Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 11-B, Image 25

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I'.K.K.' fM'IVlllTO 1Q mil .
. ' .' 1 1 i- i. i i i Ji. 11
The Busy Bees -:- -:- Their
NTEREST has lagged in this day of fat trains, automobile and SWEET LITTLE BUSY BEE WHO
Bieamenips, in in accomplishments of homing piceonn. The Chi
Icajo Concourse association U responsible for a revival of Intere-t
in fhAUA ilvrt 4 Ul m u -1.1 Aaa t- - . i
. . nun nuiniurr, ntn ii unippna i.ivv nuiiimg pigeons
to Denlson, la., there to be turned loose for the flight back to Chicago
It most have been an interesting sight to see the large floe rise up for
a distance of ldo feet, where they hesitated, evidently to getjheir bear
ings, and then started off in one large flock In an easterly direction.
It is said that.the birds wade the trip back to Chicago in ten hours.
bich is less time than it takes, a train to make the trip. The Chcago
association contemplates shipping the birds to western Nebraska, too, that
a longer flight may bo made.
From Kansas City comes the news that a little battered homing
liscon, absent from home for two rers, had returned with its wings
rfajed and its tall feathers missing. Three pigeons with metal tags
frayed and Its tail feathers missing. Three pigeons with metal tags
the other two had returned within a few days, this one was absent for
two years.
Perhaps some of the Busy Bees have had interesting experiences with
these birds or have heard their friends speak of them. These stories
would be very much enjoyed by the readers of the Busy Bee page.
This week, ftTst prize was awarded to Kosella Klein of the Blue
side; second priie to Lois E. Lewellen of the Red side; and honorable
mention to Glenarla Said of the Red side.
Little Stories by Little Folk
(First Prise )
Ak-Sar-Ben Reminders.
l?y Rosella Kh-ln. 9M Hickory Street.
Omahu. Blue hide.
I think all of the Busy Boo children are
full of Kleo when Ak-Kar-Ben eoroes.
' Each year there, ia something new to
This year we have had the wonderful
Bird man, Lincoln Beachey, to watch
during his wonderful performances and
each year the floats of the electrical
parade ate more beautiful.
The colors of Ak-9ar-Ben used in the
decorations, red, yellow and green remind
-. you of fall when the leaves In the wkhIi
are turning, nuts are ripening tyid every
where you see the little squirrels work
ing as they never did before, storing
away their food for winter.
Ak-Sar-Bea reminds you that fall it
here and It It time to change your color
from snowy white dresses to something
warmer to keep out the chill but we love
the change of colors, especially red,
treen and yellow.
v (Second Prize.)
Account of Trip.
By Loii K. Lewellen, Aged 11 Years, Au
burn, Neb. Kod Side.
The Wednesday before school opened
mamma said that I might go to Ne
braska City, that afternoon. So I got
ready and went on the one-flfty-flve.
My Brother, who is three years my
Junior went with me to the depot. When
the train came in, I got on and our dog,
Buuter, got on too, so my brother had to
Bet him off before tho train started. lie
got him off, just in time too, for the
train was starting.
It went very slowly at first but after
It was out of the depot it went faster.
We paited fields of corn and wheat and
we Just passed one field of bay, where
men were working. Nest to It was a small
field, with a large haystack in it
In the same car- with me there were
two Catholic nuns. They were dressed
In black. There waa an old man in
there, who waa asleep.
When I got there, my friend, awhom I
mh going to visit, was at the depot
'to meet me. We went to town, and got
some Jelly-roll for supper, and bought
eome candy to eat on the way home.
Nebraska City is larger that I thought
end we had to no quite a little way. We
went through the parks where the band
1 lay, and got a drink from the foun-
1, Writ plainly oa ee aide ef
the paper only and aunifeet tke
a. Vn pan an ink. o pan ell.
3. Short ana point ertlotaa
wlU b glTan preferance. Bo act
was era ISO words.
4. Original etoriee or Utters
only wlU be waa.
a. Write yon name, er and ad
grata at the ton f tba Ilea et.
rtsat as 4 eeeoag pvtaaa e( boots
will be gtTen for the beat ws eon ta tbla paga each weak,
Afldraaa all oommnni cations to
Omaha ( Omaha. .
V r i
"' '
i j j
Gertrude While
tain. I cams home Sunday, so I could
go to school Monday. I surely had n
good tlm.
Honorable Mention.
Reform ia Copy-Cat. '
By Qlenarla Paid. Emerson, la. Red Side.
"Here conies copy-cat, copy-cat." cried
a group of girls standing on a street cor
ner. Winnie was lier real name, but be
cause she copied all her lessons, the
girls called her "copy-cat."
"I gueae I'd get good grades, too, if
I corded my lesrons," aald Alice.
"Cllrla," said Mae, "today we bad a
written lesson In spelling and ebe had
all her words written down on a piece
of paper and bid under her tablet."
"And she got 100, too," added another
"Well," said1 Nettie, a quiet little girl,
"If I were her, I'd have a little honor
for myacif."
Winnie, passing on the other side of
the street, heard every word, for the
w-lnd blew them to her.
With scarlet cheeka she passed on, but
with a new thought in her mind.
"Honor for myself,' she said to her
self. "I never thought of that."
AH the way home the word "honor"
kept ringing In her ears, even the little
birds seemed to sing, "Honor, honor,"
and when the big clock on the stairs
struck five it seemed to say, "Remember,
Winnie, honor for yourself."
She thought and. thought about it till
at last ahe decided tt quit copying.
The next fteroooh they had a written
lessen in spelling, but Winnie didn't copy
a word, for she bad every word aafely
tucked away In her head.
After a few daya the girls noticed that
Winnie didn't copy any more, ao they
b'Tome gtKid friends again.
. Winnie also found out that it u Just
as easy to larn her lessons as to copy
them and lose her honor.
Story of tho Wind.
By Charlotte Aaed 13 Tears.
I; ' Lend, S. IV Blue Side.
j We all know- that we cannat see the
wind, hilt once upon a t'me Ion, long
aaw, people could see the wind. He wss
I a It root, gittantic fellow,, so gigantic
i that every time he breathed he would
tumhto a bouse down.
Que day a wicked witch called to him
and sa.'d. "Oh, Mr- Wind, would you be
so kind as to Mw me across tho ocean
with your mighty breath??"
He answered back, glad to use bis Im
mense power, "Yes, Mrs. Witch, I will,"
and wilii a mighty breath blew her across
the ocean.
But the wind had not btewa quite hard
enough and tha witch landed knee deep
In a harbor. Of course, the wind had not
meant that the witch should be dropped
Into the wet. wet water, but she thought
that was Just what he meant to do. So
he said a few magic words and where
the giant wind hsd been, there remulncd
nothing but empty air. The wind
howled and screamed, but the witch on)y
said, "Sometime, maybe., someone will
releaao you, but that person must first
overcome me." Today the poor Wlad
realizes that his chances for release are
few. ,
But In a way I'm rather glad "that the
Witch and the Giant Wind did have this
quarrel. How do you feel about it?
An Acknowledgment.
By Rose Murray. 1115 North Thirty-eighth
rtreet. Omaha. Blue Hide.
Dear Editor: In this morning's mall 1
received tho book you sent me t think
Jt will be Interesting. -1 thank you very
Ethel's Show.
By Mary K. Grerson, Asred 12 Tears, West
i-oint, iseD. Uiuo bide.
Ethel's little friend, Alice, was away
visiting and Ethel was very unhapp,
wishing that she mlaht go along.
So one day when Ethel waa out on the
porch heh father came to her and asked:
"What is the matter with my little
daughter?'" "Oh, papa."" she aald, "1 am
very lonesome and I wish I had something
Own Page
eighth a.
Tiumnn Urcw-r.
i )-orr Otfforri.
Wllltiim Heiiii)R.
Nellie Nelson.
Irene Page.
Uiith IVtorjwNn.
Harvey Wslker.
Bigbth A.
I.IiIIhu lionson.
Myrt Kr.nrf.
I net HoiiKh.
V Irian Karls.
MarRHrrt I.Ui ap.
A lie Somherk.
vtfc .
Marie Kuaeklat.
l.loyd ChIhi.
Harold (,-outts
I'oiiilnic. I'oeimive.
Mn Flnstrnhurg.
Helen lillmore.
Kim-st Rwnn.
vaoth A.
I ail or Abramsnn.
Hurry Johnson.
tB wrenee
HetHpe Coamey.
Kathleen Met 'line. '
Irena Sallander.
I'Ikk Stewart,
fliaefc A.
Myrtle chrlstenren.
Hohert Oreen.
Vera t'.amot.
Uertrude 1 telling. .
(,'errlo Jensrn..
nrth a
Hi-nnie tlrown.
Kdrth KnKiiir.
Iec Ahramanii.
rtHymonil JaoonAii.
Itlinn liiiheneteln.
t'lvile Townaend.
Irene Krelilrlch.
Mertha lwmn.
ronrth B.
Kvart Oamet.
William l.tvlneston.
tnhlla Andarsoa.
'lar Craven.
Vitila iMrksnti.
Mora McCune.
nftb m.
Charlotte Anderson.
Fourth A.
'on,id Itlca.
Olive Gallant.
Agnes Ko!s. .
Alnry Aude-soii.
'harle llourh.
teln IVternen.
rblr A.
ituth tvtersen.
Third B.
Helen Newbouse.
JKHnthy Mel mm.
!llen I'avton.
I'aiil Sallamlei'.
I.e Hoy Webeia.
Blghth A.
Joe ltrlKKS.
I'liinm iernanrtl.
Mai'Kiette lllafkn.
Victoria Steptinek.
Baranth B
Mihlred Byrne
.teaale ha, fhapelle.
John fVhupp.
veath A
Helen i 'tu-nter.
Aartes Mcfahe.
John flemarad.
Warla Kolarnv.
t'harlea Mnrrla.
Mamie Nulberg. ,
lath B
lre Aatlefonl.
I.HHan Bros.
.tnta Bondny.
tath A.
.lohn Harnett
rtth B.
KHa, llomta
Oliver Snutler.
vifth A,
Ivah Clement.
Itnaalle Herta.
Alfred Monaco. ,
wrth B.
.lennln IVivle.
Howard Tierce. s,
Oladya Johnson,
"onrth A.
Mildred Harts.
Horothr Rahn.
Third B. i
Margaret McCehe.
Mary Woodcook.
rhirg A.
Anna fcriodal.
lavld l'oten.
Clint Hyatt.
Irene Nelaon.
Btrhth B
Htiona ':impbell.
'car i:taer.
Kutli .lohnann.
Marie Mackey.
Horla NewhoiMe.
Tam Ttobel.
Mary chaef frr.
Irene Winter.
Blghth A.
Heaslo Halter.
Mnry Kllnahrth
1 ratia in.
Tlhen Hardtmaer.
Irena Illalop.
Oenvsn itikteeer.
It nth Itauer.
Mnr.le U.-avIa
A'ernon wanaon.
l1llh reltecrew.
Velora Hoone.
Iird Wrac.
IJIlle KH.-kson.
fther Houaer.
Tnni Kerrlsan.
Ilasel Iake.
I .III Inn Nelaon
Stella IVreraofi.
Helen llort'in. ,
ranth A.
Orpha Travla.
Sadie O Nelll
Oala Ina'nihe.
Alma. Wheelea.
Marie Snvdcr.
I I l ie Hlce.
riKiie Mndberg.
l-'lcnuor Line.
Nellie Rasch.
Sixth B
l.U'-lle Mendel.
Kdwln liH.liiky.
1. on ell Miller.
Haael lven .
Kdward (llrwon.
Kathryn Jennings.
lata A.
'larenoe Mrtckson.
Mildred Oant.
Vivian Harrlv.
'era Heath.'
Ttuby Henke.
i:ali T 41 lie.
Otis Potter.
Alma RlchnrUs.
ruth a.
Mary Anderson.
Marion Howell.
Taath B.
Ulchard Undnilrr
j:va Hemerlnger.
1 file J-niith.
nrth a.
lolriio l'atteiaon.
Nellio T'ltteraon.
Verda Wlnaiott.
Kva Fllnn.
Arthur Johnson.
Tenrth B.
Martha Anderson.
Standi Kclxev.
F'hiiI Llntll.iii
Mahle Tuhhs.
ronrth A.
lwlli Mavla.
Orrlllc lVv,ier.
'"hnrle llort'in.
Paul Miller.
In'oia IVndlntoii,
Henry Xllver..
Haael Smith.
Third B
1 "oiiaJd Roone
.ailoe Oalhralth.
IMul TI.-aM.
l-"relerle l.anx.
Thlra A.
VVt-alv Alcorn.
Ituraell An.ler-n
'ntherlne Camphell.
Helen HiKKina.
Kll: May K'llsntu
Matirnret Mil'er.
1'evn ItoMnaon.
I.tnore Kmlth.
XUrhth A . v
i liin in-o Woolrldge
ranth B.
Kdwanl Johnson,
lloliert Proctor,
riith a.
Theraa Perish.
KngMie )'tonnell.
PlilIlD Rets.
Marie Palme,
ronrth B.
'lritll Anredson.
Mary laaaea.
Howard Itatekln.
lron Honk,
t'lnik liiitchlnsun.
rourth A.
li.lruv Pllly.
.Sidney (livens.
ICtta Haas
nice to play, and since Alice has gone
away It Is very lonesome. '
"Well, Ethel." he said, "you may have
a show and I' will buy you everything
you wish to have ia the shew."
"Oh, papa, hew deUBhtfui!" alia ex
claimed. So (he next day she ent out
her Invitations to her little frleada.
Her father had erected a large tent
and aho also had ft little merry-go-round.
She had twelve little girls to act. They
first Bang a song and then they had a
very funny plas-. It pleased the chHdeen
so much that they . laughed all the time.
At the close of tha show tee cream,
cake, lemonade and candy ' were 'served.
When the .children were to go , home,
Ethel wae very sorry to have them leave.
So they planned to have a. show every
day. When evening came and her bed
time, her father entered the room and
asked: "DM you have a good- time,
Ethel?" "res, papa, I did," and she fell
asleep. . '
Rhymes of a Bad Boy.
By Madeline Kenyon. Age 13 Tears, 3339
Cuming Street, Omaha. Blue Bide,
Once there was a boy
vWho always with him brought a toy. .
Thla big boy was not kind, l
And It he aaW any unkind treatment to
anyone he did not mind.
Ko one ever liked him and by nickname
he was called Tim. .
He did not like books- .
And disliked their looks.
One day he went away
To visit his aunt for a day.
This he liked very well
And was so happy his books ha would sell.
Ilia aunt asked him If he minded his
But he answered. "I don't even mind my
father. "
The Dog Rovtr.
By Bernlce Blmmona, Ae s Years, Edl
eon, Neb. Blue Hide.
Once upon a time there lived a boy and
Ti e little hoy went to school.
He was 7 years old when he went to
school. .
The little girl was 4 years old.
The girl's mune.wae Helen and . the
boy's name was Rernnrd. Their mother
Was a good mother. 1 .
"In one year Holen will be old enough
te go te school," said Bernard to Helen
one day. ' . '
They had a dog whose i name was
Rover. They loved their dog. :
One day a man came and got Rover.
Helen cried, because ahe 'loved .the' dog.
She said to her mother. "Motherrl do not
want Rover to go away.'f
But her mother aald to her, "Helen, we
cannot keep JHover.V
v' '.- . ' - i ' "
Motor Trip to Platte. :
By Veda Lllley, Aged .Years. 'South
Omaha. Hluo Bide.- . (
I am going to. write my, first letter to
the Busy Bees. i ' 1
One day last summer we iooK. a rlp, to
the Platte river. ' There' was a whole
bunch of .us going. It waf a long way (o
there. We only atayed one day. We ate
our dinner bout as soon as We got there,
and after dinner we . went In swimmthg
and had a fine time.
I hope this docs not set put In the waste
basket. ' '
At the Theaters
(Continued from Tsae Five.)
of them he sung at the fatace perform
ance. ; '
"Calilria." the greet motion picture- film
which is to tin offered at the Rrandels
theater for the entliV wee': of Nbvember
1. Is one of the moat beautiful specimens
of motion pli ture phrnogmphy ever' pro
duced. Part of the film are made stereo
scopic: thst la to sy. they have all the
appearances and solidity and relief of the
original auhjert. They look so real that
i they hsv depth' and solidity to a degree
heretofore not ahna n In a motion ,ctur.
This wonderful effect Is obtained by a
patented device of the ltala Film com
pany, who produced the picture.
The name of Rerlhs. Kallch la alone
sufficient to furnish remarkable dis
tinction for the headline feature of (his
week's bill at the Orphrnm. The play of
"Mariana." tit wlerh Xtme. Kallch pre
sents the title role, la said to give scope,
through the personality of a Spanish
woman, to the depiction of ardent and
conflicting emotions of love and hate.
Jealousy and tenderness. The one-act epi
sode Is really the epilogue te one of the
modern playa of Jose Echsgsrsy. the
Spanish playwright, and Mme. Kolich has
the support of a specially chosen eompeny
of five playere. .
The Oklahoma cowboy. Will Rogers. Is
much more 'ban a clever. wYnlptilntnr of
the lariat. Interesting as are the tricks
he performs with a rope. H Is- his ability
as a funmaker that has wort fdr him Im
menf popularity In vaudeville. "I'ndar
the Gay White Lights" la the name of the
skit to be offered by Johnny Cantwell and
Beta Wslker. Robert Everest's "Monkey
droits"' Is to be a conspicuous feature of
the bin; These simian performers have
no master er director on lle stage with
them while they are having their carni
val of fun.. In addition to the series of
society dances to be presented by U-nette
Asorla. she Is to introduce some stops of
a character called cyclonic. She t as
sisted by Mss Filiate, and Chevalier" de
Mar. Instrumental and vocal tnuslo is to
be contributed by the Transatlantic trio.
Mortimer MacRae and Qartrude Clegs
have a clever bicycle act. Completing the
bill, as usual, will be the Orpheum Travel
Weekly, offering a new eerlea of beauti
ful world pictures.
Patrons of the popular Oayety theater
will welcome an entirely new show In the
field of musical burlesque in the "CI Iris
of the Moulin Rouge," who will make
their appearance this afternoon. Py the
following list it can be readily seen that
the management has overlooked no point:
Will H.. Cohan, Ida- Emerson and Henry
P. Nelson are the principal comedians
and prima donna. Borne of the support
ing, east are Nettle Hyde, Harry Hills,
Jimmy Connors, Ethel Marmont, Mabel
Lynost and the four London ' girls. The
costuming of this organisation was left
to Joe Hurt lg. who is also the owner And
producer, his Instructions to- the costumer
being, "Go the limit." Everything tsken
into consideration, the,. "Qlrls of the
Moulin Rougo" should give satisfaction
and play one of the most suocessfu! ea
gagenients at the Ggyety theater this sea
son, .Slat-ting tomorrow there will be a
ladles' dime matinee dally. i'
, ; -r . ..
The vaudeville at the Empress this
week is' hrghly Interspersed with muslo
and comedy. The "Seven Caatelluccia"
head th bill with both high clasa and
comedy, rnatruritcnt el muslo. Larkln and
Evelyn.'the Dainty Fair," eater tain by
song and rapid-fire comedy talk. Murray
K.' Hill ' offers a highly amusing mono
loguet entitled "The, Five-cent Barber."
Tt -"r.liajrrnlon Trio' a tronn Cf In-
poians,, dispense mirth, melody and muslo.
Blackfco't, ' one of - the troupe, a full-
"blooded- Chtppewa. Indian, offers several
numbers on 'the phtno. -By special ar
rangnment the manngement has scoured
a multiple reel sociological feature, entl
tltled "Through Dante's. Flames." Some
spectaf-ular scene are shown In this pic
ture which are far from the ordinary run
;of supernatural happenings, which hav,
become Wore or lens common In most of
the sensatlnna.1 pictures of the day.
fleeala Only m. ffw Remorea froiK
(he Jnale t'anaet lie
The dangers Incident to the handling
of wild beasts held tn captivity have been
m nee demonstrated recently. Kmersor
Dletrli-h. In Chicago, was attacked by
five Hons rubs when he entered their cse
to feed them, end Is dead. At Mount
Clements'. Certain Jacob Lorenxo wai
set upon by a yottn lion -tie bad trained,
and Is dead. Dnyllfah, an animal tamci
of reputntlon.' is dead from wounds in
flicted by a lion during a circus perform
ance at Ilinghamton. N. T. In the
two eases first mentioned the hearts
were regarded as perfectly tamed nnd
therefore harmless: the lion that killed
Dcvlliah hsd A bad record, having pre
viously killed one keeper and scriouidy
wounded another. . f
Seldom does tho "ahow soseou" go by
without some similar Instance being re
corded. Familiarity breeds, ' not con
tempt, bftt carelessness, and the penalty
l paid with a life. No wfld. creature,
two er three removes from the jungle,
can be trueted. The natural savage In
stincts are. merely dormant, ready to be
aroused at any unusual provocation.
Hunger, as In the esse of Dietrich, the
smelt of blood a resentment of disci,
pllne, or no reason apparent to tho
trainer, may rouse the savage nature
ith deadly remits, it is ghastly
thing to aee a human being CgMIng for
life with A-bewtet that has reverted to
the Jungle type; a-, fright that 'turns nu n
Sh it with norrer, and ' remains an in
eradicable memory to women- and chil
dren, ' r1- - ' i '
It seems 'a' fearsome, occupation, thla
gubjectlon ef the moat sk ( animals
to a point where they wtirMey word or
gesture. Yet merri'ahif wouibrl. too, nn
dertake It. and. often- profess-n genuine
attachment to their savage pets. thousU'
bearing the scars ftf wounds Uirilcted by
them. And .en the training and the per
formances continue. There a.riany wno
enjoy aeelng. lions and elephants and
flippy seals put through their tricks at
the crack ef the tralneT'a;w)ilp. We ad
mire the triumph aof men's wfll over the
beast's wilt; we acknowledge the tract a -blllty
of the animal that perform a id
the patience aad cooragw ef 4he trainer,
and Possibly, the- thought of. the peril
faced may add a. little pleiurable thrill
to our Interest For . the anlnjal trainer
may aay t himself, aa Avlhtor Lincoln
Beachey said, that the pubtld paid this
price ef admission, not ekaotly eipecttng
to see men killed, but ene fully reallt
lng the possibility at dcn a-cKtastrophe.
Detroit F4 Press. '
Peter Jensen, a farmer living near Han
cock. Mloh, reports a deanerate battle
with wolves en his. way home from the
city . on Friday. He says that while he
waa walking through the wood a In On
tonagon county, he' heard the wolves and
ran for a cabin. .
Before he could eliut the doors one of
the wolves entered, and aftet a desperate
battle Jensen killed the animal. Ho hurled
It through a 'window and tAe animal's
matea devoured It. He clahne'that there
were -fourteen-wolves-lit tha pack.
At daylight -h returned to the city,
and hunter are now oat after the pack.
Several people have reported; wulven In
Ontonagon and Winona counties, and tme
was recently killed by a car. Bears are
also said to be rather nnmerous in the
upper penlnsuia owing to. recent legisla
tion preventing .the killing ft them.
Sheriff Kolar of Bt Ignace shot a bear
with h.' revolver. Kolar act within twenty
five feet of the bear before' he saw ft. He
fired and wounded 'the animal, which
turned and ran, kiuking its escase. A
Cunningham of Blom, Menominee county,
laat week killed four black bears and one
wolt Detroit Free Press. ,
Bee Want. Ads Produce Ilcsults.
9 nj
at the
Jl Li LI Li -
nnt on
Home of the $10,000 Foto. Player and Pipe Organ
"Universal" Series
The Master Key
Alamo Theater
24th and FC-rt Sts.
'Trey o' Hearts"
boo mwvm
Make Your Dates Now
Released on or About (lov. 17th
Episode No. 10.
lloper Theater
Council Bluffs, Ia.
"Trey o' Hearts"
12th Episode.
Lyric Theater
16th and Vinton.
Loyal Theater
24th and Caldwell.
'Trey of Hearts'
Serial No .11.
Palace Theater
24th and Davenport.
"Trey o' Hearts"
7th Episode.
And Each Week Every
Sunday Following.
Pastimo Theater
23d and Leavenworth.
"Trey o' Hearts"
10th Episode
Saturday, Oct. 24th
(2-Ileel Ilex)
Trey of Hearts"
Episode No. 11
Diamond Theater
24th and Lake. '
"Trey o' Hearts"
Million Dollar Mystery
Don't miss aay of our
IDEAL Theater
16th and Dorcas.
"Trey o' Hearts"
' ' ' ' -i
The F.lontds
.- : ;' jr. .-'
2Cth and Farnam.
"Trey' o Hearts"
Serial No. 11 v
' (2-Heel Kerrigan)
Gem Theater
13th and William
"Trey o' Hearts"
9th Episode
Don't Miss It.
agio Theater
South Omaha.
"Trey o' Hearts"
Serial No. 12' .
Frolic Theater
24th and SpraguA
hTrey o1 Hearts"
llth Episode
Don't Miss It.
Parlor Theater
"Trey o' Hearts"
12th Episode
Crystal Theater
North Platte,. Neb. .
"Trey o' Hearts"
8th Shown
Sco "Troy of HoartQ,, at
Lothrop Thoator
Every Thursday. See tbia piilur ia comfort mt tUe fineat
icture bouse la Omaiia.
Tho r.lost Spectacular and Intcrost
Inc Story Evor Filmod. You Can't
Afford to 171 loo a Sinclo Number.
Denson Theater
Benson, Neb.
; "Trey o' Hearts"
. (U-Iteel imp.)
Lyric TJieatcr
Osceola, NebVJ
Coming 1 ' " Coming !!
"Trey o' Hearts"
Two-Reel Serial in
Fifteen Installments.
'OCTOBER at. '
' - AVftOXA. m:
"Trey o' Hearts"