nrr: bee: omaiia, Thursday, cktoher is. ion. 13 swArrKns ooi.imx DUE 1UL.1 Have a M due bill good a cih. first fijment on ny piano; will Sell (or anything tlie value of $15. Ad- drc S. C. .iiVv EQUITY In 100 acres Und and some rash for general meroliand se stock. $2.wO equity In house for cash or trade In on general merchandise stock. Also two lot near car line for Kurd car. . L ci.vr FVRNITURtt for a -room hotel near Omaha, '.. Uw rat rent oa the building. What nave you to uftrrf Address H C rare He Ft'KNITl'RK. ETC. Oood lawn mower, SO feet red rubber hose that cost tt and (rood aa new, mission plate rack, etc, to trade. What have you? Address 8. C. JM3, Pee. - . OAS PLATE 3-hole equipped, for a small kitchen cabinet or washing ma chine. Address S. C. 1S17, Hee. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR-Traveler net. complete with oap, brush nnd Made, all in fine leather cane. Coat .o0 and will swap for small kodak or any thing. Address g. C. 1SI3, Ree, 7 GRAJTLEX newspaper cmer, with 11 plate holders, carry I nit rase for camera and carrying case for plate hold er. Tbe outfit In good condition and bin bargain for the. lot at $110. Addresa K. C. 1611. K ITTENS Heautlf ul white angora cat or kitten, thoroughbreda. for old fashioned walnut, mahogany or other furniture. Address, S. C. 140. Ree. KODAK A new Anaoo folding kodak, tViX4K. leather tourist case for same and portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot watef attachment, or food bicycle. Address eV. C. inl. LET me paint or repair that house; will take groceries, tailor-made clothes, dia mond, auto, horse, coal or anything 1 can use. Address 8. C. ltVi2. Bee. MERCHANDISE STOCK INVOICES $2,275, consisting of shoes, dry goods, furnishings, notions, tobacco and candy; rent, $U per month; In Omaha; cash busi ness; exchange for Omaha residence or vacant property. Address Owner, 8. C. 1M0. Bee. MOTORCYCLE 8. 8. Yale; perfect order; trade for cow or sell lor $75. Tel. Webster 3M1. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy om good second-hand office furniture: must be cheap tor cash. Addresa a C U4U, Bee. PIANO Beautiful Schaefer piano, account of death in family, will sacrifice. Cash only. $110. Address. 8. C. 1503, Bee. PIANO Fine piano and cash for equity In small cottage; would consider house needing repairs. Address 8. C. l.'iOl, Hee. PIANO New standard piano at about half price, taken under mortgage. Would consider exchange In part pay ment. Address, S. C. 1WW, Bee. PIANOa Several new standard pianos and piano playera In storago uncalled for; will consider clear cheap lots; also horse and vehicles as part payments; balance $6 to $10 per month. Address U. C. IMS. PAINT1NO AND PAPERHANGINO Will do you first-class work. Will take some good rugs or a good heater, or wlil make you a low cash price. Address, t. C. 14X9, Boe. "REDS," ETC. One doxen young full blooded Rhode Island "Reda" and one rooster. Also portable chicken coop. Ad riresa 8. C. Ifrno, care Bee. RADIATOR Btove pipe radiator, Con ncct to stovepipe In an upper room and have It heated without any coet. Ad dress, S. C. 1492, Bee. RANGE One six-hole range, with hot water front;, one large heating stove; i show eases, 2 computing scales, delivery wagon and horse, 2 casii registers. Will trade Altogether or separate. Address S. . IMS, Bee. I,oO BHAKES Cuo.; mine stock, par value $l; land or merchandise preferred. Ad dress S. C. 11X7, Bee. SIONS. fctiim caul.s, Clurk Ac eon. D. i;t7a. . BTAAU'S HOOK OF FOKfc,l(JN 1ST AM I'S; wish to exchange, for stenographic work. Address S. ('. 14K4, Bee. STORM 8ASU Let me mix up those storm sash and take care of your screens before ,cold weather. Anything of value taken or a reasonable cash price charged.- Address, 8. C. 14, Bee. (STOVE. Two --eld heating stoves, suit able for store, etc. Address, 8. C. HiW. nee. 1 ' - '1A.NK Iron lank. new., made of No. R &LJi4Vm0.&. Hce.' 1 tL WILL trade two lota, worth $4to, near Fort. Omaha, for auto or horses. 2Jbl Avenue 13, Council Bluffs. FOR RENT. Apartment and Flats. SPECIAL LOW RENT. SAVE MONEY. LIVE IN COMFORT. THE- STANDARD FLATS OOOD LOCATION. NEAR Bl'SI.VESS. STEAM HEATED. To complete filling these HANDSOME 6-room private home, with their many desirable features, janitor, FREE HOT WATER, ranges with special hoods, su perior light and ventilation, short walk ing distance, we make EXTREME 'OW RENT. Winter, steam heated, $2 to $.13. Summer, $1 to $21. QCALITT EQUALS ANY AT $50 TO $. BETTER THAN SEPARATE HOt'SES. CHEAPER THAN COTTAGES. Reference Required. T. J. HOOK, Offlee 1H1 N. 18TH FT. Athlone )rge 4-room apartment, convenient, light room, tiled bath, kitchen well ar ranged, with tee box, ga range, finished In beautiful light oak: vacuum cleaner ervlce. The ATHLONE is well located at 26th and Dougla Sts , In easy walking distance. Rental, $40 summer, $4i winter. Bee the Janitor or call u. Peters Trust Co. Farnam fit. Phone Doug. mx. CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS. THE CARLYLE, 626 SOUTH 18TH. A 4-room up-to-the-minute apartment, with first-clans equipment, large porches, nice lawn, flrst-claas janitor service and plenty of heat. Janitor will enow you through at any time. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 1 omaha Nat- lia'ik Jildg. THE KNICKERBOCKER. West Farnam district, SMu and Jones St ; 8 and 7 rooms. Positively th beat and only exclusive apartment house lu Omaha, Low rentals, compared wun oth ers. , be it first. CHOICE HEATED APAKTMENT Wt-T FARNAM DISTRICT, ill SOUTH 33D ST. A brand new t-room heated apartment, living r"in finished in quarter-sawtij oak. kirgu fireplace, bed rooms, bath and sun room f.n.siied In white cuumel; large yard, private porch, heat, hot and cold water and janitor service furnished, open touay tor inspection. PAYNE & SLATER CO. 6I1 Omaha Nat. itank Hlug. VERY choice 4 or 6-room ateam-hcated apartnitnU on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS. ISoJ Farnam St. WARM FLAT. 5-R. ISOfi Emmet, nicely decorated, Mrictly modern. HA.-T1NUS A HEYDEN, Kit Harney St. OODEN ANNEX Rooms with kitchen ettes. Council Bluff. FIVE-ROOM fashionable apartment; no objection to children. 2501 Sherman Ave. Capitol Ave., t-room modern flat. itJs 8. 36th Ave., t-room mod. brick flat, well arranged for light housekeeping, $J0 RArtF BROS. DOCOLAa 16J. STRATFORD TERRACB. rrk Ave. and Jackson lit., (-room, team-heated apartments, with additional maids' rooms. Kxclustvenes and con venience In a new apartment building. Reference required. C. B. Moser, 4i31 Underwood Ave. TeL H-J767. or Jani tur. o. BT. CLAKE APAKTM&NTa. ltd and Harney 8t . 3 room apartment. Call H. 647 or D. KS06. j 00 Three large rvome apartment, part modern. llb Kim 8t. Harney 4JS. ONE t-room ault in 8t. George, located In the exclusive West Farnam reaiden tlal so tlcn. 113 N. aiat Ave. Tel. W. 1IT4. 2013 CHICAOO Nice 3-room and bath apartment. Douglae 12. t-FOOM modern fiat. 1:12 So 11th. EI.KGANT (-room apartment In fashion able apartment house, north; no objen. Uuu to ihiidreo. ami anenuan Ave. FOR RENT ApartsnrBta siwd 1-lata. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment whan we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the city. Fhone us for further Information, Douglas 2S. Fidelity Storage anil Van Co. Gordon Van Co. 31 N. 11th Pt. phoneJVJW or W eh 1 XI. NEW fIFATKD APARTMENTS, CLOSE TO DEPOTS, tl3 rVHF.ST A V EN I K. Heat. and cold water. first-class equipment, good Janitor service, rrlvate J porrne. large yam; win decorate to sun tenants; 4-room apt.. tk winter, sum mer; 6-room apt., $47. M winter. $10 sum Janitor will show you through at any time. PATNE SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat. Hank HI. lit 8-ROOM furnished flat. $13. 2422 Leaven worth SL ' J X KEMP 2M2 Ieavenworth Pt. ' Doug. W7. Board a ail Room a. HOARD and room In private- family for two gentlemen. Call Harney ". MODERN room with board, $'i, W. 6ft.U Fvralabe) Rooms. The Rest Haven Just opened; all new furniture; finely furnished rooms, with board and a garaxe for your ear. Harney 7.'?. US Harney St. 2.117 HARNEY ST. Modern, warm rooms; reasonable. MKAM heat, mod. rooms, adjoining; for gentlemen, $3 and $ft. l. itilS. FURNISH ED room for cne or two gen tlemen, $10. rL'.vi Meredith Ave. W. IW17. 211 S. 25TH ST., strictly modern flout room for gentlemen, in private family, close in. $1M. R. IL MEN Furn. roomx, steam heat. fine view; your calls answered dsy or night; $ to $! mo. to respectable people. Third floor, 702 No. ltith St. I'I'NDEE, large south room, closets; on rar line; $1R. H. with Ci:i4. two TWt) sleejilng rooms; $.1. I). 7S1S. FURNISHED room for rent, near Crelgh ton university. Vhone loutli 72S1. SIX unfurnished mod. rms., $li. II. 1MJ7. Karnlahea lloaae. ri'RNISHEn HOUSE for rent; splen didly furnished r-room house In West Farnam district; rent reasonable. Harri son & Morton, 816 Omaha National Bank Hldg. ilouekreplDg Rooms. THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. B. 11th. 11U CAVITOU 2411 Two rooms; ail modern; everything furnlohed Furnished Hou.eWreplnBj Room. MODERN room, with kitchenette; $3.73. D. 7S18. notel Almrtweala. CALIFORNIA Hotel. lth and Callfornl Weekly rate 12 and up. Dougla 70X3. OODEN HOTEL Rooms Council Bluffs. $2 per week. DODOE HOTEIj Modern. Reasonable. lluuaea and lottagra. Field Club Home Fine "-room and sleeping porch, hard wood f!nlh. finely decorated; special In ducement for rig" tenant. Peters Trust Co. 1S23 Farnam. Doug. 3214 CORBY ST.-31H. Five rooms, electric light, gas, bath: large lot, fruit, shade trees; good condition. Key at 3.10. W. T. SMITH CO.. Douglas 2819. 1111-18 City Nat'l Bank.-o BEAL'TI Fl'L 8-room, modern bouse on ISth and California. Harney 6612 9-R. house, mod., oak finish, hot water heat; near cars, Dundee, Harney 2.V8. FOR RENT fl-ROOM HOCSE. STRICT LY MODERN, ;fT! DODOE: PARTY LEAVINO CITY. FHONE HARNEY 1244. West Farnam New brick and stucco home, just being finished; three fine bedrooms and sleep ing porch 2d floor; large living room and I t,1O0r Wh'U enUmC,: ,4& n dining room; oeauuiuiiy iinisnea in ma- Peters Trust Co. 1613 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. ;jmw. MODERN 8-room house. On S. Sath Ave., vacant November 5. Can be seen after 9 a. in. any day. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Phones Harney 1M or Douglas 121s. FOR KENT November I, 316 S. atth Ave., 7-room modern flat. See Charles (J. McDonald or J. J. Tom$, $15 Hrandels Bldt;. Phone Douglas 34.W. 114 SO. 3TH-8-r., ull modern house, $30. RASP BROS. DOCULAS lt3. 6-R. modern house, 1727 S. loth. D. 741ii. LARUE list of houses at special prices for the winter. Do not mlsa this oppor tunity. F. D. Wead. 1-Mh and Farnam Sta. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. 1312 S. Ltith St., 8-r., all mod., good loca tion. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. MODERN SPECIALS. 8r., gquare, one block Farnam line, $40. 6-r., heated, over drug etore, S. W. 24th and California. $3u. O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO., 101S Omaha National. Douglas 2715. Hntiupa ' Parte of the city. tr Lreiah Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg, Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing aud shipping. 16th & Jackson Fits. Phone Douglae 28s. fcl iwkJu m-iii. .th modern, .-room nous, also 4-re-oo flat J?0 No IM Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; J-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hr. ; storage i per mo. Satisfactory guar. D. 4.1. Ty. 230, J. C. Reed aixp. Co., moving packing 4k storage U07 Faiaam. L. iM; MaggarcTs Van and blur age Co. Reduced rates for tall 4-arge tan, men, i m per nr.; dray 1 men, II :er hr. 1713 Welter. Doug. 14M. FOK KENT We have a 'complete Hit of all houses, paitmenta and fiats that aie for rent. This list can be seen tree of charge at Gmtiha Van 4k btorage Co.. bus S jtih bt. 6-ROOM cot. mod. ex ht., newly papered and painted, 3Mi Leavenworth. Harney 4351. 7-ROOM, all mod. house near Han.tcotu Fark, with garage; garage now rented; electric lights. Tel. iiouglaa 4J6. i-KOOM cottage, mod. ex. hoat W. C11ICAUU, Zlu-J-R. mod., cloe to hlh ehol: $45. T. H. Welrlch, Doug. 7iiS. (-ROOM strictly modern nouae In Al con dition, location Hsl'i l'aclflc St. Call at IPSO B. !sth 8t., or Fhone Harney i4. t-R. mod. cottage. 7U) S. 7th Bt. $.'i 7-r. mod. house, !i14 Leavenworth bL, $.. eucn une iocs lions, rnonn weoster Jo'JV. HOUSES FOR RENT. Bsven room and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish in first floor, three bed room upstairs, one bedroom and bath on first floor; $3u. This hodse fronts on paved street and boulevard, blocks from car line. heven room, sleeping porch and sun room, new and dealrable, exceptionajly flne view, quiet neighborhood. $J or Its with garage. Eight room, modern, with two bath room. In the West Farnam district U J. li. Dl UONT ft CO 1603 Farnam St. Fhone Dougla 690. teres aa Ofllees. XN'D FLOOR office room or suitable for light infg. Wright ft Laebury, but eV. ICth ft. Doug. 162. FOR RENT Meat market, all equipped. Write or call E. L. Hhackley, Avoca, Neb. at eras. GOOD barn, room for or U horse. 117 Webster St all Do'UHae a Bee reader are too intelligent to over look the opportvnitle In the "want ad" cclumca They're worth while reading. VANTF1 Tt RK.TT TWO upfurnlshed room for housekeep ing, walking dietsncc. Address, R 454, fee RENT eighty acres of corn land foment year, with improvement, tor casn or grain rent. Chsa. Hrick, 1M Iaven- worlti !t , Oman .run FIRM A ft INCH LASI1 KOR MIR FIVE MO H.vnOMNS, WT T11F. OWNER. I n.ust concentrate mv funds and will sell the folljwlnp property cheap In order to clore t hem cut : lAi-HV- FARM. A well Impn'v.d uplund farm of 10" rrr. n,,m lOUe. IrtTge b SO- ment; barn, big ci rn crib, fine fences and nids. r miles from .)tnaria; close io iv Ion, splendid roads, trood school: pleas ant, nnteiprlaing neiKhbors; 40 acres In alfalfa. in clover, and balance In corn and wlui.t. This farm Is cheap at more money, but $118 per acre, one-half cash. will buy it. tt-ACRE IOWA FARM. An cleuant home farm of Kt acres, on tbe Lincoln highway, two miles east of Missouri Valley, I . U Is all in clover or alt'nlfa. Improvements are nearly new, and It Is the neatest place In the Hoyer valley. We are proud of this little farm. Yon v.miM pke onr neighbors. Our home town of 5.CH0 people is tho best In the west. Tl.t pince Is cheap at the price. $1V one tin If caxh. 6-ACRV: HOME Close to South otoalin. House and six large rooms, li rge basement, coal room, fruit cellar and laree store room. The barn Is large, with big hay mow. There are two lnrne poultry houses, with all the equipment The liin.l Is all In e ther al fulfa. gan'rn or fruit, with splendid fence. It Is just outside the etv limits, and was built by a government man for a home at a cost ol $.ri,G"0. 1 h:ive .lust finished put ting It all In first-class shape, painted all white and redecorated interior of house. It is just the place for a retired farmer or business man. It Is a snup at $4, 'it, tine half C4sh. J'.-AfnE HOME ."Pi-acre chicken farm, neat little house of three rooms, basement and cellar. There is- plenty of fruit, pasture and gar den. p,od well and prettv yard. This Is all ready to step Hunt into. Price Is only! $1.7.. One-half cash. I DOUBLE FRAME 7-ROOM FLAT. i This Is a good Investment property that pays iiho Income. It has been our' home for four years, and is all In first-class1 condition. Win Kvo possession January 1. ' Has double basement, cement floor and' garage room for two ears. It would be 1 cheap at ii.5fi, but a little less will buy It ' on easy terms. ' The above Is No. 1 stuff, and I havei priced It chean for onieu ..i. .1,1 ' direct or through a denier. Ff B. OIBB8, 52 P. JOth St. Phone Harney 1R92 A Good Farm Investment for a City Man or A Oardfii Spot for Personal Use lu4n",iu?V2i '"V f,om iho ' " .n,l ( V 'Ic trlc car line; level le.'!.?';;1 "'.al,,J-- " I' leased for 4 . 1 o'.'-w .. n iir uiip which fa -t 11 "tr. g,K,d.W I'rlce" $Vo IVSSESSION CAN RE OIVEN MARCH .. ir ha.mkd, 1 nis is a safe nnd nt-,ni,i.i I se! in VuTue. m0n'y' U " Certa'n to ,,,rr"f .7. U. DUM0XT-& CO., Farnam St. Phone v X J, ""'c. alioV Irrigated land; best of soil, producing nil standard crops, such alfalfa, wheat, oats, corn, pot.: toee, sugar 1-cels. Ideal for stock ralalnK and dairying. A country of dlvers f ed farming in broadest sense of the word fHihfre.0 i'"r0,a"s anJ "" "o'crop AbuMjanee of water for Irriga- Urnmsfy'e,ryPeirsy,VB"r r'8l"S- rrl-" SMITH CO. 1 .mm, ... . . . L Phone Douglas ?H!t. V. " Vly -Xttl"nal Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neh. o SALE i,et large bo. Neneire,U,r"d' C- dl.y.' w"l! Arkansas. 1,000 ACRES. $15,000: In sunny Arkansa. 4 flSe ?ornld"rfidOJ 1 "Prv-J; 5 ho'uVe! lino torn, cotton, truck, lrult land; fine cold spring water; 400 bottom, ruts 3 tons alue' ,,o1e,1C"'or1- Wa,,t f-.n euua" Mcr5.',,Jl.M0 ,mles KO" to'n. Mary Mclaughlin. Box M4. Eldorado. A rk -o Wtseon.lM. Upper Wisconsin ..i81 "U Kui-iui iui a. Ui tlj union; settler ua.Hed, lauua lor sale at low prlwB, 011 easy terms. Ask lor o'ok !f. . on VV 'conain Central Land Client, btate acre wui.ttd. Write about our grawng land. It interested la fruit land, ask lor booklet on Apple Orchara In Wisconsin. Addrea Land tept.. boo Line Ry Mlniieapoli. Minn. Minnesota. BARGAIN SiO-acre Improved farm 20 miles from MinneupollH; on good gravel road; laya level; about iM acres under cultivation, balance used for pasture; some flm meadow land; can practically all be put under cultivation; building consist of S-ioom hoime, barn, granary corn cribs. mcl)iiiu Bhel, windmill, etc.: good apple orchard. 1'rice, $ t)er aere; one-half cash, reuaonable terms on baU anoe. Adjoining farm held at double this price. Schwab Bros., lws Ulyniouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. "". Mlaeel la neons. ALFALFA, corn and .hogs are rapidly w""i.h 8 f,Rrmer 1,1 th southern slates 1 . " "wuni la uie new corn Belt and the natural realm of -u-i.,.. Alfalfa. Act quickly while land pru e. are so extremely low; value rapidly ad vaiiclog. Alialli la.oklet and -Bouthern I leld magaxinp Iree. ITias. S. Chase. Western Agent, Southern Railway. KID ( hemlcal Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo.-o nEALESTATK FOK KXCHANUR Here's a Modern Home For Your Clear Land or Its. One-half block to two cur lines; 15 blks. to pith St.; close to schools and churches. Four rooms and hall downxlaira: 6 rms. and bath aboe, aud 2 rooms finished 3d floor. Double furnace, extra toilet and lavatories. All oak and enamel finish; big trees; lot Oi.xMO. Buyer niuat assume $..500 mortgage, part payable montuly, part can tun yearly, 6 per cent. will make you a complete home. Ask for photo today. U' Keefe Heal Estate Co., U'lfl Omuha Nat I. DougiuK LT15. I TWO SI'LLNDID FRUIT BEAR! Nil ORCHARDS. I own two 40-acre fruit orchard right on the edgo of Mtrdford, Oregon, one 40 with tree nearly live year old and 40 with trees about four years old: thu !t In fine condition und should come iuu ' bearing next year, ineav ori narus are made up very largely of Bartictt Fear and Newton 1'lppin Apples, and are in a splendid po sition, both for horticultural develop ment, and so far aa the vaiue of the property 1 concerned, a the orchard are right on the edge of Med ford; a a matter of fact, the outer line of the city limit of Medford la a street which rune along th ed):e of the property. The state nighway, cement paved, run nlng from Seattle. Wash., to Ban Diego, Cel., passe through one portlun of the first 40. separating four or five acre; property In back of ua, with more ma tured trees, has brought as high aa tl.M an acre; one 16-acre orchard produced $1"0 in returns lust year. This Is considered one of th finest sec tion In all Oregon for fruit growing, but It I too far away for m to handle. Will eel) or trad for good Minnesota, Iowa or Wisconsin firm. V. T. KESTEK. Vic Pre., Lord A Thomas, Mailer Fldg.. CMcago. III. FINE 20-aere farm. 4i mile from Minn. polls; good soil; two set building: will take up to $15 009 other good property In exchange, balance some cash and mort- f:age; price $60 an acre: finest stock farm n that vicinity SCHWAB PROS., IOC Plvmouta Bldg.. MlnneaDoM. Minn. KIIAL KSTATK FOR K. IIAMU FOR s.I.K or KXi'lUNilK-tIO av re deeded land In north part of llohtcn count v. for virlces and description write the owner, C H. Fields. Iltnshnm, Neb. 2jHKAI ESTATE IA1AMS. CITY and farm loans. J, ( per cent. J. II. Immonl Co., 1M Farnam, Omaha. WANTED-lTl y loans" Vet era Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina. O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO.. Wis Omaha Natl Douglas : Ah li M'l HROS I -"". and up. i HAH KIHON MORTON, fill lm Nstl. WT1 Farm loans Kloke Inv Co. tunnha. WANTEl-Ctty loans and watrants. W Farnam Smith Co.. 1"0 Farnam. CITY property. Irge loans a specialty, W. It. Thomas. 2y StateBank Bid; $in to $in"(00 promptly." F. I . Wead, W'ead Rldg , lKth and Farnam Sts MONEY on hand forcltv and farm loan. H. W. Binder. City Nstl. Bank Rldg. IC CITT UTANS Remls-Carlberg Co., .11-311 Hrandels Theater Rldg. SEE us first If vou want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. AKSTKACTS OK TITLK. KERR Title Ouuiantoe and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 30f S. 17th St. Phone Douglas MT. HEED Abstract Co , oldest abstract office. In Nebraskn. Ion Rrondels Theater IIKAI KSTATF ACUKAtiK Omaha Acreage Seven acres. In city limits, block from car line, well Improved, set with fruit and Ideally located for a home or Invest ment. Will make terms. V. T. SMITH CO.. D. nt19. Ull-i: City National Rank. o " RF.AIi ESTATK noutii siiirc S0i! liinney Street Modern Bungalow $3,150 Full-slie cemented cellar. Oak flnlHh. book-cases, artistic fixture. Indoor shades. Street Improvemen's In and paid. Large lot south front. $300 Cash BALANCE LIKE RENT. Harry Wolf Ware Block. 15th and Farnam. Doug SOftS. i.t yitv nr-. . w. HaaiBainnlH A 5-Room. New. All'1.'""'1 - 0 - U AWU1U i.Vv 1 morning was not only very alow and Modern Bungalow This house Is located on paved street, close to two car line and two block from good school. It Is One of the Best Bargains t in Omaha Today Arrange to see us at once about this. Bankers Realty Investment I Company, Ground Floor Bee Bldg. I'hone Douglas 2S2fi. 1 PETTIEST BUNUAIXAV ON PRETTIEST MILE $.3,000.00 Five rooms, strictly modern, unique ,1. ..a. I r... f i V A . I ,1 fm l.r.rt Int fWfl blocks from $4th street car. Terms. $l,5t down, balance monthly. OA LLAOIIER fr NELSON, 644 rU-Kt.riclH Bldg. Phone Douglas -irvt-'. FIVE ROOMS Modern except heat, nice cement base - ment, floored attic, screen and storm sash, large east front lot, rear lot fenced, chicken house, fruit end shrubbery, lo cated near 31st and Meredith, one block to car. Can arrange terms. C. O. CARLBERG, 310-.TI3 Brandeis Theater Bldg. it UK AIi KSTATK KOl'TH HIDK $1,000 BUYS a 7-room house, 8010 Ho. Itth Ht. large lot. A REAL BARGAIN. A strictly high-class 8-room, almost new brick residence with good garage, one block from Hanscom park. Cannot he bent In city for quality or price. If liv terosted call owner. Harney 22. IlKAIi KSTATK Sl'IllRBAN Daadee. DUNDEE Finely located lot close to car, best part Dundee, all spe cials paid in full; will sell cheap for cash. Call owner, D. 744. LOT BARGAIN, DUNDEE GOOD BUY AT $1,500 PRICE $i,:joo Full lot. 60xl3Ti ft., next to double cor- ner where a $C,0(O to fifrH residence will be built. High and sightly, overlooking boulevard; short distance to car. Let us show you thl lot for a building aits. 1 1 J ATT-FAI1 F1 ELD CO., 2J0 Omaha Nat. Eank Bldg. Doug. iM. IlEAL, ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Beautiful, WellBuilt Bungalow In New Addition Easy Payments This house haa 4 rooms, la all modern. Principal room in oak; fjrnace heat. Is halt block from car Walk, tie and Uwn all lu, Street on established grade. Interior decoration and lighting fix ture to suit purchaser. Hee thla at once. Bankers Realty Investment Company, O-ound Flour Bee Bldg. i'hone Dougias WJi. FOR MALE One-half interest In a mod ern two-story brick store and rooming house building new. Also half Interest In two business lota with barn on, half Interest In residence lot, half Interest In bo-acre Irrigated ranch. Ill health reaeon for selling. Thla property la located lu a rapidly developing town in a new com munity. For particular addresa Bog 4. liardlo, Mont. e OMAHA LIE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Steady and Feeders Some Lower. II0GS SLOW AND TEN CENTS OFF Fat lteen and l.arahs of All Kind Firm and Fairly Active Feeder ttiecn and l.amha troni nnd Arllvr. SOfTIl OMAHA. tc. II. 1"1 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs ftheep Official Monday U.H.'l J.V7 34,S.9 "triciai Tuesday h.ri.l 4. til Estimate Wednesday . (..' J.vjO ;t;.)Ml Three days this week W o4 10.4 Same days last week .. ..' !.; l.ilrt 1.'a f tine 2 weeks axo ....T.M.'t l.t.Ml V.1UM Same ,t weeks ao r'.mi ll.or.. 114. ! tvime 4 weeks ago ....jr.ftiki s.MI rfih Maine days lust ...24,i24 1&.7: Ht.sTd ?.i nr. The folio lug tab, slioa the recelKt of ractle. hoK and hci nl tbe Houth Omaha Ive slock market for tu r tk data, as compared with lst year: 1?14 101.1. In. Dec. Cut tin 7lS.:i;: 7C.ns;l r.H.7ll Hogs 1.814.111 !.0h7.-.i 1.3.5M hhaep 1461 ft S.4lS.l'l 2.1,ln '.'he fdlowln table itinvsi tiie Price for hog at the South Omaha live tock mar ket lor th last few Ja s, with compari sons. Date. It14. Sept. M.I 1U 1 1.I t. I. 4e 16 I Kept. 2,-. I s M, 6 1, II 4 $ 15 sept. a. 1 i5ij 1 oi 141 1 m t tM Kept. :. IIS. I 35 1 lt. a i; ) kn Sept, SU. 7 H'n 8 i S hj, fc li, 41 t H 6 b wci. 1 . .1 1 S!" s 11 1 K 43 . I R U. I tii a uu "Cl. il 4 t 'el. Oct Oct Oct. t let. Oct. t ct. Oit. Oct. Oct. 7 N.-xl a 1M .! h i!H l til: I ti 1)1 s lii M' 1 ; k 7 M, 7 1 t 6J 13: f V k-H i I 7 7i 8 ?Ui 1 6 SJ X 4Ui 7 ? 4 id 7 fs 7 ! 71 6 4J 4 1 7 fcl' t Id 7 S7i. 7 Ml; H 771 I S 27 7 5.1 (1 IS 7 ( 7 Kl, 77 4,-1 1 7 ti.l ?U T 44S 7 ir.l 8 M- M) S ti It li s Oli ti HO ti III t. U 7 7 8. . 10. 11. ).'.. 7 4:- 1 M 24; s 41) T 7U 5 !0 Oct. 14 I 7 2i'. 041 Ral ti r,, 37, 7 4t fcS Sunday. CATTLE The receipts ot cattle this morning were fair for a Wednesday, and tho total for the week foots up a.(4 head, being only l.uuo head larger than last week, hut over 4,iou head smaller than two weeks ago. Aa compared with a year ago there Is a gain of d.'.ka) head for the three da. The offerings of beef steers were lim ited this morning, the supply consisting iuikoiv ( metllutll KlnilH of vruKutr. ! There was, however, one bunch of good coinieo yearling steers and heifers that sold up to $10.50. aa high us has lieen paid any time, this year. The market a a whole was fully steady with yesterday, there being a good demand for tbe grass stuff. Aa noted yesterday half-tat corn feds are more or less neglected, a buy ers seemed to prefer grass becvea. It might be noted In this connection that the medium grudca or cornfed cattle are reported a dollar per hundred lower at Chicago lhan they were two weeks ago. Cow and heller were In fslr demand at price not much different from yester day. That means that caunera are fully steady with Inst week s close, while the better grades or beef cows are around ibc lowor. The continued rainy veBtller has been detrimental to the feeder market during the lust few days, as It tends to keep many would-be buyers at home, while Speculators Hle noi very free hou.r. I when weather condition;; are aueh a to uuii, nut generally a llttlo lower again than yesterday, unless It might be on .woiciioiiK especially nealrable. Wuptation on Cattle: tlood to choice cornjed bcevee, a.wm 10 SO; fair to good ornfed beeves, $n vb 50; common to fair cornfed beeve. $7 7f.ii.tW; good to choice range ateer, 7.404(.; fair to good range teers, 16. lucn 1.40; common to fair rang steer, JtiOOm.76; good to choice graae 'lelfer. $6 ,ix)7.M; good to eh.ilc gross cows. $i.CHVoi.?fi; fair to good grade. KM Jfl.OO; common to fair grades, $4.O04i6M prime feeders, $S.2!tiH.4i. Kli,i to rhr, stockers and feeders. $7.riWH.X.; fair to good stockers and feeders. t, utHl ta- enn.. I mon to fair stockers and feeders. $0 0 xj) ; 6.S0: stock leirers, $oHi(.75; stock cows, ii.MHi.m-, iock calve. $a50jJiN 00; veal I calves. $S.0Oia 10.25; bull, itags, tc...j.1a Keeelpts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hour ending at 8 o'clock yemerdiiy : RECF.1TTS-CA n.S. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H ses. C . M. St. P, v abash 11 2 1 S s If. 1 2 1 12 i $ 2 2 V. M M l, nl',n ' "p'f,c ),' .V." " I ! V L p i T '' r" B A Q east I '., H. g , west... I C. R. I. & v.. east 1 Illinois Central ; Chicago O. W Total receipts ..nil DISI'OSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Hheep, Morris A Co 4'W 4V) I.W2 Swift Ac Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Sch wart 1 ft Co .1. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Tacking Co ft. o. racking Co W. H. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant ft L. . Hill & Son F. B. Iwls Huston A Co .). U. Root & Co L V. Huex J. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros McCreary ft Kellogg... Wrrthelmer ft Degen... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Itothschild Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... Christie IHgKlns Huffman Both Meyer Baker, Jnne ft Smith. Tanner Bros. ... John Harvey Cline lHnnls Other buyers RMi KM Ml 4.4M 1,0. 4 1,1 .5 7(Hi m 217 i.lbt 4 . 15 . 3 . 70 . 21!4 . 11 . 302 . ; . .ViH . is'.' . 2 . 47 . ir . 74 . Hh 2 . 3H . M . H2 1 . 10 . 'n . 2; . : . 110 . 2oh . 7H . y4 A.trt lU.Oii 2,'.i27t 81.270 Totals 7.700 Bepresetitutlve sales' BEEF STEERS. Ife. A. f Ko. . Pr. n 11 7 71 $4 154 I (ft t l&i c 8TOC' . - AN' FKKDF WW 6 IB I Tt M 4)1 4 h ..'. 414 4 W U .- RE A L ESTATE M Ir.:LLA N EOl'H Bargains Cathedral District $3 300 will buy mod ern '7-room house, full cemented basement with laundry, hot water heat, south fcont lot. fino shade trees, cemented walk , 3 r-ioms on first floor. 3 sleeping room and bath on second floor. Icatlon fine, near Farnaiu car line. Will make term. North Klde $2,400, b room, bath, gas, electric lights, full slxed lot, Iron fenoe, cement walk, fruit and shad tree. Knap. W 111 make terma. Hanscom Park District tS.&OO, modern home, lot 60xh0, east front, beautiful lo cation. Fiico reduced to make quick sale. Let ua show you this bargain. W, T. SMITH CO.. P. 2X19 1111-12 Oty National Bank o REAL ESTATK FOR HALE Valuable residence properly, free and cb-ar of em uinbranco, worth $1,000; beat offer In cash will take It. or will exchange for diamonds or jewelry. Owner leaving city. Olve full particular with first letter. Marguln for quick action. Addresa owner, care K (46. Ree. COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Cottom Seed Oak Cold lhrl Oeka, From Texas Mllla direct to you. Wrlie or wire us for price on High Ghade Meal or Cracked Cake. 43 to 4b per rent protein. Cold Fressed Cake. TBXAM CAZB AJTS UeTTBB CO. PAI.T.e. TXZ. r .... I fa i n m M4 M 11 sl 6 0 !' 8TM KS ft.VI' HEIFERbV HH 1 u ut t . nn,t s. 1 K0 IM I 1(M ft H CALVES. t ti a l i in "e t 4 J I 4 1 1 10 M I W I'.S r E II N- N F U It A R K" A 10 t k li f ts tL4 i st k cMVs IT. 15 ti feeders... s n n stockers.. 1 2b 14 rtoekers.. 7iV 00 IA calves... ?10 no r, eows IftW l a, cows pv.t d 0 a, eows piMi lo cow s 0?s. t o WYOMING. i steera HM !S a, steers . feeders... iiv.', 7 -g, p feeder II sleers 11 4) 7 W 1:1 steers 2;i feelers. IW4 7 riol'TH DAKOTA ro 74 f. M 3 bulls. .. M CC sSA T K IUW 7 2 Ati t 31 thl 1rL , "n,llU''' to slump todsi J . dix-llne amounting to close to live l rv.h bi.i.i. . li . ,V . ""'""" rrw very moaerate. ! but w lh the tew load held from yeeter- uav inev u-ec, 1 , a . . "rdcr and packers were t ... c belter their early bids to any great extent t. uneven. Borne sales being no niore than tilO- lower. while several loads of the less desirable kinds looked to be right at lRc lower than yesterday's average. Of course, some of the late sales yesterday were quite a bit lower than the earlier trade, and had they shown up In the representative sale col umn, today low sales W1111I1I Met l.t.tb i(u IP SO lad On th whole prices are about 10c lower. Movement was draggv all the way mxmiku ami 11 waa well along In the forenoon before any sort of clearance wa made. Hulk of the hog sold at $7.JNff7.M. with a few scattering sales on down to even money ami a fair sprinkling aa high as $7.40. Tops reached $7. SO, this price being paid bv a shiier for pretty good lights. As waa the case yesterday, shipping hogs were uneven and hard to quote, but It Is safe to ay that they show as much de cline aa the general trade. . Receipts amounted to fortv-five care, or '.Ono head The week's total Is lo.Vjt head. Iielug 5.rti0 head smaller the last week, and nearly &..') head short of a yesr ago. This la the smallest three days' run since four weeks ago. when only K..V1 head were received d 11 rug the same period. Representative salfs: Na. At Hti rr. No. A. Pa Pr 400 o 7 as m K wo i M IM SO IS II Mt .. t M it J4i inn 1 i m js7 hj 7 rj 4 HI IM T II M V! n 111 IS HI .. 7 10 M K 10 T M a m .. m 4 1:14 .. t 4 lilt Ml 7 10 71 3 40 T 4. V H4 K 1 II 5 40 t M It... lu n t z rios. 1 T4 .. I 91 J7 Ill .. T (M I 16 1W .. H U 1 .. 7 s I UM .. 7 00 41 M .. 1 4 SHEKI'-To all tnlco: aud l ui'i.,. .. ,, 16 sheep and lambs moved at prices gener ally tuny steady with Tuesday trade, though In some the market looaed a little uneven, sorting being a little heav ier In some Instances, while showing little If any change In others. Considering the wetiw of some of the offerings there were trader that thought prices were a Utile stronger If anything. In spite of the more or lea wet condition of the of fering the packer opened the trade lu very fair season, and the most of the good killing iambs had crossed the scales by 11 o'clock. What waa here In the mut ton line wa soon dispose,! of during the first hours of the forenoon. Moderate receipts was an outstanding and bullish feature of the trade through out, the estimate of the day being no more than about ZS.M0 head, compared with .12, "40 a week ago and 41. Ms a year ago. This makes for the week to date a rather light supply of killers at the dis posal of the packers, ns only some g7,rtH0 head have been reported on the market. aalnst I0R.AK2 durlnir the same time last ! week and I16.RM a year ago. It was apparently a strong deal for all kinds of feeder, due to the conttnu anco of an active Inquiry and a reduc tion In the receipts. There was a fa4 repreaentatlnn of rountry buyer In evi dence, and eommlealon men held good or ders, going out to fill their order as early as they could. (quotations on rang sheep and lamb: Lambs, good to rholce, $7.4tSr7.70; lambs, fair to good, I7.ltajf7.40; lambs, feeder, $ii.0O'Il7.1f; yearlings, good to choice. $5.8 .m.10; yearlings, fair to good, $a.tkxfi.s.r; yeai lings, feeders, $6.40ru6.9tl; wethers, good to choice tTi.25iflfi.6n; wether, fair to good. $6.1Vij5.2B; wethers, feeders. $4.3rnft 4. Hf.; ewes, good to rholce, t4.bonfl.Ni: ewe, fair to good, U.'Mji.M; owe, feeder, $J.M) I4.2B. Representative ales: No. 2.11 Wyoming eweg 74 Idaho ewes 77 Wyoming feeder lamb... K4 Wyoming feeder lambs... 4 Idaho feeder lambs 1KI Wyoming feeder lamb... 74 Wyoming feeder lamb... 464 Idaho lamb Mo Wyoming ewes r 4 Wyoming lambs 224 Wyoming feeder lamb... 1,122 Wyoming lamb no Nebraska feeder lamb,., IS culls , IM Nebraska breeding ewes 2,101 Nevada fender lambs.. 277 Ctah feeder ewe 171 l'ih feeder ewe Av. .. 110 ..111 .. 4H .. !S .. M ,. IV4 .. M .. W .. w .. .. 4 .... T3 .... M SH .... W .... 81 ....100 Tr. 4 JT. 4 7fi 600 ( 7S W T V. 4 KS T 00 I bO 7 W n I 4 7 OS 4 20 4 10 ....13 73 Wyoming feeder ewe Ill 4 10 300 Ciah feeder lambs K 70 rillCAf.p I.I VF. STOCK MARKF.T Cuttle Firs. Hose Uleadr te Diane II la her. CHICAOO, Oct. 14.-CATTDF Receipts, 14,000 heed; market firm; beeves, $.i'0cal 10 SO; steers $6.10i'!t.l0; stockers and feed ers, $8.3oTg.lB; eows and heifers, tifdeeO; culve. V.W,rU.V. HnOf-Recelpts. JO.OOO hed; market steady to 10c higher: bulk. t7.30o7.W); light. $7.lif)t.l0; mixed, $7.2oxT.n, heavy, IK.isVrf' 8.15; rough, la 'at lb. pig. $4.(SKU'7.70. "IIEBP AND IAMHS-Reeelirt. 41000 head; market easy; sheep. $4 7A4M.0O;, $.0a.4o; lamb. taOOiqe wO. Kansas City Live. Stork Market. KANSAS CITT, Oct 14. -BATTLE Re ceipts, lo.OIIO head; market steady; prima fed steers, $7.Si 10.SO; dressed beef steers, $7..V,ii'.t. I0; weMtern steers, $6.40i(S.76, rows, $4..Vi'a7.2n: heifers. M.iVVffO 26: stockers and feeders. IA HMf 00; bull. $S.0O(4). 60; calve, $ cVClllO 10 IIOCH-Hecelpts. 12,000 heed: market steady: bulk of sales. t7.1cW'7 40: heavy. $7.2il(7..10; peckers and butchers. $7.JiV& 7. Mi; light. n.lOujT.fiO; nigs. $.7&4if.0O. Hit KEF AND lA MBei Receipts, head: market steady; lambs, $il.lM7.f0; yearlings. $.r. 2frfti.00; wethers, f,.2Mi ewes. $4 2fxtt.0t. loag City LIT "teek. Market. HlOt'X CITY, la.. Oct. 14. CATTLF5 -Receipts, l,7oO head: market ateady: na tive steers, WzruftR 3T; butchers, In.fiii'rlTijO; rii end heifers, $4 2f.6iK.SO; cannrrs. $4 11O fl4 M). stockers and feeders, ti.7.Viii.M''.: calves, $7.00((V.W; bulls, slag, etc:., 4 S.Vf( 5.40. HOOf Receipts, $ ROD head: market steady: heavy, $7 VflM: mixed, $7 2U"f 7 2;.; light, t;.lbu7.30; bulk of sales, $7.1 7.2fi. HHBF.P AND I .A MBK Receipts. $.flno head; market weak; wethers. 6 2Mj,' 30; ewes. P.2it(V,; lambs, $6 0o7 20. t. Loo Is Live Htoek Market. PT. IXlCIS. Oi-t. U--CATTIJ-:-RBCelpts, , head; market ateady; native beef tner. t7.0uvlV.H5; cow and helfirs, ii.(K) toto.a,; Blocker and feeder. $6; southern steers. $ii COoS 00; row and helf. ers. 44 00n;) U); native calves, tl.uOcii'lO.tiO. HOGJ4 Receipt. 13.9W hed; nir'et lower; plga and light". $ 7(wr7.0; mlxe-1 and butcher, $7.iVi7.W; good heavy, ti.66 417 (10. Bll ET7P AND IA M R8 Receipt. 1,400 head; market ateedy; riatlve mutton, tt.outfC.Oo; lambs, $7.m2i8.0u. t. Jesepk Live stock Market. FT. JOHEFH, Oct. 14 CATTI.E Re ceipts, ou0 head; market steady; steer, $Mjuari0.2fc; eows and heifer, $4.2bfii4).00; calve. MOiVlOM. Hoti-Recclpt, 4.500 head; market to to l(u Iriwer. 8HEEF AND LA M Bf4 Receipt. 1000 head: market ateady to strong; lajnba, t7.OOijy7.40. Coffee Market. KEW TORK. Oct. M COFTEE-A lightly steadier tone prevailed in the local market for slot coffee owing to apprehensions prompted by the action of the Hraslllan authorities, who have Im posed a censorship on all cables and pro hibit th us of cipher. A more active liquidation movement waa reported through th voluntary committee, and holders of open contract were requested to put up additional Ift-point margins. Local spot quotation remain unchanged, wllh Rio 7a quoted at t'c and bantos 4 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Purchases of Wheat for Export Con tinue to Be Liberal. MANY CASH TRADES ARE MADE Corn t I oea svllh "mall fialna for the Day and the Range Wa Higher Compared with Saturday's Prices. OMAHA Oct. 14, 114 While the purchases of wheat en enport account continue liberal In all positions, tho wheat bulls are awaiting a pertlal clean. up if the big supplies before an ol.l t'uie bull movement Is Inaugurated. There Is an enormous iiuantlly of wheat In th") show window of the I'ntted Mates. Canada and a lot on the ocean, nnd ihns llo lwlleve that pi lees will rule higher, keep a close watch tiNn the wheat now "In the open." The visible, supply of the t'nlted Mates Increased llhrialiy again the last week, the gnln Imlng d.MVOiO busbeis to a total of f7. UI .OiXJ ousiiels. The tiade In cash wheat on export .V tount was more than offset yesterday by those big stocks, but those in the wheat business at Chicago, as well as elsewhere, and who are considered conservative In their views, offer tho opinion 'hat there la toil one course of price, and that that course Is to a higher level. The most encouraRlnv news to wheat holders ot the couniiy came from Kansas 'City yesterday. That market reported a hig huMiiesa In the cash article on export account and the advices from there said that no metier whether the price of wheat was up or down, foreigners were ac. eptlng practically ail offers that were anywhere near the market. Export sale In nil poult lone yesterday amounted to Ttxiot) bushei. which will go out largely via gulf porta. The milling demand tor raKh wheal was small, while It waa fairly a tlve at Minneupoii. as well as at Du luth. Corn closed at small gains for the day and tne range was higher as compared with the resting spot of Saturday. The cash demand wa slow, with sales of only IMioTO bushels. Weather was cold and lalnv all over the hoit and continued un stit.ed weather Is promised. Wheat was c higher. Corn wa VittlV higher. Oat were lie' higher. Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal to 4M ,01 bushels: corn, 172,0 bush els; onts, ,000 bushels. Liverpool:. No Quotations. Primary wheat receipts were 1.6.SJ.ono bushels, and hlpment 73,000 bushels gainst receipt of bushels and. Momenta of 146.000 bushels last year. I Primary corn receipts were boti.two ousn- els and shipments .ui,imo nusiieis, aiov receipts of bu.fluo bushel and hlpinente at of 4'JA.OiO bushels leM year. - I'rlmarv oats receipts were l.sie.issi bushels nd shipments I S2s,lioo bushels, against receipts of sll.OW bushels and shipments of iXiS.OuO bushels Inst year. CARLOT RECEIFTM. , 1 Wheat. Corn. OaH. Rye. Chicago 44 83 KU ' ' Minneapolis JWi ... Duluth 2 ; ; Omaha 4 14 U Kansas City 10 Hi. Imula i 14 W innipeg S03 ... Thene sales were reported today: Wheat -No. t hard winter: 3 car. $1.0IV No. 1 hard winter! I car. tl-OlV. S cars. $ 0IH: t cars, $1.01; 1 car, $1. No. 4 hard winter; 1 car, $r, 2 cars, Wc; 1 rar. Wc; 1 car. burnt, W.4c. Iteiected hard winter: 1 car Mr. No. 3 spring: 1 car. tl 01. Hearted prlng: 1 car, 92c. No. 1 mixed. 1 car. tac. No. 3 durum: 1 car, 9c. No grade: 1 car. Wc; 1 car. poor, 9o. M. 4 mixed: 1 car. us.-. Oat Standard: I car. 4Jo- No. 1 white: 8 cars. 41V,r; car. 4Sc. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 43c; t car. 4-4.- No grade: 1 car, 42V1 1 cri,,- white. 11-S cars. 72c; No. b white, 1 cgf. low. 2 cars. 7c; No. 3 yellow, I "W.", 87'licj 11-3 ears, ffi'ie; No. 6 ycllcvw I ears, 7o; No. yellow, 1 car. 07c; No. 1 mixed. 1 car, C7c; 1 car, tWMic; NO- mixed, I car (near white), Vc; i care, G7e; No. 3 mixed. 1 car tnegr white), 9o: S cais. 6p; 1 car. 6V4jc; No. t mixed, t-il car, t4V; No. I mixed, 1 car, UtiVi; 1 car, Wc; sample, 1 car (white), 1c; 1 ear, Kr,c; racks. Hoc. Rye: No. I: 4 can. ?. I ... nv 9 a r Hr IN O. V I- wi no. s, 2 cars, Krr; 1 car, sac; no. , I car, sO'c: no grade, t cars, 79c. Omaha Cash I'rlces- Wheat: No. t hard. ll.UiMll.O: No. II hard, 4rfj$l nj; No. 4 hard, PVil.0n; ,Vo. 2 spring, ( Monti .02: No. 2 spring! liK'ciu 1 0 ; No. 4 aprlng, Kl ti'.Wc; No. 2 durum, StliDTic; No. i durum. WldMe. Corn: No. 1 white, 721:'': No. t white. 72"72i4e; No. White. 7l1'a72c: No. 4 white, 7im73c; No. I white, "lii'qi 7Je; No. white. 71R7Hic; No. 1 yellow, T'ffii"c; No. yellow, CTiAcWflliC: No. S yellow. t,WW; No. i yellow. 7h7tlc; No b yellow, iWVitTrCTe; No. t yellow, iMi tKJr: rto. 1 mixed. RSifit7c: No. 3 mixed. !'.itnne: No. 3 mixed, tsWiOc; No. 4 mixed. tViliftlbUc: No. I mixed. iSViiffiWC Oats: No. 3 white. 43i-44e; tandard. 43Uj i; No. I white. 4.kn4.14c: No. 4 white. fnV 4" V'H iinriey; .nailing. u.nno; ,-o. 1 - . Ifeed 4WjSlc. Rye: No. 2. &2',i(3c.-i No. 3. rrsi'V-. CHICAGO CSRAIJf AD PIIOVISIOXB Fe,aaree f the Trsdlaax d Closlag; Frlce o lh Board f Trade. CHICAOO, Oct. 14. Fresh acUvlty and a retlval or strength developed In wheat today, largely because of higher prices at Liverpool and owing to a sensational drop In receipt at Winnipeg. The mar ket closed stronar at lVtfittitc above laal night. Corn gained ifj'1c to 4o net, oata Vi'ciSo and provision YHdJl'ic. Wheat traders seemed to couple the Liverpool advance and the scantiness ot Canadian l'aclflc. Arrival at Winnipeg were only DU4 car today, aa against 1,2 cars a year ago. and only luO cars in Ight for tomorrow. Cnder uch condi tions reports found ready acceptance that tbe stock of wheat In Canada was to . much greater extent than usually shown, by the visible supply total and that coun- i.u .I.,', inr. wm eoeresnmidlns-l V bare. It was also asserted that th circum stances were similar In the Dakotis and Minnesota. . Exporters led In the wheat buying her from the start and their activity was made more noticeable on account of bull ish estimates of Transatlantic crops and news of a decrease In the European visi ble supply. Report that Portugal had declared war on Germany were also ad vene to the beare. No Important setbacks took place and the close a virtually at the top figure of the day. ... . Corn ruled firm as a result or wet weather damage and of the bulge in wheat. Eastern cash demand was said to be the best In some time. .... Hig export saiea helped to lift the oats market. On the upturn, however, hold ers took profits rather freely. I'rovihions advanc ed sharply, Influenced by an estimate that lard atocka here would show a decrease for the first halt of October tat the rate of I,"00 tierces a rf.v v-iirihnr reasons for strength were 1 the higher Drtccforgraln and hogs. I Cpi. High, I Low. I Close. Wheat Wheat I ie.... May.... Corn . Dee May.... Oats I ec May.... Lard No v.... Jan.... Ribs . Oct...., Jan..... 1 HHI 1 1 12S 1 111 1 ir 1 1 1T1 1 18V 7 trV 7H S7W, 70 4Ms" bl II 02, 10 ro, 10 10 11 OS 0 70 70 70 7l 4S 47l 61 18 75 M-a, Bl It 75 M 1!) 4l 10 30 STVi. 10 10 11 on 11 06 11 00 I TiW W Bl'TTER lower; receipts. 3.625 tube; Creamery. 23MJr. KHJil Lower; receipts. 7M7 cases; at mark, cases Included. mj2Jc; ordinary firsts! 1SSlt20'v: firsts, UVx'42'-'c. 1'OULTKY Unsettled; springs. 13c; fowls, L"ijWl3,ic Kes City Grata nd rrovtel. vivdiu PITT llct 14 WHEAT N't. I hard. $1 rf.'i l.M; No. t red. I1U-S1; December. tl04V4j; May. tl.UWWl .1H. OtlHN No. t mixed. 4Vtc; No. I white. 73c; liecember. MVU43c: 'Way, 6;Sc OATW-No. 2 while, 4iy4i)io; No. S mixed, 4mj42Sc HI'TTs It Creamery. firsts, 26c; ecinds, 2.V: parULnj slock, 20c . EX.ti--Flrata, 22c, seconds, 14c. FOl'LTRY Hens, Uc; brolteis, 16c. Kvpatrd Aeple aad Dried Frail. NEW YORK. Oct. 14.-EVAPORATED APFLFB Nominal. DRIED FRC1T.-' Prunes, steady. Apri cot and peaches, dull. Raisin, dull. I