Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 6-B, Image 20

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The Be Publishing Company, Proprietor.
Entered at Omihit poetofflce a seennd-c'ss matter.
Hy rarrtrr Bt mall
per month. per year
Pall anil Funa'ar
Patlv without Sunday....' c.. JV
Hvcnlng and Sunday "c " "J
Kvenlng without Sunday J 1
Sunday Bee. only .......
K.nd notice of cbana-e of address or roniplalnta or
Irregularity in drlivery to Omaha Bee. Circulation
Remit br draft, expreea or postai order. Only twn
cent postage stamps received In payment of atrial) ac.
rounta personal check", except on Omaha and eastern
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha Th B Building
South Omaha 2M8 N street.
Council Bluffs 14 North MaJB etreet.
1 Incnln Little Building.
Chicago SOI Hearst Bolldlnr
New York Room 2 fifth avenue,
St. Ixuls-B New Hank of Commerce.
Washington 7:5 Fourteenth St., N. W.
Address commtinlcatw na relating to mwi and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
nf Nebraska. Cotintr of Douglas, as
Pwight Willmtiifi. circulation manager of Tha Bee
Publishing company, being duly aworn. says that
tha average Sunday circulation for the- month of
September 1 f14 was 44. TV.
PWKIT WIUJAMSX Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence, and aworn to before
me, thla Id day of iMnlwr, I''l4
ROBEKT HUNTER, Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
should have The Bee mailed o these. A
drrsa win be changed oftn as reqawisted.
Efficiency means happiness, so be efficient.
Time to begin doing your early Christmas
Looks as if that German war machine were
Miss Indian Summer is Invited to atay na
long as she will.
That short, sharp, quickly finished war Is
only In the story books.
Przeniysl ought to be sufficiently well forti
fied with Us name alone.
Out, of course, levying war indemnities Is
not alwaya the same as collecting them.
Mary Garden may be depended on to hoe her
own row as a Red Cross nurse at the front.
It Is not every country with a scat of govern
ment that can be moved about as easily as Belgium's.
Mr. McGlnty has come to light at last hold
ing down a clerical Job In a government bureau
ht Washington.
Sulzer la bantering tbe colonel for a debate.
Better look a little out or he will not be "the
same old Bill" very long.
Philadelphia Just cannot get away from that
cringy feeling of having a lot of Boston book'
worm crawling all over It.
The Minneapolis Journal observe that some
persona still say "tomahtoes." Yes. but no one
can ever make them taste that way.
Another attempted recall of a supposedly
unpopular city official has failed out In Denver.
Kvldently, It la not so easy as it looks.-
Still, If Mitchell and Plnchot are both elected
instead of Penrose, as they and their followers
bay they will be, that will give Pennsylvania
three senator.
; The open season for auto touring Is nearlng
its close, but that is no reason for auVolsts laps
ing iuto carelessness, much less becoming reck
less in their driving. "
Chairman Thompson of the democratic state
committee and Chairman George of the repub
lican state committee are at least entertaining
one another with their little Joint debate.
Omaha gets the next National Farmers' con,
press, ana the Farmers' congress gets a meeting
.place In the center of the most productive and
prosperous agricultural area of the country.
The blghoat tribute to the honesty of profes
hlonal bae ball U la the winning of the world'a
rerles championship !n four straight games in
stead of stringing them out to boost the gate
. receipts.
If President Wilson succeeds in landing
Lr'er Watterson back on the reservation as
handily as he did Colonel Harvey, then let him
have that Nobel peace prize without further
- v atchf ul waiting
Utf lcittA LsiM
V . "17:.- 4 77Y.. . . . , J
i:t v,W" c'- wM (fl yttuiiu
r''-"nt aurvrlaa party was ,Ve ,st even!,,,
ul tha residence of Thomas Price on Khtrman avenua
to htmor of Mr. and Mm. Frank Uol.trt.. formerly
Mlaa Lizzie Cduinl, ro,.nii . '
The contract for rdln down the court hpuM lot.
.... in iu t.uny w lt, 0rnt a yard th
drt to o to the county, and the work to becoir.
Plcted in thirty days. O. II. Down l.aa the contra,
lor grading Kurnam atreet weat f the city limit
for fourlecu cents a yard.
A number of the older employes of the Union Pa
...vm to ine noma or . if. H. tlark to
- - tf-.',uiu uiimuay. t oun-
cilniaa Atid.TButi made apeech which rerpundrd
ta by ilr. Clark.
JWv. l.r. llarfeld delivered tils Inaugural a.rinon at
TeniAje lral on "The Triple Crown or the Ulorloui
i'oloird republican held a muaa mertina: In I.ytle
blo.k. J. ill.ain called the aathcrina to order
K. S. eienhtaa preaidtd. A. H. Vlllia served aa secre
tary am Vr. . II. f. Xtevennon was endorsed for
l-oprci.-ntative. t
H. i!aJhtiiiie ha returned to Omaha after
'. iii'.nllK al'cue-
The Indispensable Human Factor.
.Miss Ida Tatlicll i8 quoted as saying tUat
' The fcperet of (l'minating accidents is one-third
.afrty devices and two-thirds organization and
education. ' In other words, th human ele
ment l indispensable to the Furcers of the most
intertills mechanical device. All of this Ir fa
miliar experience, nevertheless bears repeating.
The best laid safe and sane plans of men and
mice gang aft aglce. This Is true, s the Chl
cafio Herald Kayo, "not only in the ppeclal case
Miss Tarbell has in mind. It Is true of every
device In politics, business, banking, commerce
and social reform." Which is. after all, the best
application to make of it.
Many cities and states have learned by bitter
experience that model laws, methods and de
vices come to naught, or nearly no, without the
proper human oleinent back of them. Commis
sion forms of city government, the roniniiKsloner
hips in various, political relations, the city man
ager plan and all the other reforms and projects
devised are as good, in the end, as the personnel
back of them and no better. The fault Is In
trusting too tntnh to these legislative cure-alls.
Folks forRet that the very device which, In the
hands of a good man, will accomplish excellent
results, will, correspondingly, cause Just as
much, or more, mischief If entrusted to bad
men. Surely the outstanding lesson of our po
litical experlenco In city, state and nation Is that
the human element Is the most important of all;
that it Is, In truth, the indispensable factor.
Classifying1 Housewives.
Once more there romes.the familiar protest
Ogainxt the census disposing of housewives as
having "no occupation," a thing, we are re
minded, against which (lioiighful women have
remonstrated since the original counting of
noses in this country. Thus far, however, this
righteous Indignation of our good women
whoever they are that are protesting has been
more or less of a desultory character, assuming
no concerted, well-aimed action. Hence it has
come, as all such sporadic and unorganized ef-'
forts, to naught. But no, not to naught, for here
Is Mrs. Flora McDonald Thompson of Washing
ton and Tarls, a woman whose international
Identity gives a humanity-wide' sweep to her
sympathies and possibly her Influence herd
comes Mrs. Thompson indignant through and
through, declaring that this injustice must
cease; tha't the housewives of our fair land must
no longer be classed by our federal census as
loafers, which is the meaning given to "no oc
cupation." And Bhe goes on to recount the inultifaiiouB
duties of the housewife, with which we are all
more or less familiar; or the never-ending na
ture of her work; of Its demands upon her pa
tience, love, time and strength. No normal per
son will attempt to minimize this. But now,
after all, what real difference does it make how
the census1 classifies the mother ana the wife,
the queen of tbe home Whnt haa she suffered
these years by the failure of the census to give
her a different status? And where Is the great
army of wives and mothers doing the protest
ing? Even if the census attempted to be Just
to them in classifying them, it would be impos
sible. It would not hurt, of course, to record
them oa housewives, but neither can that noblest
of spheres be injured If the classification should
he delayed yet a little while. No one will ques-
41. . . Mti . . . ....
non mm. mompsons anility to work up an
agitation, though, for that can be done about
almost anything nowadays.
The Boy and the Man.
"There is no such thing as 'the boy prob
lem,' much as folks talk about It." said Fred
8. Goodman of New York, a Young Men's ChrlH
ttan association expert. In addressing an' Omaha
audience. "The problem is entirely In the kind
of leadership the boy gets, and that rests, not
with the boy, but the man."
Mr. Goodman insists on a man's Influence
for the boy, especially from 14 years of age on,
and the roan ought to be hie father. For the
boy, he says, Instinctively classifies himself then
as a man and will respond sensltlvclyto a man's
leadership. To illustrate, t5 cites this Incldeut:
When the steamer The Republic w as rammed by
another ship some five years ago and Imperilled
and the transfer of passengers was under way
with the rule of the sea, "women and children
first," in force, a father standing near the edge
of the deck, bade his wife, little daughter and
aon of 14 good-bye and otepped buck. Pres
ently the boy kissed his mother and sister and
went to take his place beside his father. In
stinctively he classified himself, preferring to
die with his father as a man than escape with
his mother and sister as a child.
How typical thla boy was no one knows, but
the moral is plain. Tbe father who succeeds
in establishing and maintaining a close, confi
dential companionship between himself and his
son has, as we all know, taken a vital step to
ward meeting hla responsibility. From then on
It is largely up to him what his boy becomes,
depending on the kind of leadership tbe boy
. More .American Influence.
Another call comes from the republic of
China to the republic of the United States for
more American influence. The Chinese have
tried it In the missionary, the commercial drum
mer and his wares, the great "open door" policy,
the specialist in finance, government and educa
tion. So now In asking the National Associa
tion of Manufacturers to nominate a commercial
adviser to the Chinese republic, President Yuan
Shi Kal proceeds like a mta who knew exactly
what he wauted.
No great elaboration khould be needed to
get the Americans to see the full, far-flung
uieauing of all this. It Is simply that we are
steadily expanding and deepening the in
fluence of olir institutions iu thla land,
but lately cleared of the- primeval forest
of ancient pagan monarchy. If this seems
banal to any or u, let us note that Dr. Hunter
Corbett, tbe venerable missionary. Is still living
I to relate the story of the peril he eucountered
in entering his field of labor In China some
fifty years ao. More than that, only a decade
ago American miioiiaries were being massa
cred In the great Shan Tung protinco. And
there is mill fresh iu mind the atrocities of the
Boxer uprising.
Other hostile (I'ubrt aks m:iy c om and go,
but the uago rnti-on Menial t-pirii w ill not lo
the prime inoilte back of thciu. Fifty jeara,
twenty, ten, seem but so many days now In the
span of China's development. Incredibly swift
Is Its progress today toward the goal of actual
representative government. The best evidence
of this Is these very appeals for additional ex
perts, not only In the science of government, but
the ways of Industry and commerce as well.
And. every such appeal forms a new link In the
chain of cause and effect binding .constantly
closer together the destinies of these two great
People and Events
A Beautiful Utopia.
In our letterbox, to wlttvh we are giving
spa'e today specially for that purpose, will be
found au Interesting communication signed by
Mr. C. II. Malchlen in the nature of a plea to the
newspapers of Omaha to agree on, and give
united support to, the different candidates they
consider best for election to office. Mr. Mal
chien, who Is the office manager of our biegest
department store, insists that whether a man is
a republican, a democrat, a progressive or a so
cialist should make no difference If he Is honest
and conscientious and has the ability to fill the
position he Is striving for, and suggest further
and quite truly that it Is Just as Important to
newspapers to have goocl, clean men in official
places as to the public. "Let the newspapers
get together, pick out the best men who desire
to run for office and let them lay their findings
before their readers" is his plan, with the Infer
ence, of course, that any slate so agreed upon
v- III be cheerfully acquiesced in and approved by
the voters.
Now, t we cppreclate the eomplltnenl and the
well-intentioned purpose of these suggestions,
and sincerely wish we could persuade ourselves
that the people of Omaha would be willing to
delegute their right of self-government to their
newspapers? but we have to face the cold logic
of facts and experience. The elder Carter Harri
son was once elected mayor of Chicago not only
without the support, but In the face of the oppo
sition of every English language dally In the
city. In Omaha more recently the proposition
to buy the Auditorium, heartily supported by
two newspapers and not vigorously opposed by
the other, and endorsed by practically all the
business and civic organizations of the city, was
decisively beaten. Just now all of our dally news
papers are united behind most of the School
board candidates selected for us by a so-called
citizens' committee, and still It will hardly be
safe for those of these candidates, who have com
petitors, to count on a unanimous election. In
other wordB, unanimity of newspapers does not
necessarily make unanimity a unanimous public
ftcntlmont any more than unanimity of doctors,
lawyers or department store managers on any
question would produce the same frame of mind
among all their clients, patients or patrons.
So far as The Bee is concerned, It has been
its policy, and will continue to be its policy, to
support for public office the men who seem to
be the best equipped, and the most dependable
to carry out the policies which we believe will
best promote the public good. . The Bee will not
give, nor will It withhold, Its support pimply be
cause some other newspaper- Is for or against a
candidate or proposal. The support of other
newspapers for candidates we favor will be wel
comed, but their opposition wi'll not deter us
from advocating what we believe, to be right, and
it must be plain to all that no other course will
command public respect and confidence. It
must be plain, also, that there will always be
disagreement, not constant, but occasional, be
tween newspapers as between Individuals, be
cause they reflect the disagreements of the com-.
inunlty among whom they have their readers.
Just as competition is the life of trade, disagree
ment, discussion, rivalry and partisanship are
the forces that propel city, state and nation
along advancing lines of material, moral and
rolltlcal progress.
Worthy Servants.
The story la told of a poor woman w ho works
twelve hours a day In this country, and with a
mite that it takes to keep a person in some of
the oriental countries, supports a woman mis
sionary. Thus she proudly tells her.frlends how
she works twenty-four hours a day her money
working for her In the distant land.
Something of this snine feeling of Just pride
may be the part of those American children
sending their gifts to the less fortunate children
of war-smitten Europe when they awake on
Christmas morning. The cheer that the Amer
ican boy and girl get from their own well-filled
stockings will be but halt of their share of
Santa Claus' cheer: the other and quite the bet
ter half will be working for them to make glad
the hearts of thousands of little folks in those
otherwise cheerless homes of the dreary lands
across the sea.
Let us hope that this terrible war will be
over before another Christmas time, and if it is
these American children who participate in this
grand enterprise will always have one special
Joy out of the good Yuletlde season to feel good
over and tell to other children In the years to
come. But, of course, these young givers ot
good things are not going to be actuated in
their giving by a selfish spirit, at all, nor one
tht seeks but to cheer the heart of the donor.
The right spirit, we are sure will prevail, for the
very enterprise, itself, will inspire it.
Experts ( intend that the mighty chejt
ri"Ston has acquired couldn't be dented
by the shelln which shattered the forte
of Antwerp.
if a vote of the ople of Helxium could
be had on the question. It l fairly certain
a ma.lority would aitree with what Gen
eral Fherman said about war.
The attention of the weather man Is re
spectfully but firmly called to th fa. t
that his reputation as ft maker of Indian
summer is yet to be established.
Texas Is not at all ansloua to swell the
world's flow of tears, hut the state has
fiW rarltiads of onions ripe for the mar
ket, and the. growers need the money.
"W mia-ht a well frankly acknowl
edge," eays the Philadelphia ledger,
"that we were defeated not by luck, but
by the better team." PtralRht goods. Ixt
It go at that.
A railroad In f;outh America Is said to
Yo earning money at the rate of linri.ono a,
mile, end pays 14 per cent on Its common
stock. A photograph of the tat the
company charges would be a valuable
addition to the museum of an American
traffic manager.
American millionaires who own castle
In England are cheerily turning their poa-e-ess'tonB
into war hospitals, but there Is
no sign of a desire to swear off allegiance
to their own country. Tn times like the
present, the United States looks mighty
good to the tufthunter abroad.
The British war office ahattera another
Illusion bjr admitting that the graphle dis
patches from the r.rltlsh front were not
written by General 8ir John Freneh, but
by a Colonel Pwlnton. All the felicitations
showered, on Plr .lohn as a reporter are
herewith switched to Colonel Swlnton.
"May his tribe Increase."
The onco famous Calumet club, Chi
cago's pioneer social organization, goes
Ijrto the discard November 1. Ildw have
the mighty fallen! Among the charter
members of the club were Marshall Field,
fJeorge M. Pullman, P. T. Armour, Ee I
Z Loiter, N. K. Fairbanka and F. W.
Teck-all Rathered in the great beyond.
The fad for anklet and garter watches
died a swift death. Maybe the hands
tickled the dear things.
Weather forecasters and doctora can
get paid for guessing. But the rest of
us have to be accurate.
The sort of girl who is chummy with
her mother usually manages to take care
of herself without the assistance of a
When a man has a wife and three
grown daughters he cant see why his
wife wants to spend good money on a
When a man gets home late and his
dinner la cold, he knows that hla wife
will make it warm for him. Tou can
Play this both ways.
More material for the great American
novel. A California woman wants a di
vorce because she Is her husband's
fourth wife and he Insists upon railing
her by his first wife's name.
Let us be fair. If a man didn't bog all
his change for hla personal comforts,
and went 60-50 with his wife, the Joke
about her frisking hla pocket at night
would soon die for want of nourishment.
Father wanta a divorce- when mother
haa hash for dinner. But If mother puts
some dope m the hash and cnlla It some
French name that Bounds like a cabaret
dish, father compliments her on her high
brow cooking.
When they do get tha vote, and a
woman candidate for office invltei her
constituents to a feed at her expense,
could a rcpotter be arrested for announc
ing the fact that the candidate wae fixing
her supporters?
When two men are extremely polite to
each other It Is a algn that they don't
like each other. But when they say:
"Hello, you onery old pup!" and "How'S
yourself, you porch-clinablng old . horse
flilef:" they are good friends. Cincinnati
How all-pervading the war subject is may be
gathered from the fact that military topics have
broken Into every literary magayne and period
ical that we k,now of,, with possibly one excep
tion. The war Is tbe one big universal human
interest story that affect directly, or Indirectly,
fverjt. living person, and generations yet to come.
Score one for Brother Merrlam In his protest
against the action of the Commercial club play
ing favorites among legislative nominees. He
should have aald, however, that a club organize
to promote the business interests of the city haa
no business to launch Into partisan politics at
The xkln of the otter is uapable ot
manipulation which makes it extremely
(difficult to detect it from that' of the seal.
Platinum has advanced In price so rap
idly In recent years that gold Is being
ured to alloy it, to lessen the cost of elec
trical apparatus In which It la necessary.
The heart of an average man makes
about one 3.000th of a volt of electricity
at every beat and an Instrument sensitive
enough to measure It has been invented.
The ancients credited tha raven with
unusual longevity, but modern Investiga
tion shows that It ia not warranted. Tha
bird rarely lives more than seventy years.
A Japanese army surgeon haa Invented
a machine run by electricity that grinds
as many beans into flour in forty min
utes as a man can grind by hand In a
Two Italian chemists have perfected a
process for depositing metals of any
character permanently upon almost any
insoluble surface by electricity, sine, lead
and tin belntr used as easily as silver,
nickel or copper.
Many rare minerals exist In Tasmania,
and lately a new addition has been made
to the list by the discovery of molybden
ite, which Is used In the manufacture of
molybdenum steel, to which it glvei spe
cial hardnesa and toughness. As tha
pteent price of thla mineral Is about
JluO a ton. the discovery shoudl prove of
considerable value.
Well now, there is only oue way for the mar
riage license bureau to make lUeif immune
against charges of playing favorites. Let 't list
and number the ministers who are bidding for
wedding ceremony privileges, and pass them
along in rotation.
I Mr. Hewitt of the Chicago Herald offers to
' ro that women think before voting. Mr.
Hewitt is doubtless far too circumspect to ini
Mlue that anyone ia going to "caU" his let.
Henry Hcllsteln of ft. I.euls, Mo.. Wrote
Miss Freda Pchatt 2.(00 lova letters before
she consented to become Mm. Bellsteln.
Ml were illiiKtrated with pen and Ink
sketches end were written In verse.
Hundreds of people gathered the other
day in Home. Oa.. to witnea the unusual
incident of a son baptizing his father.
Tbe occasion was the baptism of 1a P.
MathK aired G2. by his son, fllder D
Math s.
' t'oliinel Kibrldge J. Copp lm in ! '
posersion a curious meteor. te pkked up
by h s brother near liidoii(lerTy. N. II.
The stone is about as large as a mtik
melon, very heavy for its slxe and rough
on every side except wUere it wa flt-t-ned
anl Miiootned by violent contact
w ilh II.- eai lit
Jacob Kieephut. a farmer living near
Alia Vista. Kan., ia tha possessor of an
old shirt that he bought more than forty
yeaia ago Iu wltaerland. Th shirt
uf a soft material, cream colored, and al
though it haa been wor.t much It ia still
eond and la worn con'iderably by Mr.
Ki.senlutt. Kienhut were this shirt on
his wed'liuf day
CpTic face's
Let ike ewriper tie! Towetfcer.
OMAHA. Oct. 17. -To U.o l'ditor ol Tbe
Bee: I note with pious. ire f.iat the three
Omaha dally papein are united on a cer
tain number of good candidate for th"
school board t be rlcc-ted this fall.
Now It has ocetired to mf. why cntir.ot
this same feeling between the three rarfa
be manifested In re2rl to other c.Midi
dat, for Instah' e tuntlidatfts for the
legislature and other co'inty o(fc??
The newspiper to . large extent are
the moulders of public opinion .and if
the three Omsha daily parrs would in
vestigate tbe ability of the different rsn
didatea and agree on those, they consider
best and advise the public to th' effect
and support them for election In my
opin.on thla would be a great thl.ig.
What difference does it make in city
politics, county politics, and I might ssv
state, politics, whether a candidate g
republican, a democrat, a progressive or
a socialist, if he 'has the ability to fill
tbe office be is etr 'ni for and is an
honest, conscientious man.
If "Jonn Jones" Is labeled a republican,
but la honest, fearless and has the abil
ity to fill tli office he is running for.
why could not the World-Herald and the
News support him as well ss Tho Bee'.'
And If "John Smith" is labeled a demo
crat ni Is a man of good qualities, anl
is capable of filling the office for which
he. Is running, why cannot The Bee and
News support blm forvelectlon? If the
nonpartisan principle applies to the
School board, why can It not apply to
our city commissioners and other city
offices, and also county offices? Irtstcni
of having a democratic, a republican of
a progressive party In city and county
poltli s. let us have one "Om-iha party"
for city offices and one "Ponging county"
party for county offices. Let the news
papers et together, pick out the bet
men who desire to run for officer, and
let tliem lay their findings and opinions
before their readers through the newspa
pers. I think it Is Just as Important to news
papers to have good, ciean men in city
and county offices becsiiae they natu
rally derive aome benefit from a clean
economical administration, as dos the
public, and we oisht all to have the wel
fare of Omaha and Douglas county at
If thla principle would work out In city
and county politics, It might be extended
to state pontics', because I cannot ses
what the national politlca has to do with
out city and county affairs, and to a cer
tain extent In state affairs.
a. 11. MATjCHIKN.
Boston lays a heavy taxing hand on all
advertising signs, on buildings and
Halt Lake ministers have organized a
movement for the abolition of F-.mday
Philadelphia has S.ntiS factories, employ
ing 35,2H persons, and paying: J:?,ft.".3,ft"9
In salaries and wages.
Minneapolis is coming to the front as
an art center. A new museum of tho
Institute of Arts will be opened in De
cember. During tho year ending June IK, 1914.
the elevated railroads of New York City
carried Sll,473,"s38 passengers and the sub
way 340.418,102 passengers.
Patorson, K. ,T., has opened an exposi
tion of loeat Industries, the chief feature
of which is the largest display of silks
ever seen in this country.
Bole, fdano, reports the biggest prune
crop ever gathered In that vicinity is
ready for shipment. Six hundred cars
will be needed to move the crop.
Houston, Tex., reports satisfactory re
ulta from its two-year-old policy or re
duced taxation Ot buildings. "TionUls
have been lowered and the building of
homes stimulated.
Springfield. MrtSs.. boasts of the latest
novelty in social service activity. It ia
called the Grandmothers' club, and Its
chief requirement for membership is a
Status of grandmOlherhood.
Oklahoma City is moving for the es
tablishment of a CJtton mill, and cotton
growers are Invited to trade cotton for
stock In the enterprise. Leading busi
ness men are tricking it liea ily.
St. Louis Is about to make another at
tempt to vote bonds for the completion
of the municipal bricige over the Mis
sissippi. The bridge proper is In place,
but the means to acquire right of way
on land has been denied by voters.
Kan-:aa City kickera are jumping on
city officials because they turned a few
extra dollars by; hiring the city's sprink
ling cars to a local brewery to trans
port beer. The kick has two mainsprings
one against beer, the other against giv
ing the city tho money.
Y phnulil forulve i.-'t . mhii -s i ;-e-c-la'ly
If tbv hnc irs 1 - i
A pew bloom . ' . oV.ri. but '!.!
w-'ien If haa sotnc i"1 cv beli-d It.
About tbe on'v tiihm In tbl- life that
a 'lien can win In a w ill; i n mime
Thr1 world' I? btlslit-r he riu.'e r.o n n
run have huppm.a aim be -'in;..'
wKh it.
V'o mnn H thnroualily m c npli-i" d :m
bS he at. ability m'nd hi ow.t
Kome people e e . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ti i:l-
Themelve iwny. hi1 ot'tcis are h,v.i3
b'inl told.
v iiie nigbrr .-I'.n.atlon generi dam
onstrates lint I lie more we know, the
WS we believe
Tbe only people who can af'onl to
Sneer at l ik rue tli.r who never ex
pect to hne any.
.-Come people inn throw bouquets nt
themfches nt;.t then succeed In hunt
ing t:p the rtoriat.
Some of us are so accustomed to look
ing out for number one that we get posi
tively near iiglitd
It Isn't always politeness that prompts
the divorce lawyer to sty to the min
ister, "After yiiti, Vlt."
We are told that F.e was made from
Adarr rib, but some of us really hava
an Idea Adam lost his backbone.
Courtship demonstrates that a j'tvmg
man's arm goes to wal?t more fre
quently than his opportunities d'.
Old age shouldn't deter us from keep
ing up with the fashions. We ate never
too old to acquire the latest wrinkle.
New York Times.
Mistress Bi idnot, it nlways seems to
me that the crankiest mistresses get tue
best cooks.
Cook Ah, ko un wid er blarney I
Boston Transcript.
"Srt you've brought r.. v l.usliand home
In this condition at 'I o'clock in the morn
ing!" KTreamed the lady at the window
to the conveying parly.
" "Yes. madam.'' they agreed. "The bun
is at tho gale." New York Press.
Kthel Oh, Jack, be careful tonight.
Faps's brought home a bulldoi;.
Jack That's nil riglH, The do? used
to belong to me and I got the dealer to
sell him to your lather." Buffalo Kx
pross. "She told I'ercival never to apeak to
her afcnin and lie said, 'Oh, very well"
and left her."
"And they don't speak?" '
''Oh, yes, they do. She saw to tliul.
She went Immediately and secured .
situation as a telephone operator.' -Washington
"I'm certain he loves me," said t!"i
suburban girl.
"How's that?"
"It is a four-mile walk to town. II
misses the last car about twice a
but he still keeps calling." 11 tic.i a
Mrs. Henpeck Is there any dlffcrm :.
Theodore, do you know, between a m
and a fortress?
Mr. Henpeck t should Imagine n I un
less, r.iy love, would lie harder to si!
cme. London Opinion.
"How 'do vo'i know Mrs. Llinks is u
bad as she Is painted?"
"My husband in u druggist .".ml sciN
rouge and powder." Boston Tranaciint.
Hicks Have you joined this buy-a-bale-of-cotton
Wicks No. sir. What. I had to join was
the buy-a-load-of-coal movement. In
dianapolis New 3.
"That rich Mrs. Stipgins doesn't speak
to me now. Yet she used to be my net
door neighbor and they were awfully
"Well, there are some things monay
can't do."
"Make old-time neighbors forget the
early days."
Alfred Thome in St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
'Tis October, blithe October, 'tie the mel
low time of yeiir.
And the autumn smiles In beauty at th
winter drawing near.
The maple leaf U crinmon and the wood
bine' flaming right.
And the harvest moon with glory fillt
tho brisk Oc tober night.
'TIs October, rare October, and the app'i
boughs lire red.
Where the springtime bloomed In frag
rance in the blossoms overhead.
The harvest home ia xinghiK where tha
teeming- earth ha blessed,
And the woodland ways are wondrous In
autumn splendor dressed.
'TIS October, hale October, all the air ia
crisp and sweet.
And the breeze. In darkling shadows runa
and ripples In the wheat:
There's a -sharper, nrlghter sparkle on
tho river's crystal streum.
And a frosty glitt-r twinkles In the even
ing starlight gleam.
'Ti October, fair October, 'tis the mellow
time o' year.
When we give a kindly Fctlier pralae for
earth's abundant cheer;
When with happy hearts we gather round
the hearthflre burning bright.
Thanking God for homo and dear ones In
a land of love and light.
Rauch & Lang Electrics
nt electric- car the lUmii A Lang iiiMires
luturlotis easy riding at minimum upkeep cost.
There ia nothing complicated about it. No ex
perience la required in its rare or operation. You
can charge it yourself- as easily as turning on an
electric light. Its simplicity cannot hut appeal t
joa, chauffeur to contend withno engine to
crank no tire to puncture ncne of the annoy
snares of the gas car.
Pmrfmrt sareiee frm your car is mnly potMtbU whr m
garage ha$ meefarn emaipment mnd cast boast of th
tMctUtr.ct of Ui torvic. Wo ino to inspect ion.
40th and Far nam 5ft.