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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAHA. OCTOBER 1014. WANT ADS Want ads received at anf time, but Insure rrc-per classification must be pre sented before 1 o'clock noon for evening 1itlon and 7:"o p. m. fop morning and Sunday edition Want received after irh hour mill 1e tinder th heading, ' Too Lata to Classify." CXeil KATES. Set-en ronsecutiie tlmw, 1 cnt word each Insertion. , Three tint within me week, I'i cents word each Insertion. On lime, 2 rents a word. i iiAmir nir.o. i Feven rnnverutive times, I rents a nn. ee- h insertion. Thref times within one wek. 10 cents a IPhe each Insertion, one time. U rent a line, '"punt a'.z average word to a line. Minimum charge, 2S rente. The ne will not be rwpwW for lnote then one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claim for error tnnst be pro.nptly made. An advertisement Inserted to la run un til diror,t'nued muft be stopped by writ t n order. Ton ran place your want ad In Th Pea by telephone. TELEPHONE TTI.ER l0O. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Colnmn" Hundred of other answers have been ailed for and delivered during the lest veek. It is reasonable to suppose that all the people below have made the de sired swaps therefore, do not call for the balance of their ana era Re Want Ada eure get result s r. ti.r. nr. TT1 9T4 P77 51 !K j,l Vtil loos lrtlO J'W lA-7 1W1 177 )"7t ln HKI 1 li 11n J1ir, 111.1 11W 11?1 nn nan 117M 110S 11! 11W 11-. line VJft4 1JM K'-'l 1" 1 i- lieu ni' ism l.i tw )4l 1 1M ii4.t i.m r-' 1!!47 HI! 1 1MH 1W7 17tfT l I6,i iv i" 1M Vl-' 1" Vi'.4 m7 J" 12.-A 1.t )4".' YM1 l 13M 1S 1 K7 1VI I" lyit ISM 14 1-71 lt 1TA 1W Kl-1 10 174 m M - m 911 5112 M'l K V.'7 Mi .! w t.7 DEATHS AJWD FVTtKIlAl- ?fOTICE9 ATKTNHON Andrew 8 , at flpaldlng. Mondar afterrmon. Funawal from tb residence, Thorfday t p. m. J ARSFN Jacob, aged 7 years. 71 South Twenty-eighth. Tueaday evening, runeral Thuraday at 2 p. m., at Pnlu t hiiroh, Twenty-a-eond and l.eavenwortli. Jlurlel In Laurel Hill. roOD-Marthg. dearly Joved annt of Emily Wood Erwteen, at Uenver, Octo ber i. ii burial at Iowa City. la. "The aalnta of trod how aweet they reat." ' BIRTHS AKO D1CATII8. v v, hov; Oaear and KeJma wusianon. em Mouth Twenty-fifth avenue, hoy: Joaawn and Amalle S.irarok, 4317 Mid-City ave nue, girl; Martin and Josephine Lund, a ifty-aeventh a.nd Ponpleton avenue, boy; Patrick J. gnd -Minnie lienahnn, i.ll ftirlrc. girl: lewha and l-rnma Alegier, -.414 North rotty-flfth. hoy. IJeatha Veronlo Kryaonlah. n. i:lnu Iiiclle Mary Ifiitc.hmeon. 3. hospN tal; John J. Cobry. M. "'U'.i Mri Ellen K. landatTom. 41. L'lJl V. Irt, Martin (tehofield. JhoaHtal. MAKRIAGB LICKNSKS. The following couplei were granted l.renae to wed today: Nam and Realdeno. . Age. ... Tl ... M ... it Walter Newman. Fremont Alta Morgan. Creston, la ilullsio Antonio, Omaha. 3, teem Maria Sooco. OmaJia rgle Vaughaii. Council Rlufla. over. Jilnnle Norton. Omaha, over William J. McCaffrey. Omaha KUaabeth IJenetolfe. Benaon Axel Asderaon. Wattaa i:mma Miller. Wauaa Jtoy Ktank Ijeslle Bouth Omaha . SMhel Beeyar, Houth On aha - TavUI M. Baughman. Dea Molnea..... Blanche E. Zimmerman. Dea Moines. John Valley. Manning, la Jennie Ahderaon, Omaha Charlet A. Carlaon, Omaha, over.... Ksther Swanaon, Omaha, orer Joseph A. Prltchard, Omaha Mary T. lUock. Omaiia. ip-y McKeen. Blair :mella Jenaeti, ennaha rbnrlee Malxner, Cereaco Vae M. Theede. Wehoo..- Klmer Petrson Portsmouth, la Kalherlne Noyes. Council Bluffs , ft . IS -a ', ia . 24 . M . a . rj . i . 22 . . 21 . It . 23 I13 . 13 . il . 21 nilLDl4t PKRMITS. l rnk 14-tt. 1914 South Seventeenth, re i.aira tAV I. M. Drake. s;40 Cort.v. frame owning. $7.'i: W. C. Ferrln. SJi Hurdrtt North Twenty-fourth, frame duelling. M.WaX ' .. . TODAVR COMPLETE MOVIE rBOOILVMH Exclusively In The lie. Daws Tewn. a'AMTtRPHONE. HTO DOUCLAA ST. 'lie Viper. 2-reel Kalem. A' Cloee Call. Vltagraph. JUika and the Barber. Lubln. ITjTE NO I " KARN'AM. The Going of 'White BwaV. .-reel Sellg. A. Douhl Error. Vltagraph. The Greater Ixive, Lublin FARNAM THF.ATER, 141'. FA UN A M ST. the eanda of Fat. I-recl Majestic Uratna, Winsome Winnie, Beauty drama. The House Trader. Royal comedy. mTpP THEATER. liTH AND I1AUXKT, liard Aneles in nw prenj-, The Making of Itobbv Rurnit. by Winch ! imlth. a'Uhor of Breweior'a MilUins. yTjfffji, olii N. 1ST 1 1 8T. The Iievil'a Signature. I-reel Lisanay. A Study in Feet. Vltagraph. Jim'a Vindication. Kdiar.n. PAKLC'R THEATKR. H' DOUGLAS. M'hat tits CJode Decree. VlUNt Ert THEATER. 1J17-1K IHUGLAS Varren Kerrigan In His Father'e Son. a tlirllling Western drama In S reele. Little '. Jary Ph'kford In Maiy s Convert, dra. . , Sierth. ALHAMBRA THEATER. U14 N. 4TII. Amateur niglit toiiignl. Amateur wanted. Call Webater 5S7S. Ask . for Mr. Hall. Al4.;Mo THEATKR. 24TH AND FORT. The Dark Horee, Imp. Proof of Man. Vic, Thl '.a the Life. Powers comedy. Pe Neutral, drama. DIAMOND THEATER. 1410 LAKE. Cruel. Cruel World. Joker comedy. fsve and Baseball, t-reel Biaoa. IKsill'loned. Victor. T'RANKLIN. WTH AND FRANKLIN. Too Much Uncle. 1-reel Vltagraph. tironrho Billy Butts In. Kssany. The Batkalider. MograpU. rpPvDRtME. JMll at CUMING. .Mutual Weekly No. IT., fl lefaulter. S-reel Ijomlno drama. t v.a llle of tbe School. Princes comedy ITT iTH AN'd LOCUdf! "I he Double 1At. i-teel Lubtn. Tti Honeymoon that Trktd to Come Pack, Lsaanv. Four Minutes Late. rV-hg. t Jiiil fiOV 24TH-AN D LofllROP. Siienre of John Cord an. Drama. KiH trtnliea a Union. Comedy. VI Ii Ilea-Dollar Mystery. No. 14, I OVAL THEATrJL sat CALDWEI.I 'l ie tiantlenMii from Kentucky, 2-r. Vict. Trapped In a Closet, Sterling comedy. I 'nversal Boy. TkK. 014 N. MTIL p'i Clothlr.g. 1-reel EdiMi n. lie Nearly Vton Out, Lubiu. j :ivJ-h, the Engineer. K alens. Blrtha-Charlea D. and llattle Beaton, 114 North Thlrty-tfourth. boy; r. .1. and K. A. Doyle, 2W!, girl: Oluaeppe and am SalVKKirfl e Ullia. fori PALAK THEATER. ?Ji DAVENPoki' Ti.e WlJte Wolf. Neaitor. A R.itsl Affair Sterili fc cowed y. Jltr libuciy, Res. ANNOUNCEMENT. That Little Word "NOW" ' It la a word without a fotpie. It mr education should not be ...t r tifl . U" h i lwi not excvise you from entering Cnlleg0 noi max up tour mind a you n-nn im: "Every minute lost gives an "H rijn an r rlahtlv used mertrva so innrii riplt wanting time when you plan for n bum EVERT 1AV l enrollment .1.1 y at BOYLES Keep tht faot In mind and act accordingly. Our courses of study are so ar ranged that you an enter anv Monday morning aa soon an the uffico is open, vr In the evening If you want to attend N Ight Hchool. Poeittona are opening all of the tine, not at the end of some term of study. There mill be situations for you tomono w and the next day and the day after and even' day aomo one Ih completing the ro urse. getting a diploma and a position. Tou will never get anywhere without making a start. Mnke up your mind to begin a bnslneei career, to be a better-t han-ordlnary Bookkeeper or Stenographer or Telegrapher to be the 13oye College sort, whose services are always In de mand. Write or phone for our 1314-1 ratalogne. Boyles College Boylos Building. H. R IJoyles, President. Omaha, Official Training School for T'nlon Pac Iflo It. R. Telegraph Department. Y.M.C.A.$10 Y OUNG mn who at am bitions find the Y. M. 0. A. a tremendous help. M ANY men owe their suc cess and health to the physical and mental training the 44 Y" gives. C OME in and got acquaint ed. You are welcome and the spirit of fellowship prevails here. A YEAR'S membership will cost you only $10 dur ing the week of Oct. 19. m - r WEEK Or OCT. 111 19 A Saving of K $3.(0-and you get full advantage of the gymna sium, swimming pool, indoor sports nnd educational feat ures. "Wedding announcemmite. Inig. I'tg. Co. ITvereJt odds, 1B PB,xtonjilK. l;-'ei. TODAY'S COM 1 LET IB MOVIE TROGKAMH ExclUHlvely In The llee North. STTBURBAN. 24TH AND AMES, (irand Opera In Rubevllle. 3-reel Ldlaon. Politics and Prees. Vltaarraph. The Spirit of Jealousy. Blograph. oath. APOIJ0. 2S24 IXAVENWORTII. Hnarat-Snlig. The Devira Dnnsant. !-reel Kalem. Snakevllle'B Most Popular Idy, EssAnay. CoMFtlRT THH.ATER, 24TH VINTON. The Sliver Candlestick. 2-rael Kay-Hee. The Mutual Ulrl, aeriea SS. Homlis and Bangs, Keystone. COLUMBIA, 1718 S. 10TH. The Potter and the Clay. Kalem. The Joblot Recruits, Fssanay. I Thi Peddler's Pag, Rloarrnph. FAVtiRlTK. 1710 VINTON. Ilearst-Sellg. He Danced Himself to IVath, 1-reel Vita. The New Reporter, Blograph. FROLIC THEATER. Jim Webb, Senator, S-reel Imp, A Bogus Baton. Sterling comedy. UKM THEATER. 1ZM HO. 13TI1. Out of tbe Frying Pan. Nestor' comedy. Rock of Hope, i-reel Victor. HANSCOM THEATER. 84th A Casteilar. Iietertlve Dun Cupid, Nestor comedy. For the Secret Service, two-reel Rex. Tbe Mind's Awakening. Frontier. LYRIC THEATER. K17 VINTON. Man Who Waa Misunderstood. I-reel Imp. Hypnotic Powers. Sterling comedy. PASTIME. 24TH AND LEAVENWORTH. The Price Paid, 2-reel Kclalr. ' Dance lit Little K O, U. Ike comedy. vTS.NliX'fiiEATER, l.'ii a ixru si'. Tricking tbe Qivrnment. 3-reel. Snl, MONROE THKATER. 2U FARNAM rT. William Shay-Violet Meatueau In the UHli ' l.'omiiiandment, 1 reels. Ist In the Studl') with Little Billy. Brsaas, r. EN SON THEATER. WW MAIN ST. Rob Leonard In For the Secret Service, in two p:trts. The Danger Line, Nestor drama Universal Ike comedy. Caaaetl Blnffa. ELITE, &! BROADWAY. An Untarnished Shield. Lubln. Began s Daughter. J reel Vltagraph. Slip pery Slim Get a Cured. Kaaa nay . iToT'ER THEATER, MI URUAliWAY. Trey o Hearts No. 11. i-reel Gold Seal. Mary Gteen'a Huslnd, Univ. lka com. Baaath Uanaha. BKSHK. 21TII AND N. An Affair of Honor, Lubtn. The Royal Wild Weal, 3-reel Vltagraph. Broncho Billy Trapped, Eeaanay. MAT7rCTH EATER, "24TH AND O. He Never Bald a Word. Nestor comedy. The Law Unto Hereel', 2-reel Rex. Vaudeville. ORPHF.UM THEATER. 24 M S OM. Seriea No. 14 of the M lllorf Dollar Mystery will 1-e abown here Wednesday, IKtoUr 14. Two thrilling parts. LIVE WIKE BVHINESS MEN OK OMAH.I A, B, C of Omaha A- x Bu LL WATCH Eti. diamonds and Jw- ery, apec'lal pricea, ba-pl. and Oct uy Hoar, II a wk. S extern Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 217, Kar bach block. XTEW and eecon.l-hand electrle faaa l and luutor, Letrrun Works. Z.i S. lflh. lMiuglaa JTO. MAHA PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cutnlng lioug. 2M7. P.enovaprs (eathvra eud matirt'seee of all kliida. makes feather matreaaee and domn covers. VACUUM cleaner tor sale. Vacuum rivalling done In the home. tanttaijr ' civic C., Ues feldg. announcements i i ns today ft muiii tl;at vo ir buln. s iim our I'm 1 Term begun September 1t, NOW. Why delay anotli'r day? Why 11 y fur misfortune." I'.vcrv minute saved nl Invrsied for future use. Aren I you -r rducsulon at some I'NKN'OWN future COLLEGE Auction of Unclaimed Baggage Union Pacific Railroad Co. Will Sell At Public Auction 7.'iO pieces of unclaimed baggage. In Omaha Van ami Storage Co. buliiilnn, Jlth and Leavenworth Kts., west aldo entrance. WKDNKSHAT KVKN1NU. 7 SHA11P. Halo will continue each evening till all Is sold. KOWD PAI.K AND AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. FHEKt European war map In coloia. Showa all locations In war zone. Send 2-cent stamp to pay postage. Western Sales t'unipany, Box'ff7'. ('Iilcago. HAZKIi Iaf I'llo Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; Mki poNtpnid: aamplus free. Sherman A Mcf'ontiell Drug Co., Omaha. PIANO TUNING. It. BRANDON. Rei-ommend"d by Mary Munchhnff, Millo Ryan, Bush, Duffield. T'elle Ituhln son nnd l.andow. . 4::. 4'ilS N. Utth Ave SiiNrf. vhowrarda. I'lark ei Son. D. 137R. DON'T PultilET. WATTERSON'S UNION IRCIIESTRA for all occas'ons. Strictly the best. Ad drees 31.1 N. 2oth St.. or phone Doug, .'ii'i. ""Gibson's Buffet X!2 South St. V M. C. A. CAMPAIGN S P F, C1AL HXTE. CH.'Tl'lHKIl 1 to 24. $10. HAVE I.UCKY wedding rings at Broilennard's. LUCKY wedUinii rings, cirodegaard's. PolKlral. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I am the republican candidate for re election to the office of secretary of state, Ra'glstratlon days, October 6 and 24; elec tion, November 8, 1D14. Addison Walt LIVE WIRE HCH1NESH MEN OF OMAHA. WIG rent. I for all BHASKJ repair, aell needles and parts aew inn machine. NIC K A CVlI r:o.. "Miik. el'a." "StJi and Harney. Dougiaa ltic AeeoasUats. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANT. 12.17-as City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1810. Adding Machines. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 8. 15. D. 1449. Adder Mch Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D7337 Attraetlona. OMAHA Ii-iu ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Asia and Mattueto ltepalrlac Magneto repair wniK a specially. D. 1:418. A,uvtlurra. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 3286. Ilnrbere. I'i Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 161 Far. I Ulna Prtntlnsr. HORNBY CO.-Blue printing, under new ownership. .VJ Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 3167. Itrsaa Fonadrlea. I'axton-MItchell Co., 27th and Martha Ste. BnlldlnaT nnd Urvalrlug, E. FRANTA. OH Paxton Big. Doug. 8157. A. J. Johnson, carpenter, rep'r'c .D. 6692 llnlrra and Well DlgalnsTi NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? SCI1AEF1-ER does It Phone Web, bull. Coal liealera. sfcri ftfl Johnson'g special: O.OV m,ti fi)l)ll i hon Li. s special: also Victor lTtK. & big bsskrta coal, II. Wagner, Ml N. 16. allfornlia Lands. -W .T "'Uh c" City Nat. Bk. D. 2S1. 4 hlronraclora. J. C. Lawrence. D. C.2U5 Howard n aci L. Uetldla. DU ritgi'ise Bldg. I )oiig."4aT W.E Purvlance, D C. 4tIT"BlkD74it427 4 hlna Palnlina, Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R sm. 4I1I KusUrrra. 7 M. J. LACY. M Hi:K BL1H1. p. 47 Cream Separmatra. -'!jl-ifi!j?rj'1. Separator Co.. L'th & rarn. HetrellTea. JAMES A1XAN. SIS Neville Rlk, kvi. deni-a) secured In all Quaes. Tyler 113. Dancing; Arndrntlee. Tunlii's Dancing Aradaiiiy, ?th CHAM HERS Acad emy. clajwlo. Kara. . uw 1M liar. Mackle'a Academy, now oea. lleailata. Dr Bred bury. No pain. !fct Farnnm. fb-. Todd's alveoiar dentistry. i,1 Brandels. Bailey, tbe laantlst 70 Clt7Nat V BankT Ta'ft lental Rooina. H17 tougiaa D.3is7 Praia " ' DRUGS at cut prices: freight raid on t'O orders; CAlaloguea free. Stierntaa 61 McCunnell lrug ft. Omaha. Neb. reaniahlnK. Terrv Dresamak't college, 8th Fsrnam. MIS tTl'ltl'V, S4I8 I'aan. Retl 730. Mrs. J. M. Todd, ai4 N. l.'.th; atlielt fajl costumes at introduciory prices. I. M. Mrs. Laiiumr, l.'ll lainam. for fall cos tiinu h. Jatet atylea, perfect tit. l. F.xirlenoe of all kinds.' Mra. Burt Red Klevtrle Sapplloa. LKHBUN Flee. Wka. US 8. lth. Evrr lhlaai for H omen. Woman aeh,,ngei j FlI Bi, R ACCtMliilAN, b1.1iT knife, sunburst, box pleating; covervil buttuna. all elses and Jtles; hemstitching, pbot edajing. Ideal P:eatlng Co.. 300 IHuglaa Biook. D. UM. Furriers. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th SC W-T77T Flatrlsia. A. DON A II UK. 1S Harney. DaHig. lOftL BATH S fluriala, 14 a roam m. L. HENDKR jON, 151 Farnam. Member Florist Te egraph lel. D. 13u. Asia IlESH t SWOHODA. 1 f t. Farntm St Hair llrraalaa. Hnrr aieihod. R Baird R'dg. T. Mil. SWITCHES fieiu cemUtta. i-sO. D-aVHJ. live wini: MSINFHS MEN OP OMAHA i I Hi- Stork Henicdlee. OMAHA m-1y C o . rq ft. 13th. Red 4-J I. nan Office. NATHAN H loan f.'icr !rol Vft So. l;!t h. licensed I4W0 MuhMntf I lilnrra nnl Ulrtag, THOMAS DUUKIN Elerttic fKt'iie and nil pll'., contruct- i ' Ing oi'.'l rfpnir work done r.-nsounljla. ' I IMH CI MI.VI, tiQIJDl.AS -19. j Jl f r. and Hlnumt r bal- ( Iranrra. iilinili-e ir.,nle !!'; r.w. Mhj.'t Bha le Factory. 4H14 I hur.i 'on. Tliii 4Sil. ', Mr-amirrr a nd 1 ranalrr. uirn i; link. ?) ;.,. ii h. rojgig nu ; ! i 1 MA'!Ni;TH: Trf., Mrx Uroot, In ilty for. anort time. 2:,,., 'nnilnK Kt. iiarney zzit. t AKKrhrn,, 7ver, KhlneTro'iM.'B. I).Tu I llflo.t AIUk, I Hth I'lKSF'lPt". I '. 7M'J. lnrH l'p. h:ith and rh . Ir'm l. I-Sfil. I BATH ami ma , alr"!vd rub. tJura Wll aon, ii2 I'arnam. K. i. I'. KT.l. ANVA MAWKS HATH?, SC1F.N. nil.ia.nnuivo TIKo MASA'JI-i I J'J Fsrnam St.. Apt 6,d floir. D. iL I MHCHANo Therapy & Msrgar lte Ha Mora n. ;a Neville Ulk. !-7i01. Mlsa Fisher, mass., elect, treat'!. Red Mfl. MAfSAOB, li.9 S. 17t ii K t" .M rs. St ee i e. jnt liny Mase. 46 lleo Blilg. D. f.Ui. Sll a. Snyder, elec. trL 14 . Ith. D. 4VSC." 1 A Xvl A 1 1 hy bwedlsh movement. 4.'4 JUAOJUU 1IN, tln(t pmiglaa am K, Mack, message and manicuring. D.7iSi Massage. MIsaTWafton H. aa4, NvilleitTlti Xhkbhk, MIs illhson, 11. Kt. Neville Hlk, Mllllaery. SWITCH KS from rombtngi. M M. Parch free. Mra. II. M. Kck. Jn4 S. lSth. DP667. Moving, Stores anal 4'leaalag. W. C. FEKK1N, lftth and Capitol. Ty. 13f. Oeallsta. Eye examiner, glaasoa fitted, pay aa you can. Dra. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Uldg. Osteopathia Phyalclana. Dr. Rerucha, 2U3-4 McCague Dldg. D. 8636. I'ateata. H. A. Bturgea, fH Frandels Theater Bldg. D. O Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Uevetopnir at. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St. I'rlatlng. WATERS-BARN IT ART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. 'I el. Doug. 21 00. (-:4 S. IMIn U DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. nouFy m kkn.if. pto. Co. d. aniT R I K S-HADIj Ptg. Co.. 16UajiRol. CENTRAL. PRINTINO CO. tOCQ. 37U. I'Hlnttng and Papering. III'OII M'MANI'8, 117 N 40th. H. f.79. Plumes Hrnovateil, PLUMES flowers mado over, cleaned V led. iieilha Kruger, 4-H Paxton. I. HT-H., Roach Llxteruilnator. B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist Safe and Time l.oeu. slxpertt. r A - ri oj enuu. leiaireJ, comb ISAh P wimngard. F. K. Daveo l - i lunl lAHlue. Ij. li hue Repairing. Klertrlu Shoe Rep. Co., 1S07 St. Mary's Av. Mgoa and Stto wealds. SIGNS AT CUT PRICES. E. M. CLARK at bON. ll So. ltUll. Room 14. More and Office l lxturea. DESKS, safea, acalcs, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell, omnia Fixture and Supply Co., 41-lb-lS S. lain- D. Mwl Cvlilnsa. CARTER Kheot Metal Works, 110 S. 10th. '1 ii a el Supplies, OMAHA Towel Supply, 2W S. 11th. D. B2kV Truna suit Hi (cases. FREL1NO & STEIN LE, 1806 Famam St. Tallora. CHAS. C. LANDF.RTOTJ. 108 N. 16th St Veterinarians. DR. a. R. TOUNO, M Center. II. M2 Wlneja nnd Llanora. ALEX JETES. 9)1-3 S. 13th St Winch liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to S.10Oj' 1 1 a. . n x rvL.uu;i. lawuijti iiuuotu lt'th and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunclw GLOBE Liquor Houee, 422 No. lfith. 3"qti cold beer. 26a. Write for price list D. 4JMJ BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. (2J N. Uto. Douglas I'M. II ELI WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER. 800; BOOKKF.EPE MUvST OPERATE TYl'E WRITER, !; BOOKKEEPER. St M E STENOGRAPHY,; 8TKNOURAPHKR, KXPERIENCED IN RETAIL BUSINESS, Jo;.; STENOG RAPHER AND CASHIER, 8Ti0. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN.. 7.".2- OMAHA NATIONAL BANK RLDG. NO FILING FEE. Bookkeeper, 8'i6; bkpr. and steno., 150. Saleslady, W. ROGERS REFERENCE CO., CM Stato Batik Bldg, 17th and llarnev. Steno. and bkkpr., 170; ateno., V; steno. and bkkpr., Ili; ateno., ."i0; steno., 4; typist. Wstts Ref. Co., 840-48 Brandels Thea. Agents and Sales vronaen. EAST Christmas money to be made liy all children and young ladles. Write Box SfV"., Fort Dodge, la. Factory and Tradea. WOMAN cook In large restaurant; must te nble to cbok all kinds of meats and vetictublcs: no short orders. Address C IVd, care Bee. WANTED Exjerlcnced waistiuaker. Ap ply at once, Mrs, Patterson, 1MJ0 Far nnm St. LEARN halrdresslng. Oppenheim Parlors. Ilatnaeheepera and Domestics. WANTED A tompetent housemaid; two In family; for hoiianwork. Harney C3. WANTED A coinpctmt liousemaid lor general housework. Call Harney iM2. GIRL wanted for general housework In llilinijr ti luur. fi.a r-o, u.nn Ave. WANTED Experienced nurse maid; ref. erence required. Mra L. Hiller. Har ney 'JTist. COMPETENT white girl for general housework; no washing. S221 Dodge St Harney 1S7S. UIHL (or general housework; niunt be good cook. I'hiHte Wetwler 7.t0. WANTEle-rGIrl for second work. Woolworth Ave. Harney SS4I. COMPETENT girl for general hoiiaework; references required. Apply 411 So. 40th Mi. W ANTF1 Exiierienced girl for general housework; family of two; references h..,iiiM Pn.,n. llumw "111 - WANTi:D A competent gtrl for general nouseworx; Farnam Si. email family. Apply JU17 WANTED K pe rie need reipnrrd. Mrs. L. F. cook: references Crofoot, la So. ttlt .st. NUlfsE for S-yvar-oM cblhT Mrs. Jos. Barker. i: S. 8th St. Douglas Met). WANTED Gtrl for general housework. Good home offered. Ihone Harney 4.". Call at 2KM Harney St THE Servant liirl I'roblem Siilved. The I'ce will run a Servant G rl utile. I Ad FREE until you aet the desired rvsult Tuts applies to resntt nta of omuha, routh Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler l'X', W ANTED Call Mrs. id St. A girl for general h isework. Meel. Harney &".. 1 South WANTE1 A neat white or colored girt for general housework: no anting; good vages. at l;v Georgia Ave. NEAT colored girl for chamber work and dining room work. 2; Harney St. VvANTEl tjmedish girl for general houeaork. where seeond girl 1 kept 43 8 37th St. H. S.'7. COMPETENT niaul for general house work iii S. 82d Ave. llarnev 3i4. WA NTED Comivetent linuKCWork. Mra M. Houaid St. Kewraua. fc WANTEH keeping. W A NTEli H. 3j;i Mi u. lle-nged lady fr houa E t.4V Bee. - Girl for general coui-orn Mrs. J. Katx, T-V a ITlU St HELP WANTED FEMALE W tacellaneoae. Yr''N'l wotnrn coming P Omnh. strsmtrta or" Invited to vlnlt the Y X a ' " fi i !, Af"''m""n t in dlna; at ' St. .t,iry a Ave. oi. i;(i f-L, where ther Jr. ill I.. ,,r, rt,i t eil'a;ile h"nrlinv p'lir.-i or otli-r. '!.' Ki-alKied. Ivilc for our )rHVflcp' at t'rlon r 'ntlon. I n . o . r.-nilt-another K lnlly ' No ex ei..i(e, cor.stint Hpari time work, knttlliiK hoii-ry. .lni furnlwlied on roftrn't; v. - proiu--t. Helping llaiut Htor lnf' , I pt. HS7, f'hlcngo. WA NTI.I . Wo mn show you liow to t'ini your -n;no tlmo Hto nwnev. Thia Is a striotlv hi 'h i-Ishs propr.elMop in every rrepeet, ; airl ise will lnMurr ynur bucccb;". ThlM ; oif r is op n cinly to one tieretm In each j io ality. Ar r;i.le:;. Crane-Watson Mfg. j t'o.. Iii l"derol To.Hton. ln. o ! Wo.MK.N' wante li r Kovernment clerk-i etilp. l'.: pey. fimnlia e.xomlnatlona eoon. Banipli; qiieitlona free. Franklin ineiHuie, i lepi. t.o:, iiornester. j . t HEM' WANTED MALE. Cierlrnl mid allure. . SQUARE- I'KC.H IN SOI'ARK HOLKS. v find a position that fits you. CO-OI'KHATI VE MEKKHKNTK CO. 10ir lS City Nat. Bank Rldg. Bkkpr., cashier and credit. I12."i; Stetio $7'i; salesman, IKl; solicitor, too; steno., 4V Watts Rcf. Co.. S4H-4J Brandele Theq. I ' iK K EEPB11 AND STENOGRAPH EK, rs. APPLY AT ONCE. WEST. KKKKHPSPK & BOND ASS N., 7'2-it OMAIIA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. H lOH-fl ItA PE commercial positions. WESTERN REF. ss BOND ASiiN. 752 Omaha Nat. Bahk Bldg. Agents, Saleamen and Sollcltora. Oood proposition for insur ance men of character and ability. Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health & Ac cident Association. 423 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WE have an absolutely new proposition. Our merchandise has never been shown before. You poxltively have r.j competi tion with our big line. You can make big money during the holiday season with It. Wilte for Information about our $7.40 working outfit free, which contains the most beautiful samples you have ever seen. We pay transportation charges on nil goods. This la a euro wjnncr. Write today. Crane-Watson Mfg. Co., 148 Devon shire St, Boston, Mass. o Factory and Trades. Drug store snaps; Johs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. W ANT F.D Men to learn the barber trade aim mi vncancies made hy foreign bar bers being drafted for European war. t an prepare you Just now for good lobs at excrptionnl wages. Earn while learn ing. Tools included. Investigate. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th Pt. We Have a Position Waiting for You as a R. R. Telegrapher Our school la the official training school for telegraphers for the Union Pacific ii. R.. snd Illinois Central R. R. Both these railroad companies abso lutely guarantee to givo permanent posi tions to all our graduates. Every railroad ccntcting'ln Omaha em ploys our graduates. $6J..'0 to J150 per month covers tho range f salaries of railway telegraphers and station agents all over the weaW- We will secure you a place to work for Vnur board while attendlne and free rn. ! portatlon to your post when your course Is completed. Tuition fee very low. Send for catalogue at once, mentioning this paper. Boyles College Boyles Btilldl ng. Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the autotnoblio business; the demand id great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let ua train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, ' 2S14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. VV'Ol'LLi you have to phone for help if your Ignition system on your car went wrong out In the country? Learn how to care for your own car at THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, 141S-17 Dodge, Write for catalogue C, Omaha. WANTED. Wi want a representative In each local ity for our high grade tine of men's wear. We will mart you In business lor yourself. No capital required. Give three relerences. This la a high-grade proiiosl tlon, no it is up to you to atct promptly. CRANK-WATSON MFG. CO., 67 Milk St.. , Boston, Mass. o (JOOD MEN AV ANTED Now, to take our auto work until com petent: then go right into the auto busi ness from here. Big new building; ma chine shop, lathe work, welding, editing aystetna. Write for Hat of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2111 t arnam, St. Omaha. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, 125; set of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clty College. 12th and Douglas Sts. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph A Co.. Washington. D. C. WANTED A No. 1 piano player to play for pictures In good live, central Neb. town: must be aolier and reliable man, far above the average picture show plan ttit. This is H good position for one who can deliver the goods. Address Y 231, Be. HELP WANTED MALE AU FEMALE. THOUSANDS government jobs open to men and women; ! to lloO month. "Write for Hat. Franklin Institute, Dept 2J2, S, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS STRONG, Intelligent Christian boy wants work; aged 1. Willis Ave. REFINED lady, like a position. who can cook, would Address O Mi. Ree. SITUATION wanted In small country bank; had about three years' experi ence; or a clerical position in the city; a ged tl. Addreea J M4. Bee. 1 If ACT1CAL nurse wants position. Doug. rM4. I "WANTEIa 7'osltion as housekeeper. Bellevue lls Call ! WANTED By experienced ateady work; mobooxer). R painter, W arthen. 1 I lattsmnuli. Neb. WANTED Work as cham'uemiald n hotel In umuna ,or Suuin Uinaha 1'hon tj. IMA ' v YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Boyles' coilega Telephone Douglas 1M. SITUATION wanted aa caretaker of rooming houee. Addreea A aVas, Bee. POSITION by young man of 23: experi enced a shipping clerk. Siock clerk, mall clerk and general of lire work; can use typewriter and some ahorthand; beat references. Address F 4I. rare Bee. EXPERIENCED man with family wants Job on farm by tue mnn'Ji or ear. Itnii S dsln St . Coim -il Bluf Ia! tXPERIENCED chauffeur wishea lo drive private car: careful driver; knows city vny well. Address F bu2 Bee. CHILIt'S nurse wi hea position; It. ."."to. best of references. Pbotv W ANTED Cooking position by colored person: dav oork preferred; eb. ,37i. BI'NTiLE washing and Ironing. H. a4. WANTEIPt'sltlon lu"diKtor'a office ss assistant. 1 have T ears' experience; trained muse. 1M7 Georgia Ave. H. HJ. IN T E LlTc, E N T Usht coloied girl wishea IKisliion in offl.-e or ivachelor apart- laenta. II. 4410. AITOMOMLES. v.reeneugh Omaha Bad Rei. C. :o Far. Llnduoig Bros., Z- Leav. 11' Meikle). AITOMODILES WANT an automobile. Will trado cr; for nut". A elmnca to turn your aut-i in iah. J-tato maKe, modol, condition urd rice. W. v. Insko, Aineimo, Neii. SIV ie-parseriKer Gl! lo car must ha eoid this werk; om at your own price. Oet busy. (', (,n. Hre. TAXIt'AM dnveiM, take notlea; t nm l"Rvnr for Ca'.if' rnla and will sacrlfh-e mv Fr-mklin I.andaulrt Mnke me an offer. I". le. ON m:i-"i'!it i'f linnnclal reverses 1 am compelled to pell at n sacrifice my;er 0!dmolille. Will you be the f' rtunnte perry? L) ftno. JP't forfeit for anv niaKnrf we can't re- Kr.joil r-p:ir r. fi. Haysdorfer. mrt N. IS i lOHskT'o"Vl-iaaiw'nKer 1!3 Au mini car, eleotrlc lighted and In, good ' on.lition. for sale cheap for cash. I'rloe $1,"'') :ir will Hi-cept a clear house and lot. No mortgaKed property considered. Cost new ibout 1,970. 11 CW Hoe. ljTdurjaMjrriKjijro., Mth & Harney Ms. Motoreyrlra. HARI.nV-DAVIDON MOTORCTCI.ES. Bargnin.-i In '.ifvii machln-s. Victor Hoos. "The Motorcycle Man." 77.t Tieavenworth. 'Llndhorg" fore door, body bldg., 40 & Far. i:14 INf'iIAN M Tf ) RC YC I E now readv; bnrg:ilns In used machines. OMAHA PICYt'LKCi ., lth and Chicago. 1 1. 372. HEY! jmi motorcyclist! Want a bargain? Have 1311 Indian fully equipped; cost V40; mn very little; first llWO takes this. F. fiio. l!ee. Ul'SINESS CHANCES. C. .I..CAXAN, real estate nnd exchanges. COMPLETE moving picture show outfit for sale. Write uulck. Big bargain. E. R. N. North Platte, Nrh. DO YOU WANT A PARTNER? We have customers who will buy an Interest In your business. Quick Sales Co., ( 41 Bee P.!dg. Red. "254. DRUG store in fcloux City, la., for sale. Exceptional opportunity, low rent. On Main St. Best of reasons for soiling. Will sell at less than invoice or lump sale, inns Fourth Kt.. tt'oiix fit v. la. FOR SALE Restaurant, fully equipped, " tl mi'. . "117 iia. I 'IH. 111. FOH SALE Two good motion picture theaters In two live Nebraska towna. j These theaters arc both doing n good ......iii,:.. i.iu aim timiT one separutuiy or both together at n bargain for rash. Reasun for belling. I tnt Interested In other bilaiuesH which takes my time. Ad dress Y 2: Bee. GROCERY STORE, sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1,100. located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Invtetlgitto. Good reasons for selling. Address Y-234, care Bee. GENERAL merchandise stock for stle to the highest bidder for cash, October 15, at 2 o'clock, to close the estate of Peter Bergqulst. Shlckley, Neb. Invoice $14,010; fixtures Open for Inspection. TCI Y r, .. . . I . . . . 1 1 - -T . 1 , w 1 v i 1 . 1 1 ' 1 ' j urn .... 1 i , , taurant, or other business, we can get you a Quick sale. Quick Sales Co., 418 Ree Bldg. Red SKI. LIST YOLK BUSINESS us for quick action and with square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 41S Bee Bldp. Phone Red 2254. NEWSPAPER Fairfield Tribune daily und weekly, tkunoci itti. Big plant. Sheriff's foreclosure mile. October U. l'.'U. Wlre K, R. Smith, mortgagee. NEWSPAPER FOR KALE Beat news paper offer In the market: northwest Iowa town, population 6O0: omy newspaper in territory twentv utiles miuarc; new equipment: JiVio will handle. Come ami Inspect tha plant or address J. 1'. Hal loran, Smlthlaml la. SIGNS, show cardH. Clark & Son. D. 1S7S. STEAM LAUNDRY- for sale; fully equip ped; 12.500 cash pnyment, balance terms. Address Y 240, Ueo. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. THEATERS Buy, lenao or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnum St Douglas 1W. TO GET In or out of bus'ness, call on OANGESTAD, 404 Bee Hldg. D. 8477. WANTED An Idea. Who ran think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they mav bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph fe Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington D. C. WANTED A partner for hotel business; 111 net have J1,(.a. Address M 601 or call nr i"y7. WANTED Partner for paying business; can learn trado; IT.'.. Call 8 to 7, 1810 Farnam St, Room 210. Investments. To Conservative Investors We offer hlph-grade first mortgage farm loans at prevailing rates. T'tles guaran teed and Interest collected without charge to our investors, rax irco in isenraaka. Peters Trust Co., 1622 Farnaui St. Omuba. Neb. an Our Nebraska farm mort- ' T gagea are not affected by L- European wara or panics. f Amounts 1400 10 iX,0G0. We V M w collect sil interest and prtn m clpal free ' of charge. 3t years in the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANT, 01 Omaha Nat Bank Bids.. Omaha. o RaxMatlaar Hoaaaae for Sale. TO buy or aell hotels or rooming houses quickly aee us. BUY FROM US. LIST WlTH US. Quick Sales Co., 418 Bea Bldg. Phone Red S2S4. 6-ROOM mod. flat; uteady roomers; ex cellent furniture; cheap for cash. 616 So. ltth. D. 7630. EDUCATIONAL 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the dav and night axaelona Yet It 1 not too late to enter. Begin at once to gt that mental discipline that -will double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales inanahip, banking, stenography, atene tyy. tyie riling, telegraphy, aocountig, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You guy woik for board while attending. LHiugla late. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. H. BOYLES, PRES., Boyles Bullaing. Omaha. FOR SALE at a discount, a tub uullin tted acbolarship li Boyles Businees col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or business couraea Apply at lb oitica ot Oiuana Bee. MOSHEH-LAMPMAN COLLEGE ' FALL TERM IS NOW CPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur- ?ai-eed claaaes In all buflnesn and Enr iaii branches, wliortt.and, rtenotypv. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided fur young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue MOdreus MOSUER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Wi Farnam St.. Omaha. Douglas CtilJi "learn typewriting at home. Three months. $4.(a. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Dougiaa I'D Farnam. Tlie Van Sant School Stenography Day school. :0u 10 4.-00. Night school. 4:1. to M. ISiU sud Farnam feta. Douglas o47. EXPERT lady etenograplier will take pupil. SHORTHAMi. touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, utc, tauht and complete training given for busmcus ca reer. Private mxtructlon if desued. t-U Liougla St. Tel. Harney 2t0. FOTl SALE Faraltare. New M-hand furniture, cash or terma; reasonable. Amer. Furn Co., 9TJ N. Mth. SEVERAL van loads of furniture end somi planna. Omaha Van and Storage Co . w H. 16th Pt BEAUTIFUL solid onK buffet, )1!(4, cost 10; nearly new. Call Web. 381 after ' r. ni. Medium slzo Acorn bascburner. H. !4. Mia'tal inatrnmenta. PIANO player: a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. aver nlanos M. McVelah. 1143 Georgia Ave.. Harney 6158. Omaha. KI . Typewrltere. RKNT Remingtons, Munarchs and Smith Premiere of their makera. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougiaa 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out R-ttes three months for ti for undnratroke machines or IS per month for latest mod-i visible writers. TYPEWRP-KItS-sold, rented, repaired. Central T vrw rtte- Exchange. 807 a Pftlx. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms Huns Typewriter. 1 Karnam. D. S0.U Mlarcllaneon. Bakery and furnace wood. Tel. Flor. 401. FOR SALE at a dlsionnt, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha: good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the PfUce of The Omaha Bee, 8-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 A Paul. 6x7 OKA FLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plalo holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold " The outfit In good condition and a .rJ,".r"eln tor the lot s Address A 590, Bee. . FOR SALE New at.d second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling leys and accersorlea; bar flxturea of all i u r"?y W"1011"- The Brunawlck- K o aiu-aisi . lot n Ht $5.00 ?.UJr?,!,f't ' P08-1 tor the money: try f It. Web. 848. Harmon & VMthT LIVE HTOCn FOR SALE. a oc.,,or"" nU Vehicle. lARGEST stock of delivery wagon la DalnHnn'.". i"" 0t "lacksmith work? painting and lettering. Johnaor,-i.,j,nforlh Co.. new iocHtio,, ii;v9.3i.3l N latti BU S1N.DARV aml fo!!tered stallion.'., to h.'nJ pliinK3. l.ik to 1,(60, broke win i,h.H . GooJ black iae" r sale LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREEO? RAILWAY COMPANY. ,t r8,on" ha.Wng lost some article would rvo.L'? rnlll.J,pcth off lun of tne Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Rallwuv companv aTreTcars. Whethcr th'y lcU 11 ln ' .?Ia'.jr artlclps each day are turned In and the company 3 anxious, to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Dougiaa LOST-Brown and white dog; nose, under in?h.5'' CO"?r fett "nd 'P of tall white, slight scratch under side of one car smooth coated. Reward. 13 K 24th St' I.OST-A bunch of keys attached to a email paaiocK. nnuer please return to J. W. Redlck. 7Wi Brandels Bid. Re ward. LOST Sales book; reward. TV. J. Wlca- iiowaro t. t-none U. 4Si. LOST (,'aineo pin. valued as a gift; $10 reward. Phono South 1330. MEDICAL. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. Tha ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. Wo have treated many hundreds of men, women and child ren. The cost is determined after ex amination, and time required to curs two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 Be. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. Doviglis 1411.' KUULTKT AND SUPPLIES 6TEREOTYPK matrices make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17.VJ3 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Be office Mixed grain. 8l.1V) per loO. Wagner. W1 N. IP. FOR SALE Rabbits and plgeohe. W. 71W. PET STOCK ENGLISH bull terrier putfT Tel. So. 811. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial borne so licits your old cloth'ng, furniture, maga sines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will caH. Call nnd Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-11 H Dodge St. ; . TOUNO women coming to Omaha as atrantrera are Invited to visit the Tounc Women's Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. ORY " KINNAMAN Call at the Moose Club. Room 41, South 17. Inquire for Kinnaman for valuable information. WANTED TO BUY VE have ordera for 20 used Ford car. Bring In your car; we will pay you th cash. I LH 1 11 A I. UAltAUC . 2"Ui na itarney pti. WILIj buy controlling interest In country bank. Address Y 23, Be. OFFICE furniture bought and eold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. C14S. WE BUY 2d-hand clothe 1421 N. Mth. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WKSl SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Sav mileage and shrinkage. ,Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion 1,1 T a stark ( nanation Merehaata. MARTIN BROS. CO.. Exchang Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES-For other automobH bargain th Aulomobile" tlaaatfi ea t ion AUTO Want to awap for a late dat fully equipped touring car, Incojri brick bualnees property, well rented Is Foulh Omaha, on principal buslnee St. th and a Q atreets. S. C. 1344. Be. AUTO Light overhauled truck, for cash. Adureaa. S. C. 141-. Care Bee. BOOKS For sale or exchange, on set of 7 of Andell engineer' booka. A-l coodl Uon. for typewr.ter or cash, vr what bave you, ac arena -v. BICYCLE One year oil, to awap. Ad- . .IW. LI riress. 1-. v . i-v. C J CANAN. 'Real gg;at and Excbangea DESK-Exchange or aril large roller toi office desk and chair, for large oak flat top desk.Adirea S. C. 145. B . DIAMOND RING Want equity la email cottage or vacant lot. Address o. C. I ir. Bee.