Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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11 A
BELGIAN ARTILLERYMEN ON THE FIRING LINE Half an hour after this picture was snapped the Belgian
gunners were forced to desert their guns and retreat in the face of a fierce German advance. Copyright, Interna
tional News Service.
1K World's 1st makes arc iiii'ludotl and you can
Imt a small part of the original prioo, ajid at
1 -- v v : VX-' I, u - 3 j k' -: i s" ;! lk" a-j' i
; " l; W tC v wvte,; 1 Affords Savin?
C. B, Dugdalc Dead
of Heart Failure
Inut wrrk, (lurliiR whlrli 1i w dreiv'hod
In thr ihowrr thiit Irmliitiv1 the event.
h mffrrril from rhutiiHtlm,
but 1'lleveJ he hud entirely recover 1
and yentenlnjr ! at it.i leK t.mial.
C. R. DiiR.litle. ailtmt cft);ler of the On retlrlnR. lie -omplti!nr1 of kllRht In-
Merrhnnta Niittonul hunk, anJ member i:ii"ltlon anil aiKlilenly t'irne.l In hla
ef one of (in.ihi' oMest i-loneer fnmllleo. ted nn1 en plied without a word.
died of heart fnllure nhortly after mid-i Mr. lnijle u year of ose and
nig-ht at hla home. Tl7 North Thirtieth j lea e surviving;, hcnldcg hla widow, a
street. Followlm tlis electrical jiaradel family of four children, two sons and
two daughters. One brother, Jamea ;ua
Sale, la In the po"l ffl ! Hobert and
Tliomna are In the iinploy of the I'nlnn
r.-iclflo railroad. He was a charter mem
ber of the Knlnhta of Columbus and fi
nancial secretary since lis ornnlatlon
He brimmed to the I" Ik a and s one of
the most loynl knlKliia of Ak-Sar-Ucn.
lie had been with t:ie Merchants Na
tlonnl bnnk for years, having uractlcally
arown frctn a youth In Its servlca.
Advantages of a Most Unusual Nature
buv thom in most instances at
Soldiers Use Mailt to Send Their
Experience! to German Press.
Tntsai Fiad Frejtrh Valforma Cow
ealent to Find with Rifle Sls?t
Those Not Wounded Are
dawned by Farewell Tries.
(Correspondenco of The Associated Press.)
ROTTERDAM. Sept. 19. Much of the
news ot the war gets Into the German
press In the form of letters which officers
and privates at the front send to their
families. Written by men who describe
what they actually sea and feel, soma
strange' mixtures of sensations experi
enced and actually encountered result
documents of strong appeal and wide hu
man Interest One of these appears In
the Koelnlsche Zettung- of September 16:
"From a wild French forest, on the an
niversary of the battle of Sedan (Sep
tember 2) the best greetings. During the
night. Our bullets follow them and
then many a 'red-pant' lies on the floor
of the forest. But our, bullets do not
find a mark long-the enemy has disap
peared; we after him, only to meet an
other terrific hail of lead. Again we fall
to the ground for cover, and this time I
felt a blow a bullet had struck my cook
ing utensil. I owe my life to the quick
fall to the ground for another second
and I would have never risen agnln.
Another bullet hits the ground beside me
but never mlndthat. Up and at them
at the very hide of the fellows.
Fire aad More Fire.
"We oon reach our goal a trench of
a slight elevation to the left from where
a heavj fire haa dono much damage In
our Una. Many of us are down, and
others crawl to the rear to get their
wounds attended to. Now, fire! The
crest of the trench becomes our target.
The rattle of musketry from both sides
becomes deafening. One of us will have
to give In. Fire, fire! We have learned
how to shoot straight the fire In the
trench weakens; the trench Itself is veiled
now by a cloud of dust raised by our
Advance,' cornea the command again.
last two days we have again been at the We are Impelled forward by the mad de-
extreme front, after we had been given
a chance to rest up and get enough to
eat. Our position la a dangerous one,
being well advanced Into the French lines,
and we are obliged to fight off many at
tacks on the part ot an an amy much
superior in numbers,
"Yesterday we fought from early morn
ing till late in the night, opposing Alpine
chasseurs and negroes, whose courage it
would be foolish to question. The woods
here are very extended and cover a
ground which la much broken up. They
( are ao dense that rery often you do not
see the enemy until you are within fifty,
Iven thirty paces of him, and quite fre
quently we get uo close to the blaoka that
we can look Into their eyes.
t'alform Colors Help Teutons.
yet done. Everywhere the French have
taken prisoners to stem the tide of re
treat. There Is yet many a bloody en
counter, but we get the enemy out of the
forest, and once they reach the open our
waiting artillery does the rest. Our share
of the work Is done, the gruesome forest
and Its experiences are ours.
"Moat of us had lost their comrades in
the mad rush through the trees and
brushwood. Indescribable were the scenes
which followed when we found one
another still alive.
".So we take a rest, and while doing this
listen to the humming and whistling of our
shells as they go over us on their way to
a village In which the French have sought
rnfugo. Soon the buildings are aflame
and the French again on their way.
" 'You have dono well,' said our corps
commander. 'With you fellows Td fetch
the devil out of hell!' "
TVr Want Ads Are tne Best Business
sire to get at them. One hundred meters
separates us from the enemy. Many
sacrifices are demanded In the final
charge. Again the enemy's fire weakens
then it almost ceases.
" 'Advance!' shouts somebody. The fel
lows must be driven out of the trenches.
Some of them already aro leaving, .but
our bullets lay them low as they run.
Another halt another advance. Only fifty
meters to the trench barbed wire en
tanglements block our progress.
Bid Kara Otfcer Farewell.
"But tne fellows In the trenches have
lost faith In themselves. They desert
their position In masses running, scram
bling, stumbling, falling some In a man
ner that shows they will never rise again.
we forget to take cover, standing, we
Ralnln- In At. Louis.
PT. IICIS, Oct. 16. A rain which began
here at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
continued tonlnht unabated. At 7 o'clock
tonight the rain had fallen continuously
for twenty-seven hours and 3.56 Inches of
precipitation had been recorded.
Medical Students
Present a Picture
A large oval frame containing tho
photos of each of the members of this
year's Junior class at the Crelghton Med
ical college Is now on display In the show
windows of the BurgesM-Nash store.
The large frame contains, opposite
the photos of the individuals, a drawing
of a pathological section as seen under
the microscope. The drawings are tho
work ot the man oppoalto whom name
they are placed.
The lettering on the picture was dono
by Albert Akow Ting, a member of the
class, who Is attending the class from
Honolulu, lie drew each Individual let
ter. The picture Is one of the many such
gifts presented to the college by the
sophomore class of each year.
Dr. J. S. Foots, professor of histology
and pathology at the school, had charge
of the class in the branch ot pathology,
and greatly becaiwo of, his efforts the
students labor to make each year's gift
outshine the one of the previous year.
Bandberg & Eltner presented the class
with the photos.
Terms to Suit You
They nre instruments that have accumu
lated during the past six months. Rome
of thein have been taken in exchange aa
part payment for new Tianos, while others
have been returned from rental.
Each one 1ms been completely over
hauled by our expert repair men, and in
f. nie instances you would not be able to
tell them from brand new. In every ease,
however, we guarantee them to be in first
class condition.
Original Price Sale Price
$ 98.00
Mahoganv, Upright. $300.00
Walnut, Upright... $375.00 $115.00
Oak, Upright $350.00 $125.00
Mahogany, Upright. $300.00 $125.00
Mahogany, Upright. $400.00 $150.00
Original Price Sale Price
Upright $350.00
Mahogany, Upright. $325.C0
Mahoganv, Upright. $450.00
Player $550.00
Player $500.CO $249.00
If you have a thought of buying a Piano now or in tho near future you cannot af
ford to overlook this opportunity. Come in and let us t Ik it over.
A beautiful Scarf and Stool with each Piano
and Free Delivery wherever our trucks go.
The Pianos we sell are among tho world 'h beet, including: Chickering, lvers &
Pond, Packard, Kurtzman, Stultz & Bauer, Knnbo, Huntington, II. & S. Q. Linderman.
"everybody's store"
swr (-4ltfA4 ' sa rnlnr
s-"'7 i ,,. eii
of our uniform. The French are con- , , V i "
, " " k. thj.1 Good comrades fall-cry for help
Bison? tmrn- ( V-J ,
red pants and blue coats, ine Aipine
chasseurs are fins fellows, and In Oar
man uniforms they would make a good
appearance. In the French hotel po-ter
uniform nobody looks smart The chas
seurs wear red or blue knee breeches,
ribbon-puttees, long blue cutaways and
a blue cap. Prisoners without arms make
an appearance ot utter neglect There are
prisoners taken every day, because the
ordinary French soldier Is only too ready
to throw away his arms, make 'hands up
and shout pardon.'
"It is now 1 o'clock li the afternooa
and so tar we have not been disturbed.
The dead are buried, and now we are
lying under the trees enjoying a spell of
quiet and the peace of the forest I have
Just finished reading the newspapers to
my worthies, and most of them are tak
ing a little noon nap. Everything about
us Is peaceful. The forest Is fragrant
with the smell of foliage and pine needles,
and the sky laughs In a wonderful blue.
It is hard to believe that this is a scene
on which men are butchered the scene
of what 1 saw yesterday. But the dull
thud and thunder ot artillery in the dis
tance reminds me of this.''
Two Othe Experiences.
Two days later the letter Is continued;
"We are out of our position. Yester
day we begaa another advanoe and at
tack on the enemy's position Ws are
still In the forest and so far as I can
Judge from the map there are several
kilometers of it yet. part brush, part high
"This is dangerous territory for us, be
cause the alternating strips of high trees
and new wood make It easy for our op
ponents to get ths best of us. The great
est caution Is necessary and our advance
is a matter ot taking one foot of ground
after another. We Just advance A
meters and then dowa for cover. Bul
lets begin to chirp through the air. But
of the enemy nothing is seen.
"When the trees are big enough fairly
good cover is offered by them. Directly
the fir opens ths battle line halts and
falls fist to the ground, every man wait-
Ing and looking for a target There Is
so shooting done hero with the German
rifles except oae has somebody on the
sight But often there ts nothing to be
tone but to advance again, and to frighten
the fellows with our 'hurrahs.' Along
the lines travel stentorian Flx Bayonets,
then cornea the command. 'March-March'
and the line springs to its feet, plunges
forward and a nerve-raking 'hurrah'
smashes through the woods. The enemy's
firs begins a veritable hall of lead. Eome
fall, but onward crashes the German line
"As soon as we reach the position of
the enemy bis fire ceases, and all take to
bid you farewell with the last breath.
Farewell, good friends, we must advance!
"Soon we have disposed ot this enemy
who has laid so many of us The barbed
wire is hacked through with our bayonets.
We reach the trench. It Is filled with
writhing, struggling bodies. We aimed
well. In the ditch lies a kaleidoscopic
mixture ot bodies swathed In blue and
red palo one, from which glassy eyes
look Into the azure sky,
"Cut on with the pursuit Some of us
remain behind to disarm the wounded so
that they cannot fire in our backs. Many
another sprawls, falling on the soft for
est floor.
"The height is taken, but the day is not
If Kidneys and
Bladder Bother
Take glass of Salts to flush out
your kidneys and neutralize
Irritating adds.
Kidney and bladder weakness result
from urio acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys filter this acid from the
blood and pass It on to the bladder, where
It often remains to Irritate and inflame,
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up an Irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night
The sufferer is in constant dread, the
water passes sometimes with a scalding
sensation and is very profuse; again,
there la difficulty In avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, mot folks call it,
because they oan't control urination.
While It Is extremely annoying and some
times very painful, this Is really one ot
the most simple ailments to overcome.
Get about four ounces of Jad Halts
from your pharmacist and take a table
spoonful In a glass of water before break
fast, continue this for two or three days.
This will neutralise the acids In the urine
so it no longer Is a souroe of Irritation
to the bladder and urinary organs which
then act normally again.
Jad Salts ts Inexpensive, barmleaa, and
ts msde from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with Uthla, and is
used by thousands of folks who aro sub
ject to urinary disorders caused by arte
acid Irritation. Jad Salts la splendid for
kidneys and causes no bad effects what
ever. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent
llthia-watur drink, which quickly relieves
bladder trouble Advertisement
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