Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    10 A
' ' I'nvliKh ilvrtmrnt It' Kin Marvin)
at p. m
I f. unBcllml.
SpfClaU MUliC Will B GlTfn at! Herman. nht, nth htv! fmiilna, ft v.
. . , ,. . fn . I'. Ostortsjr. I's.tor -Snmiiv pi hool t in
Zirtt MflnOdlil tnnrcn. 'a. m. Cls.-ts in i:,-rtiin an. I Kntllh.
i Srmon t- I ho factor nt 11 In Ihr mom-
JJAriiST IV lAIJi Y.nih IV.,,,',. . tv mrHin. . : r.l
I p. m. I rnyrr irnctlns V !,) -1 i y rvfnlnK
VlillUc rastnra from Oat In
t Orfirr VaHooa Prnteataat
Palplta Darin bandar
ot S o'clock
' A usust J,,l,nsoti
. .. . . . "If I'K
II BUUIUMIl III UIW I-KUII Hlllll" llll 1 JIT PI, Jll p, m
I Methodlm. J
, fwv.Hh. r,,rut.T ,,f s-'txU NlnHcsnth
and Hurt S(ii. (luKtnv Krir-kson. I'ss- !
tor Km, ilny i hool Ht in in l1 t-v I
rponsa at th mnrnlns: sr1oe at th
First Methodist church, tha chorus choir
of forty-five voW-ra aid alnir an snthrin ;
nd Mlas llmcl Pllvsr. soprano will alntf . ! Bk"1- l's-stor .lrnlnp nor vim at 11
" iii'ji-i i, 1 1 , j fiii'ionm mi:-
11 n in . i rom hlim hy
pKotur, ruhjmt, ' The I :! m m nco of I
Kit Hurl li IfuFii nor.
vl". 7 i p. m, wrMip Hill aililrcnn l.y 1
Mm l-rlk. from H.i!in.
MntiM'oni lurk. I'nrnrr Twnty-nlnth
'r"inn, Woiiiwurih Avftuip. :. V
inM,.r at v. ,n . thi-mc "lloli-
Mlrlt a no Ills ,.rk.' Inrn,diat and
-; j.u'i'ii "i miii si i p. in
'Tlntlan Kiiii,iv,ir i r-mr nitin ai
t p. m. ICvrinn, mi.iijip ami mtihuii
'y th p:ip, i 1,1 ; v. ih, m", I'mrr of
' rtJ'a Wild "
Tlir Onir-I ,,f tin C'.vf iiunt. Pratt and I
Tarntjr-soi.nM . Cl nrlrii . t imns
rtor-.Ioriiirm wi,r-l,l, n 10 ', nuh-
J-ct. "Jcpiis. tin friii (.v IMr." HIMo !
ohool at noon. Knira or at to
P, rn Kvnlt, aornhlp at 7 :n ;
"Another 01i-Knhl-nd loip rVmg
rrvlr. Tinyr iTn-lln on ilt,-i- '
Hay fvnlnr at "Whdt Mnut I o
to Be Svr,l ' In th flrnt l,-mon of th
rtlbl murn" on 'jint'ons You Will ll
AH'-'I I'urlnK th rtunlny !vival."
l lafrllanroaa.
K'irnt I'rnRrwmlvr Sr'rl t ui 1 it.
.Mackc' .
1 in ii. flarnoy. r . A Tl,nm. I'. . f .
f'aoinr K.voninK Ircturo and mm at
v oVI.xk, fi,hM-l. -Which l th Kiaht;
lliirli,n"" MW aotv, Tiicnilay,
cvciilnii at o'rlofk. l.rll I1 mromwl
mil Henna' pcrvlcp Thursday at
p. m
nroi !Hnr,"l Church of Jiu Oirlt of
lattfr lav Hulnta. Twenty-fourth ami
(ihlo-Roiiftay cho Hi K.4fi am. I'rarh-ln-
ut 11 a m. Ifl Rio k'TvIcp at 6 B0 p.
in rri P' li.T.: i. k p. tn. I'n.yr inci t'nK
i'iliiei'1.! y fvcnlnf at v o'cIli!'.
-p.,p:..-p -:,-i North Flclitiv ntli. Hot- '
Churl- W". !.. I1;. i r-!.i',,n i
tin n o. Thr ,' i"o IT".'!" Ponnl In!
IsHlali ill I", il i'..-h:i. I i .tr and tJiv
Ins Help." Kvtnli.z topii., -Th roanrl
ilivri, ly Ji-ici" am! Ill Followcra an
H-cordoi.' Ill I.'ike m 19." .'utulajr iichool
at noun.
7.Um l.tithiinn, Thtrty-rtxth Strc and
I.afnyrtlo Avpnnf, lf-v. A. T. Iorlmor,
I'aMor Sunday n-hoil at 9 45 a. m. rr- ;
vi at 11 . in. and K p. m Monday
vnln; tho Hundpy honl teachers a lii
meet In the chun-h parlors nt 8 o'clock.
iv evi-'iina llie I.u'her legRue will
it II," lii ini'ir J. I-. Jaiobson. .V.'l
.M:d-werk TVlie at
tlmlr r'hearsal
T !
i , l
! ifv, I', m vt r. :in
7 Tnur''av cvr.inir
ppned n'lly after.
Tb- Irtornatlotml 1111,1a student will
meet In the Labor Temple hall. Nine
teenth nnd K.nnam. Sunday afterroon at
3 o'clock n. 1 Hotnen will lecture. IIL
t it I" w ill 1. "Justice to the Line and
llluhteoiisnfas to the Plummet.'"
(Jrnce I'rlled K snRell' al, Camden Ave
rue and North Twenty-pevrnth Street,
I'.ev. Thoinas M. Kvans, I'nator l'reacli-
Int; at U a. m . subjet, "Your Mission."
Kvenlm; servl-e at 7:.'i o'rlock. I'ulpit
supplied bv the L.iptlst ippoc atlon Sun
day school at 10 a. pi. Junior Keyatorw
laKue of hr1tlan flrjvor meetin at
3 p. tn. Keystone I.enuue of Christian
F.ndeavor tniy'ln at ' p. m.
T. M . C .A. oe.
, i i,e i-irpb in saiesmanHnip opens mnn-
; uny. A number have nlready enrolled.
Thursday nlitlit the electrical demon
j strath, n will be given in the electrical
I The Kymnnplum classes open In earnest
I Monday. Men's classes are held at 12, 5
i and o'rlock on Mondays, Wedneadav.1
i and Fridays.
"These Are They" rrom fiaul s Holy City.
At the evenlna; service, the special musl,"
will consist of an anthem by the choir,
a trio by Miss silver, soprano; lHaji
Pepp" Kvenlliir p rvl. i. si 7 4,", i.'rlo.k: I
auhji-rt, 'I-.-aus Had Haivnn." ,'init.iy
s, ln ,)l at to a. tn; Kpworth U-iipua at
Hi p. m.; prayer aervl-e Thursilay at
8 p m.
Smith, tenor, and James K. Carnal, bass. Tiinity, Twenty-firpt and liancroft
Tha offrtor will lie a violin 'solo liv Miss ' f ,rr' '" Tlloinas HlthHI. 1'HPtor Morn
i na oirrtory win tie a v loiin solo ny aiiss n(f ,,,.rvf,f. j,, ,,, 0.,., K. Ba,(lMtll p, hool,
Isabella flmlmin. Miss Nora Neal
oritanlpt and James Kdward Carnal
director of the music.
is , j. noon; I.pwi.rth leaaruu, : t. m ;
i. evenlUK SeiM, r, 7 ;t o'rlock. Themes;
Mortiitiir, "I ouiitlnir Kiones:" cvetilmr.
' I nenillMir War " Mrs Mbi.kI Ili-vnoiiU
j of Kan.ia.i City will sine at the morning
BapUst minlMer. from over th. entire, "Tainut Hill. Forty flr-t and Charles
state of Nebraska, who are In the city Streets. Itev. Oliver M Keve, MlnlHtcr
for the annual convention of the denoml- .'Sunday si-hool nt In o'ela k. piracnina;
nation heads, wll. occupy the pulp.ta of 'V.Vc.. '.w!eVhVM VtkZ.
various I'ritestant hurLhca at the aerv-W. II I nderwa.Ml, Castor Morn ' K wr
lre Kunds Mice nt II o . k, subject, "One Who Is
7" Fully l'" Kvenl-.g rvl.e at
v. !..!, Fpwoilh Iraxue ut ', .m.
"QJestlons You Will He Asked DurlnitLni,i Twentieth and Davenport Pts..
k. a,,.F n. i. ti,. e k. Titus lx,we, ivptor Mm mnK at U, "iis-
the Sunday Revival is the name of the. )f th(1 u if.( . ., pven)nJ 7 ori,,, k,
Wednesday evenlna; ltlble coume, herein- address by Fred K (io,,dinan of New
nlnir next week. Wednesday at the Church' "r 'Jttv Hun, lay si h.H.j at i:4.'. a. m
, .. , , T F. MurifoiH. suiM-ilntindent; 6 Ml p. m.,
of the Covenant. Iratt and Twenty-1 l.pworti, i. niiie, for all yontiK pe,,,l...
Heventh atreeta. The first Question "What I Monday, T;W p. m , frer on
muat I do to be aaved?" will be conslderd I Ty' iTr" V" i'VlaKinin U'e W"r '"" "
next Wednesday evening and the answer ! Hensun.'' sixtieth and Main Btreets.
from the Bible. The remaining lessons! ,UJV , Ar,,"" Ataek. Factor-Sunday
inn, i mill ! IV H. ill ,i , ,r II . iiu win
take up other pertinent question! Until
the dote of the eerlea, December I
Rer. Fred Berry of Uncoln. state erao
cellat of the Daptlat church, will apeak
at the Church of the Covenant Sunday
Low A ren tie Preabyterlan church will
tender a reception to Ita new pastor,
Ir. A. F. Ernst, and family In the church
parlor Friday evening. It la to be djx
Informal affair, to which not only mem
be re of the church, but any others In the
pariah are to be welcomed. It will begin
at o'clock. Light refreehmenta will be
Mra. J. W. Crumpacker will address the
People' Mission, colored. 11$ North Tenth
atreet. Rev. A. Wagner, pastor, Sunday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Belal ohk ftervleo.
Special eon acrvlce at the Immanuel
Lutheran church. Nineteenth and Caaa
streets, Sunday evenlna: at I p. m.:
Prelude Ave Maria Verdi
Anthem Hymn Savior When Night
involve the Sklea Knclley
Soloist, Mra. Steberg.
Th Nlcene creed.
Quartet Abide with Me Monk
IMiaa Bloom. Miss Wlckstrnm. Mr. John
aun and Mr. Helgren.
Sermon Key. Adolph Hult
Offertory Melody In Uullmont
JJuet Love Divine Smart
Mias Bloom and Mr. Johnson.
Anthem Seek Ye the Lord
, . Dr. J. V. Roberta.
Poetlude Festspel Volckman
Organists, Huth Ouatafsan; cboiruuutLT,
Uornard Johnson.
Flrat, Twenty-ninth and Hamey Morn
ing aervlce, 10 3u a. in., Hey. U. O. Kow
landa, acting pastor, will speak. Bible
study at noon. Kvcnlng aervlce at 7 80 p.
in. Rev. W. T. Klinore of India will
speak. ,
Urace, Tehth and Arbor, H). B. Taft,
l'aator Visiting ministers of Nebraska
Baptist stat convention will preach. At II
a. tn., Kev. J. T. Parker of Kairbury;
p. m., Itev. F. K. Allen of Ashland.
Men's prayer meeting, 80 a. in.; Sunday
school, 111 a. ro.; Baptist Young People's
1'nlon at 7 p. m. Mission Sunday school,
Luiv South Fortieth alreet at I p. m.
Immanuel Baptist, TwentV-fourth and
Plnkney. Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Rev.
W. T. Klmore, Th. D., will reaih. Bible
achnol at noon; Young People's meeting
at f.So; evening worship at 7;A0; sermon
by Rev. W. L. Oaaton of Broken Bow.
There will be no aervlce on Wednesday
evening on account of the Hapttait atate
convention, which will be In aeaalon at
Calvary Baptist church.
Olivet, Thirty-eighth and Grand Avenue,
Uav. William A. Mulford, Faster Sunday
school, 10 a. ni. ; sermon, "The Royal
jaw," by the pastor; 11 a. m. Baptist
Young People' a Union. 7 p. m.; sermon,
"Th Lost Opportunity." by the paxtor,
I p. m. No prayer meeting Wednesday
night, on account of state convention at
Calvary church. Twenty-fifth anniversary
of the organisation on Friday.
First. Twenty-elxth and TTarney,
Charle K. Cobbey. Minister Morning
worship, II a. in.. Rev. K. It. Jackson,
Baptist minister from Stromahtirg. Neb.
I-Jvenlng worship, 7 SO; J. D. Whit more,
general secretary, Toung Men' a christian
aseociatton. Young People' a Society of
Christian Endeavor. .; Junior Ea
oeavor, 4:lu. Bible school, :4f,.
North. Bide, Twentv-secotid and Ixith
rop. George L. Peters, Pastor Bible
school at t;30; morning service, 10 46;
sermon, "Ar W HoneatT" Christian Kn
leavor. 6:15; evening aervloe, 7 JO; aor
noa, "The Orowth of Bin."
CkHsttaa leleaet.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Twenty-Fourth
Street and St. Mary a Avrnue
Services at 11 a. m. and p. in. Sunday
school (two sessions), at 46 a. m. and
H a. m. Wednesday evealng meeting at
ti o'clock.
St. Mary Avenue, Twenty -seventh and
St Mary's Avenue Rev. Oustavus A.
Hulbert, Pastor Morning servb. 10 si;
special music; Sunday school at noon.
Midweek service, Wednesday evening at
h o'clock.
First. Nineteenth and Davenport, F. T.
Rouse. Pastor Morning. It; "Like
(rood Soldiers." Kvenlng, 7:4.',, "Bel
gium,' Her l'eoplejind Her Pllkht. Hun
day school. ;46. Ttally day. Young peo
ple' Society of Christian Kndeavor. 4i.
Plymouth, Fnlverslty Auditorium, Twenty-fourth
and Kvars. Rev. F. W. Leavitt,
Paator Morning service at 10:30 a. m.,
topic, "FTfective Christian I'nlty." Sun.
day school at noon. Young people's
meeting at :50 p. m.
Central Park. Forty-second and Sara
tog, Rev. J. R. Beard. Pastor Rally
day; Bible achool at 10 a. m ; preaching
eriee. 11; Christian Kndeavor meeting.
VtS p. m : evening aervlce. 7:.'. Midweek
aervlce, Wednesday evening, I Choir re
hearsal. Friday evening at T M.
Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohio. W. .
Hamptan, Pastor Morning worship at
1:30. sermon by a member of the Baptist
vtata convention; Sunday achool, 12 m ;
Junior Kndeavor, S p. in.; Intermedials
Kndeavor, 4 p. in.; Senior Kndeavor, :80
p. m. ; evening aervlce at 7 :S".
St. Matthias, Tenth and Worthlnjrton,
Rev. Oeorge S. Southworth. Pastor Holy
communion, a. m.; Sunday achool and
Bible rlaaa. 10 a. m.; morning prayer and
sermon at 11.
Church of the flood Shepherd, Twen
tieth and Ohio. Rev. Thomas B. Collar,
Rector Holy communion, 7:3u a. in.; Sun.
day achool, i:4& a. in.; morning prayer
s and sermon at 11.
All Saint' Corner Twenty-alxth Street
and Dewey Ave, T. 1. Markay, Reo.
tor Wernion topic, 11 a. m., "Prayer and
Providence;" holy, communion, 7:30 a. m.i
Sunday achool, lo a. m.
Church of St. Philip th Deacon, Twenty-first.
Near Paul, Rev. John Albert
Wllllama, B. D tear Klghteenth Sun
day after Trinity: Holy co nun union, 7.30
a. m. ; morning prayer at 10:30; holy
communion and sermon. 11 a. m : Hunday
achool. l:ts? p. ro. ; evening prayer and
semvja at 7.30.
Kountx Memorial. Farnam and Twen
ty-sxUt Streets, Rev. Oliver D. Baltaly.
l"h li.. D H.. Pastor Krgular aervlcea,
Loth morning and evening.
St. Paul's. Twenty-fitin and Ovana.
IWx. t'.. T. Otto, Pastor Servicea in Ger
man at 10 a. m ; Lriglish at I p. m. ; run
tiajr acfaoul, .U a. m.; cunfirniaUon claaa
ship at 11 o'clock; choir will sing, "Hod's
'Ir'nmiiet Calls iLutklnl, and "One,
Sweetly Sol, mn Thought" (Amhropei I
Sermon subject. "What la Y'our Child,
Worth?" 1. 1, worth league at ti .'Ml p. m. 1
ravening service at 7.3o, music by vholr; I
a-'rtnon by llev. F. K. Volek of Ilia r. I
Diets Memorlul, Tenth nnd pierce
Streets. C. N. Dawson, M nlptci Sunday I
school, 9:4fi a. m , rallv day, preaching, .
11 a. in., Rev. 11. H. Waldo (HapllsO,
Lincoln, Neb.: Kpworth league, i; . r p. ,
In. W. H. Oldeon, leader. preacblnx,
"::! p. m., Dr. (1. W. Taft, president1
(irand Island Hapllst collegr. Brother- ;
hood meeting Tuesday, H p. m. Sundiiy
school board and prayer meeting on
Wednesday ut II p. in.
First, Corner Seventeenth and Dodg,
F.dwln Hart Jenks, D. I ., Paator Morn
ing service at lo.SJ. Evening service at
7 ;. Sunday achool at noon. Senior Kn
deavor at 6:30 p. m.
Cnetellar, Sixteenth and Cas teller, C.
C. Meek, Pastor Serv1. ee at 11 a. m. !
and a p. m. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. I
Junior Endeavor at 3 30 p. m. Inter-!
mediate and Senior Kndeavor at 7 p. in.
Parkvale, Thirty-first and Hold, Rev.
A. K. lhmin, Minister Morning worship j
and Bible school at 10 :. Senior Kndeavor ,
at 7 p. in. Kvenlng worship at 7:4. Mlil
week prayer meeting, followed by adult
chorua rrhoareal on Wednesday al 7:45. I
X . V. I ' T.. ,.. ,....1. . . I I
itilill, w, iit-i ii,riii-iuuiiii wo,
Wirt, M. V. Hlgbee, D. D., Pastor
Morning worship nt 10.30. Sunday school
at noon. Senior Kndeavor at 6:30 p. ni.
Kvenlng worship at 7:30. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Benson Rev. K. M. Alden of the Bap
tist church of Toblaa, Neb., will preach
both morning and evening. Hunday school
at 10 o'rlock. Morning worship at 11.
Junior Kndeavor at 3 tv m. Senior F.n
deavor at 6 3U p. m. Kvenlng worship at
7.30. Prayer meeting on W edneaday even
ing at 8.
Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and CI rant. B.
Robert von dor Llppe, Minister Morning
worship at 11, subject, "Faith that
Avails." Christum Kndeavor at 6:30 p. m.
Kvenlng service at 7:30. Sunday school
at 10 a. m., 11. C. Forgy, superintendent.
Installation of paator next Wednesday
evening at II p. in.
First United, Twenty-first and Km
met, A. C. Douglaa, l'aator At 10:80 a.
m. Kev. Wilson Mills. D. D., of the No
blank a State Baptist convention, will
preach. Bible school at noon. Young
People society at 6:30 D. m., Mlsa Mabel
Noss, leader. Kvenlng aeriuon at 7:30
p. in., by the paator.
Falrvlew, Fortieth and Pratt, Charle
II. Fleming, l'aator Bible school at 2.
Afternoon worship at 8, "An Old Fash
ioned Uoapel Song Service. On Tuesday
evening at 8, "What Must 1 !o tn Be
Saved," the first lesnin of the Bible
course on "Questions Y'ou Will Be Asked
During the Hunday Revival."
Ixwa Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas
Streeta, A. F. Ernst, Minister Sabbath
achool at 12 o'clock; young peopla'a meet
ing, 6:46 p. m. The paator w,ll preach at
In 30 a. ni. on "Aids to Orowth" and at
7:3(1 p. m. on "True Freedom." The lord's
aupitftr will be administered In connec
tion with the morning service. The ses
sion will meet In the church at 10 a. m.,
to receive members Into the church.
Westminster. Mason Street and tieorgia
Avenue, Jame Franklin Young, D. D.,
Paator Morning worshpl at 10.30. when
Rev. F. W. Benjamin of (Irand Island
will preach. Bible achool at 12 m.. all de
partments Y oung People's meeting at 6.30
p. an., ub)ect, "Next Step for Our So
ciety' Kvenlng worship at 7:30, subject.
"Our Ambaesadoralilp." Midweek prayer
servloe on Wednesday evening at 7:46.
Central ITnlted, Twenty-fourth and
Podge, Hugh B. Speer, Pastor Morning
worship at 10:80, when Fred S. Ooodman,
secretary of the International committee
of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion will speak. Sabbath achool at noon.
Young People' meeting at :So p. ni.
Kvenlng aervleea) at V:80. when Rev. J.
D. Barton of North Platte, attending the
Baptist atate convention, will preach.
Third. Twentieth and l-ieaven worth.
Rev. Robert Karr, Paator Hunday achool
pt 3 m.. A'. Ik Schermrrhorn, auper
IntetidMiit. Public worahlp and sermon by
And Cuticura Ointment, both fra
grant, super-creamy emollients, will
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Samples Free by Mall
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Uwl HI
The 'Mr
10c and 2 for 25c
Great Smokes
Satisfaction for 5 c
Parker - Gordon
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Best 5c
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A Few of Our Standard Sellers
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Hand Made in tins.
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and many other high grade 5c brands.
Niles-Moser-Rogers Co.
Toinonvjw, Ton lny, Oct. 12,
will bo Cigar Iay in America,
lit't us nil help tliom. Ixt us
make it a day that will Ions be
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Monday Oct.F
Is the big day. Every cigar
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dows of the different cigar
Lipschitz 44 Cigars, 5c
Now in Tins Hand Made.
....Thd' National Cigar....
Quality has made it so all good
dealers sell them.
The Omaha Tobacco Co.
Remember the Great
American Cigar Day
- Tomorrow,
Monday, Oct. 12th j
Mayor Jim says:
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will be cigar day
in Omaha."
This is the unofficial procla
mation sanctioned by our own
Monday Oct.12
Is Cigar Day in Omaha and
Ajneriea, so let everyone be
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will be exjweted to
Light up and
Smoke a Cigar
u mi dor
With Each Purchase of
50 Francis Lee 10c Cigars
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National Cigar Day, October 12
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