ..moo ..1A.0O9 ..14.000 .. 6.4(0 M.O0 lo.aoo t,(mo a 1000 18.0110 1.ISI0 7.on 47.0O0 s,ono ,72,O0 60,100 102.100 1 Oil anal Itosta. NEW YORK. Oct l.-ilOlr? Quiet! strained common to god, ta.Mttl.o. TURPENTINE Quiet; machine barrels 17U.lfl.laUr BAVANNAM. U , UCl. ll.-iuivrf,n. J inly iiominii, -I1 nw , 8A6 barrels; shipments, 233 barrels; stocks, T7 nm ,AMia ROSIN Nominal; no sales; receipts, inn berrels; shipments, aoi barrels; atocas, tjteT a: bl3.M: C. D". M 6tV4: B, F. O, II, I, .; K.; -a, 4Ji; , o.uu WO, H26; WW. News. York Money Market NEW YORK. Oct. It. MERCANTILE PAPKR 1r7 per cent. BTKRUNO KXCHANOE-Kasy: for to day bills, tdtTTB: cables. 4.7Uo4-ini; for demand. S4.i,wtr4.wi. rii.vh. uar. OU'C. 1A)NDCN, Oct It. SILVER Bar, 23d rMir ounce. DlbCOUNT RATE8 Short bills, t4 per cent. , Oasaba Hay MarWel. OMAHA. Oct. U. PRAIRIKJ HAY Choice upland. 111; No. 1. I10.00frl0.60; No. 1, W.OOfllO .00; No. t, lo.0fvTJt.00; choice mid lkn.1, 110.60- No. 1. 19.6010.00; 'No. t. tH 00 rrfl.60; No. 3, li.H"! ; Choice lowisnn. :'; No. 1. M: No. 2. t.0U7.00; No. t. tt.OOh 00. A LFALFA Choice, ft; No. L tll.Ooy 11.60; No. 1, tt.004jll.0v; No. , no demand to.0Ht7V.vV. Ell Batter Market. ELHIN. Oct. lt.-BUTTER tOc; twon- ty-flv tub soia. Much Damage Done by Quako Over Greece PARIS, Oct. 1. Great damage wa don by th earthquake yesterday, tb village- of Kaparelli and Pyrt, near Thebes, being destroyed, according to a dispatch from Athens, Th Oractan provinc of .' Boetla suffered most Twenty distinct shock were felt there. Tho number of casualties la not known. Provision and teats ar being hurried tor those who have lost their homes. In Athens tha movements were felt for twenty seconds. Several houses war wrecked and th foundatlona of many were shaken. ' Another dispatch says the railway sta tions on th Larlsca line suffered muc and much Mama was don at Plraaua Atalant and Chelkls experienced sever property losses. Shocks vr felt In th Peloponnesus. Cyclades, Euboaa and tha Ionian Islands. Watterson Calls On the President; Quarrel All Over WASHINGTON, Oct. tl.-Henry Wst teraon, editor of th Loulavlll Courier' Journal, called on President Wilson at th Whit Hons today, following the example act two weeks ago by George Harvey, former editor of Harper's Weekly. The meetings marked th and of th con troveray between th president and th two editors which arose during Mr. Wit son's pre-no ml nation campaign for U presidency. , New t'arltat CaytalB. CARLISLE, Pa., Oct. II. Peter Calao. a tmaeion innan rrom t. aia, it w aa an. no u need tonight, haa been elected of the Canute Jndlan school foot ball team vo aucceeq cimer cuacn. wno re- slsned recently at toe request of th coaching staff. I 'alec has played la th weu.- ieu ivr iwv ywara . RAILWAY TIME CARD INION tTATlUN Teatk aa Mason Depart. Arnre. P. A t. L. Ktpreaa nets a7 54abi O. . L. Kpraa..( pia a 4 44 a K. C. St. V a:oasi li ei thlcag Great Wostora Twis atr Limited'Wsta s:nam Twin CUr Sipreee ,, .a 1:10 am l Jom Cblcaae Kipreaa Uatea Paelfl Overland Umlted CalUvrala Mall Omaha Kisreaa Atlanta tierces ., Ias Aaaelaa UaUled. ....... Denver Hpeclal Colorado Braes Ckslorade Speolal Sea rraaelaoa wntites p.oirm Limited Oresoa-Waahlestoa Ltaltad Xecth Platte Lecel... , Oraud lalaod lxirai.., Btrowisbarg Local. ,w Illinois .air.-- t Chleere Umlled rkl(.ae4 Eieroaa , ... Cklraae, Mllwaakee. A Bt a 4;o4 tn a 1:40 pa ....S 08 am d 1:44 pe ....a 4 W P a 14 em , ........ a I D pa a4:Maaj ....all U ea a 44 po ....a 1:4 am a 144 am ....a t H pm a 4 nt p ....all 0 am a 1:44 am HOSanr .alt bt am a 7 I sts .10:Maai I Him .a 114 am a 4:11 pm ..a 4 (0 pm alt J4 an . ,bll:U pm b 1:14 ga .a 1:00 pm a t:N am i i jviw a v a.-. Paal .4 a 7:44 am ell 14 am a 4 .44 am a 7:14 am ..all M am a 1D4 pm ..a 7:14 am ell 44 pm ,.a4 0pm all Mam raalMe IJailted Chicot Rpeolal ..... Kaa rmncwco umiiea.... blcaa Pajrlltnt epeciai. Manilla . Local ............ Waaaak.- Oaiaba-Bt. Leali Bipreaa., fcUanberrr Local tram O. B...S 144 pm bl4;ltai Ckloaca ft gonawotiore KORTH. . . .... Twin City K.prae. H?Sm ImZTZ Dakota Paeeeoser k t:4 am, a 4-44 am gioui CMy l-cal !!" f-IiJ" Mlaaaepollo Bipreaa a ;. ? J Twls City Limited .a t 44 pm a 1:11 am J6J3 i a a I 44 am T:Nam ,.S 104 am a 4:04 pm a 1:44 am all -4tpm . all lOpm at Upm . 4.4pm al4 04 ai a 4:04 am at) pm ....a 4:40 pm at team ,..lpm a 4.14 am- .a T 01 am au:ijpm Deaver Special (larroll Local , Hawkers tiproas Cklrate Local Carroll Local Cbicase atpoelal tea rranclaco usiwi OTorlaa Lemitea Oreo.-Waebliit Llllea..a . h pm Las ABCaies wmnee - r droa Local J m Ltnoola Dallaa m: 7l'm Z,. ,l.Z Caer-lander .-JJ" .Ihloa-Oakdale ........b 4 .40 ! Ck lease, ItesK laiaaim aa a CAJBT. ' bleesa local rWsar..-..bl0:Ot am ' '" oicae uar .i ;! ?; trhloaa. ripread ......a 414 pm a t tj pm i. uolaea Local raeeaoser a 4 pm all-Warn Imso Nabraeaa U- 4.01 ps a o am l-Neb. Urnlled te Uaools. .a 1:41 am a t:4T pm C.llloral. IC.p... - 1!5 kV, MotstaV. U-ltM... .u:ll pm ail . IBLIMOTOJI 8TATIOX Teatk aa Masoa. arllato Deaver Umltel , Vitr-Ome.he rarer aad C'alltonila I uset aoiias aiprewa Mebraeka points. ..a,... Plerh Ullla Uncola Mall Nortkweat Bipreaa, .. Nebiwaka preaa .... Uneela lycl aoburVer-nauamouia yiaiuajoutn-iow Uellevwe rnatiaovwiia Cbloase Special , Denver Special 1 Tilae Eipreas rhlcaae ' ssapiwae .... Creates Local ............. Bt. U K f- "pec St Umla eoei K. C. St. Jaeepb Uaools-l'-ianamwu.a TJeriart. Arrive. ....a 4.44 am a 1:04 da a 4 40 am ....atMpm a 114 pm ....a 411 pm a 4 4 pm ....a l:W am a 414 pm ... a 4:10 pm a 1:S4 pm ....b 1.14 pm all 14 pm ....all 44 pm a 144 am ....a 4-14 am a 4:14 pm ....a I II pm b 4 44 am ,...b 1:01 pm tde is am a 44 am ....all 40 m s 1:44 pm ....a 1:14 am all: JO pm all 44 pm ....a I 4 pm a 1:44 pa ....a 4 44 pa a t o am b 1 st pm Ml 44 am a 4 44 pa all 40 am .a t il am a 4 oe an ..a 1 40 pm a T 44 pm WVBwTER TIIKBT TATI01f Ftf (eeatk aa Wsbater. Cklea;al : t. Paal, Mlaaeapoli Oasaba w ' t.i. ritr veeaanser wt-Tlam 4 tf aieaa Vr " "VH" Mi 44 am l"J. .T. b4:00p. t:.a aallr. b dallr eaeeat Svadar. Misaoarl Pad f to- Depart. Arrlee. PaJla ntr pasosawr b 4 M pa bio 0 am Looai rnriskl ... t 4.00 am b 4.4X1 pta COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED ' Cotton Bead Cake O0I4 Pressed Cake. From Taxa Mills direct to run. Wriit or wire ue for price on High Oiade Meal or Cracked tAk a, 41 to 44 par rent protein. Cold Pressed Caka TIXA CAXB A.STS XOVTBa. t, SAXJULJL TU, i