Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 10-B, Image 24

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Something Ilk, fifty members of the ex
change lll ro to Kansas City to attend
the annual convention of the National
Srain lelrr' n.nrtstlon. The conven
tion Tilll convene Monday and contlue
over to ami Including Wednesday.
for funds to relieve Jewish sufferer In
the war gone. A meeting will he hold at
the Russian synagogue. Eighteenth and
Chicago streets, Sunday afternoon at J
o'clock to devise plans for raising a sub
scription In Omaha. The funds will be
forwarded to Charles K Aarona of Mil
waukee, president of the district grand
Onaht in Feel Tired.
Hobble Don't you feel tired. Mrt
Blbhlef , , .
duett No. Bobble. Why do you sskT
flobbie 'Cause pa saJd he met you last
night and you were carrying mn awfui
load. Boston Transcript.
4 Musical Notes
Monday, Columbus d.-iy. tin re w lil be no
session of the ftmnha !raln exchange.
Adolph Krause of Chicago, president of
the B'nai D'rtth order, has Issued a call
Bee Want Ada Are tne Best Business
(Continued irom rage Nine
the art of Improvising, n talented in'isl
cin being chosen who could fit the spirit
of hi music, to the changing mood of
die film. This would certainly be a step
In the HrM direction. When we first
attended the movies and heard the girt
with the,' bin blerk pompadour I'lar the
latest "rag" cut of time and tune on a
Horrible Msno we thought nothing could
Ve worse. She hai long sine yielded M
The mchar.rcal piano, and after hearlnu
tine of these play constantly through
morning, noon and evening on every
street corner both Inside and outside of
;he picture theater, we thought nothing
rould be worse. Now It weems almost too
eood to be true that real music In going
lo be a part of the production of the ben
'ilm photoplay. If the art of Improvls
t'.K Is rejunevated tlilnk how ninth- fv.n
he rest of us will have while the lm
provtoor Is making his melodies by look
ing at each other and murmuring, "That
la from Chopin." ' I Ihlnk 1 recognise a
portion of Mossrt," "Ah. Beethoven." "1
wonder where he got that," or, perhaps,
"That must be rVhonberg."
Thirty Offertories for Organ," edited
hy James It. IUigire and puMlehe.t by the ,
Oliver Dltson company, have J net been .
added to the collections of organ miudc.
heretofore published. This makes the'
third of a series which consists of "Thirty
eiuiu" n,i "Thirl v I'ost hides." re
spectively. The number have been wisely j
chosen, both ror weir worm mi buh.ih.-i-Wltty
to the part of the ordnary m rvre.
Titers are many of the beat modern com
posers represented.
Music, ews, one i m uvein-ni m wn:
smaller musical magazines, published in
Chicago, recently Issued a spoclul anni
versary number.
Made to your measure, crf ect fit
unci workmanship ftiiaranteyl, ev
ery suit attractively man tailored.
O,,, si-la, $35 Q0
In(tilre at lrrews t.ootls e)artmeiit.
wtss mm i I B i immmmmmmmea
Slip into one of these new fall suits or overcoats
we're showing this season at
And you'll qnlckly decide there's no earthly reason In looking; further
for the very best $25.00 value, fit perfect, workmanship superb, pat
terns the choicest, every garment fully guaranteed.
Splendidly tailored In choice of many
nobby new stylea, fit and workman,
ship guaranteed, best value yon
ever saw at special fT O C A
price PJeUV
Inquire at Irrrs Goods Department.
Personally e thought Schumann-llelnk
showed rreater art In how she sung In
it than she did In what she sung. Not
that there was not enough variety und
contrast, but with few exceptions she
has sung every one of the numbers In
Omaha before. If Mr. Ma Namara were
a pupil of ours and we had put him on
our program, we would not let him king
number that were quite so far" beyfend
him. As we said before, he has great
possibilities, but as yet he Is not big
enough musically for the prologue and
the "Two Grenadiers."
M astral Kales.
Henry Cox announces an Informal lecl
tal of violin solos and duet to be given
in the lecllal hall or the tnnaha Hchool
f Orchestral Instruments, on Monduy
svenlng, October 12. at :U. Violin ducts
will be performed hy Kugene Pakea and
Karle Stirling. The soloists will be Mrs.
T. J. Mahoney, Mtsa Florence Woolley,
Miss .Frelda PsuMlan, Mil's l-eta Hunter,
Mtsa leona (isrtln, Mux Martin, Will
Hetherlngton, Krlo K.rickHon and Kugtmn
Pakes. The public Is cordially Invited.
A concert will be given Thursdsy even
ng, October 15, by the Misses Alice Mr
Kenxle, Alice Virginia lmvts. FVank
Mach and Cecil Herryman at the First
Presbyterian church In Hoiith Omaha, at
Twenty-third and J streets. Ksch of the
first three mentioned will furnish two
groups each. Mr. Herryman will act as
tccompanlst. The program is made up of
jkholesome classic! selections and a few
it tractive sounding novelties.
Miss M. Alice Mackensle will Siva a vo
ral recital at the Young Women's Chris
tian association's auditorium November
1. Mlrs Mackensle la a comparative new..
comer In Omaha, and this will be her first
A Glee club was organised si Bellevue
rollege dust week and thirty girls regis
lered. This Is to be nonducteil as a femi
nine organisation till after the foot baU
season when the boys' voices will le
added and w.rk will be started on the
musia for an Important June concert. The
Bellevue college Olee club Is tinder the di
rection of Miss Evelyn Hopper, head of
:be voice department of the college.
' Irtiefla Allen gave a pupils' reeltal at
W studio In the Arlington bloc. The
'ollowtrisr tank rr- mi.. u..,i ...
I'chau. Miss Beatrice Montgomery. MUs I
France. Wilson. Mr. Hansen. Joe Hard-1
.a, urn n.rautie, KOOeu Mlckel, Milton I
rtarmeltler, Frank Falkner, Merrtll North-
. Miaa Golden' Myera played to a very !
appreciative audience at tho Jean Gilbert
JonNytudlo Thursday. Mis. Myers V a
recent graduate from the New Rn gland
Conservatory of Musle, Boston, and Is a
flTil'"? u"u"l ability; .howlo ex
client technique and ton production.'
ter Oraham. has been engaged as con
tralto soloist at the Tm pie Israel.
Miss Carol Marhoff will give an orran
JT.Wfi "A Trln"r -athedral Tl.ur.dEy"
October 15. at ,A: i p. m. A very Intereat:
lug program has been arranged, to which
everyone is Invited. n
'MUa Geneva Foresman of Berthoud.
V olo.. has taken un vnri, iik i... .i.i
teacher, Alexander Emaile, at the Omaha
1 . . e
- A -concert will be given bv Mlsa M.
Ailce Mackensle, soprano; Miss Alloa Vir
ginia 1U. planlete; Frank Mach. vio
linist, and Cecil W. accom
panist, at the First Preabvterian church
South Omalia, p. m. Thursday even
Inf. October U.
Our Great Annual Blanket Sale
i 1 .v
t'ontinucH 11 next week with the addition of
new and better values thnt make it of still
prenter interest to buyers.
Eighty-six Cases of Blankets closed from
America' most prominent' mills, at a bis dis
count for cash, go on sale at most wonderful
sjB bargain prices.
$1.19 Bankets, Gray or Tan G4x76 size, pair. .7Gl
$1.75 Gray Blankets, extra large nnd heavy, pr., 98t?
$2 Plaid Blankets, lare nizef fine colorings, $1.25
$2.25 Gray Blankets, extra large, fine finish, 1.50
$2.50 Beacon Wool Felted Blankets, look like finest
, wool, all silk bound, on sale at, pair 1.75
$3 Light House Mills, Wool Felted Blankets, gray,
' silk ribbon bound, sale price . 1.98
$3.75 Wapl Filled Light House Mills Blankets, cotton
warp; will not shrink, on sale at 2.48
l ine Wool Filled l,lit:,iuso Mills IUnnkcts,
light cotton warp, look as well and wear
better than f(Uo wool blankets. $2.08
Itlankela, In plain colors, fancloa, plajds
and beautifully bordered whites
Blankets made to soil at- $3.50,
on sale at $2.48
HUnkets made to aell at $4.00,
on sale at $2.98
Eilanketfl made to bp.11 at $5.00
on (tale at $3.75
Blankets made to aell at $6.00,
on sale at $4.38
Itlanketa made to aell at $7.50,
on nole at $4.08
Itlankcts made to Ball at $10.00,
on sale at $7.48
Blankets made to Bel at
t "ale $8.89
Jacquard Comforter, silk bound, most
boHiiiiful new designs:
The $3.98 qualities at . $2.75
The $4.5(rqiiallUes at $2.88
The $fi.00 qualltlea at . . .$;)48
Heavy singles, also plain bordered effects.
Only a few casea In this lot; buy early.
I With Itobe, Indian Itlanketa, and many
other lines of blankets at equally low
prlcea this week. Mail orderB filled and
attraction guaranteed at these prices for
three day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
OUR $100,000 S10CK of NEIV FALL RUGS
On Sale Monday at Prices which Mean to Our Customers
From 20 to 33y3 Per Cent Savings.
REMKMBER all Rugs shown here are guaranteed
perfect; no seconds or mismatched patterns;
money refunded if rugs are not just as represeted;
All are fall, 1D14, patterns and colorings:
$25 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size, big assortment
nt ..'...$14.95
$30 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size, extra heavy
l'ilf, "t 15.95
Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size, seamless, beautiful
patterns, at 27.75
$30 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9x12 size, seamless, at 19.75
Vilton Velvet Rugs, 8-3x10-6 size, seamless, 15.75
$22.50 Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-0
size, extra high pile.. 14.95
Heavy Axminster Rugs, 27x54
ineh size, at. S1.55
$18.50 Velvet Rugs, '9x12 size,
seamless, at 12.75
Heavy Axminster Rugs, 36x72-
mch size, at .2.95
Many other, specials in Room and Hearth size Rugs from 15 to 35
All new goods. Plenty for all. Extra salespeople will wait on you. B
patterns in each lot for selection.'
iggest stock in west for selection.
Big Mill Pur
chase of win
ter underwear
on sale now at
About Half
Usual retail
worth. .All
stylos, all
q u a 1 i t i es,
men's wom
en's and children's
Ladies' Neckwear
A big special sale for Mon
day of Ladles' new Separate
(YilUr and Collar and Cuff
Kelt, In Swiss, Organdy, Lace
and Bilk.
Ixit 1 Worth to 2 Tic, at....
l,t 2 Worth to H.i.:, St..'..,
lot 8 Worth to 60p. nt....
Ix,t 4 Worth to 1 1. un, t....
lt 5 Worth to $1.60. at...,
Rririilsr tl.ftO to 12 On values. In
. ..... i , . . .. ... i ai ft n
L TV l H I V 1 1 M J- . . m-rt mm 1
v : .
Fur Trimmings
The newest and most
jHpular Dress Trimming
for this season is Fur, and
we're showing a wonder
fully complete line of all
styles Coney, Fitch, Op
jiOKsum, Skunk, Monkey,
Ermine, etc.
Special Prices Monday.
New Belts and Girdles s
lfesf Novelties less thn Half
Ttiiffletl Girdles and Helta
'Made to sell at 50c to $1, on
sale, choice 25tf
Silk and Hat In Girdles and
NuNlies, to $1.00 values, 50
Silk and Hat In Girdles To'
$3.60 values, Roman stripe,
etc- S1.50
K Black Satin and Fancy IUittei
f 1 ... f-Hvllr, 1 fit ...I
ues, at .$1.00
All the New Fall Weaves in Silks and Wool Dress Fabrics
Are Here and at Most Attractive October Sale Underpricings
Brocaded Silk Poplins, Silk Moire, Bro
caded Sateens and crepe de chine, 40 ins.
wide, $2.00 and $2.50 yd. values, on sale
Monday, at," yd 1.48
$1.75 All Silk Crepe de Chines, 40 inches
wide, fine, firm quality in all newest
shades, at, yd ..,1.28
$2.00 Faille Francaise, pure silk- chiffon
weight, 36 ins. wide, in all wanted shades,
at, yard ....1.48
New Roman Stripes in Messallnes, Taffetas or Crepe
de Chines, most fashionable waistlnps
at. yard 81.98- 81.48 and 08?
$1.25 Imperial Hat in MewMaJlnes, 36 In. wide, full
line of colors, remarkable values, at yard . . -88
I0O Pieces of All Wlk Poplins, the season's most
popular silk, 36 In. at 68S 40 In. at 98
Imported Chiffon Costume Velvets, 40 and 44 Inch
wide, black and all colors, three specials
at, yard 81.98. 82.98 and 83.98
Imported English Corduroys, both narrow and wide
wale, two specials 8I.U5 quality 88
85c quality . . . 58
Imported Broadcloths, $2.00 to $3.50 values,
beautiful satin finish in light or medium
weight, black and all now colorings, at,
per yard ...1.48 and 1.98
All Wool Serges and Gabardines, 54 inches
wide, medium weight, in a full line of new
colorings, two specials for Monday,
at 1.25 and 1.98
Poplins are much In vogue, the light weight for
dress and heavier for suits and roats; two elegant
values, on sale Monday 44 Inch at 98
54 Inch at 81.78
New Fall Suitings. 54 in. wide, to $2 yd. values, all
wool Serges, sponged and shrunk, Bedford Cords,
Crepe Suitings, etc., on sale at, yard i 98
New Roman ' Stripes and Wool Plaids. 44 to 54 In.
wide, in popular Serges and Worsteds
at ,..984. 81.18 wd 81.48
New Fall Dress Fabrics, Serges, Panamas, Bedford
Cords, CheviotB, Diagonals, Whipcords, etc., three
special lots at 38. 48 and 4584
New Fall Coatings in every wanted weave and color
ing, values that are certainly superior
at, yard 81.50 P
I homo to wr
sk at hr nw
'Mr. Mttll TlVsn w t
f rtn t a ,1 1 1 -i , lp , lBH. .
' - 'f ia.i wr--,. .1 iifj- n,w
r.l.lM.,.A ,,. lln .11 DiLI..
street,, snd tw-lv-d many rsllira eai'h i
wwk nnr untrins the actw.
work of ht-r tts. hlnn ynr, and liar tlms
from now on will br taken entirely by
l.t-r classes.
Jacob Harris Funeral
This Afternoon
.Tbs body of Jamb Harris, the Dmihi
pioneer who died at t'allaa. Tex., arrival I
la Omaha laat avenlnc over the Missouri
Paclflo railroad.
Tba funeral service will bs hald
this afternoon at 1:10 o'clock from the)
- home of bis ana, Barnsy Harris, 34 !
Uarnlltoa street Interment will be at
lleasast H1U cemetery. Rabbi Fredrick
Cohn will officiate.
Velvet Sailors 98c
The New Broadway Sailors,
in soft or blocked crowns,
are the hit of the season ;
also close-fitting Turbans,
specially priced elsewhere
$1.50 ; our price J Q
Monday siixC
The Popular, New Flossy
Allen Sailors,
2.49, 3.49, $4.98
A fine Imitation of the Heron
Aigrette with a soft maribou pom
pon effect at the base; a
most wonderful value at.
Five Persons Killed
by Kansas Tornado
CHANLTE. Kan.. Oct JO.-Five persona
ere killed and twenty Injured In a tor-!
nado which swept a path eighteen miles '
wide through Wtlsoa a ad Neosho oounUes I
early today. I
Aa Monday, Columbus day, is a legal
ftollday in Nebraska, ail banks and pub
lic Institutions will be closed. The pub
He library will observe Its usual holiday
schedule, closing the circulation depart
aent all day and keeping the reading
.nd reference rooms open only from 2
iS p. m. The spsVlal classes which
-isually meet in the library building will
j held at the regular hours.
A Full Line
of All
Sizes aid
Kinds at
Phenomenal Bargain Giving in Our Busy Suit Dept
Candidly speaking, the facts are these: That we bought very heavily for Ak-Sar-
Ben week selling, but were disappointed by the non-arrival of three important purchases '
01 garments wnich we considered the choicest lot of values we had to show. -rne de
layed sfdpment including: s ' '
Tailored Suits, Coats, Evening Gowns, and Street Dresses will be placed on
sale beginning Monday at a price which, quality of garments oonsidered. will
astonish very woman who sees these superbjines of regular $35.00, $39.50
and $45.00 garment value? Jl fk Evening Gowns made to sell up
iro'rv. olmTiT.-nre of .1, . I PdBt to $45.00.
ouwl " lv' f B MM Tailored Suit, made to sell un
markable bargain price, be- to $39.75.
-.r , kaw street Dresses made to sell up
ginning Monday. . t0 t36.oo.
All are in most up-to-date, styles, fabrics and colorings and you have ari
immense assortment for selection. If, within ten days after purchase you find
garment values to eVjual these we will cheerfully refund purchase price upon
return of the garment.
Tailored Suits, made to sell at $18.50
to $120; best styles, colorings and ma
terials, at ..... 12.45
Silk and Wool Dresses; messalines,
serges and beautiful, silk and wool
combinations, all newest styles and
colors, $15 to $16.50 values nt 9.95
Classy New Coats, made ta sell at $15
and $18.50, , including the popular
wide belt and cape styles, at. .10
Dress Skirts, made to sell at $6.50 and
$7.50; poplins, serges, broadcloths,
granite cloths, etc., plain and pleated
tunic effects . .$3.95
WAISTS Made to sell to $6.95, in the new basque models, also "chiffon, taf
feta and messaline waistsood colors at 3.95
You Can Always
Use an
Extra Rocker
Here's some special Octo
ber Sale values you can't af
ford to pass up:
$2.50 Arm Rockers, well
made, comfortable, neat,
at... ...,..1.75
$4.50 Arm Rockers, quar
tered oak, remarkable bar
gain at 3.00
$6.00 Fumed Oak Rockers,
with genuine leather spring
seat, at 4.50
91250 Golden Oak Rocker, with
genulune leather spring seat, SO
Child's $2.50 High Chairs, over
head throw table, at $1.73
Child's High Chairs, well made,
nicely finished, at SI
$1.50 Reed Toilet Chairs, with
table, on sale Monday $1
Oak Heatara, up from. . .JM.fKS
Wood Heaters, bp from. g 1.50
Sheet Iron Heaters, up
from .' , -Sl.riO
Dane Burners. "Garland,'1 "Ue-
nown'! and others, up
from S30.00
Kee the black ni kel fiutsii "11
nown" llaujce with the underfeed.
Requires no atove Mat-king 'any
where. Th 'lUnge Eternal,"
malleable range. We are exclu
alve Omaha selling agents.
AS LOW AS 810.W3
Good OH Fashioned Cast
Iron Ware
Waffle Irons, low frame. . .(90
Wafne Irons, blah frame. . .7 lit
No. 8 Cake (Iriddle 2ttO
No. Cake Griddle :J7
No. Oblong Cake Griddle. . 70?
No. I gkllleta, shallow or
deep 3nk
Laige Budged Pots 8t
and ftl.ll)
Flat bottom Kettle. .GO4. HH
Unmatchable Linen
Pattern Table Cloths, circular
designs, Belfast damask, $4 00
values, each S3.00
Dinner Napkins to match, 22x23
inches, pure flax, $4.00 values,
dosen . .S3.O0
72-lnch Satin Damask,' beautfful
.range of patterns Irish linen,
values to $1.76 yard. . .1.555
22-lnch Dinner Napkins to match,
pure flax, $5.00 values, per
loten Sn.fkO
Circular Scalloped lttern Table
Cloths, big range of designs,
$6.00 values, each $4.00
H Danish Cake
I assa ga
Linens, Domestics,
Slteeta, Sheetings, Shirtings, ITan
uela, KU, la our Popular
lKnietie Hoonv. ,
ipa, each, 8V?.
12HS IS and IS
& Teailedown, 12Vto
72x90 Sheets, 60c values. . -20e
72x90 Sheets, 75c values. .. 5sjp
81x90 Sheets, 65c values. . .30
81x90 sheets, 85c values. . .;r
81x9 Sheets, $1 values U)
Pillow Sllpi
lOt. 1
Atuoskeag leaxteaown, 12ViO
Quality, yard 10a
Amoskeag Apron Checks
Lansdown, Fruit of the Loom or
Hope, are worth from lOo to
12 He yard, on Monday, the gen
uine brands at. yard 7Ht
Wash Goods, yard. SW. 3H.
5e. 7H. 10 and 12V
Toweling, yard. 3 4 , 5S 7 H .
lOt and
Complete Line of Sicilian & Co. Casseroles,
Coaster Sets, Trays, Tray Stands and Individual
Coasters at Just Half Price.
T 00 Canserttles.
j. 00 Casseroles
3 00 Casscrules
00 Trays ....
15.00 Trays
$3.00 Trays
, S3.00
. gl.60
$1.00 Tea Tiles . ..
60c Tea Tiles
14.00 Coaster Seta..
$3.00 Coaster feiets.
$2.00 Coaster Sets.
xv cxtxx DiFiamsT rovara rz,oom.
Liquor Department
Hsyilpn'a special whiskey.bottled In lion it full ql. gl.aS
nn isyior, s year uia, run qusxis .....
Old Cmw, 10 years old. full quarts ....
Orevn Ktver, S years old. full quarts ..
Maryland Kye. f years old. full quarta
Rork atkt Rye, full quarts
Port or tUierrr Wine, at per bottle
California 8-Star Krandy. per1ottle ..
California Port or Sherry. ivrT aallon ..
liouie Made Urape Wine, per aallon
iluy your winea and liquors now and save money
Phone and Mail Ordera rilled.
; ftoo
. jl.OO
. .$)1M. flJW
How About Those
New Lace Curtains
Hore's fcome October wtlo
values selected from our. im
mense fall stock that in point
of variety or values will dis
count any shown in Omaha
for years.
Lace Curtains of nil kinds,
odd pairs, from 1 to 4 pairs
of a kind, values to $6 a
pair, on sale Monday at one
price, pair '$2.95
Iiruaaelette Curtains, white or
ecru, to $3.60 valuein big assort
ment of patterns; 3 lots v
at...69S 08 and $1.QS
Cable Net Curtains, $4.00 a pair
values, plain centers, with bor
ders, on sale, pair 82.50
Marquisette, 40 inches wide, in
ivory or ecru, speclafs Monday,
yard 25t nd 30
Curtain 8wtaas, 3ti inches wide,
dots and small figures, special
Monday at. yard 15
4A-inrh Bungalow ets, to $1.00
a yard values, assorted patterns,
on sale in three lots
yard . . . .25S-45 and 55,
Fancy Scrims and Cretonnes
Specially rrtced Monday.
16 lbs. Best Granulated ' Sugar. . St
it trv MAvr.i?mc rineT
Bpeelal now Bale Monday.
We want every housewife
In Omaha to try our Dia
mond H. Klour. Nothing
finer for bread, pies or
cukes. This tlour is made
from No. 1 selected wheat.
Kvery Back truaranteed to
g1e perfect satisfaction or
your money refunded tn
full. Monday,
per 8-lb.
10 bars Boat 'Km All. Dia
mond C, Lenox, White
KuHNlan or ltundry Queen
Ahlte Iaundry Hoap...2So
7 bars Hasktns Bros.' Kler.
trie Spark Soap B5o
& bars Ivory . Toilet Sohp
for lo
( cakes Blllxo Scouring
Soap l&a
10 lbs. beet White or Yel
low Cornineal 8S0
8 lbs. best Rolled White
tlreakfust Oatmeal abo
6 cans oil Sarttnes. . . . ftSo
M acinar en's Peanut But'
ter, lb iav
The beat IXunstlc, Mail
ronl, Vermicelli or Ha-.
a-hetti. pkg TUo
1-lb. can assorted Bonne
'r . s,e
2- lb. cans Fancy Sweet
Sugar Corn TH
3- lb. cans solid packed To
matoes loc
S-ib. cans Touna Marrow
fat Peas lOo
Cleane! Currants. lb...lOo
Cai.(rnla Cookln Fix.
Per ib S
California Mulr Peaches,
lb ISO
California Moor Park Apri
cots, lb im
Choice Callforuia Prunea,
per lb THo
New California Seedless
Kalsins. lb lOo
New t Mincemeat, pkg..S1iO
New Comb Honey, per
rack IS
The beet Tea Siftlnxa.
Ib. .: iae
Golden Santos Coffee, per
lb aoo
Breakfast Cocoa, equal to
cocoa sold for 60o lb., mir
t rice, per lb SOo
The Batter. Cheese and
Zarr market for the people
of Omaha.
The best creamery butter,
carton or bulk, per lb. Slo
The best No. X country
creamery butter, lb. . .880
The best No. 1 dairy table
butter, lb S5o
Kull cream, young Ameri
ca, Wlsconam cream or
New York white cheese, per
lb goo
t-lb. roll good butterlne sSo
Fancy table butterlne. equal
to creamery, lb SSo
The best strlrtly fresh No.
1 eggs, nothing finer, per
dozen S3o
The Tea-etable Market for
the Veople of Omaha.
15 lba. potatoes to the
peik SOo
Demand 16 pourula, the
law requires it.
New cabbage, lb IHe
Hubbard aguaah. each loo
nd lao
t bunches fresh radiahea So
S bunchea fresh shalote 60
1 heads fresh hothouse
lettuce Bo
Fresh spinach, per peck 10o
Keels, carrots or turnlrs,
lb So
ltutabagas, lb ....90
2 stalks fresh celery
Green tomatoes for pickles,
basket 150
- Big Apple Special.
Fancy Jonathan. Ortmea
Golden or Well flower ap
ples, box SI .35
Kieffec rear gala Monday.
We have a carload of ex
tra fancy New York Kief
fer Pears nothing finer to
put up for preserves. Mon
day, per busnel S1.1S
Lrge market baaket..0o