THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 18, Ml 4. s n CHRISTMAS JOY FOR ORPHANS i Omaha Girl is Entertained in New York I FAYOR EQUAL SUFFRAGE Society Women of Omaha m Well u Children Assist Big Mote- CRECHE BENEFIT BALL SOON Htm PaarlitK Tartr In ottmhfj to Rata Fnn4a'fnr Thla Mnat De-aer-vl Inatltatlon for " Chlldrra. (Continued from Pajre Two.) at the Bmltli-Dftle wedding of lat week, returned to Hartftfrd. Conn., Thuradar. Mra. M. Horn of .Chicago la the irueet of her eldter, Mta. N. Chernlsa, of Coun cil Bluffs. Mrs. Oagood Gaatman la rlaltlng friends In Evanaton, 111. Mr. and Mis. Thomaa D. Crane are at the Colonial for the winter. Mra. Etta Sehrwlder of Fremont waa the aucst of Oi-iaha friends lnt week. Mrs. L. B. Marshall of Lincoln la visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mra. J. R. White. Lr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry are ex- ported to arrive from Loi Angeles Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman are ex pected "home Sunday from a two weeks' trip In he east. Mrs. Harmon V, Smith, Jr., returns home Sunday morning after a three months' trip In the east. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis are enter taining Pishop and Mrs. Mlllspaugh of Topr-kn. Kan., over Kundny. Mr. Charles T. Stewart of Council Bluffs left Friday for his ranch In the western part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Sereno Holllster of White hall. N. Y., lire vising their son, Dr. Holllster. and Mrs. Holllster. Mis. W. D. Kanckcr of Indianapolis will nrrive Tuesday morning, to be the guest of Mr. a .id Mrs. D. A. Baum Mrs. Andrew Murphy leaves this even ing for Chicago, to, be the guest of her dat ghter, Mrs. William Gunlock, and Mr. Uunlock. Mrs. I. N. Raymond, Jr., of Lincoln. Neb., arrived Friday to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell, for ten dayi;. Mrs. A. B. Smith left the first of the week for Fort Myer, Va., to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Rlchmnn Day, and Captain Day. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whltmore and Miss Fugente Whltmore, wtfo have been spend ing a few weeks In Boston and New York City, are expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hicks and daughter, who spent the summer at Lake Okobojl, will return to Omaha Wednesday. Mr. Hicks returns very much Improved In health. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee left last evening for New York. They will stop In Omaha on their return before going to Billings, Mont., where they will be this winter. Mra U D. Nelson and Mis Sadler, who Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dieti. ire sojourning at Estes Fark and Colorado Springs. They expect to be gone about Irn days. Mis. John T. Stewart and daughter. Mrs. Wlldman of Council Bluffs, will leave the first of December for Pacific Grove, Cal., where they will spend the winter. . Mr'. C. T. Darling of -Davenport, la., la In Omaha, visiting her sisters, Mrs. Charles B. Smith and Mrs. H. A. Doud. From here she will go to Florida to spend the winter with ber husband and daugh ter. - - v - - - f Mrs. . Thomas Moonlight Murphy and small son, Thomas, Jr., who have been visiting Mrs. Murphy's parents, Mr. and MrsT Q. C. Thompson, will return to their home in Kansas City the latter part of the week. Mrs. Charles Met and daughter. Miss Gertrude, are stopping at the Majestic In New York. Miss Met will study vocal music there this winter, and Mrs. Mets will remain with her . daughter until Christmas, when they will both return home for the holidays. Personal Mention Mr. and Mra. Isaac Coles will he with Mr. and Mrs. A. I Reed at Benson this winter. Dr. W. A! Wilcox waa called to Denver by the death of his mother, Mra. A. I Wilcox. Mrs. Wilcox waa well-known In Omaha, having visited here many times. Mr. Max H. Levy of South Omaha has returned from Europe, where he spent the summer. Mr. Levy reports many In teresting and exciting experience on the voyage home. L : .i II J! - - A V J- S PRESIDENT WOMAN'S CLUB BAIL- WAT MAIL SERVICE, Walnut Telephone Exchange Operates in West Territory The new Walnut telephone exchange went Into operation last night with a force of ten operators on the board. To day all numbers in the extreme western part of the city carry the prefix Wal nut. The territory served by the new exchange extends north to Pratt street and the Fontenelle ' park " district; east to Thirty-fourth, taking in the Bemls park district down to Cuming street, and west of Forty-second street to the city l'mlta. It covers all of Dundee and some 200 phones to the south of Benson and between Dundee and Omaha, .The new telephone directory, contain ing all Walnut numbers is now official. The new exchange Is located at Forty sixth and Isard street. Eight telephone exchanges are now In operation In Omaha nd a ninth will ge opened this spring. It will be the Colfax exchange located at Thirtieth street and Fowler avenue. MUSICALE AND BEAUTY LECTURE AT THE BRANDEIS A musicals and beauty lecture will be given Wednesday and Thursday after noons 'at 2 o'clock sharp at the Brandets theater for ladles only, under the per sonal direction of A. E. Miller, lime, De La. Vie will lecture. Free reserved seats may be secured at the toilet goods department of the Brandels stores. The vocalists will be Miss Beatrice Van Loon and Miss Grace Oroh, and the Brandels theater orchester, under Ernest Nordln, will assist. Following Is the program: Overture "Ohpheus" Offenbach Orchestra, "O Dau Fatale" (Don Carlos) Verdi MUs Beatrice Van Loon. 6ong "Song of the MtUorose" Klickman and Miller MIks Grace Oroh. Operatio Selections Count Perrone. "In Beauty Land'' H. Wakefield Smith Orchestra. Duet from "Lucia" Donnlxetti Mlas Beatrice Van Loon and Count Perrone. "Meloroae March and Two-Step" Markrn W. Rose Miss Grace Oroh Orchestra. Lecture "Fitly Minutes In Beautyland" Ume. D La, Vie. T State Club Women in Convention De clare for Vote for Women. BETTER WAGES FOR WORKERS Deplore the .ret War "in K.nrnpe 4 Vote to Hold Their Mext Meetlnsr lit the City nf Norfolk. Norfolk will entertain the next con vention of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs. Although the Omaha "Woman's club and the Lincoln club ex tended Invitation. It was riccMert to hold the convention. In the Third district, since no other state meeting Iwul heen held there. A the meeting of the Omaha Woman's club Monday, reports of the convention which waa held las: week at Pawnee City will be nm.le by the f resident. Mrs. N. If. Nelnon. Mrs. F. II. Cule, Mrs. K. R. J. Kdholm and Mrs. Johnton will report the civil service, reform ile'mrt ment proceedings. A directory motlntr at 1:30 p. m. and an executive con mil tee meeting at 1 tS will precede the regular meeting' of the club at 2:3.) o'clock. Following are the resolutions ndopted by the state convention:. Whereas. The question of the political equality or men nml women Is toilav a vital prol'lmi under dlscimHlnn through out the rlviltxert world; thcrerora be It liosplved, Tht the NchiHska Hlate Federation of omen's chins gives the cause of equality for men ntxl women Its moral support by recording lt earnest belief In the principles of political equal ity, regai-dle of sex; Resolved, That the maintenance of a living wage for Nebraska women whks earners Is both reasonaMe and necessary for the preservation of morality of the human race; tbut the present NehrnNka minimum wage law requires for Its en forcement a renewable appropriation for Its work. iLnd that Ui" legislative com mittee of the Nebraska Federated Women's clubs and all other Nebraska club women urge upon their senators and representatives In the coming session tfl the Nebraska legislature the Immediate need of providing funds to make the minimum v. in yi .VKurHHHa eilCClfcl ive: - t- Kesolved, That the Nebraska Federa tion of Women s clubs hereby especially commends the pnsKage or such civil ser vice reform laws iis slmll demand the merit system of appointment to and re tention In all our put. lie Institutions for the dependent, delinquent ami defectlvu classes; and we deprecate the relegation of such appointment to political spoils svstem, as not being in conformity with the best results to those unloi tunnies in trusted to the care of these Institutions and to the community at large; Hesolved, That We deplore exIs'.ltiK European conditions resulting in sul.ei' Ing of women and children, and recom mend that all aid extended go through the authorised channels of the Interna tional Red Cross society; therefore he It Resolved, That we recommend to t'ir clubs of Nebraska a more serious study of the peace principles In order to lucui- bray Clarke, president and vice president of the American Association of Bculptors and Painter, which represents the new tendencies In this country. James Henry Breasted. Ph. D profes sor of Fryptology and oriental history in the Vnlverslty of Chicago, will deliver the second lecture of the series Saturday morning, October M. In the Toung Wo men's Christian Assoclstlon auditorium. His subject will be 'The Tombs and Tem ples of the Nile." rrof. Breasted will re turn to Omaha Paturday, October St, to lecture at the same time and place on 'Talnters and Bculptors of F.gypt." Another serlea of lectures on Greek art will he given by Edward Howard Griggs of New York City and I. P. Ptoughton Holbora. M. A of I,ondon, England- War Horses from M. I.oels PPTtlVOFIELD, 111.. Oct. lT.-Flftoen hundred horses for use in the British army have been bought In the vicinity and shipped from here within the last two days. The animals were bought 'In the Osark dlstrlrts by representatives of the lirltlsh government and are being shipped to Canada. Ci N Ca11 on u for1 Oriental I ol Gifts W are now show In tr a complete and exernstve line of OmrlTTAL FOODS, Snoense, Japaneve Oardens, Chineae Antlqnee, Jewel Vosss, Indian Enata els, Samssona Btsss. Delft Ware Mexican rtl'.gree, Chinese, Japanese and rrench Vasse. X new shipment of antlqne Kryptian Scaas and Van Brlg-gle rettery Jnst reeeivsd. ALIJV WHOP 1318-1314 W. Q. W. Bldg. Blanche Sorcnson TEACHER OF SIIIGIIIQ ruMic Schawl Finnic TntiRht. 90-ai Arlington Block, lftlli Dodge at. 3338 Harney gtree- TsSsphon Harney 8687. Studio::' caie In the minds of the young a belief in arbitration as the means of settling all questions of International dispute. Resolved, That the Nebraska Federa tion of Women's clubs endorses the pol icy of the general federation health de portment as far as Is practicable to Nebraska. Society of Fine, Arts Begins Its Year Thursday The Omaha Society of Fine Arts begins Its year Thursday with an afternoon lec ture at 4 o'clock in the Young Women's CArlsttan Association auditorium. Mrs. F.dgar Morsman. Jr., and Mrs, Leonard i:verett present to the society Miss Mary Bannister tVlllard of New Tork, whose subject is "The Modern Movement In Art," an exposition and explanation of post-lmpresstonlsm and cubism. Miss Wlllard has lived twenty years 'khrond. has studied In the University of Borlln and the Sorbonne. and for several years has lectured on art In New Tork. She comes to the west with the personal Indorsement of Arthur Davlea and Mow- A Marvelous Sale of , Suits andDresses New arrivals coining in daily for our first Suit ami J)ros3 Sale of the season. 25 Sampl o AT THE SISN Of THC A S SOW Suits, consist ing of tho newest styles and materials, speeiallv priced for Monday, values to $37.50 at 14.95 Come, and look them oyer. You will be pleased with the styles and prices, Extraordinary Values in S i. km. ilk. ' VelTct and Serge Dresses .VC'iiT In all the authentic styles and colors of. the jr.Vi'ir ' season, on gale Monday at SI 2.05 . fi'i, W 31l.tlO . "F til 11.U SK.UV. "" "K ill TneHe are well worth looking over. 111 Lucille Style Shop 1504 Harney St., 2nd Floor Vp Whero the Prices are Down. Sale of Oriental Rugs On the geoontt Floor. Turkoman Rugs, Including nearly 100 pieces In Bokaras, Belouchlatans, Khivas and Afghans. wm else Afranlstan, special 198 Ibarra Khiva Jtnf, special f.67.60 Beleacaiataas, apeolai at $11, 914 and 918 Orchardl & Willielinni Co. 414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street V Talks on Oriental Rugs On the Beoond Floor. On Wednesday, Oct. 21st, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Nahtglan, a native expert In charge of this department, will deliver the first of a series of talks on Oriental Rugs. Ritftia Tea rvaf From m Sam war You will find a Visit to This Store During our Educational Exposition and Gift Carnival, Interesting, Instructive and Profitable IP IS our hope that every one in Omaha and its vicin ity will accept our invitation to become a guest of this store at -least once during the remaining days of October. We want you to think of this store first when you think of furniture. To know that whatever may be the price you wish to pay,, we can meet your requirements with merchandise that is the best of its grade and that bears the stamp of rellablliy. rp O MAKE your visit instructive as well as interesting, wo have arranged a series of industrial exhibits. The cost and effort required to prepare these exhibits has been great but we feel amply re paid when we ran show our patrons different articles for the home in actual process of construction and to show them the difference between well made goods and goods that cannot be relied upon. Nearly every floor bas something interesting to offer and several hours can be spent here to good advantage. "UIt (lift Carnival lends added interest to this period. Under the plan which we have Inaugurated we will glvo away before October 31st, one hundred and forty presents some of them valued as high as $50.00 each and aggregating over $800 in all. Full details of this Olft Carnival plan which Is of real Interest to every one are being .distributed from day to day to every home in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Have You Ever Seen An Up holsterer at Work? YOU can see, an expert upholsterer building overstuffed davenports and chairs on our 4th floor. To learn how these luxurious pieces of furni ture are built, how the rough, wood frame is made, .the webbing stretched, the springs placed and tied to insure perfect comfort and long service; how the various' layer? of .the covering, the under-cover, the hair filling and finally the finished cover are put In place. These are Interesting things to see aad will be long remembered. Any Upholstered Furniture Can be made to your order On the Fourth Floor. Special Prices on Furniture There are hundreds of similar savings offered on every Wouldn't It Interest You to See Willow Furniture "Made? floor. 950 Chiffonier, mahogany . . . , fT-O lto-esslng Table, mahogany $30 Wood lfcd, golden oak ; , . , $118 Chiffonier, golden oaJt $122 Dreaser, golden oak, very large $ft? ItHffet, golden wax finish $fttt China Cabinet, golden wax finish $4S liihrary Table, golden wax finish $18 lted Davenport, golden oak. Imitation $t7 IVeU lfctvenport, golden oak, genuine VhVr lther $39.00 $15.00 $20.00 $21.00 $.0 $42.SO $:ta.oo $30.00 $40.00 $7fi.OU ' Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Hold on a New Club Plan $5.00 Monthly Payments Pick-out your Hoosier now have it delivered at once and enjoy its many conveniences. Rug Specials On the Second Floor Sample rugs from our Interior Decorating Department, very beautiful and of the finest quality. 3Cx72 size, raularly $10, special. . , .$4.75 27x54 size, regularly $7.60, special H.7A 80x84 Wilton and Hartford. Haxony ltug, regular $5, special , . . .$3-AO 4-x7-6 TajteKtry llnwsela ltug, regular $7.00, Kperial $ft.7.1 '4-x7-6 Hartford Saxony Hug, regular $31.00, aptHial $10.00 And many other specials not advertised. A table full of Uatn Hugs and Rfeg Hugs all sizes and all specially priced for 0 to $0.05 A Display o f Unusual Potteries From Brittany and Italy . . . - In varied hue and quaint tliaprs. This Is being done on our Sixth Floor. ONLY imported French Willows are used because they are tougher and more pliable.. It is a fascinating experience to watch a beautiful chair grow from a pile of wil low switches. Tho deft hands of this expert work man accomplish surpris ing results in a very short time. He was brought here from the Willow craft shops in Cambridge, Mass., especially for the ex hibit. Any desired design for a chair, rocker, settee, table, stool, etc., will be executed to your order. Chairs and Rockers Made during this Exhibit will be sold for $7.50 Each They are all worth far more. --' r ' III Lice Curtains' . play of Different THIS pottery from Brittany, a land now stripped by war of every able bodied man, portrays the simple life of the peasant folk. Every piece is marked with its makers' initials and the name of the little town where it was made, Quimper. Many of these pieces are small and make desirable presents, such as Brittany plate, each 85 T!" Ilrlttany Juga, each ..$1.85 to $2.75 llrittny bow l, each 40c to $3 On one of .the front tables we show Majolica flowwr pots and pottery from Italy. For thrfirst time in many, years Majolica is again a popular pottery.' Its decora tions suggest Italy with its quajnt flowers and figures and shows the Italian's wonderful sense of color. Pillow Cluny. Made in Prance and Germany. Pair $7.50, $9.50, $17.50 up. Battenberg Lace. Made in France. Pair $9.50, $12.50, $25.00 up An Instructive Dis- Imported Laces PAKTICULAHLY Interesting at this time when the news from Europe points to a long drawn out strugxle that will greatly diminish If It does not eliminate all impor tations of laces from the warring countries. . In this display the va rious weaves are faithfully por trayed and are supplemented by our large stock 6f these beautiful curtains from which selections should be made while the oppor tunity still exists. There are: Cluny Lace. Made In France. Pair $1.75, $2.50, $3.50 up. Point de Luxe. Made In Switzerland. , Pair $12.50, $15, $22.5(7 up. Duchess Lace. Made In Switzerland. ' Pair $5.00 $7.50, $12.50 up. Filet Lace. Made in Italy. . Pair $12.50, $17.50, $35 up. Let Us Show you How We Make Box Springs-Box Springs Built for Service HERE is one place surely where good construction counts for much. A third of our life Is spent on Springs and to see how ev ery Joint Is made every oil tempered spiral placed ev ery knot carefully tied and the edge properly bound and the filling distribut ed Is to know whether or not you are buying a spring -that will bring nightly rest to tired muscles and nerves for years to come. On the Third floor. All Box Springs made during this exposition will Cf C be sold, with choice of Ticking at, each, ...... . ,...v3