THE BEE rnrATTA - nrrckUhit ion V i HF-IP WANTED MAM? I EDIT ATiriMAl. ! i . "l . 7 . L - . J ' ' n Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the damsnd la great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let ua train you. Writ for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Aas'n. 1814 N. h St.. Omaha, -Nab. "NICK Wire home at one and wait for anawer, Jerry muat be near you. R. E. C. WANTEIv-Road doctor lo represent a a Kanaaa Institute, good territory. Ad dress Y 210. Pee. o, GOOD MEN Yv ANTED Now. to take our auto work until com retent: thea go right Into the auto bnsl reaa from here. Big new building; ma chine shop, lain work, i welding, atart 'tm systems. Writ for lUt of opening. Free catalogue. , AMERICAN AUTO 'COLLEGE, , Illi Farnam Bt., Omaha. MKN to learn the barber trade; tuition, $26; et of tools riven; wage paid. Trl C'Uy College. 12th and Douglas St a. WANTED l.ftm men to eat ham and eggs, 15c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. VI EN with patentable Idea write Ran dolph A Co . Waahtrgton. D. C. THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL ha turned out more eueceeeful graduate than any echool In tht country. "There' a reaeon." Write today for our catalogue tC), 1417 Dodge. Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MAIB AND FEMALE. EARN big weekly Income Introducing our home aludy muatc couraea for beginner", advanced atudenta and teachers, under great American and European artists. Highly endorsed by Paderewakl and other famous m u ale tana over lOO.twO atudenta enrolled. Dig, permanent future for young or middle aged men and women of high character to devote part or whole time. REMARKABLE SPECIAL IN TRODUCTORY SCHOLARSHIP OFFER make work easy. Writ today for cata log and full detail. 8 legal -My era School of Muaio, W 8legel-Myer Bldg., Chi-. cago. o AGENTS WANTED Male or female to distribute' fall and winter catalogue of women garment and aoliclt order. Our gent make from $100 to $300 per month. Writ at once to aecure territory. Mar hall Ward At Co., I2S Broadway. New York. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women: $66 to $150 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3, s, Rochester, N. x. WAICTEDBITUATIONS WIDOW lady wishes position a house keeper. No objections to one or two children. Call Douglas 6071. COLORED man desires porter work as Janitor; can furnish best of reference. $S!I N. STth 8t. GOOD girt wants place in general house work or restaurant. Doug. 7SiV. YOUNG married man, 27 years old. thoroughly experienced In banking, de sires a connection wltn a good Dank. where ability and hard work will count lor me future, rsow cannier oi country bank. Address Y rzi. nee, CHAUFFEUR wants position; driving preferred. F 1.86. Bee. country CHAUFFEUR wants position; preferred with a family going south lor the win ter. G 627, Bee. WANTED Work as chambermaid In hotel In Omaha or tkiutn Omaha, fhone 8. MAN and wife (white), would like res taurant or hotel work; run kitchen. Cook and dishwasher: best references. Write and state wage or call J. Harter, 1730 4th Ave., Council Bluffs. YOUNG man wants place -to work for board while attending woyies- college. Telephone Douglaa 1&66. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private car; careful driver; knows city very well. Address F (62 Bee. WILI., do stenographic work partly or ex clUHlvely; can keep books; young man looking for connection with amall firm where merited aervlce will count. Ad dress II SH5, Bee. TRUSTWORTHY lady desires position as housekeeper for small family; good, rlaln cook Grlawold. la . Ttt 2 Rat HA GOOD, practical nurse wanta place to nurse, anv kind of place; confinement caae preferred. Red 77n5. INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes position in office or Bachelor Apart ments. Phone Harney 4410. CHILD'S nurse wishes position; references. Red ' &840. best BUSINESS CHANCES BIG business, sale ordered, bakery and cafe. Addrcs W. P.lehle, lied Cloud. Neb. DOCTOR Wanted Unopposed $.1,000 prac tice, with or without equipment. Muat be sold this week. Address. Y $23, Bee. CIGAR store and pool hall connected, for sale. Inquire of William G. Johnson, jieamey, ien. C. J. CANAN. Real P!-'ate and F.xrhanpaa DRAT line for sale; for particulars write i jock box it. Orleans, is en. FOR SALE Or will trade for Omaha orooertv. 120- arre fruit and chicken farm In Missouri, ciear. Quick Sales Co. 41$ Bee Bldg. Rod S2S4. FOR ALE 2-chair barber shop, doln splendid business. Will sacrifice II taken at once. Other business. Box $61, Hanover, Kan. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with u tor quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY, 41$ Bee Bldg. Phone Red $264. Ju Ais L r ACTURING corporation wants representative for exclusive territory xnust have $300 to $500; earn $30 to $50 weekly, f. u. Box 846, Philadelphia, P. HQNB, how cards. Clark 4k Son. D. 1171 THEATERS-Buy, lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., liM Far nam bt Douglas Mm. , ' 9. .9?i.TJn out of ousmeaa. call on QANQSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D $477. WANTED An Idea. Wnu can think of aome simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." ttanaoiph at Co., Patent Attomsys. Wash ington. D. C TO WUKKLY all your bu.ineas or reeJ estate, write Kennebeck Co.. Omaha laycatbeata. To Conservative Investors Ws offer high-grade first mortgage farm loans at prevailing rates. Titles guaran teed and interest collected without charge to our Investors. Tsx free In Nebraska. Peters Trust Co., l$Zt Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. charae. yeara in the Nebraska farm loan field without a loaa la our record. KLOKE lNVEf.TMk.NT COMPANY. P'l Omaha Kat Bank Bid.. Omaha. o kooaaiaar lleaea tor tale. T buY or sell betels or rooming houaea WTU US " BUT rROM VltiT Quick Sales Co., Bee Bldg. Phone Red $254. 7 ROOMS, full of roomer, furnitura . aw i.uiiuiiun, ici ma. . imn. n WE have several good rooming duumi, choice locatlona. that w can aell cheap and on good term. Quiqk Sales Co. 411 Be Bldg. Red 1X4. uur rxeoraska farm mort T not affsctod by CA-a, European wars or panics. i ft Amounts $400 to $30,000. We V collect all idle rest and prln- ar ripal free of charae. M iouna man. etudv law, downtown even ing sessions. I nier.ltv of Omaha Km J Secretary. A. C, Thomscn. 4 Omha Nat. 11)14 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OFEN In both the dav and night eeewtnns. Tet It la not too late to enter. Begin at nc to get that mental discipline that will double your earning rapacity. Call, writ or telephone for new cataiuaae. Business practice. bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, iteno tyi r. tyuewrltina. telegraphy, accounttne filing, private secretariat work and many other couraea are oien to you here. You may work for board while attending. Dougla 166. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. H. BOTLE8, PRES.. Boylea Building, Omaha. FOR 8ALF. at a discount, a full unllin Ited scholarship Ir, Boylea Business col lege, Omaha; good tor either shorthand or business couraea Apply al the olfica et Omaha Bee. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. I'nsur passed olame In all buaineei and Eng llah branchea, shorthand, stenotypy. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduate guaranteed good osltlona. Plnce pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE U16 Famam St.. Omaha, bougla 8SH. The Van Sant School Stenography' Day school. 1.-00 to 4:00. Night school, :15 to :!&, 18th and Farnam Kta. Douglas 8647, EXPKRT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit. Ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., tauht and complete training given for hualnees ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 4824 Douglas St. Tel. Harney W40. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, $4 00. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Douglas 2919. 1905 Farnam. Be readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities n the "want ad" columns. They're worth while reading. Omaha Musical Art Institute. . Aaa-x-latea If mate lasirartors, Baldrldsre Block, 204k ad Faraam. MARTIN W. BUSH, Piano. H. MS. " S. Landeberg, Piano, Harmony. D. 6A48. Francis Potter, Mandolin, Banjo. D. 3. HENRIETTA Reea. Piano. Douglas 4618. FLORENCE BA8LER, Voice and Coach ing. Red 6081. GRACE HANCOCK, Piano. H. 1RW). J H. iSlMMS, Organ. Harmony. 11. 4168. Ix)ulee Zabrlaklti. Violin. Piano. H. 6061. Jeisl F. Cinway, Dramatic Art. D. I67H. FOIt SALT? Faraltare. New ft Id-hand furniture, raah or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. Mth. QUARTER-aawed oak dining room set, sideboard, table and chairs; also folding bed of same material, made with ward robe doors. Mrs. Frank Wilcox, IM7 Douglas St. Tel H. 3066. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. 806 tio. 16th SC BEAUTIFUL solid oak buffet, $39 .XI. cost $80; nearly new. Call Web. 383 after 6:30 p. m. Typewriter. Free Railroad Fare to Typewriter Buyers , During th Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival we will pay the railroad fare of any buyer in the radius of 100 miles of Omaha one way. This mean that you will not only get a free trip to Ak-Sar-Ben, but that you will save from 26 to 60 ter cent on any standard typewriter In our house. THIS OFFEP. IS GOOD ANY TIME BETWEEN OCT. 1ST AND 10TH. Traveler will be Interested In the Corona Folding Typewriter a lirTht. compact typewriter, enual In efficiency to any standard machine; weigm complete witn ease, elgnt and one quarter pound. The Price is Only $50 Butts Typewriter Exchange, 106 FARNAM BT. Quarter Block West of Court House. All standard makes of typewriters and supplies. RENT Remingtons, Munarchs and femlth Premiers of their makers, The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglss 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grsde ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for $6 for understroke machines or $$ per month for latest model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Central Tvoewrtte'. Exchange. $07 8. 17th. All makea typewriters rented, sold, term. Butts Typewriter, lfto Farnam. D. D31. $50 $50 Come in and See the New . Remington Junior Tho Remington Typewriter company has perfected a new machine, called the "Remington Junior," which poast-sses all the good qualities of the famous Reming ton Standard Typewriter, and 4n addition. It Is small, compact, portable and entirely ylsi hie. And the Price is Just One-half $50 W also have some exrenttnnai k. gain In factory rebuilt machines, which iook gna work like new. . Remington Type writer Co. Dougla 1284. th and Douglas Bts. alaaleal 3as(raaaaa,ttk. $22$ PIANO, In good condition, for $13. Oolng away. Phone Harney 7232. lightly uaed high-grade piano. W. $72(. PIANO playar: a bargain. Tel. H. 471 1 Sf taeeltaaeoas. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un- limit mA aokAlasw-ikl--. 4 El 1 1 . 1 ...... iiui-mbui! ut irm Duimeu collox, Omaha; good for either short band or bunlneaa couraa. Apply at th ' w- ,,w m,,a ova FOR SALE In blocks to suit, 43d shares of stock In Nye-Bchnelder-Fowler Co., Fremont: a ha rum In 1 tm - , oulro lflo City Nat l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. iririion. fvl. SIX-ROOM modern house, 10 be removed 1 rurn iv rTTWfiioi. FOR PALE About thirty pair of gents' ana isaie aajuaiaoie roller skates cheap. Addreaa Drawer W, Osceola, Neb! 8x7 ORAFLEX naaapaper camera, with 11 plate holdera, tarrying rase for camera and carrying caae for plate hold era. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain fur the lot at $110. Address A 630. Bee. tiarella,aeas. 00 ?uy Dr1 r"'1 tor tho money; try Ji- jb?4SL Harmon a vVeeth. A NO. 1 BATH TC 5 veet Treat tr Kelly UiT-k'ng Co. v. 4, $wM HHIlrk 7$iw per M ; also $OnM. ' feet or lumper at work, llth and Jack on tts. Building bought and wrecked. :1ZS yrecing Co. Web. 4SQ8, FOR . SAl.K New and second-hand carom and p.xket billiard table and bowling 'ley and arcs sortes; bar fixtures of all kinds; eay payment The Brunswick HalVe-rnllen 1,-r Co T.t 8 loth fit flli"l-m'n' Ur" Wreck Co.. II Paul. LIVE 8TOCR MIR HALE. Horace aal Vehicle. stock of delivery wagon In we my; un Kinds or blacksmith work. Tainting and lettering Jolinscr,-I'nfortb Co.. new lo. a (lor, lS;i-"fl-I . lth St. )R 8Al.H Good famllv or delivery horse. .w Charles St. II. 24rt$. LOST AND rOVND OMUA Ac COUNCIL. HlATrS BTKEET ItAlLWAY COMPANY. - Persons having lost somt article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha . Council kiufts Street Railway comnai, to aacertaln whether they left It In th auavi vtire. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to th ni;..;rul owner. Call DoviJaa IX)ST Creeoent pin. imicthyst and pearl on Harney St.. between loth and llth. or Hipp theater. Uheral reward If returned. H. 628. LOS1 S r Mesh bag. Haturdsv nluht. nun. la'nlng IH and speotacle caae. Rewatd. Doug. 8114. LOST Lady'a watch, ahort chain and locket, between M 9. Br nnd Public Market, or on carnival grounds, lnltlala W. 8. on caae, name "Wonder" on 1-ocket, valued as a keepsake. Reward if returned to 51 8. !M, LOST Child's small locket and chain, on or nenr ft.; tooth-mHrka on one side of locket; reward. Tel. Weh. 74T-S. Lost Eastern Star pin; reward. H. $-77. LOST White bone-handle. black silk umbrella; return Darlow Advertising Co.. KB City National Bank Bldg. Re ward 1T Bead bag. 19th, hetaveen St. Mary's Ave. and Jones St. - Reward If returned to Chicago 1-eundry, 1.VI9 Capitol Ave. LOST Pearl brooch, with diamond cen ter. Reward. Phone Dougla 8T6. MEDICAL. RUPTURE . Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific method. The) ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women sod child ren. The cost is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DK. E. H. TARRY. 2(i hr. . . Tuberculosis LEH your health, this Is your one chance. Ad dress i Ml. Bee. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? tiee us. Quick service. Half usual rate. KEDIAHI-K CREDIT CO.. 30$ Paxton Block. Ucuglts 141L Mixed grain, $1.H6 h'dred. Wagner. 801 N. 1 STEREOTYPE matrices mak th best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They sre 17x23 Inches, stronger and mors durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 7io a hundred st The He rtrrice 40 SINGLE comb Brown Leghorn coc ner eis, from prize winners. Tel. Florence 148 MANDY I.KK incubator end brooder, cheap. SS07 Camden Ave. Webster 4M1. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so Helta your old clothing, furniture, msga lines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 113A and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nsw noma, 1110-1112-lut Dodge St. YOUNG wqmen coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at I7th 8t. and St. Mary's Ave., where thev will be directed to suitable boarding places. or oincrwine affai.iea. iook lot our IraV' elers' sld at the Union Statloa. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 414. J. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. Far ma and Etaaekt Luda, Want to Buy Farm For Cash 120 to 240 acres. Muat be good general farm land, not over UUO miles west of Missouri river. Will not pay over $40 Der acre. Give full particular In first let ter. Muat be a bargain. Addresa J 2. care Bee. o LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live atock to tJouUi Omaha, bav mlleaare and ahrlnkaaa v...i. nnn rr.ents receive prompt and tarefui atlca lion," LIT aioclc lonualMlos Mcrckssti. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPEK'H OOLl'MN AL'TO A good serviceable 30-H. P. Mitchell rar; thl car ia In good condi tion and will do for a roadster or can be used aa a pleasure car or delivery car; will take diamonda. lota (clean, or will make you a low caah price. Address S. C. 1477. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see UlS "Automobile" classitl ration. 1 AUTO -Want to awap for a late date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented la r-outn Omaha, on principal bualneas St., 2tth and J streeta S. C. U44. Bee. BABY Bi:QGY latest style baby buggv, coat $18 and aa good aa new. Will ex change for sewing machine in good con dition, or something else of equal value. Addreaa 8. C. 1479. Boe BOOKS For aale or exchange, on set of T of Andells engineers' books, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or cash, or what have you. Address Y IX. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Will sell or trade one-half Interest In the most profitable nusiness in umana. Salesman only need apply. Would lie glad to hear from some bright young man that would want permanent business. Addreaa, S. C. 1481. Bee. COLO. LAND Your choice of luu forties within five miles of Alamosa, San Lula valley. Colorado. Alamo has 2,0u0 peo ple, on the Klo Grande Ky., and every modern convenience. For grain growing and stock raising, and healthful climate, this locality cannot be excelled, price $j0 per acre; no Incumbrance, for Omaha property; snap for someone. Address B 691, Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha Be Bldg., Omaha. Ntb.. for particulars, or what have you? 33 COLT'S to swap for graphuphone. also 4x6 and 6x7 cameras to swap. What have your S. . 143, Be. CARPENTTR work and repairing done; low rash price; or ran uae soma furni ture, or anything of value. Addreaa S. C. 147$, Bee. FURNITURE for a 46-roora notst near Omaha, I.0O8. Low rat rent o the building. What have you to offer! Addresa S. C. 14. car Bee, GEKSK-For sale or trade; full grown. Address C. 1411. Bee. QROCKRY route, country," pa s- $.',Otu rarly; trade for auto end part cash, or cash. Addresa C. I4f. Hee. axi GRAFLKX newspaper camera, wltn 11 plate holdera, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold er. The outfit In gixvj condition and a Mg bargain for the lot at $110. Address C. 14 - iiAVK cement llmk machine, guitar, clarinet, and set of "Snellen's Scientific Balesmanshlp." Need shotgun, 'cello, building material or raah. Address S. t.'. 147$. He. HORSE Good work-horse; will swap for pigs or chicken, or wliat hv you? Address S V. 1471, Pee. KODAK A new Aiiace folding kotlak, IVx4I. le-ither toutiat caae tor aama nd portrait attachment. Will swap for bard coal burner or range with hot waiaf attachment, or good btcyc.. Address av C. lil. MOTOHt'YCI.fNfW Indian motorcycle. coat $Sflti; perfect order; V-apeed, electrlo lights; starter, clock, speedometer, extra paeaenger earner; a beauty. Kxchange for one-carat diamond or smaller and bal ance cash, or sell reasonable. Address. Slating what youhave, 8. c. 12, Bee. WOTXtRCYCLK TWIN KxC'KiiTit, 1913 model, fully equipped. This ma chine has been run very little and en amel and enMlno In A-l shape. Will trade for roadster or runabout of equal value, or make an Interesting price for cash. 8C.J4. Be. OFFIC K ' FURN ITU MB- Will buy soma good econd-rand oitloe furniture; niut b cheap ior cash. Addrea x 41 U be. PKKS8 Columbia, x, 1$ caae of lob type and Cabinet; a Winchester pump- sun ana leainer ras, tor sale or trade. AO ddres 8. C. U"X IW. PIANO Pl-AYER-HIgh - grsd player piano, new, for sale; bargain price lo responeihle parties only; terms; with rolls. Address 8. V. 14K$, Bee. PIANO Shuhtly ueed"K.lnsshury Piano. good aa new, at a big bargain; terms 1 to responsible people. Address C. 14M, rice bllKTLAND pony and outfit for trad or al. Phone 21081. Council Bluffs. Ia. BluNH, snowcarua, Clark 4k sion. D. lJJa SHOTOfN Winchester. No. 10 gauge six-shot lever-acting shotgun, with cleaning rod and box shells, will sen cheap or trad for sanitary roll-top dex or visible typewriter. Address 8. c. 147$ Bee. BHOTQl'N WINCH kVTER Pl.MP UUN, 11 gauge. In good condition, to trade for - repeating rifle. Address & C. 141, nee. fel'OVK Hard coal baae burner, "Radiant Kslate." large ale; want to exchanr for any stove smaller alse. Addreaa S. C. 1474., Bee. TYPEWRITE R iood second-hand machine to axchang for good watch, o. C. 147. Bee. T Y PK W R1TER Have a first clssi standard make typewriter, two-color ribbon, etc., will sell for $. or trade for anything of equal value I ran use. 8. C. 14H. Bee. TItOMUONBNew $s slide trombone with high grade leather case for sale. Big bargain. Addreaa 8. C. 1475. Bee. WATCH Lady'a open fnce watch. 20. year gold-filled case, good timekeeper, to trade for small kodak. What have you? ai. C. 14i8. Bee. FOU RENT Apartsaena and Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'Phnn I . n- fnrih., l-ifArartaf Inn Douglas -'W Fidelity Storage a Van Co. Gordon Van Co 21 N. llth ML Phone D. 391 or Web. !$. BRAND NEW SOMETHING. EXCEP' TIONAL. Seven-room brick dwelling. Quarter rawed oak. built-in hook cases, kitchen cabinet, full cemented basement, separate vegetaDia cenar, tun attic, worth Inves tlgating. See owner, next door north. $14 8. 2fith Ft. C-ROOM modern flat. 1112 80. llth. I'l'-TO-DATE 6-room heated apartment; excellent location: first-class ahape; water furnished. Call Douglas 7318. ST. CLAUE APARTMENTS. 23d and Harney 8ts., J room apartments. lau n. M7 or v. 1Mb. THE KNICKERBOCKER. West Farnam district, sxth and Jones Bts. ; 8 and 7 rooms. Poaltively the best and only exclusive apartment house In Omaha. Low rentals, compared with oth ers. See It first. ua. v ,iiiA, isia capitoi Ave., mod., so. front, furnished apartment, . private nam, aie ainaie room. $9.00 Three large rooms apartment, part modern. 191i) Elm Ht. Harney 436. SPECIAL LOW RENTAL REDtCES COST OF GOOD I,IVINQ. THE STANDARD FLATS WELL IXKTATED, NEAR Bt'RINESS. STEAM HEATED. HIGH GRADE. Handsome (-room private homes, with many unususl desirable festures. Hot '". ranges. Janitor service. SEE TH EM. GET OITR IW PRICES. Qualty and prices thst talk. Lowest ever nvide on desirable flats. CHEAPER TO LIVE IN THAN COTTAGES. Feferenr required. T. J. HOOK. 1101 N. 18TH 8T o. The Athlone 4-room apartments. Wth and Douglaa His. $40 summer; $4$ winter. Peters Trust Co. 164 Farnam Bt. D. $98. O BRAND new St. Louie flata, one block from high school. Tiled bsth, hard wood floora, aun parlor. $i or $17. So heated. Also flats 61$ 8. 20th. $. FRANK CRAWFORD, OWNER. Wars Block, Harney 7S38. STRATFORD TERRACE. Park Av. and Jackson Bt. 6-room, team-heated apartmenta. with additional maids room. Kxuluslvenees and con veniences In a new apartment building. References required. C. B. Mos, 4ttl Underwood Ave. Tel H-8757, or Jani tor. to. 10-R. BRICK flat, etrictly modern; walk St $'00"' "00, ,oc'tlon; iu fhicago J. U. ROBINSON, rhone Doug. S0S7. 443 Bee Bldg. ci,r,UAM 1 s-room flat, with sleeping porch, all modern, beautifully decorated aplendld location 3115 Davenport, flrat floor, only $36. C. G. CARf.Rirrtn $10-812 Brandels Theater Bid g 110 8. 27th St., (-room, modern flat, $30 10"$ N. 3rth St., 7-room modem flat. $30. 301$ Leavenworth, (-r., mod. ex. ht , $30 11 8. 36th Ave., ( rooms, modem. $26. C. O. CARLBBHjO. $10-$13 Brandeia Theater Bldg. J-ROOM flat, partly furnished. $1$. 24-3 I-evenworlh;( also 4-room Tat. $11, water, sewer, gas and toilet. Apply J. I. KEMP. 2613 Leavenworth Bt. Doug. $87. Boartl ss8 Roosaa. 2628 CALIFORNIA Mod. furn. rooms and ooarq in private family. Red o82. 2648 CHICAGO Hom-mal bread and pastry; single or weekly. Doug. $1. BOARD and room In private family for two aennemen. an narney Tit. MEN or man and wife ran get board and room In modern home, $80 Fowler Ave. W. 4!. Wawted Board ssd Hoosa. TOl'NO lady desire to work for board nd room in private family after office hours. Saturday off at 1 o'clock. Addrea H 697. Be. Faralah.e kooau, VISITORS Front room, married couple or gentlemen, board optional. Tel. H. M07. 3 STRICTLY mod. rooms, adjoining, for gentlemen: $3 and $6. Phone Doug. 8218. FRONT, mod. room, family of two; near 241 h and Ames. $1. Phone W. 67k3. WEST Farnam district, mod. room for refined young man. $8. Harney 6Ma Famished Hrnimi, J Ri.HM for I Krnt'enirn. lulvste famllv. Apartment P, ciowry Court, $ N. wth. New. trm heated, sunxer laths, ele gantly furnished Jim llsriny St. FIKST-'I.-S ROOM. ). 11TH ST. WITH HOARD. S MOD., pleasant rooms. $1 K. V. 7.. T-. N. 1HTII. 70?. flirniahert ru.tma iliiiin h.t fine yie-. third floor. T. VI. FlKl.D VTub district ilaiaTfrnTroi.'nTs new house I " ' rr ' .ronl, ' '- "' '"' FRONT rm.. newly fur., rnixt, wltn b..ntd. blngle or ensulte. 24l Poi'Pleton T. 8417J. ROOM with alcove. rir... . -7T-,, 1 , fine, for I or 4 gentlemen: MOD., uiet room., walking dis., 11 W week and up. TH K KNAPP, V.'l Cass. FUHN'ISHKD room for rent, near Crafgh ton university, phone Ivnuglas 7!. FRONT room, newly furn.. $4 D. Mf. I'l.KASANTI.Y furnliThetl room In I rival family; $1$ mo. Thone Harney 4151. $ 8. PTII ST . vate family. H furnished room; 4I0. ' prl SPKNOKR. 111 Furnished room; private family: pleasant aurroundlnss. Vf 414. lafaralaard Hooaas. ,-RCMIM. modern. lltMieorrta Ave. Famished Mouses. -TUX1M nicely furnlslied house, com pletely modern except heat. On car Una. Webster S048. Ileaaekeeplng Rooaa. TURKIC slew rooms, housekeeping. a. llth. Ul$ 7f H. 1TH ST.-Housekeeping and sleep ing, bv day, week or month. Phone Tiler net W. Itef els .s4 Al-artaseata, CAITFOUNIA Hotel. Itth nd "llfornl. Weekly rate II and up. Douglaa 7,M.r Ixlik HOTFt' Mndern Reasnnabla Itaasea aa4 Cottages. West Farnam New brick and atucco home, Just being finished; three fine bed rooms and eleap ing porch id floor, large living room and dining room, beautifully finished In ma hogany; 2d floor white enamel; 145 on lease. Peters Trust Co. ICS Farnam St. imug am o NEW CATHKDRAL DISTRICT. New -room. trietly modern. $.. Har nev MAl. $-RlH)M strictly modern eioiis In Al con dition, location 2M1 Pacific 8t. Cstl at 0IO S. 2$th Ht., or Phone Harney 1TI4A. -R, COTTAtSK, mod. ex. heat, newly papered and painted, $20. Phone II. 43M. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; $-hoise van nd $ men, Il ia . per hr. ; storage $2 per mo. Patiafaotory guar. D. 418 4k Ty. 110. 8-ROOM modern house for rent, 811 S. $Mh Av. For Information call Harney 4181. NINE-ROOM houae, modern, hot water heat, oak finish, panel dining room, near cars, Dundee. Phone Harney 2V4. STEAM heat, all modern, 1 room house; elan 4-room flat. ty No 2M J. C. Reedi (tip. Co,. moving etoreae D. 41 packing A X07 Farnam. Maggard's Van and fctor age Co. Reduced ratea ff,e an A vm. Lsrg van, men. $126 per hr.j dray, 8 men. $1 per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 14H FOE RENT We have a complete list of all house, apartment and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen (re of charge al Omaha Van A Storage Co.. SOt m. Itith St Fidelity Storage Co. Btcrag. moving, packing ami shlDuin 16th Jackson St. Fhone Douglas Sal H nil HPS. 'n " part of th city. uuual' Crelgh Son a o.. Bee Bldg, 8-K. HOl'BE. ?: Prker. $2U. H. 33M t-ROOM bouse and garage on 4th St, all mouorn, par month. Call Doug nor. ROOM house, mod. except heat, $23. o.u ?. ami ni. iiarney xiiih. (ROOM modern cottage, "18 So. 37th St., line location, ll. wenster Unix). SIX-Room house, strictly modern. tnt California. $20. MODERN SPECIALS S-r., square, one block Farnam line. $40. e-r.. cioae in prick, iwz W enster, $40. -r., heated, over drug tor, 8. W. 34th . neatea, over drug tor, 8. W. 34th California, $T7.Sn.T O'KEKPK REAL ESTATE CO., maha National. 1'hone Dougla 2716. ana 1018 Oni tores and Oflleea. IND FI-OOR offlrs rooms or suitable for light nifg. Wright as Lasbury, o( 8. mm st. toug. itz. DESK ROOM. Will rent prlvste office. 8x13. In our large offices, 430 Bee Bldg., to responalbl Prty. Isatra. GOOD barn, room for ( .or 10 hora 117 webater Ht. ('all Dangles 41 WANTED TO RENT TWO ucfurnlshsd rooms for housekeep ing, walking distance. Address U. 464, Bee. DEKK or office spsee for rent, wltn heat and light. 2b22 Fsrnsm. REAL ESTATE. FARM RANCH LANDS FOR IALI California, CALIFORNIA Excuraion November third to our Ne braska Colony In the Sacramento Valley; the beat all around soil snd crop produc ing territory In the state. Located amidst oleasant homes, with extra con venlent railway and irrigation laciutie. Price the owet. term very eaay. Call and aee ua about California. Buyers get free trip to exposition next year. Free literature. W. T. SMITH CO.. UU-12 City Nat l Bank. Omaha. Neb o Florida. FirRIDA LAND AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. $11 60 to $30. Nothing better anywhere. lOO.OnO acrea to select from. CONNER. 'C: old Board of Trade Bldg. Good Inducements to rellshle agencies., 60-ACRR Improved farm, 20 milt from Minneapolis, all under cultivation; build inga. consisting of house, barn. 18x40, tool shed, 16x40, hog house. Ice house, etc ; complete set farm machinery, two horetia, liameaa, two wagons, hoga, chickens; tins year s crop and everything on the farm goes at 84,000. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bid , Minneapolis. Minn H.alsaa, MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS 000 acrea now open to entry In the famous Valler vail. An excellent opportunity for tho homeeker seeking good farm land tor general diversified farming. Tne rich oil. exhilarating climate aad abundanoa of water for Irrigation asaure maximum crop returns. Ureal for grain, alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for a horn. Write today fur booklet and particular. Valier Farm bales Company, Vallar. Mont Boa No. 17. WE have Just placed a tract of 1.000 acre on th market located In Broad water county, Montana, at prices rang ing from $8 to $14. M an acre. Easy terms. Will be subdivided to suit Is well sdapted to grain and general farm Ing. Will raise from to 60 buahela winter wheat to the acre. Sea thl land Wore It I all sold. Join our next excur sion. About one-third regular fare. Ask about free trip. Inquire or write E. W. Maloney, Plasa Hotel, Omaha, Neb. ftovth Dakota. 1'On 8ALE-A farm of V20 acre. mile from Malhalla, North Dakota, iuu acres In cultivation, 130 acres n pastures, fenced: 3u acres In meadow, 160 seres In good level Isnd, small t.inber: V11 acres bluff Isnd, heavy timber; spring water in pastures, fsir Improvem-nls. a splen did stock and grain farm; price $J6, terms to suit purchaser. Address, M. A. Walsh, Rantoui, 111. (owner ) I. i:TATK F4RM Jk RtNril LtD4 FOR HAI.R KeJtraslca. rim nai.ri :.t lr(..' be) lilsh-l medium -priced l:md in Nebraska; very little money raquliaJ C. Uradley, Wol Teaaa. EAST Tr XA.1 PLANTATION'. T. cioae rartnei ship can offer $. acre heavy k Isn,' on ra lroad. 0 acrea In cultivation. hi.-" let Ust year for rentiil $',S per acre, lias ner sin. tenant j houses, su ited with mules, horses tattle, ' r"r,n hil vrhlng give with ,,,,,,. )ni,.. ,lf Hou,ton. lroa good corn, alfalfa, sugar corn ana I all other rrnrs adapted to this climate; w HI make this year from 1 to W bales cmion per acts: cheap st lion per acre. riake low- rrlie and good lerma. Can on or write. OBCAH M4KKU, 1 rlnltv. Tex. Ulirosils. Upper Wisconsin Beat oany nd general crop aiai in U union; tilers wanted, land fur avle at low, on easy terms. Ask for book let $4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Stale acrea wanted. Write about eur graxlng lands. If Interested la fruit land, ask fur bookk-t on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin Address Land Dept., Boo Line I(y.. Mlnneepolls. Minn. REAL, F.HTATR LOANS CITY and farm loans, , l.v I er cent. J.H. Dumont A Co . 108 Farnam. Omaha. WANTEl-Cliy''loana Peter TrutCoT 6mAIIA home. East Nebraska farmaT O'KEEFR REAL E8TATR CO., 101$ Omaha Nat l. Douglas 171. UAH Vilius.vir; CTi-tgX HARRISON MORTON. l On. Nat'L W A NTKIV-Farm loans; Klok lnv, Co., wmana. WANTED City loaoa and warrants. W, Farnam Smith Co.. 130 fartiana. CITY "pri.pfrty.l-argo iJisna a I'eclalty. - wi T homa.t t Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F D. Wead, Wead Bldg., IMh and Farnam Bts. MONK? on hand for city and farm loaa. . H. W, Binder, City Nat l Bank Bldg. fir,ClfT LOANS. Bern la-Carl 'berg : Co, $10-11$ Brandeia Theater Bldg. KK us first If you want a farm loaa. unnea states Trust Co., I) mans. jns. RE.1IL ESTATE EOn EXCHANOR FOR Sain or Exchango Beautiful Califor nia fruit ranch -18 acres of bearing; or anges, lemons, peaches, grapes, small frulta; R-rnnm house; sloctrlc pump and lights; well; flume water; flowing spring; beautiful neighborhood; mile and quarter from depot; eighteen mile from Han Diego; eight train dally. Would con- mer good business; lumber preferred; or Incomo property. B. J. Ryan, Owner, El CJon. Cl. .-.ixriii acres in .-ncratnento valley, California. Land all tinder cultivation. Is Irrigated and haa full rf1 water right. wwner uvea in nenrasks, and wsnts a rancn nere. ill rash price Is $18,000. mortgage $5,000. He will trade hi $11,000 equity and assume same amount of mortgage on ranch, Thl land I worth II that la asked Tor It. Vou can make a good deal qiili-k If you are looking for California land. 100 aires In Finney County. Kansas, near Garden City. All smooth land, fin oil, no Improvements located In a well settled community. Equity $$. What have you to offer? ' W. T. 8MITH CO., Phone Douglas KID. 1111-1$ City Nat'l Bank. Omaha, Veh -o FOR EXCHANGE Oood bank In southwest and good land that cn be Irrigated; will take part cash part trade. Y &8, Bee. FINK, emooth. clear land, near town of 4.001 for $10,000 dwelling In weatern part of city. Will assum. Addren E 815. care Be. I ti nm runt -i-l. ' - ., of Omaha poatofflc to' exchange for flat. Will assume. Addrea D 823, Bee. Pianos for other musical Instru'ts. D. $017. FOUR houaea on a large vacant corner, suitable for brick flata or apartment house, renting new for $1,300 per year, located at the N. W. corner of lid and Burt St., an excellent location, close to Bemla Park and rar line. Owner will trade thl property for farm land near Omaha. What have you ta offerT HASTINGS aV HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St. ABSTRACTS 4$ TlTI.d. KERR TIU Guarantee aad Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. M a. I7ta Bt, Phone Douglaa 6487. REED Abstrsct Co, oldest abstract of - flc In Nebraska. 2C4 Biandels Theater. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Kountze Place Bungalow Corner Lot located at the northeast rornsr of 18th and Evans Sts , facing south on Evans St., have 6-good slsed rooms, consisting of large living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and $ bedrooms, on of which may be Used for den or library. Living room la 13x24 feet, having a very artistic fireplace and bookcases, also beam celling. Beautiful Plastered ped estal opening between living room and dining room. Dining room 12x16 feet, with beam celling and paneled walls. Thl bungalow Is decorated throughout In ex cellent tsate. Exceptionally sttrsrtlv plumbing fixture;, plumbing and heating guaranteed. Very attractive combina tion lighting fixture. Full ha lament. arranged for laundry; exceptionally large attic, floored throughout, where three full rooma could be finished If desired. Full set of window shade snd screens. Is ready to occupy without further ex penditure. It will neceaallate a persons) Inspec tion to appreciate the beautiful Interior arrangement and srttetlr exterior de- algn. Can arrange reaeonabl term. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglaa 498 PRETTIEST BUNGALOW ON PRETTIEST MILE $5,000.00 Five room, strictly modern, unique decorations, fire place, large lot; two block from 24th street car. Term, $1,600 aown, Paiance. mnntniv. GAI,I.AOHKR A NELJON, 844 Brandeia Bldg. DouKlaa 388. Your Choice of Tli-se Two Home a 2855 Miami St. 2859 Miami St. $2,271 and $2,300. respectively: two 4-r. new, modem cottages; floored upstairs, with plastered stairway; oallar under en tire houae; combination lighting fixture to be selected by purchaser. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1814 HARNEY. A REAL BARGAIN 8-room house. ( rooma down-stslrs. . 8 rooma and bath upstairs; located 24 h and Corhy: modern, but heal: lot 40x100; large rlatern, alth pump at sink: bricked cellar: fenced: some shade; In good re- alr: st $18; tenant paya water Price, ll .6?4I cash. Apply to owner, 370$ Lake Phone Webster 44!). NEW, modern. 6-room bungalow. Oak Chatham. 22d at Ames; term. Web. 4Ji. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE A Whole Acre, $10 Cash, $10 a Month Facing Clifton Drive. Benson, one hlaek from pavement, lust the place to raise poultry while holding your position in the city. Price. $675. Csn show you thla today. Ksleaman at end of Benson csr Una 3 till 8 p. m., or call office any lime during week. HASTINGS aV HETDEN, 1814 Harney Bt Bee Want Ada Ar th Beat Buaines Boosters s REAL KSTATF ACREAGB 2 Acres Very close to rar, city water, sped! pries this week, $l,Mfi, Act quickly. Harrison & Morton 20-Acres Improved Close to Florence Has 7-room nous, good barn nd other onthulldlnas, has all kinds of bearing fruit Thle Place will make someone a good home, close to Omaha; fin locality. Price $7,(i00. HASTINGS A HKYDF.N. 114 HARNBT. HAL ESTATE WTST STOI5 West Farnam District Modern home, no objectionable -ie-roundlngs, price reduced, owner say sell. Small amount of caah down, balance Ilk rent. I,et ua show you this. $3,200, on terms, will buy modern T-foom house, full cemented bssement. hot wtr heat, good lot, nice lawn with had tree, cemented walks; 3 room on first floor. 3 sleeping rooms and bath on sec ond floor. Immediate possession. Loca tion fine, near Farnam car Una. W. T. SMITH A CO.. D. 381. I1M-I2 City Nat. Bank. Omaha Neb o Bargains Cathedral District $3,304, on terma, will buy modern 7-room houae, full cemented basement, hot water heat, good lot. nice lawn with shed trees, cemented walk; 3 room on first floor, 8 sleeping rooms and bath on aecond floor. lrarw1lat possession. . Location fine, near Farnam car line. Meat Farnam District Modern home, nn objectionable aurmundinga, prlr re duced, owner say sell. Small amount of caah down, t-alano Ilk rant. Let us how you this. Ilsnsenm Psrk District Modem hem, lot 60x180, east front, beautiful location. Trie reduced to make quick sale. Let u (how you thl bargain. W. T. SMITH CO., 1111-1$ City National Bank. D. Bit. Omaha, Nb. West Farnam $10 CASH, $10 PER MONTH tiweat priced lot over offered In this dltrtct. Directly north of Famam HC best home. On 8Mh, between Dodge and Davenport. Two et front, $87$ ch. Seven west front, $660 to $800. Call and reserve lot. Bale later. 4 O'Kecfe Real Estate Co.. 1018 Omaha National Phone Dougla 271$. Evening. H. 33$ or H. 6134. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dtsaaeew DUNDEE BARGAIN DUNDEE BARGAIN BRAND NEW HOME BRAND NEW HOME I NEVER OCCUPIED , NEVER OCCUPIED WORTH $4,600. OUR PRICE $4,150.' FOR QUICK SALE IN DUNDEE CHOICE RESI DENCE, RESTRICTED, $500 CASH, $40 MONTHLY. Thl I a anap for some one who wsnts a good home. This nous is full twa stories, modern In every resnect. ask finish on flrt floor, pin with maple floor u pat aire; ha vestibule, coat closet, large living room across front, with colon nada opening to dining room, which ha pltj rail; neat dnn or aewlng mom, handy kitchen with built-in cupboards, refrigerator room, 8 large bedrooms. 6 closets, sun parlor or sleeping porch, with closet; tiled bsth room; all decorated throughout; easy stairs to store room or attic; full cemented basement, with cellar drsln, fruit mom, coal room, water aneter, cement walk; guaranteed furnace, beat of plumbing, extra good light fixture, duplex window shadea, fin location, paved street, nr Famam car. If you want a good home, see this one at one and save money. Phono Harney 70$, Owner, B K. PRICE. A Million Dollars Have been spent In Improvement In and around Beautiful Happy Hollow Do you know that every dollar thtis Pent adds to the value of every lot? Value are rising more rapidly In this residence district thsn In any other resi dence part of Omaha? Why Because Happy Hollow la a delightful pJac to llv. Because Happy (1olVw haa avery mod ern convenience of c'ty life Because Happy Hollow combines coun try life with city convenience. Because Happy Hollow la In th midst of delightful surrounding, boulevard, park the Bunken Gardens. Happy Hoi low Club. Future Haoov Hollow Values Are bound to brini Invest today. WIT bring a profit to men who Will you be on to take advantage of the low Drlcea? Will you consider today making your horns amid congenial peopl. In a de light (ul neighborhood T , Remember NO TENEMENTS. " NO CROWDING. Attractive Terms Big lota, 80 to 76 feet In width, gad deep. We aim to arrange term to suit tho buyer. W want to help yovi own a horn. IC talk It over, If you have not Seen Happy Hollow you have overlooked one of the beauty apota of Omaha. See It today, and see u tomorrow, or Call ua on th 'phon. D. 766. George & Company K City Nat. Bank Bldg Dundee Lot Bargain $1,100 Routh front oa Isard. third lot east of 61st Ht.. 60x138; paved street, paving paid to dale, . beautiful view, fine aurround tng. Not another lot on the atreet, for the money, Inseount for all cash. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1838. Htate Bank Building Flo re a re. A New Suburban Bungalow on Car Line $150 Cash . On Forest Lawn A v , Florence; splen did little home, 6 room, finished In oak.' South front, two lota with akada. facing boulevard and paved road. Price $1 4u0, or will sell houae and one lot for $1.1' O. HA8TINU3 4b HE Vl'EN, 1814 HARNET. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER .11 t