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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1914)
TUP, HKM; OMAHA, JSATCKOAY, OCTOBER 3, 1014. BOSSIE REPORTS ON MILK Complains He ii Unable to Secure Conviction! in Police Court. SUFFRAGISTS OVER STATE WILL OBSERVE FIELD DAY "Suffrage- Field Day" will be observed In every t-nvn and hamlet In Nebraska Sat urlsjr. Xrar'y forty neighborhood teas have been arranged under the direction of Mrs. W. C. Sunderland, city chnlrman, and five street meetings will be held In the downtown district Saturday evening. Among the speaker will be Mm. IthetA Chltde Dorr. Miss Elsie Vsnrtcgrlft, Miss Jane Thomson, Mrs. M. B. Munson, M. O. Cunningham, F. J. Odell and U U Mo llvalne. Mrs. Dorr will speak In Waterloo and Valley In the afternoon and Mrs. D. O. Crnlg'nead will speak In Benson. Mr, and Mrs. James Richardson, Mrs. Munson and John I Kennedy will speak In Wash ington and Arlington. Mrs. M. It. Munn will be In charge, of the street meetings during Ak-Bar-lten Among the speakers will he Mrs. Z. T Keener of Fort Worth, Tex ; Mrs. V. T. Mctlcrr 'f Falls City, Neh.; Mrs. Maid Mc:renry of Wlwonsin, li. A. W eatlierler i-f Lincoln. Mr an I Mr.-, William llnr-lv-of Lincoln. M. O Ciinningliam. 1'ia-ik Od.ll. Rev, J. I, Hoard, John L Ken nedy. John Bine. hnrlea llaffkr. MIm Elsie Vanilergrlf t of Denver, Mies Jane Thnm'n of Chlesf. i. J.'ik. D. CJ. Cral-hi-.n ii ii I M;n. M II Mm, win of Kansas. r tire ieai!rr-i nf t-" Intelligent to over-1-n'k the opi (irtim t h l.i the "want ad" columns. They r- .rth while reading L I MOST DAIRIES ARE CLEAN Avrraer of Bntrrfnt Stands 'p Well Bad the Report on Cleanliness Also hoTr Considerable Improvement. In Ms report for the month of Septem ber, Claude F. Bossle, milk Inspector, complains of not being able to aecure convictions In police court when rto has dairymen arrested for violation of the various requirements of the law. In writing of this phase of the situation, Hosste, in his report to Health Commis sioner Connell, says: "Of the nlne.ty-eix cases tried this year in this court fifty-three, or slightly over j 53 per cent of the cases, the defendants j were discharged, although Pr. Crowley testified that the samples were positively adulterated; thirty-one. over S2 per cent, were given a suspended sentence, one In dividual having three .suspended sen tences Imposed In as many consecutive months. Only eleven, or U per cent were compelled to pay a fine. One case was appealed to the district court, where we secured a conviction, the Judge trying said case stating from the bench that where the evidence was so conclusive the Inspectors should be supported. The evi dence in all of these, cases was substan tially the same, vis., the samples were taken by the Inspector, tested by Dr. C. F. Crowley, one of the most competent chemists ln'thls country, and the result testified to by him. First offenders were let off with a warning letter from the health office. These were all cases of second offenders and so stated to the police magistrate. Scores of Dairies. Average Average Butter Bacteria Karnes of Dairy. Score. Fat (,u"' fF.xrelalor bxa J -i."" Outlook Farm 87.5 Krlesland Certified 93 .4 Alma C'amenxlnd . West Dodge 76.J Inter-State "7.3 Kock Sluing ST-4 Eagle No. i 5. Melrose Hill $2 8 East Omaha 4 3 Khady Grove 87.0 Courtland Bro il. P 6 West I .awn 84.0 Jerseyvllle 82.5 Fontenelle 810 Hpring Lake Park 78.2 Hamblin 85.5 Grand View 84.3 Fairview 86.0 iaeal Milk Farm 87.3 Elgin " 84.3 Eagle NO. t ..v 8S.3 Eagle No. 3 i.2 Empire 83- Blackberry Avenue ....84.1 Miller Park Mayberry Avenue 81.0 Sanitary 80 Concordia W.O Peoples 89.0 Elgin Sanitary "60 Western 83.0 Purity 81.1 Crown Country Club 84S Walnut HIU West racifio 85.8 Clover lA'At 84.7 Cresent Sanitary 81.0 Elite - Central 88 0 Hill Top .7 Central Park M.S Eakeslde ? Lake Nekoma 8S.0 I.lnroln Avenue 86,3 De Bolt 88.0 Cedar Grove 78.9 Woodslde Vnlon Sanitary M.2 Consumer's W-J Maple Grove -. 0 Kelson Dairy 85.Z North Omaha Farm 5.2 J'Mellln Model M-0 West Omaha 86.8 Keystone 85.8 Forest Lawn 88.0 Spring Garden 86-3 Belmont Mid-City fjJ-3 Nebraska Standard 5rl Twin City "3 0 West Benson 87,8 Pleasant Hill 76.7 Carter Park 80.0 Center Street 8K.2 Sam Sorensen 8S.6 Jim Sorensen 87.7 M. C. Sorensen 8.ti (pangard 8S.6 J. M. Spangard 910 Gate City ss.0 Omaha ........87.0 Ktverulde 88.0 Arwood 94-3 3.4 3.9 8 3 3.3 3.3 8.3 3.4 8.3 8 3 3.3 8.4 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.2 8 1 3.1 3.5 8.3 3.2 3.2 8 4 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.2 33 3.3 3.3 3 4 3.4 3.2 8.2 8.3 33 3.1 3 3 33 3.8 13 8.2 8.3 3.3 3 4 33 3 2 3.3 3.4 S3 3.4 3.2 84 S3 3.3 S3 S.2 3.4 3 2 3.2 3 3 32 32 8.2 3.3 3 3 3.3 3 3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3 3 3.4 S3 3.2 3.3 8.2 84 33 3.8 6,S"0 oO.OCO 146.WJO 88.000 4ti,B0O 3.1,50 60.000 40,000 70,000 65,000 2S,0ci 73.0W 80,000 90,000 73,000 130,000 3,oco 40,000 85,000 67,600 82,000 44,O0 47,000 62.000 64.0" i0 45.0il0 50,000 60,0ii0 40,000 36,0" 0 S6,0"0 60,000 37.500 29,000 65.000 69.000 32,000 85.000 4-1.000 42.000 61, 010 32,500 65, d 10 24,000 64,000 32.500 40,000 46,0-10 62.001 37.500 52,000 75, aw SS.00O 35, 76,000 48100 81,000 48.000 69,009 34.CX) 76,000 TX.OoO S9.OO0 6,0"10 45,0i'O ' 91, (IOC 16,010 iil.Oi H) 59,000 .4K..SK) 65.0110 87,0iX) 46,000 42,500 fiO.ooO 80,000 44,0ii0 55,000 46,500 Big List of Rooms and Garages at the Information Bureau Accommodations for nearly 1,000 people and several hundred automobiles have already been listed by the information bureau which the Ak-Sar-Ben, and the Bureau of Publicity have established at ISIS Howard street for the benefit of Ak-Sar-Ben visitors. A card system is maintained for the filing of names anl addresses of persons who have a spar) room they are willing to throw open during the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities to ac commodate some of the visitors wno cannot find room in the hotels of the city. Since the bureau has been opened the two telephones havo been ringing almost constantly, and persons have listed rooms rapidly. Most of them are willing to serve breakfast also, which Is much desired by the Ak-Sar-Ben authorities, as trrost visitors like to get breakfast where they room. Thus far no exorbi tant prices are asked by those who havo listed rooms and volunteered breakfast. In most cases the prices listed are 50 to 75 cents per head for sleeping quarters and 35 cents for breakfast Becauso It Is becoming more and mere of a custom to drive to Omaha in auto mobiles for Ak-Sar-Ben, this bureau ia also collecting a list of garages that will have accommodations for the ma chines at night. About a doien are al ready listed, with accommodations for from a doien to fifty machines each. Thus, if persons coming in for the festivities will call at this Information bureau the first thing, they will savo themselves a lot of useless running around In the city in search of rooms and other accommodations. The bureau Is Just east of 81iteenth street, on How ard, and Just a few dozen paces from the big white main entrance arch of the carnival grounds. Coat Kept Down Quality Kept l'p. No better medicine could be made for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, tick ling throat, bronchitis, etc., than Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. That's why they can't improve the quality, and war or no war, the price remains tht same. E. J. fcargent, Dallas, Tec, says: "I believe Foley's Honey, and Tar baa no qua I for it completely relieved me of all symptoms of tuberculosis and my cough has entirely disappeared." Don't accept any substitute, for Foley's Honey and Tar la the best All dealers. Friday, October 2, 1814 BURGESS-HASH! COMPANY STOKE HEWS FOR SATURDAY BURESS-NASIHI COMPANY Sixteenth and Ezvnoy Streets Op mMg Omur Newly Enlarged BTO Clothing Dept. WE'KE looking ahead when the boys of today will be the men of tomorrow. We want to become a part iukI parcel of every boy 's exist ence as important to him and his parents as his school and teacher. It's with this thought and determination that we have moved our boys' clothing section to new and larger quarters on the hie new Fourth floor. Our first step into the future a big, splendidly selected stock of boys' wear in a roomy daylight department, where we can give his growing "lordship" our best attention and gain his every confidence. This big sonny, cheery, comfortable boys' store launches its now season Saturday with a sincere conviction of having done its part wen. o want you to come ana see.- t lP,jnTPrca A NICKEL PLATED DIME SAVINGS BANK, POCKET SIZE, WITH JTACJJ-alU EVERY PURCHASE MADE EN THIS SECTION SATURDAY A few special inducements for Saturday: BOYS' SUETS FREE BOYS' SUITS Norfolk style, BplMidld qual ity materials, pretty patterns with patch pockets and stitched belts; trousers reinforced with taped seams. BOYS' SUITS Mo Combination suits with two pairs of pants; latest Norfolk style, in a good selec tion of patterns and materials. 84.08 Norfolk suits In cherlots, css simeree, serges and corduroys; newest effects; pants (full lined and reinforced; some b&ve two pairs of trousers. BOYS SUITS Beautiful line of the sea son's best styles in chev iots; many with two pairs of trousers. BOYS' SUITS 17.80 Exceptionally well tailored suits, Norfolk styles; cheviots, sergoB and casslmeres. The best vsluea in town at the price. OTHER SUITS FOR BOYS, 2 TO 17 YEARS, up to $16.80 I I OVERCOATS FOR BOYS, 2 to 17 Years, 53.08 to $15.00 BLOUSES AT 60c SP1EO AIL ! blouses Made of dark or light S)1T iEiimibi I 8trlped madrMi plaln blue chamrfray and white, with military collar;well tailored; choice, fiOc Ltocm Hfflmd'cMfe9 18c LADIES' plain linen, fancy embroidered edges, colored edges. For men plain linen. A remarkable selection. ' Bnjf s-lTh Co. Main floor. 75 c Player Piamo Music RoUa,3 for $1. 8S-note rolls, Including three of tho season's best sellers. No. 1 "My Croony Melody," popular one-step. No. 2 "By the Beautiful 8ea," new song and one-step. No. 3 "When It's Night Time In Burgundy." B urgsss-yash Co. ronrth Floor. SELECTION OF "HURT" BOOKS 10c INCLUDING a big assortment of books lor boys and girls, also popular fiction, books slightly marred from display and handling. B Co. Main Tloor. Ths P. IK. & OTOirseaifflm v IN FACT we doubt very much If you can du plicate the style and quality at anywhere near the price. One and two-clasp style of kid and lambskin, fans point and heavy em broidered backs, new shades of navy, mode, tan, brown t ana ST?: also white and 7 11 black per Ia,r S1.50 Cloves, $2.75-$3.00 Extra quality of German lambskin, white only, 12 and 16-button length, 3-bone fasteners; all sizes. Channoisstte Gloves Long, 16-button length; in whllA np nntnrnl. dIva. Clz ;tC to 8; washable; pair Tin iff i f Jl T Barrsss-Kash Co. Main rioor. BOYS HATS 50c to $3.50 A splendid line. Every style that Is In vogue; plushes, chinchillas and cloth effects. Priced at ..BOr to 93.BO Burg-ssi ITaak Co. Tourth moor. BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS, 0c ppfTTT AT J Knickerbocker style, made of ITiCMl-KULl. neavy corduror M.P,t'ani will with stand the hard wear growing boys glvel them; choice, OHc IHIairafeoinniely Tailored at Am By rv iiVi o Far tho Bitaest Valines Wo'to OlfeiredJ This Seasoira. They'r WdDintlu FuUj On-Thiiirdl Meire. THE offering consists of the sample line of a big maker in New York, which wo bought way below the regular price and the benefit of which we offer to you Saturday. There is a wide selection of the latest Fall styles, and every model is an interesting example of the tailor's art. The materials are cheviots, United States serges, poplins and gabardines, in navy blue, hunter green, brown and plum, also black. Every suit superbly tailored and finished throughout, and we repeat they are extreme values at the price Saturday. PRETTY SERGE DRESSES for Girls 6 'to 14 Years for $3.SS OTHERS with a girl or two to clothe will welcome this announcement,, for it brings dress values Of most unusual importance. Made of good quality serge, in pretty basque styles, in a wide mq tt3 selection of colors, and specially priced at. . .SjtoJ.oQ Burf-sss-Wash Oo. Isoond Tloor. 4m. Silk Rfitolbxros, 2Sc AN EXCEPTIONALLY good assortment In the new satins, fancy plaids, Roman stripes, Persian fancies, etc., six inchi-s wide. Bnrfoss-yssh Co. Main Tloor. CURLS' (GINGHAM DRESSES AT 08c THE new effects, including white collar and pipings. In plaid ginghams, galateas; also shepherd plaid and darker shades In novelties; ages 2 to tt years. urfsss-Wash Co. btconfl Tloor. CORRESPONDENCE CARDS. Box 25c LAUGH assortment, piuln, gilt edge and sll- i var mtiffa lun hnv tlun.r 9. 1 0nVplflT)l and 21 shoots of paper, plain gold or blue Initial. Bnrg- s-Nh Co. MMn Tloor. Mercerise dl Cottom Htose FeriBeys and (SMs atlTc ED1UM weight, fine ribbed and fast black; L alms A in tU: verv snerlal Saturday. three pairs for JJO' or P,r for..l7 Women's Hose, 35c Extra flno quality, silk lisle, full fashioned; regular made foot, double sole, dou ble hem top. Silk Boot Hose, 40c Women's black or white silk boot hose, full fashioned also black, white and colors, in all silk fiber, full seam less foot. i Women's Hose, 18c Black mercerlied cotton, double sole, high spliced hucl and double garter top. Bargsas-Hasb Co. Mala Tloor. jy r i Satordlay-We Exploit Neckwear Fashieims and Yom Mmist See Themm fpiIB daintiest conceits, the moBt striking novelties, the delightfully U chic little affairs for daily wear These and more are to be seen and enjoyed In the new neckwear. The display - so bewitchlngly beautiful and pleasing that one Is ICCKWEAR AT 2Sc Roll collars In pitjue and or gandy, also collar and cuff sets, and vestees. A charming selec tion and excellent values. NECKWEAR AT 60c Hand embroidered organdy collar and culf sets, pique sets, organdy and pique vestees, roll collars, etc. Bnrg-sss-ITasli Co. Main Floor, Women's Stylish DRESS SHAPES Saturday, Special, at $3.gQ Pair B ARB showing something out of the ordinary in shoes at thia popular prfce that combine the very latest style, best material? ana me mosi comrortable fitting qualities. Made of patent, gun metal and vlcl kid leath ers with cloth or mat kid tops, Louis and Cuban heels, flexible sewed soles, button pat terns with either plain or tipped toes. Un usual values at $3.50 Hisses'&nd Children's School Shoes Button shoes for school wear, made from selected gun metal stock with flexible sewed rock oak soles, broad and medium toe lasts, perfect fitting and very comfort- uuie; me Dent misses shoe made. Misses sizes, 11 to 2, for, per Pair $2.25 to $2.75 Children's sizes, 814 to 11. for Per pair $2.00 to $2.30 SHOES FOR SATURDAY Button and lace styles, gun metal and box calf leathers, solid oak leather sewed soles, broad toe lasts that fit perfectly and give comfort every minute. These are the best shoes made at the price. YouthB' sizes, 9 to 13 tt. per pair 2JS. to $3.00 Boys' sizes, 1 to 6H. per pair 92.SO to $4.50 Bnrfs-Wash Co. Main Tloor. 45c Galvanized Tubs. 29c w BOY'S AND YOUTH'S Regular S3 to $0 Shaving Stands, Special, at $1.08 HERB are exactly 67 pieces In the lot. Including 'Empire Art silver plated shaving stands; also a few vanity stands for women. All have French plate mirrors, shaving stands have cup and soap holder and lather brush, vanity stands have powder Jar and hair r-elver. Positive $3 to $5 val ues, for $1.B5 Bnrfsss-Vasli Co. Mala floor. MEDIUM size, regularly 65c, Saturday 8Uc Large size, regularly 65c, Satur day 4ic Extra large size, regularly 75c, Saturday 50o Stove pipe, good quality, per joint, Saturday 10c Toilet paper, crepe finish. .. .10c rolls. Saturday, 4 rolls 23c Barrss-Xasa Co. B aasmant. ECONOMY BASEMENT Misses' and Jimnier's Suits That Were 919.80 to Valines at THEY'RE a big maker's sample lino that's the reason for such wonderful values. Made in a variety of fine materials, broadcloths, fancy weaves, gabardines, wool poplins, etc., In a splendid selection of new shades. Every garment the very latest styles for agesj! 14 to 18 years. WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS To $16 Values at $0.03 Just 100 of them and at this price they are sure to go out In a hurry. Serges and fancy weaves and novelty cloths In great variety, splendidly tailored; blues, browns, greens, ifclxt,ures and black. GIRL'S SCHOOL DRESSES, 40c Stripes and checks In splendid weight materials, also plain colors; sizes 6 to 14 years; neatly trim med with braid and buttons. $1.05 PETTICOATS at 08c A splendid selection to choose from; all the new shades with deep Roman stripe flounces; petti coats that are worth $1.50, at .982 HnUSLIN DRAWERS, 28c Good quality with deep embroidery flounce or with ruffle finished with pin tucks, at 25 CORSET COVERS, 25c Fine nainsook with lace or embroidery finish at neck or sleeve, special at 25 VOItEirS $3.00 SHOES at $1.08 Fall shoes In both dress and street style, made of patent gun metai, aia ana tan learners, flexible welt sewed soles, button or lace styles; all sizes' J the pair '. FUSSES' AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES Made In button and lace styles from gun metal leather, solid soles, good fitting lasts that are roomy and com fortable. Sizes' 11 to 2, pair. $1.00; sizes 5 to 8, pair. $1.39 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SCHOOL SHOES Both button and lace styles, made from full weight calfskin, solid soles; food, durable school shoes. Sizes 1 to 6'4, pair $l.f)ft and $2.25 Sizes 9 to 13 4, pair $l.:tu aud $1.05 Barfsss-Mash Co. Eooaomy Bassmsai. it I JJ05 Great Selection o! B00K3 POPULAR FICTION, 80c A GREAT selection, all the fav orites, Including: "Seven Keys to Baldpate." Blindness of Virtue." "Stop Thief." "A Hoosler's Chronicle." "The Crossways." "Valiants of Virginia." "Madame Threse." "The Inner Flame." "The Conscript." "Dividing Waters," Etc. Btursss-Mas Co. Mala Floor. SATMEDAY CHOCOLATE Day. 20c Lb. 66TE,VERY DAY is candy day'a Id Iiurgess-Nash." Candy "It's pure, that's sure." Take a box home with you. Chocolate creams, assorted flav ors, special, pound 20o Caramels, cream nut, assorted flavors, pound 25c Penochl, fresh made, right la the department, very special, lb. 25c BoraMS-Blasa Co. B aasmant. Sale of Drugs and Toilet Articles I J w Li l J T ss t n l i IhlBBI IHM I lau it o s e soap, 10c cake 6c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder, 26c size 14c Ivory soap, fie size, 6 cakes, 19c Fels' Naphtha soap. 10 cakes Borax Chips, 19c Sanl-Flush, 2 5c can for 17c PATENT MEDICINES Fletcher's C'astorla, at 151c Byrup of KiKS, 60c size -ic Uevf, Wine and Iron, 1 pint. . 12c Sal Hepatlca. 50c size 31c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, 60c size at 34c Horllcks' Malted Milk $1 Blze 70c Hospital size Malted Milk, 18.00 size, for $ Plnkham's Compound, $1 size c Toilet Paper,, finish ORr 11 O u sehold Ammonia, one 3C BRUSHES AND COHJESS A large assortment of brushes, combs etc.. will be specially priced for this sale. 20-Mule Team Field Vollet Talcum T rj) Powder JlU$ G Palniollve soap, cake Ufyo Mennen's Talcum Powder. . . .isie Klectrlc Spark soap, 8 cakes. .25c Williams' Shaving soap, cake 3 He Jlasklns Bros.' Cocoanut Oil soap, 6 cakes for ...2:)c Durham Duplex Razors. .,. . . .OHc CREAMS and POWDERS Abonlta Cream, 25c size 10c D. & R. Cream, 10c size 7c Talcum Powders, 16c kind... 6c Monoxide Tooth Powder, 26c lze at 14o Palniollve Cream, 60c size... 34c Pasteurine Tooth Paste, 20c size at 14c Manicure Sets, 89c kind RUc Canthrox sham- poo. 60o 20C P o m p e la a Massnaa Cream. 75i- slz. . RUBBER GOODS Rubber Goods, 60c kind 25c Hot Water Pottles, 60e kind.HUc Fountain Syringes, 60c kind.3c Hot Water Bottles, fl klnd..Yc Combination Syringes, $1.60 kind St KC Puzzonl's Powder, 60c slze....9a Jap Rose Talcum Powder, 25c size at 3c l'ebeco Tooth paste, 60c size. .3o 5 0 0 Safety Matches for Jad Salts, 75o ?ore. .B4c Free Embroidery Lessons FOR girls Saturday morning from 10 to 12. Competent Instructor. .Art Embroidery Section, Second Floor. urgess-Nash Company. "everybody's store" Potted Boston Ferns, gg)c LARGB2 healthy plants, 15 to 24 Inches high, In 6 lnch pots, very special Saturday, Burrsss-WasU Co. Xaln Entrance. Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business boosters.