Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1914, Image 8

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    JliK HKK: UMAHA, TLLfcDAY, CKLUliriU ( 1114.
Monday, October 5, 1914.
THE woman golfers are planning to have a city championship next
week at the Country club. The exact date has not been deter
mined and will depend on other golf events to be held at the club
the same week. President M. C. Peters Is arranging a series of
events' for the men players of the club, and the women golfers will have
charge of the women's tournament
Mrs. E. II. Sprague Is the present city and state champion and will
undoubtedly hold her title, but It Is thought that an annual tournament
held In the fall will stimulate the interest In the game, and encourage the
newer players to greater activities. Among the promising players who
have Just started this season are Miss Daphne Peters and Miss Mildred
Butler, both of whom have played the Inside nine holes at the Country
club In less than fifty strokes, which, is a remarkable score for the first
This will be the first straight match without handicaps hold this
year and the players will be divided Into three flights. ,
P. E. 0. Nutting Party. i
On of the pleasant events of the last
week was the entertainment of Chapter
K of the Omaha P. E. O. society by the
sister chapter at Flattsmouth.
The Omaha women tuok the morning
train and detrained at the rifle- range
crossing near Flattsmouth. where they
were met by a committee frnm the riatts
mouth chapter and their "brothers-in-law"
in hayrack waons. A ride through
the woods brought them to the camp
where they were welcomed by the chap
ter and more "brothers-in-law," and an
hour, spent in vtsltlna- around the camp
fire, where a delicious and bountiful beef
steak dinner wa served and followed by
a nut-gathering contest.
It was some time before the city gueats
realised that they were finding walnut
under ash trees, hickory nuts under oaks
and hazelnuts In barberry thickets, so
Intent were the on filling the Backs pro
vided. The fact that their tank had been
made easy for them by their hoata and
hostesses, who for daya had rifled the
surrounding forests and heaped their
booty within eaay reach, gradually be
came known and the sacks were soon
Then rsme the gathering of bittersweet
and fall flowers and fomrge, and a reat
at the ramp, where It was recalled that
twenty-five years ago at about that hour
a little company of seven representative
women of Plattimouth gathered at the
home of Mrs. George P. Houseworth and
were Initiated Into the mysteries of P.
K. O. by Miss Clara B. Mason of the
Omaha chapter. Miss Mason was present!
and congratulated the chapter upon Its
growth. Influence and accomplishments,
and there were talks by the presidents of
the two chapters and recitations and
songs and toasts until the hour for de
parture arrived. '
A ride through the business and resi
dence streets to the depot ended a day
long to be remembered by the wearers
of the golden star beating its mystic let
ters, P. E. O.
Pinner Party at Omaha Club.
. A beautifully appointed dinner party will
be given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
.1). C. Bradford at the Omaha club in
"honor of Mrs. Frederic Htgble and Miss
.Helen lllgble . of Chicago, who are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Klnsler for
Ak-Bar-Ben week.
' The decorations will be unusually at
tractive and elaborate. The guests will be
seated at one large round table with a
- large sunken garden in the center. The
-tropical palms will reach lust above the
table and the flowers will be huge yellow
and red chrysanthemums, forming the
Ak-8ar-Ben colors. On the table will be
" baskets of Mrs. Ward rosebuds tied with
" Ak-8ar-Ben ribbon and between the bas
kets will be autumn leaves of green and
" red and yellow chrysanthemums. The
'place cards will be hand-painted tango
couples. Following dinner ths evening will
be spent in dancing. Those present will be:
' Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Klnsler.
. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellne.
i Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln T. Hwobe.
Mr, and Mrs. T. F. Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Btnrs.
" Mr. and Mrs. i. A. C. Kennedy.
, Mrs. Frederick Hlble of Chicago.
Mrs. 1 -enter Hrldahan of Uenvvr.
Mrs. Kva Kennard Wallace,
j ':, ' , ' i !
, tr;..-, --ft;:
Who Is Bpedlng Four Hours Each Day
Acting as a tied Cross Nurse.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. II. Urandt entertained at a pro
gressive high five party Saturday even
ing. Prizes were won by Mrs. Harry
Freeman and Mr. Roy Csmpbtll. Those
present were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Thorp.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman,
Mr. and Mrs. ltoy Kaufman,
Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Hunter,
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Campliell,
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Krandt'.
Ir. and Mrs. O. V. Wlnterson,
Mine Clara Rcott,
lJr. J. A. Henske.
Time Extended for
Filing Names for
the School Board
Flection Commissioner Moorhead has
decided to accept flllnra by petition and
filings for the school bosrd up to f.fteen
days before the election. Me hsd pre
viously named thirty dys before the
election an the dfte when flllnss should
be completed. Th! date fell on Sunday.
Thomaa Falconer In the Fifth ward,
Frank H. Woodland In the Seventh, laaac
Carpenter In the Ninth and Thomas A.
Fry In the Twelfth have filed for the
school bosrd.
In the summer of 1J1J the t'nlon Pacific
sent a forage crop special over Its' lines
In the western part of Nebraska and
Kansas R. A. Smith, colonization agent
of the road. Is now hcsrlng from the re
sults attained.
On the t'nion Pacific's special there was
a battery of lecturers and crop experts.
The farmers took the cue and In mnny
localities planted feterlta, a sort of grain
This year, according to Mr. Smith,
farmers in the territory visited by the
special, raised over 135.0) acres of
feterlta and find that for feeding stock
it is equhl to mllo or kafflr corn and can
be grown on almost any kind vt land and
under practically all conditions.
A motorcycle, stolen three years sgo
from VKtor Rons, was rorovered Funday
by Motorcycle Officers Wheeler and Fsr
rand. They found he machine In the
possession of Tom HalsRood, Twenty
sixth anrd Walnut streets. Hslagood de
clared that he purchased the machine at
a bargain from a atrancrr and was dis
charged In court. The machine had bees
ridden lefs than 300 miles since Ron
lost 'It.
Dwyer Accused of
Holding Up Cafe
Thorns Twyer, arretted by Patrolman
Troby and Special Officer Stephens of
the American District Telegraph com
Dany Sunday night. In accuncd of being
the man who attempted to hold up the
Ron-Ton cafe at 1215 Farnam street
Charley I-ee. owner of the pdace, says
Dwyer came In and after ordering a
piece of pie, waited until the place was
free of customers and then pulled a gun.
lre was not quick enough when ordered
to produce rash and the highwayman
fired a shot at his head. The officer
heard the shot 'and caught Dwyer as he
came out of the alley.
Local Stamp Sale
Bigger Despite War
Notwithstanding the fact that part of
the mull service has been discontinued to
F.uropr and the forelai n malls have been
greatly affected by the war, Postmsster
J. C, Wharton takes a great deal of
pride In announcing an Increase of IV
S2J.92 In the postal reclpts for the month
of September, as compared with the same
month last year. , For September, Mil
1114.064.73 was collected, while In Sep
tember, 1013. llin.nngl was the amount
Foley Cathartic Tablets.
Tou will like their poaltlve action. They
have a tonic effect on the bowela. and
give a wholesome, thorough cleansing to
the entire bowel tract. Stir the liver to
healthy activity and keep atomach sweet
Constipation, headache, dull, tired feeling
never afflict those who use Foley Cath
srtlc Tablets. Only 2oc. Specially com
forting to stout persons, who enjoy the
light and free feeling they give. All
dealers everywhere. Advertlsemnt.
A lost husband is being soight by Mrs.
J. A. Phelton, 3124 First avenue, Sacra
mento, Cel., who has written The Bee for
help In finding Mrs. Shelton.
Shelton disappeared from Los Angles
one evening five months ago and left no
explanation. Since then Mrs. Shelton has
kept up a continual search without result
The lost husband Is smooth shaveitblue
eyed and partially bald, beyond which ha
has no distinguishing marks.
A seedy perron describing himself as
John Stephenson, Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
while defending himself against a vag
rancy charge In police court told the
magistrate that he came here from Ex
celsior Springs for his health.
"You're discharged this time," said the
court, "but If you don't leave town In
twenty-four hours you'll find that Ne
braska Is not so healthy after all."
Good lb
the hkSi
Kidney avaa I.lvee Traablea
quickly helped by Electric Bitters. Sure
and prompt relief. Stimulate the kidney
and liver to healthy action. GOc and tl
All druggists. Advertisement.
,JIelen Hlgbie, Mary Munchhoff,
. (Monro; Marie Woodard,
Claire Helens Woodard,
' Messrs. Messra
i- H. H. Baldrige, Tawrence Rrlnker,
Dr. IRoy Crummer.Robert Hums,
FYank llaskell, tiuy Fursy,
-Ktoekton Heth.
Mrs. Kit Newman and small son, Milton.
left Sunday evening for Kaasae City, to!
attend the wedding of her niece. Miss
Hortense Newman and Mr. Joseph Sum
mers, which will be celebrated In that city
Wednesday evening at the Hotel Balti
more. At the Country Club.
One of the larger social affairs of Mon
day will be the dancing party this evening
at the Country elub given by Mr. and Mrs.
A. Y. Klnsler la honor of their gueets,
Mra Frederick Hlgbie and Miss Helen
Hlgbie of Chicago. About 1M guests will
j Preceding the dancing party riven by
Mr. and Mrs. Klnsler several guests will
give dinner parties. Mrs. F. P. Kirkend&ll
will entertain at one of the larger ones
fur the honor guests, Mrs. Hlgbie and
Miss Hlgbie. Covers will be placed for
twenty-five. Mrs. Herman Kountse will
have six guests.
Ak Sax-Ben Visitors.
' Miss Margaret Greer Baum will have
as her guest during Ak-Kar-Ben Mlas
Kate Lewis of Springfield, 111. Miss
Lewis arrives today.
Mra A. Thompson and daughter. Arllne
of Chicago will arrive Tuesday morning
to be the guests of Mra. B. r. Marshall
for the A k -Bar-Ben festivities, Mra
Marshall will give a tea In honor of her
guests kisturday afternoon and many
other affairs are planned la their honor.
Miss Grace Irvine of Lincoln will be one
of the out-of-town guests during Ak-8ar
lin. She will be a maid of honor at the
ball on Friday.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. IL E. Marumber was the author of
a paper on France, which was read at the
regular monthly meeting of the Etude
club la Lincoln on Tuesday. The meeting
was held at the home of Mra a J. Sax.
In and Oat of the Bee Hire.
Mra Felix i. McShane and daughter
Marie, left Saturday evening for Ex
celsior Springs, where they will be for
ten daya Later they will go to New
York for the wint.
Mra Ldward Katsenburg has gone to
Tsllahaseee, Fla., to Le the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freed bug
City Commissioner Thomas MeGovern
was accused of "not playing fair" with
the city commission by Commissioner J.
J. Ryder at the meeting of the council
In committee of the whole.
The arrument started over complaints
that sidewalk contractors were unneces
sarily delaying their work, especially the
sidewalks on Harney street from Twen
tieth to Twenty-fourth street 1
Robbing the Bottle
That's what you do when you take
the cream of! the top of ths milk
bottle. There's but little food value
left in Ike blue o-ils.
StaSUUed Unewwwtanexl
is rich and creamy to the !sst drop.
You can use part of it full strengtn
for cream snd dlute ths rest for
cooking purposes and always hava
the proper food value.
Cottage MUk Is pure, rich milk with
mo, ot the water taken out and wilh
BoUuog added. It lasts indefinitely.
Ge a supply today and see bow
supenor it u to bottle milk.
7Ae MUk With (JU CeoJksef Tosfw
In Two Size
5 and lOc
or 111 one
Cullen Brokerage
ftouirlita 4411.
SIS Brandels
Theater Uull.ling,
Omaha, Neb.
WRen Made
Calumet pastry is fcood to
look at, good to cat. Always
light, fluffy, tender and whole
some. Calumet is the one baking
powder that is Migk in f a7ify and
mttitrat In price.
VmU Pars fmi Cakas. 0L
tads Imdiln fimm. BUraa. Mil
Welcome Ak-Sar-Bcn Visitors Hake This Store Yew Headquarters All Conveniences at Your Service
If you want to sec the flnet
picture department east of Chi
cago, come to our third floor.
Rich oil paintings, water colon,
etc. This is alno the home of
the famous Art Craft Guild pic
ture frames the finest and Vest
Everything for Fancy Em
broidery will be foand In our Art
Goods department, third floor.
Beautiful stamped patterns, all
kinds of embroidery floss, and
thousands of dainty things that
help to beautify the home.
The Bewt Place te Bat
ItOTlCE The Green RoomCnfrl
Is open evenlnsjs. Entrance In
lobby of Rrandeis Theater.
October 6th
CJr-lee of
Hot Roast Beef Dinner or
Fiicasne of Veal. Tee
Mashed Tutntoea
Bread and Butter
Imitation Fur
SALE 0!f MltlT FL00B.
4-tnch Imitation Fnr Coatings
In many attractive patterns
for coata and Jackets. Worth
$3.95. Special Tuesday, at
rd ,..31.39
Worth 5c to 10c
A btr lot of Handkerchiefs booght
. In balk; some slightly imperfect,
some are embroidered corners.
Men's and women's Linen Hand
kerchiefs. Fine sheer cotton
Handkerchiefs. with initials.
Some In colored borders. Chil
dren's Handkerchiefs. Special
; t
,..2c each
Fine Jewelry
Jet aid Pearl Earrings A large as
sortment in latest styles, rn
Special at JUC
Back Combs and Karrettes Solid
gold inlaid, set with rhiaestonee.
Worth up to 12.0. Cfl
Special at JUL
Party Cane The latest thing, in
real leather, with frre fit- T t
tings. Special 5
Gold Filled aad Sterling Silver La
YalUeres A nice assortment
Worth to 11.00. On sale t(i
Tuesday i UKJS
We carry tbt meet complete
Hue of Combs, Barrettet end Bait
Ornaments in Omaha, at Popular
A Sterlrng Slrver Ak-Sar-Ben
Souvenir Spoon free with every
purchase of $1.00 or more tn our
Silverware Department
Womea'sand Children's
WoneVs Fiber Silk and SUk
Thread Boot Hose With high
spliced soles, heels and toes. A
splendid Quality for 60c
Child res' s Heavy and Fine Bibbed
Hose The "Black Cat" brand
with double knees, soles, heels
and toes. Regular price
26c. .Pair
Knit Underwear
Weasel's CeUoa Ualoa Salts In
high neck, long sleeve, Dutch
neck with elbow sleeves, and low
neck sleeveless. All in ankle
lengths. Worth up to $1.00. Spe
cial Tuesday, per s et .
suit 4DC
Children's, Misses and Beys' fWy
Used Cvttoa Cston Salts Light
weight all sixes, white and gray.
Special Tuesday,
per ,..OUC
Stylish Fall Sits $
Long Directolre and Redingote Models of Serges, Broadcloth,
Poplins and Gabardines. In navy. Black, RunBlan green. Plain tail
ored or trimmed with braid, satin and velvet bands and pipings and
button trimmed effects. Sizes for women and misses.
Coats at $12 50 I Skirts at $5.00
long, heavy, nobby coats for
the cold weather; good plaids,
boucles, mixtures, broadcloth,
etc. Made with the new belts
and pleated backs.
One big lot of fine dress skirts
In the new tunic and pleated
models, of good qualities of
serge, poplins, fancjr striped
and plaid worsted materials.
A Special Sale of Waists, $2.79
Laoes, Chiffons, Crepe de Chines and Taffetas. The new long
sleeve models with the modified basque effects.
Buy a Beautiful Suit Pattern
Another big lot of many fine weaves brought forward for
Tuesday's selling. Each pattern eon tains ample material for any
style suit. The lot consists of Serges, Novelty Suitings, Diagonal
Weaves, Gabardines, Poplins, Victoria Suitings, etc., at-
$1.85, $2.48, $2.95 and $3.95 Each Pattern
300 Pieces of Costnme
Serges at a Special Price
for Tuesday
-lnch All-Wool Serge, ri
yard 0tC
62-inch All Wool Cos- rvQ
tume Serge
5 4-Inch Fancy Weaves QQ
In Ottoman Twills
100 pieces Plaids, Whip
cords, Granite Suitings,
Jamestown Mills, Fancy
Diagonal Serges, and
Prkc8,'yd.25c to 79c
A Sale of Hllinery
Wednesday and Thursday
In which we will offer two of the
most remarkable values in trimmed
and untrimmed hats that the women
of Omaha have read of in years.
Our buyer, last week, consummated
several big purchases by which
really wonderful values have come
to us. We tell you in advance so
that you may be fully Informed and
prepared to take advantage of these
two big sales for Wednesday and
Thursday. ,
Special No 1
On Sale Wednesday and Thursday
Trimmed Hats at $5.00
That measure up to the highest
standard of quality, style -and merit
ot $10.00 hats offered anywhere
else. In fact there is not a bat In
this lot but what Is worth at least
$10.00. Most of them are worth
more. They are made of silk vel
net and zlbeline plush in all the
new Soft Crown Sailors, Military
Turbans, Basque Turbans, etc.
Trimmed with new novelty Ostrich,
Vulture and Flower effects. Also
bandings of Ostrich Plumes, novelty
bands, "toque stick-ups, etc. Tou
will find in this sale black dress
bats, fur shades in brown, the very
pdpular blues such as oorbeaux
(night blue), Military blue, (bright
navy) and navy.
Special No 2
(0n Sale Wednesday and Tkcrsday
Untrimmed Hats at $1.00
But not one of them ia worth less
than $2.00, and many of them are
worth tip to $3.98. There are Silk
Velvet shapes. Beaver shapes, both
white-and black, Austrian Velours,
Plushes, etc in Sailors, Turbans
and new Side-Roll effects. All the
desirable colors including plenty of
In order to facilitate burin when
these hats go on sale Wednesday
and Thursday they will be displayed
in oar Millinery section on the See.
ond floor, and oa bargain tables on
oar Mala floor.
Cheney Bros. Well Known Crepe de Chine, $1.95 Yd.
in all the leading street and evening tints; also black, ivory and cream. 48 in. wide. Regular price $2.50 yd.
oft i . t, , a .
grrvq uvuu x du un ouie
6-inch Satin Dnchenc
40-inch Silk Poplin
136-inch Drett Taffetas
flO-inch Crepe de Chine
3,See Vara r a
hea artful ana lit 7.
rara-wM SOk Pa-
Un Shown In the
very newest r-hades.
This Is atlk of merit
and la usually .old
at It a yd. Special
price, yd TB-
$1.75 to
I Comprised mostly of 40-La.
I Dress Silks, Crepe Faeon.
ne. Crepe Canton in plain
$rf rtnd 'neT weave, Silk and
1 Z 7 Wool Faille, Sablime Bro.
I T carle Satin, Black Satin
Laxer aad Satta Ckar.
J meuse.
t Fine Silk Plush Coats
at $9.98 and $15
This will be one of the main attractions in our great base
ment Tuesday. We contracted for 1,000 of these fine coats
early In the season when prices were low, so as to have this
fall when the demand was greatest for them at a price that
would appeal to every woman who is seeking a genuine bar
Rain. Many of these coats are made of genuine Seallette Plush,
with label attached.. Many different styles, and all frizes in
the lot. Entire purchase divided into two big sections for
Tuesday selling.
Coats TTerth to $20.00 for.... J O.DS
Coats Werth np te $35.00 for. .. . 15.00
Worren's and Missel'
Fine All-Wool Suits
Rnoent ku-se purchases enables
us to offer correct, up-to-the-minute
style suits at frreat
savings. Dosans of beautiful
styles. Many of thom are
snirifilea. Values up to $30 oa
CMMm1! rata
Sptanatd rarments of fine Bearskin
cloth in various colors. Quilted
lining. Mixture and plain cloths
of different kinds. Values up to
S4.M. Alt slaea for children I to i
and to 14. In two t ft ( AO
lots Tuesday at vl.?, l.yO
Suitable for faU and winter wear.
HeaTy wash matorlala, some wool,
, corduroy, novelty materials, etc
A-ee 1 to (, and to 14. Values
up to 12.60. Special Q7r M iQ
Tuesday at
Haaae Dreaaea.
Kail styles. Fine ainahams In
stripes snd checks. . percales,
chambrays, etc. All sisea. All
new fsll light and dark pat
terns. Special Tues- Q7t
dnya at VW
tt tswa'i Dmilii ' Nacoaea.
Fancy patterns. New fall shades.
Many pretty styles. 7&c and
$1.00 value. Tuesday 4SC
Waasea's "is;kt' ' tlawaa.
Of splendid quallly Tennis Flan
, nel. Cut good and full. HlKh
and V neck. Braid trimmed.
(be value. Tuesday
Wnea's aaa Mtawea Dnis
The newest fall sty Us In fin sUka.
satins and aU-wool matertaia.
Dotens of pretty styles to select
from. FVery new fall shade. They
are $19 00 and (11.60 ralues. In
lr.,...rf.V....$4.98, 6.98
Wemea's aad Mlaaea' Sweater fts
Many different styles, with and with
out belts. High necks, roll collars,
ti Re,d'Wte', KTm- 'nn- etc.
, SJ60. and 4S.0S values. tl An
Tuesday at 51.4y
Flannels and Flannelette
Sateens Poplins, Cotton Dress Goods, Etc,
Oennine Imported Silk
lhed Poplin In all
popular shades of the
son. Highly lustroas. Pe
manent finish. A 19c vain
Tuesday special sale
price, yard ,
Black Sateen The old reliable,,
mercerized finish. Hand loom
woven, perfect black, 27 inches
wide, extra weight. 15c value.
Off the bolt Tuesday,
yard "
Rookfold Cottea Drees Goods U
Inches wide. In all the leading
black and white checks, plaids
and tweedy effects. Resembles
wool. 15c value, on aale qi
Tuesday, yard .VyC
Bleached Bed Sheets 11x90 inches.
"Seamless." Made from finest
Quality bleached sheeting; extra
weight; torn and ironed. 69c
value. Tuesday,
ITf: 60c
English Longcloth Fiue
quilit. H6 inches wid.
For i?ne underwear an l
corset covers; beautiful
soft finish. 10 and 123?
values. Tuesday -special,
yard 0 2 C
Extra Fine Quality Wool Shirt
Inff and Underwear Flannel
In all the light and dark color
ings, neat plain shades, stripes
and mixed effects. Steel gray,
navy, black, etc. 35c values,
Tuesday special. or
yard ZDC
Faary Outing and Teaals Flan
Bel 27 inches wide. In all
the reliable pink and blue
stripes, checks, figures, etc.
Soft, warm fleecy nap. 10c
value. Tuesday, ej i
yard tC
BeaaUfal Ilea red Telour Finish
Flanaellette In all the new
fall designs for kimonos,
wrappers, dressing sacques,
etc. All fast colors. 124c
value. Tuesday, i
yard y-J-C
and Comforters
Beaeoa Bath Robe Blankets Larg
est size blanket. One blanket
makes a robe or wrapper. Large
assortment of floral, conventional
and Navajo Indian patterns;
cords and frogs to match. Colors
guaranteed. $3.00 f no
value at, each J0
Auto Robes Large slse, all-wool
Robes, 64x84. plaids and checks,
finished on e'nds with a 4-lnch
wool fringe. Also Plush Robes
with and without rubber backs.
Our regular $5.00 grade n AO
at. each $070
Cot ten Blankets Heavy cotton
blankets for large size beds, in
white, gray and tan. May be uaed
in place of muslin sheets for fall
and winter weather. Regular
$2.00 value at, r r
Palr J,ZJ
Aa Exeeptleaal Cant fort Bargain
Lr-e size sample comforts that
were made to sell up to 12. 60
each. Beat quality Silkollne and
Sateen coverings. White cotton
filled, tied or scroll stitched. Very
large size. Medium and heavy
weiguis. luesaay only.
Women's Silk, Lace and
Net Waists
A recent purchase of 700 splen
did waists, mostly samples
enables us to orfer hundreds
of different styles at a won
derfully low price Tuesday.
Fine kfessallne. T rr-i r.i
"ii. tan ana iec
Waists, values tl Ht
I to $6. Special Tues..
69 83