16 TOE BEK: 0MA1LA, SATURDAY, fKTOBKU 10, 1914. SUGAR TAKESDROP IN PRICE Some Imported Article! Are Alio Showing Small Decline. VEGETABLES ARE PLENTIFUL frteeeat Pain Seed Many Iweds tm the Mark a Make Tkeea Cheap Etiri Kmn Taka Drop. thiftar, after consistent advanHna: since the Eurorean war started, surprised the jrod ii oa market thla week by dropping in prloe. Busar la now selling; for (Pi rents, i i teen pounds for fl. Last week th r-rlo vu T cents. Whether sugar will continue to drop In piiaa Is uncertain. ut It ts thoucbt that It will not ro up further. Many Imported articles are on the mar ket and are reasonable In value. Imported clets are senilis; at 12H Cants and 'figs U both low prl-es. Kgtrs took a drop this week. Fresh egy sire selling at 23 rents, while a week em tS rents was the cost for a dozen. llome arown vegetables are heavy on the market as a result of the reoent -a!na. Beans of ail kinds are selling at litres pounds for a dime, green peppers re quoted at cants a bushel basket Cauliflower Is 10 oents, mushrooms are ICS cents a pound, radishes are eight crunches for f cents snd all other vege tables are in proportion. Al King, manager of Ilavden's grocery Separtment, has received some of Luther Jliirbsnk's new vegetable, celery cabbage. Velery cabbage looks and tastes like a romblnatton of the two vegetables and it very reasonable. A large bunch sells if or 19 cents. Apples Are Cheap. ' Apples are very cheap this year. Jona than apples are selling at 26 cents a peek Hi Ik and other apples are proportionately (tow tn price. ' Grapefruit Is on tbe market and selling (fct 19 oents apiece. Tokay grapes have taken a leap up- tard. They are 25 cents at present, but ill be to cents Monday. . New Tork Kieffer pears, the bast Spears for carmlng and preserving, are on the market In abundance. They sell for 1.28 a bushel. Honey Is selling at 15 rent a rack and s plentiful. Various Classes at , Y. M. 0. A. Will Open During Next Week Beys' BlWe classes will begin at the turning Men's Christian association next -k with a supper snd rally of the funic lads Thursday evening. lie v. Charles E. Cobbey, pastor of the First Christian church, will present certificates to forty-five boys who passed the class examination last season. A rally of high school boys Interested fa Bible study will be held Friday even ing of next week, when Arthur N. Cot ton of New York will speak. He Is the International association committee's aeo. fretary for work among high school boys. Special classes In the educational de partment will also begin next week. The class In scientific salesmanship opens Monday evening, when all men Interested pvlll be admitted free to the first lecture frf the instructor, Superintendent Edwin J. Jewell of the City National bank build- The boys' cr.mera class will be organised Thursday night by L. C. Bholes, in ptruotor. The class in applied electricity avlll also assemble at that time under the traction of L. N. Bexten. Appeal Taken in Learned Fee Case h - a Democrats who are attempting to din er red it the republican vtrtnrv v lo8hane's attempted 150,000 jail feedlng- 'graft," made another move when an ap- toal from a resolution of the county oard allowing Attorney Myron 1 B -earned a contingent fee of hJ.OflO was riled In the name of A. E. Agee. The appeal w as filed with County Clei k Dewey. Lawyers are of the opinion that the courts will sustain the board, since Mr. learned took the rase on a contin gent fee basis after the county had been nre defeated In supreme court. The amount la said to be small as com. pared with the contingent fees usually earned by law era whose clients are private individuals or corporations. Fifty rer cent of the amount earned for tho -client la the usual contingent fee. BRIEF CITY NEWS Tote fof W. O. Crosby for Coroner. Ughtt&f Fixtures, Burgees-Oranden O. fidelity snorage aad Tas Co. Dong. BM. eve See FTlnt r Sow Beacon Press. Sworak accountant and auditor. D. 7404. Tote for Tb ones tv. BHaekenra fot Cowrrrsa. Advertisement. Luella AUea's TloUa Class will give a recital Saturday at 1 p. m. In M-Z7 Arling ton block. Ths rirst weekly assembly at Turpin's academy will take place next Saturday evening. . BeaaUfnl All Modern bom ro Pais on the sasy payment plan. Bankers' Realty Investment Co. Phone Doug, tJ Hurley Here on Business W. E. Hurley of Boston, postofflce Inspector, la In Omaha looking over the general sit uation. Mayor of Chadron In" Town Cap tain A. O fisher, mayor of Chadron, accompanied by Mrs. Fisher, is spending several days in Omaha. Today's Complete Movie rX grams'1 classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Chambers' - Das dug Aoa4mr Th home of modern and dasslo dances. In structor of teachers, who are successful both In Omsba and other cities. Classes reopen September M, 1914. Telephone Uouglaa 1171. The school to depend upon. Oulnn to World Boric Lei and O. Qulnn of the Union Pacific's general passenger department has (rone to New York, where .he will witness the world's series of ball games. If his money lasts he will sltend all the games. lUvaNon for Delay In Nailing The reason why the Rotterdam did not sail as scheduled has been learned by friends of Omaha people who were to have re turned from Europe on It On the east bound trip the boat was searched by the British, who found the hold filled with copper with suspected Oennan destina tion, and conn ailed it to put in at an English port It la now expected to start back for New York next week. National Concern Advises Banks to Loosen Up Little The National Implement and Vehicle association Is seeking to put new life Into business in the country by giving the bankers some advice which it asks the bankers to Impart to the fnrmers In their vsrlous communities. The letter the association Is sending out from Chicago says that what business needs In view pf the depression due to the war and other causes is a restoration of confi dence. "We believe the banker holds the key to the solution," the letter ran. Jt was then suggested that the bank ers In the various rural communities urge the farmers not to speculate in the fluc tlatlon of future markets on their crops; that they recommend to the farmers of the south a diversity of crops, as a one crop country never Insures permanent prosperity; that they preach care of seed selection for the next crop; that they take steps to Increase the number of farms raising live stock; that they cre ate a demand for the early opening of the reserve banks, in order that th ag ricultural communities may get the bene fit of the ourrency law; that they dis courage speculation and encourage le gitimate business, etc. Bee Want Ads Proawoe results. WOODMEN TO BUILD AT TWENTY-FOURTH AND AMES Contract for the construction of a 16,000 building at Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue for Druid camp, Woodmen of the World, has been let to Charles Bauer & Son. The building will be of brick and the second story will be a lodge hall. J. P. Outh drew the plans for the building. G. JAMIES0N OF HAYDEN BROS. FLOORED BY THIEF O. Jamieson, superintendent st ths Haydrfn Bros, 'store, wns knocked un eoneirlfwis Friday afternoon by a shop lifter whom he had ,p!a'-ed under srreet. Mr. Jamloson had been watching the man fr half an hour and finally became cnrivlnced that the suspect had a !" fur coat concealed in handhnjc 11c ap proached him nnrt wsg taking him to the office tn be searched, when the shop lifter suddenly turned and with a heavy blow knocked his -captor down and es caped. Several suspects were taken by the po lice and Mr. Jsmleson was at headquar ters to look them pver.'but the right man la still at liberty. SUTEN TRIAL POSTPONED BECAUSE OF INTERPRETER Arraignment of John Suten. charged with manslaughter for the alleged killing of Joseph Operlta. In Judge English's district court. Was postponed because of Inability to find an Interpreter who speaks Roumanian. Real, Live Boys Need Good Shoes No ordinary Boy's shoes will do for the boy full of pep. That is why so many Omaha Boys are won ring TEEL HOD HOES Tho host boy's shoes made; they outwear two pairs of ordinary boy's shoes, and look better and fit better. In but ton and bludier. ' Boy's 1 to 5.. $2.50 Little Gent's, 9 to 13i2 $2.25 rcxel- 1419 Farnam 1 Jp J it 1 Imiztteifr, irii'y,;i Fo r Eve rybody From Every Point of View It is sound housekeeping judgment to use 1HWA-Nt ( EVAPORATED Sterilized Unsweetened It it economical It is convenient It is sanitary It is rich It is economical because you can use every drop and have every drop carry proper food value. It keeps sweet for days after opening. It is convenient because you can always have a fresh supply on hand ready for any emergency. You can use it for every purpose for which you have been using bottle milk. It is sanitary because its perfectly sterilized with no danger of con tamination as in the bottling, handling and delivering of bottle milk. It is rich because it is the richest milk from the best dairying regions with only most of the water taken' out and with nothing added. 'Cottage Milk never varies. from its rich creamy quality. Cottage Milk is delivered direct from our Condehseries to your grocer, so it reaches you always fresh. At all good dealers In two sizes, 5 and 10c Or l'hone CUIiLKN HROKERAGK CO. Doufflsa 4413 SIS Braadsls Thsatrs Bid., OMaVXA, ITEB. AMERICAN MILK COMPANY, CHICAGO us i tm Mleiiasideir's Like cut, brocaded quar ters, welted soles, Gaby heels, in patent v leather,short vamp, in all sizes. E. R. Noodham. Prop., Douglas Street 7 I U I II. top That ((. ! Dr. King's Nsw Discovery will do it; tctt bottla today; a quick, safe, aura iUKh and cold remedy. Wc and fl 00. All iflruUts.-Advertleemfint. SPECIAL CARRIES MANY RAILROADERS TO WEST Nearly S00 traTelinif passencer airctita coming from aU puints of tha t alied etates) and representiiis: seorea of rail roads, w In Omaha half an hmir en rout to Kan rnujclsco, where they will kold their annual convention. Two special trains arrived at I o'clock, ens coming over the Milwaukee and ti other over the Northwestern. They re mained thirty minutes and then went over tho Union Pai lA'c as sections of the Overland Limited, each carrying similar equipment, even to imtlds ard V slots. Here the eastern railrosd men were Joined by a number from western Iowa and the Dakotas. Westbound. General Paasenger Agent Baslnger of the Union Paclflo furnished safe conduct to the passengers of the train oomlng over the Korthwsetern. and Traveling Passenger - Agent Btoekham looked after the com fort of those who came over the Milwau kee. To the passengers everything was free, Including meals and cigars. This rule applied with all the roads handling them. , Tom Hughes, traveling passenger agent ef the Missouri Pacific, and Harry Fhlelds, assistant general passenger gent of the Wabash. wot to Kansas "City, from whesee they will assist In conducting special trains, loaded with traveling passenger agents, west from that point. "" I 1 Tirtt wsmrtXO 1 I 1 THE flElV HOME OF Now offrs the working people of jOmah Krrter store and blRger stocks than ever be fore. It gives every honest, steady working nun or woman an opportunity to ureas the bent for a little down; and $ l.Oflu week. Hundreds of HFine Garments on Credit isii'ii imii iiiinim h i ...mi aIZZ t"tmu n ff siiffassfltiestfteMiMAIiaaaJstMBSliaiff eii r' i i. i uwn LI-...J fveettlvelr Hasten Ovwat. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound cuts Che thick choking mucus, and clears away the phlegm. The gasping, strangling fljbt for breath gives wsy to quiet breath ing and peaceful sleep. Harold Berg, ass. Mien., writes: "We give Toley' Hooey and Tar to our children for croup and It alwsys acts quickly." No wonder a tnaa In Texas wslked 15 miles to the store to get a bottle of Foley's Honey and fT Compound. Every user Is a friend. JlK dealers everywhere Advertisement PAYS THE BILL Stunning Fall Suit Embracing all tne variations of the Redintrote and Basque mod- vCi els. , Cleverly tailored and trim med with velours, silk, braids, etc. All the neW fab rics. Priced from $12.50 up. Pay $1.00 a week. A Store Within a Store Dvotd Entirely to Men and Beys Vo stock tn Omsba will suit the anea any better tlia what I've go right here. Sa tire seoond floor baa been transformed Into aa up-to-date Men's aad Boys' Be Dartment. staa'a guaranteed Suits and Overeoats from eMaVM est Buys' Bolts aad Over coats from 3.M .. ray cue oaly M a week. NOW OCCUPYING 3 FLOORS ft. BASEMENT ENTIRE 1ST FLOOR FOR LADIES' OOODS. END FLOOR MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHINQ jo) SL ) Q) i WORLD'S LIVEST CREDIT CLOTHER-1417 OOUCLAS Oat-af-Towa yeoPu Caa Bay ea Credit. Write for Oar Oataiogme. i ? is u fr mil MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Worth up to $20.00, at $5.00, $7.50, $9.75 BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS At. ........ : $1.98, $2.93, $3.98 LADIES' COATS AND DRESSES At . . $4.98, $G.98, $9.98 $6.50 RAIN COATS . $3.98 J. Uelphand Clothing Go. FV. ' tf i ssii ilassasssBissaSaWBBaaBaSiBuMd r H-rh-i-i-: - -.ri v! m flm Lj t' Lil LJ'j fern ppliL J4LiaJi : l iiuuOQa aJ lfe...-0 Q "Q HQ gZU to itfy nmum Ak-Bar-Ben visitors welootne to our tifw Empress Panltary Market. We bought a carlofvl of live milk fed Spring Chickens, which we will dress to your order, and will plare on sale Saturday. Our business Is growing, which forces us to put on more Auto Deliv eries. We make four deliveries a Tay, 9. 10:30, 2 and 4 o'clock. Prompt attention given to mail orders. 1914 MZZ.K riD unxna okicxxits, oar own dressing 114 KFBISO rOBEQUABTEM LAMB 1914 STBUTa HUTDQVABTBB8 ULMB Chc-ice teer Pot Itoast ISo, lie Choice Round Bteoks 17Ho rig Pork Roast 18He Iig Pork Butts 1340 Pioice milk fed Veal Roast. ISo 11V0 .1840 laHo Veal Chops ....ISo, 19HO Choice Mutton lliops 18Ho Rxtra Lean Hninm 17o Kxtra Lean Bacon ...1940 Sugar Cured Bacon 17J40 Small Hams iao While in the store don't fall to visit the mml csnnltarv fli.li market in the west. 16 LBS. BEST ORAWULATITD STOAB. 10 bars White RuHPlan or Queen White Liun.ln' Soap flSe 10 bars Beat 'Km All or Diamond C Soap a So 4 cans Sugar Corn fl5o 3 cans Karly June Peas 83a lhs. Bulk Laundry Starch ... .96o 4 lbs. Navy Beans 89o iho bottle White ITorse Catsup.. 15o 26o Windmill Preserves 15o S-lb. Pork and Beans THo Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb...40e Full Cream Cheese, per lb 80o White Karo Syrup, per can 8o Oolden Santos Coffee, per lb 90e Mason jars Olives aao Mason Jars Pickles or Plellll. . . .10o 2-1 b. rolls of best Butterlne 45o 51.00 Irfirge Colorado Jonathan Applss, psr box . . . . .91.10 Fancy Washinsrton EatliiR Apules. per bushel box. 98o Large Oreenlns: Apides. peok....90o Larxre market basket of Green Pep pers for 80o Fancy solid Cabbage, per lb 10 l.arse Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per basket 3&o Beets,' Turnlrw. Parsnips and Carrots, per market bssket Boo Fancy Colorado Cauliflower, lb. So 2 large stalks Celery ..Bo 2 large Hothouse Leaf Lettuce. .. .Bo 8 bunches fancy brittle Radishes.. Be 4 buitQhee fancy home grown Oreen Onions Bo r n 0ur Coal DePt 13 a v , (Oj It Branch Office of V2s sVU La SunderlajidBros. Economy Certified Coal $6.50 BUT SECB, BOO SIXZ. ITOP SECXB This la a remarkable coal at a very low prloe. Try It. Onaraateed please yon and save yon money. 31 KINDS CERTIFIED COAL-HARD and SOFT THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth 5c and 10c Store. JJ3 South 16th St. Tel. D. 2307. Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Welcome to the Public Market. Meat prices are down 25 on the dollar at our store. Take advantage of our low prices and high quality. We are buying meat by the carload lot, which enables us to buy cheaper, and therefore sell cheaper than anyone else. We supply all the leading hotels and restaurants with high class meats at the lowest prices. Follow the crowd and come to the Public Market and purchase your meal to take home wtth you. Pronrrt attention given to mail orders. 1914 KIZ.K rBD BPBHrO OHICKBBB, drssssd to your order iao Fit PORK BOAST Pig pork butts 1440 Steer pot roast 18 and HVo Choice Young Veal Roast 16c, 11 Ho Choice veal chops Lamb legs .....18e Mutton chops lBo aad 18Ho Mutton roast T4e Extra Lean Hums 17io .1890 Extra Lean Bacon 194e Sugar Cured Bacon 17Ho Small hams 18o SPBCZAX8 From 8 p. m. till 9 p. m. Lamb chops Bo From 9 P. M. till 10 P. M. Pork Chops 13H0 80 XBR BEST CAJTB 8UOAJL With 1 lb. Japan. English Breakfast, Best brands Fiodr $1.38 25c Kamo Pancake Flour 19o 1-lb. can Calumet Baking powder 19 4 gallon Karo syrup, red or white, for o Wedding Breakfast Maple Syrup. Quart, 86o Gallon 79o Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. ...BOo 4 cans Sugar Corn 8e 10c ranf Peas" or Baked Beans.... 6o Bweet Wrinkle Best Peas, S for,.Bo 3 -lb. can solid packed Tomatoes, three for 8o Ovapewder Tea or Best Coooa. . . . -. v. or v nue ixussian for With washing soda 10c pkg. Oat Meal Spaghetti or Macaroni, pkg.... Tall ran milk Seven Sc cans Milk. 25c pkg. Oold Dust or Naptha Powder Swiss cheese, per lb Full cream cheese, per lb Flat cans Red Salmon '10c can K. C. Baking Powder.. , 81.00 ..69o soap ..aso . . 10o .7Ho .7Ho .7He . .850 . .19o ..86c . .800 . .100 . . .60 1 r n Our Coal Dept. s a , D I .Branch Office of str-a Lsa SunderlandBros. V Economy Certified Coal $650 BUT SEED, BOO BXZB, X.TJXF BTBB This U a remarkable coal at a Tory low price. Try it. Onaraateed to pleaae yon aad save yon money. , 31 KUIDS CERTIFIED COAL-HflRD and SOFT PUBLIC MARKET ,! asi" the Newly Reniodolrd and (irratly Kulargtd Beddeo l kuitng CX. rtt)llhuient. Ve Make No charge for Alterations. We believe the people, when they ay they are going stay with us until we get the volume so we can give them that Lower Price, therefore, we are glad to announce the opening of BASKET STORE No, 25,2518 N. 24th Soon Flour, 48-lb. Ak-8ar-Ben. guar anteed .i $1.23 Sal Boda, 4 y lbs. 5c; 25 lbs. 2Sc Pyramid Soap Powder, 2 Be pack age . .5o Starch, cold I. X. L... pkg. . .7c Sweeping Compound, per lb. 2: 17 lbs 100-lb. keg Log Cabin Maple Syrup, pts. lc Qts., S7c; 4 gallon 74c Peanut Butter, per lb. .... 12o Shoe Polish, Shlnola or 2-in-One, 10c can 7c Soup, Snlder'g or Van Camp's, per can, 8c; 3 for 23c Milk, tall cans, Cottage, 8e; email cans 4c Cottage, 8c; small ones ...,4c Hominy, per can 7c; 3 (or. .10c Navy Beans, best No. 1 band picked,, per lb 6c Vinegar, Cider, per gallon .. 10c Cabbage, lb l o Red Globe Onions, 14 lbs., 1 peck,. .21c Oatmeal, large 25c pkg. ,,10o Farina, per pkg.-Oc; 3 for.. 25c Baking Powder, 1 lb 25c Can Tip, Oc; 3 for .25o 5-lb. can 86c Soda. 1 lb., 10c pkg 4c Tea Slftings, l lb. pkg fie Salt, 6c sacks 3C 10c sack. 8c; 14-1B sack ...14o Shaker Salt 7c Bulk Black Pepper, 4 ozs. ,.8cT Chocolate, V4-lb. cake tip.. 15c W. H. Baker's, H-lb. cake 18c Cocoa. H-lb. can tip lec 3 for . . . 40c H lb. W. H. Baker's Cocoa 10c Coal Oil, per gallon 8c S gallons 8dc Standard Oysters, 18 ci. &Ac 36 os 6H. Horse Radish, bottle ,...7o Compound Lard, lb 10c Beat Lard, lb. . . 18c and 14c All our Markets try to keep fresh Fish on hand at all times. Halibut, lb. ...14c Cat Fish, lb 17c No. 21616 No. 16. No. 23-1807 Vinton. No. 221406 No. 24th. No. 24- 1406 No. 24. No. 25 2518 No. 24; open soon. rSectal Diseases Cured A mild treatment, that cares Piles, Fistula aod other Rectal disease In a short time, without a tarfical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other general aaast uetio used. A car guaranteed in every ease accepted for treatment, and no money La be paid tatil eared. Writ foe book on Rectal Plies ana, tUh Mn1r