TUB OMAHA SUNDAY -It HE: OCTOUKU 8, 1914. 7 A GERMAN VICTORIES' EFFECT Cablet and Sight Draft on London Biie. MORE DEALINGS EI LLBES NOW 9taaraatloa la Kqnlatnrat Markets Coincided with Dispatches Tell ing ef Lwnt rrlee for F1T Iroa Year. NEW TORK. Oct. 16. Despite th mort favorable aspects presented bv th demo rratio monetary situation foreign es chanira continue to worK against this country. Cables and sljjht drafts on Lon don today rose to . and 48. re spectively, those figures representing the highest quotations of the month. Vari ous explanation were advanced, one be ln the continued victories of the Ger man force. As a matter of fact, today's Inquiry for exchange was again largely due to the urgent necessity of mwtlnf maturing three-month loans contracted In london by local Interests within a fortnight of the outbreak of the war and for which foreign tender show Uttla inclination to grant renewals. There la alo reason to believe that a formidable short interest in exchange has existed since the early part of the month. Today's business Included more deal ings in lire, representing exchange on Home. Prospects of another favorable bunk statement, with the cash gain estl tnsted at $9,000,000 to 112.000.000, and the likelihood of another reduction of the ex isting deficit contributed to greater ease In rates for time and call loans, but quotations were unchanged. A few re newels of thirty-day loan were made at 8s par rent and call money waa more freely offered. Dealings In listed stocks, wherein the stock exchange, allow no price condi tions, were smaller, but In the unofficial rrarket some of theno same securities were offered at further declines from July 80 figures. The new city notes were fairly active at prices slightly below their next quotations. Ktagnatlon in the equipment market coincided with dispatches from iron cen ters, which reported the lowest prices for pig iron In years and Included reports of continued curtailment at some of the largest plants In the Pittsburgh district Weekly bank clearings made an indif ferent exhibit, this center again showing the largest contraction. Preliminary figures of the country' foreign trade for September disclose large declines in imports and exports, the latter item decreasing ty more man v.wv.w. BRIEF CITY NEWS J0IITS BURGESS-NASH FORCES AS PAINTING INSTRUCTOR, , v '. . - ... . . . N , V. j. .t v -. Ik "f - its MIS8 MARTHA R. EM10. Mis Martha R. Emir of Council Bluff ha Joined the RuYgese-Naah company and beginning Wednesday will . teacn china painting on the fourth floor.. Miss Emlg is very competent in her line, hav ing studied in Chicago under Trot. Von Beltlar for some time and then opening a studio for herself In Omaha, giving that up to take charge of the decorating; de partment of the Omaha Crockery com pany. Miss Emlg ha been very success ful in her every undertaking and has won many first prises on her china. water color and oil paintings, all of which will be on display on the fourth floor. University of Omaha Shows a Big Gain I'ata recently gathered by mcm'Trs of the I'ntverelty of Omaha faculty show that It Is the fastest growing university In Nelrak. Plx year atto the Vnlvemlty of Omaha HHed with an enrollment of twentr-! atudeni. In the following year, ISIO, the attendance increnscd to sixty-two. At the present tlms the at tendance, counting the law department, ha reached iW. An Increase of ro ve than per cent was shown In thl sea son's registration, the school making the Inrgrst proportionate gain since It r pencil. WILL OF GEORGt P LAM BECK M.DR, which, with the farms, are de-. hn been prepared and or-i to by elarcd to comprise their share of tti IS FILED FOR PROBATE i estate. The residue, said o amount to rt Pee Want Ads Are the llest Pusinee rooters. Instead of leaving nia'iy acre of ahniMe farm Intnl. tf be divided ninotu: hi belie nfler his death, the Into Uenrse I lambeck, who na a retired furmer of Mlllnril, gave a fine rpnuter section farm to iaeh of Ms four son several year befote hi death. The f.n t I rot Ited in riambeik wl;l. Juki filed for prolate. I lie provides legacies ot $0 carh for the considerable sum, I bequeathed to ti: I married du'iithtrr. who previously had teeelvrd nothing from the fatner. i COMPLAINT OF MURDER IS FILED AGAINST WOMAN A complaint charging Mrs. Knuna llli ken with murder in the first degree t'minty Attorney Manner. Mrs. Hleken I now held under guard at the Presby terian hospital Mr the killing of Bruno Hansen several weeks ago The prose cutor has agreed to release her under ,"i,o! bond, and arrangements are now bring niaile to furnish ball In that sum, so she may soon b at liberty until her trial. Pee Want Ads Are th Best Business Poosters. " " 1 - I nil III liiMlfn I ill tmmm mm mm immi !! 111 " t-i- -ni.. -t ,,! ,',mi to l inn ie w. nJti iiiJ 1 m!sAUsmia Tom Quinlan Honor Guest at Banquet Given by Associates 'A fclAPr.lOTH PURCHASE OF SEVERAL LARGE STOCKS OF HOnEFURFJISHIF,SGS AT UNUSUAL PRICE CONCESSIONS ENABLES US TO OFFER YOU SOME WONDERFULLY RARE BARGAIN VALUES IN g FINE FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES, CARPETS, ETC., AT THE LOWEST RETAIL PRICE3 OMAHA HAS EVER SEEN. The so Sale Stocks large as they are will not last lonjr. There fore we earnestly urge you to come early and make your selections. You will find the prices lower than any you have ever heard of be fore considering the high quality of the merchandise offered. SPECIAL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENT TERMS Our onnrmonsp rnritil and buvini? nowcr have made this tre mendous purchase possible. "NVe place the result at your disposal and we ask you to call and prove it to yourself that we can save vou considerable money on anything you need. EXTENDED ON PURCHASES IF DESIRED. at for W. O. Crosby tot Coroner. Lighting Fixtures, Burgrss-Oranden Co. ruellty Storage and Tan Co. Sour. Bar Koot Frlat It Now Deacon Press. Dworak accountant and auditor. D. 740S. ot for Thoma W. Blaekburm for congress. Advertisement Beautiful All Modern Some Tor Sal on the eay payment Plan. BanKer Realty Investment Co. Phono Doug. 1928. "Today' Complete Movie Program" ctaaalfied section tooay, and appear In The Be EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what the rarloua moving picture theater offer Chambers' Dnucing- Aoadomj Tht homo of modern and classic dances, in structor of teachers wno are successful both In Omaha and other cities. Tele phone Doug. 1871. School to depend upon Boos Bobber Vailed On hundred and fifty people at Twenty-fifth an 4 Clark street apprehended a negro roost robber who wa found with four straagled hen in a gunny ack. The cltisens had pursued the colored man everal block before tbey finally caught him. Burflara leak Two Saul Burglar mad two good hauls Friday night in th north part of th city. Th home of Bam jhardingholm. 81S North Twenty seventh avenue wa robbed of clothing, money and Jewelry,, and J. Margolin, 1618 Burt atreet, waa also victimised In a Sim liar way for about 60 worth of property. Ooe to Bar Bale of Cotton A. L. Gladwin, assistant ticket agent of the Rock Island, will leave Sunday evening for New Orleans to spend a two week' vacation. It la hi Intention to buy a bale of cotton while in New Orlean and end it to Omaha, where it will be dis played in the company' city ticket office. Join Commercial Club George 8. fnell, C. L. Bowling, F. M. Zorbaugh, and J. R. Rice were elected to member ship In th Commercial club during the week. Rev. r. D, Tyner wa elected to honorary membership. Timothy Collin Will riled The will of the late Timothy Collins ot Omaha, Jut filed for probat. provide that his children (hall share equally In the estate, which ia estimated to be worth 24,0OO. Fnra Food Company Incorporate The Low Pure Food company has filed It articles of lncorpratlon with - the county clerk. A capital stock of $2R,0uO is authorised. Harry W. Lowe, Matthew J. Greevy and Franklin A. Shotwell are named as Incorporators. SlToro y Befanlt Mr. Tillle Futoranbky has bean granted a decree of divorce in district court, with restora tion of her maiden name of Stletlcr. Tho husband, Barney Futoransky, failed to appear nd defend the action, which went by default. To Be Paid Twloe a Month Naval of ficial will now be able to eat with more regularity by reason of the new dis pensation of alary, which go into ef fect thl month. Pay will now b dis tributed semi-monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month. Heretofore the men have been paid every thirty day. gpauldl&g Man Enlists Arthur Em mett Burchlll of Spauldlng. Neb., en listed at the naval recruiting station as apprentice seaman Saturday morning. Ha will be sent at once to Great Lake, 111., to entr th service Babbl Wto Cannot Cum Rabbi Stephen Wise of th Free synagogue of New Tork City, who cam to Omaha to address th Palimpsest club last spring, ha wired suffrage headquarter that he would be unable to come to Nebraska to help In the campaign because of th pres sure of other engagement. Morretr to Talk on War Attorney H. W. Morrow will speak before the Omaha Philosophical society this afternoon at t o'clock in the society hall. Nineteenth and Famam streets, his subject being "The Whys and Wherefore of the Pres ent European War." After the principal address a general discussion will be had. Ml Solomon Improve Ml Hazel Bolomon is gradually improving from the lniurv which she received while on a concert tour in Texas. She fell from an upper berth of a sleeping can Thomas F. Quinlan, general manager of Hayden Bros.' stores, who has re signed to go with th Brandels stores and other Brandels Interests November 1, was given a hearty send-off and farewell din ner last night at the Honahaw hotel by the heads of department at Hayden Hros. While they regretted seeing htm leave the'organlaetlon In which they bad been together so long, they assured him In their well-wishes last evening that they were for him, and congratulated him upon having larger opportunities opened to him. A handsome diamond-studded watch fob wa presented to Mr. Quinlan by the department managers after the dinner. C. L. Vance, advertising manager for the Hayden store, made the presentation speech. Ed Malone, office manager, was toastmaater, and Tom Crawford, man ager of Hayden Bros.' furniture depart ment and for over twenty years with the tore, was chairman ot th committee in charge of the affair. All of the managers made brief talks appropriate to th situation and expres sive of the high regard in which they hold Mr. Quinlan. In addition to the honor guest and Messrs. Vance, Malone and Crawford, the following department head wer present: Dennis Burn Mas Lowenmeyer Charles Sherman James K. Moor George Lind A. t.. Warner Kerhy Atkinson Al King W. J. Eden 8 R. Bandberg -Clay pulver W. A. Yechant Tom Cannon Michael Reagan Oscar Larson Pat Johnson ran Hurley William Nash John Fife A beautiful gold watch has been pre sented to Mr. Quintan by James Hayden. The young women of the ulano depart ment presented Mr. Quinlan with a pair of diamond cuff buttons and one of the other department gave him a diamond Merriam Sends His Letter of Protest to President Yost An open letter has been addressed by Nathan Merriam to President Yost of the Omaha Commercial club protesting vig orously agalnut the action of the public affairs committee refusing a hearing to the legislative nominee on th progres sive ticket, the same as the nominees on other party ticket. Tho gist of the com plaint I In thl paragraph: "Such a high-handed, biased and Ill advised action on the part of the Com mercial club of Omaha ea this refusal to give a hearing to the progressive party legislative candidate lend color and support to the widespread suspicion that the Commercial club Is controlled by an inner coterie of llk-stocklngd gentry, who are contemptuous of the need and idea of th ordinary cltiien." Central Labor Union Does Not Endorse Member of the Central Labor unioa last night were urged by W. F. Baxter ot the citizens' committee to support that organisation's candidates for the Board of Education, lie made an extendej talk and closed by answering questions. No action waa taken toward endorsement of th ticket or any ot the school board ' candidate by the union. John Larson, member of the South Omaha Carpenters' union and republican candidate for state representative, was endorsed for that office. HI FELL OUT BY HUFULS Also Had Itching Burning Scalp, Hair Thin, Dry and Lifeless. Could NotSIeeponXccountof Itching. Cu ticura Soap and Ointment Healed. Kalkaska, Mich. "My hatr began tailing out about Ave year ago and I Itching d burning of th aralp. My hair fell out by handful and It was thin, dry and lifeless. I could not sleep well on account of th Itching- My hair became so thin I commenced using 'rate and switches until I ' had lost so much hair there I wa not enough remaining to cover the 'rats.' "1 used . also quantities of and i which did not relieve the torture which at times was almost unbearabi. specially at night. I wa obliged to bath my head In seda water In order to get any rest. I then tried Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment, rubbing the Cutlcura Ointment lute the scalp at night and washing it out In the morning with Cutlcura Soap. It was about tour weeks when I wa entirely eared." (Signed) Ms. Henry Frisk. Msrcbtl, 1014. Samples Free by Moll The Hching, burning, suffering and los f sleep of eczemas, rashes, and krhettoa af the skin and scalp are at once relieved and permanent skin health restored la asost turn by warm baths with CuUeura Soap followed by gentle application of CuUcure Oiutaaent when all else fall. Culleur Soap (2 sc.) aad Cutlcura Ointment (60c.) ere old everywhere. A single set I often umcieQt. Liberal sample at each mailed ft-, with U-p. Skin Book. Address posV erd "Cutksura, -Dept. T, Hostess," ft r MASSIVE MISSION ROCKER. BAR GAIN Made entirely of eolld oak, fin ished In fumed. 8plendidly uphol stered seat in Imperial Spanish leather over full steel construction. Extra roomy and ex ceedingly comfortable. Very special. . TBe Cask, TSe a Meath, $4.98 SPLENDID VALUES IN GENUINE CO LONIAL FURNITURE Set constructed of selected Imitation Royal Circassian walnut Special care has hrson tfven to the cabinet work, construction and finish. Equal to merchandise usually at twice this price. fH NiSlllf EliS CHIFFONIER TO MATCH DH ESKIMO TABLE Mud of selected Imitation Cir cassian Walnut, 318.1nch too. 13xl0-lnch F r n c h beveled plate mirror. Has roomy swelled front drawers. Un usual value. 1.50 Cash, $1.00 a MoBth. 1111 I Ug J $15.75 nnrcssiNcr tablk mit Inches. Matches chiffonier and . dresser. Very strongly Constructed and wonderfully grained. French beveled plate m I r ror zzsau Inches. On sale this week at only UMt Cash, fl.00 a Month. $11.95 ROTAli CIRCASSIAN WALNUT PHEH8BR Has 41-lnoh base, I4H French beveled plate mirror. Hie. rcantly grained and DeaunruilT lin nhnd. Iull swnlled front, heavy Plank top. Wonder fully made. October sale price for irunr. ntmr $17.50 91M Dash, 91.50 Mewth. iS" ' A"" mil LUXURIOUSLY UPHOLSTERED TURKISH ROCKER Covered la Imperial leather oyer steel spring construction. Haa broad plat form but, handsomely tufted, f Sold elsewhere at twice our special sale pric , flM Cash, !. 311.50 a Month, aim had SOLID OAK 48x28 IN. TOP A GENUINE SOLID OAK LIBRARY TABLE Table top Is unusually large, measuring 28x48 inches, fitted with heary post legs and neat panel. Has roomy ' Q FJfT stationery drawer, large book shelf. Of- 2)Oe 3 fered in fumed finish only during this sale.,. . SI. 00 Cash, SLO a Month. SELECT AT YOUR ONCE una AND YOU'LL SAVE 25 TO 60 PEE CENT ip-mbawam We are offering; thl week the famous Kroehler Unlfold Dnvenportj It answers the purpose of two essential pieces a settee' by day and roomy comionaoie uea at 111 Km. ina paurrn musireiea Is American quarter-sawed imitation ouk. Upholstered In guaranteed Imperial leather over full set of steel spring. A wonderful apodal at S2.06 Cash, 93.00 a Month. 2.95 MASSIVE TWO-INCH POUT MKTAL BED Made of Tubular tsteet, five heavy filler; not th email low bed a usually shown, but a full height bed, measuring 61 Inches high. Enameled in fuaranteed Vernls Martin, which isia m gf ar auperler to many brass, bed pf-4fcl fered. An unususl value at thlsnSSijP low price ,ww TS r-ah, 73 a Month. t 4 t 4 t tM j am J 1 ,'ti j ma rjear i;.:ir '.' " w 2x64 AXMINSTER fi(k RUO. At oDly v 1 U J x9-FT. BRUSSELS P Or RUO. Special at UsOJ xl2-FT. BRUSSELS RUO. j?rrf 5io.98 AXMINSTER $3.10 RUO, Bar gain, at 9x11 FT. VELVET ff-j A!? RUQ. Special at..vll.i 9X12-FT. VELVET tit RUO. rrlced at. . . w A '' 1 h 'i'yTr j a r- h'oom Qnttit '.. A' ta All All UIII W DOES YOUE MONEY GO UP IN SMOKE? You can gat mora heat with less ex pense If you will buy one of our Gar land Store or Heaters. Bold under a positive guarantee. Buy a good tove while you're at It. It cot no mor at Hartman't. COL ES CELEBRATED HOT BLAST HEATER 13 THE WORLD-RENOWNED STOVE Perfect air tight gas and smoke consumers; will hold fire 36 hours with out attention. A marvel and a wonder; no other heater in its class. A guaranteed fuel saver in every respect Priced up from 91.00 Cash, 91.00 a Month. efSTTTTTWT YoureM eteve taken In ea-rhanae. $10.95 Trriii'r";rn " "fir- pm(. Z-- . 1 1 ' J (f- wli:!f15gW .11, llli. If !.!,. .. L'.ll lip 1 Extra Large. Top Measure, 45 Inches. ll. Constructed Throughout of Solid Oak. a fin.KNnm VAirR in an kxtkkmri.y manhivk hioh ghade HOLIIt OAlv KXVLflSIoN TAB1.J lias extra roomy top, measures forty rive incurs, i n c.nt-r column in tuHSHive, riintc on a broad platform haie. supiiortrd l y four neuvy carvd claw fi-et. 1'oslMvely the biggest, best finished table evur offered at this price $13.7 j Auto-' ' . 1 Tj ' Drop i-ihT ." " IE Head 3jr 10-Year fclyllHl H-OO Guaranty tjttSr !AA Oa&h, 0 u Qnartored Oak Frame Month BEWINO MACHINE BAROAIN Exactly Ilk illus. trstlon. We are not allowed to aell It nndr it real nam, but It 1 a celebrated make. Selling; In other store at almost aonoie our sal pries. Cabinet mad of choice selected quartered oak. with six drawers. Vary special at........ $21.00 Exclusive, Omaha Agents for Oole Hot Blast Heaters and Ranges. We earrr a complete line ol the famous Cole's Hot Blast Heaters, auaranteed to save one- third of your fuel bill. Holds fir 16 hours. Daat fall taeaa. S a i is MI m EXTRA LARGE SIZE LINCOLN BASE; BURNER A clf-refld-lng hard coal stove built on the most economical and scien tific principle. A guar anteed fuel economizer. Elaborately nickel triuinird with extra size lo-lnch firepot, equipped with ring grate, and double fluo syatem of beating. Tbe most up-to-date fuol- sarlDg heater ever of fered at the price. 9S rash. Meath, as ivi vt ci ll" $33.50 Mheral vraw t ift fSi ew CiAtfU Tear 44 !fTCf stwve. HIGH GRADE LIN COLN STEEL RANGE Handsomely nlckM trimmed. Large ale 18- rv 'iilnch oven, alx full alxe (-Inch hole, nickel towel rod, and all tbe new 1915 Improve ment. Fully guaran teed In every respect. A wonderful range val ue at tula low price $24.50 9SJM Caah, 93 a Heath. COMPLETE 8ET OF SIX COLONIAL DINING ROOM CnAIRa-Built throughout of well seasoned wood, Ameaan quartered Imitation oak finish. Have large panel barks, comfortable saddle scat and colonial scroll front posts. Ueauitfully flnishedln gnldun. You will never rejrret buying these chairs for they are the besti for the money the market affords. Entire set of six for this week at. only V V IIVIVI 810.95 YW"v" , ..-f" .1 o.Olului'SiKa WK Anerlca'i Greatost Uoate farnlshers. 1m f.y V "" OUR 1914 MODEL GEM REGENT RANGE lr - oat Iron In ulaln VWIUIIIK, U V V p ,1 . 1 1 us alx k-inch bole top, duties grate, tare oven and accurate thermometer set In the ovea door. Mounted on a high sanitary base. A guaranteed and economical stove. Spe cially priced $26.95 9X Cash. 99 Meath. JJ