THK r.KK: OMAHA. Tl'KSPA V. OtTOBEIi 1014. STATE YISITEDJY A FROST Snow Cover Western Part of Ne braska and Wyoming. WINTER WHEAT IS ALL SEEDED By MELLIFICIA. Monday, October 12, 1914. ONSIGNOR A. M. COUANETU of Omaha, who tit bepti abroad all j M nummer, falls today from Naples for home. Father Colanerl has heeiv through fome tnost exritiim experl rnred. He vis'ted his former home at Rlirima, where there has been so much fifthtlnc, and hade farewell to three n'ihews, one a doctor and the other two In the army, who were all leaving for the front, rather j l:maneri was able to leave mieims neriiuse one 01 me carnmiuH iir,i nine and wag called to Rome to attend the conclave to elect the new op and Father Colanerl left with the cardinal as on" of his secretaries. Monslgnor Colanerl is prohatily the firn Oniahan to have an audience w-ith the new pope, when he represented Hlshop Scannell. Father Colanerl has the honor of bring, an intimate friend of his holiness, with whom he attended college a number of years ago In Ktirope. The many friends of Fat her Colanerl are anxiously aw ait in r his ret urn and wish to hear of his many experiences, in Europe this summer. Potato Pop U llll In the l.ronnrt, Hllh tinner of Kreela If the W fnlhfr Purl ot oon Warm 1 FACING DARK, KILLS SELF; ! CapUin 3. H Clark of Bluffs. De spondent, Takes Life. THREATENED WITH BLINDNESS j Branding; (Prfr Impendlna l.nsa f , Slaht and Death of Wife, Oldeat fonrt Benorler In lona I aea dun, Iowa voluntwrt. Mr. Clark was mustered , out a a rsptaln at tha end of the clv'l war. He is survived Lr three anna. John It Clark of Omaha and I'r.-ss II. Clark and I fieorre H. Clark of Council Illnffs. Cap-j tsln k had been living- at the home nf : the lat named eon alnce the death of his wife. Returns from Scotland. Mrs. Ethelwynn Kennedy ' Inn raturned to Omaha, after severul yenrs In Scotland, and will reside nt the rnrrm r home of her father, the lute 1 l.m ant Ken tiedy, pr., H:! nodjre street, lth her ( year-old daughter, Marraret Chrl.tln j UrlRor. and a friend. IIhi K. I.lnton Mil- , lar of Forres, Scotland. Mrs. firmor ar-1 lived Friday, coming- with her brother. ' Alfred C. Kennedy, who has heen on a vacation, visiting relatives In Marvlrid. , Tor Mrs. Atkins. ' Mrs. Richard Kitchen gave a tirtdne j party Saturday afternoon for Mrs Wll- j eon Atktns of York, formerly of Omaha. who came In for the Ak-Har-Ben festlvl tlejt. and will leava Monday with Mr. Akina for their home. The decorations were Klllarney roses. Threa tables were planed for the game. Parties. Mlsa Marjorle Howland will entertain at. an Orpheum party this evening, fol lowed by supper at the Henshaw, In honor of Miss Dorothy Pale and . Mr. Hdney Pmlth of Hartford. Conn., whose wedding will take place Wednesday evening. Those present at the Orpheum party will bo: For Chicago Visitors. Mr" P. I'. MiiihIi.iII MiteM-ilued nt tea Ritmdiiv nfternnnn froiu 4 to n'rloi k In honor of her g-iesie, Mr T. A. Thpmp eon and Miss Arline Thompson, of CM- CIIKO. The de-orstion In Hie lt iriK morn weie Vllow and -Ahlte chrvnnthcmums, Ameri'nn lleiinty loses were lined In the llhraiy nnd Klllarnev roses wen tine. I in the dlmiitf room. About I.Ti n"f itn afternoon. Assisting were Meadttnw Trcd Tenrce. Kd win Ji nks Unit, tirshniii ltidtrv, M Isse Helen K-rietr, f'nrothy Smith, Krma .lonej). lor Mrs T A. , .iled din nil! the Misses Martha I'sle. Msrjnrle Howland, Messrs. Kenneth Mansfield of Brookllne, Muss. Alexander ImiiiiIm, Mlase Jiorothy Dale, jleien Epeneter, Messrs. 5ldney Smith. .Msrlhnroiiuli Fmlth of Hartford. A lhrl Ttusch Mlssea Heatrli-e and Irene Co ad will' give an Orpheum party thla evening for Miss Helen Hlxhle of Chicago, guest of Mrs. A. V. Klusler, and for Miss (Mara llayden of Washington. !. C. guest of Mlsa Ophelia llayden. Supper will lie nerved following the theater at the home of the Mtsaes Coad. Thona present will be: Misses Mlxses Helen Hlable. Alice Coad, Ohpel'a llayden, Irene foiid. Heatrlce Coed. Messrs. k'lara llayden, Messrs. .... IT. E. Mariner. Itoger McKenxle, Frank Mead, U 11. Halnev. Charles Mclaughlin, lr. T. K. Halley. At the Country Club. There were no cupper parties at the Tountry club last evening owing to the Impassable roads. A golf match for the men will be held Wednesday at the club, followed by din ner. About seventy-five will attend. It la planned to have a special dinner dance at the club next Saturday. Thto probably will be the closing event of the rlub season.. Personal Mention. A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs. tllenn Wilcox of Dundee 8unday. Mrs. Wilcox in formerly Mlsa I.uclle Krey org, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kreymborg. Medlmes Jsv 1'iiler. buries I il linniel, r'rnnk Walters. Mlr-ses 1 1. I n Smith, Mh I'Kueret ha tlrltn rnel. Tliiiiiipson and Miss Thompson, Mrs I'ctnnln It. Iedwlrh will give a luncheon Morula v, the Thompsons returning to thilr homo In f'hlrngo Tuea daj'. In and Out of the Bee Hive. t'r. F, J. Wenrne has returned from a two weeka' visit In Chicago. k Miss Kffln Wallace of Chb nan has ar rived to spend a month with her cousin, Mifs JcHiietlo Prlednuin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Smith of Chicago are spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseidi W. Thomas. Mr. J. J. Friedman of Washington. P. t, has arrived to hpetid a month with his sister, Mrs. 1. (Ireeriberg, and brother, Mr. I. Friedman. Mlns Anna Tlblietts of I.luColn, who has hern the guest of Mrs. J. M. Met calfe fur tlio lust two mouths, has re turned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. tienrge t.vers of Iiu bUfiue, who attended the Ak-Har-llen festivities, spent the week end with Mrs. Myers' mother, Mrs K. W. Nash. Mrs. I .el toy Welch of WnshliiKton, P. C, arrived Sunday afternoon to be the guest for a few days of Miss Marguerite and Miss Porothy Scott, 117 South Thirty- i Sixth street. Mrs Wrdcli tin a liin stwtwl. ' lug the summer in the Pacific northwest. While eastern Nebraska has net been visited by frost so far this fall, the west ern part of the state la experiencing a towi h of real winter. All thiourh Nebraska there was rain during most of Hunday, nnfl tn th" north western portion It turned to nn w at rilglct. temerBturea dropping to freezing and In-low. Along the Northwestern there there was snow all the way from long Finn. Neb., through to lender, Wyo., alth temperatures of from 2 to n2 rie- giees above zero. j The Hurlington reports snow at Craw- I ford. Alliance and Helmnnt, Neb , and 1 over the Wyoming and Colorado cllvls-I ons. Frnexing weather la reported In the wentem part of Netuaska and a tempera-i lure of IS decrees above iero at Toi rlngtoti, Wyo. Along the t nlon Pacific there has been a stcadv fall of snow since early Hunday night from fihcrman, Wyo., most of the way to Ogden. Itallroad men are of the opinion that the sudden change from warm to below freezing will iat' h a large proiiortlon of tli potatoes In the western pnrt of the slate and freeze them, esiH-clally If the cold should continue long, few of the potatoes have hei n dug and the crop Is reported above, the normal. Crop reports coining to the railroads In dicate that In all portions of Nebraska except the extreme western section the seeding of winter wheat has been fin ished There have been heavy ra'ns dur ing the past week and the ground Is In p rfect condition. Corn picking will be gin as soon as the rains eeaae and thi ground dries. Prrjnnnltlaaa. "Po vou believe In premonitions'" "Yes," sir." replied Colonel Hottletop. "I've had em. My mint patch withered In the drouth. Next the spring dried up. And sure enough, sir, r ght on top o' those signs, the conntv voted for local option." Washington Hlar. Threatened with blindness and despon dent oer the re, e.nt death of his ile. Captain John it. r'lark, veteran of. the civil war and the oldest court reporter In oa, shot ami killed himself last night at the home of I, is son. George n. Clark, on tilen avenue. Council Hlnffs. Ills bodv was found on the floor of his room with a revolver ljlng near. He had fired a bullet Into his temple. Only one shot had been fired. Inath was Instan taneous. Ill Only less Days. Captain Clark hnd been III only a few daya. Within the last week he had learned that his sight would be lost He had been brooding over the death or his wife several months sao and thee two circumstances together were responsible for his taking bis Hie. The apt iln had lled In Council niuffs half a century. He came to the Missouri river town from Fairfield, where he went when mustered out at the close of the civil war. Oldest tine In (ate. He acted ns court repoiter in Fairfield and In Council Hluffs until he retired a few years ago. lie was court reporter In Council Hluffs forty-two years. He was known as the oldest one in Iowa He wes 74 years old. Enlisting as a priv.-tie .n the Tenth Calls on Mexicans to Fight Americans and Villa's Forces Fl. VASii. Tex., Oct li A pro. -laiuotlon, falling on all Mii sns to fight agatnM t:e .V :n r'can.i rv bo iiol i Vi m Cruz and against Francisco Villa forces, his been Issued at Tarrsl ! Ma lovlo Ferrer the former Villa brigade om -n-andcr. wini Joined the Cansnr.a side nt the recent "lit of tue conFtitutloii ilit ; forces. Copies of the statement reai hed here today. lieirera ii.m! an apcal to aims, 'since Ihe time la drawing near when the Ameri can government must leave our sacred fatherland, ami since we may have to use force to fight not only the foreigners, but tl ose bad Mexicans who have been traitors to our cause." ) Another proclamation by Herrera lauds Ctnranzft for his fight against ti e HuesJa government, and denounces Villa as a "traitor and bandit." SARAJEVO SUFFERING FROM FAMINE. REPORTED IjONPO.N. Ort. 12 A dispatch frop. Home to the Exchange Telegraph com pany sv fugitives from Sarajevo de clare that the city Is suffering from famine. The Montenegrins hold not only the railroad, but also the roads over which if is possible to transport supplies J.C.WHARTON WILL AUCTION OFF ACCUMULATED MAIL An auction sale will be held In the northeast corner of the posloffho cor ridor near Postmaster Wharton's office, Thursday at I o'clock. The goods offered to the high bidder will consist of articles i accumulated In the dead letter office clur-1 Ing the last year which have received no: claimants. The sale will continue until all are sold, and Postmaster Wharton will act as auctioneer. Anyone desiring to see the articles offered for sale may do so by calling at the superintendent's office between ! and 4 o'clock either Tuesday or Wednesday Meat Cause of Kidney Trouble Tttke n Kla of Salta If your Hack, hurts or IHadl'r bother Meat form uric acid. If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric Id which almost paralyzes the kldneya In their ef forts to expel It from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coatod and when the weather la bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and Irritated obliging you to seek relief two or threes times during the night. To neutralize these Irritating arlds, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off tho body'a urinous waste get four ounces of Jail Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tablcaponnful in a glass of water liefore breakfast for a few days and your kldneya will then act fine. This famous halts la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthia, and lias been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys. als to neutralize the adds In urine, so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weaknesa. Jad Baits Is Inexpensive, cannot In jurs, and makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink. Advertisement. wmm .4 V ttt& , Don't Wait UNTIL The thermometer goes Down 1""" And the price of Coal goes Up Order Now COAL COKE BRIQUETTES Tel. TyW 1754. 210 South 17th SI. Ilrandels Theater Bid. IB I I There's perfect fit plus luxurious comfort in Springtex improved spring needle knit underwear. Form-fashioned and knit of exceptionally elastic fabrics Springtex never binds nor bags. Union Suits and separate garments for Men. All weights, $1 up. ASK YOUR DEALER for Springtex. HTHIS will be 1 Men's and Young Men's $25 Week at Haydens f2 We've made ex- tensive prepara- fe tions for this week, selecting! with thf m n o f v.a Wiiu ill o L painstakingcare the best in Suits and lu oen at that the markets of the country afford. The result is the most extensive showing of high grade suits and overcoats to sell at the price shown west of Chicago. In style, fabric, fit and workmanship you'll find them vastly superior. Make it a point to see them. Imported fabrics from Galashields and Kieth, Scotland; Huddersfield and Honely, England, and France and Germany and Ireland, they are only to be had in Hart, Schatf ner & Marx clothes, for which we we are exclusive selling agents for Omaha. NDER6WEAR Mm that want to get full value for their mouoy should not uiiss seeing thes suits and overcoats. F.very garment is hand-made and bilk Ream. Every detail in the entire garment must be lerfeet. Kvery isuit and overooat guaranteed for 1 year's wear or a new garment iu return. Ititli Street Windows. T7o7 yiw vp &jBT M ST 1 I . . J L . J , . . 1 I b- ft vfi'.M. ft W -rtT-.-'J R rKS: Hi m m&m Tor A Perfect Gas Heating Stove The Raw Chilly Days Have Come STRIKE A MATCH AND BE WARM Gas Heating Stoves Furnish Quick Heal for Cold Rooms $1.95 to $6.00 TERM PAYMENTS. Phone order or call for representative. OMAHA GAS CO. 1509 Howard St. Douglas 605 Buy Your Rugs How Will Continue Our Great Sale of New Rugs One More Day Tuesday Dimly of Knits For All All mv Fall 1911 rattrrn. ipsjiimnai i miimiaii MM Xo Ml Malrlird Tat l'ni! or Spconcl In tli Stork. Come r.rj. "f?c04ttLi; stop?: Every Day This Week Will Be Dargain Day in the Busy Cloak Department Hundreds of Elegant Dresses, Gowns, Suits and Coats re- ("ived too late for Ak-Sar-Pen week sellinr and shown Monday for ta first time, will continue on sale COR while tliey last. Vahi"s to $"); all at one price VV AT 99.90 we're showinu Tuesday a wonderfully at tractive lot of tail-" red suits and winter coats made to sell ;it from $15. 00 to $'J0.o0. All new 'styles, colorings and ma terials. Wednesday ! Thursday ; Saturday We place on sale a ' We -ffer ehoiee of I Two niftmifactur- inanuJaeturers stcx'ks of fine furs at greatly under worth. Don't miss them. hig special pur chase of fine tail-1 ored suits at won-1 der f u I hargain i jrices. I ers' stocks of chil dren's coats and dresses at most deli ghtful har gain trices. $1.00 English Corduroys 58c Beautiful chiffon finish fabric .'!2 In. wide, iu navy, nolden brown, bobbin matelot, Ha vana and black, at yard I8tf $1.2.1 IrrH snlin Messuline 36 in. wide, in full linft of street and evening shades, at, V"1 HS ropliiifi, MessalinoH. ( lienc.v'M Shower Proofs, Satins, liar- red Plaids, Roman Stripes, etc., 26 to 36 in. wide, to $1 yard values . ,48 and (JS Hew Fall Dress Goods In blp; assortment of weaves, including all wool Serges and Bedford Cords, Cheviots, Granites, ranamas, etc., to $2.00 yard values, over 109 pieces in the lot, at yard 48. 68 and f)8 Fnndicherry IMaids, beautiful all wool fabrics, 4ft to 54 In. wide, in all the new fall col orings, 40 pieces Just receiv ed, shown Tuesday, at yard ....)8 and SI. 48 Blanket Sale Continues All Week 75c Blankets, pair . 59 85c Blankets, pair . USh $1.00 Blankets, pair 75 $1.25 Blankets, pair 85 $1.50 Blankets, pair 05 $2.00 Blankets, pair 81.25 $2.50 Blankets, pair S1.48 Bath Robe Blankets with cords and frogs, at, each S2.05 Auto Rugs, $5.00 values S3. 75 Auto Hugs, $7.50 values S4i05 Auto lines tin On vnlnpo . qVra T...., . , J7 'Auto Rugs, $12.50 values C) 5Q uaby criDs, fine styles 5Q to S2.50 Unequalled Bed Linen Specials Hemstitched Sheets, extra large size, best material, regular $1.39 quality, each .S1.00 Hemstitched Pillow Cases to match, size 4 5x36 inches, 50c values, each 32 'r Heavy quality Sheets, large or extra large size, heavy mater ial, regular 9Se grade, each, at 69 Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, full size, cut corners, $5 values, each ....S350 Assorted lot colored or while Bed Spreads, hemmed or fringed, $:j.00 values, each at Sl.OS Domestic Room 72x90 Sheets, 85c value 67c 72x90 Sheets, 65c value ..48c 81x90 Sheets, $1.00 value 81c 81x90 Sheets, 75c value ..59c Pillow Slips, each 7 He, 8fc c, 10-, 12 lie, 15c 18c Damask Table Cloths, 8-4 each 5c to $2.50 Damask Table Cloths, 10-4 each 8.V to $.1.50 Damask Table Cloths, 12-4 each $1.(M to $5.00 Towels 3o. 6c 7'io, lOo. 13'4o, 15c 16o and 350 4 Sppi'tals In Blankets i.H M.'inketn, per pair $1.98 M.50 KlanketH, per Dalr $3.65 11.00 Rlanketa. per pair $3.85 Ued Svfi-aln, earh . . . .690 to $6.00 Underwear Section, Domestic Room Tuesday Ladles' and Children's Outing Flannel Gowns, worth to 75c, at. .49 Men's Handkerchiefs, red, blue or white, regular 10c vals., 6 for 25c Misses' and Boys' Fleece Lined Union Suits, all sizes 2 to 16 yrs. 49 Infants' Part Wool Vests with long sleeves, 25c values, at 10t? Men's Outing Flannel Gowns, worth to $1.00, at 69S 49 Men's Fleece Lined I'nderwear, all sizes, shirts or drawers, worth to li oo, at 69S 49S 35 Ladies' Fleece Lined I'nderwear, vests or pants, 50c values, at..J9 16 LBS. BEST GRANULATED SUGAR for lrt' ll'lll t'l $1.35 BnxrAX nous sax.k Tuesday V want every housewife In umu!vi tn try our Diamond II. Flour. Noth ing finer for bread, plea or i-akeH. Tills flour 1h inuile from No. l se lecteil wheat. Kverv siek Kuaran- teed to Klve perfe't Hatlpfnt'lion your money refunded In full. Tuaaday, par 48-lb. ack 1ft hr of Heat 'i:m All. Diamond C, Lenox, White Uussiun or Laundry Queen White Laundry roup....25o T bins HaHkliiM Hron. tlettrlc Simrlt Sown 35o .1 burs Ivorv Toilet Soap for ....19o caki s Sllexo S.-ourlnc Soup . . . . 15o 10 lbf. hewt White or Yellow i'oi m menl 2So S IIjh. beet Itolled While ilieakfa.t Oatmeal 33o i rani- Oil Saldini'S . . 35o Mind.aren'K l eiintu rtutter. lb . 13MiO The best lioineHtii' Mai uronl. Vermi celli or SpHirhetti. pk 7V,o 1- lli. iiM asfnited Soiipn for.... SjO '.'-lb rails Kaucv Sweet SuRar Corn for ,7Uo :t-ll. chiim Mnlul packed Toiuaioes loo 2- lii. i a lis Youiiv Marrowfat l'eus lOo 'leane CurrHiits. Il XOo ' Vlifoinia CViokinK Kits, U 8jO California Muir I'earhepi. h 8'iC California Moor Park Aprlrota. 13'0 Cliiilrf California I'rures, lb 7liC New California Seedless l'.ai.sir.N 100 New .Mliuenieat. pkK 8'tO New Comt' Honey, per ra k ISO The best Tea Sittings, lii 12-4o iolden Santos Coffee, ter lb SOo Hreakfat Cocoa, eouul to t-ocia. I -1 for fine lb., our price, lb 30c i Buiiar. imttii and Err Mtaxkat lor tli reopl of Omaha The best Creamery Butter, carton or' bulk, per lb 3ie The bei No. 1 Country Creamery Hutter. 11 gag The best No. 1 Jmiry Table Butter, 8 So Full cream, youne Amerlre Wiscon sin Cream or New York White Cheese, per lb &Oq ?-lh. roll aoo.1 Hutterlne ao Fancy Table Butterine. eoual to creamery, lb jbj The best, strictly fresh 'No. 1 Kkk, nothini; finer, per dozen 33o Tlia Tea-atabla Markat for tb Fo pit of Omaha. l.'i lbs. 1'otatoes to the peck 30c Demand 15 pounds, the law re m Hires it. New Cabbage, lb .llo llubbaid SniHsh. each 10c and HWo bun lies fresh Radishes So 2 hunches fresh Hhalnts Bo '.' heads fresh hothouse Lettuce. ., .So Kres!: Spinach, per peck 10c Beets, 'urrots or Turnips, lb 3c T'.utabairas. lb 3o L' stalks fresh Celery So (Sreen Tomutoes for pickles, per ba-ket 15o BIG APPLE SPECIAL Taney Jnnaitinn tiiimes (Iolden or Bcllflower Annies, box tl.33 Kiffr Paar Sal TuaedaT We have a carload nf extra fancv New York Kleffer Pers nothlnff finer to put up for preseryes: Tues day, per bushel 91-15 Larce market basket 40c m BUI atai w iiutfl PATl mi v The Ideal Family Beverage V . . . Anheuser-Busch Company of Nebraska OMAHA Rojenfeld Liquor Company Council Bluffs, Iowa DISTRIBUTORS Family Trade Supplied by G. H. Hansen, Dea'er Phone Douf . 2506 S Let The Bee get you it good job. "Situations Wanted,M ads are free Hay den Br 6b: