Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Chnl Business Men Return from
Excursion to Wyoming.
Ctrmir nonnlrri llt Tkere
Were l"or llanilrrd from
Omaha Instead of Onlr
Puck from Wyoming, f'lll of
Irm, pleased with the Wjomlns: Stnte
fair at Ponitlss and well rflt!flrl alth
the sucres of the trip. the forty Omaha
business mm who lft line Wednesday
are at thflr desk.
Th hrrn hn rldlnir f'Ht nt the flr,
th Omshnns say. trf-nt any mIM wl
(how that van ever put on, and tho
acrlultural exhibits nr woncl-rfu1. At
Casper the WyonilnK dull entertained
tha Omaha party and a dinner wns
fUTfd at tha hotel At l.u.-la the
Oood Rnads club e nli talned the partv.
Saturday nleht the Cheyenne people en
tertained the rmah r..d st n tmn
Jiiet at th rislns hotel. Hi which "ces
sion the Omaha fellows loosed several
hundred balloons that iilinot hroke up
tha hsnquel In the exrltei;ic nt they
The Omaha hu.lnes men received a
splendid compliment at the J mid of one
of the speakers at the lmniiet riven rHt
iirday night by the Cheyenne Industrial
rlub at the Plains hotel. Th speaker
stated that on Omiiha 'lay "t the Wyo
mlnK State fair Cheyenne loisinee men
In the number of 2" were In nttendsnra.
Their purpose hoost for Clieyein"
and assist the fair, hut on their arrival
they found that Omaha '' th" enter'
of all Interest, and various Cheyenne men
were savin that It w.s Impossible, to
male a rhowlpR while .TO or 4"0 Omaha
men were on the Rrountls. Th speaker
stated that when It was dlfcovered there
were only forty Omaha men In the party
ewery one was amased. Me stated that
tha cnranltatlon of 1h Omaha crowd,
with th balloons, bells, arm bands,
paate-board sailor and other Impedi
menta, w so complet and so effective
that th amall orttanlfed party did better
work than an unorganised crowd of five
tlmea th site. "Tlie party of forty man
from Omaha looked Ilk V he aald.
"and road th party of 2" M,rom
Cheyenn look email In comparison."
Not only waa effective work done by
mmbr of th Omaha party by putting
Omaha to the front, but other Omaha
men not personally represented on the
tour were ahl to lend valuable assist
ance. Th railroads were particularly
active In their co-operation. Tlesllslna:
th Important- of this ood fellowship
trip to'Omaha. General Manager Walters
of tha Northwestern sent his private car
In charre of General Superintendent S.
M. Praden to accompany the Omaha
party on the entire trip- Mr. ura.icn
turned tbla private car over to tha Omaha
men and worked as hard pcrnonally on
the trip as any of the Commercial Hub
When the Commercial club men reached
Cheyenne It was found that President
Mohler of th Union Pacific, had sent a
private car. In chaise of W. II. Murray,
assistant reneral passennir stent, to be
at th service of the Omaha party on the
return trip. He also arranged to have a
special dining car attached to the train
nt Sidney to serve the Omaha men on
their return from the successful tour.
Eight Million:Pound
Cargo of Corned Beef
to Warring Factions
Eight million pounds of corn beef are
, aoon to b Blupped from Pan Francisco,
presumably to some of the contending na
tion of Europe. The Missouri raclfio
railway office in Omaha has received
word that a steamship company at Ban
Francisco was asking bids for furnishing
this quantity of beef. Locally It I un
derstood that most of tliia supply Is to b
furnished by South Omaha and fit.
Joseph. Definite information has not
been given out aa to who the real pur
chasers are, but It Is the common opinion
that thl la an advance order from the
lluaalan government, and represents on
of a series of orders that may be received
from Urn to time.
No Sugar Beet Seed;
Fick's Mission Up
Against Trouble
The pnblem of gfttlna eeed for next
vear't mriir rrnTi all the seed hereto
fore used In this country having Iwen
Imported from continental Kurope, seems
to be up In the air sun n.
The arr-ncy fr the prnrlpnl European
rugAr beet Seed extorters has len held
In this illy tbroiiKh representation
through Ale Kick, who succeeded to tiie
business of the lte Henry Meyer. Mr.
Fb k has lecn In Washington fur several
weeks, working: In conjunction wltr
Henry T. Oxnard and men Interested In
beet rv.gar factories, tn work out a plan
for repli i IfhlnR the supply of seed cut
off by she war. With the help of the
Aitrlcultursil department Bnd official
thorltirs, iirratiKements were supposed
to have been made to secure part of the
reserve rnpply held by Magdeburg pro
ducers, and Mr. l'lck had eiiKaRf'd to
take pscMtve with his sctes on a
HollHnd line heint siilling last Saturday,
expecting to return with the much-needed
sujrar biet seed. MessaKo Just rr-elved
I v .Mrs F'ck fri.m hi r husband, how
ever. Informs hr that he hns cancelled
l is insMir.e and that the trip t) Kurope
Is off for tho present, "owinK to pecul
iar developments."
Heet sussr ffu tnrUs all over the coun
try are vitally interested In the succesn
or fallu of t'ie fforts if the seed Im
porters to furnish seed, without which It
will be Impossible for them to get raw
material to continue to operate their
Splendid View of Variom Sections
of Growing City Reproduced.
Early Day Relics
Continue to Attract
Crowds of Visitors
The state and territorial exhibit of the
Ptat Historical society, now In the
rooms on the ground floor of th court
house. In charge of Secretary Paine, con
tinue to bo one of the attractions. It has
been arranged to have It remain Intact
during th week.
Pecretary Pain la constantly adding
to the exhibit, having gathered In 100 or
more old rellra sine coming to Omaha.
He has received a large number of pic
tures of buildings In Omaha built more
than half a century ago and demolished
later to make room for modern atrue
tures. One of the choicest of the articles
recently received Is a painting of the
Beta homestead at riellevue. At the time
of Its erection, some sixty years ago, this
was the best reeldence In the state. The
picturu shows It to have been a two
story structure.
After a Vrar of Wark Booklet la
orr Ready for Itlstrlbatlaa
knnlsx Wonderful Stride
Oranha la MaklasT.
The most spler.dld set of panoramic
views of Omaha ever made, beyond ques
tion, has Just been completed by The IVe
after more than a year's labr. 8 me of
the most Impressive pictures were taken
under vtiy trying conditions ,ind convey
a correct Impression of the besu.ies of
Omaha. In the wholesale, retail, rky
scrarxr. rraldnntal and nut tior.s.
The circuit camera, a modern invention,
and the first of Ita kind In Oinnha was
used for the work. Often as inuoh an
eluht hours were required for the 'aklng
of a single photograph, In constructing
scaffolds and waiting for the proper light
and atmospheric conditions.
These photoKraphs have been printed
In the form of an attractive booklet, at
gi- at xpenf-e. The booklet Is Ingeniously
folded and rnny be mailed conveniently
without marring tho pl turns, or used trs
an Interesting addition to photogrnruSlc
One who Is a-eustomed to th ordi
nary card picture will be surprised at
the magnlfhcnt views which It is pos
sible to obtain with this kind of rarrwri.
The vlewa take In one sweep severs!
miles of skyscrapers, factotica, stock
yard and public buildings.
Th Pee will pi a-e the booklet on sale
at Th P.e offli and at newstands at 10
cents aplen. Those who have friend
out of t .wn whom they would Ilk to
show what a marvelous city Omaha Is.
should certs Inly send them a copy. The
booklet is worthy of Omaha and will
make a big iKHstcr for the city.
The panaramas are most eomprehenalr
and glv a splendid Idea of the extent of
Omaha's fine building structures, much
mor comprehensive than any single
photo or group of photos.
Life Insurance Men
I . Off to Dallas Meet
yiiite a delegation of Omaha home eom-
pany Insurance men are starting for
Iiallas to attend the annual meeting of the
I American I .if convention, whose mem
j bership Includes most of the western and
'southern legal reserve life companies,
j among them the Hankers Heaerve and
I Oerman-Amerlcan Ufe of Omaha and
the Security Mutuael of Lincoln. The
I Nebraska contingent !s made up of
j W. W. 'Young, treasurer and gen
eral counsel of the German-American.
H. H. Kobison and lr. W. F-
Mllroy, president and medical director of
the Hankers Reserve Life; W. A. Und
ley, president of the Security Mutual of
Lincoln, and Thomas W. Blackburn of
Omaha, who Is secretary and treasurer of
th national orgsnizatlon.
Th Tan road companies win 6 thalr
bar to swell th crowds on tha streets
Thursday afternoon, th occasion of th
Ak-far-Ben daylight parade. In order
that employea may e the parade, th
railroad freight houses of the city will
clou at II o'clock In the forenoon and th
employe will b given a half holiday.
Appetite Follows
Good Digestion
Nearly everyon Indulges their ap
petite and tha digestive organs axe
abused, resulting In a congestion of
poisonous waste that clogs th bowela
and causes much misery and dis
tress. The most effective remedy to cor
rect this condition la the combination
of simple laxative herb with pepsin
known a lr. Caldwell' Syrup Pep
sin. This is a natural, pleasant
tasting remedy, gentle yet positive
In action, and quickly relieves indi
gestion, constipation, sick headache,
belching, etc. Drug stores sell Dr.
Caldwell Syrup Pepsin at fifty
cents and one dollar a bottle, and in
thousands of homes it Is the Indis
pensable family remedy. For a free
trial bottle write Dr. W. B. Caldwell. !
4ot Washington St.. Montlcello, HI. J
Mme. Reache Signs
to Sing for Teachers
In spit of the falsely circulated report
Mme. Oervllle-Reache Is not In France,
but In Amrrlen, for the bureau of pub
licity has Just closed a contract with her
t: appear at th Auditorium the evening
of November 4 to entertain the teacher
during the Ktatn Teachers' association
meeting In Omaha. The report that the
famous opera singer was In France grew
out of tho fact that she and her husband
at the outbreak of the European war
volunteered for Bed Cross service. Their
offer for th wrvlce, however, appeared
among tho surplus names w hich were not
Auto Speedway C".
Is Incorporated
Tti Auto Speedway company, organised
for "promoting automobile races, other
races and athletic events." has been In
corporated by Mogy Bernstein, Laurence
L Bron and John B. Prince. The capital
stock U fixed at 1.000 shares at linn each,
It" of which arc to be fully paid up when
operations are begun.
According to the promoter, a two
mil board track Is to be built imme
diately, while plans for the future Include
a dirt track Inside this, on which har
ness and running horse race will b
Friends Expect the
Hickens to Make Up
Reconciliation between Mr, tieoige V.
H liken and her huahand Is expected hy
close friends of the family. The condition
of Mrs. HP ken, who hi Mill In the Pres.
Kvtfian ttnanltal has touched her hus
band's "heart, and b baa been visiting
Mrs. Hlcken Is the womsn whom the
coroner' Jury declared murdered Brunu
Hansen In the Presbyterian hospital and
thn (hot herself. Hansen and Mrs.
Hlcken. each married and having fam
ilies, loped together last May and re
turned, last Monday, when the tragedy
occurred attar Mr. Hlcken hid refused
to Uk his wife back.
According to the reports to the i ail
roads, th weather has cleared and It is
Ideal all th way from the mountains
to th great lakes, with indication that
th cam brand will continue during (lie
Out tn Nebraska light rain was general
a greater portion .if Sunday, the pre
rlpltation running from one-fourth to nn
inch. Th heaviest rainfall u In t'ie
vicinity of Salem, and over two or tlueo
counties In the extreme sourlhcm portion
of-th state.
In the western part of the stale killing
frosts, the first of the tcjMn. wcio
Coal Dealer Wants
County Board Job
An eleventh hour filing for county com.
commislon Is to put the name of 8. A
l prneer of the l nlon Fuel company
on th ballot as a petition candidate. It
la said th papers were delivered Kunday
nlaht by pre-nrr.ingfment to Deputy Elec
tion Commissioner Ostrom at hi resi
dence. Mr. Corneer wss once elected to
th lower house of the legislature, but
has subrl"ent!y been several tlmea de
feated aa a candidate for other offlcea.
I lis coal firm holds, one of the county con
tra fl.i.
"travel money"
The sale of "A.B. A" Cheques for use
throughout the United States con
tinues as usual, and the cheques are
affording to travelers in "the States" their
customary service of protection and
convenience in respect to money matters.
Th aal of "A. B. A." Cheques for foreign us ham
bean ditcontinued temporarily, It bain; Impossible to giv
poailiv assurance to tourist that travelers' credit will be
uniformly honored abroad at all place under condition
which chanf from dsy to day.
Through th co-op rati on of th Officers of th T7nit4
State Government, Committees of Banker in New York,
London and Paris wer anablsd in a vary short tim to
perfect arrangements for protecting all form of travelers'
credit issued by American institutions and firms; and
holders of traveler' chequ and letter of credit hav bean
by this mean rlivd from th serious consequences of
th sudden paralysis of customary banking facilities
As soon aa conditions warrant, th aal of "A. B. A."
Cheque for dm broad' will b resumed.
Be sure that you get "A. B.A." Cheques
At any of the following Banks:
America af Deposit
City national Bant
Adams, Web.
Arlington, H.
Berlin, Web.
Columbus, Web.
Conndl Bluffs, la.
Crete, V.
Dand City, Beb.
M ff tt
Seeatnr, Beb.
Beaglas, Bb.
FTeuioat, Beb.
Crarrlsoa, Beb.
Olaawood, la.
Bavelook, Beb.
Co. rv.. Jlrwt Wational
- m -
afarofcasts Bational Bank
Bank of
first Bational Bank.
Arlington Stat Bank
Bank of Berlin
Commercial BaUonal
rtrat Kattoaal Bank
City Bational Bank
Oomuiarolal Bational
Council Bluff Savings
First Bational Baak
rirat Bational Bank
C antral Nebraska Batloa-
al Bank
Otty national Baak
Farmer at Bfercba&ta
Stat Bank
Bank of Doug-la
Commercial Batloaal
Farmer k Karehaat
Batloaal Baak
First BaUonal Baak
Farmara ft Marouaat
Oleawood Stat Baak
Farmer A Meobaale
Lincoln, Beb,
Maloorm, Beb.
Malvaraw la,
MUford, Beb.
Nebraska Otty, Bb.
Panama, Beb,
Flatts month, Bab.
8wara, Beb,
Bo. Omaha Beb.
rrtnrflld, Web.
St. Edward, Beb.
Syraou, Beb.
Vol varsity Flao. Be.
Waboo, Beb.
WoodhU. law
Wbraaka Batloaal Bank
Omaha national Baak
United. State BaUonal Baak
Oaatral Bational Bank
City BaUonal Bank
First BaUonal Baak
Crerm an -America Stat ,
Uaoola Stat Baak
Xdaoola Tnurt Oo.
Malcolm Stat Baak
First BaUonal Baak
Bbraka Stat Baak
Bbraka Otty BaUoaaJ
Oto Oonaty national
Baak f Fa aara a
Baak f Caa County
First BaUonal Baak
Stat Baak of Babraaka
Uri Stock national Bank
Stock Tarda BaUoaal
American Stat Bank
First Batloaal Baak
Bank of Syraon
iFlrat Bational Baak
Cltissns Stat Baa
'First BaUoaal Baak
First nattoaal Baak
City Coromlasioner J. 1. Ryder was pre
sented with a diamond ring by the New
Orleans delegation to the I, -ague of Amer
ican Municipalities, which met In Mil
waukee last week. The league eleetej
Commissioner Ryder president fir tho
third consoruth time. The nent meetintf
will b In New Oilcan.
"Omaha was the. only ritv with but one
delegate," said Cummltnlunrr . Kyder.
"Some cities had aa many a twenty.
Omaha should have had a larger repre
sentation." Mrs. Ryder and daughter r with
Commissioner Ryder st the convention.
The 8teart-Tnoirr Auto company has
decorated its salesroom In honor of Ak
Sur lten week with th carnival colors
and lias extensively embellished tin.'
room alth flowers, ferns and banners,
which. rpecilly at nlttht, when occen
tUHted hy el-ctrlral effects, make the
room one of the prettiest on automobile
imw. The f lowers and ferns are lianke.1
high and heavy In such a manner that
It Is almost tmMsltile to see the rear of
the establishment. The new cars are
so arranged on display that they aJl
materially to the effectiveness of the
elaborating scheme. The room Is always
liaiited at night, and its effulgence at.
trails all alio pass hy. Out of town vis
iters are Invited to visit the Stewait
Tooxer r.ouio while her for th
Da V t'ear CssismptlM f
Pr. King's New Iioovery will help
cur your rough or cold, no matter how
ihrrnio It la. Try It today. tOc sod 1.
All drugits. A d veniremen L
Th Hurllnglon s weekly crop report
shows that th corn groan In Nebraska
has been fully matured and that In every
section of the stale it is better than s
estimated. Compared with th l' per
cent eld the crop gruan In fields of
the Omaha division is placed at T; L.!n
coin, HO, Wymore, k; Mcc'ook. Si per
Pasture are still in perfect condition
and In many localities the fourth crop of
alfalfa Is being gathered. In the eaatern
and ceetral portions of the state It Is
estimated that four-fifth of th seeding
o' winter wheat has been completed and
IA to "S per cent tn th west. Th acreage
will be fully up to if not abov th ar
r. O. M. DtnU
l-Senearre Tmrtnf Ct
m4 RfdtUr
The "Bell Company"
There is no one "Bell Company," but the Bell System is made
up of several operating companies, each giring servioe within a
definite territory, and the American Telephone and Telegraph
Company, which operates long distance lines connecting the var
ious local companies.
The American Telephone and Telegraph Company assists ia
financing the whole Bell System, and aids and directs in the intro
duction and development of ideas and systematic plans and inven.
tions, so that the most satisfactory equipment and practices may.
be made uniform throughout the country.
The Bell policy has made possible one method, one system and
nation-wide transmission, with the result that Bell service has be
come the standard of the world.
-W Advtrtise So Tkat th PtopU If 9? Know."
CsrcftfoAmrricmn MmIf.
8054-6 aTaaam St.. Omaba, Beb.
Cadillac Company of OmahaSays:
A lot of men 1 know, some jou prob
ably know, will soon be driving the
new Hupmoblle.
Every one of them la able to buy
other cars.
But they don't want the-ether
they want th new Hupmoblle.
Why are they walking or driving
their old cars meanwhile?
Reeause they recognise the extra val
ue in th big, comfortable five
passenger Hup, In Its refinements,
in its convenience and Its reallv
complete equipment.
Men know something about Hun
goodness, too enough to make
them want It in preference to any
thing else on the market.
And they know the new Hup Is fit
to give them the complete satisfac
tion that has tnaillp the Hup famous
I'm proud to represent a car that h-rcs
the high standing of the Hupmo
blle; proud of this beautiful, biff,
new model, which actually drawn
men to itself.
Come in and let me show you tlio
new car's fine potntji.
Your winter driving will he made en
joyable by the finely-finished sedan
or coupe top. which can be attached
to touring; car or roadster at espe
cially aMuting cost.
! at tho fine points by
It's as natural to look
at tho fine points by
Gas Iightas Jy Day
No artificial light can compare vvitK
Incandescent Gas Light for close work
or reading. Its very quality has main
tained it as the most modern light
We have lamps, shades, domes,
showers and fixtures to suit every pur
pose and every decorative scheme. Stop
at the gas office and see them before
you decide upon lighting fixtures for
your home or place of business, or asl
us to send a representative to you.
Omaha Gas Co.
1509 Howard St Phone D. 605
Be Want Ad Ar the Heat Buaineu
Boost! J
Your office location
a business asset....
A well known, well kept, well
located and well tenanted
building is bound to be
A business asset
for you and your associates.
The building that is always new)
is such a building, par excellence.
Arrange for offices with the superintendent
Room 103
Used la mm II sues tlaa any two outer broods
1 Bottled Ber CMabiaed
Anheuser-Busch Company of Nebraska
Rosenfeld Liquor Company
Council Bluffs. Iowa
Family Trade Supplied j C H.
Ilanien, uet er rnone uoug. ub
lit a t
For sensible, safe, promising investments,
look oyer Real Estate Columns f The Bee