Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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A Very Complete Showing of
Seasonable Coats and Suits
The Now Coals and Suits now displayed in our Ap
pnrol Sort ion nro ilu equal of nny shown on Fifth Ave.,
if you eotnparc stylo
nnd quality.
Tho prices, tliouuli,
are much lower.
$195A $24!?,
$291, $35.
$13 $16L,
$18!?, $24!?.
No extra charo
The Store for
Attractive new stylos,
distinctive in design ; mod
erate in price.
Hone of Both Armies Near Lille
Seek to Go Through or Around
the Opposing Linei.
Weather, F.icept for None Chill?
.Me;!, I Idea for Military
Operation Trrjirh Daly
Thoroughly (Iriiiliril.
I'tria), Oct. II Tho battlefield north went
of I. Il was Hit point of greatest Inter
est In toiluy'a rontlnuatlon of the great
) conflict which already has lasted twenty
nlne doys The caairy of both armies
ha a wept alxjut ilia i our. try for day,
seeking to go UmniKli or around the op
posing lines, and everywhere hna encount
ered the force of the enemy,
A auccessful. nine carried out by de
tachment of French Infantry In tha vicin
ity of I.ens. la rrlatcd In the orders of the
day. Having been ordered to hold posi
tion tha small .uad did so throughout the
day hut at duak the detachment mas com
pelled to retire before an overwhelming
force of Gcrmana. teaching a country
estate, the French commander placed
number of men In the last outlying houses
with orders to remain until they heard tne
bugle call. The rest of the party took up
position quortfr lit a mile further
on In tha Ojcn country.
' Their I'arsalt.
Tb Uermanx continued their pursuit
without noticing the French riflemen In
the houses. A bugle sounded and (Ira
wa opened both on the front and on the
rear of tha German force, which, after
losing many men, retreated. The French
raoccupled their original position and
saved tha allies' line being pierced.
A Franca non-cnmmlaaloned officer with
two men who had been forgotten at an
entrenched advance post, near Koye, saw
.0u German advancing but the French
men did not budge until their ammuni
tion was spent- Then the officer ordered
hi men to retire through a wood and he
rejoined hla regiment with twenty of Ills
command. ,
He waa promoted on the field to be a
lieutenant aa his stand had i milted a
reinforcement of the allied line at
critical moment.
Tha weather, exiept for seme chilly
night. Is Ideal for military operations.
Kvn the men occupying exposed trenches
have recovered from tho damp sell.
T reach Daly Organised.
Trench duty In the alrge owiatlons Is
now thoroughly organised. The digging
'"" an tne lime anu tne trenches
of the opposing armies approach to
within 1 yards of each other at acme
plaoea. The men In theie ditches, espe
TJATURE sometimes makes
x pen ec' things, but
-processing" spoils
'em. A good-natered
boy may be "pro
fool by the wrong ed
ucation an tobacco
can be spoiled similar.
The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, VELVET,
is naturally right. Its two years' ageing
simply mellows and refines its natural qual
ities. The secret of its "no bite" is first,
right tobacco ; second, right ageing. 10c tins
.u meuu-unea oags.
bC'ff 'I ! ''
c 1 v- '
Jl K )
for alterations.
The Fur Shop
A great variety of
fine furs. Prices have
not been advanced. .
cially along the line from Rhelma to the
Meuae, have been Inactive often during
tha last few days and voice often ring
out from the shelter calling upon one
another to come out and fight.
Pom of the men have become very dar
ing, tha life in the burrows with the oc
casional turn at rifle firing being so
monotonous that they go out In search
of adventure.
One party of three Algerians left tlielr
shelter and proceeded to a house which
was still standing near the line. There
they found aeven Germans. The men
fraternised and together aearohed the
cellar. After regaling themselves on
wines the Algerians, who had brought
rifles with them, ordered tha Germans to
fall In and took them prisoners.
Urape Harvest la "wine.
Just behind the allies' filing line the
grap harvest I proceeding aa though
nothing unusual were occurring. The
crop promisee to be very good. , t.
A chauffeur belonging, to the llflllsh
ordnance corps waa promoted todav for
saving five motor trucka forming part of
an ammunition convoy. The Germane
had cut the convoy off from the supply
column. After disposing the contents of
the trucks over the fields all the men of
the convoy, with the exception of the
chauffeur, made off.
The chauffeur hid himself In the woods
beside the road and when the Germans
retired he returned to the trucks. He
found the wi.eels. of the machine Intact
and one motor In good order. Hitching
the trucka together, he brought them
safely Into camp alone.
In Alsace the French continue their
advance. Frequent skirmishes ar being
fought between the German rear guard
and the French advance guard. clnow
ha fallen In the high hill In this region,
making operations difficult.
Norfolk Man Killed
When Auto Upsets
NORFOLK. Neb., Oct. I J. -(Special Tel
egi ami-Oscar Wnmlierger. aged , waa
killed when his automobile turned over
north of Norfolk last night. He missed a
culvert and was driving at a high speed.
George 8telnmets. who waa with him.
waa unhurt. Waraburger leaves a widow
and three children,
RROKF.N HOW. Neb.. Oct S.-t Special
Telegram.l-aJIss Jane Addams of Hull
House. Chicago, spoke tonight on suf
frage to one of the largest audlencea ever
gotten together In the opera house here.
1'eopln came from all parts of the county
by train and ai'tomobllea. While here ahe
was the guest of the local aurfrage or
gnnlratlon. He Want Ads Are '.he Heat Uuaineaa
a dcrn
Enormous Quantities of Provisions
of All Kinds Are Captured
at Antwerp.
Berlin Statement Aaanaarea that a
the Whole Sllaatloa la Fa.
verahle for Imperial
A rms.
LONDON. Of U The Tie I.Ian lown of
Ghent la now occupied by the Germans,!
according to an Amsterdam rilspati h to;
the Keuter Telegram company, t'hlans1
have arrived at Hdsnete. K tyrt distance!
from Ghent, and the commander an-1
r.ounced Hint fi.u01 s"lllers must be quar
t red In the village
The following official atatement has
been received from llerlin by the Mar-1
conl Telegraph company:.
'Knormoiis quantities of provisions of
all kinds were captured In Antwerp. The
KHirlHon of tho northern forts and 13.0)0
h'ngllsli fled to Holland, where they were
disarmed. The F.ngllah themselves are
said to have blown up ten of the Anf
vrrp forts. The Belgians estimate that
they Inst 20.0m) men aa prisoners. When
the fall of Antwerp was made known to
tho allies the French cavalry was with
drawn In the direction of Arras.
"The Interrupted artillery engagement
Ir. the Wnevre region was resumed Octo
ber 11. At the same time the German
right wing and renler resumed the bom
bardment of Rhelma.
'On the whole the situation for the
Germans Is favorable.
"Hefore Ms depurture for the front
Kmperor William promoted Prince
Joachim (youngest on of the emperor)
to the rank of cavalry captain.
"It la reported that Kusalan fleet of
eight large vessels and ten small ships
was sighted Saturday near KustcndJ. a
seaport of Rmftnanla on the Black He,
steaming In northerly direction."
Marine Band Will
Give Concert in Open
Air at Fort Dodge
FORT DODGB, la.. Oct. 13. (Special.)
Fort Dodge Is on of the few towns that
the United States Marine band will visit
on Ita tour where the people will not have
to pay to hear th hand's concert. When
the big musical organization appears
here Thursday afternoon It will play in
Tubllc Square pork. The merchnnta of
the city at an expense of ICS0 have se
cured the band for one concert. The Fort
lodg Commercial club has arranged the
Th Fort Dodge merchant during the
lt year have been doing a wonderfully
Increased retail trade. They believe that
"the treats are on them." so when they
heard th band waa coming west they
Immediately took up the matter with the
Commercial club. Floyd Douglas, sec
retary of the club, then got In touch with
tha band management.
The band appears here In the afternoon.
One of the first parades the organisation
will participate In will be staged here
with the two companies of the low Na
tional Guard In uniform acting aa police.
October 15. ha been termed "Webster
County National Day."- An effort will be
made In after yeara to have the day cele
brated here a a sort of harvest festival
and It la thought that with concerted
action something ran be provided that
will attract and entertain people for.
mllea around.
(Continued from rage One.)
guaranteeing the Independence of th
union aa a republic, ceding Walflsh bay
and other parts of the union to the Ger
mans, and understanding that the Ger
man should Invade th union only t
Mar Its asked them to do so. Marlts
boasted that h possessed large supplies
of guns, rifles, ammunition and money
obtained from th Germans, and that ha
would overrun Uie whole of South Africa.
"In view of this state ot affairs," con
clude th official statement, "the gov
ernment Is taking drastic steps to quell
this rebellion and punish all rebels and
traitors according to their deserts."
Oathreak Klrat Waralasr Mote.
LONDON, Oct. 11-Th rebellion of a
section of th Dutch element In South
Africa, which broke today with sudden
ness. Is th first warning note that ha
marred the harmony In the British em.
plre sine tha outbreak of the war, and
It haa momentarily diverted attention
from the arenas near the heart of the
That this rising was real and dangerous
waa sufficiently proved by official dis
patches from Governcr General Huston
to the Imperial government and by the
drastic step General 1-outs Botha and
hla colleaguea huv taken to stamp It out
by th Imposition of martial law In th
wrote I'nion of Pouth Africa.
It apparently la the belief of General
Botha a government that others besides
those under the Immediate command of
Colonel Marlts may .have been affected,
hence the Inclusion of the whole dominion
In the order establishing martial law.
Hermans Abel Rebellion.
Germanising factors are eald by Lirii
Ish authorities to have boeit at work for
yeara III the frontier districts and to
have even percolated Into southwestern
Transvaal and other Dutch Uiairicta.
Telegrams from Capetown declare, how
ever, that a majority of th Dutch re
main absolutely loyal and tills seems to
le shown by resolutions drawn up at an
emergency meeting of the bouth African
party summoned Immediately after the
i neaa of the rebellion had leaked out.
A telegram waa. dispatched to Fremlcr
tvotlia unreacrvedly offering the aervloa
of the cap Dutch In any capacity de
sired. Th Dutch paper Onsland. published at
Capetown. Indignantly denounces what I'
terms the treachery of Colonel Marlts.
and calls on the Dutch throughout South
Africa loyally to atand at the back of
the government.
ONAWA. Ia.. Oct. U Special )-rir
which broke out la th mala business
portion of th town thla morning at 4
o'clock destroyed property to th vlu
of ts.000 be for it waa brought under
control. It was first discovered la th
old Roaa Uvary barn, which I uaed only
for atorag. Several new buggies and
thr bear were consumed by th
Supple at Sixty
Age and ripe expericne mean lias
plnea and nsefulnes when Mental
and bodily powers ara pieacrvad
by keeping rich blood In tha reins,
Narart's rat aourbhairnt In 5rt'
tmmlttmm create rich blood, w si ill
tha body and alWvlat rheassatl
tendencies. It all-food Imparts
strength to both body and brain.
It fa WaAjaaeur mmt Atekl.
flames. The William K'edeman res
taurant and lodging house adjoining waa
burned to the ground, aa was also the
Clarence Reideman bowling alley and bil
liard hall. For a time It appeared as
though the entire business block of the
east aide of the street would be cod
sumd, but by good work on the part of
th Onawa Hose company the flames
were confined to the three building". All
Other business houses within the block
were cleared of their contents. The loas
Is covered by Insurance.
(Continued from Pag On.)
man armlea In Russian Poland ar mov
ing toward the Vistula river od a north
and south front extending through Plolr
kow, ninety mile southwest of Warsaw,
Kalycs and Busk on th Bug river,
thirty mile east of Lemberg. To the left
of this army between Ixds and as la
another German force and on the right
of the main German army I an Austrian
The bulk of tha Russian troops ar on
th east bank of th Vistula, but a portion
of their forces are still on the west side
of th river. The natur of tha country
make It probable that tha center of the
battlellne will be between Bandomlr and
Ivangorod, both on the Vistula river and
about sixty miles apart.
Itoaalana Ready for Conflict.
In order to take up theae positions the
Germans have been compelled to aban
don strong positions along the River
Warthe, and avail themselves of the
transportation facilities of Russian rail
ways, which ara Incomparably poorer
than what they have oeen accustomed to.
The Russians are described aa keen to en
gage th enemy In a country of their own
choosing and near tho base of their sup
plies. The Germans are said to be still retiring
In the direction of 'East Prussia and In
Petrograd there la a report of a Rueslan
victory near Itacskl, midway between
Auguatowo and Suwalkl, which reaulted
In the capture of several German batteries
sent from Koonigsberg.
Berlin declares that all of the western
part of Russian Poland Is now In th
possession of Germany and thst every
place west of the Vistula with tha excep
tion of Warsaw la In their hand. It would
appear to be a fact that no heavy en
gagement yet haa been fought In this
region, most of the fighting being between
screens of cavalry.
Woold Open Way Into Btleala.
Should th Austrc-German force suf
fer defeat along th battle front now
forming the way would be opened. It I
being argued In Iondon, for th Invasion
of Silesia, which, next to the Rhine
province. Is the richest district of Ger
many. But it 1 not anticipated, even in
the event of their victory, that tha Rus
sians will advance with any great speed.
Th topography of the country and tha
lack of transports precludes tha possibil
ity of anything like the German sweep
through Belgium.
Advance Into Ksvat frmsalaw
IiONDON, Oct. 13.-A dispatch to th
Central News from Rom says a tele
gram from Petrograd to tha Trlbuna
states that no Germans remain In the
provinces of Suwalkl and Lomsa, Rus
sian Poland; that th Russian army con
tinue advancing in Eaat Prussia and
that the entire district of Lyck la now
occupied by the forces of Emperor Nich
olas. In addition the dispatch says that
th Russians ara maintaining their posi
tions In Hungary, Bukowlna and Transyl
vania. A dispatch to Reuter s Telegram com
pany from Petrograd sos:
"It Is evident thst a big battl , waa
fought at th village ot Racskt (midway
between Auguatowo and Suwalkl), .after
th defeat of th German at Auguatowo.
The German right wing rested on Racskl.
On October S tha Russian, after aeven
days of continuous fighting, drove out th
Germans, who crossed th river and then
posted their guns on the hill. Several
batteries, Including those sent aa fela
forcements from Koenlgsberg, were cap
tured "
' KDOF.MONT. S. D.. Oct ll-(Speclal.)
That Edgemont may tecome the rival of
lta neighbor. Hot Springs, as a health
reaort, Is the expectation of certain par
tie here who are planning to install a
big aulphur bath sanitarium. At tha
last meeting ot the city council J. R.
("a Mer, a local capitalist, mad a propo
sition to tho city for u aulphur water
bath franchise. His application was re
ferred Hack to him for modifications
and at the next meeting of th council
It I probable that it will be granted.
Kdtiemont'a city water supply depends
upon an arlenan well, which furnlahea
j an immense flow of boiling water from a
depth of :l.0i'O feet. While thla well waa
; belli, drilled a flow of sulphur mineral
water waa tapped before the JAO-foot
level was reached. This was piped off
to one aide and has sine been used for
bMh and medicinal purposes. It is
clalmei! that for traumatism and kin
dred allntenta it Is the equal if not th
superior of any waters of Hot Springs.
Raarker Rata Life.
KlHiKMONT. H. D.. Oct. li-(Speclal.)
-Sunday. Andrew Wlckatrom. a wealthy
rancher, committed suicide by hanking
himaelf from a rafter In a barn at his
J home near Cascade. Almost a month
ago he waa hit on th head by a brick
accidentally thrown by a youngster and
since thst time had been mentally de
I'ae Blanchard's Kcaemg, Lotion
SO Tear a th Marfcat.
SoU at Xtrajj Store.
Write for fro Booklet describing
aativ xiaaaaaa na their oarana.
Addr frot. i. U. Hlanchard, 111 Col
tax cirov Aia, Chicago.
Senior Nebraska Senator Submits
Proposition to Mr. Bryan on
State Jobs.
Former for Colleetor anal Latter for
Marshal Bryan Doea Not Indicate
What He Will Do Seeaad
Proposition Msde.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. (Special Tele
gram.) Dahlman for collector and Greun
ther for marshal was th compromise
which Senator HltcTtcorK presented to
Secretary Bryan today and the senior
senator from Nebraska followed this with
an alternative proposition, which for the
present I kept In abeyance. A for the
district attorneyship It may be used for
trading purposes.
Senator Hitchcock Immediately after the
committee on foreign relatione of the sen
ate adjourned, which Secretary Bryan at
tended, had a talk with the premier. In
an Interview with Mr. Bryan some months
ago Senator Hitchcock Intimated that he
would be satisfied If Mr. Greunther waa
appointed to the marshalshlp of Nebraska
lc view of the objections to him as col
lector. Nothing came of this Interview.
When' Mr. Hitchcock returned from
Omaha last week he had determined to
find out the mind of the secretary and
today he began Its unfolding. He out
lined to Secretary Bryan the conditions
as he found them in Nebraska and th
necessity for an agreement along equit
able line. Then h presented In writing
a letter stating that he waa willing that
James C. Dahlman should be nominated
collector and Oruenther as marshal, the
district attorneyship to be settled between
Mystery Begins.
Mr. Bryan said he could not accept the
compromise 'now, but would take the mat
ter under advisement Then Senator
Hitchcock, to show his sporting blood and
get the party out of the hole, said:
"Iet me give you an alternative propo
sition," and there Is where the mystery
commences. Senator Hitchcock Bald It
was tip to Mr. Bryan to tell the Ktory,
and Mrs. Bryan said tonight that Mr.
Bryan was In Philadelphia and had the
paper with him.
Cars for Parrel Post.
Congressman Lobeck, ascertaining that
the Postofflee department had determined
to allot a number of automobiles for par
cel post delivery In cities of the first
class, made Immediate request for two
cars to cover Omaha. Saturday Assistant
Poatmaater General Roper Informed the
congressman that S2.050 had been aet aside
from the general fund to Install In Omaha
two machines to be operated by carriers.
These cars arc for use In rexldentlai dis
tricts only.
Senator Hitchcock said tonight the pro
posed tax on proprietary medicines would,
In his opinion, be modified, not eliminated.
He did not believe that such a tax should
be paid and for one he would vote
against It
Grain Mew to Meet at Fort Dodge.
FORT DODGE, la, Oct 11 (Special.)
Th Western Grain Dealers' Association
of Iowa will hold its state convention in
Fort Dodge October 21 Efforts are being
made to a-et a speaker of national repu
tation, a man now at the head of one
of the bureau of the Department of Ag
riculture at Washington, who has hail
much to do with the" standardisation of
grain. The meetings will be of Interest
to the farmer for miles around.
and close attention to all the
details that go towards making
garments attractive and Indi
vidual In their appearance is
ting Suits and Overcoats for
Vi make stylish, perfect fit
ting suits ond overcoats for
S25.00 TO 845.00.
Tailoring Co.
804-300 South 16 th Street.
Resinol will
stop that itch
The moment that Resinol Oint
ment touches itching skin, the
itching stope and healing begins.
That ia why doctors have pre
scribed it suceeaa fully for nineteen
yeara In even severe and stubborn
cases of eczema, tetter, ringworm,
rashes and other tormenting, un
sightly skin eruptions. Aided by
warm baths with Resinol Soap,
Resinol Ointment restores the skin
or scalp to perfect health and
comfort, quickly, easily and at
little cost.
Bssinol Sean aad Raaiaol OinbMnt els
tlw away pisiplaa aad blackaaoda, aad
foraasMst valuable beuaeaold traaunaot
far soraa. wawada, boUa, pi Las. ot. Bold
Wednesday Suit Sale
A 85
Sale of Suits
These suits are
worth to $30. They
are made from very
fine cloths and are
tailored in the usual
way our garments
are made.
This sale will be the greatest sale of the season.
This , sale includes some very special pur
chases and garments from our regular stock.
'Th Stort for CtntUwomtn"
1613 Farnam Street
Guaranteed Blue
in Omaha $30; Worth $35
" "W"WBmi ' vK iff
rp? ,-L ' 1 '"eimilBiswaiiijiiii i i awa.n"ii"J
Quality Counts"
in Printing
and QUALITY is what Shafer
KerTice" stands for, first of all
ritO.MPTNEBH is our next char
acteristlr, and our prices are aa
low aa U compatible with the qual
ity of work we do.
No job too large or too small to
have our beet care and attention.
When your next Job is ready,
phone Itougla 355 and let us fig
ure with you.
12th and Farnam Sts.
Our painless
extractl o n s
and filling
is the talk of
the town.
Our satisfied
patients are
spre a d I n g
tha Glad
Crown and
bridge teeth
as low
80 years a dentist.
20-j car guarantee.
706 City Nat'l Bank
Sky Scraper.
I buy the same quality of ma
terial, the beM, for use in my eat
ing place as I use in my borne.
No matter what you pay elt.ewb.ore
you are not getting better, and
seldom aa good food aa you will
get at
The Pur Food Sign.
Quickserv Cafeteria
Basement City Natl Bank Bldg
Or Boston Lunches.
81 0 Month 10th St.
10 lioaglaa tit.
I40M Farnam SU
w Boa la ISM.
w sr
z3 L
Sale of Suits
150 suits that are
worth as much as
$40 are on sale to
morrow at $24.50.
These suits are of
the usual House of
Menagh quality.
Serge Suits Made
Many Chronic Dyspeptics
Hays We Cured
The best food properly cook
ed and prepared 1b assured.
Table d'Hote dinner 60c Sun
day, 11 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Belmont Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.
C. N. BALL, Prop.
Th TaTortt Irlah Magna Acto-
FiskeO'Hara Jack's Romance
moesi Mat, aso-gl; BTago-ll.BO.
Mat. Bat. 25c. 500, 75c, fl ft $1.60.
Might 600, TSo. $1, 91.60 ft SB.
Intensely TnrtUln, Tre
mendously runny, My
terlonsly Melodramatic
Given by the
Head Waiters Waiters
At Alamo Hall, 24th and Grant
Thursday Evening, Oct. 15
Deadline's Orchestra Will Furnish
Box Off to Wow Ope a.
Oamarai Admlaalon fiOo.
Bog Seat S1.60. ChUaraa 35c
Open Saturday "irht, Oct. 17, with
Eva Lang-Charlea Miller
and their New Tork Company. In
Seat Now on Sal.
mo, aa ana eoo.
Matau. Sunday. Taanday r ' Saturday.
aoaias rs nmi
With Phil Ott. Alias Iaut aad a salabla east. Aa
Ibis of Gurceouancas, Fas ana Msalc anllrvijr aur
roaade hr fir- lwj Cborua of HoaarmooBiag
Urldas. World a Sartas ecoraa bMvaaa acla.
This week
Ann Taaker ar Co.; :a.
& i.'u.; .Ml Kay Ac Arduie
l: lfilila Thimu. f '
mnn.f Have
Cardlner Trio
nll Ward Hall A- Ward: Jm.
Orpheum Travel Weekly.
Prtrae: Mattae Oallarr, c: baai aaau iuual
Gatursa ana suhiU.-i. Niftiu, -t-r-ttt at.