Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE V.TT. : OX MIX SATl'KDAY. 0CT0I1EI? 17. 1014.
Satisfied With the
Red Tape of Array
Celebration is Planned for Sunday
at First Kethodist Church.
C, A. Mm Rftlm the lllstar of I
tke f aarrh m4 ta Tell of the
Harsl trel of th Karly
iC'.i l-MtfmnOf n a Vi y 1 1 Awnf Istod Vrm.)
IJNPON, H'tf. IS. Kisn of dlssatlsfac
llun St war offlr-a mMhnds ara b'ginnlns"
to appear in ths Itrltinh pr. Involving
(ho historic charat nf red tap and In-
romprtenny. A nn example of cut-and-
!r .oil refrulatlmi rlandlng In tli way of
SjwelM aerrlre wilt be held 8mlav co""nn correspondent, who
mornles at tha Pirst Mrthndi.i h,h iJ n""1 rr'' "r th shivering recruits, rom-
calibration of the sixtieth anniversary'
of tha orrajilt.itlon of the ehurrh. From j
mar haiiiuul or worshliwr In KA. the
roitararatlon hat grown to number mai y
hundred, having kipt adequate rne vltn
tha great growth of tlx city, fror.i a
trading post to the gatrnji)- of ;hr w-ct.
Id observance of the annf erary,
Blahop Frank M. rtrlftol, n. l, u.
who baa been III. will attend tlio acrvlooa
. and offer prayer, flcv. Charles nayard
MltrheU. D. ) V.. p.isfor of rt.
Jamee church, Chicago, ha lieen lnvltd
ta coin to Omaha for the celebration anJ
preach tha aermon.
Charles A. Ooaa of the church will re
view tha long history of the mngifnatlon
and tell of the haul stnierle which the
founders had In establishing permanent
and Influential church. Itev. I. O.
Brown, district uicrlntondent. will pro
nounce the benediction, and the pastor.
Rav. Titus Iome. will preside at tha
service, which are set for 11 o'rlock.
Continuing the unnhci mrr observance.
another meeting will he held at tliei
church at S p. m J. P. Itnllcy, an officer
of tha church anil tnt'o secretary of lh
Young Men's Christian association, will
treelde. JUiort addresses will ha alvep by
different Mitthodlst laymen of Omnha. re
garding the church history and tn present
Berlin Papers Say
French Pillage Own
Towns They Desert
tCorreapondcnca of Tha Aaeorlated Trc.)
BERLIN. . Sept. S-The semi-official
Norddeutach A'llgemelna Zeltung pub
lished what purport to be a genera order
of General Jof fre, tha French eotninander-in-chlef.
supporting, tha newspaper as
serU, tha claim of a' ha Ocrmana that
- much of tha pillaging of French towna
rii dona by tha ratlrlng French aoldlera
themselves, and not by tha Ocrmana.
Lettera from member! of tha army of tha
crown prince during tha first few weeki
In French territory declared that the
French wera their own pillager. Tha
document which tha Allgeiivelne Zeltung
exhibit In proof of thla I otia which U
said to have faUen Into the hand of the
Otrman soldier In Franca.' It read:
Clanoral Headquarter of the Eastern
Army, (General ftaff. First Bureau, No,
:ilitl, Sept. I. I have received a report
according to which hand of troop In
our rear have plundered and committed
act of violence. .
Tha legal penalty for thla crime (s death.
The epedltcd procedure of our military
court make It possible for yuu to punish
tha guilty aa aoon aa they have been cp-
. tured and lih ail tha celerity allowed by
Judicial forma.
If. however, tha ordinary (military)
' court ahould be unable to prevent tbee
thing which, tinder the existing circum
stance are equivalent to a murdToua
assault upon tha very lira nf tha nation
1 call your attention to paragraph No. 129
of the military code, which empower
commander to punUh aohliera under their
command in caaea of aelt-defenaa or In
, 4feaa of othera. In dealing with deeert
ara, and In preventing pillaging and de-
(traction of property.'
It la Important from now on to Inflict
iftnplary pur.tahment and thu put an
end to crime whoa cntitinuance would
endanger the welfare f the nrmy.
In ac-ordancA with the foregoing you
will therefore .take the . aliarpet meaa
urea, whenever neceiiurv and without
delay, to hunt down aoldlera who. band
themaelvea together an t plunder, ami to
compel them to obedience. J. JuFl'HL".
VKRA CRfZ, Oct 11-John.E. Pllllman,
who wa ant to Mexico "ly Irldcnt
Wllaon to do what ha could to rratore
harmony among tha faction end aid In
eMabllahlng the new. provisional govern
ment, arrived her today.
Mr. Ullllman expecta to gi to Mc.ko
City tomorrow. There ha will make an
effort to obtain guarantlea regarding the
cuatoma collection!' and tha dlepoaal of
fund now at tha cut torn houae.
plain that a gift nf blanket wn refined
leciiB the alio fell a fca- Inche ehort
of the prerrlbcd Put wider dleecntent
or mlrtruat. Ip raued by the fact that
the war office devotes It energle ito
work that.. in view of Hie rrlnlp. ehnuM
properly fc- to civilian orgnnlxntlone. .
The tack of looking after tlie forces In
Fiance, trannferi Ing rnlnnl.'il troop an1
Kettlng up auppllf nvans a heavy tax
on the war office ortmniiatlon The
trnlnln: of tenltoila!, or nilUtln. who
are now In encampment. I an aMIIttonnl
burden. Cut to arstime on the top of thl
the entire work of recruiting Lord Kitch
ener' new army of 1X).1, billeting and
feeding them, beeldes the Inspection of
uppllee, la regarded by aoine of tha
critic aa a ueeleaa diversion of energy.
"The country Is honeycomled with ad
mlnletratlve machinery, public and pri
vate," any one writer, "and it I need
lees to Improvise or epand war office
arrangements to do woi . which civilian '
can do efficiently. The . tat doc not ot
temp! to lrnprovlxe railway or whipping
organlxHtion. It limply cp-ordlnatea and
tiae the civilian machinery ami capaci
ties which exlnt."
Ixcal adinlnlHtratlve office) , ,ttie writer
nddx, could well take charge of railing
the quota of troops for cncli district gnd
airHnge for their camps end provisioning.
Leal medical men mlicht also physically
examine- applicant who 'are now sent
from the country on long trnln Journeys
to military station. Local doctor. It I
assumed, ought to be capable of Judging
the fltnes of teeth, eyesight and vital
The advantage of co-operation between
the w-ar office and civilian and civil au
thentic would ba the freeing of a Urge
force of officer and men for purely mili
tary work. .-
Ilecrtills, according to om of the cor
respondent, are having an unnecessarily
hard time of It In many Instance, with
tha result that their patriotism I likely
to be dnmiencd before they get to the
German Names Not
Popular in London
IjONDCn, Pept. !. A C.erman or Ger
man sounding name tend to maka It
pcaneuor o unpopular both In a huelne
t.nd a socUl war In London that there
l a been ruh of , Brlt'sh-horn and
naturalized German citizen In England
to the court for new names. Home of
tha change on the court records are:
Hehlos to Castle, Schwartz to Illack,
Kcxnlg to Kingsley, Punkelbtihler to
Iiincsn, Soharllch to Phlrley, Welachent k
to Wynne, Kus to Cusa, Orurggemey to
Itrldge and rtohwaser to' Btoae. Hut
the most tactful shift wa by the man
who traded Kalaer for King.
LOVTXi. Oct. l-rh police have
found at leaden., a aaburb to lh
nortbwect of London, a bulldlritf occu
pied by German. . with foundation and
roof of heavy concrete. They arrested
twenty-two Herman on tha premise.
Money Making For Women
t atahiuh a boox ihow.
tril l,.iw wctnen can
talttisa ibettteiTes to iIa
wclii1 sjHt chd4in't hnlt
aiMin, auueel ws?inc.
niiufur1ntf, feutl sia.
sih! Ixentyelilliire.
women who wet el
miM in utinntr 4 arudff.
ry sr now eitrntnf fH4 I
cmnem ny pimnent wore
en at t heir resiileneM.
. I will Solid nif liesiitV
fnl. liitiMrsiea tnok whs
Biueh vitl'tnble Intone.
tkm Krki; aoeipsia, M
aiir wonisn, beiwern II
ami o yers,hn wrtts
ELIZABETH KIN364.StatlM F.Nw YerkClt.
IS ?? 0 cro.wd vand comc to lho reUb9 Public Market, where
ffte.! 1 ? ?unce '? he Pun l"e best quality Tor the lowest
eVabiP. d t0 u "L d0,,very eral new auto, which
n,wl?, V?.fJv. y." n?uch ber aervlce than before.
I'lO IflKK ItflAST
Choloe ateer pot roaat...
Pig pork butta
lmb lags
Mutton ihopa ,,,,
jwuiton roat
ISo, litis
C hoie young yeal roaat V.VooVil i,o
. ej t iiie ., goo, iae
r.xtrw lean hama . itiZ
r.xtre lean hacon tlVe I rnmiit attentloa rivea mall bra
Mugar cured bacon
Pmall hams
rTom p, in, to v p. iu.
Laoiba I'hopn ,
. J'rom t ft. in to 10 d. in.
I'ork chopa liu
yx IK BnglUn Breakfast, Qua rwir, Japan Tea or Oooua
White Queen aoap ', ',, . ', , . .tic
With ial aotla loo
Public Pride flour. 41 lb
Maaon Jar large Queen ollve...aSe
Mason )a'- pickle plclllll loo
Kumford or Calumet baking powder.
per pound lto
Spaghetd or Macaroni, per pkg..T .o
Full cream clierso, per lb too
4 cms sugar corn..., aoe
. . . .o
I lie i' ii urn ,.uu r L. . a.
. ' . , . . i i . ,.n n i, iDniin .... WU
J5o caii lied pitted lierrlea or Straw-
berries . . le
10c ran lUwallan sliced pineapple 10
3-lb. run grated pineapple loo
Altieka aatitiun. tifl 1 can loa
Sic pkg. Oatmeal'. , 1 1
4 lbs, Wlt dried peuchee too
!-. Pkir. Kee.lU-s rHihins . . . . la--e
IS-.m. Ixittle White llurs calaup.lSo
ral. syrup. rel or white ,3ao
i 10c rolls tcdlct paper.,. ac
PUBLIC MlRIfPT 1610 Harney St
---- --m . hon. Douglas 793
Our tlovj Empress Sanitary Market
la creating a station n Oniaha. guallt, mul better aerrlre are alone
reeixulWc tor this.
20,000 pound Milk Fed Kprina tlUrkenfi, our on (Irvaslim
1814 Forrquartera Ijimb
1014 MlotUiuartrrs Lamb
Pig Fork Koant Vie
Pig Pork. Butts ,1.14e
t noice Hteer Pot Koast l.V, 11 t,c
Choice Hound Steak
Young Veal Koast
Young Veal Chopa-
, . . I . 1 4 XC
inc. liuc
Choice Muttou Chops
Mutton Roan
Kxtra lean llama . . .
Kxtra lan Uacon . .
Sugar cured. Uacon .
bum 11 Hhdjs
Ileniember W give 1 ounces to the pound at our a tore
dellvariea every day. . 0'clo.k.
. . 1-JUe
. .l?Hc
13 H
Prompt altuntion given to mall order
Best grade flour. . . fl.lS
1 bars Whit Rtientan,
boaU'Em-Ail. White
Queen. I'. C. soap gjo
Jle Kamo pancake .
flour l
W.idlng Breakfast
mpL rup, ii...i3
Ottl.on 7i
'stiln ruat-le rnp.
.tuart ago
Wtiiia Kaio rup, per
ta , . . .So
4) ajia ausar corn, .gie
I cms eajly June peas
for se
. 10
Also oiir Washington
eating and cocking sp
I'leN. pr box Tea
lancy large llano ap
ples, bu iKc
I'eok aoo saeet polat.tee,
per peck tS
Laiiee ciiobe Red Onions
per peck a6o
I i.ncv !enver Cabbnse.
., 1'"'
larg lettuc e
"'se nasaei gTaein tiv-
S i-lb. can tomatoea.tSo
Golden Hantos cuffee.
at so
Tall Red salmon, per
can 14o
Sio bottles Hnyder's cat
sup lor im
Tall ctiiis milk. Cottage,
w i e
w Anm ciMtiita
oo CAE or uaai
Ji'iiMil.a.i appUa, pei
...u , in.i.M-a is
l un.-y Albei tu pea. bea. stalks Kalaliiaaoo '
i " tbs celery
Opp. Wool worth Be sad 10c Store. JJ3 South letb St.
Tel. V. Z&OT.
Ho Three . Moimftlhis
lias been used in thousands of homes in and around Omahanot once, but
day after day. It has made a permanent place for itself, and this is why:
Cottage Milk is "The Milk Without the Cooked Taste." It demonstrates
its superiority in the first can. The absence of the cooked taste has overcome
the only sound objection ever made against evaporated milk. ,
Continued use demonstrates the economy and convenience of Cottage Milk.
There is no waste it is good to the last drop. It lasts indefinitely so you can
always have a supply of pure, sweet cream and milk on your pantry shelves.
It is sanitary because it is perfectly sterilized with no danger of contamina
tion as in the bottling, handling and delivering of bottle milk.
Housewives who once use Cottage Milk and learn its superiority, economy and convenience
never go back to bottle milk. '
Cottage Milk, full strength, can be used as cream for coffee, fruits, cereals etc, and diluted,
as milk for every cooking purpose. s-
Diluted to the consistency of milk children drink it as readily as fresh milk because it does
not have the cooked taste. It has all the sweetness, richness and health-giving qualities of pure
fresh milk.
What Cottage Milk Is
Cottage Milk is simply the richest milk from the best dairying regions with most of the water taken out and
with nothing added.
Cottage Milk is made under the most sanitary conditions by a process which eliminates that cooked taste which
makes some milks objectionable.
It is delivered direct from our condenseries to your grocer so that it reaches you quickly and always fresh.
The following dealers sell and recommend this package :
Basket Store No. 7 1711 O St.
Banket Store No. 8 1845 S. 11th.
.Basket Store No. 9 608 N. 14th.
Basket Store No. 10 187 S. 9th.
Basket Store No. 11 Havelock.
Basket Store No. 13 2202 O St.
Brltell, Fred 1821 O St.
Byer, W. J. 1637 O St.
German Supply Co. 9th and N Sts.
Grand Grocery 1000 P St.
De KloU. Joe 1615 O St
Hamilton, Bruce 201 8. 10th St.
Ucheenstlger. J. E- 201 8. 10th St.
People's Grocery 1631 O St.
Bchaeffer, Henry 1121 N. 10th St.
Square Deal Grocery 1615 O St.
Towne, H. N. 2645 O 8t.
Wagner ft Walt 901 8. 13th St.
Weller Packing Co. 214 N. 10th t.
Tullls ft Roblnsxn 1466 N. 27th.
Miller Broa. 301 8. 11th.
Morris Broa. 316 8. 12th.
Capitol Grocery 1435 N St.
Beachley. Will 1634 O St.
Honenshell & Emery 1435 N St.
Corner Grocery 801 8. 11th.
Duery, H. C. N. 27th.
noffman, Oscar Ashland, Neb.
Scott & Co. Ashland, Neb.
Hedlund, Peter Aurora, Neb.
Hub Dept. Co. Aurora, Neb.
Swanson, Victor Aurora, Neb.
Anderla Grocery Bartel, Neb.
Dann Grocery Co. Beatrice, Neb.
Wetdenhemmer, Albert Beatrice,
Wulf ft Sowards Benson, Neb.
Muller, J. Blair, Neb.
Teterson, Carl Blair, Neb.
Red field. E. B. Blair, Neb.
Sorenson, P. C Blair, Neb.
Sass Bros. Blair, Neb.
Thompson, O. C. Blair, Neb.
Wimble, H. J. Blair. Neb.
Jacobs, I. M. Blair, Neb.
Nelson, Philip, Blair, Neb.
Department Store, The Blair. Neb
City Grocery Co. Columbus, Neb.
Schramm, Frank Columbus, Neb.
Schram, Wm, Columbus. Neb.
Anderson & Huer Columbus, Neb.
Luschen, John R. Columbus, Neb.
Jensen ft Anderson Coiad, Neb.
Brick ft Barton. Crete, Neb.
Sedlechek, J. W. Crete, Neb.
Crete Mercantile Co. Crete, Neb.
Rothenberger, John W. Crelghton,
Tslrbury Mercantile Co. Palrbury.
McDonald ft Co., J. W. Falrbnry.
Wallace, F. R. Falrbnry. Neb,
Huber, Paul Falrbnry, Neb.
Cohn, M. Fremont. Neb.
Livingston, D. Fremont, Neb.
Sterner Grocery Fremont, Neb.
People's Co-operatlTe Fremont,
Hanlon, Frank Fremont, Neb.
Kirk patrlck Grocery Co- Fremont,
Merrell, A- 3. Fremont. Neb.
Centra'. Grocery ft Provision Co.
Fremont, Neb.
City Grocery Store Fremont, Neb.
I"'- "'-Ml Mil j il. .- .
l A rTWlllsMWIIsTJilsl i ..-PrM 1",'
Altman ft Elowlts 20th and Cuming Sta.
Anderson, August 1713 No. 24th St.
Auerbach, Herman 1831 Leavenworth St
Birnett, Andrew 1916 No. 24th St.
Basket Store No. 21 816 No. 16th St.
Basket Store No. 22 1406 Nix 24th St.
Basket Store'No. 23 1805 Vinton St.
Basket Store No. 24 2127 Farnam St.
Basket Store No. 25 2618 No. 24th St.
Batt. Joe 604 No. 16th St.
Beehive Grocery 82 2 No. 16th St
Bernstein ft Brown 1404 So. 16th St.
Blumenthal, A. 1700 So. 10th St.
Blumenthal, Dave 2902 Cuming St.
Boston Meat ft Grocery 16lh and Dodge Sta.
Cavanaugh, Pat 1603 No. 18th St.
Cllnea Bros. 1524 Vinton St.
dowry Court Grocery 4624 Chicago St.
Crosstown Grocery 24th and California Sts.
Camplln, G. H. 1622 No. 24th St.
ChrlstenHen. J 2601 No. SOth St.
ut Price Grocery 514 No. 16th St.
ybler Bros. 2901 No. 30th St.
Kmprecs Market 117 So. 16th St.
Kdquiit. E..D. 3004 No. 24th St.
Francis Bros 2603 8o. 13th St.
Kranzen, H. 1420 No. 17th St.
Frtedel. H. 2 8th and Iavenworth Sis.
Galomblrk Grocerjp 217 No. 24th St.
Gerver, M. 24th and Ma. sou Sts.
Gross. M. 319 80. 2 5th St.
Hill. Homer 2901 No. 30th St.
Harmol. S. 4101 No. 24th St.
Howe. Walter H. 25th and Leavenworth Sts.
Hawkins & Lathan 3131 Burt St.
Hay den Bros. Dept. Store 16th and Dodge Sts.
Howell ft Sons. T. G. 17th and Leavenworth.
Humpert, Henry 2310 So. ICth St.
Isaacson, A. 17th and Chicago Sta.
Italian MercanUle Co 2123 Pierce St.
Jensen, Eric M. 285 V Grant St.
Johnson. C. W. A. 2404 Cumlngs St.
Johnson, F.lmer A. 2H06 lavenworth St.
Johnson ft Lofdahl 2420 Leavenworth St.
JohiiHon, Tom 2o02 lAke St.
Jepiiesxen. .1. P. 24th and Mason St
Klein & Co., Mas 6th and Pierce Sts.
Kavlch. Harry 16th and Cuming Sta.
Kirk, J. E. 2702 Fort St.
Kotera & Sloup 1261 So. 16th St.
Kulakorfsky, lk 1914 So. 10th St.
Kiilakofskj. R. 24th and Ames Ave.
laniie Grocery Co. 2310 Cuming St.
Lynam & Brcnnen 2 JOS So. 16th St.
laewts. J 102 No. 16th st
I .on don Sanitary Market !4th and Lake 8ts.
Meyer. O. 1619 Vinton St.
Maiinaon, Charlea H.- 23 No. 17th St.
MancuKO. J. 21st and Pierce Sts.
Murgules. J. 130 2 No. 2 4th St.
Marquadt, Henry P. 16:2 So. 10th St.
Meyer, C. E. 172 J Vinton St.
Milder. H. R. 1014 Pacific St.
Mulflnger, G. A. 402 Woodruff Ave.
Muchqeck, A 1624 No. 24th St.
Monroe Grocery Co. 208 No. 16th St.
Marks, Dave 2123 Military Ave.
Marks, Frank 24th and California Sts.
Nathan, Chas. 2307 Leavenworth St.
Norwood Grocery ft Meat 24th and Fort Sta.
Nelson. C. E. 2536 Hamilton St.
Oliver. F. J. 10th and Pacific Stg.
PankraU. E. K. 3 809 No. 24th St.
Persels. S. 4422 No. 24th 8t.
Peterson, John 24th and Lake Sta.
Public Market. 1610 Harney St,
Ronn, Wm. 37th and Gold SU.
Ross, Geo. 2714 No. 24th St.
Kudloff, Wm. 2629 8 her man Ave.
Raymond ft Romanek, 514 No. 16th St.
Reed Bros. 2223 Leavenworth St.
Reinschrlber. Ben 2918 Leavenworth St.
Rlseman, Sam 2213 Cuming St
Rosenberg & Co. 2 4th and Cuming St.
Roeenblum, Louis 808 No. 16th St.
Rosenthal. S. 16th and Leavenworth Sts.
Restaurant Specialty Co. 11th and Howard Sta.
Speigal, H. 16th and Harney Sts.
Stenner, Mrs. L. C. 16th and Leavenworth Sts.
Simon. B. A. 10th and Douglas Sts.
Slosberg, Jake 16th and Dodge tSa.
Steck. G. I 1008 No. 16th St.
Thorson. Carl 1439 No. 19th St.
Tnckson, D. 3502 No. 30th St. ,
Tuchman Broa. 522 No. 24th St.
Tuchman Bros. 18th and Chicago Sta.
Tuchman Broa. 25th and Davenport Sts.
Tuck-man Broa. 25th and Harney tSs.
Trimble. N. O. 24tb and Port Sts.
United Provision Store 19th and Leavenworth.
Westergard, A. 1723 No. 23d St.
Welnsteln ft Greenburg 204 No. 16th St.
Woolfsorf. Max 24th and Cuming Sts
Wallace, Wm. Lloyd 2706 Lake St.
Welsen. C. P. 20th and Cuming Sts.
Winthrop ft Rosen 10th and Pacific Sts.
Wisler. John 4 679 Leavenworth St
Winthrop ft Rosenblatt 219 No. 13th 8t.
Winthrop ft, Spiegel 16th and Dodge Sts.
Wohlner. L623 So. 16th St.
Wqodruff Grocery Co. SOth and Pratt Sta.
Wulf ft Howards Benson.
Young. H. E. 2114 No. 24th St. '
Von Weg ft Son, Wm. 23d and Leavenworth.
Brennen. A. P. 116 No. 24th 8t.
Drlmel Bros. 2010 Q St.
Gross, J. A. 1224 No, 24th St
Hart. F. A. 1339 No. 24th St.
Penfleld. C. F- 24 20 N 8.
Wallace, Wm. 665 80. 21st St.
Welch Grocery 631 No. 24th St
Bogau, Frank 255 So. Slat St.
FinVel, O 834 No. 27th St.
Kramollsch, J. F. 4003 L St.
Pavala, John 104 No. 24 th St.
Kramollsch ft Swastek 40th and L Sts.
Vedek, Joe 708 No. 27th St
LarBon ft Effenberger 614 No. 24th St.
Schuer, li. 628 No. 24th St.
Schrader, J. H. 632 No. 24th St.
Krause, J. P. Albright
Green. D. E. 424 No. 24la St.
United Provisions Stores
Agalnskee, A 1728 Sd Ave.
Anderson, J. A. 1418 W. Broadway.
Arnd ft Son, Wm. 711 8. Main.
Brownell. Albert 2101 W. Broadway.
Berstein Bros. 308 W. Broadway.
Brandeia Cash Grocery 917 8. Main.
Browder-Daniela Co. 220 W. Broadway.
Caves. F. K. 813 8. Main.
Cain Bros. 604 E. Broadway.
Central Grocery ft Market 600 W. Broadway.
Chernes ft Co., 8. 122 W. Broadway. .
Cronkleton, C: J 637 W. Broadway.
Evera. Fred 2313 W. Broadway.
Green, Lou 120 W. Broadway.
He&stom, E. 211 13 th Ave
Jennings, V. 314 E. Broadway.
Judd. J. B 1600 High St.
Kettner, Julius 1102 6th Ave.
Kramer, L. R. 520 N. 16th. ,
Koch ft Paulus 223 8. Main.
McAtee. 8. T. 230 8. Main St.
Nelson, Martin 232 Broadway (West).
Olsen, John 739 W. Broadway.
Palace Grocery 620 W. Broadway.
Peoplea' Dept. Store 318 . W. Broadway.
Peterson, H. C. 925 E. Broadway.
Rosch, E. 1606 High St.
Stern, M. 601 E. Broadway.
Toller, R. 1001 8. Main.
Tholl, Peter 622 8. Main. .
Warner, Chas. 131 E. Broadway.
Nelson, I. M. 602 N. 8th St. v
Olson ft Son. Max 17 N. Main.
Owens, W. E. 511 8. 21st.
Petersen, Nela 36 N. Main.
Petersen, Frank 201 W. Broadway.
Petersen, Hans 2118 8. 9th St.
Saks, Phil 500 8. 15th St.
Talbot, Mrs. O. 356 Benton.
Whitehead. B. W. 2015 5th Ave.
Wooster. John 210 N. 26th.
Zoller Mercantile Co., J. 100 E. Broadway.
Domlnek Grocery
Basket Store No. 1 237 8. 11th.
Basket Store No. 2 14 26 O St.
Basket Store No. 3 887 N. 37th St.
Basket Store Nn. 4 1601 S. 17th St.
Baaket Store No. 5 2014 O St.
Basket Store No. 6 1020 P St
Fremont , Grocery Co. Fremont,
Neb. A
Dablqnlat, J. O. Oothenberg, Neb.
Egan ft Co. Grand Island, Neb.
Hansen, H. P. Grand Island, Neb.
Beehive Grocery Grand Island, Neb.
Neumayer, Louis Grand Island,
Roeaser, Oscar Grand Island, Neb.
Second St Cash Grocery Grand Is
land, Neb.
Star Grocery Grand Island, Neb.
Velts, WUU-Grand Island, Neb.
Pelrce, J. L. Hartlngton, Neb.
Galloway, J. H. Harvard, Neb.
Havelock Mercantile Co. Havelock,
Redlln ft Co. Havelock, Neb.
Lindvall, Alfred Holdrege, Neb.
Cheney, Mrs. Nellie F. Havelock
Basket Store No. 11 Havelock. Neb,
Basket Store No. 13 University
Place, Neb.
Farmers Mercantile Co. Madison,
De Groff ft Co., C. L McCook, Neb.
Herrod, John A. North Platte. Neb.
Rush MercanUle Co. North Platte,
Abbott, M. M. Pauline, Neb.
Johnson Co., W. O. Osceola, Neb.
Dwork ft Son, F. J. Ord. Neb.
Horiskey, J. C O'Neill. Neb,.
Bock ft Co., A. G. Plattemouth, Neb.
Wurl, E. A. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Zuchweller ft Luti Plattsm'th, Neb.
Soennlchsen, H. M. Plattsm'th, Neb.
Hatt ft Son. J. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Lorens Bros. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Tuhey, J. E. Plattsmouth. Neb
Sidney Mercantile Co. Sidney, Neb.
Rice ft Fliesbach Scott's Bluff, Neb,
White House Grocery Scott's Bluff.
Arundel, J. R. Wayne. Neb.
Winner Bros. Wahoo, Neb.
Smith. Hultln ft Anderson Wahoo,
Mitten ft Nesblt Tekamah, Neb.
Crowell, J. M. Tekamah. Neb.
Brookings, W. E- Tekamah, Neb.
Chain, J. H. York, Neb.
Klelnschmldt, H. C. York, Neb.
Pratt. M. J. York, Neb.
Chains Grocery ft Bakery York,
Nichols. John B. Manning, Iowa.
The Home Store Manning, Iowa.
Cotton, E.-D. Extra. Iowa.
Wallace, Wm Albright. Neb.
Krause, J. P. Albright. Neb.
Winner Bros. Valparaiso. Neb.
Winner Bros. Yutan, Neb.
Winner Broa. Ceresco, Neb.
Porter. John W. Norfolk. Neb.
Roland, W. C Norfolk, Jieb.
Bowen, J. C. Broken Bow,Neb.
Hicks, J. R. Stanton, Neb.
Hamilton, W. J. Alliance, Neb.
Warner, E. L. Thurman, la.
Wilcox Dept Store North Platte,
Carbon Timber Co. Ft. Steele, Wyo.
Dworak, A. W. Benson. Neb.
Jackerott. J. F. Arlington. Neb.
Nelson, Phillrj Burwell, Neb.
Sanders, F. E. Burwell, Neb.
Kranse, 8. C. E. West Point, Neb.
Snlker ft Co., H.'B. Hlchman, Nth
Cox. A. E. Bladen, Neb.
Tewell, J. S. Holdredge, Neb.
Stroble. J. C. Nebraska City. Neb.
Anderson, Oscar Stanton, Neb.
McAdams, Jas. McCook, Neb.
Wlldhaber ft Koenlng Plymouth,
Evans ft Co., Arapahoe, Neb.
Sinner, E. McCook, Neb.
Jackson, Joseph Falls City, Neb.
Thomas, Henr Alvo, Neb.
English Cash Grocery, Geo. W.
Falrbury, Neb.
Ebberman, J. H. Davenport, Neb.
Roth, D. W. Mllford, Neb.
Jerman-Bauman Co., The West
Point. Neb.
Miners Brother Co., The Red Cloud.
Crry Mercantile Co.", I. W. Guide
Rock, Neb.
Holtgeieve, H. W. Daykin, Neb.
Rau ft Co.. F. A. Utica, Neb.
215 BpandcIs Theater Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Ncbraoka Represcnlotlvc American Milk Co., Chicago