TIIK lEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY. OCTOIiKR 8, 1014. t I X CORN CROP WILL BE BUMPER October Estimate Indicates Increase of 78.000,000 Bushels. IMPROVEMENT IN TOBACCO, TOO Oafs Crop Hum finln of Twmlr' te Milton Itnshrla, Apple Tea Millions anil rotatoes Hlerea Mllllona. WAfTHINOTON. Ort. 7. Stealer rirn crop prospects by 7S.0H5.0OO bushels and Irnt Improvement In tobacco. Increas ing the ronpect of that crop over the forecast In Peptemher ;y K.OOftflnn pounds, were th feature of the Iv partmeni of Agriculture' October crop report, announced today. An Increase of ll.OTO.OOn bushel In the potato crop, 21.onO.imo bushel in the cats crop and lO.oouno bushels In the applo crop also were forecasted. Spring- wheat showed a sllsrht decrease, being tOOO.Ono bushels under the Septem ber forecast, yet the combined 'crop of winter wheat and spring wheat mskc thla year' harvest of that grain a record one. The estimate follows: Spring- wheat. 117,000,001) bushels. All wheat, Kl.onft,0"0 btiahc:i. Corn, l.7r.,000,O00 bushel. ' Oatf, 1.U7.000.000 bushels. Barley. l7,OOO.onO bushels. - ... Buckwheat. 17,000,000 bushels. Whtte potatoes, St,000,f0 biiahela. , PweM potatoea, (16,000,000 bushels. Tobaoco, SM.OOn.orjn pounds. Fla. 17.000,000 bushels. Rice. ,000,fl00 bushels. .., ' Other details announced were: Spring wheat,' Indicated acre yield, 12.1 buahela. Corn Condition, 71. per cent; yield, K.t buahela. Oata Tleld, 29.6 buahela. Barley-Yield. M l buahela. Buckwheat Condition, R3.I per cent; Tleld. 21.S buahela. . White JPotatoa-Condittoo,i 78 per cent; yleli, 102.1 buahela. , flweet Potatoes -Condition, 80.7. per cent; yield, M1 biurtela. , ' " ' ' '' Tobacco Condition, 81,1 per cent; yjeld, 821.1 pound. . i ',-,. , Flas-Codltlon, 77 4 per cent; yield, S.7 buahela. .-' Rice Condition, M per cent; yield," 34.6 buahela. Har-Tleld, 1.42 tone. Applee Condition. 08.1 per cent. The condition and estimated total pro duction (In thouaands baaed on condition figured on the varloua oropa, with the preliminary forecasts of production (In thouaanda of buahela) of oata and aprlQC wheat, followa: CORN. Cond! Produr- tlon. tlon. I Bouth Dakota...., 7 75,000 Nebraska t 67 177,0 Kansas M 07,30 Texas t 13S.4"0 Oklahoma 41 M.fldO Arkanaaa 65 1,W POTATOK8. Iowa 71 n.m Nebraaka 72 D,0iO Colorado ,. HO 10 000 California M ,4uo FLAXSEED., North Dakota 7 7.MW South Dakota 78 J, M0 Montana , W 2,700 UATB, - ELECTED DIRECTOR OF GREAT WESTERN. THE ' A I. i 1 S 11 f V ' -v 7 WATTLES RAILWAY DIRECTOR! Both Service and Quality Rule at House of Menagh Omaha Man on Board of the Chicago Great Western. HE SUCCEEDS F. WEYERHAUSEN Director Hold Meeting; and Re K.lect I'eMon a rrealdent, aa Well aa All Other Officers of the It on 4. The Houae of Mennsh, M12 Karnam atreet, la an Omaha Inetltutton, which hue developed within one year Into a place where home folk like to take vial, tore to ahow them the fine goods, pleae Ing eervlce and up-to-date methoda of the modern ctty etore of the beat claa. Pervtce here It regarded aa almoet aa Important aa quality and quantity of gooda, and Mr. Menagh, the minuter, numlwr of (he rccond group, "The Ould I'lald hhnwl," hlrh won him an eneore. Mr, MncNarrara ban : raiiKO and great power, and a good round tone. He larka a little bit In aplrlte.lneaa and In the mualral hlhliKlta, but he haa great poaalhlllllca ahead of him and hie future appearancea will be awaited with Inter eat. Omaha made the acquaintance uf Mra. Hoffman, aa accompanlat at Madame 9chumann-IIelnk'a laat apraranre. She la delightful, her piano worn being marked by a criapnena and clarity that la In apiilng, and her, accompunlmenta at all tlmea aulting the aentlment of the num ber, and aupportlng the a!rger with good laate and judgment. H. at. r. VISITOR HAS HIS THREE ' KIDS TIED WITH DOG CHAINS One Ak-Hur-npn vlaltor did not pro poae to loae any of hla three children when he brought them to Omaha to ae the paradea. Aa he walked up Farnam atreet paat the city hall, ha attracted considerable attention by having rach of the three children attached to email chaina, atmllar to those uied In leading doga. Be Want Ada Produce) Reeulta. Ourdon W. AVattlea cf Omr.ba la now one of the member of the board of ulrcrtora of the Chlfaoo. Orrat Western lteliroi.il company, having Wn elected ' among a number of other Ideaa worked Tueaday at the annual meeting of the out for the benefit of ouatomera during at. ?ki.o,;, ra of the road, held In ':hl ago. the laat year, haa gone to far aa to In- ttall private aaloarcoma nicely fitted with full length mlrrore, etc., for the benefit of paat, preacnt, proapcrllve or any other k'lid of cuatomera. - Among the prlnclplea the obaervance of whlrh have asalatcd In making The Houae of Menagh "different," la one to the ef fect that clerks are not for the purpoae of prrauadlng to buy something, but to asalet them in choosing what they par ticularly desire. "There are no salespeople In the or dinary use of the word. In this store," aald Mr. Menagh, "They are aides or aa alatanta of cuatomers. When they make a aale and the cuntomur haa left the etore the rtault la not merely that we- have the money but more Important arte haa what ah wants." Ile'aucieeda Fredenrk Vcyciiauaer of Ht. Fan!, the Minneaota lumber mllllon- a re, who Ulrd lant summer. Mr. Wattles has returned from Chicago where o attended the meeting of the Creat Western dlrectora, following the nuvtiiiK of the ' stockholdf ra. The ;if falrs of tne rood are controlled by the eleven directors. They work as coin niltlees and -Mr. Wattle !a a member of acveral of the numtH-r. HaM Mr. Wattlts: "The directtira of the Great Weetern at their annual meeting Tueaday re-elected Freaident Fallon and all the other of ficers of the rend. The annual report showed tiie proiieity to be In good epye Icai condition and Its business and finnncea aallafnrtory. Aalde from receiv ing annual rcprrts, and acting upon them, l.tllo was done at the meeting of the dlreitoru. No action was taken looking to extensions. The road will continue to be maintained In the present splendid condi tion and new equipment will be added aa fast aa It Is required." Political Notes At th-i New York Progressive etata committee meeting at Albany. Theodore Douglass Itoblnaon of Herkimer. nephew of Colonel Roosevelt, was re elected state chairman. The Masxachuaetts prog'eaalve party at Its state convention at Hoaton, declared In favor of national nrohlbltlon. Thi. atand waa taken only after a aharn d'a cuaslon, during which some of the Speak ers hinted that paid representatives of the liquor Intereata were on the conven tion floor. Culls from the Wire The tweny-elghth annual convention of the United Typothetae and Franklin club of America opened at New York. Sheriff Timothy Drlacoll and Mayor Lewis J. Duncan, were found guilty of neglect of their duties In connection with th recent rlota, and removed from office by Judge Hoy K. Ay ere of the Hutte dla Irlct court, after a trial, which lasted more than two week. Burglars Loot Home of Valuable Jewelry Burglars last night looted the home 'of I.. D. Willis, 1002 Bouth Thirty-sixth street, of jewelry valued at 1200. They en tered by cutting a screen over a dining room porch and picking a lock on French door that led to the living room. There is no clue.. Other losses, reported to the police are: J. J. Anderson, 925 South Forty-first street, Jewelry and noveltlea, valued at $160, wera atolen. C, Brome. Stt2 Pacific atreet, $11 and clothing, atolen. 8. K. Btonebraker of Washington, Kan., after an argument with a taxi driver, puree containing 17.96 in chance, missing. Dr. ft. K. Spalding. Twenty-fifth and Charles atreet. clock to hla automobile atolen. ; Inallgeatlea mmd Weak Itomacha. Tak Electric Bitters. It gives a ap petite, strengthens the digestive organs, leaaena the work of liver and kidneys. We and St, All druggists. Advertisement. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Police Justice Disgusted with Efforts to Free Toughs. PRESSURE BROUGHT UPON HIM Whew "Loafer" tieta la Troable Relations anil Friend Make. Attempt to "eeare III Release. Pollre Magistrate Jamea Callanan says when the police arrest loafers who hap pen to have relatives In the city he la pestered by persons who ask that the prisoners be released. The justice said this In reference to the campaign to clean up the pool halt toughs and loafers. It Is said that these pool hall loafers laugh at the police. Among the English speak ing class when a rowdy pinched "his friends" bring pressure to bear for his release. That means that his friends and relations besiege everyone from the mayor down to release the tough. Gener ally the tough gets released and he goes rlht back to the same pool hall. Hxpeet Rig Meat Order. The Cudahy Packing company is dally expecting a huge order of from 2,000,000 to R.000,000 pounds of canned meats and so certain Is th firm of geting the order that already la machinery being installed. Should thla order come, though It will mean the employment of 100 additional men for a period of aix months, and the department may then be made perman ent. C ity Hall to Close. Mayor Hoctor has announced that th City hall will close tomorrow afternoon, In order to permit the city employes to view the daylight Ak-Sar-Ben parade In Omaha. All the ctty employes wilt be given a - half-holiday for that purpose, according to the mayor. There la a great rush to obtain tickets for the shows and paradea. In order to give school children an op portunity to aee tl-e Ak-Sar-Ben daylight parade Thursday afternoon, all school! will close at noun. Honth Omaha Brevities. A daughter waa born to Mr. and Mra Sterling KmeDa of Z71& A street. Tueaday. Cherokee) coal, unscreened, ft 3RJ screen ed, S4.75. South 7. Howland Dum. A Coal. The Merrymakrra' club will give a dancing party thla evening at the Mooee hall at Twenty-fifth and M atreeta. St. Agnea' court No. M9. will meet at the Workman temple. Twenty-fifth and M streeta, Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Office apse for ren in Bee office, 231 N treet. Term reaaonahle. Well known location. Tel. South 27. The aenlor class of the high achool will give a carry-all party this evening, The class will embark In a large transfer wagon for Omaha to see the night parade. The C. W. B. M. of the Christian churrh will meet at the home of Mrs. Sam Shriller, 1314 North Twenty-third atreet. on Friday at 2 p. m. Cadillac and Hupp Firm Has Banquet George Relm, prealdent of the Cadillac company of Omaha, agents for the Cadil lac and Hupmoblle cars, tendered a ban quet at the Rome hotel last night, aa the culmination of dealers' day at the Cadil lac company agency. Frank J. Mooney, aalea manager of the Hurp Motor com pany, and Charles Salisbury, special rep resentative of the mechanVal depaitment, spoke, as did Mr, Relm. "We consider Omaha one of our larg est and most Important distributing points," declared Mr. Mooney in the coura of hla talk. "W know that If our representation In Omaha la capable we are assured of success. We have studied Omaha sines our Inauguration and we know that Omaha Is one of our essen tial centers. "That Is why we are holding thla lit tle meeting. I want to Impress upon each of you dealers that you are selling a car of national popularity and of an en viable reputation. Mr. Relm holds that same enviable reputation or he wouldn't be our representative." Mr. Salisbury spoks on the forty-seven mechanical changes made In th new agency. Four entertainers furnished amusement during th banquet Bee Want Ads Proonce. nesuits. Miller Receive Watch. During the New York-St. Louis double header of September S3, the Kearney, N. J., lodge of Elks presented Jark Miller of the Cardinals with a diamond studded watch fob containing an elk'a tooth. 3rje aNDERBILT "Bof ef "V&AXJTOsf lHA3HAUHBiMgrr. An Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation Summer 9(a PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Marshall of the Mil waukee road, with headquarter at Ma rion, la., Is in th city. Superintendent When Women Suffer. No remedy gives greater relief than Anti-k&mnia (A-K) Tablets in all condi tions generally known as "Women's Aches and Ills." One trial will satisfy any woman that she has at last found the remedy she has so long been look ing for. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are yon distressed after eating? Do yon have nausea when riding in trie cars or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab lets and get instant relief. Csnons A-K Tabltt$ frsor cA Ai Wtonogram, At all DruggUt. Use Beer for tiie lime, Hotel Qob tad Cafe Ariheuxer-Brucia Company of Nebraska OMAHA Roscnfeld Liquor Company Council Bluffs, Iowa DISTRIBUTORS Family Trade Supplied by G. H. Hansen, Dealer -Pnone Deng. 2506 States. ' J To'1 Acre Produc- nem. , .tlon. Iowa Sa.O 111.W7 North PaKola.... ISO i KIM Ar.Uth f a . i n ft -. U Nebraska -. Kansas) ...,.....-. ..': ..... v . W,SJ ; . FH1NU W HEAT.- .ti . Minnesota lO.J 1?T3 North Dakota 11.4 K3.0I9 8outh Dakota , J Washlngtoa i. ............ .....0 ' 21.M0 '' Musio Srbasaaaa-llelak at h Aadltorlaat. , The musical , season, and th iledpath series of . twelve enlertalnrrienta wera both opead most' auspiciously lust eve ning with the reoltal of Madam Hchu-mann-Halnlc at the Auditorium. The building was filled to tut very back rowa, an! It waa only her and there that a vacant sat could be seen In th gallery. The reasons for this were first of alt th great popularity of Madame .Bchumann Helnk herself, and the other th vety reasonable rlce of th' tickets In this Series. It Is almost superfluous to aay that th concert was musically a surcesa. Th program was on whlrh would appeal to popular taste and ytt every number waa good rnuskv. It was leavened with an occasional novelty, and was Interesting In Its arrangement and presentation. Madam Bchumann-Helnk haa often ung la Omaha and her reappearancea are always cordially welcomed. Rhs Is without doubt on of th greatest alngera In th worl4 today. Her art seems even ' riper than In th past. If that be pos sible, and the wonders of her range, tone, and breath control seem almost beyond conception. Each song Is presented with a ear and musicianship that (Ives the well known onos new meaning, and brings th new one before ua In th moat favorabla manner. Her first group opened with "Rextua" by Mosart. which waa given with fervor .and Intensity. Th celebrated recitative and aria from Men detsaohn's fMInt Paul "But th Urd la Mindful of Hla Own." followed, Ita deeply rellgloua sentiment being expressed with th utmost repose and conviction. In the aria from th "Prophet" by Meyer beer, Madame Bchumann-llelnk'a remark, able rang Is brought Into play. It waa given with great UrflmaUo effect, and with aa art which concealed Its taxing demands upon the singer. Her second ' group contained three well known Hchu bert songs of contrasting sentiment, th beauuful "Cradle Bung" by Brahms, "Helmweh." by Hugo Wolf. "Llrbesfrler" by Fell Welngartner, and a gay Bolero" by.ArdHI. Of these "Du Blst die "Huh." the Brahms number, and ths song by Herr Welngartner appealed t specially to th writer. Th last group were Amer can aonga, principally, "Pawn In the Desert." Ger trude Rose, la a highly attractive number with a wonderful climax. "Uood Morn ing Sue," by the gifted Frenchman. leo Dell be, was most daintily and effectively Interpreted. "Hla Lullaby." by Bond and "A Child's Psayer," by Harold, were widely different In thought and each was presented with Ita every shade of meaning clear. Only one' encore waa g've':. "The Rosary." by request. It Is remarkable with how much rase and niufllcianship Madam Schumann Hul.ik sings the dif ficult songs and wh:it a wealth of mean ing and nuance she mi bring forth In the very elrnplest. Her phrasing is on broad lines, and the great extremes of light and shade, whlcn r.b uea at will seem even w'.Ucr at eoxU .successive ap larsjice. E- J.jMacNsmara made h's first ap pearance in Omaha, anJ pleased by th sympathetic timbre of pis voice, and Ita .beautiful lyric quality. He sang two fcfvupa aod did his best work In the last r From Now Till Knd of October 20o Off Marked Prices On All Framed Pictures Brandfiia Picture Dept. Sd Floor We Announce In Advance Three Bis Sales for Saturday. S4.00 to $8 Hand Bags for $2.70 Up to M.00 Umbrellas for. .$1.00 Up to IZ.00 JrUQ. uioves lor. .85c Women 's Misses' and Children's Fall Annarel in a Great Sale Thursday : fL a . Fall and Winter Coats .Women's Fall Suits Slecinl lot of .325 fine tailored suits, in Broadcloth, Serge, Pop lin and Gabardine. New velvet and eilk fur trimmings. Long coats, tunio skirts, Directoire and Kcdingote models. $ 1 C All colors and ssizes lO Special Lot of Fine Suits The new Directoire and Kedin gote models, showing the smart loiif coats and tunTcT! Braid, em-, broidery and velvet trim mings? rGlrdle' effects! All colors and size $1 Big Lot of Fine Skirts A special lot of skirts selected for this sale; made in the new tunic, pleated and. plain, the new combina tions of satins and serges, pretty dressy broadcloths, pop- f 11ns, etc. Slses for me- " dlum and extra stout people Who Wouldn't Buy a Full Supply of Dainty Undermuslins at These Prices? About 400 coats in plush, caracul, Persian mixtures, plaid sport coats, checked college coats, and cheviots and broadcloths. $ 1 A All colors, all sizes " Fine Heavy Coats The new Ural lamb, Arabian lamb, silk plush, heavy mixtures, good heavy novelty cloth, pretty plaids and checks the new long models; the loose and 15 belted backs. All sites. A Great Offering in This New Lot of Coats New Redlngote and Directoire models of decidedly dressy . effects. Wool Plushes in plaids and checks, Silk Per sian Lambs, Saltex Plushes, Novelty Mixtures, big swagger coats for street and auto wear, pretty plush and fur trimmed - broadcloths, black and colors, heavy guar- I vl anteed satin linings. All sixes. Amlfrwnrh fiowns and Draw Made in good stzra and of tood quality long cloth. Values A P upto?&c. Specially priced. tJC Anilfrenrh CrciH Knvelope ChcmlHe Made with medallion inset and dainty mbroldered patterns, perfect fit. Value up to $1.50. Specially AC priced, garment ladles' Clown High neck and long and three-quarter length sleeves, or low, neck w ith short sleeves. Trimmed with dainty val and cluny laces and nain sook embroideries Made of Rood quality long cloth, cambric and Ungerla cloth: cut good and long. Values up to fiQ 11. JO. Specially priced. ,. .07U Amlfreuch Oown Elaborately embroidered. Made of good qual ity of nainsook, extra good width and lengths. Value up to 1.75. Specially dt 5Q priced i pi.7 . Fine Nainsook Gowns and Com bination Halts In all the new est shapes, beautifully trimmed with val and shadow laces and nainsook embroideries. Values up to $3. CO. Spe- 4 QO daily priced. p.7tJ . HlKh and Ixw Neck Gowns, Com bination StHta, Fnvelope Chein iHe and Kkirt All fresh and new designs, trimmed with good quality lacos and embroideries. Values up to $1.00, gQ W offer you' Sale of Waists and Blouses ! CORSETS choirs of som too pretty waists, mostly samples from th leading waist makers of New Yorlt. I Value up to 90.50, gale ' Thursday, at They come. In Laces. Messallnes, Crepe de Chines e I and Nets. Were made to sell up to $6.60. Bee what Mir savins: her Thursday. I $1.50 Beautiful Silks Waists l $3.98 A!o ipuntid waluf ittf.nu st.'& mmdtrwar In dressy effects, al so pretty tailored models. Shadow T ra Chiffons. Crsoe de Chtns. Hish, and low necks. Ions and short sleeves. All colors and sties. This Is a areat opportu nity to buy a supply of extra fine waists many worth double the price you pay Thursday. Hundreds of Fine Waists Mad of Chiffons. Shadow Laces, Orepe' de Chin. Charmeuse, Hatlns. etc.. In the new dressy bamiue effects. Also new tailored models. Many odd sample waists worth up to 19 In this lot of rharmlnfflv stylish waists that will be sold Thurs day at $3.00. ;$5. i HAIR GOODS a,-?'; V ? Lit Beautiful Hamas Wavy Hair Iwltcaas at lowest Prioes. The most desirable of hII snitches for Its (UlU aelKhi. re taining lis fullness and ftufflness. Made of th ree separate kluius. A 10-Inch fluffy switch, l.:i value. ffy i i& h ft " sl 75- ir. I! ' 'Tl A IC-ft-lnch fluff U ft 1 t?Vll v.ltch. JJ xalue, a Xli ETsa i ''.' i I J A It-Inch flufi AM ST H , t ttHW I, .7 fit - ITT. :Ai1 i1 Lfy switch. 3.10 value, at S3.SS. Natural wavy first quality convent hnir ' rV V'Y j Quality convent 1ml lTT V 'if? traustoriiiiitlons. $1 .A.'A"! value, at MM. ii" $Val Natural wuvy first J;uiriVi4 swttci.es, ii vaiu. at eio. air Dressier. Bbampoolnf aad Maaloartaa;. Appoiatmsat By phoas. Buy a Fine Dress or Suit Pattern 1.200 fine patterns of new Fall Dress Goods at very special prices, in Poplins, French and Costume Serges, Novelty Suit ings, Granite Cloth, Victoria Suiting. Plaids and Checks. Each pattern contains ample material for any style dress or suit. Wort hf ro nT fsTo to 16 Gnour Main Floor bargain square, at. each SBk Made of Fine Coutil Medium bust, embroidery trimmed, long over hip and back, with three sets of heavy web garters. Guar anteed extra value Nemo Corsets at $2 In sizes from 20 to 80. Low top, with Lastlkops rubber gore set in over diaphram. Long skirt, with two sets Mt of Lastlkops garters T) attached Special Lot of Corsets $2 Odd sizes In broken lines. Values up to 5 00. To close Silk and Wool )resses The practical, dressy effects In serges, neatly tailored and trimmed, the new set-in sleeves, Gladstone collars and cuffs, tunic skirts. Price. L..J5 Silk and Serge Dresses In Satins, Charmeuse, Messa llnes, Velvets, Crepes, Serges, etc. New basque waist with the new long straight Red lngote and tunic skirts. All colors and sizes. . . $10 ggggssss isms Next Monday A sale ot Kugs That will surpass all rug sales we have held. We have bought over 1,000 extra fine rugs from a large eastern mill at very big discounts. Watch the papers for further particulars about the big gest sale of rugs in our recollection. 0.8S-$2.48-2.95-$3.?S ' iEgggsa Children's Sweater Children's -Wool Sweater Coat Made with the large shawl col lar, fancy knit, red f 1 ff and white, at .' P 1 sVU Children's Sweater Rets Sweater coat, legglns and toque; fancy knit patterns In cardinal, oxford and white k CI QG get J a0 Women's Sweater Coat Special New Style Heavy ribbed, all wool, belted back, storm col lars, turn back TQ QQ cuffs. All colors.. 4vO Don't fall to vialt our Sweater sec tion on the Second Floor, where all the newest and lateat creations In sweaters are shown. We carry a com plete line of all an, sua plaited and novelty mixtures In the two-toned ef fects, both In wool and silk. Also C'ntldren's Sweaters, Totuea and (Sweater Sets, in all styles and effects. The "Maderite" Com bination Hot Water Bottle and Syringe $1.29 10c Made of best ribbed maroon rubber. Rapid flow tubing; I hard rubber pipes. This combination syringe Is g-uaranteed and worth 2. 60. special Thurs day at 4711 wilt sVose Olyceria oap, cake alansiea's Talouxa Fowder, A t can t Caldwell's Syrns repsla, rft, 11.00 six aeldllta rowSers, 10 In box California Bymj of rigs, tOc six La flora Cola Cream, tOo alae to Mala Team Borax, t-lb. package Feroxl&s of Hydrogen, l ib. bottle I2c ,.29o lis. " . 16c mmmmMm Friday and Saturday Will Be "HICKORY" Days at the Brandeis Stores ggrglSE )