Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Newest Autumn Dress Goods
Here Are the Good Things That
are Offered for Tomorrow
You may choose now from among more than forty
new shades of imported spot-proof broadcloth. A
little later and you'll find them impossible to dupli
cate at present prices.
some few of the many choice shades are plum, new
green, navy, Prussian blue and black. A fabric
which drapes beautifully. '
of fine, soft texture, an extra value at 85c and (1.
l -rlMl, ill fN
from Taw One.)
current avenU Irom the from several
days ago ana i iruunuij win vuhm i
W klu audi ma mah.Imi.a
until B.r John' French the Cmm.nd.r
hie amy In mMtmi again.
The reticence 1 tha rarla official coro-
A Responsive Fuel
Vulcan responds
to the touch of the
draft like a well
trained horse to
the rein. The
reason is simple
Vulcan is a
more concentrated,
not a more condensed
fuel. It does not
settle and cake in the
fire-box like coal,
thus preventing a
draft through the 7ucl
body. Opening the draft
on a coal fire is often Jike
opening a faucet on a
clogged pip5 nothing
happens until the pressure
is great enough to blow
out the obstruction until
heat enough is generated
to burn the whole mass of
fuel. This is wasteful.
Try Vulcan Coke and
see the difference any
body ' can manage it, it
has no peculiarities to
take into consideration.
It costs less than hard coal,
and wherever Anthracite
I is goodr Vulcan is better.
Coal Products Mff. Co, Jolietjll.
Eiclustv Dotneetlo Bale Agent.
Atwitl-Uekocitos Cool k Cobs Co.
MeOeraUak Klf, Ckteag.
Nebraska Fuel Co.
let Oath
For Wednesday Only
Your Choice of Over
200 Trimmed Hats
Hats that were priced at
$7.50, $8.75' and $10 at
this low price
A value-giving event that you should
not miss. Tomorrow Wednesday.
Millinery Second Floor.
munlcatlon last night was even mora
marked than customary. It furnished nn
Inkling at what had happened after the
Oerman "had forced the French to yield
round at certain polnta"' on the all-Important
wee tern wing.
It la argued here that theee Intermit
tent retreat are Inevitable and not nee
eeaarliy Important In auch a hard-fought
combat throughout which given poet t Ion
are taken and retaken and taken again
I greater mobility than their toe, eeema to
Vbe Indicated by th new that they have
been able to raid the' German llnea of
communication, rut a railroad and de
stroy a train belonging to tha artillery of
tha German Imperial fltiard.
Aa th enormous watag In horee
procreseea. It la claimed for the allle
that their possibilities for auch move
ment will Increase, while thoee of their
opponent decrease. Oerman cavalrymen
en bicycle already are a common alght
and tha .Russian advance, which la cut
ting Oermany off from the horae produc
ing dlatrlcta of Hungary, muit, If main
tained, further Increaa tha ahortag In
Lid Ob la th Kaat Ale.
Even tha amall relief afforded by tha
newa of great activity In th eat aent
out yesterday have ceaaed today, and the
censorship ha extended to the region
where, throughout the war, newa of the
military operation have been more ac
cessible than. In any other theater of tha
warfare, ...
Victory for one alda or tha other along
the Russian frontier 1 of aupreme' Im
portance, and tha tremendoua battle Im
pending there may mark the rhmaa of
th war. . ....
Tha military expert are . beginning to
appreciate tha fact that tha attacka now
No Headache or
Neuralgia Pain
When your head achea you almply
muat have relief or you will go wild.
It'a needle to auffar when you can
take a remedy Ilk Dr. Jamea' Hevl
ache Powdere and relieve the pain and
neuralgia at once. Send someone to
tha drug atore now for a dime package
of Dr. . Jam' Headache Powdere.
Don't auffar. In a. few momenta you
will fell fine headache gone no more
neuralgia peJn. Advertisement.
Rheumasilts Brings
Quick Relief
Indigestion la beaten! Th misery of
poor health due to poor digestion Is ever
for those who. know Rheumasalts. the
wonderful effervescent drlnk,
No more sour stomach, griping pelna.
rumbling of bowela and trembling limb
nothing but a desire to eat what you
want when you want It without any
"kick back."
Tour health dependa largely upon what
you eat and how It la digeeted. Indi
gested, fermenting, putrtfylng food Is one
of the greatest band Haps your body has.
And It la all unnecessary, If you let Rheu
masalts help you.
If you are bothered with Indigestion.
ask your druggist for about five ounces
of Rheumaaalta; take two teaepoonfuls
In a glass of water before breakfast each
morning and In a few da you will be able
te digeat your food In a perfect manner.
Rheumaaalta la very Inexpensive. It
doea not cause nausea. It la delicious to
tske and la delightfully effervescent.
Rheumaaalta la prepared by th famous
Rheumabath Company, Minneapolis.
Suits, Dresses,
Coats, Skirts
Made to Your Indi
vidual Measure
Every garment is hand
tailored by experienced
workers from any material
you may choose. Particu
lars at the Dress Goods Sec
tion. .
The Store for
being made on either flank ot th west
ern army are not entirely turning move'
tnenta whlrh depend for their effective
ness tfn aped and aurpiiae. Uttle evidence
ot either haa been ihoem on the, allle'
left. 4
If. however, the RuMlana wla a great
victory In the east It will compel . the
Oerman to divert some of their western
armlea In that direction, and the flank
movement will become cruahlng attack
which will crumple up the depleted Oer
man line.
On the other hand. If the Russian are
the victim of a sever revere some of
the veteran J Oerman corpa will be re
leased for service In the weat, and the
Oerman may pierce the numerically In
ferlor allied line. Which ever aide can
extend It line furthest without weaken
ing It front ought, aocordlng to the ex
pert, to win the . battle of the Alsne,
Hence the crucial Importance ot. tha bat
tle on the Russian border.
The battle line along the Ruaalan bor
der la not continuous, but th Intervals
separating the varlou armlea are com
paratlvely amall. and the whole territory
along the frontier from Ttlatt, on the
northeaat border of Prussia, to Dukla
pes In th Carpathians bristle with
No' battle front extenda beyond Dukla
MM, but (mail mobile Ruaalan foroee are
harrying th plalna of Hungary. The
longest contlnuoua Russian line extenda
from Dukla paaa to a point almost en the
Vistula river a short distance from War
saw. Thla la compoaed of the armlea
which awapt over Oallcla and ta now th
Instrument of the projected Invasion of
Message from Ship
,Lost in Superior
Found in Bottle
vember . Mi. steamer Leafleld. No
hope; farewell to all; In Ood we trust."
The above message, signed "Officer,"
a found today In a bottle on the chore
of Lake Superior, near here, half buried
In the aand. The ateamer Ieafleld of
theAlsgoma Central Steamship line, waa
lot during the great storm of November
I, last. It waa carrying a full cargo of
steel rail from Baulte 8t Marie to fort
William. None of Ha rrew ever reached
(Continued from rage One.)
her tiiey succeeded la destroying the
French gunboat Eelee.
Pwwewe' AtteaaBt rails.
"The attempts of the powers composing
th triple entente to enforce the opening
of the Dardanelles have failed. The Rua
alan ambassador at Constantinople la
described aa being furious on account et
the embargo placed oa the exportation jl
Russian grain and on th Importation of
arm a.
"The Increased Turkish navy. It la ei
peeled, soon wilt be sailing In the Black
sees. The Turkish prsea I advising at
tacka on England beoaus ef the eupprea
slon of the Khedlval rights la Egypt.
"A neutral correspondent behind . the
French front la the department of th
Maine estimate that tk fugitive civilian
population. In northern France numbers
J.09,X and that theee persona are In
great tlletress."
Belter Tasa Lite laaaraaee.
Twenty-five eenta Invested la a bottle
ef Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy will enable you to pro
tect your family from any serious conse-
quenoea resulting from an attack of coll
or dlarhoee during th summer month.
1 that not better than life Insurance?
Buy It no.. It may save life. For sale
by all dealrra-Advcrtlsement
(Continual from Pa One.)
hie daring and skill.
Before awendlns:. Bearhry had said t.
would enter the clouds, If he could find
any within roasonable distance.
Thousands of his loyal subject rejoic
ing In the season's bumper crops and
prosperity, have come in from the out
lying districts of the realm. With the
city dweller and many more Of the
king' minions, who will arrive today,
they will line the streets and shout with
Joy at the advent of the new monarch, one
of the grandest events In the fall festival.
Aa he near the crest of municipal hill
on his gorgeous royal float, he will halt
before the city hall In the brilliant light
.'of the "welcome" arch, and receive the
golden key to Cibola from Mayor James
t". Dahlman. who will voice the greetings
of the assembled multitude.
The entry of the king wilt be beautiful
beyond compare. For month the royal
artificer, Ous Kenxe, assisted by an army
of helpers, haa striven to exceed all prev
lous pageants, n order that the floats
of tonight's parade may harmonise with
the Increased glory and Importance of
the house of Ak-8ar-Ben. Many thou
sands of vart-eolored electric lights will
llumlnate the big wagon, each a burst
of bright hue and wonderful adornments.
Twenty floata, all masterplecee of the
artificer' handicraft, will comprise th
glorious spectacle. The king himself
will rl on the first, with vassals of the
court humbly attending him. Following
him wlir come the title float, "Plcturea
from the Book of Age."
tortes from Old Tcetaaneat. -Th
garden of Eden, the deluge, Jacob,
Joseph. Moses, th children of lrel In
th wilderness, Canaan, Jericho Solomon.
Elijah, Samson and Delilah, David and
Oollath, Daniel and other character and
Incidents of th old testament will be
vividly presented. A tory after tory
from the ancient book Is pictured before
th throngs. In beauteous and enchanting
style, the Impressive caravan will em
phasis th grandeua of the new ruler and
th coming aplendor of hi reign. At
the same time the pageant will celebrate
the bountiful harveat just completed, and
the superb accompllshrments of Ak-Bar-Ben'a
Many banda will Intersperse the long
tine, to sound to heaven the glory of
the king's approach and give appropriate
setting to the proclamation of hta acces
sion to the throne and acepter of Qulvera.
Exultant throngs of his willing subjects
will line the streets and welcome his ap
pearance, while In front of the pageant
will rtde th twelve chief knlghta of th
realm, the governors of Ak-Sar-Ben, at
once guiding the king through the city
of hi triumphant coronation, and pre.
aentlng him to the people aa-their new
To handle the unprecedented crowda
that are expected to view the parade, the
entire police fore will be on duty this
venlng, and the street car company will
run every available car, a total of 350,
before and after the pageant. The
theatera will hold their performance un
til th floata pas their door.
After the gorgeoua spectacle la over,
the scene of activity will be transferred
iu me iving nignway, where merry
revelera will deport themaelvea until the
grounds ar closed foa th night. Extra
ticket sellers will be on hand to wait on
th crowds. . v -
Clear "Weather Predicted.
Clear weather la predicted for the pa
rade, after Monday night's heavy rain,
which la thought to have emptied the
heavena of any lurking moisture that
might otherwise hive tended to mar the
gaiety of the festlvsl.
Starting at 8 o'clock from Sixteenth
and Cuming streets, the electric parade
will proceed south on Sixteenth to How
ard street; east on Howard to Four
teenth; north on Fourteenth to.Douglaa;
east on Douglas to Tenth; south on Tenth
to Farnam; west on Fa mam to Nine
teenth; outh on Nineteenth to Harney;
eaat on Harney to Fifteenth; north on
Fifteenth to Capitol avenue, at which
corner It will disband.
The big fraternal parade, the daylight
pageant of Ak-9ar-Ben'a fall festival,
will take place tomorrow afternoon,
starting at S o'clock. A somewhat dlf
tenant lin of march haa been arranged
for It.
the rain of laat night put the country
roada In a condition so that the number
of Ak-Sar-Ben visitor coming by auto
mobllea waa reduced very 'materially and
a a result, the steam road noted tha
difference In tha volume ot the travel into
the city.
On all the road coming from Iowa and
Nebraska there were Urge crowda of
people in on both the early and later
tralna. All of the tralna carried extra
eoachea and many of them were crowded
o that passengers coming from within
a radius of fifty mile were forced to
atand. , I
Railroad pajuwnger men assert that the
crowds coming to the city today were
the largest of any carnival day, leaving
the parade day out of consideration.
Mrtake isi Miller Btga.
Th St. fjouta Browns haa purchased
Pitchers MeTahe and Miller. Shortstop
Dunta and Third Baseman Morgan from
the Burlington club of the Central asso
ciation. Tha House cf Menagh's
First October Sale of
Suits, Coats, Gowns,
Dresses and Skirts will be
announced in ton sorrow
evening's Bee.
The House of Menagh
1613 Farnam St.
Thk STrwArr Food Company
cures Co nstlpntion
la any man, woman, child or baby who drtnb R each
Borntns bslw bakiaat It contains ths pure. 1
alive, caneOive, sails t (nut tha natuial remedy
lot p'lloun.coimlpiton. Indignation. aalUtonaa,
mudJy cwnpleitoa.sickhMdach, Mi ett ltei
y huildin P tb stoaMcb, bver. bowels. kiOiMyt.
Wbea youlaaia ku rar pewer to do thia-n4
nak peopl strong, healthy, and well yoe wiU
watt no mors or atoney ea steksnMis' Pbyai
aurttul pilla, or debilitating an 1 natal waters.
B) 1 per ar. lor sal o atacraBaa ea Bniina,
I ITrWAlIT rOO P C 0 1M Sets. tUXAif
We extend an invitation to all
"out-of-towners" to visit the en
larged and improved Benson & Thorne
store at 1516-18-20 Farnam Street
log. Etc.
and Little
In which tha finest of mfen'i and
young men'g clothing Samuel V.
Peck and Stein-Bloch suit -and
orercoatg are s,oldt fit and up.
Beat place In town tor shirts,
neckwear, hats, cap, underwear,
box. etc. Price tight, always.
Big space devoted exclusively to
the sale ot boys' clothes and Fix
ing wonderful suit and 'coats
at 93.00 up.
Exclusive fashions that delight the
parents of little girls 2 to 6 yrs.
old. float 95.OO op; drfsseg at
9Bc up.
A pleasant Dept. particularly so
since given new and additional
space unquestionably the city's
best Dept for wee people.
A bigger store.1 a better store, and, all in all, the best
in town for men's.vwomen's, and children's apparel
Victrola XI, $100
15 to $500
Schmollcr & f.lucller Piano Co.
1311-1313 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
NEW YORK. Ort. 5. Five trans-Ai-
lanttc liner, earrylnn i.0 passengers, 1
Were due to If ave New Tor todaV. Three J
of the ahlpa, tha Sanf AnnaT the Napoll t
and the Tomaeo DI Bavola. were to aall
for Naples. They had 2,890 passengers.
The atajier Noordam was to go to Rot
terdam and the KrUtlanlafJord to Bergen.
Vse BUuichard's Ecm Lotion
SO Tears oa the Market.
90 14 at Xrraf attore.
Write for free Booklet "?L"
KIM BiaaAHS and their J7"
Address Prof. J. O. Blanchard. S811 -Ol-ta
Prove Ave.. Chicago.
Big 50 Reduction on
Wall Paper
All Our Moire Paper Special cell
ing papers. In all color-
lngs and patterns, roll
Varnished Tile Papers For bath
rooms and kitchens. The wash
able kind. Former price
30c. Wednesday, roll
Oatmeal Papers Plain, 30 Inches
wide; regular 18c grade- Q
Wednesday, roll 7C
Our painless
extract! o n s
and ftlling
Is tb talk ot
th town.
Our satisfied
patients ar
spra a d I g
tha Qlsd
Crown and
bridge teeth
as low as
etb fV
700 City Natl Baak '
Sky Scraper.
See the magnificent Electrical parade
on Wednesday evening and the fast
est growing store in town during the
day, and you will have seen the two
stellar attractions that Omaha has
to offer.
tiirls 8
to It Yrs.
wear and
We invite you to visit the most
complete Tji-lking Mnchine De
partment in the west. "We sell
both . v
Victor Victrolas
Columbia .
The only store showing the
world's best side by side for
your selection. Latest Victor
and Columbia records.
Free Concerts Daily
Many Different Styles to Select
I buy the) same quality of ma
terial, the best, for use in my eat
ing place M 1 tine iu my home.
No matter what you pay elsew here
you are not fretting better, and
aeldtm as good food as you will
get at
The- Pure Food Sign.
Qaickserv Cafeteria
Basemen City Natl liana nidg.
Or Boston Lunches.
SIB South Kith 8b
1404 iMinglas HU
1 4MI Farnam St,
CQrlt IJTTl tortain aXtaea After
AJLf1f rarad aa Thtatr
Purposely Booked for Ak-ar-Bn WeH.
K.rry Histinjt' Big Show ftu.
The CarnlTal'a Vaaieputed Oltdam. The One ihow
eMItera ahoala ; aettilB like It bark kane. Daa
Ceiemaa. tfeetrlae Uarloe an 42 Kunrltra. Oor
gwoui Krnlr Kptlrlee Bellet of Prtie Beautle.
Kaces at the Speedway Saturday
and Sunday, October 10 and 11.
Hares start at S O'clock.
-. . . .
tlrtk a4 raraaaa t ar aay 5143.
Adult beginner every Monday eTenina.
Adult advanced every Tuesday evening. (New dances laufht in thla
class only.)
Private lexsons dally: up-tn-dale danrea.
First Chlldren a classes Saturday afternoon. Orlober ltth.
Opemnc assembly eaiurriar evenln. OcloW 10th. OlVaVEat'S 0CaTaTaVa
Very homelike and containing the
finest examples of women's and
misses' ultra-fashionable apparel.
Sulla $I7..".0 up; font $12.AO up;
Presses $3.73 up; Waists $1.03 up.
Here Is a shop where the worry in-
cldent to dressing growing girls
vanishes Instantly,
Dretises (l.SO up; Coats 95.00 up.
Here you find women's, girls' and
children's quality shoes very mod-
estly priced; women's $3.00 up;
children's $1.00 up.
Just inside front door at the left
the world's best gloves for women
and everything In gloves that girls
and children require.
Splrk and span Dept. -where the
bert is obtainable at prices mure
than fair children's furuishings
at this Dept., too.
Omaha Auditorium
Big Dance FRIDAY flight
October 9th
Mask Ball Saturday
flight, October 10th
Mr. Walker and Miss Kroner,
winners of the" Castle Cup, will
give an exhibition of the up-to-the-minute
dances each eve
ning at 9 o'clock.
Admission 25c
" Tne Bird of Paradise ' ' . ,VtorT.
of Kawall
Ourtaia rises toaig-bt after Far ad.
Cat. Today, 85o to 91 1 Bvs'ng, SSe-ai.BO.
MlghU. Oct, 8-S-10i Bat. Mat..
-bVOCX k rULTOW Maada.
ine candy Shop'
I Oilier arte Ihla
Trlxle Fnganza r Es.
ib,i mm
berg; mace Lai Woo Kim: rraneea ue Qrimn,
The lckaianoe. Orpheum Travel Weekly.'
t-rlr: Matinee. Gallery. 10c; Beat Beela fen
rept Salurdaf eaa Suniaj). tie. Mfkta, lftc. tee,
We aa 7.
. U. 16th an 4 Karaey.
TO DAT The Vnranlt of the Ftantoaa.
Befias at 10, 11:16, 18:30. 1:46, 3, 18,
6:30, S 145, 8. 8:16.
& )
I . lTi MI 1
' 'V' ."N., .