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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1914)
Tin; u.mah A. SATl'JJDAV. (fO L'OHKK 17, 1114. Serviceable Coats Smart, fashionable models for street, auto and dress wear. A largo number of new arrivals completes our showing so that it is worth your while to see them. New Velvet Coats are also here. Pricf (1 from $13.50 to $85. Cape Gloves A full assortment of those doVirnblp gloves. Leather so chosen, gloves so con structed no to give you the hef-t service. We have them m Mk, white, tan and Srray. Prices $1.03, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 a pair. Women's Muslin Nainsook Gowns Women's muslin or nain sook gmvus, high neck, long sleeve?, or Icrsr neck, short sleeve?, button rloim th front or slip over styles, lace or embroidery trimmed, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 to $2.50. ' Third Floor.. Women's Dress News Afternoon Dresses, $35 and $45 ; Very attractive and dainty, pleasing because they an? different from the ordinary sort. You Trill bo well gowned for any afternoon affair ia one of thee hand- ' some new arrivals. . Other DrfBses and Gowns r-$13.G0 to $150.00. C0N6ESSHM WAY HOME Demoi Smpcnd Docking; Bale and l embert Leave in Flooki. SLOAN AND STEPHENS ON, HAND Klafcala WIII lv f Weet West Week aad Bart, I.oWek aa4 MagMlre Will Wait Till Tlaletv ' ' (From a Staff oCrreanondani) . tV ASIUNOTON. "Oct. l.-Ppclal Tl-gram.h-Whcn leader I'nderwoftd an nounced to tha houea kUt evanifig that with lb passage d :.Ui Ittillpjiliia Mil and tha Aluaka coal land leaalng bill tha program mapped out fur tha lower body of congTeaa hid been completed there waa burnt of applause from the demo crata. followed with additional aoolaim iwhaa he moved to roeotnd the Vdockiug'' raaoluUoa yaased some week ago. Mr, Vnderwood said he waa moved to inalro this motion because he resognUed how Important It was for nMiahara to go home for tna purpose of taking part, la their campetjnia, 11a mad tha mot. on, he said, with tha aeeuiraaco that if they were needed a quorum would be forth coming in order to act finally on tha war revenue measure, which la expected to reach tha houae pot later than Thursday of 'neit week. Members Leave llarrleelr At tha Uma. tha. aoeunoeoeut waa rnda , there wag a slant quorutn la tha tyMiave. 'Ubin. uir hour there were npt K0 members left in the capital and tuaighl there la hardly a third of tha BMunberahlp ia Washington, every train stfice midulght laet night being crowded tothe guards with home-going congreaa iiyeu aut4 Uteu; families, ' IIms sai ttepbeae Uat. ftgpreaentaavca float! and Aephena ieVt" for their homes tonight, both to get lnla tbair ajnpalna at om-e. Mr. Ptoan wilt visit all the countUe In hia distrk-t. maklag Ma eampalan by automobile, while Mr. Ktephena will use a similar con. veyaace la order ta aee aa many voters aa possible 4efore election. Klakatd leaaea loo. Judge KiBkald will remain In Washing- ion uctu next weK, wnen be win go to tha Btith duitrict and meet the home folks. The Judire ia anxious to have the alten widows bill elgntd by the president and haa been lntwriu4 by the Interior department that Ke mei y Lane will give lua sanction to the measure tomorrow or Monday, when the prceldmt will affU his signature. lua Mill 1.1 ear r. Ir. llartoa and Mr. Msgure will ra tualn In Weahtngion until alter au)ourn ment. wblt-h now looka aa if tl might be brought about eoine time next week. Mr, Lbecli axpecta to leave for Omaha either Monday w Tuday. . . Mere brag at parlor. HVPEKIOn, ?feb-, Oct. M.-(peclal Tel egrim.ttovernor Moreheud waa given a greeting here today b ya large crowd. The Superkr band.' with county earuli iita. met him at Laet w ick and came In a, liody to Hupt-rior and thta afterward vrflA to Harcy. where the lariners' uruua p'nj: was held. - . . ' . f Ministerial C fcnaars tt Muperter . jftCTKRloa, XU.. Oi-t. l.-(Cpeial TeW -kr.nn ) Tiie rr-sb)-terUin thurch In. rfthlli'd li-.t night Itev. )lr. Hamilton, formerly of lirtren. Itev. Mr. Kaaur of Nelson gave the acrmon. Kev. Mr.- Grif fith of Edgar gave the charge to the people and Rev. Mr. Boaa of Hastinga the cnaxga to the Ptor. Tha Methediat The Store for Shirtwaists All wo ask is : that you visit this section for a fow moments Saturday. You will be as much pleased as hundreds of other wo- men have this season. Prices are moderate and the variety is always enor mous. New arrivals every daw J SHOES 0 At Prices All Can Afford to Pay This hustling popular priee shoe section with its vast ?tock of bright new Sosis Shoes for fill is a boon to Jt To Better Acquaint Women With .Our Tailoring Department With the exclusive style and expert workmanship of our tailored garment We Have Placed on Sale One Hundred Exclusive Suit Patterns at reduced prices. We assure you of exclusive and correct designs. Out-of-town patrons will find ua exceedingly well prepared to serve them. Further particulars Dreas Goods Section. HOWARD AMD SIXTEENTH ehurah gave their reception last night to Rev. Mr. Wolff, formerly of David City, who take the place of nv. Mr. Ueorge, who wen tto Loxlngton. . GERMANS BEACH BELGIAN PORT ON ENGLISH CHANNEL fCoatlaued front fage One.1 , Antwerp. In other word a. they coneede It would be a moral and apeclacular vic tory for tha Oermans, but of' no great aaralegla algnlfloaace. Whether this 'be ao, future events only ran shew, but the brttlsa ' cenUhUon' la that with the sea binding' tha German right . It loeea weapon heretofore affectively used. It la pointed out that tha chief suc cesses the Oermans have attained have been derived from the tactics of envelop ment. Tha ehaanal harrier aw prevents this Mid a decisive blow from the Oer mans, it la argued, can ha dallvered bnly arter the allied front haa been pen. fated. neranaaa Na Leaner Ttate. Flaake. The arrivals el the Germane near Os tend, however, atra'ghtens aut their Una In Beigtum so that it now runt almost due south connecting with their foroea In France. Being Jam up to tha coast at tle north leaves tha Oermans without a flank anywhere. With no flank to turn It will ha neeeasary for the allies to break Una somewhere, and the fiercest flgnting to affect thla la likely to continue along tha Belgian frontier. ' All England la busilng with talk of the PT menace,' tha papers editorially an otherwise dwelling on tha presence of Oermaua at tha hotels, and urging rloacr restriction. What is said to ha a spy dressed in a Belgian uniform ha( been arrested among tha refugees arriving from Belgium. A royal proclamation J'Jst Issued for bids tha transit, except by post, which la subject to the censor a aorutlny, of any ktter or written meaeage to any person of any nationality carrying on buslneaa la the entiuy'e country. It ia further ruled that any peraon landing or embarking In the Vailed Kingdom must declare whether he Is carrying any letter or mea eage. Officer are empowered to search tha luggaga of a auapect and aelaa any letter If tbey are doubtful aa to lie char acter and submit the same to tha mili tary censor. RATE HEARINGS FIXE0 FOP LATE IN NOVEMBER WA8HIKOTON. Oct. l.-(Hpeclat Tel- enram.) The Interstate Commerce com mission ha ordered hearing on the fol lowing rata raeea at Omaha. November IS Ratea on grain and rraln ruUuti ie etauoaa In Kansas, Ok a oma and otlur alatee; Watratrt A Mi.-r- o i.timner company aca'.nel Chilean. Milwaukee Ml. Jay Kurna Ilakint Kan Kxnpese ouu raul tto u road company: n company agalnat Amer- reae euiiinafiv. November K Nebraska Bridge Rupplv compaay agaioet . t Pt. u. railruad November X Anchor 4lrain cumpany asalnat Chicago. Burl'ngtoa Jk Uuincv ralroad; Onorge II. Lee company etaliit I hlt-ao. Burlington a (Julnry Rxllroad eoinpany; Keeue A Runvan Kurnlture conn .y agatnet t'aion I'acifte Kaltroad conipeuy. batoat for Mem ma a (,rT. TIL.DBN. Keb Cet. K 4 Special Tele. giain.)Tllaeti High school baae ball team shut out the High school team from New man drove. Arnold t.uachen. pitching for Tilden, einiik out twoiy-tw men, not allowing a elngl hit. The acore: Ttldcn. I; Newman Crave, a , Oaaeol Takta Trlsaaalaa TORK. Kek, Oct. !-4Jpolal Tele gram.) Torka Huh arhool foot ball defeated Oacaula, this afternoon. J9 U a. The Fur Shop Furs are lower in price, than they have been for sev eral years. Heeause of ex isting conditions we are not certain thnt present prices will be maintained; in fact, we are convinced that there will be a sharp advance in prices. Therefore we advise you to purchase now while prices are low. FUR COATS. SETS, SCARFS, MUFFS. . Reran il Floor. UiouKandu rf careful, thrifty women who must watch their expenses. They know that by taking advan tage of our well known low prices they can bo well shod at a figure well within their means. $5 and $6 Values, Special Price Saturday $3,85 ATRCKTSI Khedive of Egypt y Required to Stay in Constantinople LONDON, Out, ll-That the khedlve of Kffypt, who la now In Constantinople, haa been forbidden by the British government to return to hie dominions for tha present Is a belief current among Dnglinhmen. who keep In touch with Egyptian affairs. The khedlve waa In Constantinople Malt ing the aultan when tha war began, and waa fired on and align Uy wounded by an Egyptian political agitator. The loyalty of tha kneolvg to Ttrttieh rule la atrongly questioned ky Xnglo-Egypttnna. Ills eloseet associate are members of the pro Turkish party, which Is under, Oerman Influence. With Lord Kitchener absent from Egypt and moat of tha regular Brltleh garrison withdrawn for aarvlce In France, tha opportunity for revolutionary out hreaka la an. unuaual one. Vndor these elroumatancea. It la possible that Cireat Britain may use pressure to Indue the khedlve to prolong hla visit lu Con stantinople until Uie cloee of tha war or until event take'a turn which would In aure British success and discourage native plottlnga In Egypt Thera are U.oot Brltlah territorial In the garrison of Egypt now who have re placed tha regular troope aent to Fraaee. Other territorial regiment have been aent to India In exchange for regular brought to Europe. Mexicans Threaten American Outposts VERA CRUZ, Oct Evident prepara tlona on the part of a small detachment of men under Oeneral Agulllar tor an attack last night on th American cut poata around Vera Crui have reaulted In the strengthening of the American line. Pome mo Mexican are In a position about halt a mile rrorn the American out posts and they have two mounted gun trained on the American aoldler.. Their warlike activity la attributed In' Vera Crua to over-indulgence In liquor obtained at a houae Just beyond th American llnea, but their hoaata that tbey were about to luauguraAe an attack that ultimately would drive tha Americana out of thia port are taken more or lesa aerloualy on account of the persistency of the reports that Agtillar will nn be able to restrain himself much longer, and that the Im patience of hla men to enter Vera Cru 1 rendering M control over them doubtful Agullar'a fqrc la estimated at between I.Ooo and 8.0J0 men, with aeveral piece of artillery. Lights in London Ordered Subdued IX)KIXX, Oct. ItThe people of Lon don refuse to be frightened by the menace of a Zeppelin raid. The, peltea are having great trouble to compel them to conform t th regulations for c.lnlmlalng the l.ghtlng of buildings and street. A thlid order we Issued, aa follows: "All external private lighting not needed to secure the safety of traffic should be dUcontlnued. "Some buslneea and other .siaMUh- menls are ailll maintaining Interior light, ing of iuo greet Intensity which Uluniin at th roadway. "The commissioner of police la advlseA that aueh lighting represents under cer tain ctrcumstancee a source of danger ta tba parlli ular aaiahbarhaoA aad Ihaeojoae In the correct Redfern Corset your appearance will be assured, and as to comfort that is a matter resting with yon. If yon choose the cor rect model comfort and support follow. These are very scientif ically designed corsets, cleverly fashioned, and can be bought for the price of on ordinary one, from $3.00 upward. Many beautiful new models in Front-Lace. Corset Section 3d Floor. Out Size Hose Lisle Hose, light or bear? welfht, garter topi and double soles, 85c Cotton Hone with very elastic rib tops, 85c; 3 palra for ... .$1.00 Cotton, with maeo tpllt soles, ."$c; 3 pairs for S1.00 Silk Lisle 60c Silk lloie that wear, 75c to ftf.QO Women's & Children's Underwear for Fall and Winter Women's 0 o 1 1 o n Fleeced Vests and Pants 60o Women's Silk and Wool Vests, pants to match, $1.75 extra she " $2.00 Women's Fin lUnhed Wool fnlon 8ults Dutch neck.elbow sleeves, or high nark, long sleeves, ankla lengto. 9i.2.i: extra alz $1.60 Children's oton Fleeced Union Kult, stnYll slies one.. large ()ih ofto We curry complete lbie of Chll firm's Wool Union Bolt in the Clone TSJlor-rnade, both array Underwear Third Floor. ' munlty at large, and It I neceeaerv therefore that thla source of danger b removed." Testorday the police ordered the ex tingulahlng of high power ga light In one aeotion ef the town.. Moot of them were attached to ahop fren, 1 " 1 1 ' C'aaa flanday Kchool Aaaoclatleai. rirfATTSMOUTIl, Neb., Oct. l.-(8pe-rlal.) The fourteenth annual convention or th Caa County Sunday school aaao clatlon, compoacd of all denomination, wjll be held In the Congregational ahnrch In Weeping Water, October 22 and tk An Interesting program haa been prepared and among the live wire to aealat In making It the best ever held In thlt county are: W. II. Klmberly, Mis Mar garet Ellen Brown, with stereoptlcon pic tures; Kev. F. M. Prullner, Rev. Harry O. McClusky. Rev. A. C. Hotlowell. J. D. Cross, Rev. P. Van Fleet. T. N. Bobbltt, W. II. Robb, C. a Aldrlch, Rev. W. A. Taylor, C. I Norman, J. W. lllaley, A. K. ktoahford, Pr. Alton. V. C. Oherlle. C. C. AVoscott and Jesse Terry. llewry J. flWlcht. PUATT?MOt'TII, Neb.. Oct. ia-(8pe-clal Telegram.) Henry J. Strelght I dead In hia homo In thia city. He waa horn in Natlc, B I.. June 16, 1SR9. waa a sol dier In the union army and served with the Nebraska homo guards. Ha tarns to PlatUmouth In 1W1. where the family hare since resided, and had since been engaged in the furniture buslneaa here ani waa poatmaater four years. Ha la survived by a widow and two son and on daughter; Edward trelght, Portland. Ore.; Mr. Arthur J. Jackson, Omaha. and William J. Strelght, Plattsmouth. Funeral service will be held Sunday aft ernoon at t o'clock by Rev, Harry O. MuCluaky. Heady far JIm Chnreh FA1RBVRT. Neb.. Oct. l.-tSpeelal.)- Work ha been commenced to dismantle the old Presbyterian church In thl etty o that a new building, modern In every detail, can be erected In It place. The new church will ooet approximately U2.u and will be of pressed brick and Gothic tyl. 3t 1UZ CJOME men are awful anxious & to fight as long as somebody's holdin' 'em. But turnin 'em loose takes all the fight out of 'em as completely as agein' takes the bite out o' VELVET. What it "bite" in tobacco? It's a harsh ness that comes usually of insufficient cur ing and ageing. Good tobacco ought to have strength in it and ageing turns that strength into mellout tmoothneas. That's the Bimple truth about VELVET, Kentucky! Bur ley d Lux; which has two years' ageing'. J0c tins and 5c metal-lined bags, i JXfartXjtfyMd6MCk it Girl Runs Away from Home to Join Her Austrian Lover CHICAGO. Oct H-FVMerlcIt HenkM, who, lstr. Marie, fled from her home her yesterday with borrowed money to go to th bedside of bar wounded lover In Austria, caught a fast train In pursuit today. ' Are you going to bring Tier buck?" he wnf asked. "No; I'm going to helj her," he replied. Mia Hanket. aged 8 year , met Count Feodor Hlnei von Zagrd while touring Europe with Tfr mother last Bummer. few day ago she received a lettrr. full of endearments, and mentioning that tha writer had been seriously woundrd ln a brush with a regiment of Cossack. ''Pend I mo gomethlng to remlrvl me of you." the ! young count, who' is an Austrian officer, SOLDIERS SLEEP IN HOLES INTRENCHES Life in Bulletproof Shelter! De scribed by Attache at British Headquarter: SINGLE BOMB "WBECKS CONVOY Grtaade Irospe r Aviator naaltleai Wsca 1'e.aees Deal r fifteen Oermau De stroys Mote Veklcles. LONDON", Oct. 14. There ha been given out In Londan a descriptive account of some recent develepment In France. ent by an.cye-Wltnee attached to the British irer.eral headquarters. Tha ac count la In part a follow: On the firing line the men leep In dugout they have hollowed or cut under tha side of the trenches. Theae refuge are raised allghtly above the bottom of the tha trench so aa to remain dry In wet weather. Tha floor of Uie trench also la aloped for purpose of drainage; some of the trenrhee am provided with overhead cover, which give protection from the weather aa well aa from shrapnel ball and splinter of shells. Considerable in genuity haa been exercised by the men In naming these shelter. Among the fa- vorite designation are the "Hotel Cecil." the "nit hotel, "the "Billet Doug hotel" and the "Rue Dormlr." Ma-aa f gervlce. On th road barrtradee also are to be found board bearing this notice: "This way to tha Prussian." Obstacle of every kind abound and at night each side can hear the enemy driving picket for entanglement. In some place obstacle have been con structed by both side so close together that some wag suggested thae each side provide working parties to perform thla fatiguing duty alternately. Insomuch as tha work of the enemy la almost Indis tinguishable from ours and serves tha am purpose. Qaarrle and cave to which allusion already has been mad a provide ample accommodation for whole battalions, and most comfortable are the shelter which have been constructed in them. The northern slopes of Alsne valley fortunately are very steep and thl to a great extont protect us from . the enemy sheila, many of whloh pasa harmleaaly over our head to burst In tha meadows along the river bank. At all point aubject to shell fire, ac cede to the firing line from behind I provided by communication trenches. ! These are now ao good that It Is possible to cross In safety a flra swept sone to the advance trenches from where the headquarters happen to be. Aviator Blowa I P Artllery Train. It already haa been mentioned that according to Information obtained from the enemy fifteen Oerman Were killed by a bomb dropped on the ammunition wagon of a cavalry column. . It was thought at the time that this might have been the work of oue of our airmen, who reported that ha had dropped a hand grenade on thia convoy and had then got a blrd'a-eya view of th finest display of fireworks he had ever seen. From evidence It now appeara that thla waa tha ease; that th grenade thrown by htm probably waa the cause of the destruction of a small convoy carrying field gun and howltser ammunition which now haa been found, a total wreck. Along the road lie fourteen motor lorries, their Iron skeletons twisted and broken. Everything- Inflammable haa been burned, as have the stripped trees soma with split trunks one on either side of the road. Of the driver nothing remain except tat tered boots and charred scrape of cloth ing, while tha ground within a radius of fifty yards of th wagons Is littered with pieces of Iron and split brass cartridge cases. Town Farmer Killed. PIERRE, a D., Oct. 16 (Special Tele rram.) John Clenga, a young farmer. year of ag, waa killed last evening at hla horns near Grandfleld, Stanley county, by tha kick of a horse. Bark Back for Caaapalga. PIERRE. 8. D.. Oct. lA-Special Tele gram.) Congressman Burke arrived hoots from Washington this morning to begin his campaign for tha United Plates to rah IP. 1Z fl inn 3C 1C concluded hit letter. Miss Ilcnkel determined to appear In person aa a reply, but her parent would not mprly the funds. Testerde.y she rawned some trinket her girl friends had contributed and obtained money enouicri for passage to New York, a steerajta ticket to Oenoa, $23 for passage from Genoa to Trlest and $ for meals and in cidentals, lier friends, knowing that $5 would not go far on a dining car. pro vided her with a supply of sandwiches, plcklts, minced ham and other ellbl-s. She boarded a train for New Tork last night Urother Frederick carriea with him plenty of money, so that Ma sister Till be able to travel first class. Huskrs Leave to Play Aggies; Have Big Task LINCOLN. Neb., Oct It (Special Telo gram.) The Cornhueker foot ball squad, twenty-one strong, accompanied by Coach Stlehm and Athletlo Manager Reed, left this evening for Manhattan for the Husk era' first game away from home and against a Missouri valley conference foe. Ftlehm took five additional player over the customary squad. Following are th men taken on the trip: Captain Halllgan. Amack. Abbott, Palls. Cameron, Corey, Chamberlain, Caley, Doyle. Delematre. Gross, Fouts, Howard, Hawkins, Haberslenben, Korria. Potter, Porter, Rutherford, Wilson and Hhlelds. The Cornhuaker squad was only In fair condition, some of the player still suf fering from Injuries received In last Sat urdays game. The Huakers, however. are hopeful of making a better showing than in the first two game of the sea son. Th Kansas Aggies have a veteran ag gregation and Btlehm Will have to un cover all of his plays In order to win, It Is believed here. HYMENEAL Fwller-Harea. EDGAR, Neb., Oct. l.-Sj)ecial. Ash- ton Fuller and Miss Genoa Hayes Were married Wednesday evening, October It, at the home of the bride' parent by Rev. Thomas Griffiths, paator of the Presbyterian church. Th groom 1 chief clerk for the firm of Dailey-Mlle of thl place and the bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hayes. Saturday is Suit Day at the House of Menagh 75 Suits that were made to sell a t $18.50 and $22.50, y o u r choice of the lot' HI These are not our finest Suits, but they are every one made with the game care aa are our. better suits. All silk Jersey Un derskirts, regular values $2.60, Satur- : mm mm llipi I T fcr-S j The House "T m Storm tor 1613 Farnam Street. E aturday Special! For one day only 8 tv. m. to 9 p. m. : , We will offer a special $35 English Blue Serge Sni Guaranteed, Pure-Wool, Non-Fading See this handsome Clue Serge on display In our window. It's a S3 5 value ' Smartly Tailored in the skillful Nicoll way, and made to fit you perfectly. WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. 209-211 South 15th Block. DES MOINES POLICE CHANGE Commissioner Mitchell Declarei He Will Shake Up Departmeat. AVTAT02 TO MAKE L0ITO FLIGHT Will Rokej-taon plana Make Trip from Iowa Capital ta Chlragw Without Stopping Swceeee fal In dkort Fllfthta. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Oct. I. (Special Tele gram.) Councilman Mitchell, in charge of the police department of De Moines, today virtually announced a reform of his department and radical change. II de clared that condition In the department were very bad when he took charge and that they are "worse than bad" right now. For some time there have been com plaint of conditions In tha department and rumors of Impending change. It la expected a new head for the department w ill bo choen. Avlnttir Kir In td Cfclcwg. . Will KoberUon, an amateur aviator, who will start a flying machine factory In Ortnnell. la., made a great flight over Dea Molnca today and arranged to start tomorrow on n trip via the air rout for Chicago. He hopce to make the Journey without stopping. He haa made several . ,HnK. .- CAMBRIDGE ON THE ROAD TO HONORS IN SOUTHWEST CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. Oct. 18. "ee!al Telegram.) Cambridge High won from Beaver City In an exciting game, 14 to 7. Selby and Slanble of Cambridge scored On recovered fumblea Carter of Beaver scored oh a forward pasa. Goble of Bea ver City was Injured Internally. Cambridge Is in line for the southwest championship, having won from Curtis Agricultural school, FranWIn academy, Bartley and Beaver City. Old-Time Remedy Makes Pure Blood Purify your blood by taking Hood's arsaparllla. This medicine has been and still la the people' medicine because of Its reliable character nnd ltn wonderful success In the treatment of the common diseases and aliments scrofula, fcatarrh. rheumatism, dyspepsia,' loss of appetite, that tired feeling, general debility. Hood's SarsaparUla has been tested forty years. Get It today. IS I I I 75 Suits at $24.50 New'sh or t lengths, fur trim med Suits. The I better grades of I Eedingote Suits. All from the fin- I est tailor shops, I only . $24.50 ! All Silk Kimonos, values to 1 8.00, only $3.98 Saturday Sale of Skirts They are the newest models in satin and velvet combinations, specially priced for Saturday J 90 of Menagh I Gcntlewomon" Is 4 .i ... Dressy, Serviceable, Economical I I I