10 A TIIK OMAHA StMAV IJhrJ: ( iuiw.u In 1!M k WOp WHEAT CROP IS LESS John Tcstman, a Pioneer of Nebraska, Dies in Hospital; United States Alone Has Record , Breaking- Crop This Year. Helpful Suggestions for the New Home LARGE EXPORTATION POSSIBLE Tw Hi4rrl and Slnety 111 l Baskets Will ")e Available ! Sa4 r.aroae Allff Horn Jteeils Provided Fwr. sa born In Umli John TVstman, a plonr-er .ft Ne braska, dlrd Fri'ts.v evening at Immanmt hnspultal. He kivri no Immed nl rf llatlvoi m.-rpt Mr. H. KfMilirt. S1 1'lne j M:e t, a nr with vhom lie llvrd for m-srly a year hrfore gilng to the hrv. j pital for trratniTt. vinnv.v n.,( 1- Tt,. wurl,! . .Mr. Trstman wheat crop th:. ye.r probably will be ; PraostrgJl.l. .Norway. June 13. IW He leas than In 113 an.l although the ! Imirlgintorf to Am-rlra aa a young man. ThiKll RUtr. ha. had a rrrnrd breaking At thr cuthrnak of the civil war he en wheat harvest The statistics announced I In l Twenty-third Ohio regiment 1eday by the P.artmMit of Asrl u!t..r. I of whl.h William McKlmey was colonel indicate the crops i.f all nations nrpr-irut-1 n.l -rv,l three 'r Ing epprokimatelv r.Ttl.M".'-"' ' Imshels. Aft.-r Hie irar Mr. Testman came tc against 4 IS.:1. bushels In .13 nnrt Nebraska and settled on a farm near 5.75U HT5.000- bush.Ma In IS12. Wlan.-r. wbere he reside. until a year In Kurope agricultural ronuit ... Hit"". h'n 'l advanced age mUe It most countries till. season l ave be. n ne:e:i.y f.Jr ..lm Ii pome to Omaha to i.i. i ,.i..r.t vieMs." the live .ilh W niter. department announced. "It la .ra. tic ally -"i'-"K r ,n U" I wruin that tho pi-e?cnt Khortaae of thi '' tiers found the Indiana, very season's European yield will be magnified I troul,;, ,.,,e. Consequently Ihey organlxeil ; Uy t) compute retunia. Harvest were ; Pn-roi hi seep a lomom ai mirni. .ir. pretty Welt over I efore. or soon after I Tent man was a member of thla patrol, hostilities Wan, nnd tl. grain la believed j '" member of the Orand Army of to have been saved In generally good Hepuhllr, the Nebranka Hone,r' ynUon, except In territory artuully oc- t",s,,, l""" " ona. Tl.e body cupled by the conlemllnq armlea." I - Wlaner. Monday motnlnf Great Drlta n. according to agricultural tc,r hrM- Th tlln will 1 held t,ena "f a-t.-.. ..-1-a a al - I.. aU l.i "I l j y-.rrrr ii e it "i a L A Modern Eight-Room House Fraac the official eatlmate if production has net apneared. but It la believed tlie luantity probably will exceed thai of laat year. Italy imiicatet a abort yield nnd Spain an Inereaae over laat ynr. From Germany and Aurtrla no Intimation of tha train harvt la available, but In Hun vary a deficiency la Indicated. Ite- porta from Roumanla and the Italkan j rtatea augreat abort yield an.l official j bea place the harvest In aeventy-three i (ovsmmenta. of European and Adriatic Jluaat,- at !U,niO.On(l bnshcla llow the extraordinary largo crop 1here lnt YtMt. Tlr Ifallona how Tteereaae Italy, Great Britain, Ppaln, Hungary and Ruaata, normally producing more than two-thirds of the Kuropean wheat, nhow thla year 237,ono,0nt) buahela leaa than laat year, but M.OoO.OuO buahela mora than HI1 Great Britain's total la ft.o00.00u bush els mora than either year, whUa Ruaala will tiBT m.OCA.000 buahela leas than a year ago. Decregae In production In other European countries probably will make their aggregate approximate 100, 009100 bushels. Th flv principal non-European wheat producing countries the Tatted States. Canada, Arveatlna, British India and Austral! which grow all the wheat pro duced outside of Europe, excepting an annual total of from 300.0ao.ono to 300,00,000 bushels, officially report t&W,6,UiO bush els, or W.OOO.000 bushels leas than last year, but 10,000,000 bushels more than In Wi. The decrease was due wholly to fhortagej In Canada. Argentina and. British India, their aggregate output be ing WO.OCO.OOO bashels leaa than last year. The combined outjiut of the United "tales and Australia exceeded last year by 140, 600,000 bushels. Of the 8M.O0ft.0OO bushels record crop harvested In ths Vnited States, sa.OOO.OOO bushels, It Is estimated, will be required for food In this country, and 77,000,000 huahels for seeding. This will leave a0,. MHVKift bushels available for exportation. Ths largest quantity ever exported from the United Plates heretofore In one vear wag .W,00O bughelg la jaot. year STEAMSHIP COMPANY STOPS BUSINESS INJJNITED STATES ' "ci. p. ma .aK-wn'uni v wumpany a agents In thla elty unnounced today that this was the last day the company would do business in the United States, temporarily at leaat. Cea nation of transatlantic travel, due to the war, was assigned as th reason Such affairs of th company as may be pending, or unfinished. It was announced, hav been taken over by the Canadian Northern liailwa. - ..-.r-iij nv loronto. The company a three steamers, the Cran lum. the ,rrlnclpllo and the Campanello. wh ch normally ply between thla city and Itotterdam. are batng orated by the ' W'll be b.lrif1 lrf.il- hla w-tfA ti-Virt - numlK-r of yen is mro. The Mason i have rlisrif. of the funeral services i Jl Ji ip.: J J T 1 7jsX X-i r Tl f3 hi I iiK -ill i nip ii I. I ve7?UV-l 1 . I fi i raaBBSBBaaBBSBK The house cMiown herewith. Lt one that Is built for convenience more than looks j and still hna a nlenslna exterior. It Is ' composed1 of living room, dining room, sun torch and kitchen on the first floor. and four bedrooms, a sleeping por h and bathroom on the second floor. The bed rooms ure , finished In white enamel, while the living room and dining room are In oak with a weathered finish. The exterior In In rhinglea and siding and Ticknor xppoints Register Editors Tln re will In all probability be two Reg ister staffs nt Central High school this year. The paper that the executive com mittee has decided to Issuo la an eight page weekly nnd the work will be too henvy fur one person to do and keep his gives a contrast to the appearance 'hat lesaons going. The pupils on the whole are ,l9 pleasing. Thla plan Is from the of not very well satisfied with the Idea of a ! ,, , ., ... A , m.i,i ,,., , .. ... flees of Everett 8. Podds, architect, G12- weeKiy paper Instead of the monthly tnagHilno. They hoot at the Idea that a 1 618 P""n hloctoi Omaha, Neb. Anyone school the slxe of Omaha High school . that wishes further Informntlon relative cannot support a monthly magaxlne. to the cost of this house or the designing Karl Ticknor hits appointed th staff ; of a new home should get In touch "with that will help him publish the paper. They are: Class editors, 1916, Robert Edwards and Alice Rushton; 1!1, Harry Caldwell and Beatrice Johnson; 1917, Bryce Crow- ford and Ruth Knapp; squlba, Charles Teteraon and Katherlne Newbranch; ex change, Arthur Rouner; athletics, Paul Klothow and Quito Eddy; social, Gretchen Langdon; military, Leroy Wilbur; alumni, Corrlne Elliot; organization, I'orter Allan and Marl Hlxenbaugh; literary. William Campen and Haiel McMullen; depart ments, Russell Larmon, Freda Ktcnncr; debating, Edward l'erley; locals, Edwin Gould and Margaret Hoffman; artists, Alpha Field and Walter 1'eteraen. the architect. Nub. Everett a Dodds, Omaha, c: : h ft q l h& -iMJfj Jk . .j,.. k...fr-r i, t. . .m ... .... . a ,. y r .-...-... v.. ': ... II K l .... ' " 2V fSSx - ' ' .1 1i?liiirfWYJl'siiS -'TIMELY. REAL ESTATE GOSSIP New Corn Sold on the Omaha Market The first new corn of this year's growing was on the Omaha, market, a car having come In from Manley, Cass county, Ne braska. It was raised on the farm of John Tlghe, nesr Manley, and sold for 63 rents, old corn selling at around 07 cents. ,., .j Th Bewsher Qraln company secured the Tlghe corn, but not until after some spirited bidding. The corn was of good gtiallty, though., of court, little soft, a all new cora would naturally be at this time. Slow Crop Moving; Makes Money a Little Tight at Present. WHEAT HELD FOR WAR PRICES Farmers Borrow Instead of Selling; Crops, with Resalt that Money Is ot Clrcalallaa; as It Shoal. not moving quit MISS PETRIE OF NEW YORK IS TO SPEAK HERE S00N nI',pWn t'trt f n,w Yr r will be In Omaha October M and to IfJ" th WMmlnr guilds and ChrWi. tlah Endeavor societies of th city. Her PPolntmnU will b a conference for srulld workers at 1:30 p. haturday. Oc. tuber 24 at th home of Robert McEach. ion. 193 Wirt street; Sunday afiernoon at !:. meeting for all guild member, at North Preabyterlan church parlor.. Twenty-fourth and Wirt streets.' Sunday at North Presbyter ehu.-ch. WANTS TO FIND PLACE FOR VRBA IN SOLDIERS' HOME Afttr six years of faithful service for Uncle Sam. Hrst as a marine and later as a member of th Fourth Infantry, Joseph Vrba wss given hi honarMe discharge last April, because he was suf fering from epilepsy resulting tront an Injury to his head while on duty. He waa turned over to a cousin 'n, Omaha, who offered to care for him. Since that time the rotative has had a hard time financially, and Vrba as a result is liable to become a county charge. J. M. fijy, administrator of county charities. Is therefore endeavoring to secure the cx soldler's admittance to the Soldiers' home at Washington, where he would have a pleasant and satisfactory home fur th rest of his life. BURLINGTON ADVT'SI TRIP TO PANVr4A POSITION (The Burlington Is getting Into th field early In advertising the advanta, es of Its lines as the ones over wUlch 9 go In vkalling the Pacific coast exposit'jn next year. General Tassenger A gen. Wakeley Real estate Is moving rather freely In th city, although not so well as It would If th farmers were sejllng their wheat and other crops and thus put ting more money Into circulation. Thus the real estate men size up the situa tion. . All the big firms are constantly' mak ing some transactions, largely of homes of moderate sis and soma large ones. But at th samo timet they have a feel ing that things are ni as they should. Thla they say Is not due to any skep ticism on th part of prospective buyers as to th value In Omaha real estate, but to th fact that loans are not as easy to get as they were some time ago. The man who has th cash buys Just as readily as he ever did when he finds what suits him. It Is the man with th cash largely that Is th customer In the real estate offices at the present time. Th maa who wants to borrow I a larg sura Is handicapped to seme extent How can th farmer be to blame T Farmer Hold Grata. The real eatate men hold It Is Ilk this: The farmers are wise and they feel that wheat Is going higher on ac count of the European war. For this rea son thousands of them are holding It. They have It stored, either In their own granaries or tn storehouses where they ar awaiting a rise In prloe. y,- Ordinarily much of .the wheat crop would b marketed by ; this time and money would be flowing Into th coun try and ctty banks. Not so this year. Of course, some of th wheat was con tracted at 65 cents and this had to be delivered. But this waa only a limited amount, and when th war cam on th farmers who had not contracted their wheat refused to sell at that flgur. Many farmer ar storing their wheat and borrowing money at the country banks to conduct their affairs. This money It has standing out with country hank In such a community. Not Worrying;. Last of all. no real estate man Is wor rying about the stability of the real estate he has to offer, for he knows that Nebraska has made good this year again, a few states have ever made good In the matter of crops, and that Nebraska property and Omaha property In partic ular Is stable. They know, too, that when wheat and corn begin to move there will be activity. They look for thla some time thla winter, or early next spring. If wheat should Jump to fl.W a buahel. they say, It would move at anoe. Money would fly Into circulation and real estate would become particularly active. la mil mIIK twi.tkt.t Iti mhlek k. .hnw. that for persona making the trip they will ! pun" ,h money In the country banks Real Estate Exchange . Not Endorsing Now The Omaha Real Estate exemang was without Jts official head last Wednesday. President Myers did- hot appear to take c harge of tho meeting. . Vlco President Harry Christie, who Is not yt completely well from hi automobile accident of some months ago, wan not present Sec retary A. I. Crelgh waa on business In the western part of the state. So W. H. Oiaham presided. Someone wanted to endorse the citizens' ticket for th board of Education. - Several objected, holding the exchange was not In th business of endorsing candidates. Byron Hastings) made a strong objection. Acting Presi dent Graham overruled th objection. Hastings appealed. Harry Wolf sec onded the appeal. The chair steam rolled the appeal, saying It could not be taken on a matter otthia kind. Wolf called for an exposition of what was the purpose of the exchange. Acting Secre tary Hater had to read the preamble of tho constitution and the bjMaws to Wolf. There was no mention of th en dorsement of candidate for office. Then when th thing grow hot. Wolf suggested that If th matter waa to go down as a practical Joke of the exchange he would vote for It, but If were to be a serious endorsement an the part of th exchange he would oppose It Chairman Graham assured Wolf any thing that was moved, regularly seconded and passed would be a matter of record. The Moses of th exchange appeared and moved to table the matter. Th day was saved. Someone suggested adjourn- MUNICIPAL JUNK MAN ONE SUGGESTION MADE A municipal Junk dealing establishment waa suggested by F. D. V;ad at the lal meeting of the Omaha Real Estate ex change as one aid to the solution of tho problem of plumbing thievery. He told the exchange that he had lost not lea than M worth of plumbing this year through thieves who break Into empty houses and tear out pipes to sell to Junk dealers. He Insisted that the exchange decide on some sort of legislation to cur tail this practice, and said he did not know but that a municipal junk dealer to handle all Junk would go a long way toward solving th problem, aa then an accurate tab could be kept on those offer ing lead pipe and other plumbing mate rial for sale to the Junk man. POURS COAL OIL INTO STOVE; YOUNG WOMAN BADLY BURNED SIDNEY, la., Oct 17. (Special.) Miss Ruth Travis narrowly escaped being burned to death when she poured a cup of what she' supposed was coal oil Into th cookstove to hurry up the fire. She was Instantly enveloped In flames. Her mother smothered the blaze With a piece of carpet Her burns are, severe, but it Is thought that she will recover. She Is not sure whether the cup contained coal oil or gasoline. . ' Is j i sTesblt OTraraft Puraaoss. j " .:;:f ; Jack Frost Mobilizing Weir On sua 'it Consuming . PaTsaoes. Hw Is preparing to move against you and you should strengthen your position by eoulrrjlns? your home with a furnace that 1 will kaan It warm nd do it aooaomloall?. Inrsstlgat at Oaoe. For Prices and Information, Call the Following: JLUDOLFH LAKSIW. 718 Bo. flbth St. XXmY mODSMBUBO), 3162 Bo. 15th St. PAJUTAM ST. SHEET ICXTAXi Til, 9763 Farnam St. "EBKBTEIN SHEET MXTA.X. WHS, 1916 Coming St li, HEAD, 9203 Military Ays. BAXTORD WRIGHT, 94th and Ames. B. men, 60O9 Tnderwood Ave. O. O. JOHKSOsT, 4097 Blnney St O W. BOSTOW, Florence, BTeb. JOB, V. XOSITAB, Bo. Omaha, Hsb. HEX.80 TIN It FTJB1CACE WOIII Council Blnffs, Xa. W. B. WILLIAMS. Benson, net). STANDARD Furnace & Supply Co. GAS AKO SOCT CCKSUMIKfl BLAITT7FACTTTREB.S AND JOBBERS '411-413 So. 10th St. Omaha, Heb. Daugherty & Mortensen Phone Web. 5084 1318 No. 28th St. Installed All Plumbing and Steam Fitting GAS CONNECTIONS and Vacuum Cleaning System i i i WOODWARD THEATRICAL CO. FILES INCORPORATION PAPERS Article have been filed with County Clerk Dewey or Incorporation of th Woodward Theatrical company which wlU produce plays with a .stock company t th American theater, beginning next Saturday. The articles authorise lisuanc of capital stock In the sum of RO.000, and name these men as In corporators and directors: Wi.llnin Warren, O. !. Woodward. Harold Homaa ana w. K, llomuh. b gives the choice of seven routes, either going or coming. ment, and Harry Wolf suggested .that down to the legal reaerve, or ha Uiat : tbe bod5r had no Pwcr to vot 0,1 a" tendency. They draw on the city banks All of the routes outlined bv Mr. Wake. for money. . Th city banks curtail th ley carry paasengera through Colorado or j lnea man In his loans because th the scenic country farther north, tours ar arranged In connect several of the western roads. The with WATTLES MAKES LAST.CALL FOR HOTEL SUBSCRIPTIONS! President Qurdon W. Wattles of the (ttouglas Hotel company, which Is erect ing (lie Fontenelle. has Issued the last fall to subacrllers of stock In the corpora tion. They are Informed thai th build ' Ing operations have rea died an advanord tag, and that all subscrihtlona thoulc le paid up at once. TLo- company v. Ill hold a meeting We Jut. day. SHERMAN'S TALK COSTS HIM FIVE MORE DAYS "I think the Judge looks like a fish," muttered Jack Sherman tn police court after ha had been given fifteen daya by Magistrate Foster for assaulting Lydla Mcintyre with a brick. "What's that you saldT" demanded the judge. "I say, when I get out, she won't exist." haatlly substituted (merman. In nocently. "It'll Juat raise you five days." decreed th-) unconvinced Jurist. country banks are draining them, and thus th endless chain works. It Is a peculiar condition. In that there la no panicky tendency whatever about It Everyone has the feeling that every, thing I aecur. but that money la not circulating as freeiy as it should. No country bank Is worrying about any money It has loaned a farmer who has his farm and his granaries bursting with wheat No elty bank Is worrying about Jourruuent as there waa no quorum present Wolf's wisdom was overruled and ad journment was taken. Eirkssft Eleetloa Scheduled. In three weeks the Heal Estate ex change la to hold Its regular election for the ensuing year. J. H. Dumont Harry Christie. Henry Wyman and D. C. Pat terson have been nominated aa - candi dates for president, Harry Wolf for treas urer and A. I.' Crolgh for re-election as secretary. Beauty Now One of Ideas of Builders JOHN DEKINS WITH0RAWS FROM SCHOOL BOARD RACE John Bkiaj. who we a candidate for election to the Board of Kducntkjn from the l'lfih vard, has Sfiit hi. withdrawal ic th eV.Mum commti'io!i"r. No reason U tteJ for I U Vy)r to onlt the race, four otH-i candidates me tlll In the lunntnr liwin" that . warj Thomas It Mullets l!t. Waulil K. Jenkins. August .'Jurd.n and Tho.r.a r"al oner. Dm Yea I'esr ( .uaaui allow f Ir. King's Nw lUcovtry will help cur your cough of cold, nu matter howl the liuslneaa (hrutiic tt la. Try It today, iftc and It 4.U druggist. Advertisement SUNDAY ANNIVERSARY OF BISHOP ARTHUR WILLIAMS It will be fifteen years today since ltmhop Williams was o nsecrated. It la tit. Luke's day In the Kplsropal calendar. Out of eight bishops present st the con secrai'on only four ar now living. They are lilahous aJlllspaugh, Graves, Kdsall and Jdoirlson. i , . - On the same day will be celebrated the twenty-third anniversary of Kev. Jchnh Atoert Williams' ordination to the priest hood. SUFFS WILL SPEAK IN . CHURCHES ON SUNDAY Suffrage apeechea In the churches have been irrnnjHl for Sunday. John 1 Ken nedy will address te Young People's so ciety of Temple Israel Punday evening at I o'clock and Mlaa Elsie Vender grift will speak at th People's church at I IV M r Jaon Thomson will address M-a s league at th First Congregational church Sunday morning at Vt o'clouk. li I -rw. -,.,4 ,; 4 v.- " r-v -- - - ' - - - - i r x J fc . ,- ' I - 'J Ik! L...i,, l l v Lti . Imijm. : k I - ' .:.)r.-.-t-:. It Is of Interest to any rltisen of Omaha to note th advance lines along which all classes of Omaha prorty are being developed. Tb prevailing Idea la now beauty, as well as permanency and serv iceability. In hum proporty. Every on I Iqteresled In Improving th appearaaca of Omaha, which, by th way, la rapidly bevominjr on of th most beautiful cities of It sis la th country, ao that when an apartment building of Ue sort Illustrated benwlia Is built, am- bodying thee qualities and appealing to th average citlsen of moderat means. one cannot help but comment upon the new not In building method which has been struck by Omaha real estate raea. The building referred to baa Juat been completed by Hastings A Hrydea for Jame C Baah aa aa Investment and Is located on Thirty-third street between California and Webster. While th In come will not be larg. th building la or th permanent kind and ahould awed very litUe rcalra fur rara SISTERS OF MERCY TO CELEBRATE GULDEN JUBILEE - r. , . . . i M . ml. un wcaneeaay, uciuuer 21, ai 111 a. m. solemn high mass, commemorating the golden jubilee of the SlBters of Mercy In Omaha, will be celebrated at St. Patrick's church. Right Rev. Bishop Bcannell will preach the sermon. tt. Patrick's church choir, assisted by former students of the sister, will sing the mass. AH friends are cordially Invited to attend. FRED TARRANT HAS A CHANCE FOR RECOVERY Moving Packing Storage r ture VS If you STORAGE CO. Our Furnl- Packers Are Experts re rolnr to locata otaewhera. 1st ua crate and wrao your srooila for nhlnmnt nup service will save you time, work and relieve you of worry aa well aa pos sible damage to your goods. Our Guaranteed Fireproof Warehouse offers, at very reasonable rates, safe storage for your furniture, piano, rugs and other household furnishings, phone us for prices for separate locked ropins Douglas 41$S. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE 806-818 South Sixteenth St. CO. Fred Tarrant, Injured Friday when the i axle of his motorcycle broke while the . machine was going forward rapidly, la I recovering at 8t Joseph's hospital. Phy sicians at first held out little hope of his recovery, but later It was announced that h la doing remarkably well. He la an ' electrician employed by the Le Bron Elec- J tiis company. H AKE ONE MINUTE NOW TO THINK aBMBjaajasasaBBBBl for each of the next 10 years, , What will be your circum stances then? Think what the money you can save In 10 yean, plug the increase, If pnt to Interest, will buy you In 10 years from now! Tou might buy a new home, or send John or Mary to col lege, or make father or mother more comfortable or set up in ' business for yourself, or trarel abroad. Home Builders will pay you 7 guaranteed, plus buildvrs profits, on your money Invest ed in Preferred guaranteed shares. They have earned up to 12 Shares are 11.11 each. Invest before the advance January 1st. Real estate mortgages and cash In bank is your security. Our "New Wy" booklet tells you fully Home Builders' plan. It Is free to any address. HOW ABOUT PAINTING? If your house is weather-beaten, paint it Don't de lay. Use Carter or Southern JWhite Lead and Pure Lin seed Oil, or SIIEllWlN-flLLIAIS ' PAINT. Good paint is the only insurance against rapid de terioration. Paint now. Ask us. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Dougtai 47S0. . 1609 Farnam St Everett S. Dodds Architect Phone, D-2981 612 Paxton Block E. J. Davis. SAFE LiOUER Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PHONB DOUGLAS 353 2 Small Offices Facing the beautiful court. S10.00 and $12.00 Large floor space for the money; lights free THE BEE BUILDING "The bui.ding that i always new."