Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 13

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Presents Each Overland Dealer in
South with One Bale.
t-'nr Every OTerlsm Maehlae ror
chased Darla; Twt Moats
Ending; XoTewber IT 1'lllye
Will Hay of rttoe.
John X. Wlllr. president of the Willys
Overland company, believe that every
motor car manufacturer should be In
terested In the national campaign re
cently started to stimulate business con
ctltlona In the cotton belt of the eouth.
lt week Mr. Willy bought a bale of
cotton for each of the dealer In that see
tlon of the country, and also declared hta
Intention of buying an additional bale for
each Overland car purchased during- the
two montha ending November 17.
Although a number of concern of na
tional prominence have fallen In with the
plan, the Willys-Overland company ha
taken the lead among motor car manu
facturers In helping to alleviate condi
tions In the eouth.
"This la the opportune time for northers
manufacturers to reciprocate fog the
Kreat amount of busm.s obtained In the
south during tunes of prosperity among
the southern growers." declared Mr.
Willy. -Although this year's cotton
crop has been enormous, the European
ar haa cut off the transatlantic trade
which formed a large part of the mar
ket. The call for army reserves haa un
manned the looms and consequently the
cemana wnich woluld have consumed the
crop under ordinary conditions has been
suspended. The cotton growers are ac
tually facing bankruptcy unless the rest
or the country comes to their assistance.
"The south urge every American cltl-
rcn who can afford It to buy a bale of
cotton at 10 cents a pound. This makes
a total of per bale, which gives the
grower a small profit.
"I believe that such a plan ought to
appeal especially to automobile manufse
turet. who have always found a great
market for their output In the south. W
have done a great deal of talking about
the chance for trade extension In South
America and other countries untouched
by war, but so far most of us have
Ik no ted thla opportunity to stimulate
trade In the southern part of our own
Trim gpeemlatera.
"Those who buy cotton by the bars
while the exchanges of the country are
closed, will keep just so much of It out
of the hands of the speculators and will
asslrt materially In bringing the money
derived from Its final sale to the growers
who are the logical one to profit by their
own effort.
"If, on the other .hand, the speculators
wore able to buy ootton at the extremely
low prices prevailing today, they would
get many million of wealth which "should
go directly to the groweri. If we curtail
the operation of the stock gamblers ly
using cotton by the bale as suggested this
money will be distributed over and con
tribute to the prosperity of a vast area
of the south Instead of going to a few
Tlio north and east and the west should
help the south to hold Its great crop un
til foreign trade resume It normal foot
ing. Then a tremendous market will be
created. The loom will have to work
night and day to supply the demand and
the prices of cotton will soar.
'The south Is making a straightforward
business proposition In which It ssks the
hearty co-operation of the business men
of the entire country. I believe that prac
tically all of the automobile manufac
turers of the country will eventually see
the wisdom of the plan and will bo glnd
to contribute to the prosperity of the
Record .Breaking !
Sale of Cars in the
Western Grain Belt
A record breaking sale of motor cars,
following the harvesting of the biggest
crops In year In the grain belt .state.
I reported by C. H. Hurst, dlstrli-t rep
resentative for Podge Bros, at Omaha.
Mr. Hurst haa Just completed an auto
mobile trip of several thousand miles
through the states of Iowa, Nebraska
and South Dakota.
'Th west ha never seen conditions
equal to the prosperity of the present
season," say Mr. Hurst, "Since the war,
wheat haa advanced is to cents per
bushel. Com and oats have shot up 10
and 11 cents per bushel, and thla advance
come In the fact of the biggest crops in
the last five years.
"Naturally the farmer are Jubilant and
are making the most of the opportunity.
If the high price asked for grain are
not forthcoming, they hold their crops
until the buyer from the big mills de
cide to meet them at their own figure.
Over S50.000.000 will be paid to Nebraska
farmers alone this year for Uvs bumper
crop of this state.
"The prosperous condition of the farm
er' exchequer Is reflected in the sale of
motor car In that section. Every dealer
with whom I ta'.ked on my trip has sold
his entire allotment of ears. Several
dealer who have recently taken on
Dodge Bro.' line have received deposits
on cars, although the purchasers, of
course, know nothing of the car's appear
ance or price. It Is freely predicted by
western automobile men that a shortage
In motor cars will result from the unpre
cedented drmand."
Winter Autoing is
Becoming Popular
Announcement hss recently been mails
by the llupp Motor Car company of a
removable sedan top for the touring car
and a removable coupe top for the road
ster model to be used for winter driving.
"Winter driving with the motoilft is
becoming more and more popular every
season." said George Helm, local agent
of the llupp Motor far company,
"but the majority of motor car owners
have not been able to bear the rxpenw
of two models, an enolosed enr for wint.-r
snd the open car for the summer months.
For this reason we have hit upon the
haupy idea of building removable tops
for both the touring and roadMor
"At a slight additional cost the touring
car can be converted Into an rnrhwod
sedan car and the roadster can be made
Into a luxurious coupe.
"Now Hupnioblle owners have the ad
vantage of owning two cars at the price
of one and w know this Is going to take
the eye of the buying public.
"The most remarkable feature of these
new top Is the fact that the owner can
apply same with the assistance of another
person no tool are needed but a screw
driver and a monkey wrench."
Though 73 years old and a vMeran of
the civil wnr, I Miller of Myerstown,
Fa., takes a spin almost every day on
his motorcycle.
"Time are changing, and a lot of con.
dttlons that we used to consider vastly
Important are no longer given their for
mer consideration," says an offlcinl of
the Ooodyoar Tire and Rubber company
of Akroiy1 O.
"The "trade well remembers how keen
was the annual struggle between the
companies at the National Automobile
shows, for the tire equipment on the cars
More Honors for tilhe
"COR the second consecutive year
the Overland has proven the most
popular high grade car. On October
8th the Overland was again awarded
first choice of space at the National
Automobile Shows in New York and
Chicago by the National Automobile
Chamber of Commerce. These awards
are made according to the quantity of
production and sales by the respective
manufacturers in the association.
This proved beyond a doubt that
the Overland not only built more cars
in 1914 than any American manufac
turer of high grade automobiles, but
that Overland cars again proved to. be
the most popular.
The Willys Overland Company is
by invitation the only manufacturer
of gasoline motor cars to have mem
bership in the Rice Leaders of the
World Association.
This association is an orga nization
of Amsrica's leading manufacturers
with the combined manufacturing
output of over $500,000,000 every
From fifty to one hundred model
80 Overlands will be given as prizes
to the leading salesmen representing
the members ' of this organization.
This ought to prove to automobile
buyers the standing of Overland cars
among America's greatest manufacturers.
Here are some of the big features
Motor 35 h. p.
' New full stream-line body
Inatrument board in cowl
Individual front seats, '
high back.
Tonnrau, longer and
1'plioUtery, deeper and
Windshield, rain-vision,
ventilating type, built-in
Crowned fenders
Klectrio starter
Electric light
High-tension magneto
Thermo-eyphon cooling
Five-bearing crankshaft
Rear axle, floating type
Rear spring, extra long,
underfilling, 3-4 elliptic
Wheelbaee, 114 inches
Larger tires, 34 inch x4
Demountable rims 1 ex
tra jeft-hand drive
Center control
Body: beautiful new
Brewster green finish
Overland Omaha Company
J. R. JAMISON. Pres.
2101-3 Farnam Street.
Tel. Doug. 2643
Model SO, 2-passenger Roadster. .flO.V)
Model 80, 4-passenger Coupe. . . . f 1600
1915 MODEL 80-51075
AO prices f. o. b. Toledo, Ohio.
Model 81, 5-passenger Touring r.$850
Model 81, 2-paaaeager Roadster. . .$71).
exhibited. Ths eonreri thnt could make
the hest showing;, en umler ths mne
hal artificial renditions surrounding
auto shows, considered such an achieve
ment a great triumph. Such rontests
wrr relic of th days when all tire
companies wera more or less r.Wure and
all pnssllils publicity wna vrTy desirable.
"Todsy desirable publicity has more
valua when based on actual use and
service. JVr that reason we ar. rieenlv
Interested In the tlr census taken by
lllder and Driver' of ths i.f cars gath
ered at the opening of the Belmont Park
race track last spring. This was natur
ally a showing of 'big car.1 automobiles
of the most expensive makes, and the
tire equipment indicated In a way the
preference of thoa who are mors Inter
ested In tire serrlc than In the cost of
the tires themselves. Every tire, was
tabulated In the patter's count, spare
Included a total of M.0M. It so hap
pened that In this select aggregation
Uoodyear led Its nearest competitor by
1W tires, and had approximately II per
cent of the total equipment, divided
among some thirty makes.
"Thla and hundreds of similar Investi
gations supply th answer to any re
maining claim that despite th fact that
Uoodyear is th largest tire manufac
turer In th world. Its product I not
popular equipment on high priced car.
Hupp Official is
Strong for Omaha
reiKirts I bnd handed me from other
companies, everyone was doing business.
"Tiiklnu the Munition all In all, 1 am
crcatly pleased and cannot see why busi
ness will not be as good as last year,
j especially In the territory through which
' on pBm.
said ........ ....
"I'uslnes conditions In the west
the average In a fair condition,
Pales and Advertising Manager
Mnonsy, who has Just returned
trolt from a trip through the centriil
"In Nebraska. I was particularly Im
pressed with the report from our dealer,
the Cadillac Motor company of Omaha.
Throughout that section of the country
there does not seem to be a depression In !
any particular line of business and every-
thing looks to be on ths Incrrsse. i
"I attended, while In Omaha, a con
vention of Hupmoblle dealers In that ter-'
rltory and the enthusiasm that abounded
at alt the meetings was shared by every-'
one. Nearly ever dealer there pledged
blmanir to Increase his tumlncait for i
and stated that the new llubmoblle was i ' v Michigan Department of Labor,
creating a sensation In motor car circles, j Th t"lebakrr corporation employ th
"I arrived In St. Louis 1n time for the!,"r,,M ,',, of men '" Detroit
Motor Car show. This Is the first show
to1"' d': Cedar Rapids Buys
Auto Patrol Wagon
Cedar llnplds. Is. ,1s Cue lateat pro-r.n-sslve
American municipality to start
the elimination of the horse as a means
of ti ansportutlon In its pollcs department.
The city lecently purchased a special
Willys-Ctlllty patrol wagon, similar in
design to the lame fleet of these vehicles
now being operated by the metropolitan
police In New York City.
- I
nrilnker Leads Detroit.
According to figures recently given out
I attendod for the 1!11 season and It af
forded me an excellent opportunity to
Judge the attitude of the buying public.
I must say I was agreeably surprised.
"Our dealer there reported six sales the
first two days of the show and front the
automobile manufacturers, being excelled
In this respect by but one in Michigan
tlita one outside the corporate limits of
the automobile metropolis.
Tlw police department of !attle,
Vah.. hss purchased twelve additional
Every Inch
An Oldsmobile
This new car is designed for the special purpose of satisfying
the man who wants everything offered by a $3,000 car except
extreme size. Two years ago, the Olds Motor Works set out to
perfect such a machine. It is ready it is here in our salesroom,
awaiting your inspection.
You will find it a true replica of the "greatest six-cylinder car
in America." Its wheelbase is 112 inches, and it has every re
finement that you could ask for in a car, regardless of price.
Delco starting and lighting system; 35-horsepower overhead
valve motor, with aluminum silencer; Circassian walnut wood
work; luxurious upholstering these are only a few of tho features
that crave your inspection.
Will you drop in and look at this new car?
2568-72 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
This Sturdy Tire
Protects Hundreds of Thousands Now
Bear that in mind when you Buffer
avoidable troubles. Some 400,000 men or
more Bnd their protection in Goodyear tires.
Men have tried out more than four million
Goodyears, under all conditions. And these
tires by their proved supremacy by their
matchless quality, forever maintained have
come to outsell any other.
Needless Troubles
Rim-cuts are utterly needless. No-Rim-Cut
tires prohibit them by a method which
we control.
BIow-ouU thosyo countless blow-outs
due to wrinkled fabric are avoided by our
exclusive "On-Air" cure.
It costs us $1500 daily.
Loose treads are
combated -reduced 60
per cent by the large
rubbei rivets we alone
create. -
Punctures and
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With AlI-WMthsr Tread or Smooth
skidding are best met by our double-thick
All-Weather tread.
Men Must Yield
Men who want safety, sturdiness, freedom
from troubles must yield to these inducements.
Goodyears are more than mere quality tires.
We directly combatin exclusive ways
the four chief causes of tire ruin. In the four
ways cited we save millions of needless stops.
Facts known to so many will sometime be
proved to you. Sometime you will test
these superlative tires, then adopt them.
Now when winter is coming get them
with All-Weather treads.
You never saw an anti
skid so sharp, so tough,
so endurin f, so resistless.
Any dalr can supply
you Good year tire. If tho
wan tad ai is not in stock
ho will UWphono looai
, branch.
' ' ,"lB""ll",ll, 11 " " "lijgz