TUB HKK: OMAHA, TIITRSUAV. OCTOBER 15, 1H14. Broadcloth and Corded Silk" Occupy the First Place Tomorrow an authentic exposition of every new weave and color. Besides all of the rich shades brought out for autumn and the staple weaves that are always in vogue. There is evidenced a decided demand for black in both woolen and silk fabrics. A Special Sale of Fine Millinery for Thursday Three Hundred Beautiful Trimmed Hats at Three Special Prices Go on Sale Tomorrow, Thursday All the Latest Shapes and Materials $8.75 Trimmed Hats, Thursday . . $0.25 $10.00 Trimmed Hats, Thursday . . $7.95 $12, $15 Trimmed Hats, Thursday . $10.00 Special Reductions in Misses' and Children's Hats Thursday 75c to $3.95 HOWARD Girls! Girls! You Must Try This! Doubles Beauty of Your Hair linriie.ll.ilely?-Ves! Certain! that's the Joy of It Tour hnlr become lli?ht, wavy, fluffy, abundant ami appen ns aoft, lustrous and beautiful as n young Klrl'a after a Dandvrlne hair cleanse. Just try this moisten cloth with a little liandi-rtne and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil. and In Just a few momenta you have doubled the beauty ot your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair haa been neglected or is ASKS TROOPS BE HOT ' SENT TO THE BORDER Secretary Garrison Tells Gorernor Hunt Such a Mm Would Be Ill-Adviied. ra0N coucras with him aya CJorernmeat fa Dola Kvery Iblag PoMlble Prll Ike Uvea of Aaaertraaa from Meilraa Ballets. NACO. Arts., Oct. 14 When Informed that Oovernor !unt had ordered the Arl xona atate militia to be prepared to pro ceed to Naco at any time. Colonel C. A. Y. Hatfield, commanding the I'nlted States cavalry brigade on border duty, aald he would keep militiamen out of the danger aone the same as any other non resident civilian. Aaala M Ires llaal. WAflilXOTOK. Oct. 14. Secretary Gar rison late today ttlexriphed Governor Hunt of Arisona, saying that iTesidriit Pills Bam pie of Pyramid Pllo Remed; niiio4 freo for trial gives alek reilvf. ups Itching. bleHllng or protruding piios. hemorrhoid and ail rwoii troublaa, lu the privacy of yoar own home. 60e bug at all drugiUu. f rc empte for vial with buuslct iaallel free la puUn wrapper. . FREE IABPLE CO UPC N PYRAMID VRVa OOMPAIfT. el 4 i'yrainia liiag. ataxtWL Vf lch. Kindly send me s Free sample of Prraasial PUe h V. 1 pUla wrapp. Nana I 4 4S4 Street taaH "fT Plate. AND SIXTEENTH scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Re side beautifying the hair, Danderine dis solves everv particle of dandruff; demises, purifies and Invlgoratea thi acalp, forever atopplng Itching and falling hair. Hut what will please you moat will be, after a few week's use, when you see nevf hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the si sip. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surety get a ft-oenl bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet couutnr and Just try It. Advertisement. Wilson had again requested that the gov- trner "abstain from complicating and em barrassing the situation" by sending atate troopa to the Arisona border. It was Indicated at the War depart ment that had Governor Hunt persisted In sending state troops to the border the president would have exercised his con stitutional privilege of calling them Into the service of the federal government, thua placing them under command of the federal officers. Secretary Garrison etrlier telegraphed Oovernor Hunt that the dispatch of state mllltla til Naco or Douglas, aa proposed by the governor, would greatly complicate the situation at those place, and that the I'nlted States forces there are now doing everything that should be done to protect American lives and property from the dHiiger to which they are exposed by the fighting Mexicans across the line, short of actually Invading Mexico. He earnestly advised the governor to uftc his Influence to prevent Arisona rltlsena from exposing themselves to danger. Secretary Garrison's message follows . "I have Just received your telegram of October 11 M'e have at the present time at Naco. Arts., fourteen troops of cavalry and two machine gun companies. General Bliss reports to me thst If the local Influ ential men ot Naco will help allay the excitement It will greatly aid In handling a delicate situation. One ot the greatest embarrassments arises from the activity of the Inhabitants of Naco, Aria,, and of surrounding places, who attempt to get ear the boundary line to observe the fighting. More Troopa redr4. "We are doing everything short of In vading Mexico and driving the combat ants away by force that we possibly can do. Additional troops would not be of any use In doing what It is proper for Us to do, under ths circumstance. Were you to arnd state troopa to Neoo It could only have the effect of further complicating the situation and adding a new element of risk. It would also Introduce the great peril which arwea out of divided respon sibility. "An Ill-considered move on our side may precipitate an armed conflict be tween the American forces and the Mex icans with ultimate consequences that no one ran foresee. 1 feel you ahould give the graves consideration to the great responsibility you assume In this respect before you determine to do so. "I caa assure you and your people that 1 Fabric Gloves A rtyle which constantly grows in popularity. We liavo wonderful values in cashmere, ehamoisctte and leatherette gloves from 500 to $1.25 a pair. Worth investigating. THE STORE FOR Good Wearing Hosiery At 35c, 3 Pairs for $1.00 We have a large variety of styles and weights in Tioth Kegular and Out fizeH. Children's Sleeping Garments Dr. Denton's Sleeping Gar ments Light gray color, will not pcratch or shrink, made with feet, cuffs to cover the hands sizes 1 to 10 years. 55c to $1.10, according to size. Flannelette Sleeping Garments White and colors, made with feet, drop seat, some with hoods and cuffs for covering the hands, nize 1 to 10 years. 50c, 00c, Cum and 85o. Children's Wear, lid Floor. Your Autumn Suits Made to Order Now at Special Prices And besides n something which money can't buy any where else exclusive pat terns. Made to order, Skinner Satin Lined: $55 Patterns :...$45 $75 Patterns '...$65 $60 Patterns $50 Dress floods Section. STREETS -. 1 ! ! iS-UMl M LSUll we are giving constant and sympathetic consideration to the situation and are do ing everything that we can do short of engaging In hostlltlea. The president Is advised of the contents of this meaaag and concurs with what Is said herein." Won't Send Troopa. PIIOKN1X, Arts., Oct. 14.-Acceptlng the view of the secretary of war, that ev erything possible was being done to pro- trvi llfe and property, Oovcrnor Hunt announced today that he would not at this time send the Arirona National Guard to Naco or elsewhere on the border. VON KLUCK TRIES TO CUT THROUGH LINE OF ALLIES (Continued from Page One.) the lrlna the greatest army yet sent against Bervla In a filial and supreme ef fort to crush that country. Klerce ek.tr mlahea already have ben reported between outposts, and a big battle la said to be Imminent. Nearer home news of military opera tions Is even more meager than In the eastern area. Stubborn fighting Is re ported at (name deleted by censor), and It Is claimed that all the efforts of General von Klurk to smash the allies' left have been repulsed. General von Kluck la the commander of the German right wing. ermaa Fleet Active. In the Kaltlc the German fleet la show ing unusual activity. 8ubmarlnes or a torpedo boat, according to the Berlin an nouncement, recently sunk a Kusslan cruiser at a point distant two days Meam Ing from their bae, and a great German squadron flying the flag of Prince Henry ot rruasla U today reported cruising about the Aland Islands. The ferment over the question of neu trality 6f the. countries of southeastern Kurope Is liu-reaalug everywhere. An ex ception I found In the rase of Italy, where discussion has been checked while the country awaits news from the ink bed ot Its foreign minister. The tsmous cruisers Goeben and Ures- lau again are a source ot friction with Turkey on account of the report thai they n'"' co"t'P,1- JI"1nss. sleeplessness, hsve passed Into the lilacs. Fea and are bldd" disorders come from stuKtish kld- today near the spot where a Kusslan ' ......... i fleet was reported to be cruising not Ion. The momBt ' u ' a(a. kidneys or your back hurts, or If the In England the controversy over the'urln U cuJy- ffenaive. full of sedl- ... . ' ni.nl llrernlitp Af nAaaA nr mttmmAmA hv senuiiia- oi naval reser-es -tnio Antwerp i. a ... .... . .... . ... the authoriiles having made no reply to criticism teat the reserves were sent too late and In Inadequate numbers. Bee Want Ads An the Boosters. Beat Business Dpa,rtssesit Order. WASHINGTON. Oct. li.-8pex-lal Tele sraui.) r"red K. TIiuiums of Miltbrook. VN yo., has been appointed assistant forest ' rsusea Irritation, thus ending bladder dts-raji-r at t'ody. Wyo. The compirollir 1 ' of the currency has arsnled charters) to the following fvouth I'akota banks: Tbe Ijtke County Natloual bark of sladtson. capital i.uoO; John W. Waddon. presi dent: Martin T. Horther, cashier Icon version of the Lavke iVunty bank, slsx!l sua I. The Klret NaUunal bank ot Mid land, rapital !&,, A. J. Bunker, presi dent: C T. Coyne, cashier tconverslon of the Bank of Midland). CARRANZA SEIZES CITY MM WAYS Government Propose1 to Operate the Street Car Linei that Are Tied Up by Strike. SOLDIERS ST7B.R0 UITD OFFICE Rmplcrrt Dfniil lfa4r4 Per Cent larreaee. Dor and Bfronltlo of the t'aloa. MKXirr) C'ITT, Oct. U.-(By Courier to Vera Crus. Oct. 14.) Tha setsure of the Mexico Tramways company line br the Csrranza government today was made at the point of the bayonet. The Tramways Company. limited, la a foreign corporation capitalised at tl,000, 0"n. lta home office la In Toronto. HBortly before noon aoldlere aurrounded the main bulldlnar occupied by offlaes and plant, while a delegation of officials en tered the premises and served notice on Oenrral Oravea that all the books, rolling sto k and other property of the company, with the exception of the raah In the vaulla. muat be delivered to the chief of police. The order waa given In the name of the aupreme chief and waa aimed by the governor of the federal district. The government explained that the measure waa a provisional one taken In the Intereeta of public welfare, and due to the atoppage of the atreet car traffic of the city on noon of last Thuraday. when the motormen, conductors, , liispec tore and ehopmen atriick because their demands for a 100 per cent Increase In wage, an eight-hour day and recognition of the union were not granted by the company in the four houra' time limit specified by the strikers' committee. Managers Protest te xKtloa. The principal ownere of the property are English. French and Belgian, with some American stockholders. All foreign employee were kept in the building by troopa. The management made a vigor oua proteat to the Brazilian, Brltlah, French and Belgian legations. A formal proteat waa reglatered also with Carransa. Carranza later dealgnated Toma R&moa aa acting general manager of the ayatem. The lines of the company form a network over the entire federal district, extend ing for nearly ISO mllea and carrying mil- lions of passengers monthly. Due to a depreciation in the Mexican peso, the management Informed Uie gov ernment today of lta Inability to grant the demanda of the men for shorter houra and double wages, declaring that pas sengers were now being tranaported at less 14 centa gold. Immediately there after soldiers took possession of the prop erty. x Move tanses eJaalon. The ant haa rauaed a sensation here, aa the Tramwaya company and the Allied ! Mexican Light and Tower company, j limited, supply all the light, power, heat and transportation within a radlu of thirty miles of the capital.. The Joln In- vestment oi me auiea companies nw requires, ansae, mis will m&xe a gray sent nearly $100,000,000. j haired person look twenty years younger. I Paasengera "arriving from Aguas Cal- ( It la alao fine to promote the growth of ' lentes say that General Villa Is thirty miles north of there with a large force and determined to fight unless the j ad herents of Carranxa agree to a eon itn la don form of government. - ' '7 Mr. Garrison's message was In reply to one from Governor Hunt asking What "new meaaurea" were being taken by the federal government to prevent "a jcon tlnuance of Mexican outragoa agalnat Arisona cltlsens," and expressing a de sire to send the Arisona national gtiard to the border. ( Trouble Fesireal at Doaglaa Secretary Garrison conforred at length with President WHson. showing him re ports from General Bliss and border 'of- i flrers. In tho meanttme another tele- grim from Oovernor Hunt arrived, atat- ! Ing that a situation similar to thst at Naco had arisen at Pouglaa, Arts., and Secretary Garrison Immediately tele graphed that two additional troops of I cavalry had been ordered from Columbus, j N. M.. to Douglas. The report from Oeneral Bliss, which was placed before the president today by Mr. Garrison, stated that Naco, Arlx., j and Naco, Sonora. were practically one inwn ana tnt z.vv constitutionalists un der Genersl Hill were entrenched In a seml-clrcle flanking the International boundary. Governor Maytorena, with J.600 troops, mostly Taqul Indiana, faced them In a parallel line about 1,000 yards away. Neither side, according to Gen eral. File, seemed sufficiently strong to make an attack, but It waa reported to him that 3.000 men were coming to the aid of Governor Maytorena. Fourteen troopa of cavalry and two machine gun platoona are patrolling the border and all citizens have been ordered j to keep under cover. Much difficulty. Is being experienced with spectators, how-1 ever, and at one time a procession of I sixty automobiles with sightseers from If Back Hurts Begin on Salts riu.sli the Kidneys at once when ' llackachy or Bladder both Mt-ut forms uric arid. No man or woman w ho rats meat rea-u- I larly ran make a mistake by flushing ' the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forma uric acid which clogs the kidney pores so they sliie-ifishty filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the Mood, then you set sick. Nearly all rheuma tism, headaches, liver trouhle, nervous- ' , a sensation of scsldlns. set about four ot '" " reliable prArniti j inu laxf UDiNpooniui in iclac of w&ter bfor brkfat for a few days and your kidneys will then art fine. This famous as.lt la made from j the add of r rapes and lemon Juloa, com- Mned with llthla and haa been nsed fori generations te flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neu tralise the acids In urine so It no longer ordera. Jad Salts Is Inez pensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent 1 lithla-water drink whW-h all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidney's clean and tbe blood vure. thereby avoiding serious kidney complaints. Advertisement. riebee. Arlx., were stopped by the Ameri can troopa. Ohjertloa of General Ilea. Oeneral Bliss telegraphed Becretary Har rison during the night, advising rtrongly against permitting the Arizona troopa to go to the border, aaylng the only ac tional thing which could be done would be to use force, and the atate troopa might complicate the a'tuatlon. Oeneral HHm transmitted a report from Colonel Hatfield, In command of the American troopa at Naco, aaylng none of the hostile Mexican force had crossed Into American territory, that when cer tain detachrnente were about to enter on October 11 they had been ordered back. Three cannon ahota, the report ell, had been fired Into the American aide, but that aeemed unintentional, and the aim waa corrected. No homea have been deatroyed and the only clvlllana Injured so far have been a Mexican woman and her Infant, both alightly wounded, and Lee Kale. 40 yeara old, ahot In the band. At Douglas, Gov ernor Hunt telegraphed that one soldier and a child had been atruck by bullets, which he aald aeemed to be deliberately aimed. The Agua Prleta garrison, oppo aite Douglaa. kept tip a heavy fire oa the n'ght of October II, according; to War department report, presumably to dis courage an attack by Maytorena forcea, but no one waa Injured. WOMEN SPIT ON HATED CAPIVES IN FRENCH CITIES (Continued from Page One.) complain they were apat upon by French women In French towna, their helmet knocked off and that they were kicked by moba, robbed of their luggage and all but starved to death. "The German papers consider the fall of Antwerp a Brltlah defeat, aa the Brltlah spurred the reluctant Belgians to continued resistance. During the bom bardment special flags were hoisted on buildings of artists and historical value at the suggeatlon of the Germane. "The Nteuwe Rotterdameche Courant's ACTRESS TELLS SECRET A Well Known Actress Tells How She Darkened Her Graf Hair and Promoted lta Growth With Simple Home Made Mixture. Miss Blanche Rose, a well known actress, who darkened her gray hair with a simple preparation which she mixed at home, In a recent Interview at Chicago, ill., made, the following statement: "Any lady or gentleman can darken their gray hair and make It aoft and glossy with this simple recipe, which they can mix at home. To a halp pint ot water add 1 os. of bay rum. a email box of Barbo Com- pound, and os. of arlvcerlne. These in- gradients can be bought at any drug store at very little cost. Apply to the , hair twice a week until It becomes the hair, rellevea Itching and scalp humors and Is excellent for dandruff and falling hair. Advertisement. ! WUf Warm COTTON and COMFORTERS AND THAT SAVE frjr'j Extra Fine Cotton Blankets, 60x75 at . ... $1.35 Large Size Blankets, 64x80 for. . . . V 1.75 Extra Heavy Woolknap Blankets for. . . 2.75 .Very Fine, All Wool Blankets, . . $4.50 and 5.00 We want you to compare these soft, thick, fine blankets, good big liberal sices, with the ordinary thin, small-sized blankets usually offered. You'll see a big difference In quality. WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION To see our displays of new dining room and bed room furniture. Our prices will certainly interest everyone looking for high grade furniture at moderate prices. BEATON & LAIER CO. 415-417 South 16th Street 23SD aStataaiiiaBasAji assata Talcum Ponder Thursday Only 5 Sold one to a customer, and all we ak for you to get this bar gain, is to make some other purchase of anything you should hap. pen to need. A few suRgeiM loin Camera and Films made by Fast man. rreacriptions, I'erfumea, Toilet and Manicure articles. Rubber Goods, XfaJs, Penslar or A. 1. 8. Family lteuiediea. Cut Phtc Dggfsts 'nccessore to Schaefer's Drttf Sicre, K. V. Cor. 1 5th & LWIas "Tho Little Tailor Shop With tho Big 1512 2 DODGE STREET representative, who visited Kast Prussia, . atatea that he haa established by wit-1 nesses that the Hessians committed the ) most Infamous crimes. They burned : without cause three-qiiartere of the houses In many towns. The llusalana sustained terrible losses In the last frontier fights." Some Important Advantages Of having the Peters Trust Company act as your Executor nre Per manency it will out live the estate. Keppon fiibility it has ade quate resources. Logal knowledge and experi ence t-assuring safe in vestment and efficient transaction of everv de tail. We also act as Trus tee, Administrator or Guard inn. Capital - - $200,000.00 Surplus - - $275,000.00 inteir ism VJ 4 162 2 FAR NAM STREET mm mess WOOL BLANKETS BEDDING AT PRICES YOU MONEY S&fa ' TH)S, Hyaclatbs, I Daffedlla. I Mllea. Kte. t Catalogue on I request. I THWART'S 1 I KKI KTIIIII1!. I I lift 51. 1BJ t. I N OPS'. I'eateSTIee. I Douglaa 77. 1 ..Cotton Filled Comforters $1.T3 and $2 .These are extra well made, filled with clean, sanitary new cotton filling, fancy art covered, good big sizes, warm and serviceable Katren Covered Comforter, With Wide Itorder, fUl.OO and $3.7 Dainty blues, pinks and lavenders with wide quilted borders, very soft and fine. it" 3 mi The Regular 25c Size Values" DREXEL'S Foot Doctor A Shoe lor Well and Sick Feet Foot troubles come from continually pounding on hard pavementg with noth ing; to lessen the Jar. Drex el'g Foot Doctor Is a shoe constructed on the latest scientific principles to make walking easy and to cure foot troubles- The outer sole Is the fin est oak leather, next comes a cork sole, entirely free from glue or sticky sub stance that simply transmits the moisture from ths ground, then a solid leather insole and one of especially cured live wool (not felt) covered with a leather lining taned to resist presplration or other moisture. The stock used is soft glazed kid. It is the most comfortable shoe you ever laced on your foot. lj&ce only. Men's....S5,00 W'men's$4.50 Parcel Post Paid Drekel 1419 Farnam 11 AMLSKMKM'S. BR AN DEIS syN5n?Bktnrday uuniiui.iv Saturday Uatlnss. A Tnonaand Xau;hs all Bollsd in to ths rrsatsst sueoasa ts wrlt tsn. CTJUX. SCOTT and Original OsTIOAGO and N. T. OAST la GEO. M. COHAN'S BEST PLAY KEYS TO BALD PATE Xntsnisly ThrUllnsT, Trs rasndonilT runny. Mys teriously Malodramatlo. Mat. Sat. 88o. 50 o, 75c, $1 A 11.50. TlhtS BOO. 75c, tl, 11.50 $3. Two nights Oct. 19, 90. Matlasa Tncsrtay, XUsanor Oatas' Wondsr ful Play The Poor Little Rich Girl THE SECOND ANNUAL BALL Given by tho Head Vaiters j Waiters At Alamo Hall, 24th. and Grant Streets ' Thursday Evening, Oct. 15 Desdune's Orchestra Will Furnish Mimic DANCING UNTIL 1:30. U, S. MARINE BAND ind EVENING OCT. 17TH AUDITORIUM "THE PRESIDENT'S OWN" Box Of floe sTsw Open, Oeneral Admission SOo. Box Saats $l.BO. CUldrsa 280. BOYD'S THEATER Opens Satnrdar "-''hi, Oct. 17, with Eva Lang-Cliarlea Miller. and their New York fmrany. in "liOlOUT AND I'AID VOR." Seats Now on Sale. Pxioss. a So and SOo. stats.. Sunday. Thursday r Satnrday: -OM AKa'S XV m CXsTTSB xisjStij Sally Mat. ISf aS-SOo, Ergs, ls-a&-SO-73. AU HniirVMnftS riBI Knsleal HONEYMOON GIRLS Rif "snsivs winKw Burtesqaa i W ith Phil Ott. Alice Uur tad s sMabls east. As . l.i. of Gorsouoc, Km n and Uualc catlralf mxi ' rojaia4 stria. bautf Chorus f Haaarmooaioa; Bncl.a. W.rli a trlca scorva bstwaaa acta. I LADIES' DISCS HAT. WEEK SATS. fkoae Song las 44. ASTAXCB9 TAQSITTUI, This week: Ann Tasker A Co.; Ed. mond Hayes & Co.: Mi Kay A Ardine Gardiner Trio; Hilda Thomas and Loti Hall. Ward. Bell A Ward; John Ueiger' Orpheum Travel Weekly. ' Pricaa: Mallaaa Uallef j , 10: haat seal laarapt 8aurlar aa f jad.n, fca. M,hu. IDc-toa-Wc-lM. GRAND PRIZE WALTZ AT TU OMAXA AUSITOBlVsC Tbarsday Bight, Ooteber Is, stasia by Ltmp'i Orchestra ' admission ... 25c SI JI gUM ailiiTTinsisiu I gilBiirillif THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER - - . 3 -i c