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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1914)
TlIK BKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY. OCTOl'.KK 16. 10H. Nebraska Nebraska Present Battle Line from the North Sea to the Alps SOME COUNTIES 0YERPA1D, Dawson and Phelps Get Platte Bridges Btate Auditor Discovers Small Amounts Due on Insanity Fees. LEGISLATURE TO REFUND CASH Xtmie F.xixrta Knew tn Lincoln After Valuation Pro He of Snath Omaha Stock Yard oil HowJI ( Complaint. I.KXINOTON. Neb.. Oct 15-Krerlal.) The temporary rantralnlim order filed stainst the counties of Dawson and Phelpe and the oontrartors to restrain them from building the two state aid cement bridges across the riatts river aouth of Lexington and Overton wag dissolved by Judge Orlmea today. (Im a Staff Corespondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. l (Sneclai.)-ln look ing over the claim against counties due the state on the old insane accounts State Auditor Howard discovered several coun ties that have paid have overpaid the ! amounts due, and he will ask the legis lature to pass a bill which will allow these countled to. be paid back the amount rhlch they have overpaid. These coun ties are as follow, with the amount which tlio auditor will ask the legislature to re turn. The total amounts to tlR.50: Jtdatis .34 Perkins I .33 Antelope .& Flatte R.M Brown 1.3 Red Willow... 1 .42 Cherry S3. OS Saline 33. "0 . neyenne vi.( newira Custer 11. Sheridan St.M T'ixon 10.U Sherman 5.13; Jiundy U.67 Sioux 1 9 I-'rankim 47 Thayer SbM Frontier 42 Valley r.S Tnmaa W Washington... 3X4' Opener 1.83 teuel 72 3rant 30 Fanner 46 Jvrney gO.FT Morrill 11 kr Paha ... 4.M Thurston 8. fin Knox S.M Rock 04 Ianraster 2.f2 Royd 1.6S frterr!ck tm.V Kimball 2.07 Finish) Tarda Inquiry. Rate Expert IT. O. Powell and his assist ants have finished the Investigation of the South Omaha stock yards and re turned to Lincoln yesterday. The hear ing In the matter, made on complaint of tfcV B. Howell, will bo had next Tuesday. New Omaha Firm. The Frank Underwood Carburetor com pany of Omaha Is a new corporation fil ing with the secretary of slate today, ffho capital Is given as tln.ono, and the In corporators are George L. Campen, Frank 0. Underwood and William J. Dobbs. Kind Case 'of Donrine. State Veterinarian Klgin and Dr. Mur ock of South Omaha, government spe cialist on diseases of stock, have gone tr Wecta; in Thomas county, to Investi gate a case or two of dourlne in stock amjn-rea oy ur. uay, special veterinarian W.rUinjr under direction of the State Live ptoik Sanitary board. Dr. Day was in that vicinity last week and discovered (rymptoms of the disease and reported the same to the state veterinarian. Redaction at Shops. FAlRBUUr. Neb., Oct. 15 (Special.) A reduction has been made in the work ing hours of the Rock Island locomotive Bliops and car yards at this point. The tnen go to work at 7 a. m. and cease rork at 4 p. m., making an eight-hour schedule. It is expected that a reduction in employes will te made in the sear Suture. , Bee Want Ada Are the Best Business 5ooiter. Small Da ma a; e hy Ptrei OENBVA, Neb.. Oct. 1!. (Special.) Pour or five hundred dollars' damage was (Cone by a midnight blaze In a show, win dow at the-' Vawter- Racket stora...... The Vawtef took and '. grocery atock of A. tutler,& Co. wag daisagej by Water a"nd niolte., '.' i Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy is Home' Made Easily Prepared la a Few Mla ntea. Cheap bnt Uaeooalea MRS. CLEAVER OF NELIGH HEADS DEGREE OF HONOR FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. 15. (Special Tel egram.) The grand lodge of the Degree of Honor closed Its state session late this evening by installing the following list of officer: Grand chief of honor. Mrs. Mayme Hed rlck Cleaver, Nellgh; grand lady of honor. Mrs. Magnolia luke, North PlaMe: grand chief of ceremonies. Mrs. Christine Ya ger. Hastirgs- grantf usher, Mrs. Anna Orossman. Moldrrge; grand recorder, Miss Rose ItctTi'-k, Uncoln: grand treasurer. Mrs. Kate Pchmidt. Omaha: Inside watch, Mrs. Mir Walker, McCook; outside watch, Mrs. F.lla Williams, Sidney; grand medi cal examiner, Dr. Adda Wiley Ralston, Omaha; inemnrra of finance committee, Mrs. AdVlla Harding of Hebron for full term and Lena Herre of Fremont to fill vacancy. . Lincoln was selected as the meeting placo of the next session. The attendance of visitors and delegate numbered over 600. Sessions were held at the Larson theater and Masonic hall was used for the exemplification of the work which was put on Tuesday evening by a team from Fremont lodge No. SJ. Mrs. Munson of Kansas briefly ad dressed the women at their session this morning on woman's suffrage. E. F. LEARY IS WEDDED TO MISS PEN NELL AT M'COOK M'COOK. Nob., Oct lk (Special Tele gram.) Kdward Francis Leary of Omaha and Miss Iah Isabel Pennell of this city were married in St. Patrick's Catholic church this morning, Rev. A. II. Kunx. O. M. I., pastor, and FHther Barry, his as sistant, performing the solemn nuptial mass, with a brillian gathering of Mc Cokk people as a congregation. Dr. Lewis Bushman, Harold Thompson, Frank Mc Cafferty and Alfred Crelgh, all of Omaha, wer ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Leary of Omaha were best man and matron of honor. A reception followed at the home cf the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen nell, at which a largo number of McCook and out-of-city people were present. The wedding party departed tonight for their homo in Omaha, where at the residence of the bride and groom another reception will be .given before the departure for the cast on their wedding trip. Fatrbnry News Notes. FAIRBURT. Neb Oct U. (Bpenial.) U. L. Rice has returned from a month's sojourn in Los Angeles, Cal., and resumed his work as operator in the telegraphic department at Fatrbury. Alfred A Straube ia confined to his homo with serious illness. Charles H. Lair is hauling the Denver Express runs between Falrbury and Phllllpsburg, Kan.,' after being off duty six months on account of the death of his wife. ' ' A delegation of Jefferson county repub lican candidates fs touring the county this week and sneaking at the small towns. The party comprises oounty and legislative candidates. Rome Tiennle are ennatsntlv annnvsil from one year's end to the other with a ficrsistent nronchial couch, which ia whol- remedy that (rets right at the cause and Brvtl 1 make you wonder what became of it. tiet 2Vfc ounces 1'inex (60 cents worth) from any druggist, pour into a pint bottle nd All the bottle with plain granulated cugar syrup. Start taking it at once. Gradually but surely you will notice tbo phlegm thin out and then disappear al together, thus ending a cough that you never thought would end. It also loosens the dry, hoarse or tight cough and heals the inflammation in a painful cough with remarkable rapidity. Ordinary coughs ffe conquered by it in 24 hour's or less. .Nothing better for bronchitis, winter cougha and bronchial asthma. 'Hris I'inex and rugar ryrun mixture makes a full pint enough to last a isnuiy a long urao at, a cost, oi oniv 04 cents. Keeps perfectly and tastes pleas ant. .Easily prepared, full directions Jrith Pipex Pinex is a special and liipMv concen trated compound of genuine Norwav pine extract, rich in guuiacol, and is famous the world over for its ease, certainty and promptness in overcoming bad coughs, clv'Pt and throat colds. (iet the genuine. Ask Your druggist for "2V ounces rinex," and do not accept anything else. A truaruntce of absolute . a;titfHi'tion. or money promptly refunded, toes with this preparation. The I'inex Co.. Ft. Wavni'. Ind. Jefferson Stock Show. FAIRBURV. Neb., Oct. 15.-(Special.) The annual Jefferson County Stock show Is In session at the base ball park and farmers not only from this county, but adjoining counties as well, have exhibits of live stock here. The rainy weather has hampered the show, but the last of the week promises to bring good crowds. Prizes to the amount of $S00 will be given for the best exhibits of live stock. The judging will be done in the base ball park. It is planned to have a parade of the live stock Saturday,' which will bo headed by all the district school children in the county. The show will oocupy four days. Successor to Gen. Carranza Has Not Yet Been Named WASHINGTON, Oct 15.-Adjoumment of the Mexican convention at Agas Cal- enlea last night, without acting on the proposed resignation ef General Carransa as first chief, pending the arrival of ad ditional delegates representing Zapata, was announced today in offiolal dis patches to, the State department from Consular Agents Carolhers and Kanova. October 0 'was tentatively a4rreed upon as the date for reconvening the conven tion. AC.UA8 CALIENTE8. Mexico, Oct. 16. ITnofflclal reports of the results of the peace conference hero yesterday say that a successor to General Carransa for the presidency of Mexico is to be named soon. These reports, which are brief, do not explain when General Carranza is to resign, or how, but Indicate that the con ference finished its work successfully last , night. Portuguese Troops on Way to Africa NKW YORK. Oct. IS. Two expedition ary fnrves of Portuguese troops, for one of whlrh English transports woi-e used, milcd from Lisbon on September 10 to reinforce garrisons in 1'ortiigiiene pises-i-lon in Africa whlrh adjoin th"s of J flermans. This was made knonn today' !'' C Range) d" Sampalo, Portuguese j consul g"nera: at New York, and Is the first news to reach ihls country oi any actual nillltaiy preparation hy Portugal for the eentuallty of that country's par ticipation In the war. London Puts on Lid at Ten O'clock P. M. t. i.'1 ' ', O. t ',6.-(4:0 p. m.V-The iosliK hour for lentauisnls, dubs and saloons, which h,ul lcen flxd at the ea'ly i m i-c nf tl.e r ;t 11 o'clock at in. ht, Kill lv li o'clock beginning Mnndnv pert. .l Woolwich and Green wich 111 rim 'na hour will le 7 O'clock, mnl the suvssistli.n has been made that snloon.; open :il 11 o'clock In the morning Inftrail of fit . or B o'rlotk as at present. The curtailment of the night hours ap parently Is iii: ' t.-i the desire of the authorities tn keep drinking at a minimum. WAIT'S BALLOT IS CORRECT Secretary Has Complied with Law in Alloting Position to. Parties. LINCOLN PAPER SPREADS RTJMOR Takes "ample Ballot Yrtnte4 by Private Concern Without Au thority as . Baals for Scare Head Story. (From a Staff Correspondent!. ' LINCOLNr Oct. li. (Special.) It Is said that trouble or sudden fright will turn one's hair gray tn a short time but It remained for a newspaper article to make Secretary of State Walt red headed this morning when he read in a morning Lincoln paper that republi cans at state headquarters were "indig nant" and that "Indignation prevailed over the form of ballot aa prepared by Secretary of fltate Walt" On investigation of the matter and upon consultation with Mr. Wait it was disclosed that the ballot prepared by the secretary of state conforms to the requirements of the law and that the democrats had first place, the progres sives second and the republicans third, based on the vote of the last state elec tion, and the people's Independent the last plaoa. , Mr. Wait has made a thorough Inquiry and has discovered that soma private concern which had no authority to do so has printed a number of sample ballots placing the people's Independent party second in the circle designation for straight party voting. Someone at republican headquarters got bold of one of these ballots and fired the Informa tion out for publication that the secre tary of state was preparing a ballot de signed to give the democrats and people'! Independent candidates the best chance. Naturally Mr. Wait . Is considerably agitated over the matter and deaires to ba plaeed in the proper light before the people of the state. Documents Indicate Intention of Belgium to Join England ROME, Oct. 14.-Vla Paris, Oct. 16.) Alleged documents of the Belgian general staff Inscribed "English intervention in Belgium," which are said to have been found by German military authorities In Brussels, are cr using comment in Ger man newspapers, some of which were re ceived here today. The Kreua Zeltung says the documents show that long ago It was decided In oaea of war Belgium would side with Franc and England. The Deutche Zeltung- deolarea It hopes now that the neu tral states will oeose to speak about "the brutal violation cf poor, Innocent little Belgium." "The document show," says the Vos slache Zeltung, "the duplicity of England and Its Indifference at planning a viola tion of Holland. They also ehow the wisdom of Paron Grelndl, (the Belgian minister to Berlin), who had the right opinion about trusting English protec tion. His prediction was realised. Bel glum bleeds from a thousand wounds re ceived in behalf of British Interests snd (he Indignation of the English statesmen over the sanctity of a treaty Is mere hypocrisy." AUSTRIAN DREADNOUGHT BURNED UP AT TRIESTE . LONDON, Oct 15. Fire in the govern ment arsenal at Trieste, the principal seaport ft Austria-Hungary on the Adria tic sea, has virtually destroyed an Aus trian dreadnaught under construction there, according to a Central News dis patch from Rome. Effort Being Made to Keep T.E.Brady's Name Off the Ticket Arguments and, citation have been pre sented tq District Judge Willis O. Pears in the stilt of Arthur Mullen against Election Commissioner Harley G. More head for an Injunction against placing the narna of T. EL Brady on the official feottod baQnt aa a candidal a for the office of county ,1udge. Brady's name was written In on firty-four ballots at the primary, and the election commis sioner prepared to place his name on the ballot against the present Incumbent Brj'ca Crawford, who was required by law to file a petition for his candidacy, signed by 3,000 voters. As a citlien Mul len protest against the commissioner's rulintt and now seeks to enjoin him from allowing Brndy to be considered a candi date, as the latter filed no petition and was not considered a candidate at the primary. Judge Sears will announce his decision next Monday morning. yield er,l)d, ,merT,nhlgh vbm m mhstt Fruit Laxative for Sick Child Give "California Syrup of Figs' Cleanses tender little stomach, liver, bowels without injury. . Every mother realises that this Is the children's Ideal laxative and physio, be cause they lova Its pleasant taste and it never fails to effect a thorough "Inside cleansing" without griping. When your child la cross, Irritable, fev erish, or breath is bad, stomach aour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undi gested food passes out of tile bowels and you have a , well, playful child again. When Ita little system Is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea. Indigestion, colio remember a good liver and bowel cleaning should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy : they know a tea spoonful today saves a sick child tomor row. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on each bottle. Ask your druggist for a M ceat bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." , Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genu ine, made by "California Fig Syrup Com pany." Refuse any other fig syrup with contempt Advertisement NEXT MONDAY OCTOBER 19 BEGINS THAT BIG SALE OF Blankets and Comforters at en. ABOUT ON THE DOLLAR Another BIG SALE Next Monday 2 CARLOADS of LINOLEUM AND FLOOR OILCLOTH AT 1 REGULAR ABOUT 2 PRICE BRANDEIS STORES Watch Sunday's Papers King George Takes Family from London LONDON, Oct Ia.-VlrtuaUy aU tha members of the British royal family de parted from London today for Sandrlg ham for a stay, the duration of which is not announced. Queen Mother Alexandra and Princess Victoria left the capital during the forenoon on a special train followed by another special bearing King George and Quten Mary and Princess Mary and Princes Albert aud John. .GREAT BRITAIN TELLS CHINA THAT JAPANESE DID RIGHT PEKING.- Oct 15.-Reply1ng to , the Chinese protest concerning the occupa tion by the Japanese of the railroad In Shan. Tung province, which has been made use of in connection with the cam paign against Klao-Chow, Great Britain has declared that it ia unable to Inter fere with Its ally. Japan had no altern ative, tha British answer says, owing to the fact that this railroad Is German owned and that the Germans were using it for military purposes. For the Weak and Nerrssa Tired out. weak, nervous mm and women need Fleet rtc Bitters. Helps the ntrven and tones vp the btcin. aX: ac1 tL All drusilati. AUvrtlieuient Good Life Insurance Is a Mighty Fine Thine; to Start at Once It is a mot convenient ami Rafe investment aud an excel lent way to save money in addition to giving complete protec tion. Take out a policy at once. .And bo sure to get the one which offers you the most for your money. ' Below nro given three instances showing exactly what has actually been pnid to holders of policies in this splendid "Western company : WHAT THEY PAID WHAT THEY RECEIVED Ellen A. Dunn, Hanover, Kas. f , . . , 20 years' total premiums ' J fml paid, $650.00 $081.81 CASH j ins" for 20 yearB Frederick C. Harrington, Delta, Colo. f , , a-, 20 years ' total premiums J ?nd f.J paid, $1,740.00 $2,403.1,4 CASH ms- for 20 7" IVanklin E. Kulp, Wymore, Neb. f . . .20 years' total premiums J and atoo $J,0)0 paid, $2,703.00 $3,712,74 CASH U1S' r 20 yfcars Write at ONCE for information to j. OLD LINE BANKERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Assets $7,800,000.00 Agents Wanted. Lincoln, Neb. c t Have You Ever Seen the Making of Willow Furniture? W bur) an export hern for g short time from tha Willow craft bliops of Cambridge. Mas;. Ho 1 making Rockers. Chalra, Seltpea, ore... from Franr.h Wlllcnrw-Prtmch WTIlowa . art uwd becur ther are lonnher and more pliable than willow from unv other country. AnS to e , these pleee.s of furniture grow under hi eft hands Is an extremely Interesl lnn experience. "On th sixth floor.' H p e r I a 1 p4eea made to jour order. Chairs and Rocker $5.75, $9.50, $10.50, $11.50 Up Our Educational Exposition and Gift Carnival During the remaining weeks of October we have planned a series of extremely interesting exhibits 'illustrating in various ways the process of produc ton of many different articles imjxrted in the fur nishing of the nvnlern home. To make this period of aldrl interest to I lie people of v Omaha and thin 'vicinity we have Inaugurated a Jlft Carnival, and will trlve away on) hundred and forty present, aome of them Valued am hitch as $nO.OO. Kntl detail of thl lUtt Carnival will reach every home In Omuha, Mouth Omaha nd Council Bluff. You are cordially invited to roam through this store. Even cur work rooms on the sixth floor are open to public inspection. Do not feel that we expect, you to buy. Remember the Sale on Saturday, the 17th, of Floor Coverings used for the Den for the Coronation Ball. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th Street COAL DON'T wait until ero weather before buying your coal. Fill your blnii now when our stock! are complete with new coal and our price reasonable. Our coal department la located In our big Kconomy Basement and all orders receive prompt and careful attention. IKHCJIiAH 187 COAL DEIT. EXCELLO LUMP VERY deidrable for furnaces, baa anthracite flame and anthracite heat; no smoke; bolda fire like anthracite; (jQ ff per ton ipOsUU PENNSYLVANIA COKE For furnaces, a condensed coal at, GJQ f)t per ton ipOsawiJ SUNBEAM LUMP Our all around high grade soft coal, egg or lump, at. d tZf per ton '. 40 OU LINCOLN LUMP A good Illinois coal, per ton ,.6.00 LINCOLN NUT A good Illinois coal, per ton fl-rW) PITTSnUROH NUT A very hot cooking coal, per ton -3.0 MAIU) LUMP Our economy offering at, ton 91.75 Burgess-Mash Gompany. "KVKRYBODYll tor" A Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats j At Prices that Will Astound Everyone j We've bought the entire surplus stock of one of the best known makers of high-grade clothing at price reductions that are almoHt unbelievable. Look for a tremendous sale NEXT SATURDAY You'll be offered Men's and Young Men's All Wool Suits and Overcoats at prices no low that )Xu'll buy a Mult and an Overcoat for tbo usual price of the suit alone. BRANDEIS STORES WATCH THE PAPERS LOOK IN OUR WINDOWS I I I 2 Small Offices Facing the beautiful court $10.00 and $1200 Large floor space for the money; lights free THE BEE BUILDING "The baiding that is always new.'