Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin: ni:E: TUt'KsDAY. ih1'ih;i:i: mu.
Bat Orchardists Mast Fint Care for
Their Trees Properly.
jlrcrrtary of 9at. Ilnt-tlrnMaral o-
cltrr After t rip Tbroufth the
Producing Srrtloa M
area to Vtewa.
(From a Staff Corrc-ir-nMiit.
I LINCOLN, Oct. H.-(8fHeiM ) Fcgtu
I tary J. K. Duncan of the Plate Horti
cultural aociuty haa resumed from a lr
weke' trip through eoutheiutern . Ja
braaka, whpr h visited nearly all -th
driven a llf nmtrnce wruld Itaco to r
caive his frelom. Ilo wki reoclvc-cl at
lh prnitentlary, February 1. 1W. Forest
RHly, snt up from Tork county for
criminal aptault Would also Ilk to go
free, ifr waa reccivffl Avt'l IT. I'll fori
period or threw frt. Therr will prob
ably t rcvcrnl application,1) for parolo,
ait usual. '
Walt Uri Some t rl.
Th farn-t of Secret arv f Stato. .Vu.ll
cn Walt. 1ih extracted t.i California.
Yhla moininR he received a present from
the raclflc Photo rnpr company of a
tox.of l.M very Imeiitlful cmda contain
In;: a flno plioto ot the secretary on
oito stria and his namo on thu other. Tho
Crtrdo at sorttethlr.jr nc an.l can ImtMly
b' dlstlt:irijhit from the orlplnal photo
and hnvtim appearance of the photo
!e!inr panted . on the card. They were
tion of th, state. He aays .that h; U " trtMr "-ooitlon of a
convinced more than ever thal N.,hra,ltfc' '' "kM t ewary in the way
i-i it'- now or candidate rent tnem.
apples can hava no superiors When the
orchards are properly taken fa: tf, and
the fruit picked e.nd packed a it chtuld
rraetleally all the fruit this year fa
been produced hy . orchards which have
been welt cared for. according to Mr.
Iwncan. He saw Instances of where a
good crop of fruit was proddrtd. in one
orchard which had bcrtl well taken care,
of, while poaslhly -Juct across lh roall
another orchard whlcji. had been allowed
to take care of Itself produced nothlnff.
To Form fw Battery.
Adjutant General rhll Hall has returned
from Hastings, where he conferred with
business men of that city reflardlnn the
establishment of a battery of artillery.
Th. TV'ar department has signified Its In
tention to place a battery in this state'
aa a part of the national guard, but de
mands that It be given a good substan
tial place to be housed, aa the equipment
coats In the neighborhood of ilflo.OPrt. The
business men of the city appear anxious
tc land the battery and have made Gen
eral Hall two or three proportion's .which
will be put up to the .War department.
General Hall vlll go to Blair and Hold
rega this week to look, after the organ
.ixation of a company of cavalry at eadh
place. The general haa also been ad
vised that a bill la under consideration
by the committee of congress which .ha'
war problems to- solve hlch I provide 1
for a committee consisting of members of
the cabinet and of the house and senate
which -will look Into the condition of
the national guard in each state lft or
der to have-everything ' In -condition for
war should occasion demand. An appro
priation of (JO.tflO la called for in the bill,
which la known as H. R. 133.
Attornera Oeaeral to- Meet.
Attorney General Grant Martin haa
j?one to Washington ,to -attend; a session
of the attorneys general from each state
which will convene there the latter part
of the week. ;:
To Face Larceny Charge.
A requisition, has been issued by the
governor's office for the return to Ne
braska of Fred and Mabel Phaw, wanted
in Omaha for thoAlarceny of a fur coat
from the stor of tyden Brothers. The
coat- was worth 175.' The parties are
being heldln Chicago. .
Anonymous Complaint.
"Why Is, one of the leading -rhotelB of
Omaha allowed to. violate the femalo
labor law. A Cittaen." This is 4- com
munication which came to the office of
I.abor Commissioner rool.rtia morning
and Js a aagtple. of , many, wilch are re
ceived :from .time to time.' '"How can t
enforce the law on acompUint of ' that
kind," said Mr. Pool. . "There are a hun
dred hotels In Omaha, and how can I
find the one referred to In t?mt letter.
Thatls a sample of a large number ot
complaints which come In of allcrred
violation of the law, bJt no on caro
to help me enough to state where lh
vlolatlona otcur or do thy tell me wha
they are so I can find out.
If people who write these conimtinicii
tkns would assist me enough by signing
tleir names, they noed not '.be afraid
that I will give them away. ,1 will pro
tect them In the matter and will be ftlad
to do ao. , but they rriiist. tal-i enoutH
Interest to help mo that nvtoh so 1 can
locate the trouble." v . , . . .
Yeteriuarv Ksaiulna tioita. "l )
Examinations of nppllcarts who deal) s
to practice as veterinary tirgroons at a
toklns place at the Btate house today
tinder the direction o." Dr." I'oung of
Omaha, Dr. McKIm of Norfolk and Dr.
Anderson of Seward, members of the
Rate Board of Veterinarians. About a
dosen applicants are present. .
Pardon Board Meets.
The Pardon' Board will nWt 'tomorrow
to. hear applications fof psrdotia in two
rases. Van . Wilson Ooodell, sent .up
from Pouplas county for niurder and
a : i
Duraud Urges
Posts to Bring
Sons Into Field
i Front a staff 'orvspondcnt.
LINCOLN, i.l. t. 14.- tPpeclal ) Pepart-j
rucnt roi.imsivicr u. II. tuirotid oi" the'
tirand Army o;' the I'.epuhllc lays sberlal
ti-c.a upon the in. tnN-rs of the depart
ment in Nebraska to encourage the or
KMilzntlon of Soiim of Veterans camps In
this idatc in an order jnsi Issued from
department headquarters, which nsjs:
In KenersI orders No. :t. series 1914 and
irr. your tl'M'irtmeui commander asked
the comrades erywhnre to cn'0"tiice
sr,. ssuNt the Sons ef Vi lernns In iilin
Islng camps. Me felt then, and Ktltl foel;-.
that the time bus come ben wc, te mir
vlvors of that great strtiKKle - for the
T. sei vatloi, of the union. n do but
little nion to perpetuate the nn.n-.ory of
our own iiiinovemeni. t crtstn ;i lr mat
Domestic Consumption for Two
Months Decreases 79,000 Bales.
Fla-area Compiled for AanuM and
September t.lve Idea of Ktlrnt
'of the Inroads Relna
VVASIUNOTON. Oct. H.-ticme i- of
the extent to which the cotton frowlnR
Industry has suffered as a result of the
Kuropean was waa dlnclosed today in a
census bureau report, showing that for
the first two months of the cotton yesr
xports fell off more than l.W.OnO bales
compared with the same period last year.
IomestIc consumption of cotton during
the same period decreased more than
7..,(t bales. Imports of foreign cotton,
however, Increased 4:.40 lalcs. having
lecn brought from abroad, compai-ed with
Ifi.cnt bales Inst year. Kgypt sending 1.". ''41
lAwr arfniilo taairo ' ! "P"n
mm. fuuMivio mflrvco
I no;,;,ref,,,,rA,:Vrtre :z 7ztv- . ,-e.r M.
'and the tintion bm Weil, than by calling Cotton consume.! during teptember Wa
opon ine jotik sn.l iir all old I 4T.IM tialea. envluslve or linters.
oldlers to enroll themselves In the Or-jn., , k,,,., i...
giiii'iHtioiis of the Sons of Veterans, and p,rM iu-4 September last
emulate the exRhit.jc of their brave an
I cestors by dndicntlng themselves to the
t. wt vv. v- . r . o' ''.','' I true principles of patriotism.
I,...LA, .el,., net. l4.-iSpeclal.)- The lime has come when we need their
Jan Ad-lams of Hud Mouse, Chicago, j assistance, and they are no-In manv lo
addrersed'ti gathering of people a ' Ha - ";'"" Proving their worth by works on
. . . , . .. , Moiporial day and serving as active paH-
enna yesterday afternoon while the ias-l funerals of v eterans, th om-
Wug'r train mkd tts refular . stop . of i rndes otticlating as honorary hearers
twenty minutes. Ml
route to Broken Bow for
evening.' and lo. al parties pent a r-'o. at once, and that ea.-h aide np-e nip look
several days ago for a ,-hort speech here. ; . V" .llHt !. report to t-.e po,..
nnougn a coin winu was uiowing more Erandons in the vicinity of
regular . stop or i rnies cuiinating as nonorary ncarers.
t.i.ioroa Your department commander therefore
lJ" r" i earnestly ns sts thst each post rom-
or a meeting this irander tske the mutter up wlih his pout
tlian ZOO people w.jre on hand and gave tllrtDie to membership.
the closest attention while Miss Addams
spoke from an automobile drawn up
alongside the hotel out of the wind.
; MliM Addams presented V the miffrage
issue briefly, her thoughts being well defined-and-
plainly ..tprsed, btu in such
a calm, conalderato and convincing man
ner that she made a splendid .Impression
en those who heard her.
The local people who arranged and ad
vertised the affair are more than phased
With the success.
GRAND 19IAND.vNeb., Oct. i4.-(Sf-ela!
Telegram.) Dr. H. C. Miller, proml
ftentMn the state's dental profession, and
for Pine years postmaster of this city,
passed away this morning of diabetes, lie
was M years old. A the oldest member of
the directors of the Extensive Building
and lnn association here, as council
man and in various other public enpael
tlas, he gave valued servlcea In the com
munity. He played a prominent part In
the organisation of the state dental board
Of examiners and the securing of the
legislation therefor and ha hlmwelf
erved aa member of the board and as
president of the Nebraska State Dental
society. -
Farmers Meet at Htoekvllle.
. HTOCKVIILE, Nob.. Oct. 34.-(SpeclaI.)
The fourth annual ' meeting ot the
Farmers' Institute for BtockvtU wag held
at thlt village Monday. The morning ses
sion ha,d to be omitted ort account of the
delay ef Mr. Hull or Alma In arrival. Th?
big free fanners' dinner was put on in
the court room this year, "and was well
attended. The management was some
what disappointed in being compelled to
proceed, with the dinner, with the speak
ers', table vacant. The afternoon program
was tarried out In full, a, cooking demon
stration being conducted at the court
house by Miss Richards of the Nebraska
School of Agriculture at Curtis, while the.
talks to the farmers were conducted by
Mr. Hull of Alma. Prof. Rail of the State
school of Curti conducted the stock dem
onstration during the afternoon. There
was a good attandaneo of town people
at the evening session, but the farmers
ami families, for the most part, were
unahlo to return to the evening' session.
( aeaerenn Section Operation.
DUNBAR, Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special)
Mis. Oeorfe Kuntz, daughter ot Mr. A.
C. Soybert. wns hurried to Omaha last
Saturday afternoon by her 'physician, Dr.
HV. D. (libben. where alio was Immediately
operated on at the Wise Memorial hos
pital. As a result, theAnother and a little
baby boy arc doing well at this writing.
The operation Is known as the Caoserean
section, and during Dr. Gibbon's twenty
years of practice is the first case he haa
ecr hart. Several of Omaha's most promi
nent doctors and surgeons witnessed the
operation: The trip wa made by auto
mobile, aa there waa no train service
Cititck enough available, and a few hours
meant life Or death.
his post
Camp application blanks should he or
dered from Colonel (leorge A, Kberlv of
Xtanton, Neb., who will be very glad to
si rve you, as there hruc perhnps. never
hevn a time when so TtHtch Interest In
pur sons and daughters has developed
aa during the last year.
North I'lettc Van Killed by Fall.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., Oct. 14.
Iflpeolal.) Grover Dean, a laborer In the
employ of Clyde Iake, waa killed Mon
day afternoon by falling from a. wagon
load of sand. He was suU.ioct to fainting
spells and it Is thought that one of these
came on and caused him to fall In front
of the wagon. An eye-witness observed
that he did fall under the wagon and
that the wagon passed over him. He
was taken at once to a hospital In this
city, but It waa Impossible to render hint
any assistance. ..Ho leaves a wife and
four children.
Bryan and Senators
At Sword Handles
Over Canal Treaty
WASHTNOTON, Oct. 14.-Swlnglng the
handles of awords. whose blades, by order
of Secretary Bryan, had been turned Into
hiiniaturo plowshares. Senators William
Alden Smith and McCumber made on os
tentatious entry Into the senate chamber
today after a meeting of the foreign re
lations committee. In which their attitude
toward tho Naearagtian' treaty had been
anything but peaceful. In the committee
meeting each member had been presented,
with tho handle of a dlscardcU army
sword and a ilote stating tbat the blades
had been made into plowshare paper
weights for ambassadors and ministers
of foreign nations who had signed peace
cammisH'on treaties with the
the census bureau announced today. The
consumption for the two months ending
September :W was 7.S74 bales, against
74,TS."t last year.
Cotton on hand September In. manu
facturing establishments fWi.OftH hales,
compered with 14,M1 a year ago and In
Jndoindent warehouses l.tVU.XTxi, com
pared w th l,2.lf a year ago.
Fxports were 125.77S bales, against V,.
S-S last year, and for the two months
144.989, against 1.1KT.M0 a year ago.
Imports were 1.1.315 bales, s gainst 7,44
last year, and for the two months 41.402.
agalntt h'.234 a year ago.
Cotton spindles active numbered Sn.W;,.
1.'.. against 30.4J34.SS1 a year ago.
Winters consumed totalled 27,IK! bales,
against jrr.817 a year ago, and for the two
months r,2.(S bales, against 64,rT last
year: on "hand In manufacturing estab
lishments S,l4 bales, against M.491 a year
auo. and in Independent warehouses S.Wtl,
against S4,R a year ago.
Mnters e ported numbered l.SfW bales
and for the two montha lf bales.
NEW YORK. Oct. ll.-Offleers of the
Dutch steamer Prlns Wlllcm V, which
arrived today from the West Indies, re
ported that the vessel hnd been chased
by a British cruiser while off Asbury
l'ark. .Two Herman citizens were aboard
the steamer. When the T?ritish cirutser
approached the steamer waa headed in
shore. 5 It ran well within the three mile
limit The war vessel then turned and
steamed out to aca.
States. Tho republican members refused
to niakft peace with he secretary 1n the
war oyer the treaty with - Nicaragua
Whereby the United States would ohtulp
the Nlcaraguan canal route and naval
station rights In the Ray of Fonseca for
$3,OU0,(K. Tho committee lacked one of a
'juorum, and the democrats vainly sought
unanimous consent to poll absent mem
bers In a vote on the treaty.
Thonsands of men and women suffer from
Deadline every dsr, other thousands bsve
beadacba every week or eery month, and still
o tners have headaches occasionally, but not at
regular Intervals. The bvst Doctor laolten unsblo
In find thft cause ol many of tbese headaches,
and la most other cases, knovlDg the cause, ho
does not know what will remove It, so as to give
a permanent dure, All he can do la to prescribe
the usual pate relievers, which give temporary
rellel. but the headache- returns as usual, aud
treatment is again necessary. II you surfer from
headaches, no matter what their nature, Uko
Antl-kamiila Tablets, and the results will be satls
Isotory in the hlrnest derree. Vnn ,.n nhtstn
V.nltnd thorn at all drugfflats In any qnantlty, inc. worth.
Kc wortbior mora. Ask lor A-K Tablets.
' filck beadeche, the most miserable of art alck
heases. loses Its terrors when A K Tablets are
tsknn. When you leel an attack coming on,
tska two tablets, and in many cases, the attack
trill be warded off. iHirlng an attack take one
A-K Tablet every two hours. The rest and com
fort which follow, can be obtained In no other
Casmtne AK Ttblmtt hmmr I A M saasis
ay""' At mil drmtuimt:
"E ery Piclurm
Tl a 5for
-fCT 7"
M. ' S V.if. I
Miller Injured at North Platte.
NORTH I'LATTE. Nrb., Oct. 14
(Special ) .alnea the Iixlngtuii company
assumed thej manage n-.c.nt of the North
riattc f mill, they hove been ship
ping out of the city ton. cars of flour
each week. Yesterday morning the sec
ond miller, Vorne Smith, was found ly
ing unconscious near one of the rollers
of the mill, with a bad wound over his
tight temple and lij right arm brrkon.
lie had been talking to theenglni-er about
half nn hour previous and thr. duy miller
found hlrn when li" route to ork at 7
a. m. It is leared that his Injuries inav
prove fatal. . I
f. O. M. Dtlml
Tmrlmt Car
What You Get
"Whaft tht mat r manimi "
Not Due to Sex
Many women have cfie to know tlmt
aex Isn't the ia-jon fo-. d'l tiaKithes', '
Jiy headaches and t)ii"siv cil.iordbrs.
Men hava these tioibU. Ujo. snrlclteu
they come from kidney weakness. To
live simply, eat ai.arine'y, tke better
cars of oue'a self and to use Doan's Kid
ney Pllla la bound to help bad Kidneys
get better. There are so many thousands
of women who can tell you this from
An Omaha Woman's .
Mra. J. T. Johr.wn. 1137 H. !?th ftt..
!maha, says: "I win cured of kidney
trouble by Doan's Kidney Pllla. , I hav
kept the remedy in the 'house tnce. t
jhi.i. . i. . . i . , . . . . . .
....... !9 winiiii enuHl CO intra lor . v.
curing troubles of that kind. Heveral ! ,
eara ago I publicly prajsed ,lon a,Kld-' lllsbon Tlaea. at falls tlty.
ney Pills and 1 m glad to conflrnt my ALI-f) CITY. Neb., Oct. 14 (Special.) !
naorseaien(. ' . I rolumbus dav was observed here Mon. !
day by the Knights of Columbua at tht i
(lehllng theater. The Rt. Iter. J. Ilenry.
Tlhen, r.t.. bishop of Unooln. Neb., waa
J the. upeakcr of the evening. Several loc! J
I attlsts. awlnted by the convent chorus,
j rendered u splendid musical program
I preceding the addreaa of the evening.
Ksar ! Hurt ly Kail.
flEATHICn. Neb.. Oct. 14.-ripc;ial.-KcUr
Italian lalxirers were Injuied, two
of thtr.i seriously, by falling from a
j twenty-five-foot tiaitle on the rirrling-
ton road ove : Turkey creek Tuesday
'nliifc. Tlie work Ira'.n on. lil,'!i thej
laborers were riding stoppe-J at Tjtkeyj
creek 'for water, at.d ft; men as they
elTP d irom tho side doer of th!r bunk
cut ;vi'fcaea l heir footing and fl to the '
bottom of the creek, a. distance of twer.- t
tyflve tct. They wn; brought here i
and placed iri, tho Lutheran hoepltal for!
tieatiitcnt. Tlit-.y gave their naniea' as I
Rusao and Plc'.-ola Antonio, O. Spina rosa j
and A. Msttera. The two first named
are hurt internally.
8054-5 Tars am St.. Omahfc.'llsa.
- Values are relative: that is. the
worth of what you get depends on
what you nnv for it. snys the Cadll
liio Onmpany. x
In fils new Hup, tor instance, lt'g
Plain tiiitt tho value you got Is great
er than the value In o cars of
higher price and no greater capacity,
die or comfort.
( And you won't have trouble finding
j cam tli at ore no larger, carry no
i more than fl"e passe ra. vet cost
mine than the Hup.
' this car five tersona ride In cor
rect case.
; Its long wheelbase affords plenty
of room. In the driver" seat and In
the tonneau room for all to relax
and rest, with soft cushions and good
springs to smooth the road's rough
' Your first ride in the new Hup
and you ought to take It as soon as
you can will c ni vou.
. You'll see thst it has. In addition
to Its generous --senger capacity,
plentv of power, smooth-runninc si
lent motor, transmission and axle,
and a perfect wealth of high grade
equipment and conveniences.
Telephone, and we'll send the car
for that "ride.
' HedHn and coupe bodies esoecially
built at tho Hup factory, can be fit
ted to touring car end roadsters at
.ver- reasonable, cost.
llastlaat Horkla Well.
HA.STI.SVjf. Neb.. 0.'t. 14.-Pperiu.-1
1'nder Coach Max Towle. the Hastings !
college foot ball team la showing real i
olaas. In Prince and McCarty Towle has!
0,. strong pair of tackles and h has I
worked late and hard with Portorf as I
q iarUirtiack, and haa rapidly developed '
him. TblH week the tAtit la wnvL K & A
for the Orand . Island game next Friday, i
50 at all Drug Store
Foster MUbum Co-aw Buffalo.N.Y
For Gof fee. Cereals or Cookinq
r Of
Here ia an evaporatad milk WiTMOITT THAT rnrtCFn Tirrr.
a milk that hat orarcoma tba latt objtctloa to ao evaporated milk.
Strilias4l UMVMte4
can be uted tor every porpo (or which fresh milk or cream ia uaecj
for beverages, for ceraal. for th baby'a milk nd tor cookiifr.
aaal la i - - I L - t . a, . .
, sncei ana pore, no danger ol souring.
rm richness to tht latt drop.
the Cooked Taste
f I It U good and of unit
Pa The Milk Without
t AtAJICeodPaaUra
2 , . AMMICAN Mltf . !
. i I
YouVe had a taste of chilly weather
and it has caused you to more keenly appreciate your needs in
Warmer Apparel
A truly remarkable showing of extra value
Suits and Overcoats, $15 -$20 -$25
At every price you'll find hundreds of garments you'll
be proud to wear. They are tho latest thoughts of mas
ter designers, mado from rich, well chosen fabrics, and,
no matter how proportioned, we've plenty of garments
that will lit you perfectly.
Omaha's Dominant Display of Quality
1 aV 1
Decisive Savin.f of $5 to $10
Whon you think of clothoa of tho hotter typo, this store
naturally flashes 'through your mi ml as the ono store
where you are sure to uZpZ&nt in style, pattern,
fahrie ami price. "We've the greatest nhowinf?, and we
offer the greatest values.
Splendid stocks of warm, serviceable
$5, $6, $7.50, $10, $12
Tha practical overcoat for the out-of-doors
man, built for service, al
lows exceptional freedom for walk
ing. We've special values that will
interest you.
-feat 3
"Blatz Private Stock"
is the finest beer brewed
any expert will tell you
No Question about it
It is acknowledged to be
the best in quality
taste and purity.
Don't be deceived by
any claims to the con
trary. Order a case sent
home today but be sure
you get nothing but
"Blatz Private Stock
Blatz Company, Omaha, Neb. Doug!
sn.t II
a 6662 II
Make swaps for profit. Look into the
"Swappers Column"