13 Tim BEE: OMAHA. RATT'RDAV. OCTOnETi 10. 1014. QUIVERA'S KING i BECEIVES CROWN K BEFORE THRONG t Contlnud from Tin Ont ) tade, knickerbockers ef rutin UTibroMnw) la rdd, with shor? whit brorsd cost f tbe style woi n by jovt Thirteenth. DrtH Kalght at Old. TTia board of governor formed a body guard of cavaliers In the brilliant ro turn at the knights of IW. Th knight wrr costumts of various colors of satin and brocade. At the solemn moment a th klnr took Ilia ptac upon the throne, the governor sheathed thalr sword, broke Into group ' of three and nonrhlntly sauntered oroe tha raatlc hall to th south and aat entrance, reepet lively. Again thay united, returned and formed themselves Into a semi-elrol or crescent i twhlnd the throne. It wes then that the quean entered with her attendant!, passed j with befitting- dignity along Ih rlhlv ' dworsted hall, ascended the hrad and daaplr-carpetcd ataJr and took her place boatda tha k1n. (iTerr Meet Klasj. Th board of 0vmr at once leppe.l forward, made the'r obriesnce ti the queen and king and stepped back. Mayor Jam C. Dahlmin of the thief city of Cibola, then approached from the miln entrance, escorting Governor 4 H. More, head, civil ruler of th realm of Ak-Per-Ben. Tha governor van Introduced to tha king and queen, and. after making til obeisance, retired to one side to tat tha knlihU and ladlea of the realm ap proach to pay their rperta to the new ruler a. From all aide of tha raatle hall ram tha brave knights and lovely ladlea to par thalr reapecU and touch tha hand or tha robe of royally. Tor tha apell of many happy heart throha thla ceremony continued, when In Joyou at rain befit tinf tha festivities, the grest orchestra clashed forth with a world of mualc, and th coronation ball waa on. f Mldrea af ltrltr. Daughters and aona of royal famine attended th king and queen aa pa(e dur ing tha ceremonies. Uttl Virginia Bar ker, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jnaeph Barker, carried tha crown of tha king. Mar father I former king of Ak.fr-Pn. w-red Naah. Jr.. son of V. A. Naeh: Ed ward Naah, ann of Mr. and Mra. touts Xaah. 1 la a nephew to a former t,reen. M!s Trancea N'aih. Thay carried tha king's robe. Mis Eleanor Kountae, and Ml Barbara Bum, two mora of tha Utile attendant of the queen, ara alao re lated to the royal blood of the Ak-Har-dan I me. The Klaa. Tha king. Charle D. Beaton. I one of umahaa moat popular young wiaine men. Aa head of the Beaton drug tor t Fifteenth and Farnam street, ha ha founded and developed prosperous buat rets, which rank high In th enterprises ef tta cUa In tha city. JIa la truly an Omaha product. He born In Omaha. He was educated In the Omaha public school, and later waa graduated from Crelghton university In Cms ha. H Is a memleM- of a number of lodgea and fra ternal societies In the city. He Is a mem ber of th Commercial club, tha Country ctub. the Field club, the Omaha club, and ha for years been a member .of th board or governor of Ak-Sar-Ben. As chair man of th parade commute last year, h planned and executed th magnificent daylight floral parade, a spectacle unique In th history of Ak-Rar-Ben parades, and a spectacle that attracted moat fav orabl comment from all part of th tat. Th Qaeea, The new queen. Mlaa Krancee Hochatet Jar. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fturgert IHochstetler. Is wi of th most beautiful young women of th .younger net. bh waa particularly chsrmlng at Ih cor, nation oeremonles. She" waa goaned as Queen Anne of Austria. Miaa.Hochstetler has spent moat pf her life In Omaha and graduated at nrumii Ita-Z T' VaE" tV,f,rt ,rh(Wll at creenaich. Tonn. the spent thla sum- mer travelings abroad allh her father and w-lll be on of th debutantes thla winter, fhe la tall with beautiful coloring, brown yea and hair, and Is popular socially. Th Qaeea'a Rate. Th queen was regal In her royal robes, th coronation costume being an oxact reproduction of on of th queens reign ing about th year IK Rich whlt satin brocade shirred :nto a full skirt with gorgeous hand-embroidered panel In gold dowa th front, formed th klrt Tha bodice was a short tight fitting baoqu affect, .boned after the. fashion of that tim.' Th watet waa tlchly embroidered In front and mad V ahapod with battlements or alaahed pep- Kna finlttn.,,1 In .i.a - . .,, a.iii ana DnilianiB at tnei wa-auin. rn sleevea wer aim exact te production of thoa worn both by th knight and th ladle of th year ICJO. They were puffed sleeve f brocade held la place with banda of the brocade edged with gold embroidery and brilliant. The flared Queen Anne collar and e.,ff. . - - 1 I c.f wlrd Alencon lac exqulaltely hand embroidered ir i,.Hi , , trllllanta, forming a most attractlv back grouna ar frame for the face. The royal rob and court train of royal blu velvet waa edged with ermine and waa embroidered in conventional design In gold. A short shoulder cape of ermine waa ncio m place wtth two croea straps f th fur and a huga brilliant buckle. Atteadaata mt the Qacjea. Attending th queen were twelve prln cese charmingly gowned In costume of th Queen Ann fashion. Th gown wer mad with vary full skin of heavy satin brocade of different shades. Taey wore the long puffed aloe v. a of the 130 period and tight-boned bodlc Hb high Queaa Ann collar of late. Little pepllna out lined la gold finished the bodies and gold-embroidery forirv the front panel of th aklrt and the front of the bod.-. "Wta Eleanor Markar was goaned In lavender. Hut Blanche Deuel wore green, Kiae Btoll T ammell pink. Miss Harriet flinlth Pal blu. M s Nan Murphy tprl cot. Mlaa Janet Mall green. Mlas Ida .ariow blue. Mis Mrl Stewart yllow. Miss Halcyon Cotton pompadour all kt. Xlaa Dorothy Black yellow. Miaa Harriet Metg pink. Mlaa Allc J.qulth Uveader. The, tuern wore a tiny crown of gold, after tha fashion of Anne of Austria. It wa made In fletir-de-Iia design, act with large Par le and brilliant. She wor also everal heavy strand of pearl. Deeeratleaa Magtalflcrat. Th greit ball room waa decorated altb flower and foMg. and waa studded and bung wtth lighta iu a combination that ava th root rar and beautiful effect. All around the aid ef th spacious liall waa a succakiia of arcbe decorated with flowers, femilng an Interlacing r d f roata. Onsantherauma and oulhera amllax. Above thla profusion of floial deoora tloe and foliate was a row of closely atudded lvoifr lighu Still gbovw this His Majesty, Kin CHARLES D. reaching almost to the great dome of the buiMIng na aeries of canopies o( i t - bunting of th Ak-Psr-Hnn "corn" yellow. Cluster of great white lamp, fnur In number, hanging from the long dome, glared through a wilderness of green follag that hung In festoons from the huge basket. Tha masstv pillar of the building Ladies of the Realm Who Were at King's Ball and What They Wore A. AIX.F.N. Mia Mabl Oown of yellow harmeuae, elaborately trimmed In pearl and opalescent. lUarnond and pcan oi nament. AI.K.ANHEH, Mis Dora Oown of black brocaaed velvet cuarmeuse. with over drape of Chantllly lace, with trimmed rupee of Jet. Black bird of paradlae in hair. American Beauty roses. Diamond and pearla. . B. BACON, Mra. Frank-Yellow brocaded aatln. n train, trimmed aim iryatai and chiffon. Bird of I'aradis in the hair and diamonds. BACON, Mis' l.uclle "leevelesa orchld coloiad chiffon over satin, with trtm mmg of rrystais. Ulrdle waist and long AlVr' KKK,n'MI.. M meuse with brocad: ayme Cerise char- eu velvet oasuue. Trtmmlnaa of ruflle of gold lac and rhlneelone. , BAKKK. Mra. Benjamin 8 Fale blue rharmeus satin with draped tunlo of silver lace; lac bodice; large red French rose. BAKKH. Mra. 1. U-OHva green satin overdress of lac and trimming of mother-of-pearl. BAHKAI.OW. Mra. f. D.-IUndaorn gown of white chiffon velvet, elabo- raielv hand mbrolUered. BAl'M. Mra IX A -Alice blue and llver brocaded gown with overdr of white BAl'M. Mia Margaret Greer-Dancing frock r canary yellow crepe de chine wrth oerdiesa of while chltfon. Qlrdl aalst and chiffon sleeve. RF3ATON, Mr. A. J.-I)alnty gowr i of while embroidered rliiffon. made with long tunic Corage. bouquet o violet. RKWON, Mr. A. U.-Orchld andj ellver brocaded hlf fon, w.th corsage of white lace. En tratie. , BKROMAN. Mims II enr.etU-Peach col ored chirton. richly trimmed with er. mine and rearl. , BERRT. Miss Krancea Marie-Electric blue panne velvet, trimmed In blue, guld embroidered lace, pearla and opala. BEST. Mrs. F. C.-Cosi urn of whit cnarToeuM, n - l.tidl net. trimmed In bands f embrold ered let and rhlneator.ea. Tunic trim mitn overorapw ni - med with iur and draping of f'let lace and Jetted tassel. BUACW. Mra C. E.-Black , crep d meteor over burnt orange colored satin with labort trimming of Jet. Dia mond , BlAi'K WF.I.I.. Mr. Warren 8.-8imple gon of pink aatln charmeueo trkramed with lrldecent lace. BRAD1U HY. Mr. W. J Emerald green satin, tunic and train of brocade with taupe figure, bodice of white lac and Iridescent trimming BR1DAHAN. Mra. lister, of Denver, Guest of Mra. K. T. 8-cbe Koval purple charmeu gown mad with overdress of chiffon, Ieevele bodice elaborately trimmed with trldecent em broidery and lace. Corsage bouquet of orchids. BHIMiN Mra. Susie McK.. of Muskogee, CkL, Guest of Mlea lora Alexander Heavv wlilt satin charmeuee wtth overdress of black chiffon and trlni minas of Irlst point lace, peer'a and rbluestone. Golden hair ornament. American beauty roses. Pearla BR'HJAN Mra .Francis A. Blue bro caded chiffon velvet mlth trimming of liver lace. Arm bouquet of American tieauty rose. Bl'CHANAN. Mrs. J. T. Beautiful gown of blue chiffon velvet, tunic of same . drsped over silver lace and edged Willi monkey fur. UtKNK. .Mr. William T. Dainty pink aatln dancing frock made with Russian tunlo of white tulle. Bl'CKlNGMAM. Mr. Everett Whit satin with ov erdres of Chantllly lao. Bodice elaborately trimmed with Jet. BL HK8, Mra hamuel I'ale blue brocaded aatlnxwlth gold lace bodice. BY HP. Mlaa Beulah-Yellow chiffon gon over yellow satin. I'rls. BYRNE. Mrs. Joseph Attractive evening gown of pale green chirton with trim mlnga of fur. orchids 0. CAMPBEIJ Mrs Kmma F., of Fort Huron. Ulck. guast of Miss liora Alex anderPearl colored brocaderl velvet eharmeue trimmed with Chantllly lace and Iridescent apanglea Bird of. pa ra dio In hair. Corease bouquet of Amer ican Beauty roee Idamonda and pearla. CAVAXAIGH. Mra. M. W.-Wlaa charmeuae. lull and Jet tunic. Dia monds CALDWELL. Mra 8. 8. Yellow brocadod aati with bodice of tulle, lar and bro g Ak-Sar-Ben XX r arew BBATOtC ere swathed In "corn" ellow. and In aliowy wfilte. The succession of pillars forming a !ml-clrcl behind th throne were ijolored In all the color of the rain bow, which shaded Into one another with all llluslveurs of - changeable silk or, Indeed, the perfect blending effect of a rainbow Itself. a CTIAPIN, Miss Hsrrictte, of Lincoln, guest of Mrs. Chester N'leman White arcordlan pleated i 111 f fon, with bodice of lace, with iridescent trimmings In eld rose. C'HAI'IN, Mis IJIllan. of Lincoln, guest of Mrs. Chester Nlcman Hlnk chirfon, mad with lac tunic. Turlo trimmed with pearls and pink rosebuds. CHAKLTON, Mlaa Edith White crep de chine, with trimmings of lac and pearla. Draped aklrt, seeded with pearla. A string of pearla was worn with this costume. j CHAHE. Mra. Clement Rose. colored bro-l ceded chiffon evening gown, with bodice Mnd tunic of whit lac. ' CLARKE. Mra F. W. Black lo over white chilfon. Old Jet and prl orna ment. CI.KVK. Mlsa Emily Oown of tl green aatln, made baque effect. Long tunic of net and silver lace. COAt), Miss Alice White brocaded satin made with draped tunic of shadow lace, bodice of shadow lace. Pink aatln girdle. COAIV-Mlss Beatrice White crepe me teor, chlflon boil ice embroidered in dark blue. CO A D, Mra. Frank Down of pink crepe meteor draped with tunlo of iridescent chiffon. COAD Mlea Irene Oown of white satin and Nu taffeta, bodice draped tunlo of whit lace. Tunlo caught with pink rosea. COIT. Mra. Clark light blu brocaded crepe with teevelea bod lew af lao trimmed with crystal. Hklrt mad with tunlo edged with Marten fur. COLrF.T7.BR, Mra. M. O.-Datntv even ing gown of white aatln with overdrap i i ui i jhj crystal inmminga. CONODON, Ml Ellsabeth-JAIeeveleaa model of lavender satin with net over dreaa Irldeaoent with rearls and laven dnr aenulna. CO.NOlH)N. Mr. Isaac Turquols blue. aatln with overdress at silver lace. CONN EI J4 Mra R. W. Imported model or wnite satin, anadlng to cream, pale pink and deep rose at the bottom. Hod Ice made fichu effect and no sleeve and tunic of chiffon beaded In flower rte.lan. . COTTON. Mra. . R. White hand em broidered net gown with trimmings of ' rose chiffon velvet. COW I V, Mra. John C Paquln model of black aatln with tiimmluga of white lac and touches of blue. Bodice and tunic of white lac and Mark tulle ovar the black satin. CRAMER. Mra. Ouy H.-Whlt char meuae with overdrapery of black lace. I .ace bodice, with copper-colored irides cent trimming and satin rose. CROSBY. Mr. Willi Chartreuae bro cade, t rimed with allvr lace, pearls and rh I neat ones. CVM MINOS. Mra. II. U-Whlte satin, elaborately trimmed wtth filet lac and rhinestonoa. Diamond. CTTLF.R. Mr. Hugh T.-Aprlcot color crepe" de chine, combined with turquoise blue velvet. Tbe bodice wa entirely of shadow lace and chiffon. With thla waa worn aatln slippers to match and a bird o( paradlae In the hair. Coraage bouquet of roava. DALE, Mi IVirothy Dancing frock of olnk charmeu trimmed with silver lace. DALE. Mr. J. P. Black atln gown draped with black lac and trimmed with Jet. DALE, Misa Martha Dainty Mack even. ing gown, dancing length and ruffle of black tulle. PM1LMAN. Mra. James C.-Blue French crepe, hand embroidered In self-ton color. BoOtc elaborately trimmed' In French lac and tunic In French euv-i broidery.- DA V I i1. Mra. T. U Pink brocaded aatin witu white lac tunic bodice also of lace. DKGKN. Mies Haael Yellow aatln with IrKleacenl tunic of etijtns. 8leveles bodice trimmed in Mim .velvet with broad blue velvet girdle. DEGKN, Mrs. Sol Orch'd satin with overdonpe ut self-toned chiffon. Kla borste trimming of silver lace. Dia mond a and pearls.. DINNING. Mrs. R. J.-tIr satin with trimmine-s of pearla and gray beaded work. Tunic and bodice had en over dreea of hand embroidered tulir. Dia monds. DINNING. Miss Iouls Sleeveless gown of unite aatln wtth tuple ef green lull embroidered In tulle. Bodlo embroid ered In gold with cap effect of green embroidered la gold. Wld girdle of gold. :.Ot-T, Mr I. n Black eatln fT1rmiiJ wlth'oveMrapa of black tulle and iare j WVAL, Mies Allck-Uanclng frock .f yellow taffrta. tth which nsle hlu trimrnina and lace wer romhln"d. Dt'VAL. Mr. Rugene White rhrmnil lfh triiDirlng of Mack and white lace and let. Riineian tunW or Mack and white Iare. Ef-DRinOE Mr. fanllne-Rlack Jet goan fotnhind with black tulle, re lieved by one large pink roee. ENni.EIl, Ml Mae Bleeveleee dancing frork of ehell pink charmetiee. with t.aque and tanl" draped with pale blue tulle Tape ornamented with c.rytal ami pearl paeementerle. the aame tormina) one aide of the tunic. Corsage bouquet of pink roaebud. F. FIKK. Ml Bunlre Oanary yellow ac cordlan pleated rhlffnn beneath a tunlo made tleorgette etyle and bordered with ratln. Kodlce gathered baby effect fln-i inei itn Jeueiexj peaning. iie glrtlle of eattn. FI-F:iHHMAN, Mrs. H. O. of North I'lalte Clold embroidered rhirfon over cream eiln. wide girdle of burnt ornnire j-atin cauaht with large Jet but terfly. Iiintnond. FOYK Mr. W. J. Black lln charmeuee gown, covered wlih Mack net and 1 rndel th cut Jet. FI:AXK, Mr. HamBlack chiffon velvet con-blued with Mack eattn and touchee of i ll rt reuse. FliV. Mis Alice White i-hlffon over yel low crop de. chine and trimming of filmy lace. Sapphire and pearl. FftV. Ml Anna Turnuolee blue char- me'iee with overdrape cf emliroldVrod bet; no leeve. Pearl and diamond. FKY. Ml Elizabeth leeve!e green chrinene with overdreea of embroid ered chiffon and trimming of Chantllly lace. Pearl and diamond. FRI Ml Ialy J. Panclng frock of white rharmeiiNa with tunic of pink and white spangled chiffon. Hearl. FKV Ml Kthel Rahy blue c-harmeue with Iare overdrr. hodlro of blue chlf ion, decollete. Turquoise and pearl. FltV. Mr. Thoma A. Hlack chrmeue eith beaded tnnic. bodice of Chantllly lace, decollete. o. 0n.ICK. Ml Ida Dancing frock of lce draped over white rhamieuse, lace mantilla. Coraage bouquet of ypllow rose. OlLMOnK,' Mis Amy ..-American Beauty emhruidpred crepe with bodice of filmy ehite lac embroidered in gold. over, drsrie of gold luce end nt. niLVOP.F. Mr. Robert Black brocaded ve'wt with blnck lace , overdress and glidle of. ervstsl 1ce H. HANKJHEN, Mr. John J.-Beautlful gown of oft black velvet and sphinx pall ette. Bodice of allver lace and pa'llet'e. A short po'nted train of Mack velvet hung from the welat over the tlRht. ' short black satin skirt. Th fin ishing touch waa one large green roe. HARDING. Mr. CharlesWhite em broidered crepe de meteor with tunte of gold luce. No sleeve. Diamond. HARPING, Mr. David H. Wisteria crepe de meteor, elaborately trimmed with Chrntlllv Iare. Diamond. HAVENS. Mia Rebecca, of Cincinnati. fiuest of Mies Halcyon Cotton Stmpia a vender crepe de meteor gown, em broidered In gold. HIGBIK. Mrs. Frederick, of Chicago, Guest tf Mr. A. V. Klnaler ftunnlng evening gown of black satin with over drape of silk net heavily studded with nut Jet. Diamonds. HHiBli:. Mlsa Helen, of Chicago. Guest of Mra A. V. Klnslcr Dainty dancing frock of blue elilffo.i marie with ex quisite iver lace tunic. HODDES. Mis ftvhll. r Lincoln, Guest of Mra. Hubert Owen -Dancing frock of white charmeuse made with tunic of pink chiffon edged with white fur. Bodice of net. HiKIAN, Mra. Joeptilne. of Memphis, Tenn., guet of Mr. John A. McShano Blck chiffon and Jet over black eatln, trimmed with white lar and rhlne elone. l.arge French pink rose. HOSFORD. Mra. Wlllard D. Black aatln charmeuse with overdress of black Chantllly lace. Bodice ornamented with Jet and lace sleeve. Dancing length. HOWARD, Mrs. W. K. Hose pink aatln, with majestic marquisette In same rhnde over blouse and forming tunic. Rhinestone trimmings. HIFF. Mrs. Ie Kmerald green bro caded charmeuse. with overdreaa of cold lace and velvet girdle. Diamond lbvslllere. Hl'I.L, Mrs. C. A. Black charmeu gown, made wtth draped tunic. Bodic of cream Chntllly lace, with pearl trimmings. IH'NTLET. Mrs. Robert I Emerald green eatln. with Irldesoent Jet and all ver tunlo, dancing length. Corsage bou quet of meteor rose. J. JARDINH, Miss Josephine Empire gown of pink erepe de chine. Diamonds. JARDINE. Miss Ruth Dancing frock of while voile, with trimming of pink satin ribbon. Arm bounuct of Killarnev rosea. JARDINE. Mra Walter Imported cream lac model trimmed In black. Tunic of beaded net and lace. JORDAN. Miss Laura-Pink chiffon gown with trimmings of duchess lace. JORDAN. Mrs. R. C Creem colored silk with tunlo of beaded chiffon. JCDHON. Mra. Frank W Attractive model of white lace mad Russian tunic effect over pal blu charmeuse. K. KEATING. Mis Helen Draoed nn af blue crepe meteor, with trimming of oiaca velvet etuaoen witn rhtnaatone. KEATING. Mra. Henry Otlv green charmeuse evening gown trimmed with marten fur and gold lace. KEKLINE. Mra. Arthur Blaborata eve ning gown of cloth of gold draped from tha ahouldera and over thla a second drupe of dainty brocaded chiffon run with allver and gold thread. Royal blu "ivn anoiuner straps ana a French bouquet of blue corn flower at tha lft shoulder gave an attractlv color effect Diamond lavalier. Gold arlppera and stockings. -KKU,Y. Mra. Ida M.. of Davenport. la. or Miaa liora Alexander Ml green and coral verbana eree with over-tMape of Chantllly lace caught up wtth pearl and rliliieston ornament. Ostrich feather headdresa Bouquet of Enalish teg rose. Diamond KENNEDY', Mr. J. A. C.-trlking gown of midnight blu charmeuse with bodice of chiffon and Irldesoent trim ming. Draped tunic of iridescent lac nd girdle of cloth of gold. KENNEDY", Mra. T. K.-PInk charmeuse dancing frock with bodice and tuaio f cream lace. KTNPLER. Mrs. A. V -Dancing froe of blue chiffon, with tunlo of silver doth, the bodice of tulle and chiffon, band embroidered. KIPLlNGlClt. Mr. E E.-Gobelin blue brocaded chiffon velvet with tunlo of gold lace. KIPLING BR, Mra. O. P. Russian tunlo of black net and lace over pale blue chamenee. Wld girdle of two-toned blue velvet. American beauty mae. MRKGNDAIJi, Mr. T. P. Tunlo of P ogled lace and Irtdascent sequin over blue chiffon velvet. Bod lew eouare- cut d ornamented with Jot. Dancing lenfctm Kt)l"NTZF Mrs. Herman Handaoma evening gown of pink brocade In rose design run with allver thread. The bodic and aleeves of metal laoa and riesh colored tulle. The bodic was hand embroidered in Iridescent brads. Diamond brooch and nocklaca L. LAKE, Mra. Frederick Black tulle eve niug gown with long Ruaatan tunlo of .lull and rhinestone trimminga LA RtAVA, Mra. Mary K , of St Paul. Minn., Uueat of Mlea Dora Alexander Gold embroidered chiffon over white charmeuse with pearl and rhiaeeton trimming Aigrette hair decoration. Ann bouquta of Baamond rosea. Dia mond, LEVY, Mra Eugene, of Uncoln. rural of Mra Herman Rehfeld Pale blue ore. pa de meteor with overdrap of Chantllly lace. Arm bouquet of American Beauty roee. Diamond. LTNKBCKU. Mlaa Katherlna Cream taf feta with trimming of cream lac em broidered In pale green. LORD. Mr. U M Handsome gown of hlack aatln charmeua with tunic and bodice of Chantllly lac and trln-mlaga of let. Dlamonda. LOCI.. Mlas Kate, of Pprtngfletd. ' Til. : guest of Miaa Margaret Baum White aatin dancing frock with evwdrea of embroineraa cnirron. LOVE, Mra. A. J Attractive dandng gown of pink broraled aatln wit over drap of embroidered net, M, MAGES, Mia Louie, of Chicago Dainty whlt hand-embroi dered act vwnlng rown. wl'h full chirred ektrt made over -.. A.vnr.Pirm, ire. cmma iy.irn n ' i tulie. en train, hand- omely embroidered In chrysanthemum of gold arid silver over sliver and black satin, with fringe to match embroidery. Cnrsar bouquet of p irple orchlda and till of the valley. Diamonds. aCANDELBERG. Mrs. Joe Violet crep de meteor with trimmings of eelf-toned velvet. She wnre eatln Upper to match and white aigrette In her hair. Cor sage bouquet of Sweat peas. MAN LEY. Mrs. Robert H. Cream lace gown with bodic of turquols blue silk velvet. MANTEL, Mrs. Nathan Turquoise blue crepe de meteor, with elaborately bro caded basque. Diamonds MB1HATH, Mr. G. W. Black Chantllly lace gown over white satin foundation. I Mamond. METZ, Mrs. Arthur OrrhM colored silk chiffon, whlt lace overdrape". Dia monds METZ, Mrs. Charles Gown of pink tulle over pink satin mad with draped tunic, bodloo of the tulle with iridescent trim mings. M KY ICR. Mr. John F. Imported model of royal purple brocaded chiffon velvet, aith girdle of allver cloth snd trim ming of silver lace. MICK. Mr. W. H. Heliotrope eatln with point la"e bodic and trimming of pearls and small French roses MoLOXF.'V, Mr. Charles B. Gray satin veiled In Spsnlsh lac, metallic lace bodloe with touches of pink trimming. MOORE. Mr. Nancy J.-White satin charmeuse with tunic .of black lace, bodice elaborately trimmed with Jet and white luce embroidered in gold, en train. MOORHEAD, Mi-Harley G Apricot colored rhamieuee, bodlre of white lace with rhinestone trimmings; skirt made with lac tunic. MtRPliV. Miss Helen-Pimple dancing frock of rose pink chiffon and tulle made dancing length. MI'RFHT, Mrs. M R.-Rlack charmed with overdress of black tulle and Jet trimmings. Mc. MACKAY. Miss Esther of Minneapolis, guet. of Mra. O. D. KIpllnKer bieeve leae dancing frock of pink satin with overdrape of imported figured chiffon. Broad girdle of pink satin and trim ming of lece and pink satin ribbon. MACKAY. Mrs. II. B., of Minneapolis, guest of Mr. O. D. Kipllnger Hand some, black aatln charmeuse, with long Russian- tunic of imported lace. Jet ornament. M'OONNKLL. Mrs. A. B. Elaborate gown of yellow satin brocade made with deep flouncing of Alencon lace, banded on left side with rich brocade. Hodlrv of lHCe with Irldescont trimming and studded with rhlnestones. Girdle of blue lavender chiffon velvet. Mrs. Ward rose buds. M DBRMOTT. Mrs. B. A.-r.ile blue charmeuse, overdrape of blue and allver Iridescent lace. Hla.-k aatln Birdie re lieved with one American Beauty rose. M'ORKW, Mrs. Roa.-oe. of Fort' Steel, guest of Mr. C. F. McOrew Male chlf. fon tunic over white satin, with bodice of Span ten lace, and trimmed with marten file KM IJENRY. Mr. Amsnda. of Chicago guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Black mac k chiffon evening gown over emerald green embroidered slip, trimmed with heavy black Ince. M KAT, Mr. W. M.-Pink sstln gown with flounce of lace over the satin, bodice of cream lace and net trimmed with pink aatln roses M MARTIN. Mr. Charles-White chiffon j with a deep border pf pink roes over ! 4pie green tnrreta, wide girdle of pale blue panne velvet. Pearl. M'BHANF,. Mr. John A. Wore one of the most beautiful gown of white atln trimmed with wide banda of opalegoent trimming. The bodice win of pale, pink and a wreath of apple blooms and green foliage around the waist waa fas tened at the side with one large pink rose. Diamond and pearl. MVANN. Mr. E. J.-Blaek brocaded charmeuae with bodice elaborately beaded with crystals. N. NARIT. Mr. Louis Charles Dainty eve ning frock of pink silk tulle with draped tunic. The bodice and tunic hand embroidered In Iridescent beads. ,?S; MrB- Leonora Dietx-Parlstan i.Tt??' ."hp" plnk "atln charmeuse wtth Russian tunic and bodice of silk mull embroidered In crystal trimmings. WTrS-Jf5 bo"Hict of pink rose. FIRMAN. Mrs. Chester-Gown of cream Tm eo.r rrP- draped bodice of Chan ,J1.e trimmed In whit rosebuds and lilies of the vallev. NORR1S Miss Welt ha, Ottumwa. la.. guet of Mrs. Charles Black-Gown of yellow pussy-willow taffeta made with whlt chiffon tunic, tunic edged with brown martin. 0. O'BRIEN. Mr. D. J Cream lace robe with overdress of hand-embroidered chiffon and trimming of pink satin roses. O'BRIEN. Mrs. T.' J. Attractive evening rw0"! .I-,,'k J1 over black charmeuse. O BR1EN. Miaa Willow White lace gown over canary yellow satin. ORKIN. Mra Max Black brocaded vel- ' vet with trimming of heavy lac and pearls. Amerlcin beauty rosea. ORKIN. Mis Rose-White satin with overdress of black tulle. Corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds. OWEN. Mra. Hubert W hite French crepe made with draped tunic, white lace bodice embroidered with pearls. Cor aage bouquet of orchids P. PAGE, Mrs. Walter T.-PInk chiffon gown made dancing length, with bodic and tunlo of blue and gold embroidered cnirfon. PAXTON. Mi Jame L.-Wbite satin gown mad with basque of brocadod gold; klrt draped with long tunlo of gold laoa. PETERS M rs. A. D. Green chiffon. ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. 414-416-418 South 16th Street The Special Reduced Prices We're Offering on Golden Wax Dining Room Furniture are Examples of the Savings to be Had Here on Furniture of All Kinds $55.00 Golden Wax Buffet.' $42.50 $25.00 Golden Wax serving table S17.50 $98.00 Golden Wax Buffet $69.00 $1 6.50 Golden Wax serving table . S10.00 $43.00 Golden Wax China closet. .$29.00 $53.00 Golden Wax China Closet. .$33.00 $52.00 Golden Wax China Closet .. $37.50 $11.50 Golden Wax Dininc- chair s nn Com In and see tbeae and the Sale Cav - - - 1 of oampie I ORCHARD & WILHELM CO., white Iare tunle end bodice. Pearl neck-lce- PKTERS. Miss Dsphne Gown of pink pueT-wlllow taffeta with overdress of white lace. White tulle bodice. Rose buds PETER. Mis Gladys Dancing frock of flesh-colored charmeuse drsped with certse-emhroldered tunic trimmed with pesrls and silver lace. PETKRS, Mr. M. C Exquisite gown of silver brocade and silver lao draped over white satin. Garnltur of French flower. Diamonds. PH1LBIN. Mrs. P. H. Oown of black velvet with trimming? of cut Jet. Dia mond ornament. PICKENS, Mrs. Charte H Handsome aoft, black silk, with bodlo of black lace over pale blue, ornamented with cut let. PRF.DMESTKY. Mr. B. Embroidered chiffon over white satin, trimmed with pearla and ermine. Diamonds. PR EGLER Mis Mae Electric blue French crepe de chine, with trimmings . of silver lace andlnk rosebuds. REDICK, Mrs. W. A. Imported model of white hand-embroidered . net over white charmeuse. RKKH Mra. Samuel. Jr. Gold-colored chiffon embroidered with silver. Fes toon of pearl formed the trimmings. REHFELD. Mr. Herman Hlsck char meuse gown, elaborately trtmmd with point lace. Diamond. REHFELD. Mla I-ena Gown of ren.1 Brussels lace over shell pink charmeuee. Corsage bouquet of La France rosea. RKTONLD.. Miss Ella Sapphire blue charmeuse with waist and trimmings of white shawdow lace. American Beauty roses. RING WALT. M1S Dorothy Dancing, frock of pink charmeuse with tunic and bodice of Chantllly lace. ROGERS. Mrs. Effie R.. of Little Rock. Ark., Gueet of Mies Dora Alexander Tortoise blue rostume of imported crepe with inserts of Chantllly lace. Ostrich aigrette In the hair. Arm bou quet of carnations. Diamonds. ROSENBLATT. Mlsa Caaale of Raltl more, guest of Mrs. Max Orkln White ' lace gown QY4 flesh-colored satin, made basque effect, with trimmings of rhine stone. Kfllnmey rose. BOSENSTOCK. Mi Hedwig Shadow lace gown over white aatln; bodice of blue chiffon, with trimming of pink; angel 'sleeves. Orchids. RUB EL. Miss Mildred Rose rink char mcuse with overdreaa of chiffon, wide girdle and trimming of Chantllly lace. Corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds. s. SADLER. Miss Kitty of London, England, guest of Mrs. C. N. Diets A beau tiful evening gown of dainty pink satin, with overdress of hand embroidered chiffon of the same ahade. SAN FORD, Mlas Dorothy qf Lincoln, guest of Mrs. Cheater Nleman Gown of pale green chiffon, overaklrt of accordion-pleated net, trimmed in tiny rosebuds. SANFORD, Miss Genevleye of Lincoln, guest of Mr. Chester Nleman Ollv green gown made with basque effect of light green net. Basque trimmed in pink rosebuds. SCANNELL, Mrs. R. J. Gown of pal vellow crepe de meieor, mad with lav ender chiffon tunic. Royal purple girdle. SHOLBS. Mr. D. V.--Long Russian tunlq. of black silk net over black satin with bodice ornamented with cut Jet En tinlne. PHOT WELL, Mrs. Franklin A. Black not embroidered In velvet over white satin, with old gold butterfly train. Bodic seml-bssquc effect trimmed In black let butterflies. White aatln slippers, trimmed with Jet butterflies and a spray of white paradise In the hair. SILVER, Mrs. Walter G. Toupe silk with long tunic, embroidered In orange. The bodice made of white shadow lac and tulle. SI AiM AN. Mrs. Cora of Detroit Black satin charmetlse with overdress of hand embroidered net. Bodice, surplice effect with long sleeve of net. Pearla. SIOMAN, Miss Dorothy, of Detroit Sleeveless gown of baby blue chiffon and lace, with flounce of lace forming the tunic. Bodice, surplice eneci oi lace. American Peatuy rose. PI08BlRO. Mrs. J.. Jr. Irldesoent black lace robe over white chiffon and black Swiss satin. Trimming of let ornament and spangled butterflies. Diamonds. SMITH, Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Black satin gown, with beaded underskirt; overdress of tulle; high brocaded bodice. Diamond necklace. SPAIN, Mis Olive Dancing frock of yel low taffeta, with trimming of Chantllly lace SPAIN, Mrs. W. G White aatln gown, with tunic of black brocaded chiffon and trimming of Jet. SQUIRES Mrs. Ella Beautiful evening gown of rose and gold brocade over underskirt of gold lace. The bodica waa formed of metal lac and tulle em broidered in brilliants. Diamond brooch and lavalier. STEIN, Mrs. Carl Black satin evening gown, made with overdrape of black beaded net, held In place at the shoul ders with silver lace and caught at watet line with a larse red roae. Neck lace of nearls. STEEL, Mr. Harry O. Rfack chantllly lace over shell pink taffeta. Trimminira of Jet and band embroidered gold lace. SI LLIVAN, Mrs. J. .1. Whlt satin even ing gown, draped with black lace, with crystal trimming. SWORE. Mr. Edwin T.-Electrle blu brocaded charmeuse; '.unlc of ahadow lace with allvtr trimming. Bodice em broidered with psnsloa and pink roses. T. TANNER. Mr. J. M White and gold drop skirt, with tunio of imported flowered chiffon cloth and trimming of gold lace. Girdle of amber beaded bands. Diamonds. TAY'LOR, Mr. Frank Gown of whlt chiffon, embroidered In biack. Trimming ef let and Spanish lace. THOMSON. Mlea Jane of Chicago. Guest of Mrs. Charles Harding Parisian crea many other eanallV att many other, equally attractive. V a ibace curtains niu knd Of AHA. htr at4 ika Im Af a Aain on Saturday vre offer the samples and two and throe-pair lots left from the week's heavy selling of lape cur tains. These are bona fide reductions on beautiful imported curtains. The conflict abroad discourages all hope of filling in present patterns and ce cannot afford to accumulate small lots. For example $1.60 Scrim Curjalni. pair . tS.SO Cluny Curtain, pair ....... ..... ...... St 7 !iS UC!leM Curtain, pair $2.95 aid 82.50 $8.76 Ducheeg Curtalna. pair ...7....... R4 Ks fit. 60 Lacet Arabian Curtaing. pair ll $46.00 Prlneena Curtain, pair $150 Window Shades Saturday Dyed Opaque Shade. C ft. and 7 ft- Ion 25 n.l CO Oil Opaque Shades. 6 ft. and 7 ft. 40 45 tion of rcl lre and Bonne emb-oldery over net, artistically combined with pur ple tulle and clematis. ToWLK. Mrs. Hoss H. Charming pink satin evening Bown, m.?de with draied tunic. Bodice mid tunic trimmed In sil ver lace. TREAT. Miss Marian, of Cheyenne, guest of Mrs J. D. Weaver Dancing frock of pink chnnneuse. trimmed with Cliantlllv l-e. Diamonds. TRINDER, Mr. Gown of yellow satin charmeuse. skirt made with draped tunic. Girdle of black velvet. u. UXVERZAGT. Mra H. G.-Black crepe d chine with jverdrewa of Chantilly lace. Bodice and sleeve of point Ince. Corsage bouquet of La Franc rose. Diamond. ITT) I KB. Mra. N. R Attractive gown of white lace. Corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds. w. WALLACE. Mrs. Maud A. Near pink gown with pleated tunic of chiffon. Bodlre of silver lace with de Medici collar. En train. WAPPICH. Mrs. W. T.-Black satin gown. Chantilly lace tunic and bodice. Black satin girdle. WATTLES. Mrs. Gurdon W. FToulstte evening town of black brocaded velvet en tralne, made with white lace and tulle bodice over flesh-colored net. the bodico elaborately band embroidered In iridescent bead. Crirsage of French red roses. Her Jewels were a benutlful col lar of penrls and diamonds and a neck, lace to match. WEBSTER, Mrs. John Potter-DanclnR frock of pale green charmeuse, with trimming of French rosebuds. Anrel sleeves. WEIK. Miss Ednn Turquoise blue Paris ian silk, with lodlce of gold lace caug'it at the hack with laree gold butterflv. ..Xi'.ni'ur,l'ed wltn lB,'e. No sleeves. WELLS. Mrs. P. A.-Whlte satin char meuae with overdress of blue chiffon. Beadl tunic with iewelcd girdle. WEST. Mrs. George F.-Black crepe de chine with overdreaa of black chiffon. Bodice ombrobkred in blue and gold. EST, Miss Henrietta Simple dnnring frock of white chiffon and lace. Bodice of shadow lac and net. KUlarney rose. WHEELER, Mrs. W. H. Stunning even ing gown of orchid satin charmeueo with overdress of purple tulle. WHITE. Mrs. Vlctor-Ulack crepe de meteor gown, with bodice and tunic of white Chantllly lace. WHITE. Mis Louise Dancing frock of apple green crepe de chlno with over dress of dainty white lace and trim mings of crystals. WHITMORK. Mrs.. A. P.-Black char meuse witn bodice and tunlo draped with tulle. Iridescent trimmings. WILSON. Mrs. George T. Apricot pussv willow taffeta with trimmings of black panne velvet. Skirt draped with deep flouncing of gold and black net. Dan cing length. WOOD, Mrs. Ben B. Lavender chiffon brocaded with silver; bodice and tunic of silver lace and crystals, with girdle of cloth of allver. Diamonds. WOODS, Miss Eugenie, Lincoln, guest of Mrs. F. S. Owen Cloth of gold, with overdrape of white tulle. Corsage bouquet of red rosebuds. y. TATES, Mrs. Henry W. Handsome black lao robe over wJiite satin charmeuse. Diamonds IOUNG. Mrs. G. A. Dainty evening gown of Imported pompadour silk trim med with flesh colored tulle and shadow lace. BARK ALOW, Mr. Dentse Dancing frock of shaded bronze satin with draped tunic of tulle and lace. Bodice of lace and Irldcaoent trimmings. BARKER, Mra. Joseph Y ellow tulkj and chiffon bodice and tunic draped over yellow charmeuae and wld girdle of velvet of the earn shade. BRADFORD. Mrs. D. C Exquisite gown of white radium velvet; shirt draped In the Grecian line and caught at the hip with green French roae; sleeveless bod ico of Iridescent soqulnos. From the shoulder hangs a cape of tha Iridescent equlnce. BURGESS. Mr. Ward Handsome rob of ecru lace over satin. BYRNE. Mlas Ruth Charming dancing . frock of orchid shade of French faille mad with the new circular fulV skirt over tight-fitting littl skirt of pink chiffon, lace and rosebuds. The bodic was made with the long waist or Move nag design edged with silver galloon bands. The upper part of the bodice waa of allver and tulle with straps of . silver over the shoulders. Tulle drapery waa caught at tho shoulders with French rosebud and crossed in tho back, being caught at the left aide of tho akirt with a French roae and the other end of th tull tied at the left wrist. CALKINS, Mr. Clifford Yellow radium silk with tunic of burnt orange chiffon, beaded with pearls and trimmed with marten fur. COMBS, Mrs. T. L. White, lace tunic over roaa-tlnted crepe de chlno. Bodico of net and lace. Dancing length. COTTON. Mrs. Ben Black evening gown mad with long waist or Moyenage style wtth full Russian tunic of Jet. DIETZ, Mrs (Jo.ild White satin gown with tunic of white spangled lace. Bod ice made of callot net and the spangled lace. Striking girdle of white ssUa brocaded in gold. . i OA IT V RE A I ", Misa Clair Attract dancing frock of white oatin charmeuae with overdress of white chiffon and trimming of crystal lace, Bodic en tirely of crystal lac and no sleeves. Wld gird I of rose velvet and corsage bouquet of American beauty roses. HAMILTON. Mrs. Fred Charming rose pink velvet gown In th flowing Grecian lines with overaklrt of rose pink tulle. Trimming of self-toned bends and lace. Sleeveless and dancing length. Rose pink slipper to match. $22.50 For a $30 Golden Wax Table Similar to this cut. with a plain ped". eetal: should b seen to be fully ap preciated; selected figure, wax fln iah, 4 8-ln. top and -ft. rn extension .0U nn..,, a-. sale: of rugs Monday on the Kocond Moor. Watch Sunday paperg for the full announcement of this aale. It will offer savings that no one hav ing a rug need can afford to overlook. 414-416-418 South 16th Street