Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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much larger number would hare been ao
commodated at Lowe Avenue, Presby
terian church of which Mr. and Mrs.
Fleming were charter members, but the
weather forbade Mr. Fleming's ventur.
ing out.
Dr. A. F. Ernst, pastor, and Dr. Nath
aniel McGlffln of Fremont, former pastor
of this church, conducted the services.
Dr. McOiffln. who had known Mra.
Fleming longest, said It was needless to
"speak for her In death, for she had
spoken for herself in this long and bleared
life. Of her It may be truly said, she
had done wharhe could."
The singers wre Mrs. Mullts of Council
Fluffs, Miss Dttnock. H. H. ryn. and
Frank Underwood. The pallbearers were
Dr. H. M. Mcflanahan. Dr. J. M. Patton.
O. W. Hervcy, Charles E. Ady, George M.
D.mou. R. A. Mi l arlnne, A. H. Wells
and Jamra 13. Wootan.
The floral tribute arre. profuse and
beautiful. The ramet was covered with
a spray of American Beauty roees and
embanked with flowers of many var
ieties. Mra. J. K. Fleming, who died Monday
nlKht. was laid at rest In Mouat Hope
cementery Wednesday afternoon. The
funeral services were held at the home,
4123 iAfayette avenue, which wss over
flowed with frlen'ls and neighbors. A
Bee Want
Ada Arc tho Best nuslnees
Thursday, October 15, 1914.
UFFg and anti-ruffs have Mine veiling experiences when campaign
lng. Miss Jans TnomsoTi, Yassar graduate, and Juno-eeque beauty, j
who la retting votes for auf'rage by making street speeches earn i
evening from her automobile, ran up against a difficult situation
)ast evening and, aa usual, waa equal to It. j
Miss Thomson spoke for an hour and a half to a large audience at
fifteenth and Douglaa streets. In the crowd waa a decidedly picturesque j
gladiator, who looked aa If he were the western villain In the movies. He
waa at least six feet and aa many more Inches, and If he hadn't been either
part Indian or Mexican, he certainly would have been the "white hone."
I think he was part Indian and had found a lot of "fire water" before run
ning Into Mies Thomson's meeting.
He gave an extra hitch to his chaps, loosened the red 'kerchief
around his neck and waved . hie huge sombrero, "I'm Buffalo Bill," he
shouted, "and I nave Just come from South America."
"Will some man kindly lead this man away?" asked Mies Thomson In
key winning way. Many a would-be hero looked at the Intruder, but dared
not go up to the giant.
Finally Miss Thomson opened the door of her car and stepped down
and out Into the crowd and up to the "big chief." Now Miss Thomson Is
bead and shoulders above the average woman in site, but she scarcely
reached to the shoulders of the huge Intruder, but she was not afratd.
"Now, see here, this Is my meeting, and I want you to get. Good bye!" she
exclaimed, and he slunk awsy through the crowd.
Engagement Dinner.
Dr. and Mra. Donald Macrae ef Council
Bluffs entertained at a beautifully ap
pointed dinner Ut evening at their home
when the engagement waa announced of
thlr daughter. Mlaa Marion Macrae, to
Ir. Clifford Wolfe of Omaha, son ef Mra.
Joseph Baldrlge.
Mini Macrae la one of the moat beauti
ful young women In society and attended
achool at Mis Hall's in Plttafleld. Uui,
nd graduated from Mini Loiing'g school
In Chicago.
Mr. Wolfe attended college at Pomford,
"onn., and later at : Andover. Ha baa
made many f rlends slnoe coming to
Omaha to reside.
The wedding wilt take place tn January.
Pink and white roses and cosmos
formed the decorations at the dinner
party and the evening waa spent dene
lirg. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrlge.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart. 2d.
Mft and Mra. (Icnrge Van llrunL
Mr. and Mra. Raymond Conner of Den-Ison.
Mr. and Mrs. Wirflam Douglas.
Mr. and Mrs. William Coppock.
Ir. and Mrs. B. A. Merritt.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae.
Mrs. F.lixabeth Wtldman.
Mrs. Beach of New York.
Mrs. H. C. Miller.
Mrs. A. D. Weston.
Data Is still being gathered locally on
the reaxone why Omaha should tie re
tained as the location for one of the
three Indian warehouses in the United, The data is being gathered by
the Commerleal club. The material will
be forwarded to Cato Hells, who Is com
missioner of Indian affairs at Washing
ton. (,'
Dee Want Ada Produce Resulta.
Marlon Macrae,
3uise Dtnnlna.
Kltsabeth Davis,
Clifford Wolfe,
Donald MrFerron
of, Chlceao,
U: H. Baldrlge,
Koger Keellne.
Marie Darts
Maria Stewart.
W. F. Smith.
Creorge Wright
K. W. Hart.
Robert Dinning,
Wiilard BuUer,
.0 v
Candidates on the republican ticket for
the various .offices to be filled at the
coming election will give a luncheon at
the Rome hotel Monday evening, at which
time the mem be re of the county central
committee will be the guests.
Puellian Club.
The Puetllan club bald its business
meeting Monday evening at the home of
Miss Ruth Gentleman. OfOoers ware
elected and novel entertainments planned
for future gatherings. The members are:
- Misses Misses
Helen Oentlemun, Bees gentleman, -Margaret
He vane, Helen O'Brien,
Aline Gentleman, Agnes Gentleman,
r-tacla Kefhmsrk. Beas Coufal,
l.oretta Gentleman, Ruth Gentleman.
Mario O'Brien,
Afternoon Bridpe.
Mine Mercedes Caughlan entertained at
a bridge party this afternoon la honor of
Mrs. Blaine Young, whose marriage was
celebrated laat week. Autumn leaves"
were used In the decorations and three
tables were placed for the Kama.
UcKeen-Jenien Wedding".
The marriage of Mlsa Emails Jensen,
daughter of Mr. and Mra L. P. Jensen
and Mr. Roy McKeen of Blair, waa cele
brated Wednesday afternoon at- the
home of the bride In the presence of the
Immediate relatives at tha young couple.
The Rev. Helvereon of tha Swedish
Lutheran chnreh performed tha ceremony.
Tba bride waa gowned In pale green
crepe de ehine, with trimmings ef cream
lace and wore a corsage bouquet of
t rides' rows and lilies of tha valley.
Miss Esther Denlson aad Mr. Edward
' Durant were the only attendants.
After tha wedding dinner tha young
couple left for Blair, where they will
make their borne.
Aloha itigh Five (Hub.
Mra. J. F. Novak entertained the mem
bers' of tha Aloha High Five olub at her
borne Wednesday afternoon. Prisea ware
won by Mlsa Nell Barnum. Mra, T. W.
Vtck. Mra. C. T. Ratekln and Mra. G W.
OtM. Mrs. C. Breen waa the guest of
the elub. Mrs, O. Flubr will entertain
the dub In two weeks.
Zimmerman-Baufc-hmtn Wedding.
Miss Blanche E. Zimmerman and Mr.
jPavid M. . Baughman of Des Moinea, la.,
were united In marriage at S o'oloc k Tuea.
day evening by Rev. M. V." Hlgbee at bla
borne. 'll Maple street Mr. Baughman
la officially connected with 'the fraternal
society ot Yeomen. The horde of tha
koung people will be at Knoavllle, la. j
Pleasures Past.
Mr.- P. H. Dreibus entertained at din
ner -at W roth's cafe Saturday evening.
Hia guests were Mr. und Mrs. Amos
Olson of Council Bluffs and Mr. C. S.
Hife of this cJty,
Tor Mn. Magee.
Mra V. C. Bradford entertained in
formally at bridge this afternoon at her
home for Mra. Jerome Magea, who Is
spending . the week here. Two table
were placed for the bridge game.
In and Out of tbe Be Hive.
Mra. Robert Warren Vlutor of Lincoln
is tbe guest of Mlsa Mae Engler.
Mjse Verne b If lea of Chicago is the
guat of her aunt, Mrs. Grant Wliltema.
Mlsa irlee will be in the city several
JMlas Franoea Plummer ef Silver Crack,
la, who has been the guest ef Mlaa
Kranoea Ptattl for the laat two weeks,
returned to her home Wednesday,' accorn
panted by Mia Ptattl, who will be her
gueet for twe weeka
Mrs. P. Clem Deaver has returned frero
Wyoming, where she spent tbe summer
with her aon, Qulntin K. Deaver, ef Caa.
per, Wyo. Mra. Deaer left the last of
the week for fceneca. Kan., where ahe will
be with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Pulll
Xan. ,
Bee.Waot Ada Proce Reeujta , j
Oocond Floor Paxton Block
Friday and Saturday
Interest is unabated In the mag
nificent display anil enthusiasm la
undiminished. Kverywhere we)
hear the most favorable comments
upon the wonderful values here,
the great variety In styles, and the
cxrluslveness of the models.
Hats Soiling
at a Sacrifico
Friday and Saturday w-e will sell hats that
formerly sold for I5,00 to $23.
dlculoualy low price of SIO.OO
nave that Individuality, character
tlveneee so much sought for by all well dressed
Remember, all $15 to $25 hats will be sold
Friday and Saturtiay at
.oo at tlie rl- A
I. Tlwae liata jH1
r and dlstino f
T!5rrT:'i:3"rirr ixs? una
$1 Umbrellai
FrMir- Mmtn Flear.
Men's snd Women's
t'mbrellss. Regulsr
li.OO values In every
way. I.arjra sssort
ment of handles. A
big bargain.
ll ::iLr'::: '"Jc ;r":ill;:i,"",,:,.JI, , , 1,1 'te 1
$1 Hand Ba i
FHdar Mat"Vloer.
Heal Leather Hags.
The biggest values at
this price you have
ever seen. Guaran
teed real leather
bcc. A very Special
Underwear and Hosiery Bought at About 60 Now on Sale
A abort while ago Otto E. Dryfoos A Sons, commission merchants, removed from 274 Church street to Twetitv-fourth street and Fourth avenue.
New York. To reduce their stocks before removal they made us offers at very low figures. This merchandise Is now here Just when you want It
most, at savings of one-third and more In many instances.
Women's Union Suits
h la silk s
f. and fir
P" slses.
l, rettea a ma wnel
Ine cottons. All styles snd
Worth to 11.75.
HhIs on Msin Floor, Fri
day, suit
Women's Union Suits
Me4laat aaa Cleeey Maed eettena.
All styles and sizes. Val
ues up to fl. Pale on Main
Floor Friday, suit
Women's Corset Covers
la mealam weight ecte high neck,
elbow sleeve. Rises 4, h a ay
and (. 2 c values. Sale on I 1
Main rioor Friday, st
' Children's and' Boys' Union Suits
Heavy fleered eoltea, high neck,
long sleeves, ankle length, drop
seat. Broken lots and f
sixes. Worth to c. Sale JlMp
on Mala Floor Friday, at... eW
Women's Union Suits, Vesta and
Hla-h eck, long sleevea, aakle
lengths. In ribbed cottons, fleecy
lined and cresm, B9 quaj
men. taie
Friday at.
In basement
Children's and Boys' Vssta, Pants,
Shirts and Drawers
neavy ana axinia neeeee eetteaet
rream, oieacned and gray.
, Worth to tie. garment. Bale
on Main Floor Friday at ..
Boys' Shlrta and Drawers
Heavy fleered ewHoai gray only.
Slses s to If yeara. 35c f
values. Sale In Basement. I Hi
Friday, per garment aayy
Men's Union Suits
l,efl Pall ana W later Weigh Palss
Salts for 'Mea Made of medium
heavy weight ribbed and fleered
cotton; all slses, in ecru colors
and mixtures. Nat a stilt la tbe
let werth leas tkaa at JOO. m r.
All go In our big lot In
ithe basement, suit...
Men's Shirts and
IM Dasea Fall and Winter Weight
Shlrta and Drawers far Men.
Wool, cotton ribbed and extra fine
quality fleece lined. Valnea g
mp T5c a garment. In .lif
basement, per garment.... '
i Men's Union Suits
S40' Kztra Heavy and Medlnm
Welabt Ribbed t nl Salta far
Men In eeru and gray colors,
closed crotch, extra well made and
Terrect fitting Werth ta
a SI. 25, In basement Fri
day, per suit
gK Daaen Pine Aaallty Ribbed aad
Worsted Mlaea I'nlea Salta far
.wen in ecru and gray colors.
worth ta On Main
Floor of old store, Fri
day, per suit
Men's Shirts and Drawers
as Fine Weal and Worsted Mlzea
Shlrta and Drawers In tan and
fray, brown mixtures; all sixes.
td 50, both in shirts and draw
ers. Made by one of the best un
derwear mills,. Valnea aa ta U
garment, on Main Floor
of old store Friday, per
Wamen'a Mlnrk lloee Full fashion
ed, high spliced heels and toes;
double solea. Also black
black with spilt soles.
Jfc nuallty. pair
Women's Fibre and Pare Thread Silk
Bant Haae With high spliced
heel snd toes, double OA
soled. Blank. Good 50e 4f
value, now aaev
Wemen'a Uk Male Haae In black,
tan and white. Full fashioned,
with double soles, heels and toes.
Also llbre silk and ribbed
top all-wool seamless
hose, pair
Men's Caahmere Weal Haae Full,
seamlens, in plain black a p
snd natural color. Worth 'IJlC
up to 29c, pair w
Bay' and Glrla' Blark Haae Fine
and heavy ribbed, with p
double knees, soles, heels IjC
and toes, pair w
Men's Gloves
A big manufacturer's sample line.
There are dress gloves, street
and driving gloves in
this lot. Some are lined, others unlined. Mochas. Genuine
Buck, lined and unlined Kid Gloves and Mittens. Values
$1.50, $1.75 and $3.00. Your choice Friday at t . . . ,
Dress Goods and Linings
A Few Trimmed Beauties
Whether you want Just a hat for general werf?S ". ff
or a rreation to harmonise with the dreanlnesl J 1 t
of costume, it will pay you to nee these. V vU
37.SOtO$.5.0Q C7 CA CE
Values Friday & Sat. $9.
Ltoice o
J mi
0 Ma
In Our
Millinery Section
dar on Main Floor. Yard
5 Cases of Travelers'
Imported Samples
These samples are matched up, 2 to
pleoea of a kind and pinned to
gether. They conalst of all kinds of
nign class French and Uerman Preae
Uoods, and worth as high aa I2.JS
a J mra. npaciai
on Main Floor,
each piece
39c & 49c
2.500 Fine Dress Patterns
At Bla; Baanrtlana In frlee
cacn pattern contains ample m
Comprising many big lots of mill ends, remnants, samples
that are the biggest kinds of bargains.
Mill Kaa Remnant l.eagtba and
Samale rieeea of all kinda ot
Suitings, Coatings, French Flan-
' nel. French ChaRles. at
Vi and Less the Regular Prices
Hale Msin Floor snd Basement.
Sample Una af Fine Caatlagra
Broadcloth, Mannish Huttings,
heavy and medium weight plaids
and roman stripes. In lengths
from I to ( yards. Worth TA
to $2.10. Main Floor. Mf
aoe Tarda af Vine all Waal Mill
Knde Mostly ll.lato 2.0 a
yard material and suiting. All
ferfect goods except tbey are cut
n lengths. In French - and storm
serges, fancy orepes, poplins,
eplngla, mlied suitings, broad
cloths, Keraey suitings. r n
chinchillas, eto. On Main AMf
Floor. Tard
feSee Tarda af BO ta Ba-laek Mill
Kada af Ollver'a Snlttngs In fan
cy weaves, diagonals, whipcords,
Vlgoreaux and Victoria suitings,
including many different style
coatings. Worth to 11.30. f ft
Main Floor, Friday. Per hllC
yard UV.
llee Tarda af Cat Plea and Rem
anta French challiea in medium
and dark grounda, and French
Flannels. Regular 80c to sir
le qualities. Hnecial Frl- ATtlZ
t prices
rial for anv atvls draaa or an it in mit
the plain and fancy weaves. All
weights, serges and fancy twills,
tancv weavea, poplins, chiffon broad
cloths, black and white cheeks, and
fanry stripes. Each pattern
$1.85, $2.48. $2.95
Dress Goods Remnants
in Basement
asvaa w IV f i.VV
Three Cases af Travelera Dress
fiends Samalea flultabla for all
purpoaea. Would aell up to 11.00
jaru in ine DOlt.
Your choice Fri
day, each ,
MSO Tarda af Fine Drees Gaads
Remnanta In lengths of IVi to (
yards In all kinds of weaves and
fall colorings. The accumulation
of our. recent special dress goods
sales. Choice Friday, per remnant
69c, 95c and $1.39
Linings-Main Floor
Rmuiti Sf Ptae Satin FlnUhea1
aatme Dark and light
colors. M Inches wide. Sic
value. Friday, yard
IS Pleees af One 8e IJnea
Canvaa Yard.
SB Place, af Onr 1B Web
ater Pereallna Tard
Be Plreea Priaeesa Sana
Worth 2 so. Tard
Silk and Velvet Bargains
All on Sale on Main Floor Friday
See Tarda af High Olaas Silk Remnanta-
In 27-inch, S-inch and 40
inch widths. Splendid remnanta
for daneing frocka, party gowns,
shps, fancy waists, petticoatand
LsCr,ot.3:??50cand 98c
Plain and Fancy Velvet Remnanta
For sulu, coats, millinery and
trimming purposes. One
to ten yards long. Very
special at. yard
BT-Ineh All Silk Tarn Dyed Meeaa
Ine. S4-Inrh Faaey Silk.. 40-1 nek
Crinkled Crenee. 40-Inek Fen-
tarda, la striae. Worth
to 11.00 a yard. Special
Friday at
ae-Iark Silk ana Waal Pontine. 40
Inek Creea de Cklae. 44-lark Crepe
de Porta. ee-Iack Satin de Uu.
ae-Inek Blark Satin. SS-Inck
Biaek pean e Sale. Worth
up to 11.60 a yard.. Spe
cial Friday at...
Women's Gloves
SO doi. Sample Gloves, worth to 11.00
pair. Two-clasp Leatherette duplex
SloVes, two-claap ' Chamotsette
loves, and 1 (-button length Cham
oisetta gloves.' They come in white
and assorted eolors. Not all stses in
every style, but a very good assort
ment to choose from. Kvery pair
perfect. Sample of one of the fore
most manufacturers and
importers. They are
tha biggeat bargain
have orrered for soma
time. Special, Friday,
per pair
'set sg a traaa.
Bargains in Notion,
Ittc yard Wash Edging. Fast 1
colors It
10c dot. shell and amber hair pins, B
10c pair Hhoa Trees, 'Friday Ba
to Elastic RemnanU, Friday a for fte
So dox. good Safety Pins ...le
SOo dos. spools King's Thread . . . ,lne
Sc paper best Go Id -Eyed Needles. ..le
liiZ'r- .n. ... 3 for 5c
5c spool San Silk. Friday a Vic
10c for 12-yd. bolt Bias Tate...8Ve
sc iuo-ya. spool ciara'a Machine Of
10c pair "Brandeia Special" Hose X. S
Supporters - ft
Men's Clothing
Maeklaaw Cut. All wool. 34 to
16 inch, long, shawl collar,
all around. $9.60 values.
Special Friday, basement
Mea's Pant a All wool woreted. cas
almeres, tweeda, aergea. Hires 111
to it. A savtna of from $1.50 to
? 2.0fl on each. Friday 1 QQ
n tha basement '''
Men's and Teuna Men's Salt. Well
tllor.d. In browns, grays
to 14.
fancy mixtures. 8 1 sea 14
Itegular l 60 valuea,
Special Friday, baaement.
Ceen Ceata, with ahawl collar, $25
Union Made Overalls, 49o
lee Travelara' ganaelaa af Iiea Car.
talaa ana Net. Worth from 1 C -toe
to 60c each. Friday at....
1 Case ef Kstra Heavy Cretan a
Worth 4c a yard. Your 0
choice, yarn........
Caaea Fine Laee Cartalna From
one to thiee pieces ot a kind. CO
Special for Friday, each
For All Types of Fifuits
Regardless of
What Former
Medium and Law Taps Very
ever hip. with four heavy
farlera attached. 81 sea
I to SO, at
Braealeres Mad. af good quality
mualta. trimmed with embroidery
edging, front or back 1 C
closing, at. ..... .
Cktldren. aad flirt Camnria Walat.
and Bay.' Jean Walata tflses 1 Q
from I to 14 yeara. at v
Boys' Clothing
Values that prove there la no
place like Brandeia' Basement for
real bargains.
A beat STB gait. All Norfolk mod
els, blses I to II. Valuea t 6 to
Ut... 11.85
ays' Chinchilla O vert-eat a In gray,
blue and brown. Alao other splen
did winter coats. All button-to-neck
atyles. Agee 14 to It yeara.
da'yUfo"rU.P. !. V:". . TH. . . .12.25
Baa Sweateea just what your
- boys want new for this chilly
weather. Many of these sweaters
nave large ruff neck rollara Uriv
blue. tan. braan and pleaty of reda
and marooaa. nomi have alight
imperfection. Agea to II yeara
I 0 and 11.00 grades. At.
Friday for , VflC
Baa' Kalekeraerker Panto Heavy
weight fabric. ISo to II JO
valuea. Many are lined "'C
Bar.' Plaaarl Remaere Blue
and gra. 7c ktua. Friday.
Coats for Women. Misses and Children
Sal Friday in Baaement At Money Saving Price
1,000 Pluah coata, worth up to $35.00 Purchased from a manufacturer
who had to turn hie aurplua stock into ready cash at once. They are full
length, made of fine silky plush, finest of satin linings. Many are genuine
Beaiette plush with labels attached. Others are in Plain Plush, Baby
Lamb, Caracul, plain Plush and Caracul Combinations. Dozens of styles
with fancy oroamenta, etc. All slses 4,4 n 1 Si r
for women and misses. Grouped at ll UK nnH k I K
two prices for Friday yVJO ailll piJ
Women's and Misses'
Cloth Coats
Hand red. af Splendid Garments
biaek and colors, plaids and fan
cy mixtures. All the new styles
belted backs, high standing col
lar, basque effects, etc. All lined.
In the lot are fine black coats
Coats Worth $7.50 to
Bfemen'a aad Mlaaea Ceata Made of
of all wool Boucle. Chinchilla. Mel
ton, Fancy Mixtures. Black and
colors. Many are all lined. Ios
ens of styles to choose from. Long
and short coata. Not one worth
leaa than 17.60 and from f J An
that on up to 112.(0. A Stl HX
big bargain Friday at... ''
Another Big Lot of Coats
For Women and Misses
Blaek aad Celared 'Winter Ceata
All good styles. Solid colors, plain
blacka and fancy rolsturea. Chln-
hllla. Caracul, etc.
Wonderful bargains
FrWay at
Children's Coats Fri
day in Basement
uy ivBirnu.
Ceata Werth rg ta STJSO Of plain
and rough material.. Some with
the new capes over shoulder ef
fect. Black and colored coats of
every description.. Baby Lamb,
caraoui. nuan, Two
Tone Mixtures. Chin
chillas, etc. Friday at.
Cklldren's Ceata, Age. I I I and
ta 14 Black and colors. Bearskin
coata in all colors and white, with
quilted linings. Fancy mixture
coata ana coat or two-tone ma
terials, values up to
14.80. Special Friday
at , . . ,
Children's $2.50 Coats
Age. 3 ta S and ta 14 Blacks and
colors, fancy mlxtur.a, a m g
llT?0."':. '. . . . v 4U
Children's Light Weight
ta and
All Oen aeylea. Also raincoats
uapaav valuea up to
ti.. Special Friday
clal for Friday while
ooaen last. .ecu.
1 ri
Oae Let af Sweater Caat. Tnat Are
Wertk mp ta aa-aa Htgh neck. V
necaa. wide aa ni
row belta. AH
colors, special Friday.
Wemen'a and Mlaaea' Sweat ere wertk
aa ta M-ae All colors
and white. With or
without belt. Friday
eater wertk
Ctrl. Sweatera Warth a ta as.
nes up to it years.
Red. gray and white.
Special Friday
Jtmr Sweatera Werfk nn ta SI .OS
81lp-over-tha-bead style. Fine for
gymnaalum and skating. n
All slses. Red aad gray. hAC
hpacial Friday at..." UOl
Oaaalna Amaakeag Fleeced Flannel
, Extra weight, heavy twill qual
ity, warm fleecy nap. Light blue,
navy, pink, gray, scarlet aad
white. lOe value aa sale 9l
Friday, yard C
Gennlne Ameakeae Oatlngt Flannel
Fine quality and weight, warm
double nap. In all tba choice fancy
atrlpes and checks. 10c value, oa
speelal sale Friday, ?1
yard J
Blearked Shaker aad Daanet Flannel
Vary fin. quality, both atd.a
napped, tr value, oa spe
cial set. Friday, yard....
aey Onttna riaaarl IT tnch.a
wide. In plain and faacy weavea.
Bmall check a and figures, hairline
atrlpea, light blue. pink. etc. 0
value, special Friday, r
yard OC
Beaatlfal Cartala Sertaa la all the
nsw 1114 designs and eoluringa.
neat flgurea. Oriental aad ataln
ef facta, to value. Friday, 1
off the bolt, yard fC
40-Inek Ottwmnn Sitka. 4-fact FnUle
SabUme. 0-lneh Satin Meteor.
ge-Inek Blaek Imported Satin. Sfl
Inek Black SUk Peplla. XA-lacfc
Blaek Impart ra Cklffan Taffeta.
Worth up to 2.00
a yard. Special Fri
day, yard
Banlevard Velvet In all the newest
autumn shades, and black. Ex
ceptional value, a regu- ft
lar $1.00 quality, Friday. hM
yard war.
Elgh diss Artificial SUk Fori
Very fashionable for oats and man
teaux. Worth to $S.0. at ft
. f r" . T. . . v "
1 Pieces Blaek Velvet 23 Inches
wide. Millinery quality; aslQ
very special, FrWay, per j I 43r
yard .' T
Blaek Chlffea Velvet The height of
fashion. 41 Inches fa fA
wde. Speoial price, ipai.ijjji
m?----m- " w '"" '9 mamji- , 1 11 111 111
Linen Section
Ac Bedl gpreada These are large
slse, heavy crochet kind, hammed
ends. For rooming houses and ho
tels. Special Friday in the
basement while 100 last, at.
Se Crib Spreads and B elate re In g
the crochet and Marseilles kind. B
Special in basement Friday, 2
while SO last "C
Ttte Craak In the plain and twilled S
weaves. A good, heavy toweling i5'
for general wear. Friday, C j
while 100 piece, last, yard...dC
Te Towellaa Heavy unbleached cot-
ton toweling. Special Frl- Af &
. day, yard C f
10. Fall smacked TarkJah Tawela h
t ringed enqs. fancy borders. Spe- f?
Sfie Pair, af Weenea'e Dree. Shaea
Patent leather, dull Calf, kidskin
snd tan leathers; button and lace
styles. All new laata, and all
sizes. Strictly up-to-date. Worth
.50. 13.00 and t3.69 pair.
idly In basement, pair.
SSO Pair, af Men'. Sknea In dull
calfnktn, button and blucher lace.
Wide, roomy laata. tn all sises.
Friday in tha basement. QQ
Mea'a Haaae SUppera In Imitation
leather and embroidered velvet.
Comfortable slippers In all slses.
In basement Friday, 59c
Glrle' ahoee In all alseaiup te I.
vipi Kta sain, patent leather tips.
wide lasts. In baaement
Friday, pair ,
Jecker Benta far Mtaeea aad Call
dren Patent leather or gun metal'
calf. Extra high tops with patent
leather collars. All sizes f QQ
up to S. In baaement Friday
Felt gltppere far Wsnea Romeo
style, fur trimmed, flexible leath
er sole. All sixes and assortment
of colors. In baaement
Friday, pair
Wemen'a Rabbern Storm cut. All
slses. 0c quality. In base- jO
went Friday, pair
lafaata' Sfceea Two or three hun--dred
samples, broken lines, etc
Fine hand-turned soles, patent
leather, kldakln and colored kid.
Worth up to f 1. 10 a pair. Qftr
In basement Friday
Ceaala. Merrtma. Darkling S1
and Pnrttt. Meltea Fleaea Kinase
Flaaaer la neat daeigas for k l
monoa, dressing aacquea and wrap-
?era, also kindergarten affects.
t Ho values, speclsl Friday, rj-
yard ?v
Cnbleacked Maallia 3 Inches wide.
Full standard quality, fine soft
finlah. ea.,llv bleached. Regular
t value. Friday, off tha A
bolt, yard
Blraekea Manila and Cambrte 34
Inehea wide. Fine quality.
rtnlah, easilv laundeiea. Te
value, on sal. Friday, yard...