TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBEB 4, 1M4. PLACE YOlUlR. JPIRIMTTIIMCG ORD 1R. With Houses t J : t. 4 i 4 d 4 I i ' i t. , t r! Ill n! i.; is; II. t ; t ' 5 S id u f t ' M-Sar-Swt f rmttnj & iuptetutg Ota Job and Commercial Printing r OFFICE STATIONERY, BUSINESS CARDS. BLANK BOOKS, LEDGERS. PAMPHLETS MULTIGRAPHED LETTERS. WEDDING STATIONERY. VISITING CARDS. ETC SEND US YOUR NEXT ORDER FOR PRINTING WE DELIVER OUR WORK WHEN WE SAY WE WILL PHONE DOUG. 2185 fc31 100 NORTH 13TH ST. fc31 OMAHA, NEBRASKA Only Purely Lithographic House in Nebraska We do nothing but Lithographing, but do it in the test possible manner. . Let our Expert Artist look over your stationery, advertising or labels. lie may suggest improvements. No Charge for New Designs or Advice. HANCO CK-EPSTEN COMPANY 417 South 12th Street Omaha, Nebraska "jj3 If n (Guocessor to A. I. Root) r nn lie SLeaoisig mmmz mm of the rJliddle Uest Specializing in High Grade Catalogs, Book lets, Steel Die Em bossed Stationery, En graved Wedding Invi- , tations and Society Announcements............. Tho Quality Is Always fissured TJhesi it Comes From Tho Deacon Press 1210-1212 Ilouard St., Omaha, Ucb. rVW -IT Par gel Post D cLivEiZffe rfes,. Engraven to Hit Maieitv The Printer L 2M if The Bee Engraving Department Represented on These Pages They Specialize .in Catalogues Booklets House Organs Trade. Papers Magazines The larger or ders of Flyers and Circulars Proceedings Directories Histories - Books and the like JaBSMSBaawaasBBSaa Copy Writing Illustrating Engraving , Electrotyping Typesetting (Machine and Hand) Presswork Binding Mailing ONE OF THE JKG INDUSTRIES Job Printing Houses Boosters for . Home Patronage Idea. .' RESULTS ARE BEING ATTAINED Bea Fraaklla Clak ef Omaha Oa of tie Factor la Brlaalaa- Prlat las lT tae Preseat Blca Staadara. Only a mall proportion of the laymen reallM that the job printing Industry is one of the largest both in Nebraska and also In the United States.' Statistic show that In the United States It stands fourth In the amount of capital Invested and In Nebraska, second, being; exceeded ha this state only by the packing; business. Statistics alsojhow that the packing Industry of Nebraska is the only one that exceeds that of the lob printing houses In waves paid. The South Omaha pack Ins houses In wages pay out about M,T8.W0 annually, while the Job printing: houses. exclusive of newspapers, pay out tl,03,000 and of this last named arum, S7M,080 is paid out by the Omaha -Job printing; es tablishment. . Take the state as a whole the printing houses give more employment to skilled labor than any other one line of business, the Omaha plants bavin more than l.OoO men on their pay rolls the year 'round. It la recognised that the Omaha Job printing houses are the equal of any In the world and that the work turned out cannot be excelled. - This fact Is in a measure due to the work of th Ben Franklin club, an organisation of Job printing office owners, organised several years ago and officered as follows: 1 Officers at Bea Kraaklla Clak. President. 11 U Potter; vice-president. Charles Howe; secretary and treasurer, II. 8. Toetevln. Charles K. Corey of Corey tfc McKensie wa president for three terms and declined renomlnatj-on. The Ben Franklin club la organised solely (or educational purposes In the Job printing line and has nothing to do with price-fixing or wages that shall be paid. It has an active nvmberehip of more than fifty of the Job printing houses of th tri-citles and holds weekly meet ings. At these meetings new Ideas on doing good Job work are advanced, and often some expert delivers an address on what is needed to make Job work, neat and attractive. The Ben Franklta club pays special at tention to the cost of work system, and this la on of th chief topics discussed at numerous of the meetings. This cost system and the method of handling it enables a Job printing house to arrive at Juat what a job is going to cost, and con sequently Just what It can be don for and a fair profit secured. Under the old plan of doing Job print ing the price was jumped at, and seldom much conslderattoa given to the length of time it wss going to take to have the work ready to deliver to th customer, Now it Is different, at leaat with the members of the Ben Franklin Hub. If a member figure on a Job, no matter whether It b4 Urge or small, whan he audita feta estimate he knows to a penny We Are Manufacturers of Anything That Can Be Produced With Type, Paper and Ink WATERS BARN HART PRINTING CQ O M A Mr A Printers Publishers esigners D tSINBSSSSSuSE Phone Douglas 2190 And a Representative Will Call Estimates Cheerfully Furnished 522-24 South 13th Street 13th and Jackson Streets German Printing a Specialty. Blank Books, Book Binding Festner Printing Company Telephone Douglas 688 1309-11 Howard St., Omaha I , ' - j Corey & McKenzie Printing Co. PRINTERS AND STATIONERS gSMBBBaBBWSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBaBBBBBBBB Safes, Filing Cabinets, Mailing Machines, Office Supplies CALL AND SEE US WHILE ATTENDING THE AK-SARBEN 1407 Harney Streat -V mmm aaaawjaaaweaawaawawaaaaawawa N. C Cary Better Printing s Company at Lower Cost ENGRAVERS - " "", " PRINTERS STATIONERS XXT publishing business requires the best of - equipment, brains and work and with these we are able 718" South 15th St. to d BETTER job printing at a considerable saving to you. . -OMAHA- "We do' the finest rt gA&r e ask the fa- - booklet,, catalog, (WlSd vor of an opportu- vnO"lrlValj prospectus, follow- . 1 nity to give you, - O : up, multi-color and if ' free, an estimate Visiting Cards other high grade on your next job of Business Cards ork- Panting. ; . Business Announcements . , . weMiagikrtattoa.." In ational Printing Co. Monogram Stationery Printers, Publishers, Blaak Book Makers. ( Die Stamped StaUonery ' Phone Douglas 1008. 609-11 So. 12th St. L aaaaa. ,v ft wm- . , 0 PERSONAL SERVICE! " - you laoe your Printing or3ers wtlt us you get 0x Exrt Personal Services of iVte man wko not only built he business, but the one who is mort interested in its continued success. Our present customers' consider his quits an advantage saves tiue. avoids misunderstand ings and costs nothing extra. We have no solicitors out to bother you. but we re "Johnny-on-he-stot" when you call DOUGLAS 2201 317 PfOHTII 15th OfTICE STATIONERY CIRCULARS BOOKLETS PROGRAMS SPECIAL RULED FORMS -, BLOTTERS STEEL DIE AND COPPER PLATE PRINTING MENUS Quality, Economy and Serrlce our Policy Dent Watt lor a Solicitor-W Dont "Peddls" Printlnf 9 HB"? Omaha, Nebraska Just what the coat will b and the profit that he will make. Room i-O Bee Building