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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1914)
71 .aw. Paris R Says All Favorable for Allies The Oma ha Daily Dtraet from thfl Rattl Arm. The Doo's Real War Photos Bwt of Thews All. THE WEATHER. Unsettled OMiutiA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOHKK 8, 1914 FOITRTCKX PA(JKS. VOL. XL1V NO. 96. On Trelre and at otel Mews Stands, So. .SINIlli; COPY TWO CKXTS. eporii Bee AK-SAR-BEtl XX . DECEIVES KEYS ' nr mnm a oitv Ur UIDULH UIN Gracious Monarch Leads Gorgeous Spectacle Through Thorough fares of Royal City. . SUBJECTS PAY B2M HOMAGE By the Hundreds of Thousands They Cheer Mighty Cavalcade to the Very Echo. SPARKLES WITH BRILLIANCY .Book of Ages Presented, as Inter preted by the Artifioer to the King. SUBJECTS FAMILIAR TO ALL Spectators Show Their Knowledge of Illustrations by Comment. ALL VANTAGE POINTS SEIZED Hosts t EImMmI Parade Oeen pied fcr Tii" Bagrer rNltn ! Carnlvnl. CARNIVAL AT1BHDABCB. X18. 1 4,1 M B,S4 11,414 , 4,71 14,489 iaia 4,080 4sa 14.1M 1.7041 .414 aa,7i WadmatUr Thursday . -J"rt7 Saturday Adults . . Children . ICcadar i,wc B.M7 ?,aae,oa .... a,7 . . ,.13,3T . ...1d,BM ItU rintnl, ajoptembe 0 to eio- be 1. MosBeoomla week, October to 14. fraternal parade, TardT afternoon, October . ooroMum iu. rata, evenir. XMortlo , ! treet. ' . CUlarea'S atys, OctoSCt 44 14. .Sparkling with the brilliance : of ten thousand colored atara. flashing a false lun Into the very heavens, even ss tho llghto of London, the twenty floata of the ereat electhcal parade, moved with the majesty 'that beflta regal train through the streets of Omaha last night, while the, hundreds of thouaanda, packed aolld and Immovable along the atreeta, exclaimed In monoayllablea aa each suc--Air,m nuiirDlMt of beauty glided by. It marked the coming- of King- Ak-Bar- Ben XX Into his royal city ot ttDoia to be crowned. had tho Une of march been Studied by thousands, ao that all knew h.r would be the best points of van tage from wlch yto view the acene of ., .sntenaor. oieei uui., .,.-.... the atreeta, kept the crowds back on the sidewalks. Every side street wae packed with automobiles and crowds on iooi F.verv Itttln rise of ground waa at premium for those who wanted a location from which to view the parade from their automobiles. Tho steel cables creaked with the weight of crowds that pushed Into them hours berore tne parano no gs n in the hope of holding front flace during the procession. All Traffic Blocked. . Long before the lights of the great caravan flushed into view far up the street, the crowds had so packed them wselveu along Sixteenth street that even tot traffic was impossible. All that the spectators could do was to sway augnuy (Continued on Page Two Column One.) The Weather For Omaha. Council Bluffe and Vicinity Lnes-.tled; probably showers and cooler. Trmptntirt it Omaha- leeteraay. Hour. Der. a. ra , si a- m o ' a. m (Q a. m a- m s 10 a. m.... 7 70 7 T4 T7 77 75 49 ..... fix u a. m U.m 1 p. m p. m S p. m p. m p. m p. m 7 p. m a p. m tparatlro Loral Reoord. 7 IU. Ill J. Ian Mlchest yesterday.;...,. 79 73 6 64 lowest yesterday 49 46 40 44 (Mean temperature 70 b m 49 Precipitation Z .00 .00 n Temperature and precipitation depar ture from the normal: Normal temperature &) Kxroso tor the day H Total exeesa since March 1 b& Normal precipitation OS Inch Excess for the day 55 inch Total rainfall since March 1. .. 23. S Inches' Rxcoss since March 1 a.2incha Excess for cor. period. 113 I 44 inches Exrss for cor. period. 1K12...7. 1.47 Inches Reports from Stations at T P. M. Elation and Bute v of Weather. Cheyenne, rlnudy Davrnport, rain Ienvir, pt. cloudy lVs Moines, cloudy... rvt City, clear I.sndrr, cloudy North Platte, cloudy.. Omaha, rloudv Pueblo, cloudy Kapld CJty. cloudy.... Temp. High- Rain- ton est. fail. 64 M 78 .14 4ti T 8 1.53 S4 .00 M .02 14 .44 7 . 74 .CJ 44 .11 ,U4 fii .00 60 .11 74 .Ai M T .. 44 .. as .. 40 .. M .. 74 .. 4 .. M .. St 43 M , U art salt Lake city. rain. Panta Fe, pt. cloudy... Sheridan, clear filoux City, cloudy Valentine, rain T" Indicates trace of precipltatloa. U A. WELSH. Locai Forecaster. HOW THE TURCOS FIGHT outskirts of Soissons. - MACKS AND BRAYES PREPAREFOR FRAY Contending Teams Practice for Battle Royal TomgrxoW, in ' 'Shibe Park, i, ' WILD SCRAMBLE' FOR TICKETS talllas rla Coafldeat Deal Will Do Best to Measare. I p to ' Smith's Ability at i the. Bat. I PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7.-ln prepara tion" for the opening game for the serlea for tho bae ball championship of the world, the Boston Bra vets and tho Phila delphia Athletics today practiced in ball parks that were only five city blocks apart, while thousands of.per6ral In the downtown district provided excitement In their scrambling and fighting, while mak ing efforts toS buy tlcketa for . the big sporting event. .Tonight there la not a reserved seat ticket to be had for any of the games acheduled to be played on the American league grounds - htire, ex cept through speculators. The ao called tuning up process today of tho present world's champions and the winners of the National league pennant waa of a mild character. . Neither Connie Mack nor George 8talllngs permitted his men to do any extended work. , .. .', v . .. Take Easy Workoat, j The National - leaeuera spent'. , mora than two hours' In the forenoon ;vn the grounds V of , the Philadelphia National league club, . taking - an ' easy workout. The weather was damp.ralnfalling; In light showers, during a;part ,of the morn ing in consequence of which the Boeton manager refused 'JU lot 'his . .men extend themselves. ., -. ' ' ' Tyler was the only member of the 'pitch ing staff to warm up. ... The team practiced behind closed gates and the few supporters of the 'club, who saw the players go through their practice "bestowed , their (attention upon Third (Continued on , Page Ten.) Germans' Lose -Three, : Hundred Thousand LONDON, Oct 7. An official list pub lUhed in Berlin, says a Rome despatch to the Exchange Telcjraph company,' glvea thotVerman" losses In lAlled and missing up to September 1st. aa 117,000. The authorities admit, the dispatch adds, that the total losses to date are at least 900.000. GEORGE FAIRCHILD DIES OF STROKE OF PAR AY LS IS (From 4 Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. 0t. 7. Special Telegram.) The body of George Falrchlld, stats ex aminer of county treaaurera", offices, ac companied ry hia daughter and Henry Feymour of the auditor's office, passed through here this evening on Its way to Columbus, the home of Mr. Falrchdd.,, Mr. Fan-child's death was the result of a stroke of paralysis, the second within six months, and occurred at Wllber last night. Mr. Falrchlld suffered a severe stroke at Fremont laat spring while mak ing an examination of the office of tho Dodge county treasurer, and was for many weeks In 4 serious condition. Contrary to the advice of State Auditor Howard he took up Ms work again dur ing the summer and lias been endeavor ing to keep up his end of the examina tions instead of aling until h had recovered. -French Algerian soldiers firing from behind cover in the Y: '---7T-l ."MITT J ' V.- Teutons Extend Right Wing to Meet, Flanking Movement of Allies BERLIN. Oct. 7. (Via Amsterdem and London, "Oct. 7- The following communi cation was given out by the headquarters Staff of the 1 Germans the : evening of October t. " "Continuous French outflanking move ments against our right wing nave ex tended tho battle front until It Is now north of Arras. West of LiUe and Vest of Lens (nine, miles northuaat of Arms) our advance gusrda are in touch with the enemy's cavalry. 4 "No decision yet haa been reached in our counter attacks along the line be tween Arras, Albert and Royi. "The situation remain unchanged along the battle front between the Olwe and the Meuse, in the vldniiy of. Verdun and In Alsace Lorraine. "There is no news from Antwerp. ' "In the. eastern theater of war, the Russians advancing against 'East Prus sia through the province of Suwalkl have been checked. We have been auc- BEGIN STRATEGIC DEFENSIVE MOYE Report ..from Berlin Explains Why Bombardment of Casowetz Abandoned. RUSSIA TELLS OF VICTORIES Prtroa-rad General staff, As trlaa Detachment, Defeated 1 T 'la Carpathian Moon-, talas. PETROGRAl), Oct. 7. The Russian general staff today 'issued the following statement: "On the Eaat Prussian , frontier, the Germans, having brought up reinforce ments from Koenigaherg, continue to op pose a tflnacloue resistance upon the bat tle front of .Via Jlttavoff and Ratchka, profiting by . the defiles, lakes and marshes In the region of Tcherno ganja." ' . "Beyond the' Vistula advance guard battles have occurred In the region of Opalow and Pandomlr. - "In the Carpathians west of the River Banok, an Austrian detachment waa' de feated and machine guns and - prisoners captured. "At Salivo. twenty kilometers from the city of Munkatch, we have captured an artillery park and numerous convoys.", Abaadoa Bombardment. BERLIN. Oct. T.-(Vla The Hague and London," 4 tt p. m.) The German forces on the frontier - of East Prussia have assumed a strategic defenaive movement." They abandoned the bombardment of Oasoweta fortress, in Russian Poland. After setting the city of Ossoweta on fire with shells, they were able to retire with their siege gruno and a pontoon train. They destroyed the railroads to the fron tier and are now holding In ; check supe rior Russian ' forces - from heavily . en trenched positions near Drostken. - The fighting; at Auguatowo and Sik walkl waa moat sanguinary. The ma chine guus finely turned the scale, of battle In favor of the Germans, but the slaughter of the Oerman artillerymen waa terrific. One German battery loat all Jts men and cavalrymen had to be drafted to serve the guns. Tho cavalry men held out until they had only three rounds of ammunition left. They then (Continued on Vega Two, Column Five.) 3 1 l ceasful In our attack against the enemy near the town ot Huwalki. This move ment began (yesterday, "In Russian Poland our troops on On tober 4 dislodged a H"Rln brigade ot tho Garde Fusiliers from an entrenched position between Opatow and Ostrowlee. The Russians lost 1,000 prisoners and sev eral machine guns. "There was an enKagement October 5 In the vicinity of Radom, between our forces and two divisions and a half of Russian cavalry, together with portions of the Ivangorod reserves. The enemy was repulsed and driven ha-k on Ivangorod." The reference to Radom in the fore going dispatch shows military activity in a region that has not figured as a field of operations for some time. Radom is about sixty miles south of Warsaw and fifty miles west ot Lublin. The province of Radom borders on Gallrla. Ivangorod (Demblln) Is on the Vistula river thirty miles northeast of Radom. YON KLUCK TRIES A FLANKING MOYE ... ! German Forces in Western France j ' Attempt to Make a Turning- j . . Movement. RENEWS ATTACK ON CENTER This Conater Stroke la "Viewed by British Experts aa "Sopreme Feat a re of Situation In Western Cam pa tan. LONDON, ' OcL 7.-The.epnfllct along the rivers of nf thern France, although now in" its twenty-sixth day, shows fewer signs of an early, end than it did two days ago. Then General von Kluck appeared dangerously threatened by the enveloping movement of the allied armies. Today that resourceful German com mander, having obtained from an un known quarter heavy reinforcements, ap parently is engaged in his turn lr at tempting to outflank the French and British lines. TIiIk counter stroke Is viewed here as the supreme, feature In the situation in the western theater of the war. .and Its full slKniricance can be gauged only by the actors who alons are privileged to witness the drama In which they are en gaged. Hlmultaneously with his newly launched turning movement General von Kluck has been trying to cut through the tenter of the allies' extended left at Laasigny. The official French communication ays flat this attempt was foiled, but it is not doubted that the effort will be re newed, and in the event of success it would compel the left wing of the Frencn army to retire toward the roast In order to escape the German lines stretching out simultaneously from the north and east. The fighting In .this, neighborhood, described in the ' French official report aa "more and more violent," must. It Is believed, reach to Antwerp and. and largely Influence the fate of that fortress. The surest way of raising the sige of the temporary Belgian capital. It Is sail, oould be' the success of the French turn ing movement on the Glee. Neither the German nor French com mander has claimed any decision In this unprecedented atruggle. Indeed, the Ger man report slates that nothing decisive haa resulted yet from the attacks and (Continued oa Page Two. Column Three.) LEFT WHIG OF BIG FIGHT EXTENDED FAR NORTHEAST Line of Battle in France Reaches Northwest of Lille to Point Near Belgian Frontier. VIOLENT FIGHTING CONTINUES Official Statement from Paris Says Masses of Cavalry Are in Con tact Near Annentieres. ALL IS QUIET IN THE CENTER Nothing to Report on Front Extend ing from the Somme to the Meuse. BATTLE IN WOEVE DISTRICT Attempt of Germans to Stop Ad vance of Allies Fails. RUSSIANS IN EAST PRUSSIA German Offensive oa Xlemen lias Bern Brooaht to an Kad by Com plete Check, Aeeorapaaled ' by C'oaslderablA Loos. BMXRTIN. BERLIN. Ort. 7. (By Wireless to Sayville. L. I.) The German gen eral staff, In Its report today on the situation In the western . arena of war, says the fighting on the Gor man right wing In France has been successful. PARIS, Oct. 7. The following! of ficial communication was given out In Paris this afternoon: "On our left wing the battle still continues with great violence. The opposing fronts extend into the re gion between Lens (nine miles northeast of Arras, and LaBasse (thirteen miles southeast df LUle), and are strengthened by masses of cavalry which nrn In grips an far as the vicinity of 'Arnientleres (nine miles northwest of Lille and vlrtu illy on the Belgian frontier). "On the front extending from the omme to the Meuse there is noth ing to report. "In tho Woevre district the enemy made a new effort to stop our progress, but his attacks again railed. "In Russia, the German army, de feated in the battle of Augustowo, which lasted from September 2B to October 3, endeavored to arrest the Russian pursuit at prepared posi tions along the line of the Wlrballen frontier. At Lyck the Russian (Continued on Page Two, Column Five.) Another German Possession is Seized by Japanese Fleet PEKLNO. Oct. 7.-According to a Ger man newa acency dispatch, Japanese forces have occupied the Island of Yap the most Important Inland In the Caroline group, or New Philippines, In the Pacific ocean. The Caroline Islands are east of the Philippines. The group Is very extended and comprises about W small Islands. Vap Is 1,000 miles from the Island of Mlndsnao, one of the Philippine group. The Caroline Islands were sold by Spain to Germany In 198. Belgian Capital Is' Moved to Ostend AMSTERDAM, Oct. 7. (Via London. 7:117 p. m.)-The Nleuw Dan Den Dag says that the Belgian government today was moved from Antwerp to Ostend. Ths paper saya that the German com mander Of the forces bealrging Antwerp aent an oflfccr carrying a white flsg into the city this morning to announce that the bombardment of the temporary cap ital would commence at 9:30 o'clock this forenoon. Many refugees left for Hol land and at noon the government was transferred to Ostend. LONDON, Oct. 7. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from Ostend says: "Stiural ministers with the personnel of tho ministries have Just arrived here." BRITISH SHIP ARDMORE SUNK BY BRITISH MINES INDO., Oct. 7. A dispatch to neu ter's Telegram company from Ostend says that the survivors from the sunken British steamer Ardmont, on arriving at the Belgian port today, declared that their vessel was struck by English mines. The Ardmont, they say, did not sink until it . has struck a third mine. At the frat explosion a lifeboat took off the crew of tlilrty-flve. The Ardmount, which mas of IMS tons, left Galveston, September S, arriv ing at Falmouth October 4. It was then ordered to Antwerp, but soon after Bail ing It ran Into a mine field In the North sea and waa sunk. War Summary The battle In the north of France continues with great vio lence. Neither lde has made material gains so far as known. The French War oflce In Us dally statement says the bat tle front extends virtually to the Helglnn frontier. The Hunting Is described as violent, but no claim of advantage Is mad. The German general staff an nounced yesterday the fighting on the German right wing had been successful. Another wire less dispatch from Berlin says It Is reported In government circles that two more forts at Antwerp, forts Kessel and Brocchen, have fallen before the Germans. The capitulation of the city is re garded In Berllu as close at band. A dispatch from Amsterdam says 1hat a German torpedo boat destroyer has been sunk by a mine off the EBtuary of the Kms, in the North 8ea. A British news agency declares that tho German vessel waa sunk by a British submarine. A Peking dispatch quotes 4 German news agency as saying that Japanese forces have occu pied the Island of Yap, of the Caroline group in the Pacific. A report from Petrograd says Russian heavy artillery Is bom barding Prsemysl," in GalU la, and that Austrian field foires that at tempted to relieve the fortresses were defeated and compelled to retire. The Xlerman otlclal state ment said the new Russian advance against Rust Prussia had been check&l and that Russian forces have been defeated In Rus sian Poland Toklo announces that the war office believes that the Japanese have sunk a German cruiser and two German gunboats In Klao Chow bay. An official statement issued -fn Vienna says the German and Aus trian forces surprised the enemy In Russian Poland and drove, the Russians back across the. Vistula. GERMAN TORPEDO ' DESTROYER IS LOST Boat Sunk by British Submarine in North Sea Off the Friesland Islands. GOES DOWN IN THREE MINUTES rman t'rnlaer from Estaary of the Kins Rescaea Crew of the De stroyed Vessel Sobma marlnea In Vicinity. LONDON. Oct. 7. -The admiralty an nounces thst the British submarine E- haa returned safely, after having tor pedoed and sunk a German torpedo boat destroyer off tbe estuary of the River Ems. bet wee the Netherlands and East Friesland, In the North Sea. An earlier report of the sinking of the destroyer, from Amsterdam, said that tho vessel had struck a mine. The British submarine is commanded by Lieutnnant Commander Max K. Ilor ton and this was his aecond successful raid Into German waters. Earlier It sank the German cruiser Ilela In the North Pea. Nlaks In Three Mlnatea. LONDON, Oct. 7. A German , torpedo boat destroyer, cruising off the estuary of the Ems In the North sea, has been sunk by a mine, according to a dispatch from Amsteraam to the Router Telegram company. This news reached Amsterdam In n dispatch from the Islam of Kchlermonnik, one of the Friesland Islands In the North Sen, belonging to Holland. This mes sage says that at the time of the de struction, 11 o'clock this morning, the destroyer was to the northeast of Bchler monnlk, not far from the estuary ot the Kms. Observers on the island' heard a sud den explosion and a huue mass of water arose from under the bows of the de stroyer. The bout keeled over and dis appeared under the wavea within three minutes The periscopes of two submarines ap peared on the 'scene. Their nationality could not be liscert allied, but they prob ably were German. A Gennan cruiser arrived from the Kms estuary, the dis- patch received in . Amsterdam relates, in time to sav the crew of the de - atroyor. German f'rnlser Reported Sank. TOKIO. Oct. 7 The belief waa ex pressed at the war office today that the German cruiser Cormoran and two other German gunboaia bad been sunk In Klao-Chow buy. The Japanese army lias occupied tne hhan-Tung railroad as far as Chl-Nuu. ! Rivers and Harbors Fund is Allotted WASHINGTON. Oct. 7.-Allotment ot the IJrvoa.Ow appropriated by congress for river and harbor improvement this year was announced lute today by the board of army engineers. The lsrgest single allotment was $J,Tj0 to the Missis sippi river commission GROUND LOST TO GERMANS BY THE FRENCHMEN Official Communication Issued at Faris Sayg Ceded Territory Has Been Regained. TEUTON HORSE CHECK ON LEFT Complete Calm Along Front Except on Twa- Wings Where KaiseT's kaiser's Forces Repulsed. ADVANCE ON CENTER IN PLACES London Press Bureau Announces Hard Fighting North of Oise River and Lens.- VIOLENT BATTLE IN BELGIUM Engagement Takes Place Between Audenarde and Leupeghem. INVADERS ARE DRIVEN BACK a nmerons Skirmishes In Environs of Vprlslna- In oothern Pnrt . of "Meat Flnndera. PARIS,' Oct. 7. The official com munication Issued by the French War department tonight announces that the ground previously ceded by the French between Chaulnes and, Roye has been retaken and that on the center the French have advanced on certain points. Test of Statement. The text Is as follows: "Except qn the two wings, where the Grrmnn attacks hsve been repulse-1, there has b.vii nearly complete calm along the front "On our left wing the German cavalry has been liid In check; to the north of Lille it hns ben driven 'back., "Between Chaulnes and Roye the ground prevloimiy reded haa leen retaken. "On the center we have made an ad vance on certain points. , -There-Is trotUipj to, wpott on our rlghr wing."' Planting: Worth of Olae. LONDON, Oct. 7. Tho official press bu reau at S o'clock this evening issued the following statement: "Nortl.1 of the Olse and at .Lena there Is hard fighting "Hlscwherc a alight advance or retreat varies. Throughout the line the reports gre generally satisfactory. "The French army Is fighting with the greatest dash and bravery. "The Germane attacking Antwerp have pushed forward their positions against considerable resistance by the garrison." Hnaanrraent la llelaiam , A dispatch to the Central Newa from Amsterdam says: "A message received hero from Ghent saya fighting of a violent character haa taken place between Audenarde (fifteen miles southwest of Ghent) and Laupe ghem (a' email town about a mile south of. Audenarde). . ., "After an hour's engagement the Bel gians received reinforcements and threw back tbe Germans with heavy losses." Skirmishes var Yores. A dlpatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from Ostend saya: Numerous rklrmlahea occurred this morning betwen the advance posts in the environs of Vprea (In Belgium, twenty miles south of Ostend), in the southern part of West Flanders. "The Germans threw themselves on tbe forte and entrenchments." ' DAUGHTER BORN TO LORD AND LADY CHURCHILL LONDON. Oct. '.Mrs. Winston Spen cer Churchill, wife of the first lord of tl.o admiralty, gave birth to a daughter to day. Mrs. Churchill formerly wss Miss Clem entine Hosier, daughter of Sir Henry iMontLgu llozicr. Hhe and 'Mr. Churchill were married in r3. They now have three rhldren, two daughters and ono eon. Get Busy-America We are favored among the nations. We have peace and plenty within our own borders. ' " 0 u" icaiucu me iCflBUUa j taUffht bv lean times. BJld SO I - . . . cue prcpareu w itLoe uie aays ahead. Our farmers are pros pering by reason of the present conditions and when agricul ture flourishes, the business outlook is one of good hope and good cheer. Some American Industries and mercantile enterprises now suffer because of the . partial suspension of trans-oceanio trade. Shlpa are being provid ed American ships. More in dustries will be stimulated to supply our home demand.'whlch Ml ST be satisfied. U is a ttmo of great and glorious buslnaeti opportunity. 1 I Boom Times Are Coming Get Ready,, . . j i