11 RYAN DON'T LIKE GARDEN SO HE DIGS IT ALL UP not finding the fardan te hia Main. ourd a iad and etartM to tnaaaa tha same. After twrivt hour of un remitting toll ha wu waylaid fry a pass ing policeman, brought to po"c head qnartert and locked up charged with digging under falsa pretenaea. ASK PAY FOR HARSH TREATMENT ON SHIPBOARD Mtndcl and Chlfra, Plend. who recently Immigrated from ' Bremen to timeha, hara brought ar.tt In dlatrlct court aiatnM the Outrard Str-amahlp company for dam- aKes for allege,! harvh treatment of them on. board h.v. The company Inelnted on payment of an additional T3. It agenti called them name and the plaintiff were d only dry bred and JUy on the ahlp, tliey complain to the court. They are aMlns- for $l.x and 12. VJ, repK-ttYl NOONDAY CLUB ADDRESSED BY SUFFRAGE WORKERS Munaoii of Kanen. official, orgmlier, m the principal cpenker. She prmmtM the ran of auffraK and lallintn It w'th her moil fnrniMal'lt array of argil nienta. Othr auffrlt who wre prc nt with her at the meeting were Mia France Oravea, Mrt. C W. PundcrlanJ, of Ciinnha, who hn wrltiea murh on tha euhjert of auffrsf. Mike Ryan mttl the rrotinda sur rounding a varant hnuaa at 3410 Lincoln boulevard sometime Thursday night and It aomrtMng of a woman if- fratre meeting the N'oon.lny cliih held at the Commercial club room. Mm. M B. lire rrailcrs are loo mtell'gent to over look the opportnnlllea In the "wflnt ad" otlumna They re worth whlla reading. Friday, October 9. 1814- -EURGES3-NASH COKPANY- -STOKE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- BURGE33-NASH COFEPANY- Sixteenth and! Harney Streets AME SMEATEST VALUE IN TAIL THK HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, CH TOHKU 10, WU. HEME TEE ME SUIT S Beys' Fforiiolk Suits .With Two Pairs of Pants tfaturday, $4.98 H ERE'S ment one of ou Ibe the best values In boys' suits this big. cheery depart- 4th floor has offered for a long time. They are French Norfolk effect, all wool cheviots, cassimeres, and merges In blues, grays. browns and tartan plaids. Trousers are peg top, full lined and all seams taped and double stitched. Tho price, 94.93. BOYS SUITS AT $8.60 The latest style Norfolk effect in cheviots, easslmerea and worsteds, all tba neweet pat terns. The trousers are cut full, lined through out and all seams reinforced. BOYS SUITS AT $7.80 Distinctly different from the kind usually shown at this price. They are tailored to the highest point of perfection and come In the sea son's most wanted styles, materials and patterns. BOYS' BALHIACAAN OVERCOATS AT 86.00 TO 812.60 . Sizes 3 to 10, fancy cheviots In a variety of pattern.v Tho xaf st popular overcoat for boys of the season. A complete showing of boys' furnishings and hats at popular prices. FREE A nickeled saving bank, pocket slz with erery porciiaae in this section Natnrrlay. Bnxraas-iraah Co. JPonrtlj Floor. You'll. Want On, of These Leather Eaimdl Bags Saturday at $11.00 THEY are all leather and the styles are so varied it is almost impossible to describe them. Novelty bags, with three or four fittings and panier handles, staple bags that are handy for shopping. They have coin purse and mirror, some silk lined, others leather lined, German silver, nickel, silver and leather covered frames, exceptional values. Bnryaa-lTafrti Co. Main Tloor. A INTRODUCING: SILK HOSE for Women " . at $L00 NEW pure dye silk hose for wo men, full fashioned, full regular made, high spliced heel, dou ble sole with wide welt tops. This hose was made specially for BurgesB Is'ash, and is tha equal of iiaHttes at -Ttntrctt higher prices. It is guaranteed by the manufacturers as to Its wearing qualities ' All thefavored shades including pearl, slate, medium gray, smoke, suede, maize, cham pagne, taupe, gold, new fawn,' Alice blue, sky, china blue, Copenha gen negro brown, navy, dark , bronze, bronze, olive green, Russian green, apple green, emerald green, cardi nal, pink and flesh, also black and white. Bargass-Vaab Co. Mala Tloor. Neckwear, 2 S c WOMEN'S dainty organdie and pique roll collars, organdie vestees, flat collars, "Peg "O' My Heart" linen- collars, at, choice, 26c. Also Cuff Sets, 25c. Bnryaa-Waaa Oo, Mnin Tloot. RIBBONS, 2 S c ALL silk ribbons, 6 inches wide, including satins, fancy prints, plaids, Roman stripes, etc. A remarkable as sortment at, yard, 25c. Bnrgaaa-Waah Co. Main Tloor. STATIONERY 23c OX stationery, pretty novelty boxes In new shapes and shades, also correspondence cards, slightly soiled from display, 60c values 23c. FRESH' CUT ROSES, 2c ALSO carnations, long stem, as sorted colors and white, spe cial ' at Gut Flower section, each 2tf. Baryass-Waah Co. -Main Satepa Vktrolas, Victor Records No home is complete without a Vlctrola to brighten it. Remember, no Victor dealer can undersell us. Bnrceaa-Waah Co. 4th Tloor. WOMEN'S rSHOES Hot Piress ot Stiret Wear, 53eo A WONDERFUL line of -shoes for both dross and street wear in all of the new: est styles and every one possessing that much sought quality of comfort; made from patent, calf and vici kid leathers, with very flex- soles and full Louis, Spanish and Cuban Come in and let us fit you with pair especially designed for your feet. Kisses & Children's School Shoos Button shoes for school wear In patent and gun metal leathers, with flexible sewed rock oak soles, broad and medium toe lasts, perfect fitting and very comfortable. Misses' siw 11 H to 2, per pair, . t-hlWren's aire, ifH to 11. per $2.25 to $2.75. I Pair, $2.00 to $2.60. Borrase-Baab Co. Mala rioor. SATOMBAYlALE PURE t.1. IV "7 y-rK&r-s demi .-.VZ- heels PETUGS AND TOHLE.T! KeU NapOut, 10 rakes for . . 30c Rafety Matchea, 300 1 " . . . lie i Jap Rose Soap, VJtti. Mpli, ck Ic I 8 cakes for le Electric Spark Soap, 8 cakes. . 2Ac WlllUms Shaving Soap Sjinl-FliiMh, can . . 1 Tc Toilet Goods Canthrox, for sham poo, 60c slxe . . .20c Wyeth's Saj;e nl Sul phur, 50c nU ...37c Peroxide cream, 2oc Ljs ..He Plnaud't t41ac' Toilet Water 04c D'Jerklss Face Pow- dar ...... Ooo Monoxide Tooth Pow der, lit slse . . . .lc Isabella's Face Pow der, 50c slse . . . ,Soc Pompelan Massage fream, 70c sice ..49c Mennen's Talcum Powder 12c Java Rico Powder 43c Jap Roae'Talcum Pow der 1 lc Rubber Goods Rubber Gloves, 60c kind lc Hot Water botUe. 76c kind v Fountain Syringe, 76c kind . .40c Combination Syringe, 11.76 kind ft Patent Kedicinea Jad Baits, 75c site o4c Syrup of Figs. 60c slse 20c Llsterlne, 11 size 67e Beef, Wine and Iron. $1.00 sise r42c Duffy's Pure Malt, 11.00 sire 73c Esgle brand Milk 12c Horllck's Malted Milk, 13.60 slse ....92.74 miscellaneous Seldllts Powders, 26e pkg 14c Sodium Phosphate, 60c site 20c Chloride Lime, 1 pound 13c Johnson's Floor Wax, 1 lb 8tte Liquid Veneer, 60c slse 37c Household Ammonia, 1 quart 13c 20-Mule-Tsam Borax, I lb. Oc Toilet Paper, 10c rolls, 4 for 2-V Toilet Paper, crepe finish 6c rolls 8. .2Ac CHarla Hair Brushes, The Winni3ni S mate Haw OfSpdl t Them TMs Saigini Every Garment Strictly High Class and of the Very Latest Models Sample lines purchased from several of New York's foremost designers and manufacturers at 25 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent under the regular price. That's the way we offer them to you Saturday. Mad Theo Dafaity VOILE BL0UE Are UiminniatclhLabl Vatoes atoirday at $1.00 HV ViV) could placo thoso blouses in your lkvue just to sliow you what rrniarknblc viiluo tbov arc you woulil lio lion bright and oarly Saturday, oaor to hharo in tho offorinsr. Thrro are aevfral very pretty aiylos, Inrl pile blousea with rinliroltlcrcd plqtu collar and cuffs to nintch. Penii-tsllorril lnwn Moufes wltl) colored ed collar and cuffs and vest, flnlslW v. UU pearl buttonn. Klgurnil voile Mouses with pretty R atrlrod collar. t)tlier styles In lawn and voiles, trli with lace and embroidery, verv sporlnl choice. J1.00. Barfaaa-STaah Oo. Boood rioor. 0,nan Kii at. 'AN of the suits are duplicatos at tho most favored imported niodols suits that aro the very richest of the season's oolonns, that, have the most effective trimminirs anl are the most sought for-'styles. We've never showu such a group of suits that even approached those in desirability, choice from a wonderful assortment, every color, every style and every material, scarcely two alike, all in three great groups:. Tailored SUITS 10- JjMT EWEST styles, Including the InI Redingote model, 45 Inches long, made of poplin, serge and various desirable weaves, elegantly tailored and finished throughout, all the new shades. Tailored SUITS at $1050 HUNDRED or. 'more of the newest Fall models in broad cloths, poplin, gabardine and men's wear serge, long or short coat mod els, trimmed with ornaments and velvet buttons, colors and black, urf.sa-iraah Co. Coond rioor. Tailored! SUETS TUTANDSOME models of Imported iwi broadcloth, gabardine, poplin, combination of broudtall fur trim med and velvet ornament. Many of them duplicates of imported models. Black, green, navy, brown, plum. Umril at That Are Eegnnlair $3-00. Bm, $(B-80 and $7-60 atas 81.00 CHOICE A LUCKY purchase from one of the fore most wholesale milliners in the country. An untrira med hat offering of unpar alleled bargain importance. 1.60 kind Wc Burgeas-Vasa Co. Mala rioor. isBurffess-Naab Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney rpHKRK'S a style and a shape to suit every feature. Black and colors, velvets, velours, etc. Made to sell for $3.00, $5.00, $f).50 and $7.50, choice $1. "HurtBookolOc u NCLUDIN'O a big aisort- ment of books for boys and girls, also novels that were priced 50c and $1.00. Books that have become soiled and marred from handling and display, ohoioo 19c. BaTfaas-'aali Co STila rioor. Bnrg.a.-Haah Co. oond Floor. FURNACE SC00P3 SATURDAY at 30c .25c GQOD size, substantial quality, Coal Kods, 28c Galvanized Coal Hods, large size, at Steel Range $24.78 Extra quality Buck's steel range, special Saturday $24-75 at Oak Heaters $4.78 Oak pattern, Coal Heaters, all prices up from very special at 39c Wash Tubs, 60c Galvanized Wash Tubs, extra large, SiK Washing Ka'hln'a $7.(38 "lilg 3" Waohlng Ma chines, Saturday at f7.0A Aarr.aa-ITaah CoBimaji. Burgess-Nash Company WOKEN 3 $1.00 AND $1.28 KID GL0VE3 IN A SALE SATURDAY AT80c : : HERE are about RO dozen In the lotone or two claap style, kid, cape, niocua, cnaiuois ana sueun, black, white and col ors, slightly mussed from display, $1 and f. 25 values, at pr KID GLOVES AT $1.26 PAIR Women's kid, washable doeskin, silk lined mocha and Kngllsh walking gloves, including all the best shades for fall wear. Every pair fitted perfectly to the band, pair, $1.25. CHAK0ISETTE GLOVES AT $1.00 PAIR Full 16-button length, white afld gray, washable, two pearl fast eners, sites 5V4 to 8, y. K. sewn. . Bnrrasa-MaaU Co. Main rioor. SATURDAY CHOCOLATE Day, 29c Lb. 66TC VERY DAY la candy day at 11 nurgess-Nanh." Candy It's pure, that's sure" Take a box home with you. Chocolate crenms, bitter sweet, special, pound !2o Caramels, cream nut, assorted flavors, pound " a.V; renochl, fresh, made right in the department, very appcial, lb. 2C orv.as-iraab Co. Baa.m.nt. SATURDAY IS HICKORY DAY HEX we feature chil dren V 1 1 ick ory " ga r tcrs at 15c and 2')? the pair. PJJEE A good school tablPt of note size paper with ev ery pair of children's "Hickory" garters bought here Saturday. Burg-.i.-Naib. Oo. Sotloa S.otlon. ECONOMY BASEMENT WOHIEN'S AND HHSSE3' TAILORED SUITS THAT ARE$"10;8O TO $28.00 VALU23 'At 8H2.9' PTNlIRY'RE a bic inakers' cnmnlo il line that's the reason for such wonderful values. Made in a variety of fine material, broadcloShS. fancv weavea. a-ahardlnAn. wool poplins, etc., in a splendid selection of new shsdes. Every garment the very latest styles for ages 14 to 18 years, and 36 to 40. Womi'i Tail ored Suits To $18 Values At caeo . 'everybody's store' Just 100 of them and at this price they are sure to go out In a hurry. Serges ana fancy weavea .and novelty cloths, in great variety, splen didly, tailored; blue, browns, greens, mix tures andfn black. . . Vnfwa' Women's Me dium Weight Coats, Saturday, $8.86 There's a big range of good styles for se lection, made of light and dark materials and all wool mixtures plulds, checks, etc., all slses for women and misses. We con sider them remark able val- ??Q uesat. . .vflfu. Girls' School Dresses, 49c I $1.08 Petticoats at 00c Stripes and checks in splendid weight materials, also plain col ors; sizes 0 to 14 years; neatly trimmed wfth braid and buttons. Muslin Drawers at 28c Good quality with deep embroid ery flounce or with ruffle fin ished with pin tucks, at . .25 A splendid selection to choose from; all the new shades with deep Roman stripe flounces; pet ticoats that are worth $1.60 f)8 Corset Covers at 26c Fine nainsook with lace or em-., broidery finish at neck or sleeve, special at 25 6-in.Ribbon8l4c All silk, fancy prints, plain satins and taf fetas, wide selection of colors, also black and white. fl yfl special, yd...ilH(S Neckwear, 16c Women's neckwear, Including flat collars, vestees, fichus and gulmpes In nets and organdy, spe- fl O clal, each ii QJt) QJ Veilings at 16c Silk mesh veilings, plain and dotted, best colors, black and white, very spe cial, yard. .' ...18c Meim'o 8LS0 and $2 Pknts in the Basememt at 8)Sc TIIK pants are made of cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds Ln medium and dark pat terns, also some blue serge, extra well" made and will stand hard wear. They are excellent pants for every day wear. l0si-f rl tive $1.50 and fc.(X) values, ?)nft(f t Vsf VsS' V Ex ' p. Womoin'e $3 h(D)Q at $1.98 (all shoes ln both dress and street style, made of patent gun metal, kid and tan leathers, flexible welt $fj" 0S wwed solus, button or lace styles; all sizes I . represented; regular $3.00 values, Saturday, II tho pair u MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES - Made ln button and lace styles from gun metal leatiier, oll J sole, good fitting lauts that are roomy and coin fortuble. Sizes 11(4 to t, pair. 81.00: 6 to 8, pair, 81.39 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SCHOOL SHOES Both button and lace styles, made from full weight calfskin, solid soles; good, durable school shoes. Sites 1 to 6tt. pair 81.95 nd 82.25 Sites 9 to ISH. pair 81.39 81.95 Burgeas-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16tb aad Harney.; I i !4