Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1914, Image 10
THE TVFTR: O:fATIA. OCTOBER 191 t. WANT ADS Want ads nxvlvM lit any time, but I Insure riooer clessi'lcatloe miirl be Pre-ec-ited before IS o'clocK nwv lor evening edition end ?:r.o p. m. for morning and unnay editions. Want received after aoch hours will b under the heading. " Too Late to Classify." r k-tl HATE! Feven consecutive Umea, 1 cent A word e-h Insertion. Three tlmea within on week, 1' cents word men Inwrtkn. One Urn, 1 cents a word. CHAROE RATT.3. ?eun consecutive times, t cents a line ech Insertion. Three Unti within one week. 19 Cent a fine Nrh Insertion. One time, II cents a Una. CVvint six average word to Una. Minimum charge. 20 cent. I The Pea will not be responsible for mora than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claim for arror must be promptly made. An edvertiscment inserted to be run un til discontinued mutt ba atoppd by writ ten order. Ton ran placa your want ad la Tba Bea by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER MOO. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answer hava been rslled for and delivered during tha last week. It I reasonable to auppoae that all of tha people below hava made the de sired awapa therefore, flo noi can mr w.i balwa of their answers. Baa Want Ads sc. j7i JUS 170.1 1TO : 1 r4 llt 3407 If 140 1411 14U hi; eiira Set results. SC. H.C. H C. m , 973 jh;i i i;4 i 0 f 77 . KM l 97. 1W 9M . 114 all lif. K1J 9 1111 (1 111 9?4 't 11-'1 .7 112S I4, . w 1 1 ;!9 jr3 I'll 1 171 "4 10J ll1" M in W2 J.W VHO lll Ml l?s 11K j 10:7 i:' ).; lifll 1f'4 97 1077 ' 1 H DEATHS A WD 1 f,r, c. l'l L" . 1L'?! 17 12?, 1't 11 1 121 M t 1 1N7 U U'49 1VI7 12.V! r .3 im 1B-4 1.Vi7 12..H i:nu ir i?m 14 im i:vn yjfA irrt l:t , U74 n 1SU A so-y cim r. x t avmcxckmi;ts Wake Up, Fellows! 1 T "WILL CX3ST YOU ONLY $1 0 FOK A year's n:Miu:is?inp i.v tiu: y. m. ' C. A., ir YOU JOIN THIS WEEK, y A SAVING OF $3. You.dont have io be told aJl about thf advantages of belonging to the Y. M. C. A. You already know about the athletic training, educational features, sports, -amusements which make every day a lively one and build np REAL men, ' mentally and physically. REMEMBER, $10 One Week Only Oct. 19 to 24, Inclusive. BE A "Y" MAN! LIVE WIRK . Bl'SlNESS MKN OF OMAtlA. Vetertaarlaaa. DTt O. R. TOUVO. 4 Center. tr. too. WUri nad Llqaara. Al-KX JKTE8. ?vi- F. 1?lh P. Wlnea, llquora. claam. V ata dinner 11 to , 10e. HENRY Wtuvlk L.lJi;"JR HOlfSrl Uth and Cpltol Ave. Ten-cent lun.h, C3LoREijqufri7o'i, 422 No. Kth, I qta. cold beeir. fc. Write for prlca llt D. 4 1 BVT your family liquor Liquor llouae. U N. ICth. at Klem'a HKI.P WAXTTO FKJIALR t'lartral a ad Offlaa. IF TOV ara looklra: for a hlgh-rrade pealtlon, v tlmo and worry by calling on Wain Hef. Co., MO-4.2 Rrandela Thca. LEDGER C'LCWtK. eoma utanoaraphy. Apply at onca. f3 Ptata pank MIJ. WumtTT Tradaa. WANTKtV-Olrli ta-work In cracker fac tory. Apply T a. m.. Tuesday. Looaa- Wllea Biscuit Co.. 12ih and Itavenport Ml. Ir)fT FORGKT. WATTKRPON'8 UNION ORCHFSTRA fir all orcaiona. Strictly tha beat. Ad dreas Sl N. Wlh fit., or phena Douf. 8S.J. Gibson's Buffet S3 fiouth Uth Pt UKNT1STHY All kinds f Denial Work done, under careful aupervlNlon. at tha the C'reighton ( nlle of UentUtry, I0 8. lXth hi. Children! teeth (tralghtened. ifces vary mode rata. Kxtractton Irea. f-IHNil, (howcarda. :irfc Hon. D. 1H7H. CK,OK-Annle E., ti 4 ear. dciovcq wife of K. It. t:ook. Haturday. Funaral Monday. !: p. m.. f rom reai denca. U44 Ponth 25th 8t. Interment Welt Lawn cemelary. Frlenda welcomed. PtrGDALW-r:. R.. rctoher 17, !. Funeral from family residence, ili Norln Thirtieth atraet. Tuedy. H0 a. tn., to ft. Johna church, a, m. Interment Holy riepulchejr rernetery, Wed'l'nn aniioiirx eiiients. fmu, Pig. Co. Kverett H. THdie. 1J Panlon BIW. I. Ml. LUCKY wedding ring- at Brodegaard'a. BIRTHS A! 11KATH. Elrlh Kdward Detlock. 31.T7 South Hav enteenth. girl: J. hi. Kipln. 27 Bouth rlteenth.- girl; Harvey Koran, hoapital. girl: tlumava Kamptncr. 17K Houtli Sev enteenth, gill; ( Mandolpo. 1112 Kouth Klglith. girl: Charlea P. Peteraen. Hlxleenth and'Yatee. girl; C P. Pot, Brnaon. bov; . A. Riley, 1114 Popplaton. boy; Joseph Khalley. 4U Parker, girl; Kdward Miewert, boPltl. girl; Oeorga feward. Sll'7 Maple, boy; llueppa Hcam bnrrino, 2-S1 Pierce, girl; Clarerwa 4hof fer, 4.J2 Burdetta. gliU Phih Wtieatley, Ml Koiitt Twenty-fomUi avenue. oy. Deetha-Oeorga H. Madleon, m Oak, T4; Mlnnla Raiding. :i'tt Wirt. K; Ann K. V.nnk. K44 South Twenty-fourth, 4R; atherino K. Van Aletlne. hnapltaj. 66; Albertlna Adams, Council Bluffs, Ti: Wll Ham J. lrolcr, 22i4 Houth Thirtieth. 7; ,T. E. Pt Itphard. Twentv-nlnth and iJaway, Tt: John Mvers, hoepltal, II: Anton Kre cek. mi William, Mj John C. Tsstman, SMO Pln M. ; PAaSTIMK, Tha Diamond Nippers, Jokar oomady. Aire orthp eisha, J-reel Rtaon. VliNEZIA THEATER, ml B. 1STU feT. Tricking the Oovsmmtnt. I-rttl. Waat. uosnon jcm farnam. Trey o' UeaJta (Tha Painted Hllla). Littla Mattla In A Country Adventure. .ima iyona ana victoria rord, isedlng tne Kitty. Ikea aak BRNSOX THEATER, IS?3 MAIN FT. Redemption. 5-r. Imp with Wm. Bhaw. In and Out. Hterling, with Max Ashar. . Kale s Finger. Kclulr damam. allIt.llU I'f HMIT. Ggrrotta Caranla, 171 Burt, I7W. 1AVS 0OMTWETB M 0V1K rROGIUMS , Dvel Tawa. CAM ERA PI IONE. 10 DOUQLAS. An VntarnH bed Shield. Lubln. nt. Ur..thir Bill. 2-raal Lublo. , Tha bnak4 Da Hleuth. Kanay, J-'IJTB JJ1 jvru-Hji. An Aff!r f Honor, Lubln. Ills Vnkt B Oirl. -rwl VlUgrgph. Fweedla-s tan-Up, Kseanay. iTpviAt. 141 FARKAM. The Word a C Hla Paopla. -rel K. 11. Ura, liriv Jo'a iareor, Kom. Com. jolly's Riva V Amorlcan Drama i-Tiut. i Im j .TKR. IuTH AM HAHNKI. j an IJUe a Woman and Klaw Erlan- ger'a soclet r drama, the Charity JtUUL I'rlce alway tha same. V) cents. vaVk " tl N. 16TU STT Iird Cecil JnlVrvanes. Iihin. ... CLnnf Hit H-reel Kltson, Clipper bllin n1 OretvKyed Monstar. PARLOR. Tim kTKH. 1V C0CULA8. Tife In Jollet :PenltonUary. i reels of realism. ' PRINClC.s?. 1S17-11 XX1'ULA HT, v r:f TJf. . I'd Lyons. In tha Hoi 1,w of en Oftk. est. dr. Tha Fvnny Mr. Tlnle, rural rr.rn. Tha miarrei, orama, ' tarth. A 1.11 AM BR A. lSi NO. MTH. Her It Brother. Thanhauser Comedy. T ha l nMmterader. Conerine. J-rel Tbanbsusar Trama. . ALAMO. , MTU AND FVKT. Her Hnunty, Rax. ' Tha Battle. S-rl Hbsrllng comody. .. The Denser 1-ne, i Neeitor. MAHO.Nl THt;,TI14. ill) LA &T i h You tlypey t.lri. Co stal com. Ttia Pipes .f S'1". i-reel Bck. e Old Bell Rlinlnr. Kerior. KKANKi.lN. UTH & KICAMvU-x, The Iievil s Plgnatara. -re-i hwauay. Pu'.ltlca and tlio Press, Vltermplu A Bummer Hesort tdyll, Kdin. jiwi-onHoiifc.. vrn &. cu.Misa All A ount of a Jr;. American Comedy Her Duty. Beauiy Drama. ' i'l.iuai, : r4 1 ITaJ vr.tir Drama. IT. . 1TU as LOCUbT ;earet-Pi'g. No. - '! he Motor Hucragenca, !-re?l Esnar.ay. The Hand Trader. Vitegranh. L0TUR0P THKATL.K. H a. LuTHROP Csrdlnal Richelieu's "Ward. 4-reel, featur- IrK Jumrl I 'rule and Warvaret Moow IajYAI. CALUtttLU Lit tie t'iter. Ri-X dr. t'h PI i.ming M' h, J-reel Rterllng Com, 1 -i .nrm Ulrd. Powers drama. 1'AKK. ( JN. ItTU ii!?,V.n rvthlp.g, z-reel l.dlaon. He Niii1y Von Out. Lubln. ( much. iSn Kkgmeer. k slitm. PA LAC 'l.. S.1WJ DAVL'NPOKT. "'n Hit J-e-iymoon, Universal Ika Com " tie Jctt ( In It, i-r-l hilair. irilHAK. UTH Jl AM Hi AVii .' m I"M I '!-itionor. 3-ree Lstanay. J'ins are l.u ky. l.ubln. Hr 1v.n-y, 1.1'KUfh, laalk. vrODI.O. -sK 1-KAVKNWORTK, J ne OuSng of hlte Kwin. -reel Pllg. A I lornrioa ! or Luck, VitHgranh. I 'or K..(Lire. L.ii.ln. i nyiimr thkatkr 24 & vinton V.) Account ."-iiilili s i-ahy, j-r. K. B. Tr. i Mily sy. locality. 'I ne H-.rse '1 rafter. Itoysl. 1.1. A. lvTH. . LI -M l A. i im. . n , jvo, aj. ... ... I'.uKl t.r, :-re- 'l(Brr.h. .: .i)-f!y and trie Mernmi.le, li.4nai.h. I -A V ' 'KIT I-:, 171 YI.NTi N H.e J(-,rtrd of Thrift, I-reel ll(p 'I l.e I'uS'lr h I'ttll, ' Hi..(j-tr.h i,.Vf, i.. SMI 1 11 U Hi h (X KY wadiilng rina drodessard'a. PIANO TT'NINO, R. BRANDON. Recommended bv Mary Munchhoff, Mills Ryan. Rush, Duffleld. Bella Robin son and IiikIow. W. 4SS2. 4611 N. tsth Ava HA'.m. Laf Pile Cones. Boat remedy for ltchlna. bleeding or Protruding nllaai (0o postpaid; samples frea. 'herman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. T M. C. A. CAMPUON-H P B C I A L R A TK. fH'TORKH 1 to 2. 110. UAYBII ralltlcal. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. am tha republican candidate for re el eft inn to tha office of secretary of state. Registration (ays, October and ?: elec tion. November I. 1914. Addison wait. John H. tlroesftisn. non-partlssn candi date for district Judge. If elected 1 will not be controlled by any political boss. TOIAY'8 COMFMOTB MOVIK ITUKJUASL Eiduaivoly la The n5 Saatk. . Sth sod Lea van worth. Ceaaell Blatfa. KUTE. Ma BR0ADWAT. HearMt-tiallg. Tha Royal Wild West, S-reel Vlts graph. Tha legend or ina Amuiei. him, ROI'KH. ba7 BROADWAY. Acrosa the Court. Joker Comedy, Hid Ragan'a Hands. S-rl Hex. liolly's Deliverance, Fronller! Soutk Osaaata. i'lth t N BTS. The Ixmg Way.' -reel Kdlson. Tha eilavery or Foaiciia; Ksiem. mvk wmr, Bl'SIN KHH MEN 1 OF OMAHA DreasowakiBg. i Terry Drassmak'g eollega. inth Farnam. Mrs. J. M. Todd, 114 N. lMhj stylish fall costumes at introauc.tory prices. D, 147. Kiperlence of all kinde. Mrs, Burt R-4BW. Dea'tste. Ir. Bradbury. No pain. IVW Famam. Ir. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 401 Brandals. Bal'ey, tha Ientic 704 City Nat' I Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. fill Pyorrhea. Dr. riches. 724 City Nat. Bsnk Dnn, DRUUS at cut prices; freight paid en tie orders: catalogues free. hrmagt 4k yeconaeii i'rug i n., unmni, in a. Kverytkla (or W oeaea. Woman's Kxcbanga, a Fa. Blk. R. slit ACCORD! AN, side, knife, sunburst, bos bleating: covered buttons, all alaas ana style; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Fleeting Co., W Douglas biock. u. Kleetrte Sapctltea. LBBROM E!eo. Wke., SI. a 12th. I). T. FarrOcra, BEN FKNSTER, 1419 N. 84lh fit. W-T77T. riortats. A. DONAHUB, 1HJJ Harney. Doug. 1M. BArii a tlorlata, 1SU4 Farnam K. L7"hKNDFR!6n, 1511 Farnam. 1). ls. aiomuar nont xeiegrapn iei. assb. MAGIC, TltER.I 4 flWOPODA. ltui Farnam Ht : Animated Waekly. Padone'e Ward. S-reel Powers 24TH AND O fe-m Hale DrUi. I Uata Ta.1 -.1 S B m wS.lsaJI WtAm T 4kat14J II yt HIVMIinj, r S 7sH(U Msl evr, onrirEUM. Taadavllla. SITU M. 80, OMAHA, Mtexik Hasaedlaa. OMAHA Ramady Co., eoT tt. 13th. Bad. 451 (tpeclal Vesture, haturdsy, October 17. Oat-afTaera. EMPRESS. NEBRASKA CTTT, NKB. TIE8DAY H nimlRAM.. RaJnv. tha Uon Killer. 2-rarl VltarraDh. The Better Man. Lubln. Ltghtleg Flitarva aaJ Wlrtag. THOMAS DURION Elertrlo ftxturee and: supplies, contract log end repair work none reasonable 41 CL..MJIW. IHJUiUIII 1.11. BUSINESS JUC.N Off OMAlL A, B, C of Omaha LL WATCHLS, dlaiuonda and Jew eiery, special prices, oepl. and Oct. Buy now. tl a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Boom Hi, Ksr bach block. A' fc.W and eacvnd-baad eleotrlo faaa motor. lkron i.le.'ti-a Works, inn. logins tu. NtW a and n 111 8. f M AHA PILLOW CO., UK! Cuming Inatlrf es feather matreases and down covers, Doug. tt,t. Monovataa faatnora of all kinds, makes n cover. VACUUM clttanera for sale. Vacuum denning dun in the horn. Banllaxy K.rvl.a Co.. KM lire Blda. Wlor rtot, repair, il naadlea and parte r all aealog machine. NIC- HASli A CYCLE CO.. "Mick- el's," 1.1 h snd Harney. Dougius JsX Aceaaalaaita. M17LVILLK D. THOMAS COMPANY. lW-H city Nat. hinii mug. i ir inn. Adding; Macklaea. Palton Adding MacMnes. 411 8. 1B. t. 144. Adder hU h Ou. (Wales) "W. O. W. D. 35nT Atlrartto, OMAHA fiiiu eg.,' 14th and Doug. Motion picture maor.ln ana film oargaina Aata mad Atagnela Maeitrinsj. Magneto rpslr work a spe:lalty. P. Mil. Artlar Dowd Auotion Co., 11 W. O. W. Red SB. Uarkera. 11 Chair, lOn shave, neck shave. KIT Far. Hlaa Prlatlaat. HORNBY CO.-Hiu printing, under new ownership. Otniha Nat. it, u. Slit. llraii Fveadrlea, i'avton-Mltchett Co., STth and Martha Sta. Maildlaa aad ateiteilrlaa. E. FRA.STA,llPaion Bia. Poug,jri!.7. A. J. Johnaon, carpenter, rep'r'g .D. ( tatrr Well DUataaT NEF.D well or cltrn clearer hi '11 A does It. Phone letal Dealer. J Ki Johnn.n's spaolal; also Victor . Ail. Phone l. M'.- big baakets coal, II. Wagner. Ml N. 14. allfnrala la. W. T t-inlth Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. P. fa. ( klraaraotars. J. C. lawreo.-e, D O 1371 Howard. D .tea. L. Oeddi. D. C. -:A Bee BMg. Dcug. Ci W.K Piintani. D C o Pas. B)k. D M1L Ruth leu ntord, decorating, firing. R M. in nd Oi.t, Sterling comedy, jls l'e yii. linn a, !-rel lift i :. '. i ui 1 UK A -h A t aaliar. 1 ' i.e i'au t N.iJ, Keaiof cow fl i.r hct.t H.ivve. o-rrel itc. " . ' i i'l'l w A a anol'ig. Fronde.". J..).-'.". i.ii l.VTl.'.V .r.t'.in 1 i. 2-re-l B:on. a i: .'l, iir:y. I tvll tlailaetn. M. J. UC1. 611 VVK BI45Q. n. rnk I rrnaa gettaratara. i he brarpies rpr..r e,. l:th Far. Ilrl.clltri. J. 4.11 r. -i ALLAN. HI Nvll!e B k. Fvl o. u sec ured ia all caea. Tir HUi Daat'lag Avadraiiea. Turiiin s Dan. lug Academy. 71 h t Fsra. i A ! t ! ' ! A.aeinv. claaeic. DD7I klawi-. s AvsJswi. uv v.aa- U. Uar. SW1TCHKH from oomhlngs, 160. D-304.1. litre. aa4 Wlauovr saad Cleetaiara. OLD ehada mad like new. Midwest tihsn rartory, uin Hamilton, tiar. 4lua. MesaongTar aasl Traafr. WHITE LINK. VW 8o. 11th. Douglaa 1511 MIHiar.rr. SWITCH KS from combings. tl t9. reyche irea. .-ure. n . m. r-.'. ja n. iin. i. wi, Maalngr, Items aad rieaalag. W. C. KKRRIN. Ifith aad Capitol. Ty. 120. iolita Kyes exarolned, glasses fitted, pay as yen csa. Drs. McCarthy, lilt w.o. w. wmg, MiM. MAQNKT1C Trt., Mrs. Kroot, In city for Short time. ZI75 Cuming Bt. Harney ms. MA(id.( rheu., liver, kidney trouble. D.I II Clara 1. bath and elec. tr'm't, D-761 BATH and null, alcohol rub. lur Wll aun, U.-.J Famam. K. D. 171.1. ANNA MARKS ?.aIS: Ii Farnam Ft.. Apt. I. Id floor, p. L MKCHANO Therapy Jk maseage. Margax- Ite tlallorsn. 31 .Navnie hik. jt-Tibi. Mias 1slir, inaaa., elect, treat'!. Red KM, H AS.SAUS:, 10 rV l.'th t. Mr Bleat. Violet lUy Maas. 43 Bea Bldg. D. till. Mrs. rinyder. lo. trt. 108 tL II h. IX 4JW. 1 AKSikiiV awedleh luoannU 4.4 Ee" B'lJr- Douglaa K. Mack, mesaaae and mauicurlng. D.7A Maveaga. Mise WaTton. K. Xti, NevlUe'llik MaHeaga, Mlu Oibson, R. iS4, Neville Bik. TYPIST, eperience-1 'n meellng business pUh'.IC. 112 He HKlg. iF.ARN hetrdreaslng. Opienhlm Psrlors, ItaaaekeeHera nasi Domestic. WAN'TFD Competent houemsJd; fatnlly of two: references required. Apply 411 . Oth Ave. WANTED A working housekeeper, 4643 ittxiB pt WANTKIi A nurse, maid. Mrs. U HUlcr, l'sj is. tn ii. Marney t,Ki. WANTED A girl for general housework. H0 8. 4th ft. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; S In family. Tel. war, nnta. WANTED A girl for general work. Webster 7!7. r house- BRIGHT, e-perlenwed girl for general housework: two In family; modem home; pleasant room Willi bath; must be good cook. Hsmey ei. COMPETENT maid for general house work, small family, good wages. It. S2.4. 13 8. I2d Av. MKLP WAM1.D mai.r n nut I.R. OF.T g.vertimcrit Jobs, 15 to t.a month; I.OoO sppointments eSTh m. 11 a rnointments eff7 h month. For list of positions obtainrtbio addreaa Y h'ea. AM ATF.CP.B wan'ed st the Alhamlira Theater everr Wednesday nli'ht. First priie, ti: Id prise. 13; Id prtse, I. Tall St theater In evening or 'phone Doug. 6!M. EDUCATION AL EXPMtT lsdr etenosrsphr r will ika pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit-. Ing. spelling, puni tustiort. etc., tauht and compl'te training given, for business ca reer. Private Instruction if desired. 4(1 Jutnilss M. Tel. Walnut "-W. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT IIOMR. Three months, 4 ftfi. THF OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Douglaa 2W. '' Farnam. WANTED SITTATIONS Ytil'Mj ATT' UlN K I'K.SUU P TO CON NECT WITH PROMINENT LAW FIRM. OJ?.IK'T Ml'TUAL ASfilf TANCE AND OFFICE ROOM. ADDRESS D. M9, BEK. WA.NTKI Day work. Douglas WANTED Hltuetlon si nousekeeper. Tel. Webster ff!33 or cell 27i4 (Jrsnt. COMPETENT, energetic man, :. with college education, wajiti connection with adiertiair.g agency, real estste or apec.ial firm: commands Engl.h, German and Scandinavian languagea; experienced; fu ture advsncemeTt Imperative. M 442, Bee. INVEST1UATOR familiar with court work, pereonul Injury esses and domes tic work, desire salaried position. 8 V, Ba. WANTED Position as honee salvsman, bookkeeper or correspondent, with wholesale concern by experienced man, 2D years of age. Address A 4?S, Hoe. YOUNG lady, neat eppearsnce, with sev eral year office experience, desires general offic or clerical position; moder ate salary; good references. Address L 44. Bee. WANTED Work ss chamiytrmald In hotel ' In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone & 3TJi. YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Boyle' college. Tnanimne Imitalas ISiiS. SITUATION wanted as csretaker rooming house. Address A S, Bee. of EXPERIENCED chaurfeur wlahea to drive private car; careful driver; knows city very wall. Address V Ml Bee. WANTED A thoroughly competent x- perienced cook In a family of two peo ple, wsges 9 per week; po washing. Ap ply at once to Mr. Hall. Union Outfitting Co., 14th and Jackson streets. WANTED girl to take care of baby dur ing arternoon. Harney Wk.7. WOMAN to care for a psraiyred lady; must be, good, plain rook and experi enced In care of the sick; family of two. r-none namey litis or call at 3720 Lin coln Blvd. WHITE girl for general housework; small family; no washing; only competent girl with good reference tte4 .nnlv l J. K. Morrison. Phone Harney J!74. WANTED Woman cook, also woman to oo general kitcnen work; good wsges. Write Mrs, F. F,, Ruff. Hsrtlngton. Neb. WANTED Cook, amall family, g-Jd wagee. Apply with references, Mrs. Ray Nye. North Nye Avenue. Fremont. Neb. W.A.NTKX'A irI for Beneral houatwork; In family. H. 4JH7. 411 a 40th. WANTED An experienced girl or woman for general housework to- go to Council Bluffs. No washing: no Ironing. Oood wages. Family of three. Apply 113 N. nth. II. 4U mm nenant Ulrl Problam Solved. The frS?"1 run Servant O.'H Wanted Ad FREE until vou let the AmrA This applies to residents of Omaha kminl .onan ana council Miurig. Kring ad to ii"i rt oince or eipnone Tyler lw). wora; two In family. or gene Call W ainut 'M2H. WANTED Oirl for general housework. COMPETENT girl for general housework; itttiimTt. . iwi tvm ?to. fit,. WA NTED Cooking Qosltion by colored person; osy worn prererrea, , wen. 737 BUNDLE washing and Ironing. H. M.i lOLNG lady wishes a povitlon as a nurs maid or light housework. H. 774. PRACTICAL nursa, sanitarium trained, wishes rare of invalid or elderly lady. Address 404 Burch Pt.. Atlantic, Ia. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position as housekeeper; no objection to chfld ren. Telephone Webster 3118. YOUNG lady with two years' experience aa stenographer wants position; can furnish good references as to chnraclcr and ability. Address J care Bee. CARPENTER, first-class workman, wants work; 7nr per hour, or small contract. 'ail walnut l'.. YOUNG lady with two years' experience as atenographer wants position; ran furnish good references is to character and ability. Addres J vn, care Bee. IlESPECTA BIjE. refined elderly ladv de sires position as companion for elderly married couplo. Employed more or less tnrougn tne day, but can assist some with me nome work. Addross C en, Bee. AUTOMOBILES. Qreenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 3030 Far. Llndhorg Hroa.. 2572 Leav. (Flying MerkleV. WANT an automobile. Will trade car cabbage for auto. A chance to turn your auto in cash. State make, modol condition and price... W. D. Ljsko, Villi.;, . - v 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re psir. Coil repsr'g. O. Baysdorfer, 210 N. IS FOR 8ALK Farsltarr. New A 1 hand lrnltlre. rssh or terms; reaaoranV. Amor. Furn. Co.. ns N. Iiith. 8 KVKRA f van loads of furniture and some pisnos. Omaha Van and Storage Co... mth ft. SWArrEH'S COLUMN tUM K-A fine French artietlo, valuable) clock (new) to swap for anything of Talue from rhirkene, apples, potatoes, and will give a vnod fair deal; have two clocks. E, C. IMJ, Pee. 1 D LP K 1 7 x c h a n Vor aoM larae roller-ton ofiica desk and chair, for large oak flat top desk. Address 8. 4 145, Bea. DIAMOND-Have solitaire ollamond ring worth $XV Will exrhaDge for lumber and' shingles and lath. Addreaa 8, O. 1S40, Bee. Me'iim rlre bse bumea. .cheap. Fo. 17.'. ART Garlnnd baaatfiirner. 110. AV. 7iT7a. M a steal laitraeaeata. PI.VNO player: a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. WHi'.MAN upright piano for rale; good condition. So7 47herlee. Webster 111. Trivrltere. RENT P.emirgione. Wwnarchi and fm!th Premier! of their miken. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas Lk4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma cliines sent out Rates, three months for 16 for undent roll machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Central T-ewrlte- Exchange. M7 R 17th. All makci tyoewritere rented, aold, terms Butt Typ-wrlter. ifca Parnarn. D. snjl. Tdlsoellaaewaa. Baicerr and furnace wood. Tat. Flor. 41)1. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. X-hand men. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 ft Paul 1x7 GRAF LEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold ers. The outfit in good condition and a big bargain for the lot at $110. Address A W). Bee. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling eiieys ana accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; eafy payments. Tha Brunswick Balke-Collen W Co. 407-4W 8. 10th St. n 00 BuT hest coal for the money ; try P"-W ,t nbi m Harmon ft Weeth. FOR SALE Crochet bedepresd, cheap. Mrs. H. M. Abbott, fiparte. Mo. ONE Black Diamond oven. No. 7, In good repair, and other fixtures for sale chesD: must sell at once. T. E. Martlndale, Cla- rinua. j a. . Dl'E BILL Have a !' due bill good as Cash, first payment on any piano; will sell for nn) tiling the value of 115. -.Address 3. C. 1o"9. FURMTURB for a i-roora hotel near Omaha,, t.ena. Low rata rent od the building. What hava you to efferl Andres H. " 1?"- "re Bea FoR SALE Good mortgage, or will exchange for auto, Fora preferred. P . Bre. fT'RnTtURE, ETC. Good lawn mower. iA feet red rubber hose that cost $1 ana good as new, mission plate rack, eto., to trade. W hat have you 7 Addreaa 8. C. 1613, tiee. GAfl PLATE 3-hole equipped, for a amall kitchen cabinet or washing ma chine. Address's. C. 1MT, Bee. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOrv-Traveler"; i set, complete with soap, brush and blades, all In fine leather case. Cost ts.M and will swap for small kodak or any thing. Address 8. C. 1M1, Bee, 1x7 GRAFLEX newspsper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case tot camera and ciirytng case for plate hold' em. The outfit In good condition and big bargain for the lot t IU0. Address S. ( 1511. . HEATER Small hot water heater, suit able for a small house, garage or chicken house, simple and of cast Iron, complete and in perfect condition. 8. C 1547, Bee. . KITTENS Reautlrul"whlte angora cat or kitten, thoroughbreds, for old fashioned walnut, mahogany or other furniture Add ss8:iJs6;Jf4es. KODAK A new Aneco folding kodak. HSX414, leather tourist catf for same and portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot watef attachment, or good bicycle. Address 8. C. inn. MERCHANDISE 8TOCK INVOICES $2,275. consisting of shoes, dry goods, furnishings, notions, tobacco and candy; rent. $15 per month; In Omaha; cash busi ness: exchange for Omaha residence or vacant property. Addreaa Owner, ti. C. 1510, Bee. UVE STOCK- FUR SALE. Ilaraee and Vehlclca. A-ARGE.iT stock of delivery wagons In tbe city; ul kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Jehnacn-DanforUi Co.. new location. 15JS-SK7 N. lath 8L TEAM of mares weighing 7,400, 17a. Big team of work horses, $75. 35th and county line, 8o. Oman a. Tel. So. J4n29. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up tha office of the Omaha, ft Council bluffs Street Railwsy company to ascertain whether they left ft In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rlghtf u qwner. Call Douglas 40 HORSEPOWER i-passenger 113 Au burn car. electric lighted and In good condition, for sale cheap for cash. Or will acept a clear house and lot. No mortgaged property considered. Cost new anoui tl, vib. il-e44. Bee. OIRL to do housework. 2502 Franklin Bt. tf taeellaueaaa. TOTJNO women coming to Omaha ai Strangers are Invited to visit tha Youna Women s Christian Association building at bi. Mary s Ave. and hi., where they will be directed to sultakle boirdlna place or otherwise assisted. Look fur our travelers- guine at i rmt station. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships. Big pay. Omaha exomtnatlona soon. Bampla questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. .!3, Rochester. N. T. YOUNG Protestant woman, who can travel and interview the business public; nevar required to work alone; always In company with an Influential local woman. Baiary 110 per week and expenses. Early advancement to $23. References glvea and required. Address, B (52, Bee. HELP WANTEDMALE. Ckertoel i4 Olno. HIGH-flRADE commercUl positions. WESTERN REK. ft BOND A&ijN. 7M Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. IF YOU are looking for a high-grade position, save time and worry by calling on watts tier. Co., MO-43 Brandels Thea SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE IIOLE3. We find a position thst fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.- 1015-1 City Nat. Bank Bldg. A seats, aalesnaeai aad gollclton. Good proposition for insur ance men of character and ability. Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health & 'Ac cident Association. . 423 City Nat 'i Bank Bldg. , Omaha, Neb. IhAVtUNii aaleeroen calling on hard ware. Implement- lumber and wlra fenoe trade, every atate, take orders for taat sailing specialty. iilg commissions, weekly 'settlements, pocket sample. The Toledo Cahle CO.. Toledo, O. . CALKS. MAN for city, exoeptlonai odpoiv Uateuaathle Pkyatrlaaa. Dr. Beruiha, I0M McCague Bldg. D, ktH Pat caia. H. A. fiturgea OS Brandels Theater Bldg D. O. Baraell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Bed Till. pateat Ie leptneal. AMERICAN Machine Co.. HO Hth St . cJ.. qu Friattast. WATEHS-BAP,NHART Pt- Co.. auality printing. Tel, Ioug. 21 X 624 8. ljlh nt. D0UOLA8 1'rintlug Co. Tel. Doug. 4 CV'REt A M KH.Nif.lE PlHl. Co. D, sb44. P1K-HALL l""tg. Co.. lnrtiCaplbtV liuJ. c en r iti lpiT i nt in a co. boua ruT Palatine aad Pa atari a . HI'llH M MANl'8. 41T N. Vh h. r Heaavateal. H.''UK!i flowara made over, cleaned A ded. riertha Krvger, 4-1 Pa tan. D. .r. Haaoki kit.railMt. M. P. H. Loach Fowdor at your druggist. Faetary Traaeal. Drug store snspg; Jooa Knelst. Bee Bldg WANTED Men to learn tha harhu lr.,1. Tha world needs mora barber thaa any other tra-Wu.iu Ya liava origlnatea a Plan to teach it quickly and earn some money. Tools Included. Board if de aired. Open to everyone. Distant annit. eanta write. City applicants call. Moler raioer . Onega, no o. itn bt. . MlaoelUaeetna. LEARN Tartaric Mirror SilveringIt pava long closely guarded secret of nig lactones, raiticurnrs free. Wm. Bar a'.ow. Ill tsg -t . Oakland, Cat. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile buainees; lha demand is rreat for our enrfo.t...- wa hava trained hundreds of men; let us X" i it irea Dookieu Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, I4 N. 20th' Ft.. Omaha. Neh. ate .4 Tlial .IMW Blisarl. i Otened, rt.auwd. comb. avaa- port. u Dodga. D. XsM. A H I" l ci.oigi. F. E. Dae-a- a -a. tKM Iteaalrtag. Elactrla riioe P.ep. Co.. 1V'7 Ft, Mary's Av. Ilaai aad akaw rds. AT CUT PRICES, E hi. CUHa A boS. 113 t. liilti. Boom 14. SIGNS kioi-a aad Ulfioa 1st area. Ikt-HS. safes, scales, showoaaeg, ihelv Ing, etc. IV buy, aell. (jnii.'it Flxuir uj eu p'y Co., 414-M-ls 8. D. tieel (vlltaga. CARTER fci.eet Metal Works. 110 8. ieta. 1sd Saoaltea. OMAJIA lotfi eiupply. 7 S. Din. D. 13. TraaM 4 at.llcet. FKE. INU A- HTKIM.2S. ItJ Famam St. vMmX0. U4Mi,m'Jf J0 IS. l.l U' WOULD you hava to phone for help !f your i uon syatem on your car went wrong out in me cojutryr ieara how to rar rcr your own car at THE NEBRASKA AUT0M0- BILB SCHOOL, K1eH7 Dodgt. WrU for ct.l4loffu . U00D MEN WANTED row, to tak Our auto work until com petent ; thva go right into the auto busi ness from her. .Big aaw building; ma chine hop, lathe work, welding, starting sysiema. Write for it of opealnga. Fre AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, Farnam Ft., Omaha. MKN to leara the barber trade; tuition I jo, aet ot tools given; paid. Irl- t iiv t onese. in n iiii ivtuf-Ms his. MEN with pat.riiKi.le Wu w ma ltao- ooiin at t o.. vnaanntgtow. t. c. t a. i i.t i.kjwri. n.f.t pickle atMl con diment man. Tha W icbua Vinegar and Bottjiag Co.. YMchtia, Kan. HtGH-POWKR touring car; e-cyl.; In ex cellent condition: for sale bv owner cheap; a splendid bargain. Call Tylsr loro ena ssk for 7arly. IndustHal Oarage Co.. 20th A Harney ftte. TRY PELTON'S OARAC1H for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. "205 Farnam. Motorcycles. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines. "Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 1703 Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargaina In used- machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., Kith and Chicago. D. S72S. BUSINESS CHANCES. CONCESSIONS Bids will be received for conceaaiona at the elevator conductors' m&aquerada ball given Thanksalvina eve.. at Omaha Auditorium. For further par- uc.uia.ia. aonress or see. C. J., FITZPATRICK. Treasurer, Board of Trade Bldg. FOR 8ALE Haitaurant, fully equipped. iwn anu corny bt. ioiig. 17. GROCERY STORE for Bale, only ex clusive ona in live town of 1.100. located In weatern Iowa. Diting good" buainesa. Will pay tn Investigate. Good reason for selling. Address Y-234. rare Ree. LOKT Brintlla bulldog. answering to name Mat. wearing green sweater, tag No. 2224: suitable reward; notify inimedl atelr. Harney 7022 or W. 2430, LOST lady's gold watch and pin. Initial J on pin. Between Walnut exchange and car line ahrut 6:15 p. m. Sunday. Re-wJ-d. Cnll Webater 252. Lost Class pin. O. H. 8., '10. Harney Jl7 MEDICAL. Piles, Fistulia Gured Dr. E. H. Tarry cures piles, fistula anil other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials- DR. - B. It. TARRY, 140 Bee. . , MONET TO LOAN NEED MONEY? lie ua - Quick aervtoa. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 301 Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411. a $400 note and mortgage, 1 per cent, due Jan. 1, W. exchange - for good Ford or other light auto. Address 3. C 165s, Bee. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand office) furniture; must he cheap for cash. Address 8. ti 1240, Bee. PHONOGRAPH, ETC. A small phono graph and ten records for sale or trade. What will you give me In exchange for themT Address 8. C. 15116. Bee. PIANOS Several new standard piano and piano , players In -storage uncalled for; will consider clear cheap lots; also horses and vehicles as part payments; balance $5 to $10 per month. Addresa 8. C. 151. - : PAINT OR PAINTING Want to ex change paint or painting to roan for driving and putting dowawwell; paint is i Sherwln 4 Williams brand; easy well to put In. Address 8. C. 1652. Bee. PIANO Dandy new piano; will exchange for house; want to take it down to get the lumber. Address 8. C. 1561. Bee. PAINTING AND , PAPER-HANGING Will take anything I can use; low esti mate; good work done; a good heater wanted. Address B. C. In3. Bee. PERSONAL Want to awap personal property for a small runabout or a motorcycle la good running order. 6. C. 17.43. Bee. - , . 6-PA8SEKNGER BUICK 1910 model; will trade for cheap lot, or what have you? S. C. 1554. ' . RANGE One slx-hola range, with hot water front: one large heating stove; I show cases, i computing scales, delivery , wagon and horse, 2 cash registers. Will trade altogether or separate. Address S. C. 1C08, Bee. - J ROADSTER Cost 1,00 new, in .very good condition, to trade for lot, or what have you? Addresa 8. C. 1538. Bea. ROOMING HOUSE I want to awap for . a first-class, litgh-gTada rooming bouse with unquestionable reputation and have ' something to offer with true value back of it which you will appreciate without question. Please state what you have in first letter. S. C. 1549, Bee. PERSONAL. .. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga r.ines. We collect.. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 snd our wagon will oerTK, Call and inspect our new home, UlO-lllMlli Dodge Bt. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALEd COMPANY" ' 411 Bee Bldg Phone Red 3264. SIGNS, ahow cards. Clark A Son. D. 17. STOCK of goons and fixture! for sale r trade. A snap. Address box 953. Silver City, la. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write KenneoacR Co.. Omaha. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theeter Exchange Co., 140Farnam St imugia iwf. TO GET in or out of business, call on OANGESTAD. 404 Bea Bldg. P. 1477. WANTE1 An idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they mav bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions' and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Mnnev." Randolph ft Co., Patent Attorneys, Waah- Ington C. Hwaotiaai Hetaaaa far gala. TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houses quickly sea ua. sui IKUAi us. aT WITH U8. Quick Sales Co., 4)1 Bee Bldg. ' Phone Bed 14. fr-ROOM mod. flat; steady roomers; ex cellent rurnuure; cneap tor casn. al So. 1Mb. D. 7. EDUCATIONAL 1UU FALL TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN la both the day and night sessions. Yet It la not too late to enter. Begin at one to get that mental discipline that will double your earning rapacity. CalL writ. or telephone tor new catalogue.' Bualnea practice, pooaaeeptng. itanmaivmp. tales Dianehtp, banking, ateaograpOy, atiuo typy, ty pew rltiii, telegraphy, acccunilug, fiilug, private secretarial woik and ruauy other courses ara open to you here. You may work for board while attending, Do-jlas 15V . BOYLES COLLEGE, H. H. BOYLES, PRES.. Boyiea Butieing, Omaha. ' YOUNG women coming to- Omaha as 4 1 rangers are Invited to visit the Young Women'a Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will ba directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Iok for our trav elers' aid at tha Union Station. rOULTRx AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make tha best and cheapest lining for poultry house They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof Tfie a bUDdred at The Raa office Mixed rrein. II. Ml per 100. Wagner. 901 N. 1. FOR FALE Rabbita and pigeona. W. 714. I WANTEU TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold, ' J. C. Reed. 1ST Farnam. Doug. 4M44, WE BUT Id-hand clothes . 1421 N. I4thi WE buy. sell. exch. clothing. Jewelry, etc Suitcases tl -up. Friedman J4th ft Dodge. HONEY Any quantity, good quality, ' Give description and prlcel A. I. Root Co., 1 W. 7th St.. Pes Moines, la. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WES1 6HIP live atook to bouth Omaha, 8ai mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt avnl careful alien, tion 1.1 va Stock; taataalaslaa, Merokaata. MARTIN BROS, ft CO. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO Beautiful six -passenger Whita Steamer, perfect condition, to awap for runabout; must nave smaller car for ruy business. Address 8. C. 1511, Bee.. A17TO-A good Sw-H. P. Mitchell, (-passenger car; can be used for delivery, roadster or pleasure; the back seats fold down, making a smooth hood. Will trade for diamonds, lots or will make you cash price you cannot afford to miss. Addreaa 8. C. loSS. Bee. HELP WANTED MALI! AD rtlkALt. THOCSAN lS govttra.nerit .Jolt opea to ini end women; 1 . t' 4 moath. Write for llat. Franklin. Institute. DrvL W-', thtkr, . t. FOK BALE at a discount, a full uoilrrt lied echoiarship In Boyiea Bualoaaa c oi ks. Omaha; gitod for lthr shorlhaad or buaineas courava Appiy al tka oifics st Omaha Baa. MOSllEB-LAilPMAN COLLEGE -PALL XEKM IS NOW CPEN Muffents ad3utted any day. Unsur- sd vlaawee iu all buaineas and Enr in branciiea. Wiortnand. svanotvov. telegraphy and type, nt lug, Uraduatea gustrar.led good positions. Plnces pro ioed for young people to work for board. For n 'ree cr.taJogue ad.lreas HOSUElt-LAMPMAN' , COLLEGE ITI rtmin St.. Omaha. Douglas . Th9 .Van Santt School Stenography Pay school, (:0t to 4:0ft. N'Lbt at.bool. :H to k.U. Ulh aoi ramaiu bla, Douglas 447. AUTO Want to swap ror a late rfte fullv eaulppad touring car. lnr on brick buainesa pi opart y. well rented 1 eouth Omaha, on principal buslneaa bu. teth and A Q streets. 8. C 134. Baa. AlTTV Four-passcnger Auto to trade to contractor for a aa raise; auto in good repair. Addresa K. c. Bee. - AUTOMOBILES Fur otner auioaiotiiu bargaina see tna Auwiuuour (.laaait. ration. AUTOMOBILE To Conlractora or Car penters: me ot the latest Mauley Steamer runabout autos out. in running order, very i lawny and artistic, steel spoke wheeU, wiit swap for material and work on houae end give you the beat of It. 8. t?. 143, Bee. SIGNS, showeerds. Clark ft Bon- D. 1I7. SPOONS Soma - three dosen of silver soda or loe cream spoons, fine and ot the beet; also silver soda glass holders, to awap for anything; I "can use, eat, drink or wear. 8. C. 1546. Bee. TYPEWRITER L C. Smith No. 6, used three -months; will sell at a bargain. Address 8. C. 153 Bee. TRUCK I have an International Har vester truck I will trade for a Ford passenger automobile. Douglaa 1334. WATCH, ETC. 1 good 17-Jewel silver case watch. What have you, musical or auto matic revolver, to awap? 1 pair U-ln. re volving celling fana. good as new. what hava you to swap. Address 8. C lodd. Bee. FOR RENT Apart meats aad Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed overy vacant house and apartment in tha city. Phone us for further Information. Doi)glas 2E8. Fidelity Storage and Van Co. Gordon Van Co. 319 N. 11th St. Phone P 194 or Web. 1S83. ST. -GEORGE apartments: One five-room ' suite, heat, water. Janitor service lo-.n; cited in select West Farnam residence section, lit N. 81st Ave. 'Phone Web.lS74. 3-HOOM furnished Hat, $18. 2422 Leaven worth St, J. I. KEMP. " " s' 261J Leavenworth Ht. Dong W7. HUDSON. e-ROOM, 207 8. 3STH AVE. Close In, walking distance, NEW. built in buffet, panel walls in dining room; half block to Farnam car. Pee this today. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. CHICAGO 201S. ' . - Nice l-room and bath apartment la welP ' heated house. Douglaa b'UH. ROOMd, THE DOUGIJtS. $11 SOUTH KTH AVE. Has sunparlur, close in. walking dls tanoe. NEvX', verv choice. HASTINGS ft HEY DE N. 1814 Harney Ft. I-ROOM FLATT ' -2510 California, strictly modern, prac tically NEW; hot water heat; close to St. John's churjli; good location; on Har ney car line; $W. HASTINUS & HEYDEN, 114 Harney. . BT. CLARE APARTMENTS, Sd and Harney ts., S loom apartments. Call H. 647 or D. 57.06. . AUTOMOBILE VI eat to swap a dandy late date Stanley steamer runabout. In perfect condition, for cement blocks, ma terial sad contract work oa my houae, and wlW give- someoae a ana p. 8. C. 144. Bee. BOARD FENCE 150 feat good board fnce. feet high, with oak posts every t feet. What have you? Address 8. C. 1541. Bee. " CAN D I MAKE K.-T OUTFIT complete, all new, furnace, kettles, rollers, gum ma chine. kis, cough drop brass rollers, caramel cutter, not Junk, to swap. S..C. Ub Bee. C. J. CANAN, Keai fista'ae'ia Excnanjcee CTHALMEKS auto for aal or traJe for litt or equity in ruie and lot. What have you? tv O. . Be. CAP-PENTKR WORK Will take furni ture, heater, hi. k.en or enything of value la exchange. Adirs 8. C. loll. Bee. CHOICE HEATED APARTMENT WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, m SOUTH 33D ST. - A brand new -room heated apartment, living room finished in quarter-sawed cak, large fireplace, bed rooms, bath and aun room finished in , white enamel; .large yard, privala porch, heat, hot and cold water and Janitor, service furnished. Oucu today for inspection. I .1 I ltd cc oiwiicn v w , 16 Omuha Nat Hank Bldg. t-ROOM brick flat, corner 8lh and Wil liam Sts.; most desirable in Forest H1U Park. Doutrlas 2i. - VkRY choice or 6-rooin ateam-healed apartments on West Famsm St JOHN W. BOBBINS, lid Farnam 6L OGDEN ANNKX Rociiis with kitchen ettes. Council Bluffs. FIVE-BOOM famonuble anartment; no objection to chii.iren. cl feherman Ave. ST. CLAKE APARTMENTS. 23d and Harney Sts., room aparunenta, Call H. 647 or D. . t-BOOM modern flat llTt So. 11th. , FOU1VKOOM inodt-rn apartments, dose In; low rent. G. P. Stebbins. Steam hid flata. 16th aT'w'eb. Tylr 1X'3. Iwi4 aad Hoaama. BOATtD and room for two, $4. w. VS. THE (iravmere. laige front room, nia , bogany furnished. prHate bath, lava ton". btard. Tel.- II. 7010. BOARD and room In private family lor two gebUemea. Call tiaraey Mi.