t TJ TTTK OMAHA KTJXPAT HEE: OCTOBETt 19. 1914. 11 WEEKS Dcforo Christmas Do Yoar Shop ping at Hospo's These Wilt Help to Make Your House a Home: PICTURES" 1 ' V Water Colorn, Facsimile Photographs, Hand Palated Colored Etchings, TwexsoTInt Engravings. Artotypee. Subjects suitable for every home. sdre In gold inubntiny, Walnut nil tmtif. ovir rmer' craft fhop Kraniea fitted to any picture. We have great variety of stand ard fratnee -tne kind that stand up. Take your pictures to lltispe for f ram ln. keta. No charre for arranging. ( r rrit stock imlu.les A mer Iran lieantles, Crlmeon Hatnbler. Irvcrie. Oyc-lnwieiv, Nasturtiums, Nosers va. Mr in in your old fernerlt for refilling. Cordova. leather A la made of Kpaniwh Rtcer Hide, specially tanned, hand tooled no two piece tn Mmr. A piece of Cordova win ir a lifetime- V have It new In pockrtbook", Shop ping Pass. Wmio Hooka, . Mats, Sofa Inflows, etc f APTlg Our Una of rarda v'"uo cannot ba excelled anywhere. Wi have card for all ocruHfoim. a p e I a I occasion, (tirlfttniui Mir, New Yer'srnrd, Wedding enrda, Plat a , card In novel and unique form, l'rlrsa, to to af.c. i LAMPS-win ry you tn of Klectrtc Lamps, Including Ilia popular caadlestltk shape tit Promt and mrtal finish. Jlrown wicker banket finish, r'lano letups. Library -.. Lamps, ek l.amp, Heading . Umpi, 4.C and up. To mlkt your hint mora beau tlful anl Inviting, ret tha ")o to ItoHfm'a" habit. That account tnr the beauty of many hundred of Omaha home Ana It I wall to reiiimber that we hava been right her for 4 year, wltli liberal value to all. . ... i fwaWtiae la Aa 0 Mwata Vt '-wl I 'I'lii juiihhiiiii will if Women's Christian Temperance Union Members and Honor Guests V xv w -'A 'i 't I . . "- df:jK ;V.. .IX'-jfr What Women Are t Doing in the World ISIS SotujlM Btrtat. HtadKoartoTa fo Srarrtatna U Maalo. yroaally OondueWd 40 Yaara. Hotel Rome $1.00 Table d'Hote Sunday 5:30 to 8:30 P. M. Neptune Coctta.ll a'U Rom Mlrhlgaa CoUry en Branch Qnn 011t Gumbo Sam Ward Frog L(i Fried Bauc Fljaro Younf Stuffed Duckling f Apple Compote Fresh Spinach a'la Payeaune i Chateau Potato , Grape Fruit Balad MaaootU i , Farfalt d'Amour' Dlaculte Oiacea Cafe Turo . ( lab Calendar. l NPAT-Rmcaroh rluh. Pt. Hen-h- mann'a a'Hdiiy I pi hi. Votine W'nmni'l Clirlntlan aaa.xlatlon iipf nervier. 4 Ml o. m. fM"NlY Injiiilee rlrrl. Oillrl ronr,a- - lion i'aKiey oi yxmeiHR, mn. i. ri. jieaton, hontean. Omaha Woman'a cluh, executive, dlrartory and regular meet Inn. p. m. Tt'-'SIAT r'rench departmeM. Omaha WnmMi l riub 1 p. im Hont eoiiomlcn ileparttuent, Mouth Omahib. Wainvn'a rlub. Mn. J. E. Ourtl, honte, Mra. A. 4. Oaorne, antl-euf f rnw naker. Arrtvei. MuplreJ aecllon, Aaaotiat'on bt Cnli.rlnte AlumnaP, Ml lirithy Ftanta, hot, 4 p. rn. U. Orant Woman's Keller ror, Memorial hall. , 1 0 p. m. Hunahtna rlub, Uornn A. CuaUr Woman'a Kellef corpa, Mra. C. i fclveranti. hoteaa. Mrn A. i. (leortfa. I nbtl-aurrraa letliira, Ameriran thant.tr, i. I p. m. . nvrmo club, Mn. K. 11. Jtnrnna. hoateaa. I WjaiNKHDAY Annual martin, Vlalt Inf Nuraa aaaorlatlon, rlty hall. PoutH I Hlila rlri'la, Child Conaervatlon Ieau of Atnerlra. Caatnllnr a hool. Lllera- I tura department. Women's club. I Woman club. Hallway Mall Pafvlra, ' Old t'ropta'a Home, rltory Tellrra' eo I tlon, Aaaorlatlon of Colleiilatn Alumnaa, I MIM Maraaret Uulharle, hoatraa. Miller I'arN Mother' olrvla, whool auditorium. Vlattlns Nurar aaaorlatlon. rltv hall. THU'ltHbA V Kenaon Woman'a riih, Mra. N. H. Tyaon, hoatea. Oovarnment ulaaa, Omaha Woman's club, Van Hnnt rollene rooms. Wyrhe Htory Tellera' leaaua, piitillc library. Young Mothers' rlub. Mcklnlry auxiliary to K'nal H rlth. Metropolitan hall, S p. rn. t'mtna lloaitland . Klor tnleHlon. t Horn ero nomlra department, Woman's rtuh. Mia Mary Hiniilnler Willard, Fine, Art Ici ture. Young; Women a Christian na soclatlnn aiiilltnrluni. 4 P. ni. i-otS A C'itr iWonmn's Hollrt corps In apertlon, Mrmortnl tin.II. ritlDAY Mra. N. H. Notaon, rrraldent of the Omaha Woman' ijub. at home for rlftb mi-mler. North Hide Woman' Carlatlan Tfmt)rrn:o , union. Went Omaha Mothers1 Culture dub, Mrs. P. T. Honorden, hoatraa. 8ATVHUAY Jsmea Hanry Preaated, OmaliSi Klne Ana aoolely lecture, Youti . Woman's Chrlatlan aannclallon audl- ' tnrlum, 10 a. ni. North Hlda Motbara' Culture club. Hkllowe'eS party for clilt- i dren. Mfs. rred M. rrstjo, hoatesi. (Notlrm for, this column should ' ke mailed or telephoned to the Club rejioittr belor Friday noun. 7 l7iT T'"?Z'ZSIZ-'!l.98mJU- The Elms Hotol Frank. F. Dunlop, Manager, Excelsior Springs, Mo. A paradise for overworked and nervous people. Home of the most wonderful healing waters In the world. FINE GOLF COURSE fiend for Booklet, niZSXDEITT lUTIOlTAl suitraqe ASSOCIATION ' ' ' i j ft V - t Dr. Anna Howard SKavr Beautify the Complexion IN TKM PAYS Nadinola CREAM The I'Mcpuke1 lUeutJi'lar vstn Axt rNDotaa V 1 MOCAJlk4 ' Guaranteed to rtmova tan, freckles, pltcplca, iirer spou, etc. xuenie Cases about twenty days. and tissues of Impurities. Ua clear, soft, kealthr. SUc. and S1.00. By toilet RiJi eoras leaves the i ro tUes. ; and counter or mail tiATtONAL 7XHLMT XktrAHT, JW, faa Su44 Vr HbrriMD , Mot'osMll Urag Im. ta Um U, fci fcwa ! learc aA sUMaa. HE rtensnn Woman's club, of Ti 1 which Mrs. Slla Wrl ht I , I 'praaldant. I sponsnrtns; a new WW uuv H nunu u ... ' ' w press before the holiday Sea son and will be offered tor sale, the proceede to to toward entertain ing the annual convention of the Oeoond district. Nebraska rederatlnn of Woman's Clubs, next spring. The Idea originated with Mrs. J, Y. HeoprY, secretary rt the club, who with Mrs. K, R. Parker and Mra. J. V. Rtarrett conatitut the com mittee which ha the, issuing of the cook boolf, in chars. Each recipe will be contributed by some member of the ttrnson Woman's club who ha tasted the reulpe and her name will be signed to.lt. It Is expected that between M0 and 400 recipe will be com piled and that the sale ef the book will be especially heavy among club women. The Benson cluh has been especially active. In furthering the Interests of th circulating library that has been estab lished In lienon and also hopes to be able to do something for the library soon. "Federation day" wilt be observed at the meeting Thursday, which will bo held at the home ot Mrs. N, II: Tyson. Mrs. N. H. Neleon, president of the Omaha Woman's club, will give a report of the biennial convention of the General Fed eration of Women'e Clubs, and Mrs. O. 8. Brooks, who attended the state meet ing at Pawnee City, will give an account ot that meeting. Quotations on "Wo man's Work of the Present Day" will be given in response to roll call, and refresh ment will be served. A thorough course la parliamentary us I being outlined by the club. The huaband of th member will be entertained at a fancy dree party on Hallowe'en. BeveraJ other social affairs are planned for the coming year. For the last eight year th Woman's club of the railway ms 11 service has de voted one meeting In the fail to a fruit shower for the Old People's home family. Thla year the shower will be held Wednesday and Mrs. A. C. Rawson, chairman of the program committee, ha arranged an interesting program of muslo, beside which -Mr. Philip H. Welch of th Omaha rltory Teller' league Will tell stories. Each of th member ot th elub will also give witticism for the enter tainment of the eld people. Mr. W. P. East, president cf th club, represented this, organisation at tha con vention ef th Nebraska Federation ot Women's Clubs at Pawn City last week. Th study ot Kipling, will be continued by the literature department ot th Omaha Woman's club Wednesday morn ing. Mra. George I. Parr, leader of the program, will discus "The Development of the Novel." Mrs, W. I. Kalght wlU have as her subject "Th Ught That Failed." and Mrs. Robert Cowell 'The Naulahke," The Wetlealey club, ef which Visa Nell Carpaater i th president, was enter tained at the home ot Mr. J. C. Mo Clure Wednesday afternoon. I lass for raising money to help restore the damage caused by th Wellesiey college fire were discussed and active work will be done along this tine during the winter. A Japanese hero story, a Indian leg end, a Persian fairy tale and some hu morous stories will be told at av meeting of the Wyche'Btorf Tellers' league Thurs day at the public library. Miss Fern Kol- nmon Is leader of the program and will be assisted -l.y Mlae Fanny Brown, Mrs. H. F. Coleman and Miss Ellaa Oibbs. " The Urman epic. "The Nlhrlungwnlled," was the subject of study at the meeting of thn Omaha Btory Tellers' league on Thursday at the public! library. Mrs, C. W. Pollard was leader of the program'. . The Research club will meet at Ht. Derchmann's academy Sunday afternoon at t o'clock. Father Quintan will lecture and the Omaha School of Expression will furnish a program. ' The Runshlne club of George A. Custer Woman'a Itellef Corp Will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles .G. Kvereon, fit Houth Twenty-eighth street, Tuesday afternoon. The affair will be a kensing- ton and will be In the nature of 4 recep tion for the new; members. ', U. R. Orant Woman's Relief Corps, No. 104, will hold a regular meeting Tuesisy afternoon at f ;M o'olock In Memorial hall. Card have teen received announcing the oponing of the Leon Weltman Con servatory of Music at Maiden, Mas. Mra Weltman was formerly Miss Jennie Gordon of this city and was a member of the Omaha Woman's club. The French department Of the Omaha Woman'a club will meet Tuesday at the home ' of the Instructor, . Miss . Mae Mahoney, le Boutb Thirty-sixth street, between the hour of 1 and 1. Th lesson will b on French costuming and . th. French dinner service, which topics are taken up for vocabulary, practice . Mra, F. A. Hhntwell Is leader of the depart ment, i i Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy will add re s the home economics department of the Eouth . Omaha Woman'a olub on "Puff Pastry," Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. J. K. Curtl. The hostess Will be assisted by Mesdames O. D. Jonee, It C. Vermillion, F. Lee and J. K. Northrup. Miss Kats McIIugh, formerly princi pal ef the Omaha High school, will ad dress th West Omaha Mothers' Cul ture club at th horn of Mr. P. F. Sonordaa, 1511 North Forty-first street, Friday afternoon at t o'clock. "Ideals," as exemplified by men of the colonial period, will be the subject for dissuasion. There will b papere on the topic, "What Id Is W Caa Present Through Wash ington, Jefferson and Hamilton and How to Do It" Mrs. K. C. Dollar's paper, dealing with Washington, Mre. It. A. Mo Ferlane s paper, with Jefferson, and Mra. P. J. Whits' paper with Hamilton. Roll call will be responded to with quota tions on these famous men and the gen eral discussion, based on preparatory reading, will be led by Mra C. B. Bwen. Mra. E. O. Hamilton wU give a piano solo, Mrs. Jamee Corr a vocal solo and Mis Helen Bonorden will give recita tion. Mr. Orletta Chittenden, supervisor of kindergarten, will address the mam bars of the Miller Tark Mothers' circle Wednesday afternoon at t e'olock. In the auditorium of the school. "Benefits De rived from Kindergarten Songs and Games" will be the subject of her talk. Election of officer will also take plaos at this meeting. The Junior Musical club will give It first program of the year ta the school auditorium, mday afternoon, October SO. at l: O'olock. Ten or twelve chil dren will participate la the program. The Junior orchestra will be organised by Mrs. Charts Thlara, president ot th circle, th following week. The North Bids Molhere' Culture club will glv a Hallowe'en party for the children Saturday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. rred M. Crane, Mil Miller Place, There will be Hallowe'en decoration and refreshments and program of musle and 'recitation will be given by th children. Mrs. K. O. Ames Is chairman ot ths co ea mitt ee which Is arranging the party for th children and will be as sisted ty Mesdames Fred M. Crane, Charle Ztebarth. Croker and v Ayr. Thirty children will attend. Mta Dorothy Frants wilt bs hostess for a meeting of the musical section f th Association of Colleslsl Alumnae Tuesday at 4 p. m. at her home, 2309 Poppletmt avenne. A miscellaneous pro gram will be given, eh member taking part Mans for the years work will be dlsoussed. Mrs. lyeroy Pave!' Is leader ot the department. The flrjuth Sid circle ot the Child Con Serration league of America will meet Wednesday at I o'clock In th auditorium of Castellar school. Th topic for th program la "Habit." and th following Paper will he read: "Th Ratabllahed Habits ef Ka'ly Infancy and Their Vain to Child anl Prent," by Mr. B. Hoi ovtchlntr; "Habit and It Relation to Character," by Mrs. a. Ksrsph; "Methods of Instilling Habit.' by lira. C. C. Meek; reading by Mr. W. t,. Fattens piano solo by Mrs. W. L. Tatton. The story-tellers' section of the Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnae will hold the first meeting of the year at tjie home ef Miss Margaret Guthrie, 1111 fiouth Thlrty-flrt street, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. There will be a short pro gram and plans for the term's work will be discussed. The next meeting of tile Dundee circle of the Child Conservation League of America will be held Monday at the home of Mrs J. H. Beaton. SSI Cnss street The subject fer study will be "Hslf Con trol," and the program will be as follows: Roll evil, maxima on "Self Control;" paper by Mrs. J. A. Bruce, "The Relation of the Physical Condition of the Child and His Pelf Control and the Part Hug gestlnn Plays In Belf Control;" reading by Mrs. F, R. Durand, "Sketch of Mo cart's Life;" paper by Mrs. T. N. Crosby. "Strengthening Will Power;" vocal music, selections from Moss rt, Mrs. Don Mo Cown; dissuasion, -"The Bubetltutlon of 'Come, Do' for 'Don't.' " The Rerme club will meet at the home Of Mrs. E. II. Rarnes, 1415 Redlcn avenue, Tuesday. There will be a 1 o'clock luncheon, following which a, program will bo liven. The annual meeting of the Visiting Nurse association, which was announced for Wednesday, has been postponed one week. The meeting will be held October M In th association room In the city hall, Elsotlon of officers will Uke place and the annual fepurte will be received. The home economics department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Thurs day morning at 10 o'olock In the club room. The lesson will be on "The Five Food Frlnclplae" and will be In the na ture of a general discussion by all of the member. Mr. L. J. Healey, In her report of the. home economies proceedings of the Chtoago biennial, at the opening meeting of the club, told of an' Interest ing discussion In which It was decided that this department of the club should bs known as ths "home economics'' de partment, hot household eoonomlcs, do mestic science or domestlo art depart ment Mrs. Beta Brooks ot Lincoln. Neb., de partment Inspector of the George A. Cus ter Women's Relief Corps, will inspect the corps at a spealal meeting which has been called for Thursday afternoon at Memorial hall. The inspection takes place once every fear. The , North Bide Women's Christian Temperance union held a medal contest for the City Mission children at the Olivet B.ptlet church Thursday evening. The contest was In charge ot Mrs. Mary Bh In rock, - state euperlntendent of medal contests. , , ' , The Dundee Woman s club met Wednes day with Mrs. J. H. Morton as hostess. The subject of the day was "The Inside of the Cup, by Churchill, compared with the drama, "The Servant In the House." ...... Mrs, 3. T. Ferguson, leader, gave, a sympathetio Interpretation of the novel, and drew the analogy between the novel and the drama. Mrs. A. L. Green gave the plot in a very clear and convincing manner. Mrs. J. B, Jonee dlscuaaed the phlloao phy of the play and Mre. a. O. Edswly gave an analysis ot the characters. Mra Ferguson concluded the' program by comparing the plots of the two books and noting the Impressive symbolism of th wondrous church built by the bishop of Benares, as told by Manson. Ths mothers' department of the Wo men's Christian Temrerano union of Benson gav a epeclal program at th Methodist church last Friday. Ftve mlaute talks on "The Moral Welfare of the Child from the Standpoint of a Phy sician," were given by Dr. Heumann. Miss . McNamars, Rev, A tack and par ents. General discussion and two paper by Mrs. F. 8. King and Mrs. E..A, Sa&r son were also part ot the program. Ths Omaha Woman's Christian Temper ance union entertained at luncheon at the Toung Men's Christian association Wednesday In honor ef Mrs. U. M. CI af file ot Lincoln, president ef th Btate Women's Christian Tsmprsnc union, and Miss Ada ITnruh ot Oregon, temper ano lecturer, who addressed th Bapttet minuter' convention at the Calvary Bap tlai church. .Thirty worffea wore present Mra. A. J. Oeorg of Boston will glvei an antl-auffrage speech at th American theater Tuesday evening. Mra. Oeorge la a well-known speaker in the east. Mis Minnie Bronsoa, now In Montana, will ar- FEISISEKT OF THE BENSON WOMAN'S CLUB. ' '. i " .'-4 S-MvJ ... . Vs --sift s.idu ft JTrX rlv later in the month, as will Mrs. O. D. Ollphant of New Jersey. Miss Katherlne Milliard and Miss Caroline Harkalow returned Wednesday from Minneapolis, where they . went to attend the meeting ot the Woman's Aux iliary of the Province of the Northwest, of the Episcopal church. Mra Philip Potter, state president who also attended the meeting, returned Friday. , Y. W, C. A. Notes.. ,. , The Sunday afternoon vesper service at 4:a0 will be an lniorinal one, heid In the third Hour Assembly room. It will be a "quotation mectliiK.T Miss Lauranc will be hostess at the social hour which follows the regular- meeting. Light re freshments are served and girls are Intro duced and mad acu.uauued with each other. i Classes began last weak and registrar tlon are larger than ever betore. In tnoae not already lull new pupil will be ad nutted tbta week. One class, which meets alternate Mon day evenings at a o'clock, wl hold Its Hi at session tomorrow, 'this Is th So cial Ilsaae ulass, which takes up all the ivarloua questions of "thn proper thing to do" in a very Informal way. The llrst talk will be "The Young Woman as a Hostess" by Mrs. J. M. Alkln. Other talks will be "Th Young Woman a a Guest,'' "In Publld Places," " Jn Busl nena," "Her Sodaf Obligations." "The Body Beautiful" and "nerving a Dinner, a Luncheon and a Breakfast. r The class fee for the course Is IL " Ths orchestra has not yet met but Miss Luella Allen will conduct a class Thur. day ventng at I o'clucK. Miss Auguata Knight Is teaching th china palnUng class Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. Monday evening, October t. wMi be me annual Halloween masquerade. All yeung women of tha cltv. roaardleaa ef aeaorlatlon mamberabtp, are cordially In- VILVU. Wednesday night Is "extension depart ment night'' at the Young Women's Christian association. Classes in gym nasium, sewing, cooking, literature and needlework are held tor girls from indus trial centers who ar unable to loin tha regular classes. Class fees for ten les sons, including membership for a year, ar 1, except In cooking, which Is la. Few Folks Have Gray Hair Now Well-known local druggist nays cv erybody Is utlng old-time rerlpo of Sage Tea and Bulphur. Hair that least It color and luster, or when it fade, turns gray, dull and lle less. Is caused by a lack ot sulphur In the hair, our granJmother mad up a mixture of Sag Tea and Pulphur to keep her lock dark and beautiful, and thou sands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade cf hair which la so attractive, use only this old-time reel pa Nowaday we get this famous mixture by asking at any drug store for a to- cant bottle of "Wyetb'a Page and Bui phur Compound.", which darkens th hair so naturally, ao vnry, that nobody can possibly tell It has been applied. Besides, It takes off dandruff, stops scalp Itching and falling hair. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappear; but what delights th ladle with Wyeth' Bag and Bulphur 1 that beside beautifully darkening the hair after n few appllcationa. It also brings back ths gloss and luster, and gives It aa appearance of abundanoe. Advertisement DANCING UlCMR' till MIKI ITttn Is the place to learn the old and new dance. We have claaa nlghla a weea, Monday, Thursday and Friday Monday and Thursday aaaembllea 1 10 P. M. You ran learn ta dano her in a fear leaeona a w have four competent In trustors and 1 asalsUuila. pbune U4444. J' - . . . v. - , .j "'. .-... j "A Woman's Own Fault if She Looks Over 35 Until 90" "Be Beautiful, 'Visa Woman's Duty l Mm. De La Vie FREE BEAUTY LECTURE And Musicale Under Direction of Mme. De La Vie Thn World's Greatest Authority on Beauty Culture. Loudly Praised by ( Press and Publlo Everywhere. Will be at the Brandeis Theater WKDXESIIAV, THURSDAY, Oct. 21-22 Matinee Only, 2 P. M. A Highly Interesting Program Including the Great Operatic Star, MISS BEATRICE VAN I nnisi f.ltl . .! ww., uuv,i crcuiiy wun muni uana, and widely known at the Holland Dutch Prima Donna, and iff COUNT PERRONE, Opet'iU'c lUrltone Each has a wonderfully pleasing voice and comes highly recom mended. SOCIETY DANCERS Extraordinary Grace and Vincent Coleman all the latest danoes. K MME. DE LA VIE Will Talk "Fifty Minutes la Veautyland" and explain why a woman should never look over 36 years and how to have and to hold a husband, etc. Mme. De Let Vie and thousands of women of note highly recom mend the famous "Melorose" Preparations and Willard White Co.'s Vaucatre Galega Tablets, the wonderful flesh builder, 'developer and tonic. Free Sheet Music and Free Perfume With each purchase of these preparations. FREH reserved seat tickets at our Drug and Toilet Goods Department. Main Floor. I , . - v ?v. ' S I l l -V -v.. I . :; .- -V . .. , '-i. .... I ,.-.. ..'' .,:.,. y... ... . A - yu r- it Put up at the same time yet note the difference! Here, at a glance, is shown the won derful difference in wearability be- twppn rrSrnrr1?nai- .... ...VVIUl.Mtl y snaae ana tne unnnea orade of lirenlin Window Shades the reason why it is in the end tht; cheap est you can buy. The Unfilled Grade of BrenlinM al raeas mass aia u a wt on. kJL LCaVl is made of a different material a closely woven cloth with out that filline of chalk which in the ordinary shade so soon cracks and falls out in unsightly streaks and pinholes. Sun won't fade it nor water spot it. Made in many rich, lustre less tones and in Brenlin Duplex. ... If you want the utmost in shade beauty and economy, go to one of the dealers named below and get this shade. It is per forated with this maik BRENLlN along the edge of every yard. Go see it today. CHAS. W. BRENEMAN & Co, Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. There are two lower-priced grades of Brcn'lin Brcnlln Filled and Breniin Machine Made, exceptional values. These and leading dealers everywhere sell Breniin OMAHA: Beaton Laier Co. TT Aurora . .' Coluwbns Orand Island . . Snoola Nebraska Olty . Tol-lol York Create (Xewa) Chapman Fum. Co. 3. H. Ualley la y Good Co, Wolbach A Bon. A. i. llenway. MandelBon & Kennedy. A. L Klllian Co. Hademacher Furn. Co. McGregor Furn Co. Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale" column; read it