I Whai This is to Figure Out How to Buy the Coal CRE1GHT0N LI KEARNEY Dudley's Boys CouiH Points and Hold Kearf out a Touchdc BACKFIELD MAKES Plate Warner and Through Normal m Repeated Inter! THREE PLATERS Randolph and Davies Seriously Injuj TOM COFFEY ENT1 Pormfr Star of So VAr-vn Work! Few Manifests Ability Field Rnnn Crelghton. M; Kearney Sschool, 0 Creighton university f its foot ball season at yesterday by swamnlna- Normal, S6 to 0. a vera Kin or last year. At no tlm In doubt, although the gamely throughout. A touchdowns was scored b Tamisea booted goal six The wonderful wnrv f backfield on offenso and It line on defense made a s affair, Th game was remarkahf ror so large a score, an frequent The Injuries oftness of the men. Tito Kearney Me Two of the men were W. Randolph, right tar Player, and Davie, rir-ht ws thrown with a lnnH aJ be heard In the grandstarJ Kelly of the Crelghton t2 physicians on the ground I was Daaiy bruised, butf Ti 1 . ... W o. ibb was laid out on 1 The first time he was sf covered and stayed In the second occasion ha strnnir hard field and, although ine rield with assistance or his surroundings for wards. Physicians state t! a slight conclusion of the of Crelghton was taken wrenched knee In the la Barkfleld Shlj rne Creighton backfieM and Steffan were the eti Platz and Wagner gave Wbitlon of open field could not be stopped. I touchdowns, and by clev off runs of forty. twenty yards, in addition to nut runs, wagner tore off i out was unfortunate In single touchdown. Steffa incbatterno- mm ' cyw tnrough the Kearn- "" " Kearney mean '"K to Win. . Tom Coffey, the former South DAk Mar. got Into the mmt durlnr th loot lew moments of play. He fumbled the first ball kicked to him, putting Kearney In a position to try a drapkick. When given the ball, however, he redeemed him self by wading through the down staters lor substantial gains. C. Wareham, doughty little fullback, and IS. Wareham, his brother, were the main slays tor the visitors. C. Wareham, captain of the visitors, was the only Kearney man who could gain against tho Creighton lino. He was only stopped Irom scoring a touchdown after a Ions run by a flying tackle by Carrlg, himself a former Kearney player, but now play ing quarter for Crelghton. He played the whole (tame with a bad ankle, being laid out on the first play of the afternoon, lineup: L'RKIGHTON. I ifPABvuiT . a-S-v; J- Kn.olph M oo re Wise R T. L.T . Breetszke R.E, UK..., Tamisea U.K.(r Sliowalter L.T.I It T W B rennan (c) .... L. K. ltl E. . .. Caxrig y.o r Wagner R.1I I 1 . w ... H elder ... Shields . .. Ureene Randolph . .. Davies Wareham Uirh PlatI L.H. I K.H. . Robb Meffan F.lF P Warnlmnwrl Referee: Charles Racely of Nebraska. Lmplre: Lester Caldwell of Marquette. Head linesman: Harry Montgomery. Substitutes: Creighton. Reel lor Lore at renter :Festner for Hreetszke at right end Conrad for Warren at right guard; Casey for Steffan at fullback; McCtutrn for Plats at left halfback; Coffey for Wagner at right half; Hurford'fur Reel at center; Flood for Carrlg at quarterback; Kear ney, Cameron for W. Randolph at riieht tackle; Cameron for Davies at right end; KsMiHrt for Cameron at riKbt tackle; Cleary for Moore at left guard. Touch downs: Platz, Carrig (2). Steffan (3t, Wise. Goals from touchdown: Tamisea ). Time of quarters: 13 minutes. Creighton High is Victorious Over the Council Bluffs Team A clever forward pass, O'Connor to Morton, on the Council Biuffa goal line, spelled defeat for the Council Bluffs High school In the opening game of the year between Crelghton High school and Council Bluffs on Creighton field Satur day morning. Captain O'Connor of the Crelghton squad, early In the last quar ter, threw the pass to Morton, who caught It on the Iowane' goal line, where he was at once downed. O'Connor a moment later booted the ball against the crossbar and it bounded over, making the count 7 to 0. Both teams played the open game and fumbling was frequent, Creighton being the worst offender. Lineup of players: CO. BLUFFS. CREIGHTON. Metzger C Biewick R. Cm. Underwood ....R. T. Huglies R. K- C, Cerele L, G. L. T., U K. ... Llghty McCarthy Strahl Lloyd ..L. G. R. G..Ed McCarthy Smith Searle Itoss Lander tc). Owen ..L. T It. T. Tobln Conley .L. K.i R. E Q Q O'Connor (c.) ..R. H. L. H Camiibell . .L H. R. H Savory F.lF Morton Judd Referee: Chester Dudley, Iartmoutli. Umpire: Cyril MrCarthy, Crelghton. Touchdowns: Morton of Cralghton. Goal afier touchdown: O'Connor of Creighton Substitutes' For Crelghton. Belford for Savory. Savory for Belford. Basinlus for Morton. Keeley for Uchty. Length of quarters: 1'i.Oti. ItedM to with Atbletle. Pick Hoblttzel and Duffy Lewis of the lVoston Red Pox have been engaged by Connie Mack to take the trip to the coast with the Athletes this fall to play liauuiy's team of National leavgue stars. 1 f it la. s 0 icdoSiis Manager Mark Announces He Will Start All Ills Regulars In Mon day' Game to Prepare for Serlea. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 3. -Washington won tha final tame of Its schedule here today, 7 to 3. Coombs made his first ap-j pearanoe In a game in this city In two years and did well until the fifth Inning, when the visitors scored three runs by bunching three hits with two passes and a sacrlilce liy. Manager macs, anuuuutcu that he will start all of his regulars In Monday's game against New York In order to prepare them for th world's series. Score: WA8HrNV,TON. PHILADELPHIA. AB H O A B AH.H.O.A.E. Afosta. U.... 3 1 Orilompn'n. cf 3 0 110 Fnater, 3b... 4 Moller, rf.. 4 nsndll, lb... H banks, cf... Mormn, tb... 4 Henry, 0 MoRridt, . 4 Ayr, p 1 Shaw. p. 1 Smith 1 i 1 1 1 10 1 3 1 1 1 T 1 t 0 0 t 0 0 0 LKIipr. 3D 3 OW.lsh, If.... 4 0Lapp. c 3 0 ruuhcra, 2b 4 ran, w S lWyckoff. rf.. I OMoore, lb.... 1 Rex-hefoit, lb i t'onmbfl, p.., t Ofennock. p.. S Schans .... 1 II II T 11 I Touls 39 7 S7 14 i Ratted for Wyckoff In ninth. Washington 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 ' X'niiaueipiua " v v v v v j ...1 X X U V V V Two-base hits: Foster, Oandll. Three- base hit: Acosta. Hits: Off Ayres, 4 1 1 ! in holding their opponents ror uonnn. four Innings; off Shaw, 3 In five Innings; (The Coyotes unlimbered their heavy guns nocin8,l.rngr,riVue1;;int; -t the beginning of the conflict and when Henry. Sacilfhe flies: Gondii. Lapp, j the last bugle was sounded It was found Moore. Stolen baseH: Moe.ller, Wyckoff. , tnat ten gaping holes had been torn in dr't'on? "ahn'gV'Fbualithe enemy's line for a total count of 7 rielphia, 7. Rases on balls: Off Ayres, 3; j tr, 0. Belleveue tried the oien style of off Shaw. 3; off Coombs, 2: ; off I'epnock. p,a . throughout the game, using a total 3. First base on errors: Washington, 2; , , ' ...... . . i Fhlladelphlu. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By r twenty-eight forward passes for a gain Ayres, Thompson; by Coombs. Mueller. Struck out: By Ayres, 6; ty inaw, ; ny Coombs. 1; by Pe.nnock. 2. Wild pitch: Shaw. Time; L."5. Umpires: Kvans and O'Brien. Iowa Opens Season Trimming Teachers IOWA CITY. Ia., Oct. 3. (Sjieclal Tele gram.) Iowa opened the 1914 foot ball season today with a farcical game with the State Teax-hers, who were defeated, 95 to 0. The visitors after fighting early and holding the Hawkeyes from a score for ten minutes weakened after that and the Iowa team scored at will, gener ally after the f:rst play after the klck ioff. Parsons was the best of the firfct string backs, with Gross also making ome clever dodging runs. Lineup: IOWA TKACHERS. Glenn Houghton-.. Barron lienlo Prueckner . .... "Wllley Strike . Roderick Fearing . Boatman MaeMahon . V'hitford .. Schmltt HaskervUle Kirk 'arberry fJross Ikmnelly Parsons . ills iimiun HUll ......C. . . .- 3 VUM . Touchdowns: Parsons, 4; Wills J; Don Uryson nelly, 2; Iyetght. 2; Carberry. S: Gross. Gnals from touchdmwne: Parsons, 6; Brueckner. 2; Cartierry. Wills, 2. Ref. eree: Eilllngson. Umpire: Umbarger, Yale. Head Itiaiman: Coggesshall, Grinnell. ( labby and Chip Matched. SAN FRANCJSCO. Cal , Oct. J-Jimmy Clabby of Hammond, Ind., and Gorge Chip of New Castle, Pa-, were matched here today to fight twenty rounds at I'aly P. I P. ..LT.I R.T. . . ..I.O.I R.G... . . Kil l I.G.... 4-..Jv.l.L.'l... ,...R.K.I U K... ....Q.H.I Q.B... ... . L. H I R.K.. ....Kit. UH. . . . . F. H. F.B... T L' II l' City, a sutiurb the last week of this month, at l.riH pounds, the middleweight limit The exact date was not named, j 1 IEL PLUCKS POP-POP HONORS apolis Rider Cops Laurels m Fleckenstein, Former Champ of Omaha Track. k NEW CYCLONE WHEEL Two Races from Fleck and kves and Leads in Big Free- for-All Event. ETH RETURNS TO TRACK Who Was Injured Is Second in Two Races. IS- AND RICHARDS TIE ltal Twenty Point In French. lit Knees. Tie for First nnd Second, While Sudrtcth Captures Third. T establishing a well-defined su cy nt the rare a week sao. l.,iri-v enstein, tho Denver ruler, niel his rloo yesterday afternoon nt the urn speedway and was compelled to ' bis roll,! In favor of .1. .. McNi.l Minneapolis. McNIel re, i-tve.l a me, a sister to lorry's m.v blue, the r day, nnd he trimmed Klerk in thai races in which they were rntcicd. Niel won the two nnd three mile ch tares from Heck and Murtv ves nnd copped the free-for-all five- event from the field. He ripped over exhibition lap In 12H seconds, one-fifth a second slower than the record. harley Suddeth, the Indianapolis youth. tumbled a week ago, was bark on i track yesterday and the trailing .llnx pped on him for a second time. Charley in't spill, hut hn lost the cap on his oil n and was compelled to scratch In one the races he was entered. He placed ennd In both the other two races. His achlno was a little out of tune yestcr- iv. hut he Intends to procure a new oil p. tune up the bike and tear loose today. Sndilr.th Rides Meelj-. Suddeth and Tex Richards rode one of in prettiest races of the day In the penlng race. Tex won out by a scant ireo feet. Charley trimmed Tex In the ext race, but Henry Iewis sputtered ito the fore and came home a winner or Suddeth by the same scant three et. The match races, with McNIel, Fleck- ustein and Graves, the best of the riders. rticipatlng, were the exciting affairs. he three came home In a bunch each me nnd McNIel barely won the laurels. Free-for-4,11 Thriller. The free-for-all was the big thriller, he above three and Lewis and Richards ere entered. Lewis was forced to drop t after the first half dozen laps and chards lagged behind the trio of stars. rst McNIel took the lead, then Oraves. ien Fleck pushed his wheel ahead.. Not til the last lap was the result definite. ien McNIel pulled ahead and Graves opped behind Fleckensteln and they ilshed In that order. They averaged liety miles an hour for the entire five lea. frhe races will start today at I o'clock. fie gates will be opened at 1 o'clock. its to the Carter Lake club run inrougo SnnAiltiflV. Results: Ra,. Kn 1 three miles. French point: Apx Richards, first; Charles Suddeth. sec ond; Uutch Meyers, third. Time, 2:04. Race No. 2, two miles: J. A. McNIel, first: Lam' Fleckensteln. second; Marty tiraves, third. Time, 1:3". I Race No. 3, four miles. French point: Henrv IewlR. first; Charles Suddeth, sec ond; Tex Richards, third. Time, 2:4i. Race No. 4, three miles: J. A. McMel, first; Larry Fleckensteln, second; Marty Graves, third. Time, 2 06.4. Race No. b, rive nines, r reni n punn. Henry Lewis, first; Tex RJehsrds. sev J p'iala on French1' pdnt rarest Heiiry j j.ewls, twenty: Tex Richards, twenty; I Charles Suddeth. twelve, , 1 No. ,P V:l" i. JRet r,r,l It'll flat Race No. 7. five miles, grand free-for-all sweepstakes: J. A. McNIel, first; Larrv Fleckensteln, second; Marty Graves, third. Time, 8:1S. Bellevue Fails to Score in Game with Nebraska Wesleyan I'VIVUBJITV pr.iCK Neb. Oct. 3. (Special.) Fighting gamely, but losing all the time. Bellevue went down t a de- 2 clslve defeat at the hands of the Wes- leyan Coyotes on Johnson field Friday aft- ' crnoon. The visitors were never, within 'striking distance, of the Wesleyan goal l. - J nnlu I nrn nf thl-A limi.l Btlleeeeiled i . . of sixty-three yards. Wesleyan tried only three passes, gaining twenty yards. ThlH was the first game of the season tor the Coyotes, while the visitors had played one game with Crelghton. The dore therefore would be in favor of Wesleyan In the clah with the Crelghton aggregation on October 14. . The lineup: WF.SLF.YAN. BELLKVKUK. Durham, Capt..L.E.jR.K Wlnkreo Wilder L.T. R.T Webb Willanion L.G.IL.U Llchtwalter Williams .. Prouty C. C .. Berkbelmer Gustavson Ohman, Cait. Peters Gilmoro Maxwell Jtaoely Garey GUmore YcKler . . . . R. G UG. (UT... I UK... M ormack ...R.T. Hussey H. K Katun ... Slmonds Kline ... Johnson . Patrick . Q B. gu L.H. R.H. F.B. L.K .. IQ.H... I R.H.., I L.H.., F.H... F.B... Referee: Keaxns. Umpire: Harmon. Mr Cook Blanks Hartley, M'COOK, Neb.. Oct. .-(Spe.-ial ) McCook High school otiened the foot ball wmon here Friday afternoon, by defeat ing Hartley High school. Si to I). Mc Cook easily had tho advantage In every department of the game. M crook's team work was snappy and fast, the backfield circling the ends and bucking the Hue con slstentely for good gains. A heavy wind rr.adn forward passing difficult, although several were completed by botn teams. Grand Island Wins frana RaTrana. RAVENNA, Neb., Oct. Special. ) The foot ball season opened here Friday with a game between the Grand Island school and the local high school team The teams were so well matched that neither scored until the third quarter, when Ravenna crowded the line. Huring the fourth quarter Grand Island worked Its way down the field and scored. Th final count was i to 3, In favor of Grand inland. SPORTS SECTION of The undai r t viv s . if ,V vj , . ; ., I V A-" r.. 'A IJ J XM.TTZVt k'. l. t r 4 Z..TJK 1 YW-.Nm4 ' TTi I nmUle Net. Hen,. f3 ' , l&:h Pytf.KSm ' ."t.hr virtually gave Nebraska, their rZ2Zx, I V-!Vi.j. A"1 V Aian S,'k: W-V' -l UC r1- second touchdown on a costly fumble on feCTVl VXlJ, Vfy:.; &&'?iiift&' f' "'' " "ven-yard ,ne. Nebraska re- "Lefty" Flynn, the former Vale star who was expelled because of his escapade with a young woman, that led to his elopement and considerable newspaper notoriety, Is back again In foot ball togs BRAYES GIYE GIANTS ONE Last Game of Season Between Flag Contenders Goes to Shutout. MAE GUARD RETURNS TO FORM Double Bill Played fin I'olo Grounds, Boston Mnklnsr Fifteen lilts In First and W inning, Four to One. NEW YORK. Oct. 3,-New Vork divided the last double-header as well as the ea- j son's series with Boston, when It won the second game today by a score of 1 to 0, after the new champions took the first game, 4 to 1. Boston made fifteen hits In the firet game and bunched them for runs In the fourth and ninth Innings. Hchs was also effective In the pinches. The second game, Has .ttiei affair, as Muru.ua rd made the only New Vork lilt, but Crutcher forced in the only run of the game in the fourth Inning when he passed four men. Marquard returned to form ami shut out the champions with five ecatered hits. The fielding of Maran ville and Fletcher and a wonderful catch fof a foul by Burns In the first game were feature. Fred Tyler, a. brother of George Tyler, the Boston pitcher, caught both games for Boston. .Meyers had a finger smashed In the first and was forced to retire. Score, first game: BOSTON. NKW YORK AH H O A.H! All II D A K ' Moran, rf . . . . 4 . Munn, If 1 1 llilK.y, 2b.... 6 , I 'unriiilly. If. 3 ; alhpr. rf . . 1 ; tthitifl. lb.. 6 I Pevor. cf. ... 4 I J. Kn.lt h, ill. a I Maranvtr. f.9 4 ! K. T) !r, c. . 4 Jamen, p 1 Unas, P S 1 0 0 Q.lrwlier If. 0 1 0 it.iujle, 2li.. 2 2 4 2 miiiih, rf . 1 l :: 0 1 u 1 3 3 (I 1 u ll 1 3 0 0 I 2 111 1 0 1 u 2 I 0 (I 0 II 2 I. II 0 0 1 0 ft 0 0 0 1 I 0 Ui'h-n leir. I 0 0 -luilHm'. i t 4 1 12 2 : 2 0 1 4 u : 1 0 iranl. ttb. . . . U Oilma, 3t.. 4 OlMkl.-, II,. Ii LAli-yprM. i. 4 'ij'ihtiwiii. ! 10 0 0 PI. . 3 1 I 111. Smith, c rnrnmi, p. J Tolalf S 16 27 21 Murray .., I hitliipp. p.. 1 TotHla 31 6)' u 0 I 'Pies ran for Johnson in eighth, j Butted for Fromine In eighth. Boston I) 0IJ20O002 -4 New York 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 I u 1 i First base on errors: New York. :i. j ' Two-basn hits: J. Smith, liewire, .McikIc, ' I lugey, father. Stolen liases: I Mim-y, j 1 Wlutted. Left on basi s: .Sew York, ; j Boston. 9. Liouliie plays: Fletctn-r to : ! Ooyle; Grant to I'oyle to Merkle; Maran I vllle to U lutteil i.'i; Hess to Tyn r tn J. Smith to F. Tyler lo Maranx tile Basis' on b.iKs: o'f Fromiue. 2. off llei.s, i Struck cot: By V ronime, 3; by S' hupp. 1 Hits: off Jamea, none in three inning, j off Hess, 6 In six Innings: o'f Fromine, 12 I in eight innings; off ri. hupp, i in one In ! nlng. Time. 1 SO. I'mplns: Klem and j Emslle. More, second game: ' BOSTON NEW YORK i AH 11. OAK All 11 OAK- Moran. if ... 4 Unify. 2b ... 4 I I V.her rf ... 4 I W hlttail. lb. 4 1 Maiio. rf. . . .. 3 I J. Kmllh, b. I J M&rauvir, M 3 I F. Tylar, a.. 1 J Rudolph, p.. 0 J Crueller, p. .. 0 I rtlrand. p 2 t 1 'Ifs'hur, If 1 0 1 1 9 1 : t 1 e 2 0 0 0 t e OIKDllt. 2b.... 0 iiriii,, rf.... itm-k, :tb "lurhtr. a (I I 0 2 i 0 ., e 2 11 0 11 1 i S-MKlsraii', cf I U,rant Jb 1 lurray. It.. . 1 OMerkla. lb... I I Kmllh, 1: 1 lMnpiard, p :l Toula .M Kin Tolala 34 1 27 14 1 Bcisl cm New York . first base .0 I) II II II II 0 O-JI ..II 0 V 1 0 0 tl 0 -l errors; J'ew York, 1; Omaha 7 OMAHA. srXDAY MOKXIXU, (HTOBKK" x ?r 'urr. 4v-a w wjirrr -x;.wn v i :i,,.e. ,,nly ,,lhpr t,u-'"1 MVJKV'V' W4Y;f7kai -4 )Y s. Vp.' He tried In vain to get reinstated at Vol-i, nnd the sought entrance at several other big schools, Hnd was turned down by all He hua finally secured entry at Rutgers, I I'oston, I. Left on bases New York. 7; HoHtun, 4. Iiouliln plays; Strand to Marunvllle to Whltted; ! Ii tcner to Mer kle. liases on hulls: (Iff .Mjirmmrd, I; off Crutcher. fi; off Strand. 3. Struck out: By Muro.ua.rd. :t; by Rudolph, 1. Wild pitch. Si rand. Hits (iff Rudolph, none in three Innings; off Crutcher, 1 In one Innint, and none out in fifth; off Strand, none In five Innings. Time: 1:;W, em pires: Klein and Knislle Ford Holds Buffs Hitless Eight Innings HI FFALO, Oct. 3. Pittsburgh today f took the last of the series, a twelve ln- nlng contest, 2 to 1. Russell Ford held the visitors runless and hitless for eight Innings, when a double by Iennox and u sacrifice fly tied the score. Pittsburgh on In the twelfth, Savage crossing the Plate on two errors by Smith and a single by Lennox. Score: R.H. Ii Buffalo 1 000000 0 00001 7 B l'lttsburgh ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 4 2 Batteries: Ford and Blair; Camnllz ami Berry. Indianapolis Wins First from Bears KENVER, Oct. 3.-lndlanapolis Amer ican Association team won the first game of the Inter-league series from the Den ver Western league team today, 1 to 1. The locals scored their only run In the first inning on a walk and a double. Score: R.H. 10. Indianapolis .0101 i o o o . it o ivnver 1 0 0 0 0 (i (I 0 01 K 2 Batteries: Mors ami Livingston; H:ir riiiKton, Zamloch ami Block. Chifeds Take Game From the Slufeds CHICAGO, Oct. 3 - llendrix heh St. Louis to two hits today und Chicago pounded I'avenport hard In the sixth and Keuppcr in the eighth, Chicago winning, fi to 1. Score- It II :. St. Ixmis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0- 1 2 2 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 4 1 Batteries: I lavenpiirt, Keuppcr and Chapman; llendrix and Wilson. BROOKFEDS LOSE LAST HOME GAME TO BALFEDS BROOKLYN. Oct. 3. The Brooklyn! j Fede rals played their last home game ofj the season today and lost it to Baltimore, 4 to 2. nnneran s wild throw In the sixth let Batis home with the tlelng run , and Walsh's single In the same Inning ! ."cored Klrkpatrick, Baltimore taking a lead which Brooklyn could not overcome. Sc ore: R.H E. Baltimore ...0 1000200 1- 471 Brooklyn ....0 1001000 0- 2X3 Batteries: Suggs and Jacklitsch; Fln ic mn and Watson. Williams Loaned. The Detroit club has loaned Pitcher John Williams to the Saciamento team, lie will return to the Tigers next Spring Manager Jennings says Williams Is a left handed twlrler and was the only native Hawaiian In the major leagues. Bee 4, 1014. 1 4 UK'.' SJ i ii... - .1 1f i iffI' i i r i, ' .1 ; where the coach Is busy taking out tho kinks that came Into "lefty's" system an a re milt of his long lay-olf. and It Is likely he will shine again on the gridioru. WHITE SOX LOSE WITH JINX Hoist City Championship Flag and Are Beaten Twice by Browns. DROP DOWN TO SEVENTH PLACE F. Walker's Triple with Rases Filled lii First Game and Pretty's Steal of Home In Second Feature Play. CHICAGO, Oct. S.-The hoisting of the city championship flag today proved to be a hooilo to Chicago. They lost both games of the double-header to St. Louis. Tho scores were 7 to 1 and 4 to 0. As a result of tho double defeat Chloagii dropped Into seventh place In the pennant race. III the Initial game Hem's wlldness' Hm. to Une attU(.kli a fttoA defense coupled with npportune hitting enabled ' against the forward pass und In addition the visitors to win, while Baumgardncr's : worked tho open game with better suc flna pitching coupled with the loose play-! cess than the Prlncetonluns. Early In lug of the locals, and Scott's generosity I , ter when It carried the In giving bnses on balls, enabled St. Iouls ball ovr for a touchdown In four plays to fchut out the homo club In the second j from the l'orly-yard line, did Princeton K me. show a semblance of exiiected form X K. Walker's triple with the buses filled! forward puts, Kberstadt to Law. nettTd In the first game and I'ratt's steal of ! eighteen yards, a lino plunge one, 4 home In the second game were features, j Rugby puss, Law to Roland, added ten Score, first game: R.II K. I inure, and the score was made by Kddy St. Uiul 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 0-710 1 1 r.irivui',1 ,., nni.H itb 1 1111 iif," I ll 11 u ll 711 V II I o I, Kiiueries: eiiman ami .gnew: Bens. Iithrop, Jasper and Schullc. Score, second Maine: R.H K. St. Louis 0001 1 ? 4 4 1 I Chicago 0 0 0 0 O 0-0 1 III Batteries: llaumgardner and .Agnew;; rcoii anil M'lialK. Tigers Overcome Naps By Rally in Ninth DETROIT, Oct. 3 -By a nlnth-lnnln; , U,w" , wn f"UK,ht an?,- ,and U rally which produced three runs. Detroit ,,0,,," he ,""W n Tarklo's terrl ,,,... . a . , , ' , tnry most of the time Peru was not able c'l'fealed I leveland, 6 to 5, here today. , . , , . . . " 11, , T . Ht'",p a touchdown In the first half. H in,-cr passed Dubuc and Rush In the Al , j,,.,,,,, of tho gwond haJm last Itinjn. and each runner scored on rlelll(1B. fol. ,Vru blorkpd ft klcK recoy. an In ield error. Crawford s single the,, prC(, , ba ma(,o ft toucndo brought Mtt horn,, with the winning run. j uut peru flllle(j tll kuk Aftep All of Cleveland's tallies were mude off . BerlM , ,., lM fflP.rrl ... Covnleakle, who, like DtUlnger, was ex tremelv wild. Score: HUE 'leelad 0 0 0 ? 0 0 2 1 0 6 t 4 Detroit 0 0 2 0 1 0 I) 0 3 cl 7 0 Butteries: Hillluger and Euan; Covcle skel, Dublin and Stunuge, Buker. - y ,0 .bnaDl6 X aUKS to Defeat Boston BOSTON, Oct. 3. Errors tiv Tinatnn In r.riors ny isoston to- day enabled New York to win the final game between the two clubs, t to t. Bos ton tried hard to tie the score In the t int li Inning and made two runs, but a brilliant bit f fielding by Peckenpaugh retired Gardner for the first put out and the next two men were thrown out at first. Score: R. U.K. New York 1 000000a-3 & X Boston 00000000 23 4 7 Butteries: Fisher and Sweeney; Shore, Cooper and Thoiuas. HUSKERS BARELY WHIP WASHBURN Costly Fumbling by Backfield at Crucial Moments Ruin Ne braska's Chances to Score. LINE FLAY DISAPPOINTING Corey and Norris. Reputed Fast, Poor and Amack and Balis, Ends, Fall Down. BEALES MAKES LONG END RUN Scrambles Through Field Fifty Yards for Touchdown. OLD-STYLE PLAY ONLY USED Attempt nt Komard l'an Flunk and I iinihiKki n Depend I loni'il dvnnces by Hsl Hann nnd Other. LINCOLN", Neb., Oct. S.-(Ppeclal Tele (tisni V Tho N'ebrnska t'ornhtiskers won the npenlng game of the season from Washburn college, 14 to 7, but the Corn buskers of 1!M4 Iwiro little resemblance to Stlelim's powerful machine of last year. It was an exceedingly ragged exhibition which the ( 'ornhusgers staged. Fumbling continually, but especially at critical times, when score were In sight, cent the Hunkers at least three, touch downs. Tho entire backfield shared In tho fumbling, but Chamberlain was the particular offender. Howard alone showed up with customary steadiness., and hla work In running back punts was excel lent Washburn's backfield was also guilt rl of frequent fumbling, marring the limiiV from the spectators' standpoint. Ilealea Furnishes Thrills. Llttlo Reales, the speedy little left half for Washburn, provided the thriller when, with the ball In tho center of the field. he circled the Nebraska left end, shook, off several tncklers and dodged others, and raced fifty yards for a touchdown. Washburn raised Its total to seven points by kicking goal and the score was tied, the Hunkers having scored earlier In the second period on a series of line plunges and end runs, with Halllgan, Chamber lain ami Rutherford lugging the bail (or long distances. Washburn came back with open style play and negotiated several successful forward nasses for five to elirht virHi .i.. ...i ... ...... .... . . eiyie in piay, ii tag ailiupis at w r'l passes going wild. ti.iu i. naiiiitii, ii Rutherford and Chamberlain up to their reputation as groumt gainers, but Nebraska's line failed to per forin and the Nebraska backfield was handicapped nt a considerable extent. Cameron pliud well at center, Abbott and HhlelUj nt gaurria, but Corey ami Korrls fslled to show up to expected strength on the defensive tackles and Amack and Halls failed to fill the bill at ends. . Washburn made most of their gains around the ends. Lineup: NFHRASKA. I WASHBFR.V. Amack .. Norris ... hleldB .. Cameron Ahbolt .. Corey ... ...URIbK . .L.T.II..T ...L.G. l.tl C.C ...II O.IR.U....R. ...It. T.I K.T....O. ... Billings .. Stewart Llnge . .. Burrett Whiten nib Whlloomh Balls R. K. It K Trobert fCl Howard Q H ly.i: Kibe Rutherford .. L. II. B. L. I1.B Denies Halllgan (C I.R.Il B.F B Myeis Chiinberlain ...F.B. Touchdowns: Howard I. Beales. aGoals from touchdowns: Hiilllgan 2, Trobert. Substitutes: Vllllpigue for Myers, Ream for Kibe, McCafferty for Champney, Chumpney for McCafferty, Janney for I.Inge, Hawkins for Howard, Delemntra for Chamberlain. Referee: A. O. Reld, Michigan. Head linesman: W. A. Luke. Ooane. Umpire: Ir. J. A. Retlly, Kanau Clly Athletic club. Time of iUarters:,li minutes. Tigers Defeat the Stubborn Bucknells PHINCF.TON. N. J., Oct. J.-Buckncll was defeated by Princeton here today 10 to 0. The vlBltors proved unexpect edly stronu. niierinir a stubborn resist- ! nell In the final period worked four j pusses In succession for a total of fifty yards, but lost the bull on tha fifth pass when It crossed the goal. TARKIO COLLEGE LOSES .; IN CONTEST WITH PERU PERU. Neb.. Oct. 3. tSpeclal Tele gram.) -Tarkio college lost to the Peru teachers on Peru's gridiron today, 13 to pall was carried to Tarklo s to Tarklo's five-yard line, where Janda, Bern's big tackle, made a line smash and carried the ball over the line and kicked goal. Neither side made pctacular plays, but Peru's men were bteadier. About SO) attended. Lyons Piles 1 u Blgr Score. LYONS.- Neb.. Oct. 3. (Special.) The Lyons 1 Neb.) High school foot ball team defeated the Decatur High school team at Decatur yesterday by the extremely uoc-niu.-u m ore m lot 10 w. l ue gamo .., iniar.Kttn- . nretie hni 11.. fact that Lyons piled up twenty-on touchdowns In forty-two minutes of play Is a record score. This Is the third win for Lyons, with no defeats. Lyons won from Oaklsnd two weeks sgo, 12 to 0. and from the In dian team of Winnebago last week, in to 19. Next week Lyons plays Blair at Blair. Pirates Hook a Froaaoet. The Pittsburgh club has purchased Out fielder Jese, Altenberg from the Ludlng ton club of tho Michigan State lea