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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1914)
mm THE BEE: OMAHA, TUKNDAY, OCTOHKU fi, 1014. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided pronts,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTIIER DRAKE, President FRANK 1. HAMILTON, Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier . B. II. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUG DALE. Assistant Cashier NOTE- Vote will not he allowed for other than bona fid. new savin account Full numbir of votea will he allowed on to alxty days before close of cuutaa! when a limit of 10.000 will ba placed on eaoh naw account. N0TICF TO CONTESTANTS W.xt wa will pnbliau tba tending of all contestant, who have tarnad in tbalr nomination eoapona or caah cbacka for vote, la thla coo tt. Oat your receipt. In by Satur day evening ao that yonr standing will appear In the Uat. tbna l.ttina; ymr frlaada kaow that yon ara com peting for trip to tha Panama ea-poaiuon. Contestants' Standing Lighting Fixtures, Wiring and Heating Appliances i shop HIE ELE6TBI6 WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. 1010 FARNAM ST. WH Right now, or any time soon. Warn a Mo. Pay M. Watta WM1. A m 1 Charlaa Hall Mrs. Smina Parry , Willi Ward Sylvia Habne O. A Byatrom , Arthur WUback , Houirt Law ia bowman Mary J. Abarly Daniel A. f.angfeld am BtelBber aoawell Potta Mra. U. S. Smith Clyaa J. Lather Boa Bnhalak . . Pred Xorn Urace a. Bakar, Saatrioa, Bab. Herbert C Walla , W. J. Mattlaa I Chrle aimonaon, TSUca, Beb... Julian Harrla Barry J. Savaraon : Minor O. Xannady , Herbert C. Duadoa s,... ' Maria m. Blvera 7. . . . Jennie X. Waabbnrn Charlaa O. Thomaa Myrtla O. Xarrl.oa Mra. Jamaa Mortlmora Keari.tta Bwaaaan Mra. Jtobart T. Junta Jamaa b. Myraa DePoreet T. a. Thompson Mra. Oeorge E. Xrarta Louise Paaningber Paul Horton Banry X. Ming Mra. Lillian Lowdan Bamaal I. Bock John PUekar Jnle Waoheteln Xarry Xrney Mra. X. Beverldge Mra. Plana Olrola William Wlnquaat Gretoaea Zdgar tfamea O. Wisely Bara Lee Vrayne Kllay H. w. Xaokar Mra. Jannla Martin Lillian Xriokaon. Koarney, Beb John Cepleobe, Bar wall, Xab. Mra. Battle Oabnra Cbarlaa Hannlgaa Bootrt W ntulua Xoala Xaaalar Xaaal Miohalaon, Tt Crook.... Otto lawaid Bra M. Oolombaok X Award Xoaanthal of Totaa. .3,784.194 .3-401,201 ,.3,807.498 .8,989,978 . 387,710 . 341.108 . 177.413 . 140,136 . lilk.281 . 64.141 9.S48 7.311 4,713 3.363 1.333 1.80 . . 1.V07 1,000 1.000 . 1,000 1,000 l.0O lO0 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 l,oo l,ooo . 1,000 . 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 i.oo . l.oo . 1.O0O . 1.000 1,000 , 1,000 , 1,000 . 1.000 1,000 1,000 . 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 PHONE TYLER 1414. "We are as near to you as your telephone." How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition flele. of rini.i. ! Tha Bie ofiere and will award three round-trip tickets and expense, to tha 1'anaina Kx position, tha t.tal out uf each trip to ba t.'OO. aa prlzea to the three 'con testant, having tha areateju number ..' point a at tba close of tha conteaL 2 Thla conteat open to everybody ex. tept employe, of advertiser on Inn pa, and of Tt Bee. 3 Tha conteat page will ba publlahed one day each waes, and will run (or peri, i J of ona year. 4 Foinl will be figured on tha bar. of one point for each 1 cent ahown on caab. cbecka or receipt, for purchaao made from advertisers on thla page. a Caah checks must be deposited at or mailed to "Panama Cunk-at Kdltor" Tha ltoe not later than thirty Jay. from data of payment of anme and lecidpta will ba laaued for them. Conteat to clone November T. 1914. All canh ticket, and receipt! muat be turned Into The ilea office m t later than I p. in. en eioalng day of conteat, or if mailed, ni uat be po.tmarked not later than tbai hour. YOUNG WOMEN'S BUILDING AT FAIR NOW UNDER WAY tlround ha. bn broken for the Young Women'. Christian aoclat!on bulMinK on the (trounrtu of th ranama-l'aclfic International expoeltton. Prominent men and women worker, from all part, of the country had a part In the aervlcea. The alte la one of the moat attractive and desirable on the exposition ground., In ld the floral wall and to the left of the main ontranre at Bcott atreet, with an outlook to the we.t on the great Palace of Horticulture, to the ea.t Festival hall, the beautiful houth Cardcn. bordcrlns; It on the north. lecture and aa.embly hall., re.t room., quick lunch, dining, and ban quet room., and motion picture theater where fllma showing association work all over the world are for free use of members and their (friends. The 6:s,000 membera have all been Invited. Bee readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities In the "want ad" columns. They re worth while reading. Get Your Piano at H ospe s ADAM KCUAAF Ebony cr, parlor uptight, worth f 'MO, price now HCHl'llKIlT tM-nutiful ninhoKany crso, full aUe cabinet ,' jrrau.irtii un oiJr slmrt time. AVorth $:UM), price now ; U KfcKK'llItO.S. Utoat dralicn mahoKHiiy cums wortii now DKCKfcK A HON walnut cmne, Klliptlc Scale, in rxrellent toiMliflon. Worth J.V. lric now iSTAMAK1 walnut ch-, cabinnt tp-aiul, guod tone and ar Uou. Worth $20O. Trice now ' MoCAmMON ebony rase, parlor irrand, tiprtKht, Just the j : ihlBg for brnners. . Worth $15), price now 'KVEliETT beautiful walnut caae, almoat now, our ' "prri KKAMCIT A BACH baby grand. Mahogany cane, almost rjnf.Hiargaln at'.. NEW PIANOS MAS) & II A MI. IN . . .A.V up I KIMHAM, KHAMCII ct IIAtH. m up IIINII & LANK ... I5KAMHAC11 Gli.MS, I.T3 up Alt)LIX IXAYKItS . $140 $200 $175 $150 $125 ..$75 $300 $475 . up . .$ up . .9000 up A. HOSPE CO., 1513 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEB. Everything in Art and Music. . Our Fortieth Year. Search Lights Able to Follow Airships Through London Fog I5NPON, Sept. 26. (Correspondence of tha Associated Press.) Testa over Ixn don last night proved that aearchllghta can detect a Zcpielln even In a foggy weather. Incidentally the populace de rive great amusement from the experi ment.. It waa the first foggy night of last month not a-thick pen-aoup fog auch aa November and December bring, but a very marked fog. The British airship, which has been making experimental fllKhta over lxndon y day and by night the last fortnight, made her appearance at dusk and Bailed over the city for sev eral hour.. Searchlights were trained from sveral atrategio points and. they managed to follow it wherever It went. Much of the time there were two shafts playing on the big brown sausage ahaped craft, and they kept It In sight when It dropped down near the roofs of high buildings and followed its upward course and Its sudden turns and windings. Many thousands of people were out on the streets gazing on the spectacle. It lias been believed that the Zeppelins will choose a foggy day for a raid on Imdnn, If they attempt such a hasardoua exploit. Just na the r.ritlsh flying men took advantage of a thick mist for their fllghta across Kelgtum Into Germany, .when bombs w;o dropped on Uunseldorf, and by mistake on Maastricht In Hut- I land. I I Kvcry preparation has been made to give the Zeppelins a warm reception If they Invade English air. Aeroplanea fully equlpied for fighting arc kept In reserve und could bo launched Ilka fire engines on the stroke of the bell, If alarm of an j approaching Zeppelin la sent out. I The cost of the precautions against Zeppelins Is heavy, but It must be bal anced by the economy In atreet lighting. Old residents say that London at night in thnao daya remind, them of the old town before the advent of electricity when ga. Ilghta struggled against the gloom. Cer- italnly two-third, of the electric light. In the most populated districts are out of commission. For Indlajeatlnn and lllllonan.a. use. Dr. King's New Utt Pills. Rid the stomach and bowels of all Impurities and tone up the ayatem. 23c. All druggists. Advertisement. War Not Affecting Panama Exposition 1 .' the thirtv-eUht nations that have j sree,l t ) lartl'-lpate ill the Panima i'si iflc 1 xpositlon, only thrf-e nrc anione ! th'ise now ensured in war, according t ' Ounicr fiii-ian. ieputv to the rnmmil isii.ncr of the r.-mrwm-ra'-ific exponltL' for the World Insurance congress 1 uinahti. I'rom this he went on to sh that the war would not really affect t exposition to any great extent. "i.r land and (iermnny never agreed to r tlMpite.'' he fal'l. fpaln has f":'i sin e the outbreak of the war and J: has doubled its space." EUROPEAN BUILDINGS AT FAIR WAIT END OF WAR Harry Snyder, chief rleik to Oenvia! Manager Walters of the Northwestern, I home from the Pacific conct. Relative If the western fruit crop. Mr. Snyder assert'! ih.,f h. vleM nf citrus fruit Is Bolng to exceed that of most former -years, and that the quality gives promise of helms perfect. While in San Francisco Mr. Snyder vis ited the exposition grounds and ascer tained that finishing of the buildings In proxreslng rapidly. However, the build ings that were to have been erected by the countries of Kurope now engaged In war are at a standstill. Work on them had been commenced, and some were pretty well along toward completion. Now work has censed and the general opinion Is that nothing more will he done upon them unless the war should sud denly end. MORE MAGNATES ACCEPT INVITATION TO COME Another fresh lint of acceptances has arrived in the mail at the Bureau of Pub licity from base ball magnates all over the country who say they xrlll be here for the meeting of the base ball leagues In November. Among those who have re cently expressed their intention of being here are Charles Cllne ot Clinton, 111., president of the Illinois and Missouri league; W. F. King, Adrian, Mich.; Charles Kbbets of Brooklyn, Mike J. Finn of the Southern league, T. C. Hayden of Webb City, Mo.; Clyde Shropshire, Nash ville, Tenn.; M. E. Cantlllon of Minneap olis, John Burmelster, president of the Northern league, and Miller Hugglns of the St Loula Nationals. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest Editor" of the Bee and you will receive 10U0 votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. Nome . .". , Address ' 1 1 ii. 1 mm Ml"' ' . BR. A Spendthrift WON'T Have His Clothes Cleaned Your real, out and out Spendthrift saya: "Oh. what's the ue of hating last year'a clothes cleaned ui. I'll buy NEW ones!" . . That's all right If you feel that way and have taioney to throw away but most of us are not over burdened with money aud WILL have our last year's ' winter clothes cleaned, dyed, pressed and generally altered If assured that the Jou will come out nicely. To tha sensible ones (those who are not weighted down with surplus tuoney) Dresners' f S7.000 plant mill prove a haven of economy. I)rehers will create a series of surprises with your last winter's gsrnients they will re-style re-make clean dye and press thetu so that the wearer really FEELS as though he Is wearing new clothes. Phone Tyler 34 5 A man will call. Dresher Bros. Dry Cleaners Dyers 2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha. ALL WOMEN TAXPAYERS AND MOTHERS CAN VOTE Two women asked County Aaaeaaor I ('ounmimn Monday to enter their names ! on his lists as taxpayers In order to be come qualified votera for the school board election. According to employes In the county asaes.or's office prospective women vot er, often tender money to them In the belief that payment of a voting tax I. necessary. Thl. Is not the case, there being only one requirement for women voters. They must be taxpayer. In their own name or mothers of children of school age. The tax Mats will be kept open all this week In order to allow women ample op portunity to become qualified as voters. '?. - .,rv "f T , sr5"3 " 'x'5,' .-ore. Stop Those Early Broarhtal Coaaha. They hang on all winter If mot checked, and pave tha way for aerioua throat and lung dtseaaee. Oct a botle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and take It freely. Stop coughs and cold., heala raw 1 Inflamed throat, loosen, and phlegm and I. mildly laxative Chaa. T. Miller, F.d. I Enquirer. Cannilton. Ind., had bronchial trouble, got very hoarae, coughed con stantly from a tickling throat. He used jonly Foley'. Honey and Tar Compound. ;Waa entirely relieved. Wants others to Know of Foley'. Honey and Tar, All dealera everywhere. Advertisement. Met oli Paator Says Farewell. M'COOK. Neb., Oct. e.-(Spclal.)-Rev. A. A. Robertson, pa tor of the First Con gregational church of thla clfy, preached his farewell sermon Kunday. and will at once arrange for his departure for Bertram!, w here he haa been called to the pastorate, upon which he will enter at once. Bee reauer are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities In the "want IT columns. They r. worth while reading. CHEAPEST. BRIGHTEST. '',4 SAFEST, CONVENIENT. CLEANEST i Mr, Storekeeper : $ Electricity, THE GREAT LIGHT, is CLEANEST The soot, smudge and smoke of 4 other illuminants is absent. $ There is no devitalized air and unpleasant odor. We 4 don't need to prove it. You f know it. 1 ov may take your time abcut faying if you will let us wire yur store now. We will tell you aDout our special offer. Phone or WT .1 1 1.1! ?11 ri10 us ana a representative win I TaN IS P -i Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. 1 M A "CarnivalTof Drug Bargains THE "REXALL DROG STORES" Some Every-Day Prices on Proprietary Medicines. $1 Borden's Malted Milk 4c II f'inklinni'a "Compound 39c 11 1., I'epto-Mangan tGudel . . . .890 11 Llsterlne. for 58c r0c Ijoan's Kidney Villa for 34c 11 K. 8. S., for 89c 3"c ("astorla (genuine), for Sic 2jc Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne. . . .14C I5c Mentholntum. for Ho :5c Carter's Little Liver rills... 13c 60c Tape's Plapepsln, for 39c $1 Pmlth'a Oreen Mountain Iteno- rator 54c Steam's Menthol and Butter Couh Drops, i boxes for 5o Eagl. Brand Cond.n.ed Milk, per can .180 Deeply Cut Prices on Toilet Goods. Palmolive Soap, Cak. 6c 3 Uc Mind's Honey and Almond Cream: for ....... (90 (ic Melnrose Crewm, for 89o !c Woodbury', facial soap ,,..14o Or Vp-He-Cn Tooth paste. . . .39o ."c Hniiblgsnt's Hlce powder. ... 14c Sc Violet Louisette powder. .. .49o 1 Imp. Jlcky jierfume, ox 690 Pe Ilenzoin and Almond fream, fur 340 -Ih run Ti . Arbutus Tnlciim . 14o "t Page War Atlaa. Tuesday for S5c DIG RUBBER GOODS SALE Olood 2-nuart water bag 540 Warranted Rubber Gloves, for household use, for 39c l-nt. Fountain Syringe, rapid flow. full et fitting, for 89o We s.U 1.000 Items In the Bnbber Ooods line. Experienced saleatsTQes In the department. 36c Genuine Prophylaotl. Tootb Brnahea. la yellow boa, we. seU 190 SHEfir.lAfl S ricCOIJHELL DRUG CO. Corner ISth and Sodge "treats. Harvard Pharmacy, 14th and Taraam Owl Drug Co, 16th and Harney. Loyal Pharmacy, 807-9 Hortb. 18th. e lo Family iJasifig Yes, we are equipped to do your FAMILY WASH ING just aa well as your REGULAR LAUNDRY. Let us call for your next week's washing and SHOW YOU how nicely we can do it relieve you of the bother and worry of wash day at home and save you money besides. BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUGLAS 919. ITS HEADQUARTERS for Solid 14K Gold WEDDSNGMMGS Largest Display at Lowest Prices a ii...j;nk'ii A'TnESnJN OF 11 WG fJ TJte CKUVVn VP VIZ QOLtXN STAIRS Efficient Employes An advertisement under The Bee's "Help Wanted" heading comniarids the at-. ; tention of the most desirable; workers in ' Omaha. Every employer is up against the problem of securing intelligent and efficient employes, but a few moments thought given to writing the right kind of a "Help Wanted" advertisement will bo ; a big step toward solving the problem. The nature of employment offered, condi tions surrounding the position, the oppor tunities, etc, should be stated. ' An em-, ployer will find that a response to an ad that is really informative will be from a worker who means business. TmUphon TyUr 1000 . THE OMAHA BEE Eryk4y Ra4 B Wmmt Ada