Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1914, Image 1

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    Left' of Allies Externalim Mote and More
Ak-Sar-Ben Festival
Omaha. Sept. so ta Oct. 10.
Sleet rls Farads, Octobar 7.
fraternity rarede. October 0.
Coronation Ball, Octobar a.
The Omaha Daily Bee
Generally Fair
VOL. XUV-XO. 95.
Combined Wonders of Pageant and
Daring of Aerial" Expert to
Make Day Memorable.
Daring Birdman Loopi the Loop and
Doei . Other Daredevil Stunts
Up in the Sky.
Marrel at Man Who Will Daily Defy
Death Simply to Amuse the .
- Merrymakers.
Visitors Come Early This Year to
See the Many Features that
Are Offered.
Kvery Indication Nan la that Relga
of Preerat Monarch Will Ecllvae
All Pormcr In Matte (
Yleltlna Subjects.
i 5,494
Wednesday '....! 3,abO
kkuraoay 6,647
rriday 7,338
annus .......18,063
Children 3,789
asmflay 13,378
Festival Fentarea.
- 'all restlval, September 30 to Octo
bar 10.
Homecoming week, Octobar 5 to 10.
Bleotrloal parade, Wsdasaday night
Octobar T.
. fraternal parade, Thursday afternoon,
October .
Coronation hall, Friday venlng, . Oa- 1
lobar 8.
Xdneoln Benohey, laat two tlmoa today.
Ili30 a. m. and a p. tn.
Information pnraao, 1819 Tgoward
. ftree.
Children's daya, Ooteber an 10.
The magnificent electrical parade this
evening, marking the entry of Ak-Sar.
' pen .Into", hie chief city of Cibola to bo
crowned, combined with the laat two
fllghtsy Lincoln Beechry. the air kin,
promleea to make today the greateet and
grandest of any In the history of Ak-Sar-ln
A pageant of unequalled brillancy and
splendor la aaaured for this evening.
hcautiful float, illuminated with many4
thonsanda of electric light, and Inter
spersed with numerous bands, will offer
the handsomest and moat extenalva spec
tacle ever witnessed on Omaha's streets.
Baachey Illdea In Clonals.
Lincoln Beachey played hlde-end-eee'.i
In the cloudya on both his flights yester
day, 'amid unusually dangerous air con
ditions, which made hla loops imperfect
and constantly tilted his plane from s'.dc
to alda.
After completing his loops, he headed
for the clouda above him, making two
big spirals to climb mp. Vpon reaching
the gray masses of vapor, he was alter
nately bidden and in sight for a brief
period. Then ha disappeared from view
behind the aerial barrier, and waa not
seen again till be hd traveled abont a
mila west, when he made his thrilling
giant dip, headed straight for the ground
while Vie Immense
crowd marvelled at
(Continued on Page TwoColumn Four.)
The Weather
' Forecast till T p. nv Wednesday :
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity:
Partly cloudy; not much change In tem
perature. Tenaaratnre at
Local Record
1914. 1913. ll'l
7 a
2 61
- Mean temirature
7t W M
Temperature and
H6 T .00
precipitation depar-
turas from the normal:
Normal temperature '. 00
Elxeass for the day 11
Total exceaa alnc March 1 617
Normal precipitation AH Inch
Exceaa for the day .M Inch
Total rainfall ainre March 1... inches
Deficiency since March 1 3.75 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1913. 5.S6 inches
Deficiency for cor. prtnj, Vjlt. t.33 inches
Rrprta from Statlnaa at T F. SC.
Station and 8tata Temp. High- Bain-
of Weather. 7 p. in. est. all.
Cheyenee, cloudy ix tiL ,0
Davenport, part cloudy.., 74 . f! .ud
Denver, cloudy 4 72 .Uf
Dea Molnea, cloudy 74 - 74 .S4
Dodge City, cl-ar 7 M .00
Omaha, part cloudy 73 79
Kaptd City, cloudy m in .on
Chertdait. part cloudy 38 44 .0
Blouit City, rain 72 7 .0
Valentine, clear J 7t ,00
T"' Uidicatea trace of precipitation.
U A, WEUUi, Local Forecaatar.
5 a. m.
f, . a. m.
V WUjLjZi&y K a. m..
k ' SKTrz "
V 10 a. m..
iVJfc- 11 a. m..
!S1? ' P- m--
V ' V 2 p. m..
tcurtrDY . 0 ! p- m-
V4 if P- m..
I Zl
S p. m.
r- ; D
river, it being temporarily repaired after be ing destroyed by
pc in
I -J . if'; -i - -" ''.-. v ' . K-w- HS
I ..... j 1 ;. VI r -ViUiH -Kl4 jVciir;-!:
am. IS!''". ,-v--- -'irX? Il J vv.. aw
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1.8b6 IV. I tW (.
1 a . . . .
458 II - . 'I
12,134 II ' f
1 Ino I BH ' al .- j .
MX. i.M.S. 1 I -
German Paper Says Americans Plafe
' Respoasibility: on EsglUK
v " Pirates.'' "
Berlin' Preaa. Matter Aaaert Sarnrlae
Generally Eaprejiaed mt Activ
ity of Teuton "hlpa
BBRUX, Oct. 6. - By -Wireless to fjpy
Ville, 1. I.) The Voeslsrhe Zettung in an
article on the cjmmeroe of the United
States quotes slaUstlcs to show that
both American Imports and exports, but
particularly tho latter, have decreased
since the beginning of the war.
"The outlook for American, trade Is
rather dangerous," the . paper ' ssya.
"Producers will be aertously damaged;
for instance," cotton growers., America
neeils a surplus of exports,, not of Im
ports.' .Germany buys from America
goods worth about ft.GW.OM.OOO' annually.
It would take a large part of these wares
even In war time if private, property at
soa In war time, enjoyed the same pro
tection as property on land. England Is
constantly violating the established rules
0 naval warfaro. ' , " ,4
' u Blame British Ptmtee.-
"The Ffngltsh press Is endeavoring to
place the blame for the injury to Ameri
can ' commerce on the German emperor;
as a -matter of fact Ahierlcans blame
British pirates, for", this Injury. The-;only
way for Ameilca to retain th's necpsnary
commerce with Germany and to restore
the balance of trade, la 'to' ba fourtd 'in
the adoption of regulations against the
plr'atiral methods of .Englahd."; ,
Tress matter dorlved from official Oer
nin edurces ssys: ' ' ' . .
' Surpr ee generally, is expressed 'a? the
aniarmg activity of the German''cruiaers
atatlonrd abroad, Though II was gener
ally expected that tfTe vessels would fall
... 64 I frin gl.t after the- declaration of w;ar,
60 j Germans now "-are astonished to learn
...6from reports in the British and French
'"or I tres of ,h damage they are ilolng to
"'-jj j mcrchanfmarine of the enemy.,'
70 j "The tjofben. Breslau, Kmdcp, Karls
... p ri'hlf -end the Lrlpslg. are tbeanics of
... " j t.he German vessels whose successes have
i caufwd the llvellert. satisfaction in Ger
. 79 ' ""sny. In addition, the cruisers f-'charn-...
TJ 1 horst and On'!senau, stationed In the
...75 j Taciflc, are raptirted to "have DeAn bun
'in the vicinity of Tahiti, Sqclet Islands',
I (Continued ou Page Two. Column Thre.
12.1011.1. :
2-2;iennan Attacks
Upon Antwerp Forts
Becoming Weaker
BORDEAUX, Oct. (.News described
aa "moat encouraiflng'- haa been recelvf d
here today from Antwerp. It la said that
the German attach on this place aeem
to bi slackening somewhat !n intensity.
The German troopa retried Inr the of
fklal anniuncement of this afternoon to
be near Lille, in the department of Nqrd.,
inuueie, in tnc opinion of French ob
rervera, that Germany haa been forced
to flr'aw off forcea from Anrwerp to re
lleva the German rlcht ,1n( in Prance,
which is hard preaced by the allies.
It has been announced hereby a credible
authority that Winston Spencer Chur
chill, first lord of the British 'admiralty, la
now at Antaerp consulting- with tha
Belgian (eneral staff.
;... I
.- w
Ame ricdn Wa fship to Ca r ry
Children's Christmas Gifts
to War -Stricken Europe
A ship Of the American navy win carry the ctaiidren'a Cbrlntmas-rU
from America to Europe. '
What an example that will be for the warring nations!
One of Uncle Sam's great warships, not fitted out wllh engines of
destruction, but laden with good rheer and choicest gifts of the spirit of
peace on 'earth, good will to men! It will be such a sight- aa the world
never Raw before.
This message was received from the secretary of the navy at The Bee
office last night:
"WA8IIIXGTON, Oct. 5. I take great pleasure In Informing
you that I have arranged to send an American warship, the Teasel to
be selected later, to European waters during the latter part of No
vember, for the purpose of relieving the North Carolina, and I have
.further arranged for this ship to rarry the Christmas cargo of useful
presents which the ninety-odd newspapers of this country, represented
by you, have so thoughtfully collected from the generous people of
our own country.
i ."It is a beautiful spirit which has prompted this portion of the
press of the United States and the people who have responded to their
appeal to lavish upon the distressed little ones of. European countries
these tokens' of liberality. - ' .
."This unselfish enterprise, I feel confident, bespeaks our own
gratitude to God for peace which now prevails within our own
" boundaries and at the same time breathes forth the universal prayer
- from the hearto of our countrymen that the distress of nations across
the waters may soon be ended.
"Again assuring you of my delight that the navy is able, in some
measure, to further your plans and purposes,, believe me. cordially
t ' yours, ' ... "JOSEPH Eff DANIELH.
"Secretary of Navy."
Secretary Daniels will later; designate the warship that is to be sent
on this glorious mission, and then the exact date of the sailing will be
announced. ' In the meantime, those who are already jjusy with the work
of preparing the cargo of yuletldeHoy to be carried to the. little ones of
Europe are urged to keep on, and those who have been waiting for definite
news should now get busy.
- There Is little timejeft, for Nebraska must be ready when the Christ
mas ship sails. The Bee will give due notice df thedate, and in the mean
time the Christmas Ship Editor.will continue to answer all queries and give
whatever advice may be needed. 'Cash subscriptions should be made pay
able to the Christmas Ship Editor. 1 '
. . . . .
Flemisk Government Tried in 1911
to Get KaUer to Declare Would i
Observe Its Neutrality.
Hefaaai sf Teatona to Ulve Freneh
Poaflble Military Advantage Re.
Carded as Kvldeace f An
llrlMt'4 War.
LONDON. Oct. S.-The Belgian govern
ment haa Issued a .gray book of corre
spondence relative to the war. JThe facta
diacloeed have been almost completely
covered by similar Brttlah eorrespondenoe,.
but the interesting revelation Is made
that In 1U the Belgian government
ought to obtain from tba German gov
ernment a declaration that Germany had
no Intention of violating "Belgian neu
trality. ' Tha German chancellor replied that al
though Germany had no such intention, a
public declaration to that effect would
weaken Germany's military poaltlon by
reassuring Franca 'which would In that
crossing bridge over Scheldt
shells from German guns. '
concentrate - all Ita forces on
I east.
I It waa for this reason that no declara
tlcn .or the k'nd Belgium aousht was
iaJe In the Ilelchstag and thla Is held
to prove that (lermony for a loivr time
contemplated a dash through Belgium on
It further atibcars that Belitlum made a
last attempt to dissuado Germany from
Its enterprliie by sending an Intimation
to the Herman government that it waa
wrong to infer that France had any In
tention of violating Belgium neutrality,
and further, that even if it did, Delirium
would the invaders by a vigorous
resistance. , ,
Musicians Advised to
Desist from War Talks
NEW YORK, Oct. . At the flrat re
hearsal of tha orchestra of the symphony
aociety of New York, yesterday, Walter
Damroach. tha - conductor, admonished
hla elghty-fjv niualclana, representing
thirteen nations, that war arguments are
not productive of harmony. The muatctana
were told to remember that they were
all Americana, no matter where they were
born; to realise that patrlotlam and brav
ery, culture and civilisation, are not con
fined to the eountrlea of their birth, and
to be thankful that they are In a peaceful
i : -1
, ' ft ..... '-il! L
- I s- ' i i I
aananHannw .asaw. . T an T a
Secretary Looking for Statement as
to Landing on Island of
Marshall Group.
Action Has Not Yet Bfen Made Sub
ject of Representation to the
State Department.
Issues Really of Much Greater Con
cern to England Than to United
States Government.
Believed Britain and Ally Hare
Agreement Concerning Matter.
Klther that Will Re Done or Terri
tory TnrneH Over by Mikado
t othe Rrttlaa Km
pi re.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6. nwlin
lng In the abucre of all the facts to
express any opinion whether the Jap
anese landing on tho Island of Jal
nita, one of the Marshall group in
tho Pacific ocean is a violation of
the announcement by the Japanese
foreign bffice t the beginning of the
war that Japan would be confined to
the far east. Secretary Bryan today
was plainly expecting the early ar
rival of some official statement of
the ultimate purposo of this act.
Already the socrtary has Interested
himself in Japanese military operations
agulnat the German concession In Bhan
Tung, probably, animated by the appeal
from tho Chinese ' government against
violation of Chinese Integrity.
No Representations let.
Ths landing on the Marsair - Islands,
however, has not yet been made the sub
ject of representations) to the Plate de
partment, possblly for th ereason that
there Is no one In a position correspond
ing to that of China. In Harioa It is
pointed out by offllcals, the United
States haa a very lively Interest in any
change In the sovereignly of tho group
because o fthe proximity of the German
owned lalands to the American Island of
On the whole, official opinion Is that
while the United States Is interested as
would be any maritime power since the
group lies on the trade route around
Cap Horn and through the stralta of
Magellan to thu orient, the issue really
is of much greater concern to Great
Underetaadlaa wltk Ally.
Because of the reluctance of the British
Australian colonies to have the Japanese
approaoh their continent, the British
government Itself Is understood to have a
vary explicit understanding with Ita ally,
Japan, that the British alone are free to
exploit tha Important German Insular
possessions in Micronesia and in New
It la asaumed that what had been done
on the Island of Jalult la In accordance
with this understanding and a mora or
leas official statement Is expected that
the Marshall islands, after the extirpa
tion of the German naval base there, will
either be vacated by the Japanese or
turned over to the British, their future to
be decided in the conferences which must
terminate the present war.
Jnat Temporary Art.
Officials at tha British embassy were
Joaltive today in their abHuramcH thut
Japan's act would in no way develop
Into a violation of the memoranda lim
iting the scope of Japanese military. The
pledge outlining tho extent of Japanese
aggression wae reiterated and declared to
be a proof that the seizing of Jalult waa
merely a temporary act.
Late today after receiving an official
cablegram from Toklo, confirming tha
destruction of the German baKe at Jalult,
the Japanese embassy Issued the follow
ing statement:
, Japanese Statement.
"In this connection It may be recalled
that the German men of war have been
making apprarance In the Pacific and
the Houth seas and have been disturbing
the shipping routes ever since the out
break of the present war, and that this
fact at laat compelled the allied fleeta of
Japan and Great Britain to decide upon
expeditionary measures to keep the routes
clesr, as waa recently reported In the
prens. In tlie light of this facl It may
be safely concluded that the action taken
by a portion of the Japanese squadron
above referred to is nothing but a step
for the fulfillment of the expeditionary
NEW YORK. Oct. 1-The Norwegian
fruit steamer Katie from Baracoa reached
port today with a Ule of a British cruiaor
firing a shot acroaa her bow off tha Scot
land lightship at the entrance to New
York harbor. Tha Katie's officer aald
that the veasel did not stop and that the
rruiser made no further attempt to over
haul It, presumably because of its prox
imity to tha neutral son
On Trelra and at
otal Maw Standa. Ra,
War Summary
The official silence maintained
for the last twelve hours over tho
operations of the allies In north
eastern franco was broken today
by the official statement from
Paris. This set forth thai the
le wing of the allied army was
extending more and more widely;!
that strong forces of German cav
alry had appeared in the vicinity
of Ullle, In the department of
Nord; (hat between the Somme
and the Olsne there had been al
ternating advances nd withdraw
als, and that a German attack
near Lnfwigny had failed. North
of Solxnonn the allies have ad
vanced. The rest of the front
shows no change.
The dlHclosure (hat the opera
tions on the western end of the
great battl line have rtViched the
vicinity of Lille, places the Ger
mans In strength at a point easily
within ten miles of the Belgian
frontier. Taking Lasnlgny as jhe
elbow of the French battle line,
It now extends roughly for eighty
miles due north and for consider
ably over 100 miles from Las
slgny to the eastward.
No confirmation has come from
any German source of the reported
removal by Emperor William of
field Marsha! von Moltke from
the post of chief of the German
general 'staff, and the aucresslon
by Major General von Volghts
Rheti. This story was received
In London lattt night from Am
sterdam. The Japanese navy department
In explaining the occupation off
the German Inland of Jallut, one
Df the Marshall group in tha south
Pacific, declares the move was
made for military purposes and
not for permanent occupation.
French troops are well estab
lished in Alsace, according to a
V news dispatch from ' Dalfort.
France, and the German forces
before them are not numerous.
A second Russian army Is now
threatening the town of Hunzt, In
eastern Hungary, according to a
news' dispatch, from Rome. Hueit
In forty miles from the boundary
of Galicja, which is here the crest
of the Carpathian mountains.
School Board In Bad
When last June ' Prof. Bernstein
was dropped out of the hi eh ichool
faculty The Bee entered this pro
The nummary dismissal by
the School Ntard of a member
of the high school teaching
staff, without even rharires,
and much less a hearing, after
more than fifteen years' service
and successive promotions,
promises to disclose whether
the so-called permanent list af
fords any permanency of pro
lection to teachers. It goes
without saying that if the board
fan dismiss a permanent . list
teacher in thla fashion, every
teacher in the schools Is exposed
to the same treatment, and the
permanent list Is a farce. No one
will contend that a school
teacher is, or should be, immune
from dismissal for catue, but
he, or she, should have a right
lo know what, if any, charge
are made and the opportunity
to refute them. Our Hchool
hoard Just now is not in such
high public enteetn that It can
afford to violate Its own rules
and repudiate its own obliga
tions Just to wreak petty ven
geance of Individual members.
The dismissal of Miss Steg-ner is a
perhaps less flaerant breach of the
rules, for she had not yet earned a
place on the permanent list, but in
principle it is the same, and what
The Bee said applies likewise in her
case. The school board has put it
self in bad arain, because the peo
ple want the teaching corps kept on
the merit system and no one dis
missed for cause without a hearing
and a chance for a defense.
Missing Italian
Submarine is Now
in French Seaport
rtOME. Oct. .-'(Vla London.) -The
Italian built submarine wtUgl disappeared
while undergoing a trial trip in the Gulf
of Spesia. arrived today at Bautla. a
fort I fled sea port town of France In Cor
sica. The submarine, which had Just been
completed In a private yard near Spesla
for tha Ilu.-lan government, was under
the command of Lieutenant Angelo Bel
lini, retired, who was reported to have
expressed dissatisfaction over tha neu
tral attitude of Italy in tha war.
Paris Military Critics Confident of
Victory for French Forces in
Great Battle.
Phrase "North of the Oise" Appear,
for First Time in Reports by
French War Office.
They Camp in Dry Bed of Marsh
Which Becomes Lake Because
of Rain During the Night
Afternoon Statement Indicates Lit.
tie Change on the Aisne.
Brltlsk tensor kna Lid Oa All ln
formation f rOm W eater and
Eactern Scenes af War
, Onerntlnaa.
PARIS, Oct. 6. The following' of
ficial communication was given out
In Parte this afternoon t.
"On our left wing the front is ex
tending more and more widely. Very
Important masses of German cavalry
have been reported in the environs
o( Lille, coming from forces of the
enemy, which are making a move
ment In the region to the north of
the line "between Tourcotng (in the
department of Nord, seven milea
northeast of Lille), and Armentlerea
(nine miles northwest of Lille). -
"In the vicinity of Arras and on
the right bank of the river Somme,
the situation shows little change. Be
tween the Somme and the Ola
there have been' alternate advances
and withdrawals. Near Laasigny the
enemy undertook- an important at- "
tack, which, however, failed.
"On ths right bank of the Also, north
of Solssons, we have, with tha co-opera,
tlon of tha British army, made a alight
advance. Wa also made aom dmh..
In the vicinity of Berry Au Bac.
"There is nothing to report from tho
reat of the front.
"In Belgium, ths Belgian forcea de
fending Antwerp have occupied strosgly
the Una between tha river Rupel and tha
river Nethe. Agalnat this line tha at
tacks of tha Germans have failed.
PARIS, Oct. 1-Denplte tba etfioiat an.
nouncement of yesterday that the allies
had ylolded somewhat, confidence today
In thn ultimate success of tha French and
Kngllsh In ths great action ou tha left
wing of the battle front in northern
France has by no means diminished.
Meanwhile without repose, and with no
sign of a truce, tha tremendous battle ot
mllllona of. men is going on, each side
trying by every possible means In their
power to gain tha advantage.
"North of the. Otoe" has appeared for
the firat time, in a war office statement.
Till now all the conTbats fought on the
right bank of tha Olsa river bava been
mentioned either In tha region of rtoye "
or between tha Bomme and tha Olse.
There la much speculation on tha phase
of the fighting In that vicinity, which can
bava a greatly varied Importance.
Setbacks Ualaapartaat.
"The military critics, among them
Lieutenant Colonel Rousset of the Petit
Tarlatan, refuse to attach any Import
ance to tha setback or tha yielding ot
territory, declaring them to be the In.
evltable retreats which can be offset by a
progressive movement He cites the fact
that Napoleon Bonaparte at Marengo had
to retreat three times In tha face of tha
Austrian, which did not prevent him from
finding thero one of his most brilliant
victories, as well as one of the moat
Uermaae t'asgkl In Swam.
The familiarity of tba French with tha
territory la frequently , of Considerable
advantage to them. The marshea of Salnj
uona, near the Petit Mortn river are per
fectly solid in the dry season and th
Oermana here had made all preparations
for an important surprise attack. The
night before this was to take nlr- m.
heavy rain made the swamp a lake and
turned the position to tha dlaadvant...
of the Germans. Tho French merely stuck'
to their positions and while the enemy
was in distress in the soggy ground an
nihilated large numbers with their r.
tlllery fire.
The digging of Valse trenches and all
kinds of efforts which will redound
advantage are being resorted to by one
siae or tne otber.
The lists of dead printed in tha news-
Papers are growing. They sometimes fur
nish tna only news of the soldier, iinr.
their departure to tha frftnt. A force
of ninety architect a and enaineera n,i
1.000 workers la ready to repair the dam.
age in tne war sone.
London Wlthant News.
LONDON. Oct. 1 Never alnne it. .....
haa the battle of the Aisne, which has
now become virtually a alcge of ths Ger
man positions on the Ota and north r
this river, shown such a dearth of news
as on this twenty-fifth day of tha strug.
Tha British Information bureau .,..
very diffuse, completely closed down on
(Continued on Page Two Column Cue)