THE BKK: OMAHA. WKDNKSDAY. (HTOl'.KK 14, 1!U. v BRIEF CITY NEWS Tot for W. C. Oroby for Coronar. Ltffhtinff Itxtnraa, Burni-ramlfii On. ridUty BtorMT n'Tm Oo. Don . im. IftTt Kt PrtBt It Now Rparon lrr f . Dvorak accountant and auditor. 1. (4"6. Tot for Thomaa W. Blackbnrn for fongTfrs. A1vertlment. Boaa for Dlrorea Mr. Mary Kox ha brought mitt for rttvoroe nRi'nst William Kox, alleging cruelty. Btaotifnl All Modtra lomn Tor Bait on the ray payment plan. Hankers Kealt? Inventmrnt Co. Phone Pong. "Totlay'c Coraplata Mori Prog-rama" olaaalfieil section today, and appear la Thy Hoe EXCLVf IVEL.Y. Find out what the varioua moving picture theater offer. Lleuteaaat Tlaoeat la Omaha I.ieuten Htit Commander K. V. Vincent of the navy recruiting station at Kansaa City in Handing aeveral day In Omaha visit In Lieutenant T. M. Tipton of the local i office. Haanaaay &oas ia Coat Coramer ' clal Agent Hennesey of the Rook Ieland In minus a new rain coat, stolen by some party who entered the office, took tho garment and went away without being noticed. Beaarrlat Threngh A bunrh of cn Kngllch reservist from Colorado paused through Omaha en route to New Vork. from whence they will Bail for England to enter the army and fight against the German. rtr Join Tay Oscr Tetersen. aged 19 years. Council Bluffs, haa Joined the navy, being recruited at the local sta tion Tuesday morning. He will enter the serv ice aa a hospital apprentice and will leave Immediately for the station at Newport. R. I. Many Indian at Tdral Court In dians of ell sites, degrees and tribes are " crowding the corridors of the federal building with the advent of the fall term of dlbtrlot court. They will be confined to the top floor from now on until called for trial. Mmt of them are witnesses In case brought by the government against bojtlegger.. Zcturer a Xoaorv Ouest Miss Ada '. 1'nruh of Oregon. , the lecturer who Is here for the Baptist .ministers' . conven . tlon. and Mrs. M. M. Claflln of Lincoln, state president of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance union, will be honor guests at a luncheon given by the Omaha Woman' Christian Temperance union Wednesday- at the Toung Men's Chris tian association. meed OB Trip Wert C M. Reed, sup perinlndent of the railway mall service, has gone to Cheyenne and Ogden. Mr. Reed will Inspect the various stations at these points and will look over tha new quarters to be Installed at the Denver railway terminal, where the station Is being remodeled to afford adequate ac commodations for the railway mail serv-'. Ice. . drain Ca to Xaaaaa City Examiner Attorney Ocorge N. Brown of the Inter state Commerce bureau heard, evidence on the case of the Farmers Grain as sociation against the western railroads In , regard to the proper equipment of grain cars Tuesday morning, and ad journed the case at noon to be taken up at Kansas City, November 16.' Mr. Brown leave for Kansas City at once. rrlend Surprise Xo Xalley A sur prise party Was given Leo I. Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boone Kelley, 4216 Flor ence : boulevard, Monday night, In honor of his thirtieth birthday. 'A host of .friend and neighbor came to the house and spent the evening. The house was dfHorsted in nd. whin- and blue in honj . oT Columbus dsy. Mr. Kelley, who has be;'n con fitird to his bed for the last ten yeais wan greatly surprised and ple:ised by bis ftlenJa remembrance of the occasion. Lambert Wants to Carry Up the Dollar - Case for the City William C. Iinbert. assistant city at- I' torney, appeared before the city commis sioners sitting In council and asked, that the attorney' office be advised to take I the dollar gas rase to the United (Mate supreme court. Mr. 1-a nbert believes the city has a case and would be accorded judgment by the higher court, and also that, due to the clearness of the supreme court dockut. the case would come up within a .year's time. The commissioner made no decision, as two were absent from the meetingj and the matter will be taken up at the meeting next Monday. ASSASSINS ARE WM .Russian Army is Pursued A cross the Frontier of Eastern Prussia BACON & ULLERN TAKE v ANDREWS TRACTOR AGENCY A new farm tractor has entered the field It is called the Andrews' tractor and Is of the small type, but while being a little machine It Is declated to be abso lutely qualified for practical work. Bacon I'llern have opened the Andrews' Agency at !P1S Famam street and from the interest already manifested, they are well on their way to success In their venture. The Andrews' tractor 1s very different from the ordinary tractor.v which Is gen erally very large and to a certain extent cumbersome. Large tilors are also quite expensive, while the Andrews' Is of very reasonable price. It Is a low affair, of simple construction and with a speed of four miles an hour. The engine is four cylinder, has no valves, no Intricate lubricating (system. Is sir cooled and has a high tension magnet with special distributor. Death of Archduke and Duchr-ts of ; Avutria-Hung-ary Officially Fixed. TWENTY-TWO ARE IMPLICATED j (4relo Prlnslft an4 n of c k cnmi'lict We mnl In thr Pint h trr Charged mlih Itlah Treason. WIN POX. Oct. H Renter s Terrain company has received a dispatch from Sarajevo. Bosnia, saving the indictment against Oavrelo rrln.lp, the asssspin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, together with twenty-one of his 'ac complice, has been read there. The men are charged wtlh high treason. Three other persona have been charged with having concealed weapons, with which the outrage was perpetrated. j The Indictment deals at leangth with the Servian society railed Narodna Od brana. In Belgrade, which organised the conspiracy; with methods by which the bomh and weapons were smuggled into Bosnia, and related how the conspirators at Sarajevo recruited their accomplice., distributed their weapons and took their, places on the street to await the comlni, of the archducal party. Frinlp. under examination, admitted that with a second bullpt he Intended to kill Field Marshal Oskar Totlorek, the governor of Bosnia, but that ha used It for the archduchess. Finally, the Indictment deal with the motive of the oiitrsge and depicts the lrrldentlst machinations for a tlreater Servla In quarters extending as far as the royal court. I.OMhiN, i,i. M. is. .VI a. m l- ltcntei s Amsterdnm correnpimi-ent semis the fol low In Dcrnuin I'tflclnl oniinuivc.ilHMi on. cl uing even's in tho esisti-m theater uf ttv tvar "After their e fiom East I'Mis sui the Ru?ian hrm ! ,ic pursued across the frontier. The center of tue ; nvi n oi j-stton is now IVIimd. The whi.le i-f I 'olsml west of ilic lstula is tvw In i'.e:mai, I'ihcshhui, the Russian occ.ipv ini onlv ru-rtv "The few ,;lomi u is lost by Ihe tier iiimis In 1 isslun ,iei i It.'i v near the. East Prussian front hr Hire of little Import ance, as It war never Intended definitely to occupy or govern Stiwalkl. "U is not true that the siege of Ohso- wetr. hns been uhAmtoftcd. as Ihe forliess ) tma never twin besieged. "I'uiiim icii irtieal to 1' e Kaat I'rus I rian frontier our lio -ps here were le ; fcsle.l. but on the eo'itrary p'OU'eed anv altack of Ihe Rcsslins; lii:i:i,l, Oct VI. (Via Wireless to ; y.ivviile, I, 1 I Information giNen out for publication today s; ; ' 'The Hiito-h s:nhas 4,olor at t'linstaTiii ; noplc hup orihf'l t'le women of the rm j bassy to eae (lie utioman capital today. "tnfurhiatlon reclveii from Sofia 'n- fliois the resrt thai the Russian Blink 'en i leet 'a s.iitiiih: soitiiis ai"d. "Tho I'oitc dei llnod the demand made by the triple entente that the C.erman naval officers In Constantinople be dismissed." WANTS PERMANENT MUSEUM ESTABLISH EDBY STATF HEPe The State Historical society xhihit shown here during the Ak-Piir-Ben fes tivities and in charge of Heei-etarv I'alne, haa been packed up and movel back to Lincoln. Before leaving Ouuiha with the Muta collection. Secretary Value again asserted Government Wins ' Suit Against Ship Rate Combination XKW VOKK. Oct. 11 -In a decision' handed down this afternoon hv the f cd i eral district court the government wins its Hhemmn lawsuit sgnlnst reiialu transatlantic Mcamsr.lp compimies In- i eluded in the Ninth Atlantic conference: to enloln the maintenance of alleged ex- ! .Ibltsnt rates of fare for steerage pas j ag. I Pure Rich Blood Prevents Disease; Bud blood 1 tesooiiHlhle for mole all-! nients than anything else. It Cannes , catarrh, dyspepsia, theumatlsin. weak. . tired, languid feellns and worse troubles. 1 rH(l's r-'arHMpiirllla bus been wonder-! KiM-h-Y aldecker. ; futly pii'-Tsfil In puilfylim and enrich-; M-ss Nettle Waldecser. .laughtet of I vng the 1i.k,1, removing scrofula audi K.innm Wnl.lecker. and John Koch, both j other humors, and building up the whole! of Benson, were married by Kev. Chailesi system. Take It-give It to all the family, V. r'avhlge at his realdence Monday even- so as to avoid Illness. Oct it t.Hlay. Ad- lug at I o'clock. ' vntisenient. that this winter I e will work to the end that a permanent museum will he estah- lished in Omaha and maintained bv the j stale. . I Tors flACKH HKAT CtVKrW rinr, tivi-'.H lilNF.X CXVF,K n'SHIONK IH ST HOOIIS HMIATOH HOOPS THAN SlA II K N T NHKKTIXa liFATHMl KF.rAlltlNO FFMlKKt irVFllKH AND HFPA1KFP rWIWS STIWHJHTF.XKD ll',XTS UKMtlVK.n fkom r.AXKIA Aujtliing tn leather or Fabric That rn II lonr. Tha Holly Auto Trimming Co. "EXPERTS" 31 lUH? Street. Omaha, Ve. Dong. 37S. Our Work Speak for Itself. It Tear With Drnmnead. LAWS0N AND 0DELL TO CONORFSS AT PORT WORTH t . C. I.awaon of Grand Island and j Frank O. Odell of Omaha gone to Fort Worth. Tex., to attend the conren- tion of the National Farm congress now In session at that place. Odell and I. aw- j eon are both active In farm congress ! work In Nebraska. They have both had much to do with some of the best things the Nebraska Farm congress haa done in the past, lawson la a member of the board of directors of the American Rural Credits association, and Odell Is secretary of the association. The Nebraska dele gates will make an effort to bring the convention for next year to Omaha. rkemnerlala'a If you are ever troubled with rhea. pa ns or eoreness of the muscles, you will appreciate the good qualities of Chamberlain' Clnlment. Many ufferer ! from rheumatism and sciatica have used It with the heat results. It Is especially valuable for lumbago and lame back. For sale by all dealers. Advertiemnt. Condition of Iottb Bank. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1!.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The abstract of the condition of the National banks of Iowa, exclusive of reserve cities at the close of business on September 1? aa reported to the comp troller of the currency show the average reserve held aa 1R.CS per cent, loans and discounts. 1119.756. MH; gold coin. $21,671 MS : I'aclfie Limited to f'hlraaro. This splendidly equipped, all steel observation-car train of the Chicago, Mil waukee &. fit. Paul railway leaves Vnlon station Omaha. 7:50 p. m., arrive Union station, Chicago, biXa a. m. Ita numerous j comfort features, directness ofToute and fast schedule make It the premier train to Chicago. No extra fare. ' For tickets and berths Inquire at city ticket office, 1317 Farnam street, Omaha. The Cause of tthenmatlsm Is stomach ' trouble, lazy liver and de ranged ' kidneys. Try Electric Bitters. Regulates liver and helps kidneys to work. "Sac and $1. All druggists. Advertisement. Good Eating at Low Cost We eat far too much meat. We eat meat to excess under the mistaken idea that It I necessary to nourish' our bodies, while we continually pass up foodstxtffs that (welcht for weight) con tain more nutriment and cost consider ably lea than meat. Take Kaut Macaroni for Instance. A 10c package of this macaroni contains as much nutriment aa four pounds of beef, and haa another hlg advantage, too. In that ft Is much erfsler digested. And consider the many savory, ap petizing dlshea that can be made from Faust Macaroni. Write for free recipe book today. Your grocer sella Faust Macaroni 5o and lOe packages. Buy toflar. MAt'LIi IIROS. fit. Ijouta Missouri j I B -ii C 1 1 4 &:: cT2w!J Gasoline Service Stations-- 18th and Ca$ Streets 29th and Harney Streets BUY RED CROWN FOR WINTER MOTORING Cold weather starting is difficult with or dinary gasoline. Fill your tank with Red Crown the quick starting gasoline tor winter use. . Red Crown is a straight distilled, hfcjh power gasoline. It atomizes readily at low temperatures. It is all heat and power. The miles-per-gallon gasoline. Ask for Red Crown by name- it costs no more than the ordinary kind. Your car will run better if you use POLARINE. the standard oil for all motors. At any garage or supply store. Gasoline Service Stations' 18th and Cast Street '29 th and Harney Street Standard Oil Company Omaha UmSMSAI " '" PsV .sTVi I i I I II 1 1 r ''!t2jaV ) Saves and i lme Worry Money The AiitomoMe Owner Has the Right to Demand Service Prompt Service Honest Service Economical Service c- the Stud of supplies You could never hope to get baker type of service with source .1 1 '1 a tnousana mnes away. You must have the source of supplies, the executive headquarters the Company it- : self within prompt and convenient driving, telephoning and transportation distance ( within your own state if possible. Studebaker has a Factory Branch in Omaha If necessaxy complete Studebaker cars rem Id be a bembled in this Branch. Studebaker carries $1,000,000 worth of parts in its branches. It maintains a force of 45 automobile experts under these branches part of the Studebaker factory is literally located in Omaha. STUDEBAKER BRANCH BUILDING OMAHA Studebaker has a wonderful organization of dealers, operating not only under tho Omaha Branch but all over the United States drive cross country in your Studebaker from Canada to Mexico, from ' Maine to California, and you will never be more than a "town distant" from Studebaker Service. "Buy it because it is a Studebaker" is not an empty . phrase'. And Studebaker is continually sub-dividing its sell ing territory either under a Branch, a Distributor in direct from the factory. It seeks direct representatives in every hamlet and township in Nebraska in order that its Service may be still more comprehensive. If this message should reach a dealer or garage owner in a small town where Studebaker does not happen to be represent ed, if there is such a town, he is invited to write to the Branch at Omaha now. If he can measure up to the Studebaker Service standards he can be assured of a permanent and profitable business proposition from Studebaker, the oldest, best known, and one of the largest manufacturers of motor cars in the world. By wilting to the Omaha Branch you may obtain Stude- baker's motor car merchandising book, "How to M&ke Money Selling Motor Cars.". And better than this it is well worth your while to take a trip to Omaha to investi gate thoroughly the Home of Studebaker. y Al Are You Going to Buy an ' Automobile? - Then does not Studebaker Service mean much to you? As for the Studebaker car; it must be gtod or 50.000 jeople a year would not buy them. Are You a Dealer or Garage Owner? Is there a better, safer Company to represent than Studebakersif you can really get the representation? THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA Omaha Branch, 2550-2556 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb,