ttti: omaiia niwhay (HTor.Ki; 1014. r Mi ifte it i Ell l. 7 . IcoDiePana ''"S Na m "The Poor gr jT A l 1 : 1 1 I V X . X V If 3V. ill ilAHA Kave n glad welcome ti Kva Iaiws lil"t nlglit. It ilooyn't matter If she liil come from Kansas City in the lie KinnlnK; that Iihh lonjf olnce liren fori;iveii her, and she lias now becomn an Omaha pirl in all ossen tials, especially In the hold flbn lias on the heart of. the public that pots its Hiiiuncmrnt and eclif Icatlun at the. jxipular priced .'itock company theaters. T'or Miss Lrfing l-s know4i and lovafl Jier.-". She has not yet outst;f.cit her WelooineT nor Is it at all likely that she will. Her various excursions to other scenes of activity usually end in her return to Omaha, not hecauso sho has not prospered elsewhere, for she has, but because she, too, the Inspiration of that indefinable some thing that is called "sympathy," which reaches out and holds her and her audi ences closer than any other bond that could be forged. Omaha people know her, and know that she Is Riving them each time the best that Is in her, and elio knows that they believe it, and for that reason she works all the harder to make her efforts worthy the trrent friendship that has been bestowed upon her. Jt Is more than belnc a uood actress to be so Indubitably a popular actress; It means toniewhero the "heart Interest" Is iiK. Th- applause and the flowers and all the (. congratulations that went over the footlights and back onto the stage last night were from friends in the truest sense, and these friends know that in return they will get the very best that an experienced actress of established ability can give them. And over at the American next Satur day night Omaha will be called upon to welcome another young actress. Miss Mabel Allen, who cornea at the head of the Woodward Stock company, to begin a winter season of activity. Miss Allen will come as a stranger, but she will find the. heart of Omaha Is big and warm, and that as she merits so will she be given proof of friendship nnd personal Interest. Hie conies well commended as to per sonality and ability, and with a promise that sho will not disappoint the expecta tions of any. In the company supporting Miss Allen are a number of well known actors. James Hoylo Is to be stage di rector, and tho company is composed of Frank Conway, Harry Hoyne, Kdward Hayes, Jpan Thomas, leorge Phelps, I'ierre Vatkin, Charles Koyal, Thomas KUinton, Phil Carlhbeck, Jack Carrett, Fred C.rant, Mabel Allen. Minor Watson, Mabel Reed. Natalie Warfleld, May Wat son und Tlllie Mann. William Warren, popular and genial, is to be the business manager for the company, and Harry Tallman will be treaurer. "Ready Money." tho Jolly comedy of modem "hinh" fi nance and business methods that was such a success In the first-class houses last season, w ill be presented first at the opening next Saturday nlghl and will run all week, with matinees on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. M me.. Bertha Kalich. the distinguished ctrcss who comes as tho stellar attrac tion of the Orphcum for the current week, mukes this her ninth year on the American stage. Uorn in Austria, h early part of her career was given to ojera. When she came to this country it was to accept an cnfiaKement 111 a Herman theater of New Xork City. In that city ilso, during th Kcasim of she made her appearance as an r.nslic.i eV r illopinn throi'uh il il. cnui the U - tor bus pulled llu clsil.l tlitnuuli, sml. of i inrw. i-r r iu. i ether Imve iw.nU i ii' d t.i their s. en -. i.tidiug by tl'e IumI j si 1.'. in p-lilti lit ."ii. .-in. I. ef .iM.I.-w'. the ! .I'X-ter I'lVM fll'e.l een and . ei.ttu y n'r I nnd bar-' teit. 'ini1 n, mii.I .bOit'tn- lt r,.e ! .'i'l tin n ilav M'ltoid. hen the brisker !c;tll he IS In Ci, Cie'llenl. tllt-i lltcl U" t rni " :m.l I'wut'c'fi .ne ti"er mhihi bif'U. .lu-i a little ImhuIv '.' Ilin r, villi the f.'iiilitiil el. In. tier .'i- utiaiit, mo geilig n.t link l.i'tne l. t'le ioetllt'" I -- - ; When 'Ilin anteil ' mhiik to Hie iVllltfl't; th':tti- thri'e 'ln. si.irtmi; I Thttrdn . ll'Mi l -". l!.Mi.t will see lull' ef t ti erM:lnal e-Mltpji Hies OH telir I tills yav in utiilisj' sin ( e.-scs, (lier Me j res, .) liavinu hM the Cert t liUer. Cltl i oii.i, oi itiniiif ion itit ut fur u tour of t i n;Mi'.T, Me Ida Emerson ''Martha of t;ie Ixjwiar.i!; ." Tim.'. 1n over a half dozen KngH.-'h American plays Mine. Kalich ha.'i appeard with tsuch effecttven-'ss that hi recDgnr.tcd t iday as one of the most dlstinm'tst d of Kniilish uctresscs. What do you suppose wuubl happi n If Frank Zehrung becarto mayor of Omaha as well as niabaser of our lei-J-ing theater? Would he close up .lie Hrandeis on Sunday nights, and endoaor to closo the other house .' His view." on this question us expressed in I.lpco'n might vary from his viov.s as ap'.lied to Omaha, but this Is how the Lincoln Journal of last Friday quotes him on the subject of the funtlHy nlMht theater. Kver since the manager of the Oliver theuter was elected mayor of Lincoln, an occasional prediction has lieen made by somebody that the city government would sooner or later be brought around to the Idea of permitting Vie opening of the theaters on Sunday. When Mayor .dining said the other dav that he saw nothing wrong In per mitting ball to be played at the M street park on Sunday it was again suggested that this was mert-ly the opening n.lge to the Sunday theater. Mayor Zrbt'ung said yesterday that "first, last and all the time" he opposed Sunday theaters in Lincoln and hotted that his position would be so well established that no body would attempt to create the Im pression that he was seeking Sunduy ball in order to secure an extension of his own business. "I am opposed to opening my theater on .Sunday," he said, "for three rea sons. First, I am satisfied that the peo ple of Lincoln do not want Sunday the aters. Second, personally, I don't want to work more than six days a week. When Sunday comes I prefer to do some thing else than spend my time ..around thA theater. Third, my Investigations show mo that in towns the size of Lin coln no more money is taken in in seven davs than In six. For financial reasons as well as personal reasons and In defer ence to what I am sur is the sentiment of the community, I am unalterably op posed to changing the present arrange ment." "It is true," Mayor Zehrung con tinued, "that the company in which I ntn Interested does operate a few Sun day theaters. In every case we Inherited a Sunday condition anil did not create it. Omuha, as most of your readers know, has been a Sunday town for forty years. When I secured a half interest in the F.randeis theater. I did not feel like Imposing my personal views on my partner and lijxin the community and let the old arrangement Hand. In To peka and Wichita we have no Sunday theaters neiuuse, like Lincoln, those are not Sunday towns. Uasehall appeals to . il mn n heiniF n entlrelv different til'iilio- speaking actress, witntne .,er. '', ;,tlo- thin the theater Like Sundav stock company when sue appeared In tho j bam, ,.onC).rtH ttnj other out-door amuse title role of "Fedora." Her finished dram- ; ments, it seems to me entirely proper o.te -i ..e.rie wt once a decideM imines- ror funnay anemoon. 11 11 is pmy-u ,n Inn, so that at the most prominent rM i.' ' . I VS I r . -4jr Elijah ) ll'V' ;TV J M : . 4- n Ofphcurr jjfi , tho ptituipil litle-. Henri- Milker, who' lis well icmciulvrcd fur hi wiirk In "The ( irent X.-tinr" fl id i.tle i- lilitliilsi phus. ! will he. seen ai .lenold I: Scnl, ihe flir-I I tat. ens luisln 's'i limit alvi.t the ii-. tlutt of the stutv iHluts. ,-itld in his sup. .'lt Will be S'-etl l'riltlUlyti Itelerwued. Charles Kuj;gle, tlrfice VHli-iititie. i ce. Slossen. Kntherine lletnnf mid ether j represenlntlve plsyets. who ciiitrlluited to i the sue 'ess of the ,, ,v d.iifii Its run I fruni Cl'.rlvtmns t the I'ntittl of July In the Wlndv Ctly h'.st seavmi. .tuck T.nll. la J'Mirnnllsi, is respunflile fur "llelo , Wanted," nnd he hn built strongly upon 'a problem I ttherlo tinteuclvd by Amerl I enn ilrnmnLsts. LaiiKhiei- follows thrill j throughout the piny, nnd while It lacks I nnno of the glowing ronmtuo tl.sf maile "I'eg O' My llenrt." , Morocco uiniter- piece. It run be '-ontpnred only with "Within the I. an" In t1P strength of Its story. llatrv Lstiiler, the S-'olch comedian. im,1 n company of Inlerniit lutuil artists will rnme t the tlrntideis 1beter for one .hiy unlv. m.ilinre ;ind evening, Monday, c totier :V.. w is one ef the principal f. iires lit the recent '"Command IV i-' , furmaucn" given before K ing t Jeorgo nnd Queen Mary nl the Pnlnco thestrr. ln ; dun, and was one of the artists singled out for special r.vo-i by the king and , uneen. He ha R new repertoire of songs, mi oi mem Mcutch, of course, and some. RRANDEIS THEATRE CRAWFORD. P1HLLEY L ZEHRUNG. Mgrs 2 ml$ ?S OCT. 18-20 iST Special Dollar IVIntince Tuesday TZQ Klivw A Erlangr's Maniftcnt Production An l-:iilsile I'lity of I 'h t nml I'ancy '.v KIcHitor (intei IM. POOR . LITTLE mmmi la I ;liHicnt .liHat Is to I'allicrs, Mmliors and Kverjlxxly Wlio Love n (MM. BtiERDIITO COMEDT, PATHOS AND SPECTA.CVX.AB BEAUTY IT IS ALIKE FOR THE MATURE AND THE YOUTHFUL Its morn! require no Investlatioiv It W bright and buoyant entertain ment. After an cut tt e schoii in New Votk. rolh'We.l iiv hrlilitint successes In other prltu'lpiil cHIbs, It Is now offensl for the first time in tlniaha. If THE OltLT COMPANY rBEStNTINO THIS PLAT NIQHT8 93c to SI. 60. SPECIAL TTJES. MATINEE 35o to $1.00. nrT I HOT! A Show You've Heard About ii I Ltid 1 ! With a Cast You Know U THREE DAYS Starting rtfTT OO Next Thursday & iContlnued on Pace Lleven -Col. siv.) AWHtRMKXTd, Trances SJosson in "HclpWanM'AffkdrjrKleis , k jr.-?' A . Charles Miller be producing managers souKiit her ser.lces. Next she accepteil an entiaKemenl with Harrison Orev Flsko to Maeterlinck'! "Monna Vsnna." Ti.e ilumph she scoied In that play was illpsed when, the next season, rVe ap peared in "The Kreutief Sonata." Otron' lays In which her distinguished actlnc 'ained wUlo recogniton weri "Saplio and haon" by Percy JIae Kaye. "Cora" by V me. de tlrouae. "The I'nhroken Itoad ' l.y Thomas Hickman, and finally th tijiixiicuijua oi her succenes, all. 1 enn't see why It should not brought to the M street park." It Is well known in theatrical circles that while MauuKer .ehrung is and al ways has been opposed to openinK Ms theater on Hunday, other mantiKeis do not look upon the question in the same llirht. This Is especially true of the motion plctur people, who feel that they eould Increase their revenue to a ton. slderahle deyree by operatink seven days In th week. They are expected to use the suii-ess of the base ball referendum to asl; for similar concessions on behalf of their business. One of the few distinct novelties of tho contemporary theater, "The Poor Little Rich Girl," will be Riven at the Hraiulela for two ilays only, Monday and Tuesday, October 111 and SI, with special malim Tuesday, The play was written by Eleanor Gates. Walter Prichard Katun In a New York letter told the story of the play very icturewpicly : " 'The Poor Little Hlch Olrl' Is Gwen dolyn. She lies In a preat, elegant house witli an elevator, butlers, footmen, a nurse, a govt-rness, a Uerman teacher, a French teacher, dancing teacher, a music teacher. Vet she has a doleful time of It. Her mother In too busy trylni? to get into society to Bee her daughter. Her father Is too busy making money for mother to fict into society with. The child never walks he must ride. In the auto. She never plays with other chil dren. "Her one brlrrlit memory is Umt of a week ill the country with Johnny Hlake, a farmer's boy, when sue went barefoot and paddled in the mud. In the first, act we learn all this, and we see gov erness elyly contriving to pet an even ing off, and nurse terrifying the child with tales of kidnapers to keep from walking with her, and finally that she, too, may pit the evening off, givlni; her a dose of sleeping medicine a cure-lets overdose. "Mother and father are In the dining room at one of their society dinners. The child is left alono on tho stago us the dose begins to work. We eeo her fall. The stage darkens and we hear her scream. Then Ihe lights come on anil f he Is a barefoot child, running and dan cing with Joy by a brook In tho woods. The act ends) with this simple but ef fective BUgsustlon of her delirium. "Act II Is in threo scenes, and they are all representative of her dreum. All the real life characters of Act I, however, appear In It, but under strnnne disguises, suggested to the child by things the had heard said about them. Her father Is j dressed in imper money and Is harnessed to a machine. He duinpt money in and turns the crank and ducks and dru'kea emerge. They am Gwendolyn's numerous j teachers. Nurstt appears Willi two faces. I The governess is like a snake, 'a snake in the grass.' Her mother goe around with a society bee bussing loudly In her bonnet. The teddy bear Is life eize. The kindly doctor, whoso hobby Is flesh air, ia In riding breeches. "All the figures that hover around the child's bed ure converted, and the audi ence ia madu to undcrUuid i-Jite clearly i l r 4 TTlahel Mien. men can. i Sr. ... j , - .it? A ' r if vt tf1 .v (A THEATRE The Woodward Thea trical Oo., i EUrlit Performanoea StarUnar Bat. Night, October 94. The Opening Night Mat inees I Snn., Tnes,, Thurs. and Sat. Kalo of Seals at. 0 A. M. A X V SKAT 25c TH-E WOODWASUJ STOCK CO. In James IConttromsry's Orsat Snooess READY MONEY ll.BO 29 A $1.B0 Show Only Cents OH A )K$ii$!c$$$!(iij($iim)ii!mK$$)i$$$$$$.$$ AXV SKAT NEXT WEEK The Fortune Hunter isWTlf isi " iiiw isii'iviss ii nmnii m in iii iii ii i iiif1 -iM JACK LAIT'S SPARKLING COMEDY ROMANCE Original Chicago Gcmpany SEATS NOW PRICES 25c TO $1.50. $1.00 MAT. SATURDAY ONE DAY ONLY MATINEE AND EVEN INQ MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 THE WORLD'S GREATEST ENTERTAINER Eianav laisoeo ntrcotlou William Morris Ssvsnth Annual Tour - and his Company cf International Artists SEAT SALE TOMORROW 10 A. M. t..aAa,Li.i'ii,.,i.,i,i '''ii iV r'i'-'i--''' "- -1 V-,ik 1 r 'BtH-1' t 'muit fflxxrry K . Hi 1 1 At theEmpcGSS that llii.y, loo, miiHt bo nble to follow In the poor child' ravlnn the nature, of her ill uni. "Sieue I 1.1 the talltulc foicut, where thete 1.1 no duj.Hcily. Ho-nn 11 Ih tUe 1m nd of the litfhm, uln-rc the cmidleH burn al both ends ia Mrihlni: inniflucent buck drill kIviiik iiiinpl.'-' nnd vividly tho effort of a aHt pliiln entirely Kown with caudles burning both at ton uid holtoini. Tills fci'i'tie, of course, was muwHU'd for Ihe child by a remark Kh" overheard, that her fiilher ita.t 'hurii'nt-' 1 is rundlc at both endu ' The bnmeiliti lc eauite wan douht le.'i.i the UnhthiK of the niiicery l.ttnps after the child had been carried upKtalrn. "Hcnc ? 14 lti hiu HooiI h burn, mid here tlie child's mother and all the society loliiH aro Koi'ih' uiouml and around it. It i 1411 odd little cunoplcd barn, wit 11 11 Hi range forewt of plot ure-IkjoIc trees 1 e hlud. Here, ul la-t, the father 1 nuts oft Ida harneicM und the mother throw n anuy her iMinuet with the bee. "AIuhI the bonnet Ih pii ked up by the pipe mender, hitherto a niont likable eharai'tt r, who hud played with Gwendo lyn in Act 1, und ho icoea off in puiKiilt of the unlet y folk. This aeeina lutlier routch cm the poor chap. Th mm cloe with tho child, th Teddy txar, the doc tor and father und mother ihluiK off through the forest on hobby hoi Hen. Then tonics Act III. This is the niir ery. We see, us the curtain ii8s, Gwen dolyn in bed, a canopied bed. exactly where Kohln Hood's barn stood. The wall pat er U our pit tine book forcxt. In simi lar scale, and painted hobby horren are t7CASnLUKXI8 COMEDY INSTRUMENTAL MUSICAL NOVELT-Y arfna Cvoin I I THR0U6N DAXTE'S FLAMES " rim.m.1. suciULUtilCAL DRAMA Or TMI UNDIRWORLO t-ira is 1 hi. OWE AT CITIKS E3SPP THEATER Sons;, 606. 13th and Barnsy Opens at 10 a. m. Sally. TODAY ONLY Kluw and Erlatiper presents the beautiful society drama. "The Wife" MONDAY, OCT. 19 Kpldode Number U 1' of "The Perils of Pauline" Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 20-21 I'aiumount Ilctures Corponit ion I'riMeutn. "THE TYPIIOOli" Acted In Omaha l.y Walker Whiteside Thursday and Friday, Ocl. 22 and 23 .lesta 1- I.uaky offers Mr. llobert KdeKoii In "Where the Trail Divides" Phone Douglas 494. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Wft'l Starting HuniUy, .Mntlnce, OctAiln-r INClt BERTI.A E1ALECH AND COMPANY In the i:llin;ue! ( lOclicnray's ".Mftilaim".' WILL ROGERS Johnny Cantwell and Beta Walker The Okliihoma Cowbov. "I'nder the (lay Whlto IJbIUs." SaBBBaSaBSBSBBSBSBBBBBBHMBIMBSBSWMBSBaSBBSBSSBBBSWWSSBBBaBBanMHai SlBMeSiSlSSSSSSSBSSBBSSBBSSBaSBSSSSSBaMSBSBBSBBBeSBSBeBSaSSaBSSSSBlSSSBBSBBSSBi ROBERT EVEREST'S , ERMETTE ASORIA A MOW KEY CntCUS" " - t'vclonli', I n in c m. THE TRANS-ATLANTIC TRIO HftC RAE & CLECS In a novel musical offering which prcsi'iits n scene, of fill ventu uHo, "The Intruder nnd the Queen of the (ValurlliK HARRY CI.AKK. Wheel." ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY THO WORLD AT WOBK AITD PLAY. Around the World tullli tho f)rpheuni rircult's Motion Picture I'hotoRrsphers. rsiOZS Matinee, rallsry 10c; beat seats (except Saturday and Sunday), SBo; niffhta, 100, 80o, 60o and 78o. BOYD'S THEATRE Matinee Today at 8il6 Tonig-ht at 8:16, and all WeekT" Eva Lang-Chas. Eiller and Their Riw York Company In Oeorge Broadhurat'a Great Flay. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR MaTIWEES SITHDAY, THURSDAY AITD SATXTRDAY. PUICl'i 2 5c AISJIJ SOc Hezt Week, Beglanlur Sunday Matinee, Oot. SSth, the Sparkling' Comedy Sucoeaa ELEVATING A HUSBAND 4 mmm speedway today FLYII1G MACHINE vs MOTORCYCLE AND Seven Other Races Starts at 3 O'clock P. F.1. Admission 50c; Children 25c East Omaha 14Tf AND F ARN A M I "OMAHA'S TUW CENTER- i GIRLS MOULIN ROUGES0.,. I W ill 11. c'oh.iu. Idu f.uo rsoii. lli in V N' I; ; c ho.'U Of I.uil.tV. KilMI.I-d lMlHltlK. I 1 LADIES' DIME MAT. WEEK DAYS. KcmIhIIi Sfi-icM No. II MARCUS A. KELLERMAN CO. AUDITORIUM, OCT. 80. 10-15-iM) . .-ill in linhli'is of uiemhei. -jiM. Kii-rii' hea'H ut Hiik oifice, in t. 20 ut 1 n. tn. Alao Oood Season Reservations Yet Available. Borfilum Piano School Opene September 8. ael Doutflas St. AiiKUKt Al. r.oiKluu. M.i.huiM' KorJiiiliu. putulM ol' Wuijcr Swaue. 1'aii. und lOll.pltl'llt llHMiHllllllM. KiKlit-rc ailliiK, Mlulit-HiiiKinv tend l-.:n - tiitimiiK. Si'liwarl inelhoii l ain c ou- servalory. I Harmony and Huhlii- Pi rforuuinre t'laiwea MAY LENORE MALONEY TEACHER OF FRENCH Residence Bturtio 916 Sooth 36th St. Phone Harney 1958. I'tipll oC I'eiiKioiinot lieinurdlne, Irante, Culuiuhlit 1'niVHi ulty. ' Convoreatlonal Method. Hlfht Classes (for business people).