Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1914, Page 11, Image 13
riIIK F.KIv OMAHA. FHIDAi" OCT(r.i:it !. - 1 1. 11 FOR RENT Housekeeping Hftnnfl, THKIE Blc room. housekeeping. 1111 8. Uth. PraUkf4 HtuM-liMplit Itoeeas. MODKRN room, with kitchenette; 23.7S. D 71 . Hotels mm Afert meats. CA7.1FORNIA jaotel. 14th and California. Weekly rates 12 and up, Douglaa ?0K. OtJDKN HOTKIi-Boomi 33 per week. Council Bluffs. IIDOE HOTF.I Modem. Reasonable. lloaeea llti(ti. Field Club Home Fine 7-room and sleeping porch, han ood finish, finely decorated; special li ucement for rig'- tenant. Peters Trust Co. 1ZS Farnam. Pong. w. t!.(5.r. cottage. AV Patrick Ave. J10.i 4r. house. S275 N. 25th Ave. i.iX 4-r. houae. at 210S Hmy. li'O.UO 7-r .modern house, at Meredith Ave. . 33500-S-r. modem house. 1809 Lothrop, 3.)0 -r. modern house, large ground. 42.,S Harnev. , . 3.10.00 9-r. modern house, 527 Park Ave. W. H. GATES, 4M7 Om. Na. Pk, BM. Douglas lg4. Dundee homes for rent $407 rooms, 6134 Davenport St.: modern. Hrt7-room bungalow, 5115 CapltoJ Ave; modern: hot water host. GEORGE & COMPANY. 90S City National Bank Bid. Phone Douglas 756. 7-R.. mod. cottage. 3014 N. 22d, P. 1246. (VR cottage, first-class condition; Urge y a rd; near car line; 112. H. 71ti. tTrOOM modern, oak finish. 601 Park Ave., 240. . J-ROOM, modern, good neighborhood. 2W2 Kim St.. 224. it mm BKAUTIFUL 8-roont, modern house on 29th and California. Harney 6612. f-R. houae, mod., oak finish, hot water heat; near onm. I lunclee. HRrney 2168. FOR REST--ROO N I HOl'SE. .STRICTf LY MODERN. 3T3 DOUGH; PARTY LEAVING CITY. PHONR HARXK.Y 1244 West Farnam New brick and stucco home. Just being finished: three fine bedrooms and Bleep ing porch 2d floor: large living room and dining room; beautifully finished In ma hogany; 1A floor white enamel; 345 on leas Peters Trust Co. 122 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 2S9J. UOLiKhM 8-room house, 205 8. 33th Ave., vacant November 5. Can be seen after t a. m. any day. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Phones Harney lt'eM or Douglas 1216. FOR RENT November 1, 315 W. Knli Ave.. 7-room modern flat. See Charles Q. McDonald or J. J. Tome, 616 Bramlels Bldg. Phone Douglaa 346ti. 6-R. modern house, 1727 ,S. 10th. D. 741fi. LARGE list of houses at special prices f.jr tho winter. Do not miss this oppor tunity. F. D. Wend, isth und Farnam Hts. HANBCOM PARK DISTHK.'T. 1312 6. 2Sth St., 8-r., all mod., good loca tion. HASTINGS HKYDKN. 11114 Harney Pt. niiuirn in an puria oi uie cuy. uuat-B Crelgn snn, ft Co Bff Bldg Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 14th tt. Jackson Sta. Phone Douglaa 2. Bit. A -vi neut, nil modern, i-room house. aleo 4-ro-jm flat. 'ii0 No. 23d. Globe Van&Storage Etorea, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van and 2 men. 11.25 per hr. ; storage 32 per mo. Batlafactory guar. D. 4338 tt Ty. 330. J. C. Reed aixp. Co., moving packing 4s storage, liaPT Farnam. D. 4JS4; Maggard's Van and stor age Co. Reduced r. I.. e..v n t Large vii, t men, $l 25 per far.; dray 3 men, 21 per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug, its FOB KENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van 4t storage Co.. uti a. l.ui bu -ROOM. cot. mod. ex hu, newlv papered and painted. 3J0. 3013 Leaivenwoitti. Harney 435L 7-ROOM, all mod. house near llansconi Park, with garage; garage mow rented; electric lights. Tel. Douglas 6424. fc-KOOM cottage, mud, ex. heat. W. UfrW. a-ROOM strictly modern house In Al coli ditton, location 2S12 Pacific St. Call at 1060 8. 28th St, or Phone Harney 23411. I-R. mod. cottage, 719 a. 7th St., $25. 7-r. mod. house, U614 Leavenworth St., $.16. Both fine locations. Phone Webster 2i!H). Stores sst uftlces. FOR RENT EMPRESS GARDEN SPACE Space under the Kmpress Theater, itith and DoukIbb Sis., 61x132 ft., with balcony. Can be leased on very favorable terms. Full Information at our office. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902 City National Pank Rldg. Phone Douglas 761. IND FLOOR office rooTna or suitable for light mfg. Wright 4b Lasbury, U 8. FOR RENT Meat market, all equipped. Write or call K. L, Shackiey, Avoca. Neb. Htrsi, GOOD Lara, room for or 10 norsea 1S17 Webster Si. cah Douglas 43. WANTED TO IwEfn'T TWO ucfurniuIieU rooms lor lioune Keep ing, walking aiatance. Address U. 44, Be. . . .1A1E FARM RANCH LAN DM FOR BALK Colorado. FOR SALE S20-a ere homestead, well Improved; south of Y"ma, com.; corn and hay goe place, l'rlce $1,2aI. Ad dress P. o. Box 17. Yuma. Colo. Loalsiaaa. T50 ACRES of land, one-third In the great city of New Orleans, balance In adjoining counties, area now be ing drained. Will sell all, or part, at $100 per acre. Meyer Lineman, 214 tfaroime St., New Orleans. La. o .Nearstks. FOK StLE. Fine, Improved grain and stock farm, adjoining town, Holt county. Possession at once. W. P. O'BRIEN. 410 BEE ULDO., OMAHA. o FOR SALE Fine residence with twenty acres of land four blocks from depot; cement walks; 2-story, S-room houae with baeement; also barn. 40-arre farm. 4 miles from town, well Improved. These places can be bought reasonable and liberal terms. JAMES WALTON. Fort Calhoun, Neb o t Wlaeraala. Upper Wisconsin Beat uauy aud gaowa! zruu aiais la U uulon; aetuera waited, laauia tor aale at low wliea, on easy terms. Ask for book, let 14 on Wisconsin Central Land QranL Suite acres wanted. Write about our gruxing lands. If Intareetad In fruit land a ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Aaaresa Lana LHHi., Line R Minneapolis. Mlna. Swo Mlaaeseta. BARGAIN 320-acre Improved farm. 20 mile from MLnnsapolls; on good gravel road; lays level; about 124) acres under cultivation, balance used for pasture; some fine meadow land; can practically all be put under cultivation; buildings consist of i-room house, barn, granary, corn cribs, machine shed, windmill, etcj good apple orchard. Price, $J0 per acre; one-half rash, reasonable terms on bal ance. Adjoining farm held at double tins price. Schwab Bros., 1021 Blymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Mino. UK A L K8T ATE 1 X V ESTM EXTS Calkins & Co. 1"1 City Nafl Rank nidg. Douglas 1703, Investment JJO.ijOO A brick Improved business corner, hilldlng on property new. Income (2.100 a year, all on lease. Rentals Increasing each year. This will net you about 3 per cent. $ IfrTO Another brick improved corner building about month old. In come l.2X a yetr. This Is a mighty ood buy and will pay Investigation. REAI, KSTATF X)U EXCIIAXOJK FINK 20-scre farm. 4.i miles from Minne apolis; good soil; two sets buildings; will take up to 115.000 other goud property In exchange, balance some cash and mort gage; price l an acre; finest stock tarm in that vicinity. 8CirWAB RROS. 10? riymouth Rlilg. Mlnnesrollp Minn. FOR HAI.E or F..CHANlE-40 acrt-a deeded land In north part of Golden county, for prices and description write the owner, C. H. Fields. Bingham. Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS. CITY and farm loans, '5, 5S,6 per cent. J.JI. Dumont & Co.. WW Farnam, Omaha, WAXTKIV-City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Knst Nebraska farms. O'KEKFK REAL. ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha atl Douglas 271S. GARVIN l31iOS i-n. ' "i up- HARRISON MORTON, 916 Om Natl. WTI Farm loans Kloke Inv. Co. Omaha. WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith & Co.. UX Farinm. CITY property. I-arge loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 21 State Hank Rldg. $100 to $10,009 made promptly. F. P. Wead, Wend Rldg., ISth and Farnam Rts. MONKY on hand for city and farm loana. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Rnnk Bldg. fii'-ITY LOANS. Hemis-Carllvrg Co., " 0 ;:ift-S12 P.randels Theater Rldg. SER us first If you want a farm loan, l.'nlted mates Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. AUSTUACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Ouiu-ante and Abstract Co., a modern abstiact office. 300 S. 17th St. Phone I 'ouglas ft47. RKED Abstract Co., cldst abstract office in Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE HEAL BARGAIN 13 ACRES This "tract of land I located about one mile from South Omaha limits; lays prac tically level and surrounded by nice homes. No Improvements. Nothing ad joining this property can be bought for less than 1400 pos acre. For quick sale we are authorised to sell for $200 per acre. 0 'Neil's B. p:. & Ins. Agencv, 1505 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler 1024. South Omnha Office South 1H2. REAL ESTATE NORTU SIDE 4 viussavnm I H i lftlll1aCfaSrilll 2802 Binney Street Modern Bungalow $3,150 Full-alse cemented cellar. Oak finish, book-vases artlatlc fixtures, indoor shades. Street Improvements In and paid. Iarge lot--south front. $300 Cash JALANCE UKK REN1 Harry Wolf Ware Block, lMh and Farnam. Doug S068. A 5-Room, New, All Modern Bungalow This house la located on paved street, close to two car lines and two blocks from good school. It Is One of the Best Bargains in Omaha Today Arrange to ua at once about this. j Bankers Bcalty Investment i Company, Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Phono Douglas 2HJ6. BY OWNER. New. modern bungalow, oak finish; beam ceilings, wall decorated; fine loca tion, paved street, close to car. located at 28o4 Fowler Ave. Terms: $0') down, bal ance same aa rent. Owner, Webster 4!iJ7. REAL ESTATE SOUTH" KIDR $1,000 BUYS a 7-room houtie, large lot? 3D10 Ho. fth St. A REAL BARGAIN. A strictly high-claas 8:room, almost new brl. k residence with good garage, one block from Hansoom park. Cannot be beat In city for quality or price. If in terested call owner, Ilarncv 223. KKAIi ESTATK WEST SIDE 37th Street South of Farnam 66x165 One of the best lot bargains ever offered in this exclusive district. Tne price Is only $3,200, leas than $0 per front foot. Not another lot within two blocks that can be bought for lets than $75. See ua at one. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler IMo. State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daadee. DUNDEE Finely located lot close to car, best part Dundee, all spe cials paid in full; will sell cheap for cash. Call owner, D. 744. REAL ESTATE: MISCELLANEOUS MAP OF OMAHA BTKLcTS. indexed, also Omaha red book, vest pocket sua free at our office; two stamps by mil. Charles E. W llhamson Co.. Real Estata Insurance, care of Property. Omaha. o High Class Lots Cheap Webster and 2Sth Sts., paving, all Im provements; Ames Ave. and 38th St., all Improvements. W.right & Lasbury. D. U2. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET , Draler Wonder if Exporter! Will Follow Local Price, on Wheat. LARGE QUAHTIES IfELD BACK Wet W eather la Cora Belt llaa Ten. deary to NiMMit That 'emmod tiT to ome Kuril na the Local Market. OMAHA. Oct. 13, l!ll. The question of handlers of cash wheat yesterday was: "Will exporters follow the gain in ttieprle of this grain" The trade in cash wheat yesterday wa the smallest In several weeks, with the transactions Ma gulf porta onlv, and these were at lower prices. Wheat via the gulf mild al 1c above December on Tuesday, but eMerlny rslee were made at V under that month. This ahowa that ,u.".r ar, kpl'lnR a close watch on the vislhle ipply, which Is now quite large, as well aa on the amount of wheat and flour afloat on the ocean, destined to Importing countries, as well aa on the movement out of the hands of northwest ern and southwestern farmers. The price of whet showed gains of 1H twine, yesterday. The market was a local aftair mainly, with onlv here and there an outside order on either the buying or aelling aide. One of the larger grain houses at Uverpool, In a cabin to a I nlled States concern, sas that Liverpool has suffi cient wheat for Immediate wants, but It has nothing for the future, and that prices are expected to do better for a long pull. There were gains of aa much as Id in stmt wheat in e big English market and Paris was up lc for wheat yesterday. Those In the wheat trade, not only at Chicago, but In the smaller markets of the country, and who are considered good Judges of conditional, are now the larger holders of cash wheat In the belief that the war will be a long drawn nut affair and that prices must sell higher. On the buying side nf wheat were much stronger concerns than on the selling side. One of the best pt sted men In the northwestern markets and who was on the Roanl of Trade yesterday, says that the movement of whent out of farmers' hands In western Canada has been much smaller than generally credited, arid that there Is more wheat bark on the farms and In country houses than the bulli care to aay. Wet weather In the corn belt was the principal help to that market yesterday, but the gains were only 'tc. Those who are now arrayed on the bull aide are the same speculators who have been friendly to corn at various rerlods during the last six months. Wheat was He to Vc higher. Corn was c to l'o lower. Oats were Vic lower. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 430,000 bu.; corn, 2.000 bu.i oats, 46O.OU0 bu. Liverpool Closing: Not quoted. I'rlmary wheat reoelpts were l.'OP.OfiO ml. and shipments Till, 000 bu., against receipts of 1, 206,000 bu. and shlpmentc KU.OOO bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 327,000 bu. and shipments 190,000 bu., against receipts of 405.000 bu. and shipments of 261,000 bu. last year. I'rlmary oats receipts were 1,000,000 bu. and shipments f2,000 bu., against receipts of 706,000 bu. and shipments of 691,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oets. Rj'e. Chicago 12 141 Minneapolis 4 Duluth 2.13 Omaha 29 20 27 i Kansas City 1M I 14 Pt. Louis 42 17 W Winnipeg 2R .. .. These cash sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter; 1 car. $1.02W: 8 cars. $1.02 No. 3 hard winter: cars, Il.TOVi; 1 car, $1,011. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. We; 1 car, Wc; 8 cars tburntl, 9oc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, Il.uifc; 1 car, $1.01. No. 8 spring: I car (damaged), 97Vie. No. 4 apring: 5 cars, 90o; 2 cars. tec. No. 2 mixed duru"n: I car, SHo, No. 2 mixed. 1 tar, $1.02. Rejected hard winter: 1 car, c. No grade nurd winter: 1 car 4ttc Corn-iNo. 1 yellow: car. 66V; No. 2 yellow: cars. tiS'ie; No. 3 yellow: 1 car. 66Ho; No. 1 mixed: U car. 6V- No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white), 9s; 1 car tnear white), t.c, 2 cars, SMto; 1 rar, 5c. No. & mixed: 1 car. SWc No. 6 mixed: 1 car DBVio; 1 oar 54c Sample: 1 car white- "vi CI (yellow). UiUo; 1 car. Wc. r0-. j.l.,.-. 11 ... i if Kit. 4 white: 1 car, 42c7' cars. 42V. No. "lixti 1 car, 43Hc. Rye-No. 2; 1 car. 83c; No. 4. 1 car. "omnha Cash Prices-Wheat : No .i hard. Sl.OlWin.OSVfc: No. 3 hard, $1.WH'1-Mn No. 4 hard. D3c4$1.00'a: No. 8 spring. $1.00 1.03; No. 8 spring, mctisi-wi. ' "'""i Mc4$1.00: Nof 2 durum. No. durum. 93Mf94Hc Cx.rn: No 1 white. 71 ftlHc- No. 2 white, 7071V. No. 1 hue, iVWV." . ' ""ZU'iMLi. Irtur 4fjrihi mixed. aawftHfcoi'So. t mixed. Vi6He; No. 3 mixed, (vWfioV"; No. 4 'md, fi6r(Iic; No. 5 mixed. Kjttc; No. mixed. 63Vifir.Vte. Outs: No 2 wh Je, 43k.fi44c; standard, 43Viit 43Mic : No. white, 424 43c: No. 4 white, 42K4(42c. Barley: Malting. K7c; No. 1 feed. 4r063c. Rye: No. 2, 2Vi'n82c;, No. 3. 82a82Vto. CIIICAtiO U R 111 AMD PROVISIOWB Features of the Trading; aad Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. lfi.-Selllng pressure from a number of leading firms acted as more than an offset In wheat today Tor assertions that export business waa In progress on a hug scale. There was an unsettled close at ' to c net decline. Corn finished VflA to c down, oats nft to VaH "'"J provisions ranging from the same as last night to a loss "orders to sd flooded Into the wheat market as soon as prices at the opening ahowed a tendency io advance. Much of the unloading came from speculators who bought on yeHterday'a upturn and who had lieeome skctical In regard to KohkIp thut export transactions were be ing concealed to a much greuter ex tent than waa generally supposed. The ensuing fall of prices was followed by two strong swell due to seaboard esti mates that European buying today at lnnleg. Duluth, Chicago and In the southwest amounted to l.oOO.uhO bushels to 2,0000,000 bushels. The effect, how ever, failed to last, as the figures for the most part could not be confirmed. December delivery of wheat showed decided relative strength compared with REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Beautiful, Well Built Bungalow In New Addition Easy Payments This hr.use has 4 rooms. Is all modern. Principal rooms In oak; furnaoe heat. Is half block from car line. Walka, trees and lawn all In. Streets on eMtablluhed grade. Interior decorations and lighting fix tures to suit purchaser. See this at once. Bankers Bealty Investment Company, Ground Floor Boe Bldg. Phone Douglaa p $50 Cash $50 $30 Monthly $30 This is a beautiful little horn In a de sirable neighborhood. Owner Is com pelled to change location and must sell at once. Phone Douglaa 2594. H. H. Harper 1012-14 City National Bank Bide. COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Cotton Seed Cake Cold Pressed Cake, From Texas Mills direct 10 you. Write er wire ua for prices on High Oiad. Meal or Cracked Cake, 43 to 4S per rent protein. Cold Pressed Caka TEXAi C1II AJTD UaTTZB CO. S white. Imvmc: No. 4 white . No. 1 yellow. ;7c: No. 2 yellow, 6'Vtf cWc: No. 8 yellow. WiV4c; N". I vol; No. 1 the May option Cah houses were good buyers of the nearer month. hl.-li at one time aent to fiS diei-ount under May as against six cents at the close l.tst night. Prospects for better weather tende,! to ease off the cvrn market. Co-.intiv offerings remained small, but l" ma jority of trsders were etpeotlng a ma tetlnl enlargement of the crop move ment soon. Oats developed ,it good deal of resistance to bear attacka, as eastern shipping demand continued good. The market nevertheless gave evidence of some sympathy with the weakne-s of other grain. Parkers buvlnr rallied lard after en enrly break suffered by pr.iiln ow ing to a decline In the price of hoes. Pork and rila larked support, howrvc, and seemed unable to rebound. Chicago future prices: I Open. I IliBh ' low. i Close Vest y j Chicago Cash I'rlces Wheat: No. 2 red. tl.HMM-U: No. 2 hard, 21.lttii1.1l. CVrn: No 2 yellow, 72mi7So; No. 3 yel low. 7!V4T7:Vc. Oats: No. 2 white, 44Vtf 4(.c; standard. 4f.Wtp7'e. Rye: No. 2. 9in0Hc. Barley; K.iT72e Timothy: $1 to 1f..2R. Clover: fll.(It14 Oft. Pork: f 17.50. Ird: 210 36 Ribs: fi07t4ill.50. Rl'TTER Vnchanned. EGOS Receipts. 4,132 cases; market un changed. POTATOES 1 Usher; receipts. cars Michigan and Wisconsin. 4tXCrf?c; Minne sota and Dakota. 4.Vta.3c. POULTRY I'nchanged. OMAHA OEltBRAL MARKET. RCTTER No. 1. 1-lb. cartons, 30c; No. 1, fiO-lb. tubs. 2c. C1IKESK Imporled Swiss, 3Hc; Atner- can Swiss. 2c: block wlss. 2.v; twins, lO.'tc; daisies, 174c; triplets, lio. l oung , Amerlrss, ISc; blue label brick. 17 Jim burger. 2-lb.. 2V: 1-lh. 2i)c : Ne York white, lc; Imported' French Roquefort 48c FISIT Trotit, 17c; large crapples, 10 15c; salmon. Ktfrt.Sc: halibut, tyv. channel catfish, 15c; pike. 17c.- pickerel. lOo. i!,,iri TRvkmiUn. l4Uc: spring chick ens, lie; hens, Wrllc; cocks. c; ducks 10c; gieee, 8c; turaeys. hit, o.i.....-. .. . dos.. 0c: ducks, full feathereo Wi full feathered, c; squaos, no. i. J- w-f BEKr l'LTS- noiwiu pi - - cuts are aa foiiowa: no. i m--. IIIIIUI, 1711 -Vf. -. - - pistes. Dic; No. I piaies. stiu, - PlMarket"quotatlong ronalslicd by QUInskl rrult oompanjr: , tn. K H V ITS- Peaches: Salways. fl-tW; clings HOC box. Pers: California Clar gleus, $2.26 box: New York. 12.00 barrel; extra fancy Anion. 22 60 box; Michigan. 90e hamper; Michigan. 10 hamtier lota S.c hamper. Plums: Italian prunes, fl.10 box. drapes: Tokay. $1.2fi crate; Michigan, lc basket; UK) basket lots. ISc basket; New York, 22c bssket; 1"0 basket lots, 21c baaket; California emperors. J3.S0 barrel. Apples: Fancy Washington "Y" brand Grimes, fl M box; fancy t?Dlorndo Jon athans, 21.2. lox; extra fancy Washing ton Hoovers. 21 40 box; New York Oreen Ings, 23.00 barrel; New York Baldwins., "A' grade (ship November 1), 12. W) barrel. Oranges: F.xtra fancy Valencins, Wis, J12s 12'-.s. 150s, 176s, 260s, 23.76 laix; Red Ball Valenclus, all sixes, 3.f0 box. Lemons: Fancy Oolden Bowl, i0s, axis, K.&0 box: Hllver-Cord, 420s, 300s, 80s, f.fiO box. Bananas: $1.75 to $3.60 bunch. Grapefruit: All sizes, 23.78 box. VKOICTABI.KS Cauliriower, Denver, 12Hc lb; rabhago, l'ic lb.; onlonH, lellow, 2Vtic lb.; peppers, 60c basket; onions, red, 2c lb; fancy tomatoes, 76o basket; cucum bers, hothouse, 2 dot. box, 21.60 box; new beets, carrots, turnips, 40c basket, celery. Michigan, SGc doc; head lettuce, 60c$41.D0 doe.; celery, Denver Jumbo, 75c dm.; leaf lettuce, 40c do.; onions (shallots), 40c dux.; radiahes, Hoc dox. j Italian garlic, Me lb.; horseradish, 21. K cajie; asparagus, home-grown, market price about 30o d'JZ. ; potatoes, 70o bu.; Virginia sweet potatoes, 3.00 barrel. MLSCELLANKOKS Popcorn (shelled), 4c lb. Nuts: Sugar walnuts, 11.26 box; No. 1 California walnuts, lSHo lb.; pecans, Uio lb.; filberts, lfic lb.; pecans (Jumbo), Wo lb.; filberts (long naples), l8c lb.; al monds, 20c b.; limes. 21.75 box. Cracker Jack, f36o case; crackerjack, half case, 21.76 case; checkers. case; checkers, half case, 2175 case. Honey: fl.50 case. Dromedary dates, $3.00 case. Figs, 12o ox.; 86c case. Persimmons, 22 00 crate Cider, 23.00 keg; half-barrel, 26.00. Cocoa nuu, 75o dox. ; 24 00 sack. Kansas Cltr 5raln aid Precision's. KANSAS CITY. Oct. lS.-BlTrrBlt-Creamery. 2o; flr.f,, Mc; ,econds, 25c packing stock, 20c. ' K"r,iFlrMU' "c: onds, 18c. 'Ol'LTRY-Hen. 15.- k....ii... WIIKAT-No. 2 hard, 2l.O2tyal.03; No. ?.r,'d' l-tW'L0S: December, 11.04'. 1.04c; May. 1.10Ara l.loc. ,JJRN':.No- 2 ,nl'l. 6W0Vtc; No. 2 mlxAeJ,H4l24c.Wh,,'; 1 Omaha liar Market. OMAHA Oct. ir..PRAIRIK If A Y Choice uiiland, W.W! Kt.W; No. 1. mM- ALFALFA Ten cars on tho market; nothing choice; In fact, nearly all of It 11 ? No' 3 "d no Kradn: choice. 312-J,Oe-,Jk1i?W1-60: No- 2- W'U.; No! 0, X7,0079.00. Mlftnraitolle (irala Market. MINNEAPOLIS! Oct U.-WHEAT-necrmber, 21 .47,: May, II.IDS; No. 1 hard 21.12": No. 1 northern. ll.O&V&l.ll'; No! 2 northern. 31.0C7'ul 077,. Flour steady. Barley f.-'frififi. Ulce, Bran, 2 0)0. Corn, No. 3 yellow, WftfS. Oats, No. 3 white, 43UiU. Flux. 1314,(133. nt. I.nala (irala Market. ST. IltIS. Oct. 15,-WIIKAT-No 2 red. 21tf!ltK4; No. 2 hard, 31.08: ie. cember, 311S May. 21.16',. CORN No. 2. 73c: No. 2 white. 78Uc Decemler. fiftc; Mav. udr. OATS No. 2, 4.'''a-4lc; No. 2 white, 47Vc. Llrtrnsol Ornln) Market, ' LIVFRPOOI Oct. 15 WHF.AT-Ppot market steady; No. I Manitoba 3a 3'd No. 2 red winter, new, km aid. COHK Knot market quiet; Amrri'-an mixed, new, 7s CVid. Fraporatrd Apples and Dried Fralla NEW YORK. Oct. 16. EVAPORATED APPLKS Nominal. DRILD FRUITS Prunes unsettled. Ap ricots and peaches dull. Raisins quiet. Coffee Market. NF.W YORK, Oct. lJ.-COFFRE-The market was very quiet again today. Tlie renaorshlp established by tlie Braslllan government on cable meswagas Is reported to be interfering with cost and freight bsuslness, while recent large arrivals here have replenished local stocks and confirmed the disposition of local buyers to operate from hand to mouth. A further advance of Vtd In the rate of Klo exchange was considered a feature from the stand point of Braslllan finances, but today's siclal cable from Santos reported a de cline of 100 rels for 4a. The local apot market was unchanged at for Dlo 7s and 10ao for Bantoa 4a. New Tarlc Meaey Market. NEW YORK. Oct 15.-MEHCAVTILn PAPKR 4rT per cent. STEHIJNO FXCHANOB Firm for sixty-day bills at 34 JM): for csbiea. R26 t;-4 1eiO; for demand. 24 1724.3760. "ILVF.RBsr. 61He. INIK)N. Oct ly-elLVER-Bar, S3Hd per ounoe. Bask Clearluge. ' OMAHA. Oct. 15. Bank clearings for Omaha todav a ere K.WA.MU and for the corresponding day last year, 13,623,243.34. Wheat I I'll Dec.. I 1 124 1 1S' IU I I 12V 1 1?W Mey.l 1 1SS 1 IS'1. 1 TV 1 K 1 IS1 Corn ft:'! Iec..t rv -V V HV Way.; (' 70 1 ! 70 Oais I I I I Dee.! 4- 4V 47V 4"V 4 May.l M'V MV W MV MS r Jn-.j 1 70 I IS S7'J II 70 ! IS 80 ID VJt, UIo'r. 10 1" 1TV 10 1 1TH W 1 Jan..) 10 THI M 110 0710 10 R1oci.. n J ii oo I i oo n re Jan..) I I 7H' WH!.g l vihm iuc: Tia 1 rins. uvio. 22Vc; No. 2 loins, 17c; No. t loins. 140. I -1.....1,. 15,.! N'n. i chucks. lUci Nu, i ir i .i.m.ts. liUe: No. 2 s cnucas, eu. , - - rc OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Very Slow and Around Ten Cents Lower. HOGS OPEN GOOD. CLOSE LOWER rat thccai Artltr Kellers and steady Fat lambs Ktort, bat bont eady and Feeders Steady tn trnnt. SOI TH OMAHA, Oct. IS. 14 Teceiptu wore. i attle. Hogs Sheep. Official Moudav 11 11 2.M7 S4.V. official TiH'M .y 'nit 41l .Hi. ml Official Wednesday .. !.i;t t.;t 3.',0T4 F'stunated Thursday . 2.n 40 I7.C Pour rtavs this week. ..11.4443 14. 7? I.Tt Hame d,s liuit week..'.r; vo.iixt 1J.J1l Htnie 3 weeks aao ;i (1 lx.40 14;.M2 Hame 3 aeeks ao 33.f!? A,t 137A4 tm 4 weeka ago 32.;n I1.7 7.C nme days Inst yi ur.. .24.123 21.370 144. " The following table snow t;ie receipts of tattle, lings and sheep at the South uiuaha live stock market for tne year to date, aa complied with lst jean 1MI. m In. Tvc. Cattle 7:i,7V TVIlSa .'I.4i Hogs l,4S.ltSA 3.T4,ai7 X.W Kh-ei 2.41.071 3 47V.972 2.0I he following table shown tne prices (or hogs at the South Omaha live stock mar ket far the last few days, with compari son a Dale. ISM il"i t . II ! I . 1 i I we 47 Kept. 24.I I loSl a lAi h 0 7 l I Heit. r. la Mi a Mi I m! I I 15 eept. yi.l 1 15UI ' f C&i 4 141 I 221 QUI 4 4: Sept. S I I nu I 331 I 0 19 K 2 '. l"l Kept, 7 (f7v 1 2S1 3 42, 12, e 11 1MIM Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 1 . 2. 2.. 4.. a a. 7.. S.. 10. 11. li.. 14 lft. T S'i I 211 f 43 I R aS T K7 4 1 Iflt 2 1M 3 2il 3 16 I 44 4 26 17 f 6 ! f l I g 61' 24 3 2 7 23 T SI I T 7tvi f 20 T SO-V 7 !i 7 37' 1, 7 Wi 7 4t 7 m: 4 Ml 6 231 I SIi I M 4A 1 4 821 8 4i 1 47 4 XI f Til 4S 47 1 61 4 14 771 I 27 7 67 15 3 77 B 471 7 41 4 30 II Ml! 341 8 3T 4 li 7 44VI 7 !l 3 0l 3 SO! 4 i.11 3 331 7 671 i 8 V 4 III 3 41 7 70 8 04 ! 3 M 44 .17, 8 37 7 40 A W 7 92 1 80, I 8 4II 7 481 5 6.4 T 4T-; 7 2M: 7 24m Oct. Oct. Bund Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nlnn slock yards. South timaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RKCFlPTS-CAHfl. Cattle, lions. Sheen. It ses 4'.. M. Bt. I" 1 1 1 1 IK 62 5 . . . 13 7 2 P 10 2 1 1 I 1 7 100 Wabash MlKsoiirl l acirio .... 1 1 nion Pacific 23 C.. N. W east.... 4 C. 4k N. W., west.... 18 C, (St. P.. M. O... 3 C. B. Q., east.... 1 C, B. A Q , west.... 87 C. R. I. P., east.. 2 C, R I. A P.. west.. .. Illinois Central Chicago U. W Total receipts ...120 DI8POHITION-I I ICA V Cattle. Hogs, tiheep ... 620 721 1.7M Morris & Co K&lft tn Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co J W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co Henton, Vanaant L.. Hill & Hon F H. lels J. It. Root Co U I Husx HosoiiHtock Bros McCreary A Kellogg... Werthelmer A Degun... II. F. Hamilton Hulltvan Hros Rothschild Mo. Kan. Calf Co... Christie lllgglns Huffman Olaasbcrg Baker, Jones Smith. Tanner Broa John Harvey Kline Other buyers : 51 70 . 57 171 4H 17 (i.l 215 70 2 6 110 12 Ul 12 6 100 62 1IW 2S 16,3-10 Totals 4.03 4.313 20.7D3 CATTLi: Receipts were fair lor I Thursday. US cars being reported In the yards. Tho uuailtv was very poor, con sisting largely oi trash. There were really not enough good or desirable rattle In slBht to attract buyers or put any life Into the trsde. As a toeult the market on all k.uds of cattle was very slow and dull from stsrt to finish with prlcea around 10c lower thnn yesterday. This means that practically all kinds of cattle are a little lower than last week. Even csnners were weak today today ao that the gen urn 1 market on all kinds of cows and heifers might be quoted at 16'26c lower than last week. As noted yealerday fair to pretty decent kinds of cornl'ed steers arc being neglected In favor of grassers, such cattle being iiuoted 31 per hundred lower at Chicago. The soft weather that has prevailed all week has been very muoli against the trade In stockers and feeders, and they have stcsdlly eased oft under the Influence of a moderate country demand. (quotations on Cattle: Hood to choice roriifed beevts, .iyig 10.60; fair to good cor n fed beeves, IS tjO'y ,0, common to lair rornted beeves, $7,7fK(i.W); good to choice range steers, 7.4vWH ; fair to good range steers, 6.7r'(7.40; common to fair rang steers, 3iOOrtf76; good to choice grass heifers. 111 i"47.iO; good to choice gruns cows, $ii.OOai.75; fair to good grades, 16.60 tftl.OO; common to fair grades, prlmo feeders, tS2!"til.40, good to choice stockers and feeders, 27.fcuwn.Sf,; fair to good stockers and feeders, fi.04U'i 40; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, 28 t-it 6.60; stock heifers, 26.60441.75; stock cowa, 24 6vti4.00; stock calves, 24.(0414.00; veal calves. 38.00cU10.2ii bulls, strgs, etc., 25.26 1.00, iwepresentatlve sales: BEKF HTKERB. TfS. 14 1. . . 1 At. 71 IT. I 10 Ns. At. Pt. cows. 4 71 , 1 4 71 3 I li 1 I M lilFKIlS. I ra 4 io i ttL'Li.rf. 114 1 I I 6 71 ','ALVES. 71 1 71 1... ..ISM .. : .. m . .u. .. 4in .. 7iu ..pee ..1270 .. 14 .. m en s mi I u M 18 . 44t 11 W 4 14 6 26 1.V.0 .1111 4 46 4 46 ISO 10 OS m i o 1.-. 4..., 36.... H'lU. 477 72 I 7S 14 I 26 14 a 4 44 4 76 WKHThllNS. T. A. l'aple K D. Av. IT. No. . Kit 4 W i feeders No. A v. Vr. 2 C4IWS. 16 feeders.. Hr.3 4 Co L. N. Worley Neb, 3 cows H44) 6 76 3 steers. 4 cows S4 4 76 ZH steers. 30 steers.. ,.132 7 26 J. C. Hhaw-Wyo. R cows 9."2 16 5 cows.. .13041 7 26 7 26 ..una 0 6 66 12 steers.. ..1214 7 50 H W. Aldrich-Wyo. 1 cows 13 4 37 11 cows l'""0 15 feiders.. 4 ) ( I L. Tarker-P. D. t bulls 1300 6 00 cows 10W 2 feeder.. tl . 14 feeders. .1071 N. E. Hillings Wyo. 4 feeders.. ! 4 66 4 cows 60 2 feeders. .llu 67 Scows 8X3 2 feeders.. 313 7 00 I feeders.. 224 6 70 6 00 7 16 6 26 6 76 1 00 ('. F. White, houth Dakota. It steers 1174 4 0 27 feeders... lOM 7 13 C. P. Noble, Wyoming, 47 steers 1111 7 50 4 steers.. I Steers. .. 1174 7 60 44 steers.. 16 Steers.... 11.15 4 0 44 cows... .1217 .1111 .1110 7 60 7 20 6 30 14 cows V4 6 76 J. H. Curtis. Wyoming. I steers 1174 7 60 4 steers 1X2 0 J. R. Ctialond. Nebraska. 10 feeders... 1225 2 7 6 17 feeders.. .1122 7 40 Nicholson Brothers. Nebraska. 231 steers 1772 7 76 1 steer 1430 100 R F. Johnson, Nebraaka. 114) feeders.. 271 6 66 30 feeders... 1010 NflBRASKA. cows 1023 6 20 14 feeders... 750 4 feedeis... 700 3 00 t-ctock civs 35 4 stock clvslMO 4 00 4 stock hfs IM 23 feeders... lOM 7 10 li st k cws.. I'M 33 cows 1401 (20 41 cows 10VO I 26 00 7 Of 6 26 6 SO 4 0U T 4V 4 26 13 cows 33 4 0 13 ateers loci 7 0u 14 feeders... 7' ID steers... 14 feeders. 11 oows. ... 2 calves. . 4 cows. ., 40 oows.... 1104 761 m , 'A3 20 4 74 1 calf. 6X I cows 110 10 2o 744 4 tV' 7 00 ( Stock h'e. 463 26 4 46 tirxj 6 30 4 6) 4 40 40 cows IWl 30 16 feeders.. 11U 4 tiO 24 feeders.. 11H 4 60 2 heifers... 4ii i 13 feeders.. 1024 20 feeders. .1141 U feeders.. 743 J. 11 44 cows VlT 6 30 w mie. reoraka. 6 46 WYOMING. 4 421 6Sft 1,310 .d 1,1111 1.IK2 US l.M'l iM :i;7 ?o stk cws . 841 6 v atk.cws . V. B no steers .. in: 4i 86 r:' i , hfrs r4' 40 6 feeders. ,1"?2 Iftl 1 feeders. . 770 8 6 feeders.. 7"2 i 27. 14 feeders. ,11' 7 io 7 feeders. .IP'1 7 .Urom.i 14 8 : 12 steers.. ..H.13 7 20 21 steers. ...1175 7 lii i Iiotl.v-Huppl'cs were larger than on! Wmlnesilsy, hut with prospects of a good killlrg outlet the market opened about i, best grades selling at slightly stronser prices. Trade remained on a sli adv hais until toward the close, when. I with most of the huyeis pieltv well f llleil ! up one packer. ho had Mid out all morn ing, started bidding figures that were uuoted at ionic lower than the general! trade. I Of lourse. there ra practically no! roinpetltlon at thin time and as the most of the hogs stiil iiinn,,t were rough : heavies It looked as though they would sell at the buyers' flKUie Most of the 1 sellers, however, hung on for a return tn I etirlv prices and before these la.t hogs sold values braced a lilt e on the beet end of them, and the lute sales were quoted aa about a nickel lower thnn ves- : terday's tvereice. ahlie the roost of them ' were pretty nearly steady wnh Wednes day's low close Humming up the general trade, most of the sales are about stendv, hut the Voner closo puts the average n trifle under estnrday. Today's prices set n new low mark for the year. Sales were pretty well soaitere,! eyj.r rarge of l7o.vtl7.MV but the bulk of them landed at f7.24u7.3n. uallty on the whole was probably shout the same ns yester day, but the nfferlnss Ineluiled a larger percentaite of both tlie pretty gimd lights and butchers, and the common heavies, so that there is more of a sprinkling of sales both shove and below the hulk. Home very good butchers went to a packer at 27. Mi, top for the d.iy. ShlpiMirs and spec ulators found themselves pretty well filled up this morning, and as there were few fresh orders the shipper buy waa light In I comparison to the previous ilu of the! week. This natural!- b-rt packers In a better poult Ion to duicrimlnate against the rough heavy grades. Receipts were estimated at seventv-twn cars, or 4.M head, bringing the totsl for the four days up to 14,1137 head. This Is more thsn 6, MO smaller thsn last week and nearly lighter than for the same days of Inst year. Representative sales: Ho. At. h. r No. At Sh r 11 .TO .. lis (4 res. 7 ; m ije. 7 oo n. i . . T ii im 150 1 it ft mi l-.o 1 : lr hu T II M M Ml m II JKl iji) T li 41 tt .. 7 u ..IK W Tit 4 '.144 o T ' M Im 1 II V X 10 t 14 100 lnA 7 It U :M .. 7 26 7 Mi l 7 II 41 17 e li. IMt m 1 16 14 170 N II 41 i 44 f U T4 .. T H ; 1,1 jnii 7 '.n ii in .. T IS... .... STS SO 7 80 41 lit SO T W 1 lt 10 T M 10 SSI 44 1 9 n ill ii I hi 2 ; to 7 ;e M t4 Nl 18 M KM 10 7 ) !4 .. 7 je it SN1 Kl T 10 H .437 IM t 71 TM 100 1 SO 1 114 4ll 7 14 44 W IS 18 4 M 30 1 tO T4 U IW 7 ai to 291 K M II Vt .. 1 Vl 41 IM .. 7 10 10 aw . . IS 44 '..Ml .. 7 JO III Ill ltt 1 ' b4 Ill 110 1 M il Ill .. 7 4 11 IN T3g fl 3 Vi 7 II r4 N IM 4U 114 40 T u n .. J io so tn ins t i 41 ii K 7 K) 51 'J4 4t 111 M Ill 140 T UV4j 41 II 7 41 IT MS 0 7 lis, M 14 40 7 46 14 Ml S"0 7 SJ Tl J T 4 77 Ill 400 7 3A tl IM l 1H U Ill log 7 26 riilhivr lie iieeh receipts of 27,000 heau today included quite a number tif gonil fat lamlis. more than for several daya hack, but very lew good sheep. The tat ewes and wethers moved readily nt prlcea lully steady, whi.e the majority oi the lamb offerings was slow sun', wltn the puckers trying to buy at a reduction In prices and sellera asking some Im prvvt anient over yesterday, Alter consider able dickering the huik oi the lambs changed ham In shortly before noon, showinK little If any change trotn Wednesday's market, about steady with Mi ixlav and the cltiae ol laat week. To day's receipts were moderate, if anything, and this weeks supply of killers tor the week ro far show a decrease from the snme time last week and aao fropi the corresponding dnys of lust year. The schedule of prices on the Iocs I n arket continues relatively high compared with most outside points, with fat sheep still bringing figures on a par with the Chi cago market. There was more activity in the fenoer trade than In the rase of klllera and if anything prices showed a continuation of strength the same ns on the previous days nf the week. Knrly some good feed ing lamba moved St 27 .Oo. The leeder sup ply of all classes was little If any differ ent from yesterday, there not being quite enough to meet all Inqulrlee. There still la an active demand for- feeding wethers and yearlings, but very little of this kind oh stuff shows tip from day to day. There whs n good i learance In feeders again to day, Indicating a healthy tone to the whole trade at current prices. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, 37.4i"fl7.7o; lambs, fair to good. 27.10417. 40; lambs, feeders. 2'iA"ti7.15; yearlings, good to choh-e, 37i.3S 4I41.10J yearlings, fair to good, 25.60. H6; yearlings, feeders, 26.4tVut.lin; wethers, good to choice, 26.25Ti5.ti0; wethers, fair to good. 26. 10116.26: wethers, feeders, 34.30i 4 86; ewes, good to choice, 24.60Jr4.NT:. ewes, fair to good,,; ewes, feeders, 2160 (i 4 26. Representative sales: No. Av. 140 Idaho breeding ewes 7 Pr 4 30 7 40 3 60 5 Ho 4 3'i 6 15 41 30 11 30 6 76 H IKI 6 A) 41 DO 6 90 6 30 2 35 5 36 4 DO 4 DO 4 00 4 00 3 Ml 2 DO SO 60 41 W 6 DO 6 30 6 W 4 :o C ' 7 X 77 7 25 6 nr, A & 6 i'i'i tl ' 7 r) 7 50 3 H, 3 6 3 S-i 2 S7 4 76 4 75 4 7 " 4 ." 4 4 31 DO 4 DO 4 DO 6 '4) 1.0417 Idaho lambs ' 104 cull ewes ! tit;2 Idaho feeder lambs 54 106 Idaho fieder liimlis 64 24l) Nnhruskn, feeder lambs 43 219 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 154 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 1()7 Wyoming feeder lamba 41 174 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 216 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 2I4 Wyoming feeder lumbs f 474 Wyoming feeder lamba 50 t5 Wyoming feeder lamba 61 171 Wyoming yearlings 2 47 Wyoming yearlings Ki 219 Wyoming feeder lambs. ... 67 llVi Wyoming feeder lambs 6" 2id Wyoming feeder lambs 4i 31 Wyoming feeder lambs 44 1 Wyoming feeder ewes W 36 Wyoming feeder ewes W 113 Wyoming feeder lambs 13 22H Wyoming feeder lamba 60 124 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 112 Wyoming feeder lainhs 7.1 217 Wyoming feeder lambs 5ti 232 Wyoming feeder lambs 57 IM) Wyoming feeder lambs Bl 134 Wyoming feeder lunibs 64 72)4 Colorado lambs 4 344 Colorado feeder lambs "4 347 Vtah lamba tin 348 I'tah feeder lambs 6i 4!) i'tah feeder Iambs W 60 I'tah feeder lumbs 67 22 I'tah feeder lambs 61 130 Wyoming lambs 74 l,40fi Wyoming lambs 4 213 Wyoming feder ewes I"0 3D Wyoming feeder ewes Iff, I AM Wvomlng feeder etves 1"2 N2 Wyoming feeder owes 1H IKS Wvomlng ewes l'-'6 lid Wyoming ewes KJ Wyoming ewes '.tV! Wvomlng ewes Wyoming ewes 74 Wyoming ewes ?2S Wvomlng feeder lambs.. 2i0 Wyoming feeder lainhs.. 1S2 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 471 Wvomlng feeder lambs.. KK N'ebraeka lambs 104 Nehrsska ewes 21 Nebraska wethers .122 .1w .112 .11k . on . 61 . 60 . 40 ... 70 ...1(6 '...112 7 00 4 7; 6 2i flllt'1.41 2.2 VK CTI1IR M.aftKUT (attle. Ktradr lloas Weak -Sheep Weak. CIPCAOO. Oct. 15. Hogs receipts, 13 0IJ0: weak; moetlv 5 to Me lower; bulk 37.3oy7.kO; 1'Kht. rtVihfft.OO; mixed, f715'w V.'5; henvy f 7 tn4)k u6; tough? 31 "4t 07.15 pics", 2t tV'(i7.60. CATTLE recelrts, 4 4X70; steady: beve, ffi V(II0 DO. sWcrs. 24 Hii4m 10; itorker. and feeiers. H.3KI14.10; oows and heifers. 23.4('lf!M0; rakves, 27.uOlH1..'. rill KKP rcculpts. 46,i); weak; ah , 4.7M'Vi.o(; yearlings, 2660cb;.4O; lauiu, W.(M(?.a5. Kaaaae lr Live Blork Market. KAN HA B CITT. Oct 12-CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.5U0 head: market steady: prime. f.l steers, f9.4.'i('11.2fi: dressed beef stoers. 27.754CJ .60; western steers, 24 CtrtJ 0); etiM'k ers and feeders. 25.76UH.00; bulls, o.CKJ(4l t0, cslves. 24 6010 60. HOO-Receipts. 7.000 head; market, higher; bulk. 37.10W7.46; heavy. 27.1i?l7 50; packers and butchers. 37.2147.56; light, 37 cOia7 '4); pigs. 24 Stuff" 00. PI4EEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11,000 head' market weak; lambs, H i7 tO; yearlings. 46 36jr4.4J0; wethers, 26.0.66; eaea. 24 26t0i , . t. Josenk Live gieek Market. ST. JOREPH, Oct 16. -CATTLE- Re ceipts. 2oo head; steers. 27 0O3 H 25; cowt end heifers, 4.tVV.0W; caivea. 26 9u 10.50 1I04JS Receipts, 4.2UO head, market steady; top. 37.60; bulk of sales. 27 lty7.40 KHEEP AND LAM BH Receipts. 1,640 rad: market steady: lambs. 27.0(1.00. Bee Want Ada IToduce Results. miss dunlap Re-elected Apain to Head Equal Suffrage Or ganization of State of Iowa. MRS. M'HOSE VICE PRESIDENT Report Received hy I ndersrroand Ires that ( nndlilnle It a ml lion of Democr tic party la for the Movement. DKS MOINLfi. la.. Oct. U-gperlal Telegram.) Miss rior: Dunlap Was re elected president by the loan equal suff rnge convention held at Hie hotel iavery. Mrs. J. R. M.-llose of Itnonn was elected vice president and Mr, .lames T'ewltt of Ohkalosss was elected recording seo rt.r.r. One wemnn reported at the conven tion today that Mrs. John T. Hamilton, whose husband Is democratic candidate for governor, confided to her that Mr. Hamilton sees that suffrage Is coming and he expects to support it. Denver Will Hold Today Its Initial Recall Election DENVER. Colo., CK-t. 13. A recall election, the first Io be held In Denver, will tnke place tomorrow to determine whether Alexander Nlsbet, commis sioner of safety, will be removed from office. Charges ot "grafting and nnn enfoicement of gambling and vice regu lations" are made by those upon whose petition the recall movement was In stitute.:. Commissioner Nesblt seeks re-election and there are nine other candidates. The movement for the recall of Coni mlSKlontr Nlsbet grew out of the abduc tion of alleged robbery of Rev. Otis L. Hputgenn of Pes Moines, who wss taken from a local hotel by a party of men who htvnded his room on tha night of April 5, placed In an automobile and spirited out of the city and warned not to return. Tho occurrence followed a lecturfi by Ppurgeon on the preceding night ,n which ha attacked the morality of the Catholic clergy. Two trlala of thirteen men. charged with the kidnaping of the lecturer re sulted In hung juries. Felix O'Nell, chief of police, and a Nlsbet appointee, waa chnrged with failure to perform his duties In permitting ?purgeon to be abducted. Whea Nlsbet Ignored a de ivtund that O'Nell be discharged, the prtltion for the recall of tha commlM sinner was circulated and. after several weeks had been spent In legal prelimin aries, tho election was called. Cruiser Yarmouth Sinks One Steamer, Captures Another LONDON. Oct. 13. The admiralty an nounces that that British cruiser Tar- mouth has sunk the German Hamburg- American line steamer Markomannla In the vlcinltv of Sumatra and has captured and Is taking Into a harbor the Greek steamer Pontpnrta. Both the Markomannla and the Pont-, ports have been reported previously aa arompanylng the German cruiser Em- den. The Yarmouth has slsty German prisoners of war on board. The Markomannla has a gross tonnage of 4.605 and was engsged In the African service. ECKERSALL MAY UMPIRE CREIGHTON-HASKELL FRAY Walter Eckersall, former CTilrsgo uni versity star, may ba tha umpire ot the Crelghton-Ilaskell gams here Saturday. Haskell and Crelghton had not been able,, at a late hour Thursday, to select an tim- pile I IT I'Bi hi ..n J waa sent an Invitation to officiate. Wrenn, bImi of Chicago, Is being eonald ered for the ,1ob. In case no man can be secured todsy the management of the two teams will probably select the umpire at a conference here Saturday when the In dians rrlve. Roth tlie other officials for the game have ben chosen, Waugti of Nebraska ss referee and Raccty of Nebraska as head linesman. GUS WILLIAMS RETURNS TO SPEND WINTER HERE Gua Williams, slugging outfielder on tha fit. Louis Browns, line returned to Omaha to spend the winter. Gus makes his home In Omaha and once plsyed on the Omaha' C1U1I. 1 ne lllg uuuienier in 111 luru Uer the success of the Browns In the city eerVs In ft. Iyiuls, ss the Browns trimmed the Cardinals very properly, and' (ius brought back home came of tha heavy end of the gate. Williams Is strong for Prsnch Rickey as a manager and de clares Rickey will have the Browns up ai the top next year. STALLINGS REFUSES $15,000 FOR SIX WEEKS CN STAGE BOSTON, Oct. 16.-George T. tflalllngs, manager of the world's champions Braves today refused an offer of 215,000 for six week In vaudeville. He will leave to. morrow for his plantation In Had dock, (la. Drown Deals "Wesleyaa, PROVIDKNCE. R. I.. Oct. 15-Brown defeated Wesleyan todav, 16 to , In a foot bull game arranged as a feature of the celebration of Brown's 150th anni versary. The visitors were unable tq make headway against tho strong Brown Una Nt. Ials Live Meek Market, PT. I,Ori8, Oct. 15 CATTLE Receipts. 4.300 head; market steady; native beef steers, fi.rskti 10 36; cows and hellers, 26 00 I46, stockers and fenders, S 000)7 64 southern steera, rt.ii3.00; cowa and heif ers 24 4X4(4.60; native calves, 2,.00fl 10.60. IKHiti Receipts, 3, Hi) head; market, higher: pigs and lights. 2i7.fi7.30; mixed end butchers. 27.KKU7.M; good heavy, 37 4) 47. DO. ' bHEEP AN DLA MBS-Receipts. 2,!r)0 heud; market lower: native muttons. H 00 4J6.40; lambs. 27.4AauH.tW. along t'llr Live Slock Market. BIOl'X CITY. la.. Oct. 15.-OATTLR-Recelpta, "O head; market steady; native steel s. i ts.'n'jd.oO, butchers, 36 1"v(ji 7a: cows and heifers, 24.3u.ii: stm-kars and. feeders. 35'4M; calves, 2u.0vtfv.6v; bulls, ataxs. etc, $4 7f(j,36 HijOt Receipts. 3.300 head; market 2 '4)c lower; heavy, 37.20fC7.4o; mixed. 37. W (Kl 20: light. 27.i'7.10: bulk, 27.1iKf 7 SO. 8HEUP AND LAMU-ReceTpts, S04 head; no quotations Copper Dlvldrad licenced. NEW YORK. Oct. 15. The directors of the Amalgamated Copper company today deelared a dividend nf 60 cents a share, av reduction of 2 1 from the preceding quarter, Mrlal Market. T. LOrtS, Oet. 16 METALS Lead, dull; nominal; 23.35. Kpolur, dull; Bout ins 1. 24 7m.