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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1914)
THE REE: OMAHA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1014. CARRANZA QUITS AS MEXICO CHIEF Plate. Resignation Before Dele gate, in General Conference of Southern Leaden. QUESTION FIERCELY DEBATED Desaltory Flchllna on 411 dea at Xmea Marks Opening of At lark on Town kr V a r tltrfRl. HI I.I.KTIN. MEXICO rlTV. Oct. 4-Shortly before midnlghl tonight the delegate to the gen eral conference of southern chiefs rejected by an almost unanimous vote the reslg-na-tlnn of Wmrriil Venustlan? Carrana aa flrnt chief cf the constitutionalists. A commission wu nt to the national palace to ask Oeneral Carrsnsa to accept once muro supreme rower. MEXICO CITY. Ih-t. 4-lcnersl Venus tiano Carrsnia placed his resignation as first chief of the constitutionalist before tendance, disorder In experienced thla the delegate to the general conference J year then ever before. The bl crowd . ..,.ik. ni,.i. .h.,Mi. hfnp. I nvwki"",',lll Itself with tha wholesome en of southern chief shortly before clock afforded bv the attraction and tonight. From that time until a lata hour tonight the queetlon of whether tha resignation ahould be accepted waa fiercely debated with no Immediate prospect of a vote. Orator opposed to the cceptance of General Carrama's withdrawal were re peatedly cheered by dclegste and spec tator. A motion waa made that tha flrat chief be Informed that It would be Im posalbl to accept hla patriotic act of abenagatlon, but the hour passed with out a vote being taken on the motion wing to the turmoil In the chamber. Flahtlaa at ar. NACO, Sonora. Mexico, Oct. I De sultory fighting on all aide of the town marked the opening tonight of the attack by Governor Maytorena' Vllllnta force on General nenjamln Hill' troop which have been entrenched here for a week. Although both side are ulng machine run. Maytorena' troop aeem to have aoma heavier pieces of artillery than the defender of the town. American troop patrolled the International boundary and turned back wounded men who sought refugee medical attention In Naco, Arfi. Taqal tilve. Warnlna. Maytorena' troop have been reported advancing on Nnco, Bonorn, for two or three day. Hun da of Valuta coming down the arroyoe Juat before dark to night gave warning that the battle wa bout to bexin. Hill' force were defeated last by May torena forces at Santa Barbara, east of here, In an encounter In which a round 100 men were killed or severely wounded. Throat and Lia Trouble Quickly helped by Dr. Kin-1 New Dis covery. The first oaa help. Best rem edy for coughs, cold, and lunc disease M cent and 11.09. An druggist. Ad vertisement. EMPERORS WILL MEET IN WAR OF x LIFE AND DEATH (Continued from Page One.) Tha German batteries which had been sup porting the Infantry attack were silenced by Kuhalan artillery. The enemy then I rru .or a distance o: tilght miles, pur- ued by Coaaack, who croaed the river by mean of the pontoon bridge whloh me uerman had built. Advance on Transylvania. A correspondent of tha Exchange Tela. graph company at Rome say a dlsDstoh ha been received from Bucharest saying that after occupying the principal cities ox Mukowina (a crown land of Auatrl Hungary), tha Russian have begun an advance on Transylvania. Austria, hop ing to defeat thla aerloua menace, ha concentrated In the weal Carpathian ev ral army corp. and a big battle I Im minent. Announcement of Staff. t PETROU RA D, Oct. 4-Th following orriciai announcement from th general taff ha been Issued: "Tha battla at Augustowo continued to develop with extreme ferocity on October !. The enemy relaxed hla positions to tha north of Lake Vlgrl, carrying out furious attarka on the Bide of Ratchkl and Borgl mene. In an effort to occupy the western road leading out of the Augustowo forest. "On the road to l.od and Schlhllachkl the first division of tha derma n cavalry attempted to check the offensive tactic of th Ruaalan cavalry. "The engagement took place at dusk but the aquadrona of the enemy were put to flight and completely dispersed, sus taining heavy losses. They carried along In their rout th Infantry which was pro tecting them. "Th Russian troop hve occupied Raygrod. Kalvary and Mariimpol, !! In Russian Poland. "Indgnlflcant engagement have taken place In th neighborhood of Klelce, on the right bank of the Vistula. "In the Carpathians the Russian troops repulsed near Mlkoullti an Austrian d tachment, which lost Us cannon and mlt ratlleuses." Your Sick Child Is Constipated! Look At Tongue No matter what alia your child, a gentle, thorough laxatlv should always be th tuat treatment given. If your little one 1 out-of-aorts, half tick. Isn't reeling, eating and acting i at ui ally look. Mother! If tongug la coated. Thla 1 a ur sign that It'a littl stomach, llvsr and bowel are logged with wasts. When crone. Irri table, feverish, stomach sour, breath bad vr ha stomach -achs, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, glv a teaapoonful of "California Pyrup of fig,- and In a few hour all th constipated poison, undigested food and) our bile gently move out of tt littl bowel without griping, and you hav a well, playful child attain. Mothers can rest easy after glvii.f this harmless "fruit laxatlv," because it never fall to clean th littl on' liver and bowala and awaeten th stom ach and they dearly lev It pleaaant tasta rull direction for table, chil dren of all age and for grown-up printed on each bottl. lie war of counterfeit fig syrups, Ask your druggist for a 0-cnt bottl of "California Byru of Ft;" then see that it I mad by th "California F!f Kyrup Company." Advertisement. 1 MINIONS OF THE KING DEVOTE THE SABBATH TO REST (Continued from I'seT . One promise to fill nil the garage this week. Over l.Ono rooms are now listed at the free Information bureau. 1619 Howard street, alone- wltV Karate and other In formation for the service of visitors. Two large signs are hung at the depot, direct In nemeomcra to the bureau, and every possible h"lp I prepared for th accom modation of tha throngs. Heard on tkr lllahwar. ?uahlon-footed camels with Ugly fare prove to be quite docile, and like to tie. petted. Their capacity for rating tracker jnrk In immeHsiirahlr. There In alio a baby camel with an elephant ! apiwtlt. Home folk! have not an accustomed to the pHy-aa-you-enter street cars that when they enter the carnival Kate1!, they try to push their tickets Into tue tops of the turnstiles. A regular wine press baa lieen erected near the main entrance, and folki can see hi malaaa grapes made Into aweet wine while they quench their thlrat. An 'Id-flehloned cider pre also does a big business. Heirarrilaa ,if tha racnrd breaking a t - t , members, and passe tlie lima Ithoul resorting to any rough work. The out-of-town element I much In evidence, hut doesn't have a whit more fun tl'fln the Omnhnna, to whom tha carnival seem a never ceaaina; novelty. In fad the home tnlent la mor demon strative, although the country cousin are far from slow In the heat of the "mail confetti enaements. The thrill produiiers such as the r'erri wheel and other breath-Inking apparatus, arn taxed to the Inst notch during tha evenings, and many an individual suc ceeds In capturing one of the big basque dolls thnt are proving so popular with everybody. Among the lunch and refreshment iKHiths on the lilKhway are two run by the municipal leagues of Benson and Florence. In front of the both, of th Itter Carriers' auxiliary, well known mall men with meKaphone deliver mole Invitation to sample tempting pastry and coffee made by their wives. Omaha has quite a few freaka of It own, according to (Tharlea It. Armstrong, who rune several pit shows on the Plasa. He says he has been offered a number of oddities and freak, both human and animal, lnee the carnival opened in Omaha. However, he haa txoked none of them, as he already ha a full house. "I want a thin husband with a fat pocketbook," say Mildred Hmlth, the skeleton giantess. Hlie I seven feet tall, weigh only eighty-five pounds and Is t vears of sue. It I said that she Is the only prepossessing tall girl In the show husinees, Cowboy Jim, our regular little mayor, was an Interested visitor at Miuiurnia Frank's wild west. After seelim th arlat and shoutlnK stunts, he decided hat he ha no monoinily on the wetrn stuff. The Arabian dancing horses are feature of the performance whlcn alune would make It worth seeing. It I rumored that like Haroun-al-Raa. child of old, tha new king mingles Mh his iveople In the aulae of a common frollcker, and partakes of the plebian pleasurea of the city. He this a It may. fol or king roum won enjoy nirnseii n Cibola and oo nonor to nia position In life, and though all the monarcha of Ak-Hnr-Ben were to comoine ineir regn ng years they would fnd t hard to dup- cate such f unmaking aa prevail u mi present festival. them In many wecksbenefltp etaol etshm Although surprising to the ordinary lay man, quit a number of the carnival ahow neoule attended church aervlcea Muntlay, Borne aatd It wa the first Sunday off for them In many weeka. and they took ad vantage of tha Opportunity to ret their out. Oh. ye, carnival folk have louia, juat Ilk anybody else. , . One of the busy booth I the lunch counter run by the women of the Im theran Church Aid aoclety. They serve delicious coffee, pies, sandwiches and soft drinks, and apply the proceeds to churoh work. Among tha military effects on the grounds eaoh evening Is a bombardment of red fire directed by Oeneral Orouoh1 from bhlnd smokd glass fortification. FLAGS ENTWINED BY . GERMAN-AMERICANS (Continued from Page On.) mining the visitor to become acquainted. There will be luncheon at noon and be ginning at I o'clock in th afternoon, isl tor will be entertained with th fol lowing program: March Under the Pouble Egi.. Werner overture William Tell Koasln Walt Wiener Hint Btrauss Poutpourrl from the opera ' Frelschurti. Chorus Hail Mrtght Abode Wagner Chorus The Heavens Are Telling the Ulory of God Heethoven Mixed Choir. Address of welcome, Val. J. Peter, presi dent of tne werman-Amrrican alliance. Peace prayer by Rev. G. J. Jalser and llev. II. Mengwasser. Address In English by F. L. llaller of omaha. Soldier Ctioru from "Fnuat".,. .Gounod Hottl Hymn Hlmrnel Male Chorus with Orcheatra. German Addresa by Itobert I Horgel of rveniucay. Chorus Was Jat dra Peutachen Vater- ' 'and Hlmrnel Chorus Muttersprache Rnaelsberg -nix en . norus witn orchestra. "America" by audience. (Moving orchestra numbers: March from "Ijt Prophet" Meyerbeer uveriuro irom tne opera Sylveeter. Reese i'outpourrl patrlotlo German songs. R. NOT AGAINST STATE PROHIBITION IN OREGON PORTU4NT). Ore., Oct. 4 Colonel Theodore Roosevelt sent a message today tc William K. Johnson of th Antl-SaJoon league here, denouncing a untru reports that he had declared agalnt state-wide prohibition, which la an Issue In Oregon I this year. Th message read: I am Informed that rnv nam Is belnr used by certain saloon leagues and other trgatilsntlons against the cause of temper ance, and that statements purporting to come from me are quoted to give tne Im pression thst I have declared against slate-wide prohibition In other slates where the Issue Is up In thla election. I have made no statements of any kind or aort to warrant such use of my name. Where 1 have apoken at all on the sub Joct It has been with referenc to the special needs of the stale on which I spoke and the uttarancea which I have inaue are puuue and accessible to vry tne. SUFFRAGISTS' PARADE AT FALLS CITY SUCCESS FALLS CITT. Neb.. Oct, 4. - Special Telegram ) The largest auffrkge parade ever given In southeast Nebraska was a feature of yesterday' festival, th luc re of which wa largely due to the ef fort of Mr. P. ,T. MoGarr. illxty-flvc floats and auto, th drum corp from the national soldiers' horn of Leavenworth. th Fall City military and carnival bauds, old soldier and federated trades vere In Iln. Floral auto and floats represented: "Enfranchise" State ,, Nebraska Naxt." "Th World's Peace." th Woman' Christian Temperance union otub. lodg, school, business house nd Industrie of all kind. Th four day' festival has been patronised by Immens crowd. JAPAN REPLIES TO CHINA Declares Justified in Taking Pos session of Railway. ROAD IS PRACTICALLY GERMAN Caa't Re Reararded aa .Central Prop erty, and Selaer ef It Therefore la I'erfeetly Propej" Part of Mapoa, on TICKING, China, lk f . f - Japan s reply to China's protest again? the Japanese occupation of the railway line from Tslng Tau to Tal-Nan was delivered today. Japan say. In effect, that It Is plan ning the complete destruction of the Ger man base t Talng-Tau and o I Justified In taking possession of th railway, which constitutes an Inseparable portion of the German leased territory In China. In the first place, the Japanese argu ment says, the railway Is German owned, dlredly controlled by the German govern ment, based on an Imperial charter and has th character of a public property. In th second place, the railway cannot ha regarded as neutral property and Japan' aeliure of tt does not constitute a violation of China' neutrality. Tha Chine proclamation defining the limita tion of the wr lone doe not ltr th status of the railway. Thirdly. It I ald that tha Chines gov ernment Insist that there ha been no connection between Tslng-Tau and the railway since the Japanese Invested Talng-Tau and o Germany la unable to utilise the road, but from a Japanese military standpoint It would be dangerous to leave a section of the railway In the rear of the Japanea force In the hands of the enemy. Indeed. It would be strate gically Impossible. Th argument con clude with the assertion that Instance are not lacking to prove that the Chlneae government I unable to restrain th Ger man from utilising th railway for war like preparation and operation. ChildBorn After Death Has Called Mother Mrs. Donahoe Ten minute after .the death of Mr. T. . Donahoe, wife of Attorney Donaho. 317 California street, a daughter wa born to her. When the little one entered the world, life waa almoat extinct, but Dr. A. E. Mack, the attending phyalrlan. waa able to save the tiny life by means of artificial respiration and hot baths. It was alive lata last night, and Dr. Mack s confident that it will live. The operation following Mrs. Donahoe' death, known In medical circle a the Caeaerlan sectional operation, 1 rarely performed successfully, and Is seldom attempted. Mrs. Donahoe died at S o'clock Sunday morning, heart failure being th direct csuse. She wa S7 year old and wa born In Chicago. Beside her husband, four children survive Mary Kllen, Thomas. Jr., Kllxabeth and tha daughter born yes terday. The funeral will b held Tueday morn ing at S o'clock In Bt. Cecelia' cathedral. Fortieth and California treeta. Father Harrington having charge, assisted by Father Donahoe of Davenport, .(., brother-in-law of th deceased. Burial will be In Holy flepulcher. Will Colling, a brother, formerly dec orator with the Brandels stores and later In business here, but now ' located In Baltimore, will arrive Monday for th funeral. NEW CASUALTY LIST GIVEN OUT BY ENGLISH LONDON. Oct. .-A list of cnsualtle In the battle of the Alsne, Issued tonight by th official press bureau. Includes 717 men nd hon commissioned officer. Hereto fore, the Hit of this battle have been confined to officer. Tonight' list shows 66 killed, 8.10 wounded, S3 wounded and missing, and 909 missing. Of th killed, the royal field artillery, royal horse ar tillery. Queen' bay and drajroon guard predominated. An additional list of officer wa Issued, showing 6 killed, S died of wounds, and 17 wounded. THOUSANDS OF GERMAN PRISONERS ARE CAPTURED LONDON. Oct. 4 A rrl dispatch to th EKchanr Telegraph company numerous Oermn prisoner passed through varlou French ttlon Friday night The convoy comprised 1.J46, LS10 and 9R0 prisoner, respectively. They wer taken from Julsy to Versailles They In cluded almost an entlr regiment of th Prussian gurd, with band and ataff offtcr. fteveral additional train with prisoner are expected to arriv aoon. CMI4 Dlffl la Peeallar War. PLATT8MOCTH. Neb., Oct 4. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cole, residing outhwest of Plattamoiith, earn to thl city yesterday and went to th moving picture show. After being eated th mother uncovered hr two-montha-old daughter and dlcovered that h wa dead. Th cause of death la unknown, as th little on waa as well aa usual when they departed from horn. Wosaaa'a Aaalllary Meet. PLATTflMOUTH. Neb.. Oct'.-Ope-clal.) Tha aeoond annual convention of th Nebraska Woman' auxiliary of th diocese of Nebraska waa held In th Ft. Luke' church In thl c4ty Friday and w largely attended by delegates from Fall City, Teoumaeh. Auburn. Nebraska City nd Wyoming. Mr. an I Mr. Mont Robb In th Hotel Riley entertained th dele gate at a luncheoa. AMI'IEHEXTI, STADIUM SPEEDWAY XA.BT OatAXA TODAY Vl'bece World's Spcd Record Are llroken. CUaiuplon Motorcycle Rider la 8oen Race Daily 1, 8, 0, 10, 15 aud 'M Mile. . Kacea start at 4 P. M. Positively the Greatest Aggregstlon of tped Demons Ever Assembled In the t olled Stales. American Federation of Motorists Rules Oovern Kach Kvent. Oar Street from ltfe a a raraaaa. AflMUsetoa Cat area aae la, gftei Aaalta, 60. TURPIN'S DANCING ACADEMY th a4 raraaaa Bt. Hara II 43. Adult beginner every Monday evening Adult advanced every Tuedy evening. tKew dances taught la thl class onlv.) Prlvte leesoo dally: up-to-date dance. First Children's classes Satunlav afternoon. October 1 0th Opening assembly Saturday evening. October 10th. OUSM'B OtOgSITIa, f 1. Nebraska LAND ASSESSMENTS HIGHER Million and Half Dollars More, Ac cording to State Board. PERSONAL PROPERTY IS LESS Total Assessment Holl of Nebraska for Thla Year and list Shows Balance In Favor (From a Staff Correspondent.) UNCOI.N. Oct. S.-Spelal.)-Th land assessment for 1914. a shown In the of fice gf Heoretary eeymour of the tate board of assessment, show that th valu ation of Improved and unimproved land In Nebraska has Increased, over th 1913 ssessment, by 1,B81.4J. The valuation on unimproved land ha fallen off consider ably. The total showing on the three items, however. Is as follows: In 1913 th valuation wa given 1261. 4.J4 while f " ear It wa shown as i2sj.1a.ra. The valuation, of all personal property. In IMS. I given at S14S,0Mr, while th 1914 assessment show a lesser value, the figure being SI 46,959,044. All property In 1914 I aseaed at S471, 9X1.972. as a fain t tt70,690.414 In lfU Other property, this year, with th aa nssment of 1P13 m comparison Is her given: Assessed 1!M4. IIore Mule Cattle Rheep Mortiragea and note Traction engine ,.. Typewriters Typesetting machlnea.... Pianos Organs Diamonds Automobiles Dora Bewlng Machine Bicycle Poultry Money , Money loaned Tax sales , Building & Ixjan Ass'ns Ptork Tel. companies... Htock national banka... Htock state banks Hallway property Pullman car 1013. Horses Mule Cattle Khoep No. Valuation. 17.917 S12.7T7.149 94.672 1.0)4.941 !,t.lrt S4,S15 13,911.74 100.093 3.001.134 227.K.9 43,373 40.769 1.181.SU 96.613 16S.H4 8.3 aa (ft.617 .29,004 So'vat . KM. 874 129.146 6,979 X.S32,049 112.706 204.314 42.642 WS.60 4.761.27H ir,2,122 27, 2W 406.978 1.873,731 S.974,012 2.612.74S 65,946,076 140,415 Assessed No. Valuation. 920.0M 13.4!i2,2IO 1M.6H0 t.756.749 .1,940.1!J . 234,709 11.627.381 199.144 s.rai.on; IS, 60S 41.444 SH.9U8 1,13.4M m.ft'JB 127,113 2,111,735 114.728 224.961 48,(162 . 520,272 MortKaes and note Tmctlon engine Typewriters .., Typesetting machine..., 8.4H2 ft 4R.K41 90,717 "23.54.1 107.B7O 128,730 6,961 Pianos , Organ Diamonds Automobile Dog Hewing machine , Bicycle Poultry Money Money loaned Tax sales Building ft Ixan Ass'ns Stock Tel. companies... Stock national bank... Htock state banka Hallway property , Pullman car 6,025,401 173,159 20,101 409.799 1.919.102 4.207,790 2.90R.O14 .1... 66.K29.S28 , 129,067 I Ran, Farm Balldlnar ELK HORN, Neb., Oct. 4.-r(Speclal.)- The large barn and, building on th farm of D. p. McLean.' south of Elkhorn, nurned tnt afternoon and wa a total lo. About 11,000 worth of hay and grain wa burned Los on building about So.OOO. The cause wa apontaneou corn buatlon In th hawniow. Democrats Feast at Raveana. RAVENNA, Neb.. Oct 4.-(8pcla!.)-Tha democrat held a banquet and poli tical conference here Friday evening. Th vent wa attended by moat of th oounty candidates, and about a hundred roters. W. P. Oldham, from Kearney, and Willi Heed, from Madison, wr th principal speaker. New Note of Gdg'. GENEVA, Neb., Oct. 4.-(RpeclI.)-Th Mothera' club gave th teacher of the city schools) a receptl-w at the home of Mr. Charle H. Sloan last nlglit. Th Geneva Military band will attend th Ak-Sar-Ben thl week to march In the parade. AMI SKMETVTB. Sevotea to to- oiaa. TWICE QAILYw Mat. Today AK-SAR-BEN'S UNDISPUTED DIADEM lnrpl7 Booked Tor Th - Carnival's fared Wk HAHHV ASTINGS I3IG SHOW of ran and sToasae Satttl4 "OJT IgD Ofl aSLM Tne Fannies Woman la Bnrles.u 1 a maa SABT OO 1,11 MAI. n aaat faaaiest vomit really I worn a aATmiOB XAJUbOWB. vauaoauy Brilliant Oast and 30 GIRLISH MBAUTY DKAK HBADMlt: Dan Col amass comleal ea Toning, at tlr4 la lemlnlne dud, te a akaw la ll. tit. Tha aetlre sarformaaot la uniqua, aallfatar. lwpara with what Bar-Baa visitor bats la tbalr (no old n s a aaaima revaiatioa a or forarar. n U JOHNgQN. Manaaar Oaratj. POPULAR PRICES afror to briar th satire family. Grand Matinee Daily. On parade day and night, cur tain will not rise until after th pejreants pasa the Oavety. i aiiman.i ii a it! At avMaMhaaaaMgaaaM rkoa a. ABTAJTCBP Trlxls Friganza TATJOBTXLX.B. . Otaar acta this wsak: Aioa Ceaa)f Faar. VI 1st SYeeierH Bent on IV. Kmil Pmllaa- frg: moot 11 Mas Kim: Frances Da Oi I Tha lAakaMnoe: Orphaum Tratel WstklT I frirm: Mallaaa. Uallarr. We; Beat Bests I can atarar aa Ssndajl. ib Nl.Mt, lac. i h an nx. Nebraska Suffragists Hold Many Meetings on the Suff Field Day Haturday ' was Suffrage Field day In eery county In Nebraska. Speaker motored out from the various t'inn and cities in the state and visited many pre cincts, holding street meetings and many Indoor rallies. Mrs. '.. T. I.lndsey, county chairman of Douglas county, directed a number of meetings In and around Omaha. ' One party, consisting of John L Ken nedy, Mrs. M. B. Munson, Miss Anna Peterson, Mr. Ellxabeth Fulllvan and Mr. J. D. Hlchardson, motored out to Washington Saturday afternoon. They found almost th ent'.re popula tion of the village congregated at an auction sale. Waiting until the auction wa over, they took advantage of the large crowd and held a most successful suffrage meeting. From Washington they went to Arlington, where In the evening another enthusiastic meeting was held. Rheta Chllde Dorr addressed a lanre crowd In Waterloo in the afternoon, going or. by motor for an equally large meeting in the evening at Valley. Mr. D, C. Craighead held a very successful after noon meeting in Benson. The suffragist are making arrange ment for a complete poll, not only of Omaha, but of Douglas county, to determ ine In advance of the election the exact strength of the suffrage cause. In Omaha a house-to-house 1 canvass will be made, more than two hundred women having already volunteered to cover th eighty six precincts of the city. HYMENEAL Btrala-Smlth. KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. 4. (Special.) Edward strain and Miss Emma Smith, both well known young Kearney people, were married yesterday in this city. Mr. Strain Is connected with the Kearney Water and Electric Power company of fice. They went east on their wedding trip. l ews Notes of CSeneva. EDGAR, Neb., Oct, 4. (Special.) Cook Brothers are erect. n; a fine two-story brick building on tha corner of Main and Third streets. The Edifar school board ha Juat had Installed a kitchen for the domestic cienoe department and, a shower bath fortthe athletic teams. C. A. Williams of Auburn has traded his Edgar property, the John Jones resi dence, to Ell Hhultx, formerly a farmer living Just south of Strang, for a resi dence property In Auburn. r Si A- U ?' V " 7 f- , II $ee that Crown is (jJ fl branded "Schlitz." k ml i m k m i m w iiiiwi g- r. ar at Tvtede .likvaukee Hnibus. Nebraska HOW DRUG PRICES SOAR Drugrg-ist Gives Display Indicating Effect of War on Prices. MANY FROM OLD COUNTRY Asia anil Korope. Furnish (.renter t)nanlty of Rare Medicinal Properties W hich Soar In Cost. (From a 8taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 4. (Special.) A Lin coln drugaist ha made a display In his window which la attracting a great deal of attention and demonstrates how the war In Europe has had the effect of ad vancing the price of drugs. He has sev eral articles exhibited and with each a card showing what the wsr has done for the truf trade. Digitalis, grown In central Europe, has raised In price K5 per cent. Nut gall, grown in Persia, ha risen 100 per cent. Aconite, from central Europe, has raised 110 per cent. Belladonna, from England. 96 por cent. Pasafrass, from Italy, 1.15 per cent. Haffron, from Asia, 96 per cent. Nux vomlce, from India, 176 per cent. Senna leaves, from South Africa. 200 per cent. Gum camphor, from Japan, China and Asia, 260 per cent. Page, from Italy, 154 per cent. Asafetida, from Persia. 300 per cent. Ergot, from Spain, 350 rer cent. OLD SOLDIER IS GIVEN JUDGMENT AGAINST WIDOW BBjOKEN BOW, Neb., Oct. 4. (Special.) A case attracting considerable attention In district court thla week was that of Hrewater againat Rost, In which Ellsher Brewster, an old soldier 73 years of age, ought to recover S58S from Melllssa Rost, an aged woman living near Callaway, loaned her In 1910. The evidence showed that Brewter had taken a mortgage on the Rot farm at the time of the loan. According to the defendant's testimony, the plaintiff, Brewster, fell in love with her and they became engaged, Brewster telling her that as long a they were to be married he would make her a present of the mortgage. Brewster Instituted foreclosure proceeding and Mrs. Rost retaliated by bringing action for damages In the sum of 15,000. A number of letters were exhibited by the defense as tend ing to show the amorous attitude the plaintiff had ansumed toward the de fendant. At th conclusion of the argu ment. Judge Hostetler summed up In short order, dismissing the S6.000 damage suit and found for the plaintiff. Bee Want Ad Are Boosters. the Best Business Nature has many ways of warning man of danger. The sense of taste and smell both serve for your protection That skunky taste denotes Zfr decay and often found in beer from light bottles. Why take the risk? The Brown Bottle protects Schlitz pur ity from the brew ery to your glass. Phone Douir. 159T Behlits Bottled Beer Depot T3 8. th Street, Omaha, Nebr. Phone 414 Hy. Oerber. 101 S. Main Bt. Council Bluff Tlie Beer In Five Minutes No Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Gas If a hat you J ut ate Is snurlnK on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate, undigested food, or have a feeling of dixr.lpess, heartburn, full ness, nausea, bad taste In mouth end stomach headache, you can surely get relief In five minutes. , Ask your pharmac'st to show you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty cent cases of Tape's Dlapepsln, then you will understand why dyspeptic trouble of all kinds must go, and why It re llevea, sour, out-of-order stomachs or Indigestion In five minutes. 'Tape's Dla pepsln'' Is harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest and pre pare for assimilation Into the blood all the food you eat: besides, It make you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stomach and in testines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for biliousness or constipation. This city will have many "rape's Dia pepsin" cranks, as some people w-lll call them, but you will be enthusiastic about this plend!d stomach preparation, too, if you ever take It for indigestion, guses, heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach misery. Get some now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach misery and Indiges tion In five minutes. Advertisement. a psSIH!tWWl m is 11 i!i!f:?;!