B nir; omaha sfxpay hi:t:: octohkk 4, ion. iik HCRTPRiiUnn of colored cotnllni, li-ta n1 IniitrumrntallRta will b the Ak- Kr-Bn attrartlnn at the Kmc thatr AMI SKMK.M . e oonln(? with a matinee Sunday and mn-: "RRANDEIS THEATRE CRAWFORD. PHILLEY If ZEHRUNG. Mgrs. 4 Days, Beginning Tonight, tlnulna; all wok 1th dally matlnrs. Tho I-rodurtlon whlrh wna DtaRd by Karl Hll. conlta of a hl(th claaa mlnatrrl fhow, a hlnh rlM olio of vaudeville artii 7 and a burleiie afterpiece entitled "Th , Mme Kiln Club Initiation. " There are almost two arore of the performer and they hall from all -ctlon8 of the country. 3 i il bi i f l 'k ill: 1 1 K m I 4 shjtei KSt i r.i it ! k Included In the llet of anlolnta Is Oeorglej Mullen, the fnmoui boy cornetlst. There w-'-t- :t; :,.; w:, V " t"'tf are the enxaphnne, xslophone. mualcal ! bella and drwrn aololsts n well a eevernl ' of the irrenleit negro ballftdlets In the I country. Harmon Brown and Jens Oreen, I two famoua negro romedlann, are the end j I men and Orlffo I'nderwood la the Inter-1 locutor. I Pee Want Ada Are the Beat Bualneta Hoo uteri. 1 tMj-'k T' ' ; t. J lieomc iEcna ' " f;' ? II nRx Little . r 5 ' ' ; , I ! ;i ; i J I - ? I VQP - V :i::v. t v-vi vi-'f jW 1-rxxve i m I i TAQE celebritlaa Khaduled for C I appearance at tha Orpheum I ttila aeaaon outnumber thoae vi laai aeaaon. It will be re called that Arnold Daly to a comedy by Oeorre nn n" w" th Prat to appear, and now. tnla WMt, cornea the mualcal comedy 'om' "iw mcanaa. 8he waa laat aeen here when heading the company that rrrniea "The Sweateat Olrl In Park" t tha Boyd theater. A dramatic alar of firmly established nme. Bertha KaUch, wlU be aeen at tha Orpheum thu month. Her vehicle thi time la tho powerfully dramatic epilogue to Echecaray'a drama, "Mariana." In atructure the epllorue la a one-act play. Tha Bpanleh character ahe Interprets U one of fir and trajlo Intenatty, Joseph Jefferson In a faroa by William C Do Mllle. "Poor Old Jim." la another of tha tiotabls dramatic namea to appear on the Orpheum booklnra. There la also Oer truda Oochlan. who U said to be dupll tln the success of her mother. Roae Coghian. Another of the stellar acta now under Knee Is that of Gertrude Hoff mann's "Review," with Miss Hoffmaan herself heading; the production. Hefs Is said to be the moat expensive act In vaudeville. Few mualcal comedies carry mors people or more equipment than this Hoffmann "Review." Richard Walton Tully's "Tha Bird of Paradise," which Oliver Morosro Is to present at the Brandels theater as a special Ak-Ear-Ben attraction for four days, beginning- tonlcht. with matinee Wednesday, la a story of modem HawalL Vr. Tully. while still at college, achieved his first dramatic aucceas with s wall known farce. "The Strenuous Life." And after he left college and be fore ha attained the International relebrlty by such plays as 'Tha Bird of Paradise" and "The Roae of the Rancho." he was a globe-traveler, and. particu larly, an Intense student of Hawaiian his tory, cuatoros and people. Consequently the drams, which Is to be seen here , Is redolent not only of genuine Sandwich 1 aland atmosphere, but Ita satire la of the deep, true, kindly sort; Its humanitiea are real; Its race aenalbllltlea and dis tinctions are absolute; Its leasona are un avoidable and Inevitable, and will be re membered long after the play Is gone. Vhe love stories of Paul WUaon, tha American In the tropics, and Luena, the beautiful Pele girl; and, upon the other hand, the beachcomber, Dean, and the resolute American, Diana, are worthy any dramatist In Europe today. Tully has told hla atory with unflagging In terest. From tha time tha lovely, half nude Luana drops her melting eyea upon the handsome young American: from the lme the American girl sees the shabby, xhambling, south sea derelict in his bam boo Jungle by the coral-bound wavelets, there is rushing action, pulaing emotion, genuinely throbbing humanity. As a play f absolute originality, this piece held New Tork spellbound. It cannot otherwise wherever presented. - There Is nothing of uplift In "Tha Candy Shop," tha musical ooroedy which eomea to the Brandels for three days, commencing Thursday, October t, with matinee Saturday. This piece was con strutted for laughing purposes only, with no consideration paid to orderly sequence of story. Incident or setting. There Is a plot sufficient to exploit the versatility of William Rock and Maude Fulton and a company of seventy exceptionally tal ented comedians, singers, dancers and girls, lota of girls Just beautiful, dainty, nimble, shapely girls as an Irresistible background for an entertainment of riotous fun. Augustus Pltou. Jr., announces that Flake O IT arm will pre sunt a new play entitled "Jack's Romance," which deala with the gentry and peasantry of Ireland during thai romantfe period preceding the American revolution. The song numbers, as usual, will be a feature of Mr. O'Hara's performance. "Seven Keys to Baildnat" la the latest fares Messrs Cohan and Harris will pre sent st the Brandels theater for an en gagement of three nights. Including a Saturday matinee, Thursday, October IS, with the original New Tor and Chicago caat of players. "Seven fteya to Bald pate" la a wild, thrilling tale for "the tired business man's tired wife." Chiaes after fortune, crooked politicians double- crossing each other, and a charming ad venturess who triple-crosses ths lot of them. "Ths Poor Little Rich Olrl" wliMi Klaw dt Erlanger present at the Brandels for two daya. October IS and It, with special matinee Tuesday, la not a play for chil dren, as the title leada some people to believe, but really carries lta post potent appeal to grown-ups. Although whim sical to the last degree. It carries a real message, which can beat be underetnoj and appreciated by thoae of mature mind. It tella the story of a little girl, ths child of rich parents, who Is left en tirely to the care of servants. Through the neglect of her parents, an Ignorant maid gives her an ovcrose of sleeping draught, and much of the play show ths strange fancies that srs due to de lirium. Her parents are shown their mistakes, and In the last act. when ahe recovera. It la to find another world about her, and, her real girlhood await ing her. Mail orders are now being received and filled In the order of their receipt for the engagement of the famom Scotch comedian, Mr. Harry louder, who plays an angagtment of one day "only, matinee and evening, at the Brandels theater, Monday, October SC. Fur headlne attraction thla week, the Orpheum Is to offer Trlxie FTlgansa. who has been specially booked to fill the hlla rlous requirements of Ak-8ar-Heu week With her as ths hlef feature, ths other seven acts hive also ben chosen to suit tbe aplrit of the carnival period. Trlxie. It will Lie recalled, was ths dominant Uc- do tor In bringing sucoess to such musical comedy productions as "The Shogun," Tns American Ides," "The Belle of Bohemia," "The Olrl from Tama" and The sweetest Olrl In Paris." Her com edy and ability to slug are qualities that put her In a class by heraelf. "The New Teacher" la the name of the farcical sketch to be presented by the Avon Comedy Four, melodious singers but even better as fun-providers. Miss Fremont Benton, assisted by BUly Cax ton and four other players, la playing "Handkerchief No. IS." Three bears on akatea and blcyclea will be aeen In a laughable act. Their owner and trainer la Emll Pallenberg. One animal is a Si berian gray bear, another Is a black Jap anese bear, and the third Is a medlum slaed Siberian bear. Another act of In ternet will be the singing or the Chinese tenor. Prince 11 Mon Kim. He Is said to be one of the very few Orlantala to understand muslo of the western world. Prince Kim la a native of Canton, China Billed as "Just One Olrl" comes Frances De Croesart. a alnger of eVeetneaa and abundant charm. For a concluding fea ture, the Larkomae will contribute their unique performance. Once again the Orpheum Travel Weekly will give Inter- eatlng and beautiful pictorial Illumina tions of strange landa and curious peo ple. Harry Hastings' Big Show, starting this afternoon, at the popular Gayety theater, la adding to Ita prestige thla season. There is a new musical extrava ganaa with a farcical plot. "On and Off the Earth," to exploit an ax trre ration of talent, with a good array of novelty danoe and aong numbers. Dan Coleman Is with the liaatlnga Khow, better and funnier than ever, and also Phil Peters, recently returned to burlesque after six years of triumph In England and tha continent. Aiding this pair of laugh makers In Palmer 1 lines. The Fields Brothers and others contribute their share for the men. Beatrice Harlowe. well known to those who follow bur lesque. Alma Bauer, Flossie Everitt and others make up a cast having excep tional clalma to distinction- Mlaa Har lowe la declared to be the furore of bur lesque this season for downright clever portrayal of a comedienne character of trying qualities. The chorua la attract ive In face aa In figure, and la known as the beat dancing aggregation on tour. On parade daya and nights tha curtain will not rise until after the pageanta have passed the Gayety. Mi tine every day. Contrary to the custom established by ths Empress of having regular vaude ville hours, this week will be a continu ous show of vaudeville and Pictures. Tho Empresa will open at o'clock la ths morning snd run pictures and vaudeville continuously throughout the day .until 11 o'clock at night. On the night of the big electrical parade the Empresa will close Ita firat evening show in time for all pat rone to get to places to see tha parade, and will open Ita doors again Immediately after ths psrade has passed tits theater. L'nada and Irving will rsn- cTe Gxajsaitl Al tf 0rpWra der both sweet vocal and Instrumental Venetian music, with special ecenlc ef fects. Dotson and Gardon, colored en tertainers, will do a song, talk and dance full of comedy. The Three Valdarea. a trio of sensational cyclists, will offer the beat In cycllatlcs and comedy. The DeQrey quartet, four maateri of har. mony. will furnish the cream of quar tet mualo In comedy make-up, while Karl, th- one-string wixard. draws sweet chords from a cigar box and a pine stick. Photo-plays supreme will complete the bill. The management has arranged to secure war dope galore for the visitor next week. A clever Keystone comedy has been booked for each change of pic tures, nsmejy Sunday and Thnrsday. High claas camera dramas of quality complete the picture offering. Reserved seats will be available at al! Cures, nut during Ak-ar-Ben week no reservations will be made by 'phone. rtr Ak-Sar-Ben week the Hipp has arranged to offer some of the most striking film featurea that have ever been released. Today and tomorrow tho attraction la to be "The Gentleman from Mlaalsalppl," with Tom Wise, who orlg. Inated the character, to be aeen in the title role. It la a five-reel presentation of tha play, with all the rolea excellently acted. Tha bill for Tuesday and Wedneaday Is to ba "The Pursuit of tha Phantom." with ths well-known Engllah actor, Courtney Foote. In the atellar part. The play la one of the most unusual of Ho bart Boaworth'a productions. In a four-part offering by the Famous Players' company, the distinguished act ing of Henrietta Croeman will be seen In "The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch." for Thursday and Friday. The central theme of the photo-drama la mother love. The moat notable asset of this film, la ad mirable acting, clearly pictured. " Hours when photo-plays start: 10 a. m., 11:15 1J 30 p. m.. 1:46. S, 415. .:. 6 45. UsS IS. The "Dixie Fashion Plate Mlnstrela." Six Women Added to Public Library Working Force Six young women have recently been added to the regular ataff of the public library. Misses Lois Moore. Rena Walker and Edith McNett are of this city, and have been transferred from the training corps to the regular Hat of assistants. The other new assistants sre Miss Ruth Howard from South Omaha. Miss Mar jorle Mors from Lincoln and alias Vera Kayser from Emporia. Kan. One of them takes the place left vacant by ths abaence of Mlas Elisabeth Stewart on leave, another comes because Mlas Hannah Igasa has taken a position in tha University of Chicago library and the third has been added to the staff because of Increased work. Ths training clasa formerly conducted has been, dlacon-. tinued, as library training is now taught t the University of Nebraska A M UKM KSTS. Vernon G.Bennett OONCrKT OBOAJriST, PXASfUT AMD TXACXEH Director of Music: Temple Israel Organist! rirst Church of Christ Scientist Instruction In the art of Organ Playing. Special advantages for pract Ire. SPECIAL ASVASTTAOES Offered to Those msglstsrlng and Bsglnnlng Before Oct. 10. sjtniio ohmoller Mueller Building, 1313 rarnam Bt. Phone x. 1823 HIPP THEATER 18th and Harney Streets Continuous Dally from 10 a. in to 11 p. in. Feat u re Photo Plays EIRCUUT CXOSEIT TOM AK-SAR-BEH WEEK Sunday and Monday William A. Brady Presents Thoma Wine In A GENTLEMAN FKOM MIS SISSIPPI Tuesday and Wednesday Hobart Boeworth Presents Oourtnev Foote In THE PURSUIT of the PHANTOM Thursday and Friday Famous Players' Company Offer ' HENRIETTA GROSMAN In "The Unwelcome Mra. Hatch."' Price Always the Same. 10 CENTS TWICE DAILY ALL WEEK THE DIXIE FASHION PLATE MINSTRELS THE GREATEST MINSTREL TROUPE ON THE ROAD POPULAR PRICES DAIJCIHG at the AUDITORIUM I Big Danca Friday Night, October 9th Marked Hall Saturday Night, Oct. 10. Innring begins at 8:80 each evening. Music by Lamp's Orchestra. Superb floor and plenty of room for everybody. Admission .... QHc BBi OMAHA AUDITORIUM Sciiumann-Heink TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, tlJO, 93.00, 93.50; BOXES . 93.00. Holders of Bedpatb Series mem bersnipe may reserve seats at Mo Tuesday at sex office. Purpoeely Booked for Ak-Sar-Hi-n Wek. Harry Hastings Big Show rrpo.l7 liookeS fer Ak-Rtr-Bm Wr Ths CarnlmTs I XISialtd lt4n. Tbe Oo show tultora fcould sm; not bias lit II bark bom. s rtbra.n. Bmuiis Harlowe ana 43 Kxiut.cs. Gf stvus Hrnl tjctarlre a Hillx of Prlie bMuttoa. QaVAJrO atATXBSB BTXBT BAT ElEiOda night MO j HEAR The Original (.Vote Curtain rlw Wednesday evening after Parade.) Prices: Evg., 25c-5Oc-75c-$l-$1.50; Matinee, 25c-50c-75c-$l Ain'f Vnn Hla.? 3 NIGHTS, Starting Thursday, Hill 1 IUU UldU: Oct. 8th; Matinee Saturday. The Fastest Musical Comedy Ever Produced. Villiam-ROCKCc FULTON-Maudc ALL STAR CAST BEAUTY CHORUS OF 50 in- THE CANDY STOP lL8 I IGGLE8 EV3 1 OWNS PRICES "htsIS. . 78, S1.00. $1.50 rn,"Q Matineeas, 50, 7. 91.00 TWO NIGHTS OCT. 13-14TH. WED. MATIXEE. BEATS TUES. Fiske O'Hara in "Jack's Romance" A New Comedy by Augustus Ilton, Sr. THREE XIGI1TS. OCT. 15-16-17. MAT. SATURDAY SEATS, THURS. SPECIAL AK-SAR-BEN OFFERINGS ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. Week Beginning Sunday, October 4th. TRIXIE FMGAUZA Delightful, Original in Humor, Always a Joy. THE AVON COMEDY FOUR Goodman, Kaufman, Smith and Dale In Their Farce "TIE IXW TEACHER" EMIL PALLENBERG With Ills Three Trained Bears on Skates and Bicycles FRANCES D. GROSSART "Just One Girl" ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY The World at Work and Play Around the World With the Orpheum Circuit Moving Picture Photographers. Prices i Matinee, Osllerr 10c; Beat Beats (esoept Saturday and Sunday) aSe. jrig-htsi loo, 85o, 60o snd 75c. SVALDARESSJj CYCLING SENSRTIAry Xjffjp TURPIN'S DANCING ACADEMY SStn and Tars am St. Zaraey 6143. Adult beginners every Monday evening Adult advanced every Tuesday evening. (New dances taufht in this clasa oulv.) Private lfsona rlaily; up-to-date dances. Firat Children'a classes Saturday afternoon. Ortolr 10th Opening assembly Saturday evening, October 10th. OLSEM'S OBCHZSTXA. Ellen Elizabeth Anthes TEACHER PIANO Pupil of Max Landow Studio: 504 Karbach Bldg. Tele. Harney 712. OTP The Wonderful Hawiian Singers srr Realistic and Players. WluaW Volcano Eruption. IRTH ELODY IMICRY F ACINATINQ URIOU8 UN SEATS SELLING GEORGE M. COIIAVS MYSTERY FARCE, "7 Keys to Baldpate" Phone Doug. 494. Miss Fremont Benton & Co. Assisted by BUly Caxton In Their I.auphahle One-Art Comedy 'KAWSKEBCTKZZr HO. 15" Prince Lai Mon Kim The Noted Chinese Tenor The Lackmanos Entertaining; Novelty CAMERA DRAMAS OF QUALITY I President's Own Band WASHINGTON, D. C. TWO CONCERTS SATURDAY, OCT. 17 MJWht i n rnn u i.neeo. nwwiiwiiiwiil NilM II M(Kt 90s and 91