4 A THK OMAHA SUNDAY IlKK: OCTOBKH 4, 1914. Ak-Sar-Ben visitors should see the great and growing store of Benson & Thorne Company at 1516-1518-1520 Farnam Street. It's the ONE Omaha store that keeps growing all the time. Quality built it and public ap proval forced it to enlarge four times in the last 10 years. P0ST0FF1CE SAFE AT MULLEN BLOWN OPEN MULLEN. Neb.. Oct. S.-(8peclel.-The boldcat robbery ever attempted In thla part of the atate waa committed Thurs day', night wheq th. Mullen postoUlc safe" was blown and a amall .amount . of caih and about all the atampa on hand were takaa. The Durllnaton tool nous waa broken open and too If taken to b. uaed n the Job. A tool home In the lumber yard of 11. J. Low waa also, requisitioned for hammers, chisels sod other toola.' The poatofflc strong box la a amall one and Its destruction was complete. Up to thla tuna no clu. to the perpetrators to' the job have been found, but It Is firmly be lieved by many to b th work of local amateurs Although th night was bright from moonlight and a number of people on th streets up to S o'clock awaiting the ar rival of th Burlington faet train, scheduled to stop here to take a large party to th Hime Day celebration -at Hyaaala, nothing was known of th rob bery until postmaster lieelan entered th office In th morning. CORONER'S JURY MAKES Z FINDING NT SHOCK CASE TJKATIUCT5. Neb' Oct. l.-t(Sieolal Tale gram.) The coroner Jury, Investi gating the cause of th., death of atlas Kriyth Shock, who committed aulrld at Wymore yesterday, today brought In a verdict that ah came to her death by a pistol shot fired from a .ti caliber pistol by hr own hand whli.-laboring under great stress of mind oauaed by fear of threatened exposure. . B. W. iiauser, -th contest promoter, who waa arrested tier last' evening after attempting to escape from Wymore, and who la alleged to hav threatened the girl If ahe did not turn over tM claimed to b due Hauaer for the .ale of votes In th contest. Is still In Jail. NEBRASKA CEMENT PROVES TO BE WORTHY THE NAME BLTERIOR. Neb.. Oct. J.-Th first cement made In Nebraska and used out side of th plant of th Nebraska Port land Cement company was used this week by th Nuckolls county commUeloners, who say It la the beat they have uaed and much better than expected. The Cement company has been using It for the past month on new bulldinga. ELK CREEK CITIZENS ... ABANDON PHONE PROJECT TECUMSElf. Neb.. Oct. i. -(Special. -At a meeting of th aubscrtbera for a Proposed Independent telephone company at Elk Creek, In Ibis county. It was de cided to glv up th building project. Th vote to quit was more than two to on. Borne lljOA or Il.t0 which had been col lected from prospective shareholders was returned. Iras expenses up to this tire Mate (rasa Table Rack. TABLB ROCK. Neb., Oct. I. -(Special ) The Pawnee City plant of the Haajw ma PkkUj ' and Vinegar compear opened this e for the season's run. It Is estimated that 100.000' gallon of vinegar will be manufactured thla season. . This pJajit gives employment for a number of workman and furnishes a market for a commodity which would otherwise go to waste. -Mea 4 Cuida. aad JoeapiUaa Cyhra. If you don't want to buy a thingcome right in and make yourselves at home. If you want things to wear we'll serve you better than you've ever been served. Men's and Young Men's Shop (East Aisle, Main Floor) Swell Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 and up. Women's and Misses' Shop (Second Floor) Suits, $17.50 up; Coats, $12.50 up. A Shop for Girls (Second Floor) Coats, $5.00 up; Dresses, $1.50 ' and up. Millinery and Hat Shop (Second Floor) "Women's styles, $4.50 up; Misses, $1.25 up. Exclusive Boys' Shop (First Floor) --Excellent Suits and Coats, $3.50 .and up. Women's and Children's Furnish ings (Main. Floor, West Aisle) Underwear, hosiery, gloves, in fact everything. Little Tots' Dept. (Main Floor, West AiBle) Coats, $3.95 up. Dresses, 95c up, and everything little children and infants need. Shoe Shop Extraordinary (Entresol Floor) Women's $3.00 up; Chil dren's, $1.00 up. married Thursday at the court houa In Beatrice by County Judg "W'aldron. Rev. C. P. W, Wtmbarly, who has been pastor of th Preabyterlan church In Table Rock for th last three years, has accepted a call from the Presbyterian church at Richmond, Mo., to which city h. has removed with his family.' , Captain, R.i P. Jennings, who has lived hero for more than forty yeara. has an nounced himself as an Independent can didate for the legislature by petition. which will make a three-cornered fight In this county, V. T Parkinson having been nominated as a republican and Colo nel U W. Leonard by th democrats at th primary tilactloni, 1 Win Flafct Char Maa. PkATTSMOCTH. Neb.. Oct. S.-(Sp-rlal Before County Judg Peeson today Tony Hutchtaon waa arraigned on the charge of wife deaertlon and pleaded not guilty. A few week ago Ills wife was found dead In a room with ber two chil dren, aged 1 and S yeara tn Weeping Water. Th parent of th dead woman cam and took th body home with them for burial. The two children wer given to th Nebraska Children's Horn society. Hutchison was arrested In Marysvlll. Mo. . Baeklea'a Aralea Salr Should b In every home, ready to apply to all burn, bruises, acre, cuts and scalda Heals quickly. X cents. All druggists Advertlsmnt B Want Ad Produce Resulta DEATH RECORD. MIh Lyaia Weastraad. SHENANDOAH, la.. Oct. .-(8pHal.) Mlaa l.ydla Wenatrand, daughter of Al fred Wenatrand of Rexes, la., candidate on th republican ticket for representa tive, died last nlgnt Bhe had been 111 with Bright dlssas for a year. She was 30 yeara old. A SUCCESSFUL TRAVELING SALESMAN. Fred II. Scibcrt 976 South Oakwood, Columbus, Ohio. A Splendid Young Man Clean, Strong and Active. - '. v ' r ' ..... Mr. Frd H. Setbart. 97t 8. Oakwood Ave, CaSxnbaa, Ohio, writ: It was while readme several of your endorsements in th Enquirer this morning that I wondered if the traveling- salesmen realised the great benefit ol your grand tonic, Peruna. 1 hav noticed in travel ing that every section of th country will affect your heslth more or less. Catarrh is generally tb root of your ill health, still few realize this. If travelers will only us reruns, they will find no trouble in acclimating themselves. 1 have used it oa two occasions, once when 1 had a deep cold, and again when I had dropping in the throat. It works like g charm. No words can explain its great power. Here after, in traveling, Pernna will b my dearest friend." Peopla who object to liquid iaedkiaaan now procura Parana .Tableta. ' . i. Italian Boat Sunk by Austrian Mine; Fif tyMen Killed VENICE, Oct. 1-tly War of Tlom and Pari.) A report ha reached here of the alnklrur of another Italian boat and the death of Its crew of fifty men at a point near Trieste, an a reatilt of com Inn In contact with a floating mine. Ther la alarm all alone the Italian coaat at th presence of Auatrlan mine at aa. Water traffic with Auotrla has been suspended and (roods destined for Austrian porta are blnir abandoned, on the dork. WHAT TO SEND ON CHRISTMAS SHIP (Continued From Page On.) all, and Santa la the children's saint above all else. Mothers may participate and will, of course, be welcome to any thing sent for there, but the children should come first. Much relief la being collected In this country for the benefit of the soldiers. Red Cruas funds are being gathered, and Red Crons nurses are being aent to the front to help take care of the maimed and wounded from the tremendous battles that are being fought out between the moat mighty armies ever assembled In battle In all th world history. Borne of thla Red Cross relief will go to the homes of these Injured men, but It has nothing to do with making Chrlatmaa a day of Joy for th little folks. Societies of vari ous kinds hav been organised among the several nationalities In America, but the purpose of these la to carry relief only to their horn folks. Th Christmas Ship Is for alt; Its cargo will be for the boys and girls of Europe, without distinction as to their country. Thla Is made possible by th agreement between the countries now at war that I th Chrlatmaa Ship will have aafe conduct through the seas, and that It will be per mitted to land Its cargo at porta that are not otherwise to be reached because of the war. The prealdent of the United States has shown hla Interest In th un dertaking, and will do what he can to mak It a success. Americas Cklldrea Baay. All over the country the children are buay now, preparing for th great enter prise, and everywhere the Interest la In creasing as the day for the departure of the ahlp come nearer, but th prepara tion for your glfta, boys and girls, ought not to be put off longer than to th end of this month. Get ready before th first or November, for that will not leave any too much time for the Christmas Ship to cross the Atlantlo and get Its load of good cheer landed on the other side, where the distribution will tske place. You'll have to mak hast a little now. Try to think of something you can do, something you can give something you would like I yourself will be well liked by some one of your little cousins ovr there In Europe, wno win have nothing unless you glv It to th.m. Mew ta Sen Gifts. Package or parcels should be sent to The Christmas Khlp Editor of The lie, prepaid and plainly marked on the out side with the name of the sender. In caaea where a box Is mad up, it should b ant to th am address, with similar marking, and should be well braced and bound. In order to stand th ocean voy. age. All request for Information ent to th Chrlatmaa Ship Editor will be promptly and fully answered. OUTLOOK IS BRIGHT ' DECLARES GEORGE (Continued from Pag One,.) urea hav gone out all over th atate and If they hurt th governor he cannot blame the republican committee nor th repub lican candldatea. Neither are w to blame as republicans for the manner In which the powerful anti-Bryan and antl-Wllson campaign machine has packed th demo cratic atate committee with anti-Bryan and antl-Wllson men who seem to have for their chief purpose th smashing of th Bryans In this state." Mr. Oaorge called attention to th fart that th democratic nwepapr of the tat as a rule ars showing no enthusi asm for th governor's election and that quit a number of them are either silent or very aegaUv In thalr support and that aom of them are warning th gov ernor that the anti-Bryan crusade around him will not be endorsed by th Bryan democrats at the polls. Bryan Men Areaies, "Prominent democratic newspapers." aald th republican chairman, "are call ing on th governor to repudiate this or ganised movement In th party against Mr. Bryan. We are leaving th governor to hand! that as he see fit Mr. Howell Is making a splendid campaign with the other atate candldatea around Mm. alt pulling together In harmony, while th governor and th other democratlo can didate ar each going It alone, every "Hereafter When Traveling Peruna Will Be My Dearest Friend," Says Seibert " . ' r v fallow for hlmdclf. g im-f homing It ' a they fay down In Missouri. ' The aiiu-llryan orxarw.i rs around the yovernor are trying to play It smooth on the Itryan voters. They are pretending that President Wilson wants Moieheid, Mau.ln, Pool, and the rtst, elected as a compliment to him. They are expecting Mr. Bryan to make thnt kin J of a plea when tin cornea to the state. Mnrehead nnd llrfan. "Mr. Hryan did not plead for Morehrad two years ai?o. He gnve him the lightest endowment ever Riven to a guhcmntorlril candidate, 'Mr. Morehead hus always voierl for me when I have been a candi date That Is all he paid for Morchcad them. What can he say now. In view of the well-known fact that the organizers around the governor are preparing to carry thn party In thla state and pack the party machine against Prvan and Wilson In 1P1. Mr. Bryan's loyal friends know that, and they are not wanting him now to endorse In advance the program for his own political funeral. "The conditions are our way this year," said Mr. Ooorgn In conclusion, "and I be lieve we will carry the state by a good, Mg majority." Kemp n Take "tamp. It la announced at republican headquar ter that Senator J. If. Kemp of Fuller ton, republican cand'date for the nomina tion for governor, but who was defeated by R. If. Howell, has notified the com mittee thst he will be sble to take the stump for the state ticket In a week. Mr. Kemp has been In the west attending to some legal business, but will be In shape to devote moat of hla time to the cam paign after a week or so. Colonel J. C. Elliott of West Point has also not'flod the commltee that he will be subject to their wlahea In a few days and will be glad to speak anywhere the comlttee may send him. Another fttrenuona Week. Next week will be another strenuous on for the candidates and they will atart out In automobiles, starting at Glad atone on Monday, at Hebron at noon and at Supcrljor at night. On Tuesday It will be Bostwlck In the morning, Red Cloud for dinner and Alma for the night. "Wednesday, Wilcox In the morning, Upland for lunch and Clay Center for the night. Thursday, Geneva In the morn ing, Western for lunch and Wymore at night Friday, Crete In the morning, M L Til iDM" EMEfK a WELCO T With A Store, A Stock. A Salo That Should Attract Every Ak-Sar-Ben Visitor to This Big Daylight Store You owe it to yourself to see the "UNION" with its many floors, its immense and varied stocks and its always low prices. All the more interesting just now because its FURNITURE SALE is in FULL blast. You are welcome doubly welcome to see us early nnd late. TLTT7T $12.50 For a Massive $17.50 Dresser No stor In this city la abl to g-lv you the valurs that you can always obtain Iter. We show a plendld Una of dresser In all the varteus woods and finishes. $16.50 For a Handsome $25.00 Buffet. Our buffet values are recognize! a the very best In the city. A large and varied assortment to se lect from In Goldon Oak, Fumed, Mahogany and other finishes. fa tw.44l r-,A j.-.. , . a t For a Splendid Doofold Duenpoit. A rxT'ar. new style bed daven port, plain, upholstered In Fabrl cold leather. xa $25.50 mm IV Ar J I a 1 I I Krlff.i for lunch and Harvard for th evening meeting. Towns all along the lln wtil t.e visited, forty-six stops being made In the five las. As tmnal. the party will be headed tiy Mr. Howell, with all of the atate candi dates making speeches at some time on the trip each day. Senate Democrats Vote to Retain Tax on Bank Capital WAPHINGTON, Oct. l-Pemocrats of the senate finance committee today after prolonged debate In executive session de cided to retain the proposed tax of 12 a thouaand on bank capital and surplus In the war revenue bill, as It passed the house. Trotc-ste against the tax on automobile owners ar.d manufacturers were pre sented by Senators Smith and Townsend of Michigan, for manufacturers with plants located In their state. Senator Vardaman Introduced and had passed a resolution calling on the secre tary of the treasury to estimate how much could be saved by making propor tional deductions from salaries of all gov ernment employes ranging from 2 per cent on II. Son salaries to 10 per cent on those above t'.bO. Several members of the committee sought to have the bank tax eliminated and to substitute a stamp tux on checks, drafts and other negotiable paper. The committee also voted to retain the proposed tax on stock broken and a pro posed tax of 120 a year on pawnbrokers was raised to ITd. A tax of 20 a year on commission merchanta waa imposed. Two classifications were added to the house provision taxing tobacco manufac turers and dealers. Manufacturer using from 200.000 to 400. 000 pounds of tobacco annually would pay a tax of JtR; more than 400,000 pounds. H6. Cigar makcra manufacturing between 400,000 and "50,000 cigars a year would pay R; more than ITW.OOO, fc. Three Death at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 3.-(Speolal.)-Thomaa J. Grlgga, a pioneer resident of Beatrice, died at hla home in this city Friday, aged 76 years. He was a native of Frankfort, Ind., and served during the L H jl X 200 Miles on Out - Visit Our Stove Department The most Complete in the City Mr v m M 111 s R h . ..A GOLD COIN BASE BURNERS. The greatest and moat economical baKelnirner made; la a powerful double hc-ater antt reiulrea See the Howard Overdraft Heater. Twice th beat with ons-half th fuel. Will burn wood, robs, goft coal and consumes all the Kaaes in the fuel. Many different slyles to select from. me-iiiira ra fuel. At low as $29.50 w m j la rr t ii k Y 31.95 ixm this FAimiroii) I.KATHCH TOP t'AKl) TAIU.K Folds compact ly la extremely durable, very light. LET US SAVE YOU 117.50 BRUSSELS RUG Sire 9x13 ft. no mitre seam good quality 1 fi 7 C Special P 1 U O $1.75 NOTTINGHAM LACE CUR TAINS Good quality nr per pair MuC $1.75 Cotton Blankets good weight Said qq Price 70C civil war in the Tenth Indiana Infantry. ' He is survived by his widow and seven children. The remains will be taken to j his old home at Mission Creek. In south-) ern GuKc county, for burial Sunday. , Mrs. ri. It. Milier of Rocktord and P. C. i II Get the "IDEAL" DRESS FORlVJ Incrcaso Wardn No Extra Expense Your be at . .r m.FV I " l" " " hi-- IP T7 nn otfencivn vp you pay rs as Tin: ideal pays you. A small first payment places this remarkable dress form in your home the following EAS PAYMENTS will be more than covered by the tremendous money-saving the "IDEAL" en ables you to realize on the first gown or two you make. The "IDEAL" is independently ad justable. Special introductory 50 Terms: $1.50 Cash $1.00 per Month. onion 16TH AND aWWMrr'1 llllMkll-WTVTaA ID of - Town Shipments SOFT COAL HEATERS. The most complete line of these quick heating stoves In the city. All nickel trimmed. fm8.up. S5.95 THE "UNION'S" SPE CIAL STEEL RANGE. Has six large eight-inch lids; splendid baking oven; upper warinuiK cloxets nnd is full nickel trimmed. Worth special 0 CO Marvelous at . VK Gl AItAX. A XT EE VOL P K I C E S THAT ARK IDSITIVKLY THK IiOWTCST IN THE CITY. 010 Cfl I'or ths massive OIl.UU $17.50 PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLE. 20 PER CENT OH RUGS $27.50 Empress Velvet Rug 9x12 It. in size an extra well made rugs Id pretty designs and patterns; special J Q 75 $5.00 Heavy Wool Plaid blankets an extra special J0 7C Sale Price 33 O $1.25 Curtain Stretchers re Adjustable; Sale Price.. OtJC -J KTrl m Taylor of Sicily township d r 1 at local hospitals Friday. Mrs. MI'l-T was years of see and le is h r husband and four children. Mr. Taylor was ; yens of age and Is survived by his widow an 1 tw. children. THE "IDEAL" Dress Form Every Woman's Alladin's Lamp t iir-'xnoiisivc wardrobe. yutimmg m. JACKSON STREETS Z3s $9.75 lc FOR A $15.00 S E F U L KITCHEN CABINET. Similar to Illustration; has lnrga dutible bin base and upper cabinet top. Saves the housewife many steps and much labor. Many other styles. CI QO for This Pretty $4 gl.JO Parlor Rocker Finished in American Oak. ms ins k mm m m m living a few mile wt of here, were