Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    INK Mfh,: t M AHA, .MIIADAK IHlUHhK 1L 1!U.
French British and German Hu
an Cnirassien and Lancers
Clash Near Lille.
Infantrymen F.nnn-r 1n Very -rana
Etronltri iltn Bay
onet After Artillery Dnel
Germans Say War Loan Paid Up
to Hundred Fifty-Nine Millions
rarls). Ott ll.-Raher and lance ram Into
Hay many times today. The Trench.
Urttlsh and German . hussars, lancers.
.Irsgoona and cuirassiers In enormous
numbers, came lno rontact nar IJIle.
There were no brilliant charttes hy lonff
lines of horsemen 'o record. ut the Brit
ish squadrons In khaki and the French !n
their llertit and dark blue uniforms, often
crossed swords with the blue-gray-clad
There Is not an Inch of rround here
about which does not show traces of the
awful character of the battle. The town
of Albert is a mass of ruins, only a
church steeple remaining standing-. Iloye
baa disappeared under constant bombard
ment The German artillery taken
advantage of many quarters In the vlcln
tty where they had placed guna which
were beyond the reach of the French ar
tillery. Frequently Clash.
Reconnolterinf parties, seeking to dis
cover the strength of their opponents,
frequently came In conflict. In these en
gagement the soldiers would take shel
ter behind the many bodtee on the field
or occasionally make short dashes arrosa
the open, where their arms glistened In
the sunlight, but nothing occurred which
could be called a general battle.
The vicinity of Arras, however, waa
tha acene of very vigorous encounters be
tween infantrymen who engaged In close
fighting with the bayonet after the ar
tillery duel had ceased. At some points
along the line numbers of Germans ap
proached the trenches of tha allies with
out their rifles and offered to Surrender
If given food, saying that the rations at
Oat part of the German poaltlon had run
Beyond Roye, where the fighting has
been exceptionally aevere for fifteen days,
as possession of the place means control
of the railroad lines and also the mad to
Amiens, the allies continued their efforts
to dislodge the Germans, who held on
with wonderful tenacity. It was neces
sary for the allies to conduct regular
siege operations to get at them.
Make Considerable Adraace.
Further east tha French made a con
siderable advance In Alsace and captured
some territory on the heights of tha
ileus, where the Germans attacked them
repeatedly, but always were driven back.
Night attacks appear to have ceased
for tha present exoept In a few isolated
Ir stances.
General Blhille, a French Infantry com
mander, has been killed by a fragment
cf a shrapnel shell.
HKI!M, Oct. 11 .-nv Wireless to Fay
vllle.) The following Information has
been given out at Herlln for publication:
"A bomh dropped bv one of the p
my s aviators st Puspeldnrf damag'd an
'The seat of the Servian government
has been moved from Nlsh and Is now at
"The German wnr loan, which amounts
already to 2.4J.0flno marks rW6,nno.O(iO)
has been paid up In cash to the amount
of h.;,O.0u0 msrks Tf,W,Vn.
"The Urazlllsn minister In Herlln has
requested thirty of Ihs countrymen living
In the flerman rspltal to Inform their
relntlves that they are enjoying complete
security and thst they have not been de
prived of thrlr liberty. This step Is taken
because of telegrsphlc reports to the ef
fect that Uraitllana In Itarlln hnd been
'The reports thst cholera has brokeii
out in Herlln are ridiculous.
"Count Heroldlngen, whose mother Is
sn American woman, has been awarded
two Iron crosses for the following exploit:
One day he apieared among his comrades
wearing the raincoat of an English officer
and found that they did not recognlne
him. Consequently he slipped away to
the French lines and once there demanded
that he be taken to some one who could
speak Kngllsh, prefershly the commsnil
Ing general. This nas done. To the
I'nglloh commanding officer he snld: "I
am nn English adjutant.. When will you
attack? What are your positions and
what is your plan of srtinn?
"It being dusk the Kngllsh genersl did
not notice the German uniform under the
F.ngllsh cost and gave the count the In
formation he asked for.
"licroldlnKon returned to the German
line and finally convinced his own com
mander of the truth of his story. The
Informstlon thus obtained won the battle
for the Germans."
The Frankfurter Zeltung declares that
the people of I'arls are depressed by the
appearance of new German armies In the
north of France. These troops were suc
cessful in frustrating the French out
flanking evolutions.
Th Vienna Itclrhspost drclsres that
recent lOnglisli diplomatic attempts at
Constantinople have resulted In failure
and Knglnnd Is now too weak to fight
the Turks.
SHELLS DO DAMAGE F wse congress sooNjr;;
cratlc members will continue their aglta-
Dr legislation to benefit the cotton
Hon hit there is MtUe probability
tit T n mnnr.imAr.ti . , j I that any will be undertaken. This, at
IN II N I HKKll I Ik V ' Aammisiraiion i,eaaer ore i0 nu. mfU ls tne Urw o the administration
Four Missiles from Mexican Guns
Land on This Side of the
journ by Saturday Night.
o tertelnty that Measnre f an He
Disponed of Within C online:
Week so Legislators t an
lleat It Home.
Renewed Attack hy Mi)lorrna on
I smnis t.nrrlson of sro lie
soils In Hflr-KUM Killed
and Many Wonndrit.
(Continued from Pag One)
about to declare for the allies. This be
lief ls based on the fact that the French
and Hritlsh warshlpa have been visiting
thst country In connection with the cele
bration of the establishment of the republic.
(Continued from Tage One-
cost them dearly. Both aides will have
long casualty lists. There Is no reliable
information as to the loss of life In the
city and the damage there. 1
Crowds of refugees arrived In London
tonight. Most of them left Antwerp
Thursday night and their accounts of the
attack are confused. The Belgians them
selves, bestdm destroying forts, blew up
steamers at the dorks and act fire to the
petrol stores and everything that could
be of use to the Invaders. They also
took away what the transports could
gnbarb Destroyed.
Herehem. where the military and other
hospitals, the orphanage and some public
buildings are situated, Is reported to be
entirely destroyed. Even If this la an
exaggeration It must be badly damaged,
aa it waa burning at least two days.
Tha Antwerp railway atatlons also mado
marks for the shells from the big guns,
but, according to some of those who have
reached here, the cathodrul, which In on
the other aide of the city nearer the
Scheldt, while atruck, was not badly
damaged. The Inmates of the hospitals
and other Institutions were removed on
Thursday, or earlier, so that they were
well out of the way before the Germans
Kffert I'pon Campaign.
A question which Is now arising Is aa to
the effect upon the general campaign of
the German occupation of Antwerp. The
Belgian garrison, or the greater part of It,
escaped and la reported to be engageu
with the Germans. .
The strateglo Importance pf Antwerp
consisted In Its menace to the German
lines running through Belgium. Now
matters have been reversed and the allies
will have to take their turn In keeping
forcea before the city to prevent the Gey.
mans from Antwerp attacking their flank
or rear, should they be able to advance.
The Germane propose, according to the
Berlin reports, to use me city as a bane
for operations against England.
Bo long aa Great Britain commands the
sea no great part ot the German navy
can uae the port, even should Germany
overrule Holland's objection to the use of
the Scheldt by belligerent ships.
What Germany May Claim.
Germany, It la thought, may claim that
bring In possession of the city It acquires
Belgium's right to use the river on equal
terms with the Dutch and will proceed to
build destroyers and submarines there to
menace the British fleet.
If Holland should allow these vessels
to pass through the Scheldt, England, It
la declared, would certainly proclaim It a
breach of neutrality. In any case, Hol
land's position becomes more and more
In France, according to the French com
munication, the allies have maintained
their positions in spits of violent attacks
at several points. The cavalry still is
engaged along the Belgian frontier and
across It, each side trying to work around
the other's wing. This movement, him
compelled the Germans to withdraw some
troops from other parts of the Hue and
tha allies are seising the opportunity to
make headway.
French Gala Advantage.
The communication reports that to the
north of the Otse the French troops have
attained a real advantage In several parts
of their son of action, while In the St.
Mlhlcl region, where they are trying to
drive the Germans back across tha Meuae,
appreciable progress has been made.
The German and Russian forces on ths
East Prussian frontier are still fighting
stubbornly. The Russians apparently
continue to make progreta slowly and the
Germans, evidently fearing another In
vasion of Kst Frussla, according to
news from Berlin, received through Rome,
are sending reinforcements to their army
both by railway and through the Baltic
Raaalaaa Ooeany Ttwi,
An unofficial dispatch received from
Tetrograd eaya the Russians have occu
pied Marggrabowa, which Is eight miles
over the frontier In Kast Prussia, almost
due west of SuwalkL This would indi
cate that the Russians have overcome In
this region the German resistance, which
has been of longer duration than at any
other aection after the Germane were
driven back from their attempt to cross
the Ktomen river. Lytk, which also has
been occupied by the Russians, Is fifteen
miles south of Marggrabowa.
Petrograd baa drawn the veil for the
first time over the operations In western
Poland, when a great battle ls expected.
The fortress of Prsemysl In- Gallrla still
holds out, but It ls reported that addi
tional forts have fallen and that tha town
Is being bombarded. A gunpowder fac
tory la said to have been blown up.
Flatting la Haagary.
Fighting also continues In Hungary.
tne ceaetipated waste, aour bile and un-l . . ......
. - ' . . .. . I to have arrived aouth of Maramoraa-
Sslget. The death of King Charles of
starvation, aa the whole region haa been
stripped of food. A large number la
pouring across tha Dutch frontier.
Germans have occupied St. Nicolas and
Lokeron, and are pushing bodies of cav
alry northward In an attempt to out off
tha Belgian army. The general staff left
Calloo In automobllea this morning. At
daybreak the Belgians blew up all the
forts along the Scheldt.
Every road leading north Is choked
frith fugitives, military and civilians.
Field batteries, ambulances, farm carta.
piled high with furniture and bedding,
flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, omni
buses and motor cars are In Inextricable
confusion. Officers shouting orders,
drivers cursing, women weeping and chll
dren screaming. And no food or shelter
for fugitives anywhere. Tens of thou
sands spent last night In ditches or fields
and will do the same tonight
IdMt Prreunal Experiences.
I spent last night In a motor boat lying
off the Antwerp quays. Tha boatman
was reluctant to stay, so I was compelled
to emphasise my orders with an auto
metlc. He said he had a wife and chil
dren waiting for him. For that matter,
so have I.
On the Red Star line quay a rabble had
broken into an enclosure containing sup
plies taken from German steamers and
was carrying off everything It could lay
Its hands on. Being exceedingly thirsty,
I attempted a little looting myself, but
as the place was p'tch dark I could not
see what I was getting. Just as I laid
hands on a little bottle ashell burst in
the immediate vicinity and we ran for
our lives. When back In tha launch
struck a match to examine my prise. It
was a bottle of pepsin bitters.
Miracle Did Not Intervene.
I lay oft the city throughout the night
with big shells roaring through the al
with a aound like a distant express train
and the heavens rosy with the reflection
sf burning petrol tanks and dwellings.
Unless l. miracle happens, tomorrow
morning the sun will shine on the German
flag floating over Antwerp.
(Continued from Page One.)
Ir. the field was praiseworthy In a high
degree and remarkable in units so newly
formed, and owing to the protection of
the entrenchments the losses. In spite of
the severity of the fire, are probably less
than (00 out of a total force of S.000 men.
The defense could have been main
tained for a longer period, but not for
long, to allow of adequate forcea being
sent for their relief, without prejudice to
the main strategic situation.
"The enemy also began on Thursday to
press strongly on the line of eommuntca
tlons near Ixkeren. The Belgian forces
defending this point fought with great
determination, but were greatly pressed
bark by numbers.
Decide to Kvarnnte.
"In these circumstances the Belgians
snd British military authorities In Ant
werp decided to evscuste the city. The
British offered to cover the retreat, but
General !e Guise desired that they should
leave before the last division of the Bel
gian army.
"After a long night march to St. Gllles
the-three naval brigades entrained. Two
out of the three have arrived safely st
Ostend, but owing to rlrcumstanoes
which are not yet fully known the great
part of the first naval brigade was cut
off by a German attack north of Iokcren
and 2,000 officers and men entered Dutch
territory In the neighborhood of Hulsta
and laid down their arms In accordance
with the laws of neutrality.
"The retreat of the Belgian army has
been successfully accomplished. The
armored trains and heavy guns were all
brought away.
"The retreat from Ghent onwards ot the
naval division and of the Belgian army
was covered by strong British reinforce
ments. "Vest numbers of the non-combatant
population of Antwerp men, women and
children are streaming In flight In scores
of thousands westward from the ruined
and burning city,"
The admiralty also reports In the same
statement that the naval aviation party,
having completed Ita attack on Dusseldort
and Cologne, already reported, haa re
turned safely to Its base, protected by
armored cars.
NACO. Arizona, Oct. 11.-Four shells
from the Runs of Governor Maytor mi
fell on American territory lant nilit dur
ing a renewed attack on the Carrnnza
Karris.. n at Naco, Sonora. One of the.
shells wrecked a large residence. An
other damaged property surrounding the
United Htates customs house. The other
fell in a stock f1"td and in a mercantile
During the engagement, which lasted
the greater part of the night, several of
Maytorena's Yaqul Indians crossed the
boundary line In order to attack the Naco
garrison In the rear. They were promptly
Previously, American soldiers had been
fired upon and they returned the fire.
General Hill, commanding the garrison,
lost about eight killed. Maytorena's loss
was estimated at not less than fifty
killed and many wounded.
SHENANDOAH. la., Oct. 11. (Special.)
Miss Alta M. Miller of Shenandosh. Is
one of the eight woien lawyers In the
state of Iowa, having passed the state
bar examinations and waa admitted to the
bar yesterday. Mabel Harriet Janes of
Des Moines was also admitted at the
same time. Miss Miller has been a ste
nographer In the law office of Ferguson
Barnea for a number of years as well
aa court reporter. In addition to keeping
house she has studied law during her time
out of the office.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 Tho T'nlted
.states government will 'make no further
move In the Mexican situation and will
reserve announcement of its future policy
towards the Mexican central government
until General Carranza, the first consti
tutionalist chief, has given formal guar
antee of full protection of aliens and
Mexicans, Irrespective of their political
affiliations, and promises not to reim
pose customs duties collected by Ameri
cans during the occupation of Vera Cruz.
WASHINGTON, Oct 11 -A Imlnistra-i
tion leaderp In enneres are making every
effoit to wind up the lung session by j
Saturday nlnlit, with assurances from the
president that it will be unnccesssry to ;
return until the first Monday In Decern-1
ber. While no new legislation Is to be
permitted, thcr" Is no certainty, however,
that action on the wnr revenue bill can
r completed within the week. When It
has pns.ed the renatc a conference will
lie necessary, and the prospect Is that It
mill be October 20 before congress can
"We will expedite the Mil In the senate
as rapidly as possible, " said Senator
Simmons, chairman of the finance com
mittee. "I emocrats are not disposed to
rhiiiico the measure ss It came from the
caucus. Wo all realise that war revenue
Is riect Rsary, and we believe that the bill
we have framed is the best that could be
devised at this time."
Republican Won't Delay,
Republican senators are not Inclined to
prolong the debate, as many of them are
anxious to get Into the campaign. Several
attacks on the measure already have been
made and others will follow, the repub
licans maintaining that there would have
been no necessity for a revenue measure
but for the alteration of the tariff and
extraordinary appropriations. Several of
the minority leaders have declared that
they would aid In bringing about early
adjournment an soon as were
given of a definite purpose to end the
session without contemplation of any re
cess. Such Is now the administration
Democratic leaders hope that the Alaka
coal land leasing bill may be adjusted In
conference In time for adjournment,' but
there will be no holding of congress If
the conferees, to whom the measures
were recommitted by the senate, cannot
rcTch an agreement within a few days.
Myers' Ansertlon.
Senator Myers of Montana, chalrmnn of
the senate conference committee, has de
clared that action of the senate has pre
vented the passag of the measure at this
session and that It would have to go over
until the winter session and take Its place
with other conservation legislation that
will ba pending.
In the house the bill to pave the way
for ultimate Phlllpplno Independence
probably will bo passed within a day or
two. Following that the house will mark
time awaiting senate action on the war
revenue measure. Some of the demo-
Arrested on Charge
of Triple Murder
AUJONA.. Is.. Oct 111.. M Cur
lew of Freedom, Okl.. was arrested this
morning by Sher ff t'.ruson In conectloni
with the triple murder at Great l'.end, j
Kan., on Septomher !, of U U Morgan.
Clarence McGugln and Maym McQuillan. (
M'-Curlcw offered no resistance when otfl-;
cers told him he was wanted on a murder;
charge and will return without requisition ,
papers. He says he was in Great Bend;
: Bend at the tlm" of the crime, h it de-j
I dares he Is Innocent. He has been work-,
l Ing for farmers In this vicinity slm-e com-j
ing here. A reward of 'n had been oi-.
fered for his rapture. '
- i
John J.' fobry r. j
John J. C'obry, sr., died last n.Kht at i
his home, Davenport street, atied hi '
years, after an Illness of a yenr. He was j
for twenty-five years a resident of Omaha ;
and of this time srent twelve years In ,
the employ of the street railway company. I
surviving are the widow and three, chil
dren, John J., Jr., and Charles F. Cobry
and Gertrude C'obry.
Pioneer Dies In Ills Chair.
SHENANDOAH. la., Oct. 11. (Special.)
Robert Ripley, a pioneer settler of Fre
mont county who died last night sitting
In a chair at his home, was the seventh
old settler to die In Shenandoah In the last
few months. The cause of his ceath
was dropsy. He was about 80 years old.
Take a Tcaspoonful of Rheumasalts
for Lame Back or Bladder Trouble
Do you occasionally have a "crick'" In
your back? Dees your back nche with a
dull, heavy, racking throb? Is It hard to
straighten up after stooping? Is it hard
to rise from a seat or to turn quickly?
If you are bothered this wav, then vour
kidneys need attention. No doubt vour
blond Is tilted with uric acid. This Irrita
ting uciil hrts canned your kldneva to be
come weak from overwork. It has madu
tlii in sIuk sh. the liver and bowels are
clogged, and the waste which should be
drained from the system Is retained In
the hiood to pois.m the entire body.
Kidney diseases start mysteriously and
soiiii times lead to Dropsy and Bright s
At the first "pain In the back" get from
your druKist Hbout five ounces of Rheu
inasNlts. Take two tenspoonf uls in a glass
of water beiore lueaklast each morning
and in a few dns your back will feel fine,
because your kidneys are working rlnht.
Kheumnsalts ls n wonderful efferves
cent lithla drink, which helps the weak-
eneil kidneys and liver and cleans out the
stomat h of toxins and poisons and leaves
the Intcstlniil canal clean nnd sweet. It
Is delightful to the taste. It Is an abso
lutely harmless uric acid solvent as well
ns a saline laxative. Acts quickly without
grtpliiR or nausea.
If your druggist docs not keep genuine
Rlieumasallfl, remember there is nothing
"Just as good." Rheumasalts is prepared
lv the famous Ktieumabath Company.
Minneapolis, Minn.
French Moratorlnm Expires.
PARIS. Oct. 11. A Havss agency dls
pstch from Petrograd says, "the mortar
lum expired on October 9 snd all the ac
counts of the banks were paid as punc
tually as In time of peace."
Dies of Woands.
ION DON. Oct. 11. Lieutenant George
Hrooke of the Irish guards, son of Sir
Oeorge Frederick Brooke of Dublin, has
died of wounds received in action. Lieu
tenant Rrnflffl w horn In 177
Stops Headache,
Pain, Neuralgia
Tou can clear your head and relieve
a dull, splitting or violent throbbing
headache In a moment with a Dr.
James' Headache Powder. This old-time
headache relief acts almost magically,
send someone to the drug store now
for a dime package and a few moments
after you take a powder you will won
der what became of the headache, neu
ralgia and pain. Stop suffering it's
needless. Be sure you get what you ask
for Advertisement.
French and English
Defeat Teuton Force
LONDON. Oct. 11. A serious German
check Is reported this morning (October
11). at Quatrerht, near Wctteren, east of
Ghent, where, according to an Ostend dls
patch to the Exchange Telegraph com
pany, 30,000 Germans have been repulsed
by French and Ilrltlnh troops.
Kidney and Liver Trtssln
quickly relieved by Electrlo Bitters. Best
remedy for Indigestion, dyspepsia, heart
burn and most kidney troubles. , bOc and
II. All druggists. Advertisement.
Child's Tongue
Becomes Coated
. . If Constipated
Children lova the "fruit laxative," and
sothing else cleanses the tender stomach,
liver and bowels so nicely.
A child simply will not atop playing to
smpty the bowels, and the result Is, they
Become tightly clogged with waste, liver
gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your
little one becomes cross, half-alck. fever
ish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally,
breath la bad, system full of cold, has
ore throat, tomach-acha or diarrhoea.
Listen. Mother. See If tongue is coated,
then give a teaspoonful of "California
byrup f Figs," and in a few hours all
EDGF.MONT, S. P., Oct. 11. -(Special. )
Jack O'Neal Is awaiting trial before the
circuit, under tl.SoO bonds, on a charge of
robbing the Edgemont postofflce Monday
night, and Pat Athel la being held as a
witneas against htm. Athel was raptured
In the Cottonwood Jungle east of Edge
mont, and several steel saws and almost
an armory of artillery were found In his
possession. It Is claimed that he con
fessed. Implicating O'Neal as the princi
pal actor In the robbery. The latter was
captured In a saloon. No part of the M0
taken from the postoffice safe haa been
j 1 1 5 j 1 1
digested food paaaea out of tha system.
and you have a wall, playful child again.
Million of mothers give "California
Kyrup of rigs" because It Ja .perfectly
liarrnjee;. chlldrea loa- IV and It never
fall to act. oa the stomach, liver and
bowela. -
Ask yeur druggist for a SO-oent bottle of
California -etyrup of Figs," which has
full directions for babies, children of al)
ages and far grown-ups plainly printed on
the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold
here. Oet the genuine, made by "Califor
nia Fig Syrdp Company." Refuse any
other kind with contempt. Advertisement
Kournania la likely to have a marked ef
fect on that country's action with regard
to the war. The late king, who belonged
te tha HohenaoUern family, was opposed
to Roumanla joining with the allies, al
though a majority of tha people favored
the government's taking advantage of the
opportunity to annex Transylvania, which
Is largely populated by Roumanians It
Is doubled whether the new kln will
have sufficient Influence to keep his coun
try out of the war even should he desire
te do so.
Oermany seems to think Portugal ls
No Stomach Pain,
Gas, Indigestion
In Five Minutes
"Really does" put bad stomachs in order
"really does" overcome Indigestion, dys
pasia, gas, heartburn and sourness 'n five
minutes that Just that makes rape's
Dlapepaln the largest selling stomach
regulator In the world. If what you eat
fermenta Into stubborn lumps, you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested food
and acid: head Is d'.xsy and aches; breath
foul; tongue coated; your Insldes filled
with bile and Indigestible waste, remem
ber the moment "Pape's Dlapepsln
ccmra In contact nith the atomach all
such distress vanishes. It's truly aston
ishing almost marvelous, and the joy is
Its harmlessness.
A large fifty-cent case of Tape's Dla
pepaln wtll give you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction or your druggist
hands you your money back.
It's worth Its weight In gold to men and
women who can't get their stomachs reg
ulated. H belongs In your home should
always be kept handy in rase of a sick,
sour, upset stomach during the day or at
night. It's the quickest, surest and most
harmless stor-rh regulator la the world.
e on the Safe Side
Decay in any food will cause stomach and liver
ailments and a tired, heavy-headed feeling.
Beer is food, a saccharine product. Light dis
turbs its chemical properties causing decay.
Beer in light bottles is???
Schlitz is made pure and brewed in the dark the
Brown Bottle keeps it pure until it is poured
into your glass, sparkling and clear as crystal.
See that Crown is branded "Schlitz:'
Brown Bottles
Phone Doug. 1SJT
Rhliti Bottled Beer Depot
TM 8. th Btreet, Omaha, Nebr.
Phone 424
Hy. Gerber. 101 8. Main St.
C ounctl Bluffs
ll (let
uuie iseer
That Made Bflilvaukee Raoi-oass.
The lWr You m;rm
Ml A
Brewed and
Bottled by
MS ED KKl'ft
Mercantile Co.
Phone Dong', 1889
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Deroted to triotl j Clean, Classy
x Mat, Today
i a XiOTer."
'All tne World IrfTe m Xrfnrer."
Will Tnoroug-hly Bnjoy Irery
Minute of the
I Ail. HEW A
An Isle of Oorg-eonsness, Ton and
Unslo Entirely Bnrronnded by CMrls.
World's SoriMi Score between acta
In th ovM it effort to rear bur
tuque's highest pinnacle, thin show's
pro(lucr hate tcor! beyond tha mark
It'u a rl rouairal comedy. Ihl1
CMt's nonaenal alltlea are too well
known to , a in need my endorsement.
K. U J!HNN. Manager Gayaty.
venlar. VuntUy fc Holiday Htti.,
15o, 86o. bOQ and 75o
;;kMATS. 15c and 2507
Chrw sum If you Ilk, but ss imokln.
Baby Carriage Garage in the Lobby
. mini in i i,jshsi i si mi ii mi nj
iniii.liimriiiir- -'
Tnesday and Wednesday,
Matinee Wednesday,
Tlie Favorite lrml SinglnK Ai tor.
Tlske O'Hara. In His Latest Buooess,
Frloest Mat.. aSo-11 1 iTsnlnss. aSo-l.0
Tore wht Pot 15 16. 17. Mat. Wed.,
Opens Baturds h. Oct. IT. with
Kva Lang-Charles .Miller
and their New York Company, in
Beats Now on Sale.
Prices, aSo aad 60o.
atata. Sunday. Thursday f-" Saturday.
This work: Ann Tasker & Co.; M
mond Hayes ". : Mi'Kay dt Ar.lln;
Gardiner Trio; Hllt!u Thomaa and Lou
Hall: Ward. Bell A Ward; Jotin Ueior;
Orvheuni Travel Weekly.
Pri": Mstlax Gsllerr. 10a; Wat ! (ept
Saunlar tut uu4l, be. Night. i0c-w-Ws