Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SATTItAV, OCTORElt 17, 1014.
Tot for W. 0. Crosby for Coroner.
Lighting rirtores, Burgess-Oranden Co.
ridtllty Storage an Yai Co. Soar. S8S.
Bar moot mat It Now Beacon rress.
Dwortk accountant and auditor. D. 7406.
Tot for Tnotraa W. Blackburn for
ror cress. Ad vert 1 m ent.
Beaatifal Ail Mrt m Home Tor Sal
en the easy payment plan. Bankers
Realty Investment Co. Fhon Doug. 2P2S.
A actios is , Chorea Parlor In
Ladies' Aid aorlety of the Zlon Lutheran
church will hold Its regular auction In
the church parlors Tuesday evening,
Dm Farkar to Moat. The Peer Dark
Improvement club meet at Vinton achool
tonight at J p. m. The postponed annual
election of officer will be held.
"Today's Ctftrpiet Movie Prorrans
classified section tmny. and appear la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the varioua moving picture theater offer
Chamber' Dancing Aeaaeoiy The
home of modern and classic dances. In
structor of teachers wno are uecesaful
both In Omaha and other title. Tele
pnone Doug. 1971. School to depend upon
Hwi Stilt la Bourne Tony Ntco
tera and Vlto.Chilalll, two newsies. Rot
into a playful scuffle In The Bee mailing
room and the latter received a painful
kick In the neck. Dr. Petweller took
caro of the youngster, but say hit hurt
is not serious.
Two Divorce Granted In a divorce
decree granted Mr. Ella Spencer, her
husband, who failed to appear and de
fend the action. Is ordered to pay her
$2,MW alimony.- A decree of divorce from
Josef J. Hayduk ha been granted Mrs.
Edna Hayduk.
To Assist Xobert Ouliaec Two South
Omaha school teachers, Mr. Vosaoek and
Miss Bennett, will assist Robert Gilder
at Child' Point Saturday, when ha dem
onstrate some of the historic relic which
which are to be found there. Henry Kle
ser ha arranged for about 400 Omaha
teacher to to there. ...
Woman Asks for Cltiseaaalp The first
Omaha woman to apply for eiOaeruhlp
paper in several months I Miss Olga
Christln Wangblad, a deaconess at the
Swedish Immanuel hospital. Thirty
fourth ai?a Meredith avenue. She ha
taken out her first papers, declaring her
Intention of becoming a naturalised Amer
ican, having been born In Sweden.
Mrs. MoCnUooa ea Tour Cath
erine Waugh McUuiloch of Chicago, suf
frage speaker and writer, arrived In
Omaha late Thursday evening. Mr. Mc
culloch, accompanied by Miss Daisy
Doane and John U Kennedy, left for Fre
mont and other place In the state on a
speaking toun An Omaha speech by Mrs.
McCulloch will be arranged if possible.
Ho Wax for Kim "A wife and happy
home in peaceful America looks better to
me than serving In' the Belgian army,"
says Honors Vuylstek, Belgian chauffeur
for John A. Paughorty. Instead of going
hack to the land of his birth, to become
a. tarffet for German bullets, he Is coiner
to remain in Omaha, and has Just taken
out a license to marry Miss Bertha Ber
l;th of this city. He la 9 year of age
and "fhe ,1s H. . . -
Dr. Colin Re-elected
to Occupy Pulpit
of Temple Israel
Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Israel
whs re-elected for. a term of five year
at a special meeting of the congregation
last Sunday. This action was taken de
spite the fct that Dr. Cohn' present
term doe not "expire until March, 1914.
' Dr. Cohn ha occupied the pulpit at the
Temple Israel for the last ten year.
During those year he has been a potent
figure In Omaha. He haa earned the re
spect and regard of many Omahans, Ir
respective of creed or race. He ha been
marked by hi Industry, sincerity, learn
ing and ability.
The growth of the Temple Israel i
one of the direct result of tr. Cohn'
work. The property and building cost
5.000. Of a mortgage of Indebtedness In
19ii9 of 125.000, approximately (16,000 ha
been paid, and of that amount IS.O00 wa
aollcited and collected by Dr. Cohn dur
ing the ' last two and one-half year.
The congregation has steadily, grown in
numbers ureter Dr. Cohn and It now haa
the largest membership In Its history.
Dr. Cohn Is an officer In the Associ
ated Jewish Charities, the Wise Memo
rial hospital. th B'nal B'rlth, the Tor
nado relief committee In 1913, and waa
advisor of the Douglas county Juvenile
court. The congregation. In re-electing
Dr. Cohn, passed a resolution to attest
their confidence in and their esteem Of
their rabbi and to acknowledge their ap
preciation of hi services In their behalf.
ErTiTRQ AT QflliTU AM AH A luM,c -iooU and Cltr Physician Sliana
nlirtllVO ftl OvUlll Vi'lnnrt.rmn favor the U'ea of me Ileal Inspection
Negro Wanted in St Joseph Almost
Breaks from City Jail.
Had Di( Mole Tkroaah Will aaa
Xnlhtaa- Freveated lit Ge.avay
Bat Rlawoat Mao Map.
Lon Donahue, colored, alias Howard
Brown, who was arrested Wednesday af
ternoon by Captain Carey and Detective
Dworak, and who la wanted at St. Jo
seph for assaulting and seriously Injur
ing ad officer, made a desperate attempt
to break Jail Thursday afternoon. Dona
hue at first thought he had been pleked
up as a common vagrant, but upon later
learning the true meaning of his arrest,
he formulated a plan to escape.
Wrenching loose an Iron brace support
ing the bars hout his cell, be attacked
a thin brick partition separating the
enclosure from the boiler room. He had
made an aperture about a foot square and
hi a few minutes would have been In the
other room and out an open window to
the rear of the holler, when an officer
passing through the corridor heard the
noise and entered the cell tn time to
prevent the negro from getting away.
Donahue was taken last evening by one
of the local force to St. Joseph.
Catlle Receipts Kevrer. .
So far this year cattle receipts at the
local market have been about J.0X head
less than last year. Hogs show a do.
crease of 228,526 head, and sheep 33.1G1
head more than In 1913. The priep of
hog continues to decline, between 10
and IS cent being taken off by the pack
er yeaterdar. The bulk of tli sale were
at $T. to fl.M. which Is inucl; lower
than, several week back. It is pre
dicted that the price will go lower still
a the season grow older.
) Registration Today.
Today Deputy Election Commissioner
Ostrom and his force In the city clerk'
office will be busy looking after the
large number of voters who have so
far failed to register. The office will
remain open from 7 In the morning until
I at night Committeemen of both par
tie are making an effort to get the
backward one out at this time, al
though their efforts Thursday were not
very noticeable, as only a fair number
from each party availed themselves of
the last chance to register.
Condition of Injured Men.
William Resehke and Arthur Spenee.
who were both Injured in the auto acci
dent on the Q street viaduct Sunday
night, are reported to be slightly better
by those in attendance of their cases
at the south Omaha hospital. It wss
thought yesterday morutng that Resehke
had contracted pneumonia, but the sym
oms are reported to be not as alarming
a at 'first Both men, however, are In a
very dangerous condition.
Faaeral of William Iske.
The funeral of William Iske waa held
at o'clock Thursday afternoon at Union
church. Burial wa in the Balle cemetery-
Mr. Iske was one of eight brother, who
own hundred of acrea of land tn Sarpy
county and are ranked among It most
wealthy citizens.
Mr. Glnjohn Recover! na.
Mrs. Natorla Glujohn, S007 N treet.
who was shot by her husband Tuesday
nieht, 1 reported to-be much better. The
police are tlll looking for tho husband,
who disappeared immediately following
the shooting.
Superintendent N. M. Graham of the
of the pupils of each school. A number
of physicians haw volunteered to do the
work In view of controlling contagions
diseases. It Is generally believed Unit
a comjietent bacteriologist should be em
ployed for this purpose.
Magic City tiossln.
Chemkce coul, unscreened, U.I5; screen
ed. H.75, Mo nth . I lowland Lum. C0.1l.
The Magic City jSpell-lVtwn club bowls
this evening at the Hrunswtck alleys at
Twenty-fourth nnd M streets.
A dancing party will be given tomor
row evening at the Morse home by. the
Loyal Order of Moose at o'clock.
The local aerie of Eagles will give a
dunce tomorrow evening at the Iocs..
Kaglre' home at Tweniy-lliird and N
Office -pace for rent In He office, 2311
N street Terms reasonable. Well known
locution. Tel. South T.. j
Rev. Robert L. Wheeler of the First;
Presbyterian church is sending a few ,
days' vacation with friends In Mary
vllle. Mo. 1
The Adah Kensington has announced
Its next meeting to be held at the home
of one of their memoers next Thursday
The South Side Improvement club will 1
hold a at the Madison school I
this evening. All members are Invited ;
tc be present. ,
The King's Daughters of the First
Presbyterian rhuroh gave dinner yes
terday at tliu church at Twenty-third
and J streets.
The Shsnuotk foot ball team will give
a dance at the New Settlors' hall at
Thirty-sixth and V streets next Satur
day evening at o'clock.
Tickets for the high school foot ball
game to be held with Illair tomorrow
afternoon on the Hellenic f.eld are now
In circulation about the city.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Clifton
Hilt Presbyterian citirch will have a
rummage sale at Twenty-fourth and 1
streets next Saturday, October 17.
Phil Kearney post will meet next Sat
urday evening at the home of M. H. But
ton. 42 North Twentieth street. All
members are requested to be present
The Phil Kearney Woman' Relief
corps will hold Its regular meeting at the
home of Miss W. S. Anderson, I.'. Mon
roe street, next Saturday afternoon at K
The South Omaha High school foot
ball team w II meet tho Hialr lllrfh schoo.
fool ball tenm tomorrow arternoan 011
the Hclovuo field in Bellevue at 2:3-
The Oerman-American Democratic club
will hold its montlily Hireling at its
hall, 828 North Twenty-rourui btrcet.
next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Aii
candidates are Invited to be present.
Six-week tests are now In progress at
the high school. Principal Moore has is
sued a request that students shall nm
enter the examination room until ten
minutes before the opening of their ex
amination periods.
You will b better off In mind and
pocketrnok If ou fiure at Flynn's before
you buy fall und winter clothes. These
Hait, Schaftner Sc. Marx suits and over
coats are leaders. Yij can't find any
others that will match up with them.
Tbev are good to look at and they are
belter at tue price than sny other you
ean find. Ur ns in the youngsters. We
have the best lino we ever had and we
are pricing to git the business You II be
glad If you como here before you buy.
John Flynn & Co.
Mrs. Bryan Urges
Aid to Red Cross
WASHINGTON, Oct 16. Women prom
inent In official circle have been urged
to co-operate with the- Red Cross to
relieve distress In Europe by Mr. Wil
liam Jennings Bryan, who advised the
society today that the movement gave
every prospect of success.
rO (C? .1! A i H
Tho Greatest Furniture Opportunity of tho Year
Fl 8ale' th real reductions- The latest high grade stock of furniture, etc. in the city at sacrificed prices.
Read the bargains below. They aro only a few of many to be had during this sale. Call Saturday and learn of the big
values offered. ,
Special Convenient Monthly Payments Gladly Arranged
Open Ett!
Saturday J i f
r . i4i li
Nl.M. IHiKSSKR. Made entire
ly of solid . oak, with large
base, fitted -with threo roomy
drawer. Haa French plate
mirror, set In artlstlo o"Urved
standard. Highly polished and
nniHiieii golden.
A remarkable value
at this price
t.iitniin,, mi,
PO LID OAK 7-FIECE DJNINO UOO.M SET. An shown above. Md entirely of
wlerted wood, consisting, of sit chairs, upholstered In 1 111 portal leather and a
largo 4 2-tnch top claw foot extension table which extends to 1 ft. Comes In
golden oak finish only. Elaborately polished. JUHt the. dlnln tT A f "T r
rootn net you need. Complete combination offered for this Tl J M
week at only apla!
LONDON. Oct. W. The Morning Post
today asserts that It has proof that the
British fleet hss received official order
not to arrest nationals of belligerent
power In neutral ships.
Mrs, Billy Sunday
Spends Short Time
-Looking at Omaha
Mrs. Billy Sunday, wife of the baae ball
revlvallHt, passed through Omaha yes
terday afternoon and held a conference
between train "with local minister and
religious worker who have been plan
ning to have Sunday come here to "re
vive" thla city.
She declared that her husband wa
really going to run a revival session tn
Omaha, in spite of-everal "postpone
ments" that have - bean made. Whon
asked why his engagement In this city
had 'been repeatedly postponed, she
avelded making an' explanation.
A'htle in Omaha Mrs. Sunday spent a
few minutes at the Young Men's Chris
tian association, where she conferred
with two ministers and -two other re
ligious worker Interested In the pro
poned Sunday revival that may be held
here.. Rev. Charles XV. Savldge of the
jtpd placed hi car at her disposal while
in- Omaha.
Mrs. Sunday said she had Jost oome
from their big ranch In Oregon, and waa
now on her way to their eastern home
nt Winona Lake. Ind., where she la going
to look after their two young sons for
11 while.
Mexican Convention
the Supreme Power
MKXICO CITY. Oct. la-All the mili
tary chieftain Including Francisco
.Villa, Emtllano Zapata and Venuattano
('arranza are now subject to the orders
of the Aguas Calieute convention which
today, after a stormy secret session
voted itself the upreme power of the
land. The delegate took oath to abide
by the majority vote on all questions.
Including the form of government and
presidential succession.
Have Your Ticket Read Burlington
Winter Tourist Fares
In Effect October 15th to April 30th
Jacksonville, Fla,, direct route
Jacksonville, FU., one way vta Chicago and Washington, other
way vta Cincinnati or Louisville
Tampa, Fla., via Chicago or St. Louis -.
Miami, Fla., via Chicago or 8t, Louis
St. AnffUKtine, Fla., via Chicago or St. Louis ....
Ornionrt, FI., via Chicago or St. Louis
Palm Reach, Fla-, via Chicago or St. Lou 1b
I'msacola, Fla., via Chicago or Bt. Louis
New Orleans, Lia., vta Chicago or St. Louis -
Biloxl, Miss., via Chicago, Kansas City or St. Louis
Mobile, Ala., via Chicago, Kansas City or St. Louis
Charleston, 8. C, via Chicago, Kansas City or St. Louis
.$41. IS
. Diverse route tours to Florida at slightly higher fares.
Homeseekers' Fares
October 20 November 3 and'17, December 1 and 15
Galveston, Tex. . . .
Oorpoa Christ i, Tex
Beaumont, Tex. . . ,
Brownsville, Tex.
Port Authur, Tex.
Austin, Tex.
I kalian, Tex.
Pecoa, Tex
Miami, Fla. ...
Ban Antoni, Tex.
Houston, Tex. . , .
PalaUa, Fla. . . .
Tampa, Fla.
JMM 30
The Beat .Tala Killer.
' IlucKleu s Arnica .Salve when applied
to a cut, btuuie. burn, oald, etr. Re
lieves the palu. Get a' box. 25f. All
Urui Ists. AdverUmeut. I
The Trains to Use
St Louis Special at 4:30 P. M.
Kansas City Trains at 9:15 A. M., 4:30 P. M., 10:45 P. M.
Chicago Trains at 7:15 M., 3:45 P. M., 6:30 P. M.
Winter Tourlat and Homeseekers'
Fares to many other destinations, south
west, south and southeast.
Liberal stop-over privileges; write or
call for publications, information, etc.,
tnd let me help you plan an attractive
tour of the south.
J. B HKVNOIJiH, City Passenger Agrnt,
13UJ Farnam Kl., Omaha, cl.
Phone lnif. and lKug. 3.1H0.
I: iM j
SfTl ' Lcl Harlman F"lher You.r st ffS
rei IT TT
iticn-nrK'R ROMII oak- t.TnnATtT
d rocker upholstered with hlKh trale
Oil I'l.N 8KT. KXHCt v ttm 4 IttBiru shAva -k..iM
ul Inrhe. "and 'hJ, "J, l"h'r VV ,,,,, "nrln nslructlon. Table injure!?
lr Hrw.? - i JL? hv? eKH, mapraslne compartments at either ends. tr 4 f n
nn.KN'nin t'Pii fti,8TR wr.v
HIH'KKK nAHOAIV. !taa ex
tra ri)oniy cit. and mailn for solid
comfort. The frame Ih maaaive
and made of American ipiarter
eawed Imltntlon oak. The uphol
sterlnK Is senulne Imperial lea
ther over lull spring; seat ob
struction. A splen
did valuo
j i t a n 1. h
O II K S H KOlt M.
Iteprodure a p e ,
Jei-tly every line
of your flRiire.
Can be adjusted to
bust ii t 4.1 Inch
es. Nerh lii to I h
Inches. Waist
measures 20 to
S1H. In-hei. Hli
mnasurcs S5 to 19
Inciies Our spe
cial sale price
TAU Mode of solid oak and fln
lahed fumed. Htands .It inrhrs
hlnh. The heavy column lentn on
a broad flat hne. A very neat.
artKtii ann perte-iiy plain peio
tai, sproiaiiy priced
while a limited
number last
9 1 , VV'XvG
Hartman's Great
Free Premium Offer
Handsome 44-piece Dinner Set
given away absolutely free to
morrow with all sales, cash or
credit at the time of purchase
amounting: to $50 or over.
MASSrVK COLONIAL librahy tablk
of tuiUMual beauty. Made of high srade se
lected American quurter-sa,wed Imitation
oak. Vary . attractive. In one of the new
est popular designs. This table Is unus
ually w u made. The great
est value of Its kind
ever offered
a new Monnti coflpORT
Largest and Bes. Line of btoves in the City
iv in uiiiio-
SrWffaHFsH"i BaiaBfevaaMavaMaaiBBaaBHBBaj
i it; TOsVitM i. ' ii ?' We.Ara
it J a Tot
i .i mt'
I .ill I 1 fc f,r-
i 11
j0,d -tove
Taken in
. r,'A'rl 4
. ..
full of roal or coke will
hold the fire 2 hour with
out attention. No other
heater I
coal, wood
Perfect giia
umers. A mar
vel and a won
der. Up from
uniiuii. nu oLiiar , -n
Its clsa. Burna
id, coke or rubbish, JBjiiX,
lit and smoke con- C7n
"-Wke"- S
thruuRhniit of solid oak, splen
didly finished. 11a roomy base,
equipped with two utensil draw
ers, two large bins and kneading
Imnrd. Top fitted with China
compartment, tilting sugar bin
ami spice o rawer.
Hperlal price
' All
at Up
Oo in
put ly
Tree f
W Are
AgsaU Tor
CITY. Will hrat good i.i, y-
or tno r mv p
alzed room. MhiIm
finest blue aheet nteet. aT
lnuble cast fire box, neatly
tilrkel Ulmmed. Air tight
patent screw
draft. A re
markable value
JO '
HANGB. Made in slain colonial drxlm
with a larre 18-Inch oven and si 8-Inch
hoi top. Elaborately nickel trimmed. In
cluding towel bar extending aorosa the
front of the atove. Haa duplet grate and
exceptionally large lire Dox.
A 136.00 rang at
only ,
ifi grate tui"
1414-ib-lb Douglas bt.
on Your Old
Hl UNim. Has a larger radiating surface
than any stove offered at double the price.
Has a large 16-lnc.h fire-box, automatic,
magazine rover, duplex grate, patent shaker
ring ana unuuie section flues. Elegantly
nun pi irimmen. Absolutely
guaranteed and extremely
economical ,
fy - - 'i -
g I mm aaaaalafJaagMa1l n .
I-: '- rr--fH
't 'r r
WW ; M?y'Jw
WW v tiYf
18th and Cass Sta.
JOth and Harney Sts.
between low-power gasoline and
the mlles-pcr-flallon gasoline
Motors start hard in winter on ordinary gasoline. Try
Red Crown the gasoline full of heat and power
atomizing easily quick-starting at any temperature.
It costs no mora
Buy Red Crown by name at any garage or supply store.
You can reduce wear and tear on your engine use
POLARINE, the standard oil tor all motors.
Standard Oil Company