THF, OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 18, 1014. HfeLP WANTED MALE Clerical and nttm. TENOOF.APHEH and clerk, assistant o a"iwrimpnt manager; salary i. Bookkeeper and stenographer. 7o. Ap ply at onca. WENT. REFERFNCF. BOND ASSN, ?5t- Omaha National Bank Hid CITY SALESMAN. 62 Plate Hank bldg. MANAOKR, lumbfr yard, out of cltjr, good firm, splendid rosltlon. For in ti rvlew p.i 1 1 at 6W Stat Hank nhtit fiTK-NOORAPHKR. RAILROAD EX PERIENCE. 175; BTENO. AND CLF.RK. ; CLRliK, INSURANCE EXPERI ENCE, tr.0; CITT 8ALKSMEN. GOOD PROPOSITION. COMMISSION. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-11 CITT NATIONAL Aati, Kalnmra and Sollcltars, Good proposition for insur ance men of character and ability. Call or -write. . Mutual Benefit Health & Ao . cident Association. 423 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. EARN $50 weekly selling collection cab Ineta to merchant. Write for free sam ples. Cajrera Co.. 62 Laclede Bide, St. Louie. Mo o SALESMEN Working for ua means cash In your pocket every day; household necessity; duplicate orders; profits big; experience unnecessary. Lowell Mfg. Co., Inc., lrtl Fulton Pt.. New York. o NO EXPERIENCE Rbigi'IRKD to make ittH as our Genral or Local agent. Household necessity, saves W per cent. Permanent business, free sample, credit. Pitkin, 4SI R street, Newark, N. Y. o A GOOD side line, sells to hardware and harness trade; good commission. Zleg ler Neckyoke Co., Coffeyvllle, Kan. o WANTED Live specialty salesman to sell temperance drinks In every small country town In Nebraska; 2& commis sion, with weekly drawing account. Full commission on reorders. Crown Cider Co., JM7 S. Commercial St., St. Lout. Mo. Dept. H. o WANTED Salesman to sell our line of temperance drinks In small country towns. 26 per cent commission and 135 weekly drawing account. Red Cross Com pany. St. Louis, Mo. Dept. A. o WE havs an absolutely new proposition. Our merchandise has never been shown before. You positively have no. competi tion with our big line. You can make big money during the holiday season with It. Write for Information about our 17.4 working outfit free, which contains the most beautiful samples you have ever seen. We pay transportation charges on 11 goods. This Is a sure winner. Write today. Crane-Watson Mfg. Co'., lit Devon shire St., Boston, Mass. o PORTRAIT Agents Farm scenes, new portrait finishes, new frames; lowest prices, best work, best service; credit given producing agents. Send for new catalog. M. A, Beall, artist, St. D, Chicago. 5 SAFETY raxor retails for 26o; guaran teed lifetime; sample only 10c. Ben coma Co.. 7DSS Hennett Ave.. Chicago. o AO ENT3 "wanted to sell the latest Reglna sweepers: something new. bin Drofita: territory going fast. Write at once, Reglna Muslo Co., Chicago. HKI-r WANTED MALE Atl, Islnnrs aad Saltelteire. SIDE LINE; salesmen wanted. Nebraska. Kansas, Oklahoma, to sell our c Mate Pocket guides and auto maps to newsdeal er Clason Map Co., Denver, Colo. o KXPKRIKNCKD stock and bond sales man can secure highly rernun-tatlve po sition with successful corporation offer ing a high class dividend paving Invest ment. Apply with references and full par ticulars to P MS, Hew. O NO CASH K Kg CI RED. W'e furnish the goods on thirty days' time to reliable men with rigs who can work farming districts, small towns or suburbs. Experience unnecessary. It's the sensation of the sre. household neces sity, something new; demonstration means a sale In seven ont or ten calls. One farmer cleared over tr.00 In six weeks. Write quick for wholesale prices. Credit an easy delivery plan and sample for free trial Mantle lamp Co.. T71 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, 111. AOENT8 al three Wo silk tango ties for II ; beautiful monogram cuff links and stickpin free to each purchaser. Bowden cleared 71, days.. Write for samples, Comer Mfg. Co., U Factory St., AGENTi Make big money and become m .mr' for our oods. Fast office eller; fine profits. Particulars and ssin frr' Cn P Ten Co.. 7s Dally Rord,Baltlmore. Md. AOENTS-Oreatert"" offer ever made; leven-plece toller article set and II carving set; an cost you 60c; sells for 11; J" sales a day easy. Write today. Pierce ' oiauon vntcago." . . ecktie proposition for holidays; . " "T "k from now until Christmas;, outfit free up to Oct. SO. Write Quick. Wilson Mfg. Co., B. 1717, FOLDING Thermal Rath Cabinet; Hot SDrlnn hun.. a - . ..n. " - n. ruiiuwiui vuer. Everybody buys. large profits. Nothing else like it. Write today for money-mak- im piana. VIUAKKR MFG. CO., Ill Quaker Bldg.. Cincinnati, O." GARTSIDE'S HvON RUST SOAP CO 40M Lancaster Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa! Gartslde's Iron Rust Soap (U. S. registered patent No, 3477) removes iron rust. Ink and all unwashable stains from clothing marble, etc.. with r seller, big bargains. House-to-house sterns ana store salesmen wanted. The original, Ko a tube. Reware of Infrlng ments &nd the innilt tnw ..uu i- m and using an infringed article. o HELP WANTED MAIK Mleeellaaeesjs. Wanted at Once MEN to ir .11.1 tiie suivinoli.e business; the denisnd i srvtt tor our grauuati; we have trained hundreMs of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Asa'n, H N. ?oth St., OmshR. Neb. WOULD you have to phone for help If your ignition system en your car went wrong out In the country f Learn how to Tillu NKBKASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, U'S-17 Podge. Write for catalogue C, Omaha. GOOD MEN WANTED Now, to take our Suto work until com petent; then go right Into the auto busi ness from here, ilg new building; ma chine shop, lathe work, welding, sutrt n systems. Write for list of opehiiiKS. Free catalosne. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ll Farnnm M., Omaha. Ui.S to learn the barber trade; tuition, t.5; set of tools given; aages paid, lrt Clty College, 12th and Oougla 8ts. it EN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph Co., Washlrgton. 1. C. US TO WEEKLY In a business of your "" on i oe sn agent, mart in the gold, sliver, nickel mm ni.,in t.. ncss. Prof. Gray s outfits are practical and complete. Work easy, profit enor mous. Every family, restaurant, shop has tableware, fewelrv mnt.i .v- - ... kinds to be replated. Every other busl- vvrnTuwu, no plating shops. A grand opening In your section. Will you Platins Works" VSS ?rX-f.:- Q gj - " VlUUinilBll, Bi9JlXT1L. VM1LS will employ everywhere reliable people to take or cers for dreaa fahrix. kn.i... . sweaters and neckweae rmm a.mni. it- tory prices. Many malting over itt "v-y or mi una. no experience. nT"S tdlt ,ven- Steadfast Mills, AGENTS Every horse owner buva at sight; automatic hame fastener; no straps, no buckles; outwears the har ness; 100 per cent profit; liverymen, farm ers, teamsters wild about them. Send for free sample. Thomas Hame Co., 6730 vvayne nidg., Dayton, O." SALESMEN New plan that gets the big frlnnstV' a V rO 1 1 ! rak tasrlinswi AnnnM n I ,, J J .e-swivw iivi J t valTJi VV4 III I J to close some big deals. U. R. Mfs. Co.. Uept. 1, Columbus, 0. AGENTS Stop canvassing, learn how 61 successful mall order men do business; get business, hold business; especially If these men tell you their own experience In their own words; the Mall Order Busi ness Builder gives you such information direct from these men's private offices irom month to month; send dime for sam ple copy of this SH-pase magazine. Ran dolph Rose, Publisher, U? Pine Street, unattanooga. Term.' CHEWING GUM-Make big money selling to dealers; our catalog and samples free; write today for exclusive agents' proposi tion. The Helmet Gum Co., Cincinnati, Q. AGENTS Ureal European War Book; in troduction by Bishop Fallows; up-to- date history ol glgantlo war. its causes and thrilling experiences: fully Illustrated big money-maker; 0 per cent discount to agents; outfit free; write at once. The Thompson rub. Co., Bt. Louis, Mo.- BEST pocket side line ever offered for small town trade; good for 126 weekly commission. Republic Sales Co., Victoria mag., rt. Louis, mo.- WANTED Salesmen to handle our 1916 line of advertising signs, calendars and novelties; finest and most up-to-date lino or. the market; commission basis; refer ences required; write today for particu lars. The Hctoto Mign Co., iienton, onio.- TWO hiah-class calendar salesmen for Iowa, on 1916 contract for our exclusive line of map calendars, specialty calendars, leather goods, signs and novelties. Best combined line out. L.nerai commissions fine samples, low prices. We are manu facturers, not Jobbers. State expertenoe. Kenyon Co., Pea Moines. Is., 40th year. SALESMEN Wanted For high grade line, sold direct from factory to mer chant Special plait of merit that sella goods In volume sufficient to make sales men 16,000 per year. Live ones write Donald-Richard Co., Iowa City, la." SALESMEN Wanted Competent men to handle 1915 line, calendars, bank sup plies, novelty advertising for every line of business: exclusively permanent posl tlon. Bankers Supply Co., Iowa City, la. MEN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends, neighbors and general wearer; 70 per cent profit; make $10 dally; experience unnecessary. international MUls, West Philadelphia, Pa . o WANTED Responsible party to take charge of business in each county. New automatic combination tool, . combined wire fence stretcher, post puller, lifting Jack. etc. Lifts or pulls three tons, weighs 24 pounds. Sells to farmers, shops, teamsters, etc. Descriptive catalogue and terms upon request Harrsh Manufac turing Co.. Box K, Blooinfleld. Ind. o . TRAVELING salesmen calling oa hard ware, Implement, lumber and wire fence trado, every state, take orders for fast selling specialty. Big commissions, weekly settlements, pocket sample. The Toledo Cable Co.. Toledo. O. SALESMAN calling on trade in email towns wanted for side line dress goods, white goods and novelties. Loom to re taller. Liberal commissions. F. C. Roll rnann A Co , Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMEN wanted by lace embroidery Importers. Only men wttb trade, smaller towns need apply. Expenses advanced; samples IlKht Merk A Co., 416 Broadway New York. WE want rirst-class salesman beginning January 1 1915, In Iowa. Exclusive copyrighted hand-painted de luxe and all gradns ot calendars, novelties, cloth and leather goods. We are manufacturers Established business. Exclusive territory' M st liberal commissions. Line so eonu plcte that it fumiuhes work throughout entire season and requires Individual at tention. Give selling experience and all particulars in first letter. Address. Sales Mgr., Kemper-Thomas Co.. Cln cinnatL LIVE T01NQ MAN OF GOOD AP PLARANCE. ENERGETIC. WITH TX ,Tr JKl SPECIALTY ON 8LciE1i:.KI,AT' IIART- AGENTS New policy, covering any ac cident or sickness, for $10 yearly; $f. uo0 principal gum; $iuo monthly for accident or sickness;, one-half the above benefits for $6 yearly; no dues or assessment. Great Eastern Casualty Co., Peerless Dept.. Newark, N. J. o tuO PErt CENT profit selling our repeat order goods, bamples and particulars free. Luther Gordon Co.. Northwestern Bldg., Chicago. MAKE $M to Hi weekly selling our new WO-candle power gasoline table and hanging lamp for homes, stores, halls, churches; no wick, no chimney, no mantle trodble. costs lc per ulKht- Exclusive territory. We loan you sampls. unshlne Safety Lamp Co., 611 Factory Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo. o AGENTS Make up to t3i dally selling ki- ,u "s-ters. guicx la w, blir nroflta Nn .n.ri.. J, . alogue and samples free. Cruver Co.. Jackson and CmpbelUChlcao. AGENTS Our goods are used In a million homes; every housekeeper buys and keeps buying; sells at 10c; costs you 4c, Buffi" N. .SWT m St.. AGENTS To handle newly patented bath room fixture to dispense dentifrice auto matically. Nothing similar on the market TmlT.' flCliS: "i11- Pent8- Co.. REPRESENTATIVE) WANTED ExciiT sive territory. New Invention, guaran teed by reputable corporation, saving $6 ?rCnt "aolln urs or money re funded. Automobile motor boat, station Trfe.ngin6 "wnr DUX " first offering. Co.. i Dver oa' ., " -f i ww lorn." GOVERNMENT positions, thousands of appolDtmena to be made. BiKiklet 231. telling- what and where they are, what they pay, with specimen examination questions, etc., sent free. Write todny to Nutlonal Correspondence Institute, Wash In k ton. I. C. ; o MAKE money with us. Amount depends upon time devoted. No canvassing. Ambitious local man wanted. Address, Ostrander, Dit. XU, U W. Hat St, New York. o LARGE corporation, dninx a nilllhin-dol-lar yearly business has cngaitcd us to employ an energetic, trustworthy man In each county In Nebraska to look after their business there; big advertising cam paign has Just beer, started and must en gaxe representative at once; experience unnecessary, If willing to hustle; state age. three references and how long you have lived in your town; salary to start l-'.TiO a day; permanent position with ad vancement; we will charge you no fee for obtaining trie position for you. Address Natloniil Employment Bureau, Position Ni. Box 6:30. Boston. Muse. o GOVERNMENT examinations: thorough Instruction. $; returned It not appointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School Washington. D. C. INVESTIGATORS work In every county in the L'nltod States. i)u to $75 per week to start Write Fidelity Secret service, Desk, 48, Wheeling, W. Vs. -o W A N T ED SIT I'ATIO X H PRACTICAL nurse, snnllarlum trslne.l, wishes care r.f Invalid or elderly lsdy. Adilrcss4t4 Hurch Atlantic, la. Isilles' suits and dresses; ran also do alterations; at present employed. Ad dress Y M2. Bee POSITION" wa"nteirs Htter in "ladies' suits snd dresses: capable of taking ll rhsrge of alteration room. Will g" to small town: t present employed as such. Address Y ?S, Bee MIDI LE-AKD woman wishes posFtlon as ousekeeter: no oh.lectlon to child ren. Teienhone W.tster SI IT YOCNU lady with 14 yesrs' experieme as sientursiher wants ltosltion: isn furn ah Kfxnl references m to chnractcr snd ability. Address J S'i, care Bee. CARPENTER, flrst-clnss workman, wants work; S0c per hour, or small contract. Call Walnut lt.'Hi. YOI.'NO laily with two yosrs' experleni-e as stenographer Wnnts position; ran furnish gnod r ferenres as to.charsctcr snd shllitv. Address J fiiv.', care Bee. FO SA1.K KKM'I'X'TA RLE. reflne.1 eiilerlv lady de sires position as companion for elderly martlel couple Employed more or l-s through the day, but can assist some with the home work. Address C tt3. Bee. WANTED Position as demonstrator. Add. 21( Cass 8t Phone luglas 3M7. AUTOMOBILES. Grecnotigh OniHhs Had. Rep, Co.. Far. I.lndhorg Bros., 2.V.J lav. tKly tig Merkle). WANT an automobile. Will trade car cabbage for auto. A chance to turn your auto In cash. Mate make, moilol, condition and price. W. D. lnsku, Anselmo, Neb. MY (-passenger Glide car must he sold this week; aslna, at your own price. Get bii!-y. G 611. Bee. Typewriters. A MAH1INK YOU WILL 1UJV SOME DAY The Corona It U vll.le. It print irom a rlhlion. It l a lyiH'lwr marhinc. It hs back enncer. It hss t-rohir ribbon. It foUN tip. It Is mtiln of aluminum. It tvetitha sU pounds. it is a it The price 'a f'A We are delighted in have anyone ask to see THE CORONA. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. 307-309 South 17th St. Phone Doug. 41 Jl. WE HAVE HOMtt OPEN TERUITORY TO Al.TAVr AGENT Mlseellnaeons. Pskery and furnace wood. Tel. Flor. 4I. TAXICAIt drivers, take notice; I am leaving for California and will sacrifice my Franklin t-smlaulet. Make me an offer. E , Bee. $100 forfeit for anv magneto we can't re palr. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer, tin N. 18 ON account of financial reverses I am compelled to sell at a sacrifice my 6 passenKer Oldsmoblle. Will you be the fortunate psrty'f D W',. Bee. WANTED. We want a representative in each local ity for our hU'li grade linn of men's wear. We will start you In business for yourself. No capital required. Give three references. This Is a high-grade proposi tion, so it is up to you to act promptly, CRANE-WATSON MFG. CO., 67 Milk St.. Boston. Mass. MEN for firemen, brakeroen, $120 monthly, Send age, postage. Railway, X tiO, Bee. WANTBD-An organiser; a young man of education and good address to or ganise local merchants' associations In medium slscd towns in Nebraska; travel ing expenses Paid and commissions aver aging $60 per week for right man. Don't write unless qualified and ready to begin. Give age, experience, references. Address Y 244, Be. WANTED Experienced pickle and con diment man. The Wichita Vinegar and Bottling -Co., Wichita, Kan. START a chile parlor; enormous profits; no expense or capital necessary : splen did opportunity for men and women; par ticulars free. Green Supply Co., WW B. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan. MEN-WOMEN, $26 weekly collecting all kinds names and addresses. No can vassing. Send stomp, Superba Co., X 178, Baltimore, Md. ADKMTfl Uulia t;VL j. i . v-r wni prone selling '. ( vaneuea; Catalogue " ' 1 ' SULLtVAK CO.. Van Buren St.. . .. chlomsv, III. UNUSUAL annri,,.!,. to secure XcMn'cg&'V new automnhll. .--...... .J1?18 for owners; must-U " abTe'Vo Vy sma AGENTS-We have brand new 2So house! Salesmen,Attention aS:rr --"'"HinT.!:-: AanEdNISme.?w' V-A CO.. 1602 Third 'Bt.' craor:" BE INDEPENDENT Own a wall iuJTr eleanlnar urCir. WbJ' PPr $lfio-s.Kio i or "Par time. - . .. .vntivri,, jb.- money lor you. 100 FTiCJ? frss. Walter SOU CI TORS for Parcel Post News, new national and only paper devoted to parel post service; evtery business man want, it; Parcel Post New.. MaVlneUe! WANTED-Men wishing to earn three to flVal Ha) In Pal ITaSSSS A aa . M . r -mm.. nitj - ior terms ninJlately first National Nurseries, .VVIIPStCl t 41, . WANTED Nursery agents. Pay weekly. Perry Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y. AGENTS wanted by. well known lace and embroidery Importers for Omaha and neighborhood: on aiimml..iAn h..u. objections carrying noii-confllctidg lines. wucr, siaung age, experience Snd references. L. H. Junod lc Co.. 100 Fifth Ae.. New York. ' RESON8IBLE manufacturer desires plac- ''" aasncy, sure repeater. Per manent income huilns.. Kn I - no competition, protected territory guarl anteed. Perfection Co.. 1$ West iisi tL. New York. BIDE line, electrlo sign; flashes change- ' -- ncums of colored electrlo light; outselling every tliing at $10. Terms, thirty days: $100 iirvuw, iiuoirig oign works, SA L: SMEN Wanted, to pay $1,600 to e-.v.j fvmi i w w iiiu rrpnwcnuni US in western cities and towns. - ...iiiif or coiieoiing; call only on all manufacturers, whole sale and retail merchants, banks and doc tors; experence helpful, but not neces- " l'r wf j iiiurwiaji, Burn lull Instructions furnifhed that success Is aa- U u p I 1 , . . . i . . .. . . . .wi. wyu..wuw. ,1 live truw i'i iy, H. O. Jones, secy., 77$ Schwlnd Bldg., Dayton. O. SALESMEN making small towns should carry our fast selling pocket sideline. Spe cial sales plan allowing return ol unsold goods makes quick, easy sales; $A com mission on each order; $8 to $16 dally profit for full time. Homethlng new. Write for outfit today. Cahfisld Mfg. Co., Jus Blgel St., Chicago. $80 MONTHLY and expenses to travel, distribute samples and take orders or appoint agents; permanent. Jap Amer ican Co., Chicago. GOVERNMENT positions in postoffice, railway mall and other branches ars food. Prepare for exams, under former r.- B. civil service secretary-examiner. Booklet G 95 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service School. Rocheter, fJ. Y. WANTED Physician In advertising of fice; Nebraska license;, experience not necessary; answer, stating age, salary expected. Address Y 23:1, Bee. WANTED Names and addresses by mall order houses; big pay; homo work.) In formation for stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind. AD MALE) AND FEMALE... .. .. .. ( . . - - ti'r.-F'vsfm RELIABLE men and women everywhere. earn $12. W per 100 passing out free pack ages perfumed soap powder, starch, etc. No money needed. G. I'., Ward's Gro cery Dept., 210 Institute PI., Chicago. FOR COMMERCIAL POSITIONS you will find our office the meet effective way of reaching the employers In all lines of business. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGB Unless position is secured and then only a nominal fee. ROGERS REFERENCE CO., $26 State Bk. Bldg. 17th and Harney Ste. HELP WANTED MALK AND FEMALE. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and. women; io to I1.0 month. W rite for Ust Franklin Institute. Dept ti, Rochester. N. Y. GET government Jobs, $i& to $160 a month; 2,000 appointments each month. For list of posltiona obtainable address Y 230, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG lady, neat appearance, with Sev eral years' uif.os experience, desires general olfice' or clerical position; moder ate salary; good references. Address L 4, Bee. 40 HORSEPOWER D-passenger lfU Au burn car, electrlo lighted and In good condition, for sale cheap for cash. Or will arept a clear houee and lot. No mortgaged property considered. Cost new about$l,75. M-643.Rc:e. . IUC;iI-p6wER tourliig rar;?-cyl.; In cellent condition; fur sale by owner cheap; a splend d bargain. Call Tyler pion and ask for Early. USED CAR BARGAIN. Pierce Arrow, limousine body, 5-passenger, practically new, $i.5oo. OI1U MOTOR SALES CO.. 2416 Farnam. 'Phone Tyler 10.13. AUCTION SALE . Monday, Oct. IMh. 114. We Will sell to the highest bidder $&.0v worth of isdies' reaiy-to-wtsr g'Hids, consisting of to) beam I mi l gowns, suits, skirts, kimonos, umbrellas, holsery. un derwear, night gowns ami hundreds of other articles which go to make up a complete stock of ladles' ready-to-wear goods, also some men's suits and over coats. These goods are all of high qual ity. Owner Is pressed for money and must sell at the best price obtainable. Here Is an opportunity to huy high grade goods at your own price. Everything goes, nothing reserved. lHn't miss this sale. Kale will take place nt the Omaha Van & Morsge Co. s salesroom. Kth and !. ven worth Sts. Sale starts promptly st t P. M. Monday, tvt. Uth and will be continued every day until every article Is sold. DOWD 8ALF. AV AUCTION CO. Auctioneers FOR PALE at a discount a full, un i limited srholarsnlp In Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply St the offb a of The timslia Hre. -h a 1 10 men Urtiss Wreck Co.. II 1'sui. NEW stiver-plated slide trombone, with leather rase, lor sale; big bsrgsln. Ad dress A KM. Hee. SHOW Good Roads Clason's Nebraska guide maps 26c, also Kansas, Colorado and western states. At nuwslands or postpaid from Clason Map Company, Denver, CVlo. o TRY PELTON'S GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. 2305 Farnam. Industrial Garage Co., 2ilh Harney fits. Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in Used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 27o:t Leavenworth, 1M4 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines, OMAHA B1CYCLR CO.. Wth and Chicago. i. 3724. HEYt you motorcycllstl Want a bargain? Have 1914 Indian fully equipped; cost $?40: ran very little; first $:M0 takes this. F. $10. Bee. 112 2-SPEED Indian motorcycle; electric lights, starter, speedometer; run 2.r.W miles; fine shape; $200. 11. 6906. EDUCATIONAL 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day Snd night sessions. ' Yet It la not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capaolty. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practloe, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manshlp, banking, stenography, sleuo typy, typewriting, telegraph), accounting, filing, private secretarial work and niauy other courses are open to you here. You may work for. board while attending. Pouglaa IMS. BOYLES COLLEGE, IL II. BOYLES. PRES., Boyles Building, Omaha. HARD coal burner, also gas cooking stove, very cheap. 5Ti H tfith Ave. $x7 GHA FLEX newspaper camera, with II plate holders, tarrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at $110. Address A 630, lies. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling 'leys and accessories; bsr fixtures of ail kinds; eaty payments. The Hrunswlnk- Balke-CollenW Co. 7-4( H. loth St $ri (if) Buys beat coal tor the monevi try J,w it Web. 4s. Harmon Veeth. FOR BALK Crochet bedspread, cheap. Mrs. H. M. Abbott, Sparta, Md. ONE Black Diamond oven, No. 7. In good repair, and other fixtures for sale cheap; must sell at once. T. E. Martlndale, Cl- nncia, la. ONE Z. Long rrlppette machine, com- plete, for sale. Alex. McKay, Syracuse, Neb. LOST AND FOUND. omaha a council bluffs btkkbt railway company. Persons having lost sums article would do well to call up the of Hue of the Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain- whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to ths rightful owner. Call Douglas 4S. EoTt Brindle bulldog. answering to name Mat, wearing green sweater, tag No. K24; suitable reward; notiry immeui gtely. Harney 7021 or W, 24.10. FOR SALE at a discount, a tuil uniim (ted scholarship In Boyles Business coi. lege, Omaha; good lor either shorthand or business courses Apply at the otlic of Omaha Bee. MOSllEll-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TEEM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsiir- ?assed olasaes In all business and Eng Ish branches, shorthand, slenotypy. telegraphy and. typewriting. Graduates guaranteed - good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue address J MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1F1S Farnam St.. Omaha. Douglas' W13. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, t:0o tu 4:00. Night school, B:li to :U, Uth and. Farnam Sts. ' Douglas mi. WANTED Day work. " Douglas 84t'7. WANTED Situation as noUt.ekeeper. Tel. Webster 8136 or call 7t4 Grant. COMPETENT, energetic man, 26, with college education, wants connection with advertising agency, real bslate or special firm; oummands Kntliah, German and Scandinavian languages; experienced; fu ture advancement imperative. M 442, Bee. INVESTIGATOR familiar with court work, personal Injury cases snd domes tic work, desires salaried position- ti.cou, bee. v WANTED Position as house salesman, book-keeper or . correspondent, with wholesale concern by experienced man, 'ii years of age. Address A 4 at, Bee. CHILD'S nurse wishes petition; best references, lied 5X40. SITUATION wanted, by young mail a vears of age: any honest work consid ered; clerical work preferred. Addreas M 64", Bee Factory a. a 4 Trade. Drog store snsns: jobs. Kneist. Be Bldg WANTED Men to learn the barber trade! in worm neeas more narDers tnan any other tradeamen. Ws have originated a plaa to teach It quickly and earn some money. Tools Included. , Board If de sired. Open to everyone. Distant appli cants write. City applicants call. Molar Barber College. 110 H. 14th 8t PTENO and bookkeeper $). Kteno, out-of-town Steno and bookkeeper $ Bteno , ttA Solicitor , .....too Watta Ref.. Co., wV42 Branded Theater. sf lace 1 la are as. , . LEARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering It pays. Long, closely guarded secret of big factories. Particulars free. Win. Bar slow, 614 md St . Oakland. Cel. YOUNG man will take care of garage and machine and drive evemnua lor room and board. Ca'l H. ) after p. in. YOL'NG lady, neat appearance, with sev eral years' office experience, desiies general office or clerical potsitlon; moder ate salary; good references. Address S4. Bee. WANTED Position as chambermaid, night or day work, by colored woman. Cull Webster 2420. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; refer ences furniBlied. ( an take full charge if necessary. Web. tSV. WANTED Work as cbamuermaid It hotel in Ouiaha or South omaha. Fnoue at EXPERT ibdy sieuugrspiirr w.i. u pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing) spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and conipiete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction if desirud. 4u'4 Douylas St. Tel.Walnut 2:127. "XeARN TYI-IOVRITINO AT HOME. Three months, $4.00. TUB OLIVUH TYPEWRITING CO., Dougias m. ''XX, Farnam. .LOST Wed. evening, long white kid gloves, near 301 h St. Call Dougloa (CO. LOST In bills, letween Hamilton and Decatur, on 40th. $10 reward. W. 4ia. LOST Or.e gold old lace pin. with amethyat In one end. Reward. 8outhl24. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured- Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It TARRY, 240 Bee. FITS I cured my daughter by simple discovery; doctors gave her up; par ticulars flee. Z. Z. Lepto, 806 Island Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Itnpture Cured in a few days without naln. Call or write Dr. Wrav. $0$ Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established. Wt.a PERSONAL. THE Rslvstion Army Industrial hame so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect We distribute, phone Douglas 4135 snd our wagon will call. Call nnd Inspect our nsw home, lliu-llU-lllI 1 lodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stransers are Invited to visit the Young Woma n's Chrlrtlan Association building at Kth St. and f-'t. Mary's Ave., where they will he directed to sultsblo boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at ths Union Btntlon. LADIES My wonderful new complexion treatment, simple and easy to use, no rlruce; get results In four days. Partlcu lrs free. Mrs. Flora Powell, Patterson, Cal. . . . KOH HA LK Furniture. New A 2d-hand furniture, rash or terms; reasonable. Amcr. Fuxn. Co., U." N. Pith. AUCTION HOI'SEHOIJ) FURNITURE 1817 JACKSON STREET. Monday, Oct lk, at 10 A. M. sharp, we will sell the furn.turs of an k-room house consisting of dressers. rus, beds end bed ding, parlor furniture kitchen utensils and hundreds of articles loo numerous to mention. , Everybody come. DO WO AUCTION CO. AUCTIONEERS. For Auction Ssles. 'call Red &j. SEVERAL van loads of furuituro snd some pianiiH. Omaha Van and Storage Co., 806 H With St Medium rlre boss burner, cheap. So. Knii. AR TG r 1 u n d' I jise b u r lie i $ 10. vT"7376" Medium siso Acorn buseburner. H. 6!K4T M j.icsl luslruuieai. PIAVO i isyer: a hargaln. Tel. H. 4T1L VuU.NG man wants place t' work for board while alUjiilng Boyles' college. Tclsl'lions Douglas 1W. SITUATION wanUd as caretaker of rooming house. Address A t'A, Bee. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wUhas to drive private car; careful driver; knows city very well. Addreas F Hi Bee. WANTED Cooking position by colored person; dsy work preferred. Web. 7:i. Hl'NDLE washlngand Ironing. H. fc4. InTE LLIG EN f, llghV colored girlVishss position in office r bachelor apart meats. II. 4410. YOUNG lady wishes a position as. a tiureemail or light housework, it. V.i. FINE mahogany I vert A Pond piuno; splendid shape; cost $400; Uu cash. Harney Uil. "lice Wrant Ads Are the Best Business Boosters. M astral Iastrameats. WFX3MAN upright piano for sale; good coudltion. JM'i Charles. Webster 6131. Typewriters. RENT Remingtons, Mvnarths and Smith Premiers of their makers. Ths Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas Ut4. Rental credited If you pure huso, snd only very newest and highest grsds ma chines sent out. Kates, thres months for $ for understroke machines or $1 prr moft'i for iHtept mod-! visible writers. FOR SALE An Oliver Typewriter No. $; g.tod as new; In ue about five months; must sil within week; flrrt cash offer of $M gets It. Address Y 241. Bee TYPKWI" ,K! auk). rr.iti. repslred Centrs T"w-" rlt- tCicnsnse. ttn K 17th, Ail makes typewriters rnted, sold, terms Butis T) pearlier. 14 i srnsui. O. tuli. PKT STOCK T"i''K J'nston terrier mips dark brlndla. white marking, pedigreed, good heads and good ts'la: eleven weeks old. !l?9 Avenue A, Council Bluffs. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED Tp borrow between IM and $3,000 private money. Will give first mnrtgnge on western real estate, apple orchard. Address 1. H. Lyon, ;i 8. 2d St, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED T4I HIT WE have orders for twenty used Ford cars. Bring In your car; we will pey you the cssh. INDUSTRIAL OARAOE CO., joth and Harner Sts. OFFICE furniture tmupht and sold. 37 C. Reed. iyr7 Firiwm Doug. 414. M'F BUY M-ha:id r..ths '4J1 N. 14th. WE huv, sell, exch clothing, lewelrv. etc. Sulti-sses l tin. FrteHmsn Wth AV DtI irONT.Y-Any quanf ty. good ouallty": Give decr'ptlon snd price. A. L Root Co., f,Vt VV. 7th St.. Dos Moines, la. TOPICS FOR ADAY OF REST Bishop Millgpaugh, Bishop of Kan sas, at Trinity Cathedral MUSIC AT FIRST METHODIST t heir ef Forty-Fire Valeea Insr t Alorailng and I2veala gerrloes and Male Qanrte sit peelal Afteraooa Mrttlsg, Dean J. A. Tane.k of Trinity cathe dral will apeak Sunday on the Christmas ship which is to carry good cheer to the children of wsr-strlckrn Rumps. Rev. Charles W. 8avldge will preach on the subject of the Christmas ship Sunday morning at the People's church. Bishop Millspaugh, formerly dean of Trinity cathedral, now bishop of Kan sas, will preach at the cathedral Sunday morning at the U o'cl:ck service. i . The special numbers a trie Aunday morning service at the First Methodist church will consist of an anthem by the chorus choir of forty-five select voices. Te Drum In K fiat, written by Dudley Buck, and 'a soprano solo. "The Ninety and Nine," written by James Edward Carnal, sung by Miss Hasel Sliver. At the speclst afternoon fellowship meeting, which wilt be held at I o'clock, a male quartet, composed of !een Smith, first tenor: Walter Finch, second tenor; O. J. Bourlclotis. baritone, and B. S. Travis, basa. will sing two numbers. At the evening swrv'.oe the eholr will sing an anthem, ."My Until Doth Msgnlfy the lxrd," composed by James Edward Carnal, with an obllgato auto for soprano, which will be sung by Miss Sliver. Mr. Carnal will sing a solo, "The Lord Is My Light." by Allltsen. Rr. A. t. Lorlmer and F. K. Miller are this week In Minneapolis, Minn., at tending the seventh annual convention ot the Association of English Churches of the Augustana Synod as representative of ths Zlon Lutheran church. They witl return Sunday morning. ' Th Christian Endeavor t'nloa choir of 100 voices will slug at the meeting at the Young Men's Christian association Sun day afternoon at 4 clock. Judge A. L. Sutton win tpeak. The congregation of the Lefler Memo rial church tendered a reception to the new pastor ot the church. Rev. J. W. Henderson. Rev. K. A. Smith, former pattor of the church, but now of South Bend, Ind., coma to Omaha to take part In making hJa successor w si coma. "Assembly at fnA" s. .inmt -1 . - a - mw vm. Iinmi' hiss every nignt at t:i. Sunday, bcgln nng at I p. m. and 7;0 p, m.; 12J North Twelfth, corner Twelfth street and Cap itol avenue. ' The following program of muslo will be given at Immanasl Baptist church Sunday evening:. "The Heavens Are Telling" (from ths "Creation") Handel t-. Orchestra end Organ. Dreams of Ualllte , Morrison Choir. Invocation. Soprano Solo My Faith la Thee.... Buck Mrs. A br. Announcements. Offertory (orchestra). . Crown Him Lord ot All Lore ru Choir, Sermon-talk by the pastor. Baaiso and Tenor Ouet-Hopa Beyond MtiM,,,ill,,M,lM,,,Mli W hlt$i Mr. Swan son and Mr.'bgden.' SwinK..r....' Ar TiJJdI Mls Davis. ' Basso Solo-Opqit the Gates of the ToniPls ........ .A.t KmlpD Mr. Swanson. Jerusalem Parker-Rreg c"olr. Benediction Rev a.-ii...- . pastor. -...- . urns. Baptist. t.r?., TTni)rnlnth n'1 Msr'ney, nr. H. O. Rowlands, Aot ng Psstor Mornln service at 10:). Sublet "ProUs" a an5 a ""'.- Evealni . ae?vlc-St 7:. Subject, "Ophel." Olivet. Thirty-eighth smd Orand Avenue, rtev. W. A. Mulford. Pastor Morning at 11. Missionary addreV. by .hL"wln """"h., district swretary of t he Woman's Foreign Mlsolunary society. Kyerilng st 7 SO. . Kermon hy the pastrj Sunday school at W. Other serviced toung people s service at 7. Prayer and praise meeting Wednesday at 7:jT V . .""'' "eniy-iiTin ani Hamilton J. A. Maxwell . Pastor-Monilng. "ilini v. ...... w-nuui si noon, Younv peoplo'g meeting at :J0, led by Mist Burton-of Chlrayo. Sublect, "A Saloon, less Nation-Why Not?'' Prayer and conference nie-tlng of the church Wednesday evening. Subject. "The State Conventlon-What Did I O-t Out of It" Frnt.Cf?rnp.f,,Tn,h Arbor, K. It Taft, Pastor Men's p rarer meas. ng ut 0:30 Sunday school I n. MoTrt " worship at 11. Hubjeet. mo Thlngs You Missed If Yog Did Not At fn,i., .lnV n-"" lte Convention." Baptist Young Peoples union at T Lvenlng worship at . Sublert, "Bringv Inr the Art to Jerusalem." Mission Sun day school. 2010 South Fourth street, at ne,, Arthur J Morris. Prstor Momtng worship at 10:$0, Topic. "Tho Unfurled lianner." Bible school at .won. LaiHlst service t Vaa This i. "to U a wrvloeof c,",r- Mondsy evening, Harvest Home -"'"' einesiy. junior meeting . J'?!- ..'" ulP',r " Bible study t :!. Midweek rally fur praise and prayer at $. Christina. North Side. Twenty-second anf Loth rnp, Ocorae L. Peters, Pastnr-rilbV sil.oil at :8.. Mcrrilng service at !: Evenifia service at 7 30. Themo. "Why Ve Need a Savior." Christian Endeavor at t li. Flrit. Twenty-sixth and Harnev, Rev. Charles B. Cobbey, Pastor Morning woishln at 11. Report from Atlanta con vention. Evening worship nt 7:K. Young People's HocU ty hrtetlan 'iin- ,.-.. m ii.ib. junior r.nucavoc at -ori. Bible school at 8 44. Christ la a Science. Flrrt Church of Christ, "clentlst, St. Mary's 'Avenue and Twenty-fourth Streets Services at 11 and I Hubject, KEA L" KT ATU TUNSFErI" r.lVK STOCK MAKKirr OF W'KHl SUM' live slock to ttoulh Omaha. hsi'S 1 mileage and shrinkage Your consign- j rr.enta receive prompt and larefu) alien tKn ! tlve kIMli (.waasuieaiua Mrrrssau, MARTIN BROS, at CO.. Exchange Bldg. Kxr Hssi g.uis Co. la J. ob su4 Au tka Puurs. ' of lot t. bluck 27U c Itoriao laiKl V U Cassis B. Hayt aa4 Msuil A. Hoy. wfc vtusrwlst kEoea as ut h4 or lot 1J. Haas' sad t.CO) Naunls E. Allflus sa4 Harry W. Allvlae to KunCo I-u4 c.. w st lot it, Use's sda 11 Parker c. to Harry W. MuVsa, lot n la Moan-lair Kid , J llMisr W. Miita sad feasbaa to Drros W. t!ll, lot 14, block 11, llarcroa Itcrtns s44 l 1 i 10) K0 ' KUAL JiSTATK TIIANSFKH.S.. l4s fll4 lor roeord Cxtotar. JT, 114: Carl u. Muroarjr te Julia I. llrusauw, M . block 11, Ius4m riuuo....'. I lrrtu St. Hs u J,ha and Adds ltuih. lot blu- , toslor I i.c, Suuib Oib.lia Albert K. Hasp auj aits tu Vivtor g. i.un abrs an Ids M. Huaabr,' lut 11, Plorfe , Koautw Piatis laar4 A- Por aad wit. in Kan Put sa sn4 i(. I'M (. blin k 4. gnnv.r M, yirmoDl Jir o1 wits to Hand K. Bu k. U6 Ml ot tli (m( ot lot I, ao4 aji lu-l of ni tool ot let l blouk 1. BSlau g amio4 sna Harry N. Muasoa sn4 wlis to A H. boa tea. set fret of lift I, block . Dlht Liuvaa's a44, ao4 lot, I, I sud Is, Is IrVtt dl la lrui4 Hill 44 1 gsts B.IUiUs ( anl, t U I). Duos Co., lot t. bkMk 114, Oatsba .4.(00 aouta (iiusiia lsd Co. to gawar4 Bubntr sod Msrir Bohul. lots I nj I, bluck HI. Skulk Ouaka InvaitYcur Monay With Us In our new ' profit-sharing plan. In amounts of 1100 or taora and bs assured at least -ON YOUR MONEY rcxrr-tTxaM xKrrjmxTT. Ses or write us about It KASTII.GS & HEYDEH xi4 mm mm. sJV?lMs ij JLsgass)js1gssjs. 7 "Iioctrine of Atonement." 8undav school itwo sessional. .4a and 11. Wednssdaj evening meeting at I. t'oaarrrstatloaal. Flrat, Nineteenth and Usvenport, F. T. lion,', I'sstor-Mornlng womnlp at II. Kveiung worship at I 4S Address by rof KigKs of 8antee Indian mission. I'lymniith.l'nlver'ltr Aiiriltorlnm. Twenty-fourth Snd t'Vnlt. tTrlArtr-W W ISV. ' ilit. Minis, iTMoming service at 10); I scdress hy Frederick n. Iligcs of Psntee nman Agency. Hlble school at noon, t'hllnthea ttaraca and young married rniiplea' classes. Young people's meeting at tl:.Tii. Wednesday. I p. m meeting at home of Mrs. Frank Lenmer i.sovimt. All Halnts', Twenty-sixth Street and Dewey Atenue. T. j. aIsckst, Hector crlllon toplo at 11. 'fiajer and the War." Holy communion at 7:30. Sunday school at lc. Church of the Oood Shepherd. Twen tlein and Ohio. Rev. Thomas J. Collar, Hector Holy communion at 7:10k Sunday school at 1. 41. Morning pi oyer with ser mon st 11. livening piu.y.-r lth sermon at ?:. Kev. James Nome of Falls City, Neb., will prench In the evening. ftt. Matthias, Tenth and Woi thlngton. hv. Oaorgs 8. routiiworth, pastor Holy communion at . Morning prayer and sermon at 11. hunoay ocuool and till.le class at 10. Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty-first near Paul. Rev. John Albert Will iams, Vicar Holy communion at t:tl. Morning prayer at ItVJD. Holy communion and sermon at 11. Evening prayer and sermon at 7 .. .... iCvansrellcal Oreee United, Twentv-sevsinih Btraet '1 tamrten Avenue, Thomas W. Kvsna. Pastor "The Harvest" st 11. "Our Cltl renrhlp" at 7:3u. Bunday school at Ifli Keystone I.igue of Christian Kndeavor at :.V. All are welcome. First United. St Franklin, Itev. 3. M. Riinrla. Pastor Teachers' meeting at . I-eearhlng st 11 and K. L, C. K. at X Bunday school at 10. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday evening st T: Junior Endeavor rsllv st the Sun day Holiness association meeting at M Lather. St Malthw's Fngllsh, NlneteentTt and Csstellar. Rev. O. tV. Snyder. Pastor Morning service st 11, sermon by the pas tor. Evening servfc st 7.S0, mmmenclna wlth roapel song. Sunday school at W. subject. "Oethsemane." y St. Mark's Kngllsh. Twentieth and Bur dctte, p.ev. L. Uroh, Pastor .Services at 11 and J HO, Morning theme. "How Oer R'd ot ln?-Hv Forgiveness FA-nlng theme. "Why Rejoice In Tribulation?1 Sunday school at :4kV Young People's Christian Endeavor at :4S. Orsnoe Rvanrelleat, South Twenty sixth tltreet. between Poppleton and Wool worth Avenues. Rsv. Clarence N. Pwlhart. Minister Services at II and K Morning tonic. "The New Man." Evening topic. "Refusals." Bunday school at to J. Fred Smith, superintendent. Luther league at T:li. Kountae Memorial. Farnam Street aad Twenty-sixth Avenue, Rev. Oliver U. Hallsly. Ph.D., V. D., Pastor-Morning worship at 11, subject. "A ey of Great Events." Evsning worship at t, subject, '."eclng the Invisible.'.' Sunday school at 46. O. P. Ooodman, superintendent. Lu ther league at 7. r.lon, Th'rty-alxth Street and LafayetU Avenue. Rev. A. T. Lorlmer. Pastor Sunday school at :4R. Morning service at 11. B'enlng service at . In the morn tug an offering will be taken for the ben ef t of the Dlakonlas building fund. Sun day school teachers will meet Monday evening October 1. In the rnurch par lors. 1 he confirmation olass will meet Saturdsy afternoon. October ii. In the church partors.- Methodlst. lefler Memorial. J. W. Henderson, Pas. tor Hnn.'ay school at 10. Preaching at 11 and 7: M. Kpworth league at :4e. Walnut Hill. Forty-first and Charles. Rtv. Oliver M. Ksva, Minister Sundy school at 10; preaching at 11 and 7:; Eu worth league at i.30. Trinity. Twenty-first nnd Dlnnsy, Thomas Rlthell, Pastor Morning service, lO.hi; Babhath school, . neon: Ksworth league. :M; evening servloe, 7. Do. Swedish, Comer of Nineteenth and Burt, Uustav Erickson. Pastor Sunday school at 10; preaching service at U; Fo. worth league at .; preaching strvice at 7 :M. . . Hirst Memorial. Thirty-fourth Street and Lorlmore Avenue, H. B. Hess, Pas tor Preaching at U: subject, "Christ the Essential Truth." Preaching at 7:30; sub ject, "A .Still, Hroair Voice. MeCabe. Fortieth and Farnam. W. M. Lnderwood, Pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock; sermon by the pastor. Even ing sorvlce at 7:30. Sunday school at 10: Mrs. George Entrikln. superintendent. Adult Bible class at 10. Dr. U. c. John, teacher. Epworth league at ;; Mrs. Ethel Thorpe, president. First, Twentieth aad JDsvenport, Rev. Titus Lows, Minister sixtieth annl vsrsary servloes hunilny morning at 11. sermon by Rsv. Charles Qsyard Mitchell. I). U. LL.D., of Chicago. Addresses by laymen at I p. m.. J. P. Palley presiding. Epworth lesgue service at SO. Kvan- . gellstlc service for young peopla at 7:iu, oonducted by Rev. Vr. Mitchell.. Diets Memorial. Tenth and Pierce, iytv C. N. Ptwion, Minister Sunday school at ' :4 Ir. J. U r'rkni, superintendent. Preaching at 11, toplo, "Twe Ksy Words." Epworth league at 1:30, Miss Mlllimsn, leader. Preaching at 7:30, topic, "When a I'rlght Young Man DM a very Foolish Thing." Prayer meeting Wsdnssdsy even- ' Uig at 1 Hansoont Park. 'Corner Twenty-ninth (treet and Woolworth AVenue, Itev. c. W. MoCasklli, Pastor Morning service at -1L sermon by the pastor. Kveulng service at 7:4i, text, "Fau. who for one mor sel of meat, sold hi birthright." Sun day school at .4&. Epworth league at ' 1:40. . Prayer service Wednssday evenlpg at . . " . ...... . Prewhytertaa. . - First Seventeenth and Dodge, Edwin Hart Jenks, 1). U., Pastor Morning serv -toe, 10;30; evening service, v 7 :; ounday. school, noon;' Endeavor society, 0:30. Caatellar. Sixteenth and Castellar, C. C. Meek. Pastor Services at U and i Sab bath school at itk Junior Christian Kn deavoB at I: 0. Intermediate Ciiristlaa Endeavor at 7. Senior Christian Endeavor at 7. 1 1 , . '- Clifton Kill. Forty-fifth and Grant. B. Robert von der Lippe, Pastor Morning at il, "Co-Workers." Chrlsttsn Endeavor at :M. Preaching at 7 SO. Sunday school at lu; H. C. Forgy, superlnUndent. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 1 Parkvale. Thirty-first and Oold. Rev. A. K. Lehmann, Minister Morning wor ship and Bible school at lQ:ao. Christian Endeavor st 7. Fvenins; worship wltn sermon at 7:4S. Midweek prayer servle, followed by adult chorus rehearsal, Wednesday evening at 7:45. First rnlted Twenty-first and Emmet, A. C. Douvlssa, Pastor "Laborers To setber With Uod" st I0:SO. "Following Jesus ChrUt" at 7:30. Blhle school at noon. Young people's meeting at Mnblect. "A Saloonless Nstlon: Why NolT" . Mrs. W. T. Oraham. loader. Lowe Avenue, lfCg Fortieth Street. A. F. Kmnt. Minister Sobbath school at noon. Yoiirvr reople's meeting at 4V The pas tor will preacn st 10:30 and 7:30. Morninc suhjeet, "T'nconsclous Influerics:" eveiv ln. "A P'an for Maklner the Most of Life." Good music at b-th rervlces. Renson, A, J. MeClung. Pastor Sunday School nt 10, Morning worship at 11; ser- ' mm S'lbjeet, "The Healing of the De mon's!'." Junior Christian Endeavor at I Christian Kndesvor at :30. Evening wnnshtn st 7:30: sermon sub'ect. "Faults Covered by Rrotherhood." Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 8. Church of the Covenant. Twenty seventh and Pratt. Charles H. Fleming. Pastor Morning worship st 1010. "Jesus, -. the Re' Sl Solicitor," another sermon In ths series on "Jesus, Ihs Man's Man." Hlble school st noon. Endeavor at (:43. Fvnln worship at 7:S0. another old fashioned gospel song service. Wednes-ft-.v menlng at . "Ouesfons of the In different or Csreles." the second In the sHes f Rlhle stndles on "Qoestlnns You Wlti Re Asked During the Sunday Re vival " Worth, Twentwfnurth and Wlrfc M. V. Hlsree, Pastor Morning worship at I0:M. m,. "1 he River o Salvation" Sun day school st noon. Young Peonie s So ciety of Christian Endeavor at :. Even ing Aphlp at 7:80. Theme. "Seeing Renll'l-a." Prayer meefng Wednesday evening st t Westminster Mason free and Ooorsta A venn Tama FranVllr, Vmmg, r. D.. pfSto Moaning WnrsHn Kt jn-, Theme. " A . Fa4vsi f the Inner Life of trsj Ch ,e-., Rihta scared at aosn. Tog rwina rroetiaa- B( -. Terde . R J"""'" WKT Vntt Kowf rTvenlng warshln s f:H Tsame. "Jasiia Ar.thr. vidwaeV -rsyor service Wednesday evening at 7 4.