Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 16

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Till: O.MAI I A
I ,
lain, lb kIp.i t orne I anil ll'l n Ka.-t-
Society Women of Omaha ai Well as ,Pliuiin(t for Bo Farties
The f.Hc.elig icsrr.ans
ni nran aa ar a i at t ni it mn n w p
His Itant'lpa Curl) In nrmlrr la
llnlp Ifind, (r This Hnst llc-
m'lnl aleadsr.
!TNIA V VniitiK Irntde a smuiy
pie Israel, s:"n j.. m
lt M.I -OHM lll.f WU illllllillg
! been
made for -Monday, the opening n'grit or (
Tl r Prior Little Hi'li U rl." at tin fran-
dcls theater: Mr. MiirlinT. four; Mrs j
Iirtncu nf ni.nrll muits. i'n,r,
ann. four: .1. nwnifi'i, ioor. .1. jtu j
i,crs four: .'. 1 "fi'i'wnrn oi 000- ,
,11 muff, four; Wank .Tndeon. four; Tt.
sj rlntk. three.
others hn UI attend arc. ". T. lae,
II Miller, Iv. Hndlay, .1 s. Summits. W.
y Mlllnian. W. Vacuum Sml'h, J. F.
1 1 icyn nrnl ltrnd .
mi.! I 1'or tli" matinee Ttieslay
1'c.nltns (lull. Mctrn.olitan linll X. O. lump ?!! li ' rl." Shirley Mmir of c oun-
-rr'L'u.v i,"n" J;,.,-r;!, n- ",M,7- ,, IcIlltlutM will have three M"". at,.! Mrs.
Tl r.8iA - Vr. hnrles M, IiihIi. ' . ,,. . 1 . ,r. . v.r.. ri
.. .1 i-u-.K. 1.. . i. ioiio...i Ada t I'avls of Cowrvit l'iffn ft box r"y
bv lltandets thfMl-'i inrlv for Mr?.
a'tcr fliiik of Milfunt. I'imn. Mildi-r-IlfMikiiisn
wcduina. .Mi 1 1 oioin n , lob.
l'trts ehih. Mjlnri ijdimi duo It'll I'li'O.
WKI'SKSIiAY-Mrs. John ft M'l'onnld.
l'in"hron at Conim, 1 rial hdi, followed
by Orpheum theater piut for Mrs.
Till IISHAY-Mii-s Mhiv r.anuls'er W II
In 1 rl. fine arts lecture. Vomit onion s
ihitstlan AaMH'iHtlon auditorium. I
f. in.
KIMl'XV- .Mi. Janus T KpiIiii 111. bridge
h.iii wiin. Miii. A. II. letter, luiirli'on j
for Mm. 1 link?. u oiiiPii at
Miltrr nrk. I
TI H1A V-I rniriP I'.ivU e-luli ilntirlns
pnitr. Jump Mr-nry trinl'il. flnn mis
Iretiirp. Yonnir Vonfii 1 'h. l."t 111 11 As
.loclutlon amlitoi ium. M a. 111.
l:vrr body l Inlrrmtcil In 1 1 r 'h rial inn a
hhln tlil'b n r.n ry in? a aii'l lotlilnK
tr Hip millions of ir little hll-lrpn of
li War onp of Kuropr niirt also 'lollilnK
'rr the o!ipr dilblrrn anl Dip mothiis
ho ar In want ami auffi rinK
Mr. I'iPitiPnt t'liaap. wllh a arnrr of up
aiatanta. haa bad ihhtm in ralnlnK
tunrla and irpnroiia alfta for Hip Cl.rlst
mat ahip. Mra. Hprtha ffiitt. Mrs.
Thoniaa l. rranp. Mrs. UniiM IHptx. Mrs.
1'rpfl A. Nih ami Mrs Milton T. Harlow
r arh In tiatfa of (ommll!'-' anil urn
working untlrlnaly for this sirat work.
81 orpf ot lukil n'slly lubplrd have
liern rpiplvpfl at Tlic Ura. nfflrp 11ml tWs
wppIi thp arhiwl rlillilrrn will makp a Ibtep
l ontilbntloni .
Futida. rlothlna anil tos, nml. In fart,
almost anything rarrpt prnvlalona, will bn
wvlooine and will dnnhtlrsa bp more ar
prri'lated than any othor (.'brlstmas gift
we stvp. '
Kvprythlnf must Ip In by l'rlday or
Hatitrrlay and thp railroada Iip orfprpd
to rarry pvrrythliig fur tha f'hrlstmaa
ahip frpp of rluirir, Thp rnltad Htntpa
KovprnrriPnl haa mu all ai rannpinPiits
for Bending thp chip and also haa nuulp
arrangpmpnta with the dlffpn-nt amlma
a a dor a of Kuropn for the distribution of
the Clirlatmaa glfta.
Creche Benefit,
forlpty mil danrp for Hip bpnpflt of
tha Crp hp at Ihc Homn liolrl, Saturday
pvaning. Novpmbrr I'S. Mrs. T. l. Kim
ball, who baa Ijppii ptraldpnt of th CrPt hp
association for tha Inat twrnty-flve par.
MpndaniPi AVarrPn RoRprs. Tliomaa Kll
liatrirk. Arthur C. f mllli, J. E. Buininprs.
lxiuia Nash, JaniPS ('. I'alilman, Ixiuli
(.lark, Arthur Hogers, llcinard Cappn
ml Mia Arabplla Kimball ain among
those who have the affair In charge, and
they will pi a re tlckota on shIp npxt wrek.
Mnee abandoning tha old plare on
Nlnetaenth and Harnpy atreeta a year
ago last July, the Creche haa typn oatab
llahed In Tark Wilde Place In tha oM T.
Klinliall bom and this anmincr Mrl,
3Ciroball gave the houte wllh one lot and
a half or ground to thn Institution which
h has for manr yeari barked with
her Interest and support. In addition to
this the Crrphe management (las now
purchased the house next door with three
lota from Mr. It n. Kimball and this Is
bring remodeled Inside to give a play
room for th Ptilll1rn Inif a
room, as well as more sleeping aceom
tnedatlons. Omaha Girl Weds Abroad
Mies Ulldred Merrlam, daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Nathan Merrlam, was married
lo lieutenant William James Plebl, n.
N. I., of Aberdeen, Scotland, at 1 o'clock
raiuruar aiirrnocn, arcoraing to a
t abler ram reoelve.1 br the hrldeg father,
air. jvathaq, Merrlam, and her sinter,
Mrs. Itarton Millard.
The wedding la the culmination of a
gleamtr romance. Mr. and Mrs. Mer
rlam went abroad thla summer to spend
few weeks at Oatend. They railed on
in learle, and Lieutenant Ilehl, who
la a reserve officer of the n.-Jllih navy.
, w as ' thii-d offiter on hoard the Cedrlc.
Mr. Merrlam returned home several
weeks ago and Mrs. Merrlam and fcer
daughter went to Rwrtserland and r
urned to London at the outbreak of th
it la not known when LleutPi.ant Dlehl
will be called for sea duty, but the yuuiia
couple will gpend their honeymoon at
jirs. uernam is erted home next
Tor Popular Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Clark of Mil-
lora. ionn are tha guests of Mr. and
1 ilr Oiaalea fl MTnM. I.I li.
v ariit-Mrs. McDonald being sister und
brothiT. Many social ai fairs hare been
arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Clark, who
will he here three weeks. Thursday even
. 1n( they were honor gueata at a bog
; party at the Jirandeis theater, and Krl
day evening were entertained at dinner
at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. CharWa O.
McDonald, following which the dinner
guests made up a party at the Orpheum
Mr. McDonald will give a luncheon at
tha I'nlverslty club Tuesday, followed by
a Brsndels theater party for Mra. Clark
and Wednesday Mra. John R. McDonald
wilt entertain at luncheon at tbe Coin
mercial club and an Orpheum matinee
party for Mrs. Clark. From Thursday
until flunday she will be the guest of Mrs.
. A. II. rettars.
Tboae pieaent at Mr. and Mia. Mr
(onald's dinner and theater paity Friday
veiling were:
Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. John H Mrlxmald.
Mr. and Mra. K. '. Twamlcy.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Fetters.
Mr. 'and Mra. N. II. liarrlnmn '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. MrUonald
In.ade for Monday, in' oprnma num v. , t
Ti e Poor Little Hi' It U rl." at tin Pren- II
,le(s tbcMer: Mr. Miirlnrr. four; Mrs j II i .
Iirnirn of Cnnncll TtPiffa. fni.r. A K. j If ' fV- ,
MIllniHt,. W. FaniiMii Sml'h. J. F. II . l
for "The Poor II . , 31
ill s a . i
'for t wanty -four anifsts. ' A " -
! The adaine "'till or.b rs for t'ie en
aaaeinent of Hurry lender at thp Tran- f
.lr(s tbratrr .Mnndny matinee ami night. g
i,lowr rs, are more nuim roua than for . , , '.
1 v--v v -1 avt
Will i am - . r' AJ
uames Diehl - (- ' Mf -
itiiiarea -
9 - . - ' J
i . v - 4 t
p ....
j' . ' '
' :
i . :. ' ... ; -,. . .
LV- : : '"-j7 i
In tu weeks by Mrs. K. C. Mason. The
iiimit erB of tht club Include:
T. hnsrtz.
P. A. raniiin.
I,. A. Iirni'ody,
C. 1'.. Jayrox.
K. T. Mason.
H R. liaietearf,
Oarar Molmnn.
.V '. Ilartman,
the call game were awarded Mesdames
John Stubcn. Iurie Qulnby, J.- w.
Wcndrotigh and J. lleeny. Those present
Cacti Club.
The f'srti il.h held lis fiiat dan
tha eensin Friday evening at Ctiainbeij
Thoae j. resent were:
any attraction. Among the larger parties
are: I'aul lloarland, reven; William 1 1 III
Clark, four; Ir. J. T. Matthetta, lxx
party; Dr. A. P. Cam Jon, three; V. T.
Hunsnn, three; Joseph liarker, four; It.
W. Anderaon. eight; A. B. Warren, four;
Mrs. J. Mlcheuer, five; Dr. A. P. John
ston, fOur; James M. Patton," five; If. M.
Thomas, four) Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, four;
Tlnrton Millard, five; Forest Itli hardson.
four: Mrs. I D. Montgomery, four.'
Others who will attend are: II. B Plrk-
ens; lr. uanehette, A. M. Jeffrey, Uenrge
II. Thummel, IX K. llenedlct and W. C.
Tha following reservations have been
made for the opening performance Thurs
day evening of "Help Wanted:" F. L.
ilaller, five; dRter lleyn, four; Mr.
Ada I. Davis, four; Frank Judsjon, four;
Mrs. Pinto, four; Fred Itamllton, four;
W. 8. Btlllman of Council Hluffs, four;
H. Warren, four.
Phi-Eho-Sigma Banquet
The Phi lliio Flgma Mcdlrul fraternity
of the I'nlvcrnlty of Nebraska held Its
fifteenth annuul ban'iuet at the Univer
sity club Friday evening. Covers were
placed for eighty-five. Including mem
bers from the faculty and honorary mem
bers. Dr. P.. B. Davis was tostmaatcr of
the evening, and those responding were
Dr. W. A. flush of Malvern, Is.; Dr. A.
E. Lane of Iramle, Wyo.; Dr. W. N.
Andoraon of Omaha, and A. C. Harry of
the senior class. Among the out-of-town
gneats were:
F. Wel'lo V ntt.
A. K. Westervelt.
Oenige I. Helton,
J. llompes.
J. II. Ooodenough,
A. I'.. Jine,
W. A, Hush,
MI'iM -rnn!e
A il.-p Mi'Dnnald,
Sylvia Mover.
Imlao I 'am oi.
Viola Cnx
II. tendon.
S a rren.
Klrirrnre N ,
Margaret Thomas,
.lean I on al,
Mary Wire.
laiher:oi Knclish,
' i rriP K shn.
Is iIip! I'npiisiiia.
Iona f Kirney.
I In wl i 'nlo:rii.
M . fl Kolle- .
A a Jneliami,
lt hi r K roi'r r.
Mildred Crns:
1 herea Flnnnp.iti,
I lornihy Arnold
of Jdnreln, Neb ;
Florence flrsv.
Munrty rrtersrn.
f'l.rlro flBiivreau,
.fraalp Xesl,
Jessie MrDnnalil,
Mnrle tt H'len.
Msrshn Ifprndon.
Cpla Veat.
Mabel Arnett.
Mary Plerrou.
' ''erne .Sirles,
M. (lould.
Robert Rurps.
w. Mi'btiard. r ;
Y.. r. pn rkp.
loon AHuii h.
(1. II. Wilbrruer,
li. T. Irfina-.
I vril Flaniilgan,
John Moore,
Vriink Fortner,
Morsn Smith.
F.arl Moorp,
r iiarles W. Riett.
r'a mnel Alperaon.
H. I'oiiHid I'.'iilsora.
J. It. lteverldue,
II. '. Karhitrh,
.' Ul.r.rlool' s
Donald McPherann.
A rthiir Jiiata f son.
W. Rav f wens.
J. Ptnnlon j"I kell.
Rvmoii(l Bntehler
of l.lnr oln, Neb. ;
I. . J. Potle.
V.. R. Svanaon.
f.TV.Tenee P.rnun. ,c ott.
Harold Rteere,
I i:i ve Hniirkf.
f.rle W. Huffman,
'Hilton .tenk ins.
C.porce T'.ori'.en
T'moIiI u-ili:l,t.
Hnrrv Wenlwrg.
Tlarry W . Spi inger.
M liars
lone i 'miners,
K. Kuasel).
Mirtj Can.
I Irlen HtHOle.
I Jleen IMwards,
1'nnny bmld.
llPlepe R'li,
l-:fta Pnrendsen,
MaiiP Walsh.
H. irel Relnhart
of Linroln,
Dots Hunt,
I. thel Siarnian.
Irlia Rlrhards,
i o)r1on Mrers.
P.nth (pntlemsn.
Mnrle O Noil.
I'nnnie Llddell.
M.irlla Mathews.
I mrothy Firming.
1'rHi.ris Hroderson,
ilroe-1eve Roffertv.
t .1 dys Fowler,
Ad i. Hlsek.
Harrl Fowler,
i Jia'-e Roberts.
A lice 1".llTust
l'i nnr'a Thomas,
Hazel J"ainp.
Flrnrni Jean Davis,
Irene. Walker.
,ir:miip Anslnnder,
l'.KIe llousman.
William C.
'r i'ton.
T'nrl . Torr v
Uernld P.olland,
Knrle MeMahon.
Paul llunnate,
Nrl! M.irah,
Clmilea Kl!e.
V. J Ki ndrhh,
I- R. Howell,
A I. Moth.
T. F. Roarh,
Ralph Pell
of Lincoln Neb.;
T. Campbell,
X rt Pnvle.
W. H. Rovers,
Frnest A. fir1abs,
Mirshnll rryeti,
Pnluli 1 Hinr,
Mt Tiliirk.
.lark 1 illiolnle.
tohn Mrf mil,
lr T. C. Kellv.
t IT. .Tones
ln-r- Wplsh,
V.. I. Maver.
I Vol er Clevrtund.
1 d '')!and
"'UN-mi . Nlaon.
" Siirhnrt
Wavne T,. Moore.
Ja-k Sur'iart
! Mildred Carl?oi.
i Meadanir
I Aleandrr Ft- k,
I T. I.. Combs,
I K i:. Iirand".
J. I' Mryern.
V. ff. lUha l.
'. L. Anrlii s
! .1. W. Woodrnueli,
i -I. R Fradeiihurc,
I Kdward Stoltrn-
! A. W. loan ii
I.a irie yulnbv,
J lleeny,
John St 1 1 ben.
Mabel IJergquift.
H Wlndhelm,
W. K. Koote,
J. kuhn.
Arthur Kuhn.
PrPs'on Davison.
Ronald Peterson,
H, A. ''emeron.
K. J. MrAdame.
Kdward knnpp.
Lovell Dunn,
"harU-a Bothwell,
E. n. Whitlork,
F. F. Perkins,
Hale Fdxby.
j Magnificent Hair Easy to
j Obtain Quickly-
Some Astonishing
tieau y becrets
Matty Month of Prttion Tim Hav
Now Been Eliminated is) the Acquire
ment of Btamty, .Say Valeika
Suratt, America' Famout
Self-Made Beamty-Actreit.
At Prairie Park Club.
The Al-Po-CIa club which la g.v'.ng sJ
! series, of dances at Prairie Par! club
house, searon of lH-10lj, held Its opening1
il. ne'e Friday evening, October l'i, in. I
k most, enjoyable evening was had
By Mis Valeska Suratt
If you could equally s"e n difference
of two or three Inches in the Krowth of
your lialr In a few weeks' time end de
tect a superb improvement In 11. vigor
and silky appearance you would perhaps
wonder whether a miracle had not br-'Ot
suddenly performed. of '.his
kind ale so 1i:frpiuriit tluit most w-omro
I tha .Itil. V. no. lifll-'e lliroi miioi., i-i io n ' i
"i" 'H nci mcir invitoil remains that If the proper nimnis iue eiu
Kuears. j nose in attendance were:
icrtrod Rrll,
Mary Sir K Hi sol t,
Irene KuM-h.
May lliman,
Hrrmia Voimc.
j fiertrude l-'rost,
' 'hun li.
j ' "lara .Miiiquardt,
I lrar Itai her,
LliZfibelh '
! .lumens on.
Amelia Helinberg,
Lillian I.ind. .
F.velyn Nenle,
Alice Xrm Rurirh
r.inrp Joni-,
.T. L. Reprroft.
F. c Powell,
'. c. Rahn,
W. Wtuart.
rj. K. Anderson,
H. T,. Ja ohson.
J. Crowe,
R. N. Frankum.
J. A. Perry.
A. K. Kwnnson,
. Nelson,
. A. Johnson,
J. . Weeks,
J. rViea-nanl,
K. Wlllrodt,
A. F,. Axford.
W. M. V'aiiKhn.
N. II. Attwoori,
' '"ra Dwnrik.
I.IIUp lyhmnn.
'larp Karnuin,
era Patterson,
Kat.hryn Krtie,
M'irie K. Archer,
Alice Patterson,
Anna Pork,
'lol,-t 'avlman,
M'ldreil Filer.
I Men Kofitibg.
Harb.u a Miaipe,
i oil,, Lewis.
File Peaks,
May .laenbsen,
'". A. Jaenbren.
It. Armstrong,
J. Krng.
F. Nelson,
C Ratier,
I. Palmer,
V. Shriim.
V. Martin,
f. H. Tallman.
C. K. Kddv.
c. J. Martini.
1j. Jensen.
I ployed they nrr more likely to occur inati
j not. The proper means, of couryo, ire
I (Hp controlling factor. Mere hair ',nnh p.
Whirh are commonly sold In riepac. d
form and ready for nee. are so often weak
In power and in iiiaiedieuts that it Is la-
r'liim'.ng hnlr. Srni.n si.lfn solution can
be nht-iitieil at anv .Irt'u 'tore. It never
falls to destroy all h ii:. lip-ht and coarse.
itli th utmost rnpiilitv and tliorramh
ne.f, nnl It iir(r Iniiiies the most sen
sitive shin or leaes a n-ark.
MH? S. T. ii -Mu'" ..hp I't-eam 1s ner-
ssary to brnutifv t(,p sHtt and brine It
lo a condition of in. omtmiable lovellne
in 11 aiioit limp. A fe- diva' use will
piop Its res-ill-. M up n mixture of
i i tbpnoniif',il of lilyn rlnp and our
riipi r of zlntoiie in a pin of water; Tlrs
rn.'ikes a 'ntiry cr am uliirh Is to be
card ery bb. r.-.lly frr- day. This mary
oirr a pint of cim. uhicl-, is manv
tiinra more ths:i o-i oidlnari'v ray for
prenre'l i renins which do not Klve the
I irni results. You w.ll soon find thai
cwry red r,t. fi -rklr and blemish will
lii-Hiipenr and hove the skin pure and
i li ar as n. lili.
I '
Il C, Moore,
Mr. nnd Mis. CUnlon Hamilton
Mr. and Mr. f. M. Palling.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given Thursday
evening In honor of Mlsg Martha Brttton
at her home. Prizes we're won by Misses
Rose Zecmelster and Nell Kaiser, Mr.
Mont Weir and Mr. Bob Cnrruthers. Con
solation prizes were awarded to Misses
Kstherine Kaiser, Mildred Durnall and
Mr. Frank Davis. Those present were:
ci. A. Merrlaon,
it. Morris,
It. Potter,
U F,. McDonald.
Matthew Tlnlry,
(leorge Rual.
Ivlgar Christy,
At the Country Club.
There were several dinner parties at
tha club preceding the dance last evening.
A "Dutch treat" parly was made up of:
Mr. and Mrs. Ilsrold ITItrhett.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webster.
Mlaae Misses
I,nulse Dinning. Klitabeth Davis.
Menie Davis,
Meaara Mekrs
Peii HHllagher. Wlllard Butler,
Paul Oallngher, C, 1. 1-oitl.
Roger Keellne,
Olivers entertaining at dinner were:, Mr.
and Mrs. W, J. I'oye, who had eight
gueits: Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountxe.
four; Mra. Metralf, four; Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Methane, six; Mr. Ouy Furay.
four; Mr. Harry T. McCormlek. four;
Mr. Oeorge A. Meyer, four, and Mr. M.
C. IMors, four.
Eolidajr Affairs.'
The sc hool set and the debutantes will I
be entertained during the holidays
and plans are now being made for many
tt the social affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith
, HI give a dance for their daughter, Mis
Harriet Huntington Ifinlth, December rs.
' tod Mr. and Mrs. C. W. lUnjfUoa will
)lse give a dance for this popular debu
tant en the evening of December V..
' The Cornell Glee club will be In Omaha
December P and will give Its concert In.
the n cilng. and there will be a round
f entertaining In their honor.
The ate of the ftorority dance holiday
Vk this rar will be Widlieaday, 1-n-ruber
V, at Chambers. The Vouiu
uitK-n in charge B re Mle Morion an I
Vao:nl Tol. Fsther Wllhelm. lirace
4ilion, A Ike Jvgullli, laaltt Yition-
At the Omaha Club ,
At the Omaha club ljlday Mrs. F. W.
Clarke was boniest at a luncheon In honor
of tor..slstcr-in-law, Mia. W. J. Hun
i acker xf F-aglnaw, Mich., who la her
guest, Covers were laid for Mesdamea W,
J. lliinaacker, F. II. Davis. F. N. Conner,
M. C. rcters, Harry Cummlngs, II. W.
Yates, B. F. Crnmmer, Oeorge Peterson.
Rcba Morgan, a. II. Thummel. II. ft.
Clarke. A. 11. IWeson. C. W. Russell, C.
K. Johannes, Herman Kountxe, K. F.
Fx-lda. 3. C. French. John II. Butler. J.
J. fulllvsn and tlenrge Vosa. week nml from there goea on to
Washington for the Notional Bar sss0-
elation meeting and to spend a week or
two visiting relatives In the east.
Diets Club Dancing Party
The Diets club will give a subscription
dancing party Tuesday evening at the
For Mr. anit Mrl. Cudahy
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Cudahy arrived In
Omaha from Chicago Saturday morning
to remain until mmday evening. In their
honor Mr. and Mre. O. W. Wattles enter
tained at a bridge party of twenty last
evening at their home.
UniveTiity Houiewarainj.
The Phi Rho Hlgma fraternity of the
I'nlvemlty of Nebraska will hold Its
house warming at the new fraternity
house at Forty second and Dewey ave.
nue about November L
European Travelers.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy finally ealled
for home, on the Adriatic" Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. I'eycke are thought to be
on the "Rotterdam," which sailed Frt
Booth-Montgomery Wedding.
MIfs Laura Kllsabeth Montgomery,
daughter of Mrs. Julia Montgomery
Pratt, formerly of thla city, was married
Wednesday, October at New London,
Conn., to Lieutenant Ren.lamln Noble
Booth. Coaat artillery, I', t. A. Qwlng
to the recant Illness of the bride, the
wedding was private. Mra. Pratt and her
daughter lived at Annapolis, Md., for sev
ernl yearn after leaving Omaha, and then
resided ut Holt II. O. Wright. Fiirhers
Island, N. V., where Mrs. Pratt's son
Lieutenant 1-Mward Montgomery, Is sta
tioned, and where Lieutenant Booth la
also on duty.. Another son, Alfred Mont
gomery, Is In the navy.
Pleasures Past.
Miss Oretcherl Williamson entertained
aeven tables of bridge on Friday evening
for Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nleman.
Mrs. Martha Kberts entertained the
Cood Time club Friday forenoon. Pro
gressive high five was the came, prizes,
being won by Mrs. Oeorge Mori In. Mrs.
Frank Alvord and Mrs. Sadie Atkins.
Mrs. Frank Alvord will be the next host-es.
Friday Bridge Luncheon Club.
Mrs. A. C. lUrtman entertained the Fri
day Uridine Luncheon club at her hom
Friday. Mra. Cyril Chllds nf Sioux City
its the guret of the club and prlxes were
won by Mrs. Oscar Ilulman and Mrs. A.
C. Mason. The club will be entertalnod
Temple Israel Society.
The Young People' anelety of Temple
Israel will hold Its opening meeting Sun
nily evening at S:.W o'clock at Temple,
lararl. John 1. Kennedy will be the
rneakcr, and there will be an excellent
musical program.
For the Future.
Mrs. Jainee T. Redman will give a large
bridge luncheon at her home next Friday.
Bridge Luncheon
Mrs. Charles Hrhwager entertained .t
luncheon Thursday, following which the
afternoon was spent at brlda-a A eni,.
scheme of sank and white waa carried
out In the decorations, roses, smllas and
ferna being, used profusely. Assisting
the hostess were Mre. V. O. Dyball, Mrs
H. V. Pchwoger, Miss Mildred Carlson
and Miss Mabel Bcrgrjuist. Prlxes tor
Mr. and Mrs. w.
Mr. und Mrs. W,
Blanche Kaiser.
Hose Zernielhter,
Kstherine Kaiser,
Llllinn Miller,
Oram Kaiser,
Mildred Durnall,
,T. SuteJ.
J. Ilazen.
M. Wrarp,
15. Carrutheis.
A surprise party
Mary Zecmelster,
Nell Kaiser,
Oraco McDonald,
Martha Rrltton,
dean Brltton.
F. Davis.
J. Murray,
W. F.ddy.
T. Uritton.
was given last week
rV .t
-J. jp t -.. "the apj em
Ml.-'rt T li. N. -He-e 1- a wrliikie-ii-
, n ovlng formnlii ahirli hn alr-nly br
coiiip famoiL" bpciu.'p of lis quirk nrtinti
"jln rpiderln tli shin plutiii and vlgornM.s
Kurd tlinrrlv ellmlnii ill! nil trurpu nml
lines of ago. Mix two lihlespianfula of
"igaiii- BC'yceririe and two oonr" or eptol in n
T X " l f'lnt of watrr. The result is a bean-
TL x - f ( t r ' il crram of womlprfol nhsorlient oiiHji-
iosenes r.f flesh d'siipt-ear In a re-
iy pnort timp. tup ditfernce in
earance of age will lie oiiite atart-
i iiiiz.
In honor of Mlae Bertiia Clausen at her
home. Th evenlng,was spent In music
and rames. Those: present weref"
Klale, McClean,
Kllen Morris,
Mario Wagner,
t'leophiis Hterrett,
Hazel Lnrson,
Margrette Allnnlck
. Mefisrs.
'Ikiwunl I,yneh,
Fred Morcledge,
Alfred Zerxan,
Floyd Kahler,
Mr. and Mra. N. Clausen,
Mr. and Mr. It. L. Putnam
Irene Kvans,
Francis Diera.
Men ha Clausen,
IMythe Clausen,
Matty Jones,
Howard Kves,
John pkthlecht,
Larl Stephens,
'A DiHtftBce si Sertftl Ischfi t ReatB Bti RnsK
H Frtsj Tais EkiIWbI Ferrwls."
marks hie how much of them ar sold at
nil. If you would obtain a really beauti
ful head of hair quickly and with little
trouble. Just make up yourself at home
In a few minutes, a mlxturw of one ounce
of beta-qtilnol with one-half a pint of al
cohol and half a pint of water (or use a
full pint of bey mm If you wish Instead
of the water and alcohol) and apnly this
HbPrellv. The result will aoon be appar
ent. Hair will atop fnlllnc, dandruff will
diaanpear and the hair will grow with re-
merknhle rapidity. It Is. In fact, a
hair forcer. The hair roots quickly take
on new life and vigor, and. naturally
enough, whpn thla occurs, almost anv
hair trouble in hound to cease. This
formula makes over a pint of this un
equaled hair grower, and cosla muc h leas
than a hn'.r tonic, and, besides. It Is far
more effective.
,. 4
IMlll.LlPrA. It. T. Superfluous hair
on a woman is a hideous thing. Many
women hesltato to uao depilatories be
cause the ordinary preparations aold for
tlila purpose Injure the nkln and leave a
wpiit where applied, simply because the
hair Ih literally burned off. The. way to
do In to uwe hlinpb; aulfo volution, which
Ih the onlv thing known that will simply
dissolve away the hair and leave the akin
soft, whlt and smooth. In this way no
one ertn pvrr tell you used anything for
F.YKLIN'A I . I pvelopnicnt of the buat
ia very often possible: There la no ab
solute assurance of this, however. There
is rtanser m the use of vacuum rupn,
pumps and the likp. Th following mix
ti re is safe and haa bepn very siiccpsn
ful. To half a pint of hot water. 'add
half a cim of sugar and two ounces of
tuetrn. with which any druggist will
supply you. Dissolve thoroughly and
take two teaenoonf uis at;er meals snu
on retiring.
MISS FON'W.Y-Po not pinch out blark
heada. You can remmo Uiem without
fail and In a few minutes by sprinkling
some neroxln on a hot-wet epongc and
rubbing thla on the blackhead. Then
look In the mirror and see the difference.
This Is the only article I know that will
really remove blackheads and do It al
most Instantly.
? 4
JANET T. D. You probably don't real
lxa that dandruff mav now be dissolved
away completely. This is not done with
soap, because the alkali does) not permit
of It. But if you will dissolve a tepoon
ful of eggol In half a cup of hot water
and use as a head wash, you will be
surprised at ita splendid results. Ton
can aeenne frdm your druggist at small
cost enough eggol to make over a doxen
of these shampoos.
MISS WAITING Hydrolized talc Is a
remarkable thing for excessive perspira
tion of tho arm-pits. T'se It liberally and
you will find that you will surfer no
longer from the extreme wetness under
thp arms, your dreea shields and arm
pits) will be freeh and dry and you will
have no more gowna ruined by perspira
tion. HyUrolixed talo con bo obtained nt
anv drug Btore. It also destroys pernplrH
tio'n and body odors completely. Adver
11 serpent
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bmith and
Mr. Marlborough Bmlth, who were guests
(Continued on Page Three, Column One.)
'"fro!!l".!!re.c?:"d:...S5 up to S15-S20
Tli new Inrgfi effect, the very thing for dressy occasions.
Then we have a nice trimmed M Cfl
hat for ,v OZ"OZiUU-00
F IVl. Scfradell &l Co.
1522 Douglas Street.
jb!tj iiffliB! Mivmwiaa mjiMKStMrn'JiiLfmiJjii 'jjjoLm-iMisisia. '
Girlish Complexion
Now Easily Acquired
Pan Club Announcement.
Cards have been arnt out announcing
the opening of the Tan club dancing
eason. Ten parties are to be given, the
first to lie held at the Home hotel, and
the others al the new Foatenelle. The
clnb has ,a membership of forty-five
cople. The officers are: It. A. Van
Orsdell. president; I M. Caldwell, secre
tary and treasurer; Joseph Fradenburg.
Dr. Wahl and James Allen, directoie.
To Attend Bar Meeting.
.Me. W. F. Ourlfy lcn Fitday for Wash
lii'ttou to atttm the NutUmul 11..I aa
So idtlon meeting and Jiclue W 1 1. Mc
Hugh Itfl Saturday
Mr. J. Y, VYoodiougb wtul te Chicago
"A skin of blendod snow, cream and
roae ' is the way aa Ohio correspondent
learribrjB her newly acquired complexion
She la one who lias adopted imrcollied
ax III place nt eoain, tics, masaage,
steaming and other met hods. Many who
Iimvu tiled this marvelous wax report
that Ita effpcls are quite different from
thoa m' any oilier treatment It produces
a complexion of exquisite glrllah natural
nea, raiher than one bearing evidence of
having benn artlf l.-Jsllr "made mr."
tine that ia lndee.t "Naturaa own." the
re.mll of gradually absorbing dead par
ticles of aiirfaca skin, permuting the
younger, healthier skin beneath to shew
itself and giving Ita pores a rhanee to
breathe. Mrrcollted wax, procurable at
any dsiig store In orlntnal one ounce pai g
ag. la put on at night like eold cream
and washed off In the morning.
t t - . .1.. k. .. V . . . .
. , . .... iniin., iK.oraoip ia i rera
from I hope who have Irlrd the wrinkle.
r-muting faie hath ahlch I reeoninvrmied
iecei:il if anv have mislaid Ihe forinula.
here il la: .e es. powdere I amollie.
aoed In ' pt uch liasel.-."Natalie"
In the Woman Miil'.ajit.-Ad trtieiiH.ut
ack to the United States National
Bank BWg. in New Quarters, Nov. 15
ig -li
In the Meantime a Far Reaching
-3 ilxi.ii-aJl'Jlvu 7 -iVHji
Uack again to its old 16th St. location; back to almost the very spot where its reputation was up
built! Tho (7. B. Brown Co. is soon to move into a speeiaUy' planned, specially equipped room in the ex
quisite new United States National Bank Bldg., now being erected at 16th and Farnam Sts. But be
fore tho move every piece of goods now in stock at this temporary location, will be sold at a discount
LA110E enough to make EARLY Christmas buying a decided object. You see, a new store bespeaks
an equally new stock, therefore the desire of the C. B. Brown Co. to enter the new location with only
goods lhat have never yet seen dylight in Omaha. Tho consequence is the most stirring Jewelry Bale
you've EVER had. (All goods reduced except a few contract lines.)
ojQ Off on Diamonds
Loose or Mounted
,0 ?fLon,An-, Solid
Eqn Off on Best Gold
W Fill
Filled Jewelry
&lfi. 20 off
Howard and Hamilton Excepted
Novelties in
Silver Now. . . .
Any Clock in Our
Stock. Now
15 off
Leather Goods, Traveling Cases, Jewel Cases, Hand Bags, Men Card Cases, Etc., now at
ONE-FOURTH OFF. All Opera Glasses, including the famous French LeMaire Glasses, now at
IS 7c off. All Cut Glass goes at ONE-FOURTH OFF. Canes, Umbrellas, etc., at ONE
FOURTH OFF. In fact every line of goods carried by a jeweler is offered at a large discount.
Not a bit too early to purchase
gift goods ahead for Christmas
Just a line in regard to the
equipment of the newer store
You've tlm to shop letsureir now; you ve a perfect e
lectlon of goods now; you've the advantage of the LOW
prices thla Final Removal Sal affords. All goods purchased
tier engraved free; all boxed la the select style one has
grown to expect St "Brown's."
Too much cannot be promised for the nswer store to be
occupied by the V. B. Brown Co. in the new United States
National -Bank Bldg. Jt will be a meeting tenter for
Omahans; a show place; one of the hsndsouest appointed
stores tn this part of the West.
Jewelers Diamond MerchantsSilversmiths
403 Sputh 16th St., City National Bank Building, Omaha