Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    Even Cross, Sick
Children Lovu
Syrup of Figs
TITT-. TUT. nf1TV rvTrtTrn - acra
xr-...,,.,. n l.l''.M, Ul HMU.IV I, IMM.
I r I ).,., f,.,, I ,,,,, , (, I
- If !. la ,... D( ,,
f a a lr .....,., i,,.r .n l.,a.i,
era hi, ,.,, ,,,,
VNfca taiae. f. tiii.r,. J. ,11 i
si. ,. .,, a. i ,f. ? , mm .,,., h.
. In.! . ,,, ., ,,,, . ,,,,
' ''f-ni4 r.i .f Vt,"
mA In f- ai t r r it naala,
t4 .-.r a ivl frrtq'rtiM ,,..,4MM
ot the aj ., ,,,,, ,
r '- l tM I as' I .,ve
Ms r,arn'.e -frun u." an. I mutn.
ran ra .aa aflrr a'" II, l.orauM
H naee rj! ., raaaa Ih.lf Mil "In.
ai4 !
T It Kan-lr. Mthr' A little (Ivan
"tar mm alrfc . hl. loni' but
rl th (aniline. A ah trur 1riii fnr
- halt I r e.ifim a Tiup if
'. Ma d.rin fir t.aMaa,
cai4ra vf all aa a n1 fur ron-upe
rJeJnia- on tha h.uie Hmrmf there
ar rtrrl M hers, surHr I.h
awt ee that yoiri ta ria'la l.r iha 'Tall-
frnie I "r'-P i.ii h.ii " liar 4 bar
rorlnn,l anr oth.r ft srriip. Ail
makes itching
eczema vanish
Tfer, l JmmevilaU r!lf for
kins Itehinf, bu reins; a4 disfla
r4 ky ats-ms. ringworm, r
ttir larmrnnlLng skin trouble. In
im bath with fSMlnoi Soip.
mn4 awipi aroiicaUon f IUatr)
tHnUnat. lU Uhi(r, tMalJnff
Vatnol baiaaiDt ink rlrfit Into Uio
tin, tu itchJnff fWaiaiy, and
tJ' wy ail trara ef crap,
ban, wi fat aoTr and atubborn
tr othar imUukU fail.
Baatoa! faa aM ajfca OtataMat aha
" a mlaa aa4 Maakhaate, aaa
Wa iialaMtTaalHHt
IfklamlM, rMwrlWa far 1 ran.
. .
a J a
j - . ..," j i "
fat W, e. Croak fa Carar.
I Ifkilaf rillKH, Nurf.aanran.1an Cm.
riaalllr aaf aa4 Vaa Ca. Onf.
ava a ruat IW-r,.w n.ann frtaa
Dvatat aomifiianl anil alllnr p. 74a.
Vat rav Tkawaa W, Slaakaara fnr
'iirra A1nia.inaM.
riret Traal Oamaaaf Ara lt mak
ln iM rlain
C1f frafatf fnf raxiKa. Ilal that
aauaa arm ixiria lliallf To. I. 1474.
Taa rtrat tlr aamtlr at Turrln'e
MI laaa .rr nl Hat'irlay
aailfal All Mo4ra rmaa ret lata
a tra ar far man t plan. Ilankafa
H4llr lnvalmnt I n I'hnna Poua IMA
"Ta4ara Oamplata Morta rrerraai
r,"""i"l ar. 1 1. .ti tiMlav, and appara In
Th, lia KX''.t at VJ.I.T. Ilml nut what
tha rloiia irxrvlnc f l(l:r the.t-r cffT.
CkaaiBar Baaotaff Aaann Tha
k""' nf mntlrri, and rlaaalo danism In.
njtof of tarhf, hn ara tuvaarul
loth In Omaha an1 ethrr cltka. CUaa
f'nprn plairhar M. JtM. .Tlphon4
Vn:itit jiti. Tha achnot to apnl upon, j
Tata Paataoaa Maatlar Tha local
ramp of "panlah rnr tatrrnna iloclilrd to!
fnairKina Ita Wnlnoa.lay nlaht rncfllnir
llila arark on arroiinl of thn latrlonl
Walfara ftatara Koma Mr. and Mra.
( harl.a Y. Wrllrr liiiv rfturii from
ItfcllnnapolU, Ind.. whrra thjr atlendrd
tha National Wholesale PruRRlata' ron
ntlon, aftrrwarda Piwndlna two wrka
at Kranrh U. k Kcrlnaa. ' ,
t9tmm'M Ooadltlaa Sartona Tha o .n
dltlnn of I.uka Jordan, humril whnn hla
room at 1720 Caaa atrt caught flra from
an ovrturtid lamp, la raid to ba prrloua.
II la at Rt. Joaaph'a lioapltal and but
allaht hopa for hla Ufa la rntrrtalnd.
Xmparla ara Zaoraaalna Collector of
rualoma C'adt .Taylor announces that
Ma advance Involraa ahow a alight In
rraaaa In Import. Indicative that' the
Kuropean war. alluatlon la rclaxlna: ita
grip on tha ahlpment of forelan producta.
Jaaf Sta4aata Taaatad F)uparlnten9
ant and Mra. Booth of the Kebraaka
lehool for the Iaf at Brnaon rove the
attending itudinta an enjoyable outing
at ronton!) park with a wiener roaat
and muak-melim party. The youngatera
had tha time of their Uvea. -
rtak Oeatpaay Oeafaaeaa Jadgmant
Dult agalnat tha Omaha Clay worka for
ll.KS damagaa for the death of Tony
Mapiania, an employe, wee brought In
dlatiict court for the benefit of tha dead
man'a father and mother and judgment
waa Immediately confeaaed by the de
fendant company la Judge Engllnh'a dla
tiict court. Haptens waa killed when an
arch of a brick kiln caved In.
neaatlfel Omaha la raaoraanle
Tha Omaha Be ha a pent more than a
year In the preparation of a aet of patio-
ramlo vlw which would give outaldera
a correct Idea of what Omaha la like and
he a handeom aouvenlr boopter for the
Thea bird e-eye rtewa ahow how the dif
ferent aactlona of Omaha look and give a
aplendld Impreaalon of Omaha'a flneatruc
turea, the wholesale and retail dlatricta,
ahopa, atock Tarda, realdentlal and park
Th booklet can ba mailed or It makea
an ornamental addition to photographic
collection. On aale at Th Be office or
at newatanda, 10c apiece.
The AJcar-Ben organisation has no
dealr to take atocaT In tha Ktadlum Speed
way, promoted In Eaat Omaha thla year.
Thla waa decided by the board of - gov
emora of the Ak-Ear-Ben, at a meeting
laat evening. The promoters of the apeed-
way had offered the governors atock In
the company and had offered to make
It a regular Ak-8r-Ben affair. It waa
decided by tha governor that whatever
of thla kind la to b taken up by tbe
Ak-Sar-Ben, will b initiated and de
veloped by Ak-Har-Ben aa an irgant
Hon. and that It la not beat for the or
ganisation to get Into thla apeedway thla
ear. It waa pointed out, however, that
another year tha organisation might
promote aome eiieh an enterprise aa
apeedway :or automobilea or motor-
Vlien You IVant
to Laugh-Eat
Aavrl If You Want to Kt Without
Fonal Fcara Take a Htuart's
DyaprpMla Tai)Ie After
Each WI. '
Lincoln Sanitarium
a.M. tMlk14 ('.(.aeltr
a-fcevela. ktaj.ra
I aaeey way.
Su!pha Satin Sprlncs
Ua4 aa
Utturai r.:ineral Water
ft' a Iraaitaai af
aa luaaa
kg. m. t ,t rakaa
a. U(n. sr av
Iuahtr amllea and mirth never
w,m a ru-in llomiiTi. nrv
man-afraid-of-hla-rood laughing! There
always that hauntln frellna that .
efc k atoma'-h H ihilMni ta ha nlnt,r..i
w i
aay ta;
I Old arraaeky Baya Ar r:
Juat anaka up yuur mitut to help natur
kta haraa.t. fiiva your body a rhanc to
"! auoat Heat ttte raw edgaa of your
via max it and give , blod the toola
it nun aiveativa rijoa wiin.
Thar a wnly one way to make th
k--ly al-( a It tha hara to make It
'f w;l Mirmful and airing mell-tna I ha ayaten. ftuarl a Ivimhi
; Tabiata (S lata the alnmau-h Juat Ilk
I ' A Thy ara diaaulvad and thare thev
! .'f-n-tha tha waait! tulcea f the dl
j iim aai'aratua aaul th digaatkua
aiaJa unul
Taara ta aullaa snyaterloua or magical
aNaut lham. eVrtaave kaa pruvad that oar.
'ai'i lagratiaaia maaa up tha 1leetive
''''' aaart a lyautu Tabiata ar
Adopti Committee Report Declining"
to ReiniUte Teacher.
Walker ttalea Action 1 1 tea: I He
raaae rail WemterM Waa Tint
rrraeat When the Ve
u Take.
rty a vote of I to 1 the Board of Fdu
catmn last nlaht refuaed to relnatate Mlaa
teniae Ftegner aa a teacher at the High
School f Commcrrt. By the eame vote
the member decided In favor, cf an ap
peal from a ruling by President Walker,
devldlng that the flrat vot waa Illegal.
President Walker contends that a teacher
cannot be dlemlaaed from aervlce unleea
the full board la present and voting.
Member A. C. Kennedy waa not present
at laat night's meeting. Tha president
declared the vote on the appeal from his
decision aa null because It did not carry
by two-thirds. Th board at present haa
but eleven membera. The Question aa
to whether six la a majority of eleven la
referred to Attornef Herring for solution
and report
ea)rt of Trarkrra' Committee.
fr. J. J. Foster of the teacher s com
mittee reported on Miss Stegner't letter
asking for reinstatement. He said Mlaa
Btegner had not been dismissed because
of her testimony In the case brought
against U C. Rusmlsel, accused of being
Indiscreet aa principal of the commerce
achool; that her testimony waa not de
rogatory to Rusmlsel, but that Mies
ftegner goesipped and would hot recog
nise the authority of achool officials.
Voting on the report that Mlea Stegner's
dismissal be sustained, the membera of
th board divided, aix to four, for dis
missal, as follows: .
Against reinstatement: Dr. J. J Fos
ter, W.A. Foster, tr. E. Holovtchlner,
t. J. Taggart, E. F. Leavenworth, R. F.
For reinstatement: A. J. Burdln, C. V.
Warfield, C. T. Walker. T. J. Strelti.
Warfield asked that the matter be de
ferred, but Walker Insisted on a vote.
imiuoni vtaixer declared the vote
void because, he aaid, th law prohibited
the board from dismissing any teacher
unless the full board waa present, among
other things, and A. C. Kennedy waa not
Appeal from Derision.
Dr. Foster appealed from the chair and
the vote atood 4 to 4 against the chnir,
vvaiKer declared his decision had ben
sustained, because a two-thirds vote waa
nereesary to overrule the decision of
presiding officer.
Attorney Carl "Herring waa appealed to
for advice, but said Hie point Mr. Walker
raised was beyond him. He said th
ruling of the president did not alter the
fact that If the board had legally dis
missed Mlsa Htcgner and auetalncd th
report of the teachers' committee,
walker s rulings were without force.
Test of Committee's Ite.port.
Th report of tha teachers' committee
Your committee on teachers and In
atructlon. to whom waa referred the let
ter of Mlea Louise Stcgner, beg leavo to
That tha evamlnatLnn m.xl-
charges axatnst Mr. Kusmlsel wus
thorough and exhaustive. Every oppor
tunity waa given and every witness ex
amined who could poaslbly throw any
light on the aubject
There waa not a ahadow of evidence
of Immorality against Mr. Kusmlsel. No
one makes the claim that there was.
Evidence of what might be termed fa
miliarity in shattered by auch Impeaching
evidence aa to give It no value. Under
th evidence there waa but one honest
thing to do, and that waa to wholly ex
onerate Mr. Ruemlsel.
Why She Waa Removed.
Mlsa Stegner waa not removed because
aha tea'lfied In the case or becauae of
her testimony. All wltnessea were urged
to testify freely, and were protected In
n. in view or me ract that Mlaa Stegner
In no way reflected upon Mr. Rusinisel
in her testimony, her removal could not
be connected In any way with her nrea-
a witness put th proceedlnara
spirit of disloyalty on the
ence aa
disclosed a
part or Mlsa btegner that -was demoralis
ing to the entire service, and which cul
minated In an active and persistent ef
fort on her part to discredit not only
her principal, but the auperlntendent of
schools and the Board of Education. As
Individuals the board and the auperln
tendent could well overlook the offense,
but to Ignore It aa officials would simply
mean that the effort to maintain any
discipline among the large teaching force
was abandoned.
The board knows and Misa Btegner
probably claims that ahe waa and la
the moving spirit' In this active disloyalty.
The question of Miss Ktegner'a retention
became a queation of achool policy, no
longer related to her antagonism to the
principal of the high achool of commerce,
but, even in the narrow circle of her
relation to the prtncipal. the board could
not acquit Mr. Rusmlsel and applaud Mlsa
Btegner for trying to undermine hlra,
nor could Mr. Rusmlsel be retained and
at the aame time be presented with a
teaching fore convicted of unwarranted
disloyalty. We cannot expect loval serv
ice, nor can wa hop to win men and
women of ability to the service of teach
ing, if every cabal oganlsed against a
teacher Is permitted to thrive on the
tongue of gossip.
Kvldrne la rail.
The record of the evidence in thla case
waa made by a district court reoortar
in Ita entirely it haa not been given to
the press, because the board prefers to
suffer criticism rather than needlessly
expoee witnesses, not connected with the
schools, to public odium, althouah such
evidence waa properly received In the
Interests of a Just decision.
Your committee baa given this matter
Its most careful and dispassionate con
sldeiatiun and If the uunstion Is to ha
decided from the standpoint of the wel
fare or ine acnooia, we must recommend
no further action, and that thla r.i.rt
and tha letter he filed.
Mix women appeared, oatensibly to find
out what would ba don with Mlsa Bteg
ner' s letter.
( natlttln af Board.
There are now only eleven members
of th board and aix constitute a ma
jority. Mr. Herring aaid after th meet
ing that he had forgotten thla fart. Dr
Foater asked If eleven or twelve mem
bera now constituted the board.
Attorney Herring will look up th law
nd file a full report upholding or
ruling out the vot oa the committee'
"It doesn't matter, anyway, there'll be
a lot of fireworks," aaid C. V. Warfield,
after th meeting.
Car--- , naa rm antrie4 Inarajiaata ki la all
,a taea . t U to . una iraia at t rartaia la-..-.X-J
X IlFlil S Hry-hl '-"- "Uiae4 a muni Iyapapau
N" " Tenaet UI oiaaal laa. grain of food.
i-a llMietratee fcow ye at nature to
j raabca warn-aHi sultnaia. Whea a
f l aiaw a . as Miaal with food ra
aaiaaa a Btaast a lyaBjui Tabia. It is
' aria I Maa4 tna fuwt than it
wwu 4 a without it Th ark la aot so
aft tk laB so euag.
Wham t naaal ta faattr aaalaUat
t ayafm afcawba ajanr aoura an karaa'at fxurf efv-ta ara aitaat-r-aiatl
eaki. 4 wit fa enaat.
ap i a a eaeej.l
aw ! awnu geoaMt'a !
r9 fa'Uia. T aAfeata wtenina a fre
leva' t.-aa Ut au aaa s- tis 4.
ik. La Vtuav ruaT . MaanalU
V aa . 4 a aaa a I amaaaa a.aaw wUl b
4 (aw.
LONDON. rpt. . (Corraspondenc of
th Aaaoclated Press V The Red Cross
hospital of M beda, established by th
American worn, n a war relief fund, near
Torquay, la th best equipped and bat
arranged war hospital In England, ac
cording to 8lr r red eric Treves, tha die
tlngu sh4 aurgeon.
Thla organisation, which haa for officer,
Lady Paget. Mra John Aator and other
well-know Aaglo-Amertcana, ha also ap
propriated f3.Mt) for motor ambulance
ta be ud 1 conveying the wounded
front th ships t the various boapttala.
KVnda hav ben collected aufftctent to
anaiataia th hospital for oa year and
allow for rartala amounts of outside ro
ll' worka. It la aaid thai about 117!.
stU remain to th society's credit.
Ba Want Ads Ar to feast Baataeas
Mrs. May M rndden. Twenty-fifth and
t atreeta, Bouth Omaha, waa stabbed
through the breat during an altercation
with a man near Bixteenth and pierce
streets, Monday. It la aaid by witnesses.
police, that the cutting was done
woman s nuenand. Fhe has not filed a
complaint asalnat him, however. After
the wound waa dressed at the police sta
tion, th woman was taken home In an
Bee Want Ads Prodtio Results,
When .1. R. Matthews of Prownvllle,
Ni h., waa accosted by two men at the foot
of tbe Pouglns street bridge, who da'med
jthey were policemen and ordered him to
to accompany them to the station, he t
considerably pusrled to know what I
charge against him could be. He f How
Ihit alleged officers 1n the general din
tlon of the station, hut when they reach
a clump of bushes they pounced up
him. A fight ensued. In which Matthc
hsd the better of it and made good I
escspo with hla mmey.
IStor. Hoar 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.!
urgess-Mash Company:'
Tuesday, October t, 1914.
everybody's store"
8lxtenth and Harney Streets.
Fdit th CrnatlQni Ball and Other Social Junctions
Tim . '
T'S indeexl a jorcous exhibition of individual and distinctive conceptions that will ar-real to the woman who
seeks that element of individuality and exclusivehess in her dress.
Exquisite 0wns of rich silks, chiffons, tulle over silk nets' and laces; some trimmed with spangles,
shell and silver and gold lace.
There is an almost rndles. selection M Haini
a a , , " t,VIUI 1(1 t J , 4a 1 1 IV I I A. i tl V. I J I A I far lUIUUUIJt! VUIAI. lltLlkk
blue, nile, rose, cerese, maise, etc., also white and black.
A3 CMAKTiJJlG-53G.OO, $48.00 TO $146.00
ISDIVIDtTAI GARMENTS. Her ta one of ''gold cloth, anothpr or
velvet with broad tall collar, still another of broadcloth with fur
collar and trl turning and so on throughout a most charming dnplay.
Every favored shade la represented.
Just a Word About Our Eem&rk&M Line ot
WE claim for thorn tb blRKeat and beat values in town at tha
prion and what's more we want you to shop around, then come
hero we know what the result will be. .
The styles and materials are the very newest. There la a wide
rang of models for selection. Including the much talked ot Kedtngote
and Cossack style coats, lined with guaranteed aatln. The skirts are
plain yoke atyle. Tbe materials Include poplins, gabardines, broad-
riomn ana men a wear serges in snaaes 01 itussian
green, negro brown, navy blue, plum and wistaria,
also black. Brsreaa-aali C eend Floor.
SETS; $8.06 and $&80
CONSISTING of spread with embroidered
edge with cut cornera and bolster, cover
to match, white, white embroidery, blue, pink,
yellow and lavender.
to match bed seta.
18x36 inch, at 55 and 75o
18x45 Inch, at fiFi and
. 18x54 inch, at -Tfto and BOo
artieaa-Naah C Mala Flr.
Be&uttful AeaortmentNEW DRESS
'82.46 and 84.8
THE asRortment Includes practically every
w'eave of material you might desire such
aa whipcords, serges, panamas, granite cloths,
suitings, checks, stripes, mixtures, etc., etc.
All the favored plain colors an well as fan
cies. Knch pattern sufficient to makejt dress.
We consider them unusual values at the
prices. Wednesday at each, $2.45 "nd
narares-taak C. Main Flor.
More 'of' That SILK
IT'S almost impossible for us to keep an
assortment of this popular fabric Princess
For Wednesday w offer a new shipment. In
cluding every tew shade as well as black, full
36 Inches wide.
nrseaa-.Naeh C -Mala Fleer.
LongWHHTE (GLOVES Hot the Coir
nation Ball and Other Funnctionc
MADE of an extra quality German Lambskin
wiih three. hone fasteners, all sizes, everv
pair perfectly fitted to the hand by experts, pair
52. 5 ana hj.ou.
Meynieir Long ffiloes for
Evening Weair,83 t84.S0
Glace and suede, made of the finest selected
kid skins, pearl, sky, pmk, white and black, 12,
6 and 20-button length.
Hnr-eaa-4aah C. Mala Flr.
Sample Line off PariQ Made FAIMS
"$3.60 to $7 MO Valees.' &h&
AN unusual statement, we grant, but they are the sample line ot
a leading importer who received the sample lota and, owing to pres
ent Kuropean conditions, could not
secure any stock.
We bought them At a big aacrl
flee. They're the prettiest and dainti
est fans we have ever shown. It's
really Impossible to describe them.
Finest hand carved bone sticks,
also real sandalwood sticks. Gold
and spangled Inlaid, fin double
Ilk gauce, hand painted, spangled
real lar.e effects, etc.
Unusual $3.60 to $7.60 values for
$1.95. Braeaa.Naah CMatn Fleer
IN large ahd more attractive quarters and
we invite you to cofne and get ac
quainted with it in its new location. You'll
find the 'display most interesting and many
women are taking advantage of the
which are given every day by a competent
instructor, We might suggest the thought
of preparation for Christmas gift giving.
Barsraa-Naah C Third Flaar.
Pure Drago and Toileto
A list of specials that will interest you: '
Ivory soap, Be
size, 0 cakes. 19c
Jap roe soap,
per cak 6c
Fsls naptha soap
10 cakes.... 39o
Canthrox for the
shampoo, BOo size,
at 29c
Williams' shaving
soap, cake...2t
White Russian
soap, 10 cakes. 23c
20-Mule team bor
ax, 1 lb 9c
Sant flush, 25c
sice for Ue
Plnaud's lllsc toi
let water 65o
Mennen's talcum
powder 12c
Java rice powder,
for 43
Rarareaa-NMli O Mala F1r.
I a VP. M W 1 n - t frJ a ' VAVl- - 1 . 1
' oainpio juino 01 u, io. itisk, a.mcago a iroremosi wnoisaio
f Kininera, Including Values o! 97.80 to 920.00, Wednesday at
IT Is needless for u$ to elaborate on the reputation of D. B.
Ffsk as clever style creators of trimmed hats as it Is the
consensus of opinion that they are one of the foremost in their
line in America.
We were fortunate to purchase this sample line of trimmed
hats at a very low figure and we offer them to you at a price
that is most unusual.
There are scores of charming creations, styles and designs
to suit every fancy.
We advise early selection;
rs;-ltah O. Seeen4 F1r.
The Introduction of a New Mode Awarded to Burgess-Nash Company
Annette Kelleimian Knitted (Gairoents of Fashions
ILL be presented for the first time Wednesday in a
wtniature Theater on the becond Moor adjoining
rThe Military Jacket
The Campus Coat
The Sylvanit Coat
The Outing Jacket
the Sweater Section
The Napoleon Cape
. The Versatile Jacket
The Byron Cape
The Military Cape
are just a few of these new garments, which are manufac
tured by The Pennsylvania Knitting Mills. In Omaha th;y
are presented exclusively by Burgess-Nash Company.
AT 90.00 TO 910.00
These garments, which express Miss Ketlermann's scien
tific idsxs, will be posed by a young lady from the Annette
Kellermann School of Physical Culture.
Hoaar, of Exhibit i 10 su'ra. to 12 noon
and 2 to 4 p. m.
See this reraatkable and tnterestfng series of poses
Wedaesday. It will not tale place here or anywhere else in
this City again this season.
fra -sttttii au. J ajac!
College Blankets. S8
University of Nebraska. Omaha
High, Council Bluffs High and
Crelgbton College, Wool Blan
keta, with the emblem aewed on
In felt forming the college colors.
You will want ono of these fine
wool blankets for tbe football
field, the automobile,
tbe den, etc., each
95 Auto Rugs. 93.98
Plush and Scotcn plaid wool
auto rugs, large alze,b t rrr
$5.00 values CJ0'
93 Blankets, 91.08
Size 72x84 heavy, warm, wool
finished bed blankets in gray,
taji, white and fancy checks and
Flalsh Comforters
The Maieh comforters are luxuri
ously warm, yet light and nufty,
exquisite designs and patterns In
best grade of silkollne and
French cambric coverlnga, others
wtth satsen coverings that
makes sound sleep in cold fresh
air possible. A guarantee of ab
solute purity la assured; each-
$2.98 to $10
Eiderdowns 3 Sc to 91
Rd. gray, Un, blue, pink, white,
cream and fancy colored wool
and cotton eidardowna for 'robes,
kimonos, dressing aacqaea. chil
dren' wear, hahv nc. ...
i .. . . on;., a
spienaia new line, yard, f i
soc up to cj)Jl
15c Flannsl. fft-
J41nch Amoskeag white, outfirg
"auuai, iuc Taiuea, all
Xrd JiOff?
10c Flannel. R
Light and dark fancy ouUng flan
nel, remnants and bolta of tbe
lOo rrade. at. n
yard. ...l.-.a...... j)JJ
QVzc to 10c SilkoHnes.
3 Mao
Remnaata fancy yaril wide
printed aUkollnea and comfort
prlnu, i to lOo r i
values, yacd
10c to 12Mjc. Cotton
Bleaohed cotton batta. y i
10o and HViC rolls, at...JC
Cotton Eatta. 22
Tha famous well known "Bed
Croaa Cotton Baits," 1
Wnearea-aaa fW Baaeaaamt.
iBtarueas-Naih Co.-EverrbodT'i Start 15 th amd llamrr.