8 HIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1914. THE , OMAHA DAILY DEE rorXPED TIT EDWARD KOSKWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOK. The Roe Publishing Company, Proprietor. HEH BUILDING. FARSAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Fntered at Cmthi poetoffice a second-class matter. By malt per year. uo , 4 no t on , 4.00 1.00 TERMS Cr SUBSCRIPTION. Hy carrier per month. j-rtv n1 Pindar Pullv without Sunday....' Evening and Similar Evening without Sunday Xa... U..K.4. .. TIma nnltf dV... Fend notice of fhnr.se of ailrrs or complaint of Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Bre, Circulation Department. . RKMITTANCB. Remit try draft express or postal order. Only two cent stamps received In payment or small ao routitu Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omshs-Th Pw Building. South Omaha SU N street Council Hluffe 14 North Main Street Lincoln M Little Building. Chlraro-9ni llrar-t Building. New York Room 1W. Fifth avenu St Trf-xitK -fU New Hank of Commerce. Washington 7Z5 Fourteenth Ft., N. W. CO R R EFPON DENCB3. Address communications relating to hews and edl torlal matter to Omaha bee, iMItortal Department. SEPTEMBER CIItCXLATIOX. 56,519 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ia. Dwlght Williams, circulation manaxer of Th Baa Publishing company, being duly a worn, aayt that the average dally circulation for tlia month of Sep tember, l!i 14, WHS fctj.Dlfl. DWltiiHT VWLJUIAMH, Circulation Manager. 6ubcrilied In my presence and aworn to Uefora ma. this 2d Cay of October, 1 PI 4 ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public, Subscribers leavinu iti city temporarily should have Tbo Uco mailed to tbem. Ad dress will be changed aa often as requested. Ak-Sar-Ben visitors who don't see what they Want, trill please ask or It. Almost time to begin counting; off the days to do your Christmas chopping. The Nebrtika Pioneer. No state or cation can ever hop to repay the men and women who founded It, any more than a child ran repay a parent. The pioneers of Nebraska are. Indeed, entitled to credit and gratitude for their part In making thla a elate, as they have been repeatedly told hy various speakers at their annual assembly. But If these sturdy folk could but live on a decade or two longer we are sure that, If they are proud to day of the state they helped to establish, they would have cause for far greater pride then. For, after all, Nebraska It but a blushing tnlst In the alterhood of atatei, else we would not be enjoying these conventions of men and women who are actually among the earliest settlers. It requires no very fertile Imagination to pre figure the possibilities of our future. Blessed as we are with the natural resources that go to make a great commonwealth, blessed with a fine type of people, with the most strategic of loca tions on the mainline from coast, to coast and linking, we might say, the north and the south our destiny is secure. It is not mere hollow play upon words to exalt and extol the pioneer, therefore.' It is but a scant effort at repaying a Just and lasting debt. Aside from the positive work of helping to construct a state, of blazing the way to agricul ture and commerce and science and art, pion eering possesses an element of value as Intrinsic as these and Incomparably more precious to progress or a people, mat is me spirit mat ever made the pioneer, the spirit, aot so much of Adventure, as, first, discontent with present conditions and then longing after larger and better things for self and posterity. Within that spirit abides the fearless courage, the rug ged industry And the homely seal of unselfish patriots that inspire groat hearts to essay great tasks. Let us of Nebraska pray that never shall we lose from our composite life a single one of these basic elements of the only character that is worth while. And by no means lot us forget or minimize the part of the pioneer in the build ing of the state and our debt to him. Now that Virginia has gone dry, old Kaln tuck' has the mint julep bed all to Itself. The best way for a public officer to show what efficient public service means Is to render . On the other side of the water it is a battle of the chassepots; on this side, a battle of the Inkpots. "How to end the war" should be a much more fruitful subject now than "What caused the war." Secretary McAdoo is evidently satisfied that the publication of his first list of "money-hoarding" banks has accomplished the object. His nomination on the democratic ticket for senator from New York gives Ambassador Ger ard a good excuse for quitting his post at Ber lin. ' A general election In Omaha without any bond propositions to be voted up or down will Indeed be out of the ordinary. But there' time yet to start something. , Soon after fair Lillian's daughter matched mother's record for four divorces, mother was stricken with appendicitis. Yet it may not be too late for her to win. "Votes for women is not going to produce the mlllenlum. Now, there's a sensible suf frage orator and neither is male suffrage going to produce the mlllenlum. The Rockefeller foundation which, It is an nounced, will Investigate industrial conditions in this and other countries, should not overlook the Colorado mine trouble. President Wilson has begun writing serial testimonials for democratic senators seeking re election. It remains to be seen whether the liat .will be extended to Include Roger Sullivan. One of the lines of battling troops Is it scribed as having Its back to the east. It It wants to get right before the judgment, how ever, It must be sure to turn its face to the ris ing sun. Why ho word from our two great "reform" contemporaries about the attempted looting of the treasury by the sheriff and the district court clerk, blocked only by the supreme court decisions against the jail feeding graft and the insanity fee grab? Omaha suffragists are going to make a poll to ascertain by direct question and answer what the sentiment, of each voter Is toward their cause. We fear the. women are doomed to an other eye-opening experience It the way folks register their party affiliations, and then vote the other ticket, ia a criterion. Easy If We Only Know How. Americans are disposed to make hard work of pronouncing the names of the places men tioned in the war news dispatches. But Just to show how easy they could make it if they would, we submit a list of the names of Important cities aa they are spellod and pronounced, whici an expert in linqulsttcs has compiled: Prsemysl -Pryshay-meeel. PetrograoV-Pet-ro-grahd. . Mosoiska Mosh-Uh-8ka. Sxentochowa T.hen-stohk-Oh-va (German, "Txentochoff"). Kallaa (now Grnssgarten) -Kahl-eeah, Rawa Ruahka Rah-va Roo-ka, Kurnlkl Koor-nse-ke. Jaroalaw Yohr-oa-lahff. Rxesow -Rahays-off. Mlkolaieff Mlck-ohl-ay-eff. ' Toroossow Tom-ah -ahoff. Mysslneo MItach-ln-yeti. Wlogclawek Vlohts-lay-veck. Thus it will be seen that, what at first glance appears to be a jaw-breaking Job for an American to get jils tongue properly colled around some of these names, it is very simple if he only knows how. The one think to do is to keep in mind the principles governing these strange pronunciations and the rest is easy. Take, for example, przemysl, figuring promi nently. fn current reports. Some folks make a big fuss over it, when all they have to do Is to note the simplicity of the spelling, P-r-y-x-h-a-y- m-e-e-B-1, and It pronounces Itself. With these keys to the situation we believe It should un ravel Itself to all and make the study of war bulletins much more Interesting. Short Ballot and Primary. The direct primary la absolutely right In principle. The only faults that have shown up can b easily eliminated by what known aa the ahort ballot. Let the people choose the governor direct, tYen let him appoint the other atata administrative officers. Just aa the president does his cabinet. All these names will then be. left off the ballot to shorten it. Such Impor tant officers aa railway commissioner should be voted for dlreot, or on a sum-partisan ballot with recants' of the state university and aupreme Judges. Of ' course United States and state senators and representatives Should be chosen direct, also all county officers, for the people know them and can chooae Intelligently. That's all th fixing the direct primary needs to make It a thorough and effective Instrument for real democ racy, real government by the people. Blair Pilot. The Bee is glad to find the Pilot In agree ment here with the plan of ballot reform which we have proposed. ' The Bee might not be so bold as to say that the short ballot alone will eliminate all the faults that have shown -up In the direct primary, but with the short ballot achieved, It would be comparatively easy to de vise and apply the proper remedies to any minor defects. We recently heard a member of the state senate declare himself in favor of mak ing the judges of all our courts appointive, and the lieutenant governor as well. We hardly be lieve the people of Nebraska are yet ready to abolish the separate executive and judicial dan partments of government, or to let the gover nor choose his own successor in the event he is for any reason to vacate his office. Oklahoma is making a minimum price for crude on taken from uaianoma wells with a view to eventually doubling the returns.. Now, if the com and- wheat belt states could only get together and fix a minimum price for their out put, they might in the same way levy tribute on people in less favored localities. in The retiring Union Paclfle freight auditor, J. d. Taylor, was presented with a ha n J some testimonial by the employes of the office through C. V. Gallagher. Those Joining In the gift were: Misses Mamie Adams Addle Wlttlg, feypher. Maggie MoCheane. and Messrs. C. V. Gallagher. J. C. Wesley, 8. J. Cutler. George W. Lyndon, J. H. Daniels, J. A. Lewia, T. P. Mahoney, W. L. Anderson, i. H. Hohtenherger, William Camp bell. J. IL Fead, C. P. Needham, General E. F. Teat, I. C. Holtorf, V. E. Winning and A. J. Crumb. ' The so. labia of the) Third Congregational church waa a pleasant affair, and well attended at the resi dence of Mrs, J. 3. brown. lUln prevented the ball gam between the Union Pacific and the EvansvlUea. Mia tkule, president of the) Women's Christian Temperance union, gives notice that the national president, Miaa Frances Wiliard. wtll be here soon to address the state meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence are playing- In "The Almighty Dollar" at the Uoyd. Mrs. J. . House and Miss Ubble Wlthnell have ' returned fn-jti a treasure trip to Colorado. A Compliment to Omaha. The re-election of John J. Ryder as presl dent of the American League of Municipalities for a third term. Is a compliment to Omaha, as well as to Its official representative. The League of American Municipalities Is the na tlonnl clearing house of all the important cities of the country. Giving Omaha the headship of this organization for three terms in succession is an exceptional recognition, which our people should appreciate as a tribute both to the city's good standing abroad, and to its success in keeping .pace with other progressive communi ties. According to the German art ec4nmlsslon for Belgium, all art works and monumental build lngs In Louvaln'and Liege were saved during the recent Oerman bombardments. That's easy -It goes without saying that the German ver diet will be that whatever was destroyed or damaged was not real art. In the olden days, Nebraska politics hinged on "roonop" and "antl-monop," the Union Pa clflc crowd, being "monop" and the Burlington bunch "antl-monop." What recalls It Just now Is the spectacle of Colonel Roosevelt embracing "Boss" Fllnn In Pennsylvania to make a fight on "Bobs" Penrose. ... Now that the Germans fcav seized two of the enemy's cigarette factories, they may be ex peeled to smoke up. Marvels of How tho Japs Care for Their Wounded oaomoa ranraxr i rma otrrx.oox. Mlnatenesa ( rreraa t lonarr Measures. One of the most serious problems In rmvlcrn war fare Is thst presented by the care of tho wounded. In a battle which lasts a week or more, and In which per haps Son, 000 men are en(red, the number of soldiers who are disabled by bullet or shell-burst number tens of thousands. Every consideration of humanity and patriotism demands that they be picked' up at the earliest possible rmiment, transported to a place of safety, and Riven surgical aid; but the difficulties In the way are very areat, and in most cases the suffer ers lie on the field for hours without relief. Here, asraln, tha camfully thought out methods of the Jap anese Impressed me as superior to any of which I had knowledge. Every Japanese soldier, carries as part of hlse equipment, a first-aid package contain ing aseptic compresses of gauze, a sterilised safety- pin and a triangular bandage wrapped up in paraffined paper and Inclosed In a tightly sewn cotton-cloth covering. He had been carefully Instructed In the Use of this packsge, and In thousands of' rases men were able to give first-aid treatment to themselves. At th bandaging stations back of the firing line the medical officers often found that no change was needed In the dressing of a wound which had been applied by th soldier himself or one of his comrades. Then, in very company, there were four specially trained soldiers whose duty It was to look after the ounded; every battalion had eight stretcher-bearers, with a pack-horse load of Utters, surgical Instruments and medical supplies; every regiment was accom panied by slz surgeons with fifteen attendants; and attached to every division there was a sanitary corps composed of Mne surgeons, sixty nurses and 200 stretcher-bearers, Bo far as I know, no organisation complete and efficient as this had aver before taken tha field. Certainly we had nothing like it in Cuba. Far In Advance of !' In Cnba. I have not space for anything Ilk a full descrip tion of Japanese methods in this field of military work; but I must say a few words at least about the transportation of the wounded from the field to tha first-aid stations, and from the latter to the field hos pltala In Cuba w relied upon four-wheeled ambu lances, but they did not seem to me In. any way satisfactory. When half a dosen or more wounded man were picked up In the Jungle for transportation to our single field hospital, they suffered unnecessarily from the inevitable Jolting of a heavy vehicle over a bad road. Moat of th brooks in tho vicinity of fiantlago were unbrldKd, and ran through channels that wers far below the toad level. The descent to them waa often steep, and when an ambulance pitched suddenly down Into one, all the wounded men with lacerated bodies and shattered bones slid down Inn a great heap of agony at th front end. Then, when the mules rushed at the ascent on the other side, th front end of th vehicle waa suddenly tilted upward, and all th men were precipitated into a struggling heap at th back end. This struck me as a barbarous way of carrying men who were desperately hurt, and whose powers of endurance had been broken by long hours of suffering on the battlefield. Whether the Japanese had any such ambulances or not I do not certainly know. I never came across one. I saw thousands of wounded men brought back from th front at Port Arthur, but every one, .without excep tion, was carried carefully by two bearer in a stretcher. It made no difference whether the dis tance was short or long-lt was often many miles no wounded man was over put into a wheeled vehicle of any kind. Ffrat Aid Equipment Most Neeeaaary. Xt may be thought that the fighting efficiency of our army In Cuba would have been lessened by the detachment of hundreds, or even scores, of combatant to act as stretcher-bearers; but I am of the con trary opinion. Th army might have been weakened numerically, but It would hav been strengthened morally, because every soldier in it would hav fought with mor courage and confidence if h had known that in case of disablement he could count on speedy rsllef and th best possible treatment. Besides that, ther were hundreds of Cuban refugees in and about fliboney and Daiquiri who would have been glad U carry stretchers to earn their dally bread, and who were perfectly capable of doing It Th trouble was that we had practically not stretchers. I saw a few ia th field and one or two at in rioia oospuai, dui no more anywhere at any time. In the armies now contending in Europa the wounded ar picked up and carried to th collecting or flrst-ald stations In stretch ers, but ar generally transported from ther in wheeled vehicles. The roads, however, , in western Europe ar Infinitely superior to those In cuba, and piuch smoother than most country roads In the United etates. Foresight ssd F.fflcteney Distinctive. Th. rfiatinntiva rksmcterlstlcs of Jaoaneae methods in ik. Ki,. rf tha wounded were foreslnht and effi ciency. Every possible contingency had been antici pated, and all th prearrangementa wornea smoomiy. r ,v wov n Port Arthur I was held UD four or fIV days at Dalny; arid as my previous connection with the Red Cross and my experience in jud naa given me a keen Interest in methods of caring for the wounded. I used to go to the railway station about noon every day to e the arrival of what might be called the hospital' train from the armies of Field Marshal Oyama. It consisted of flat cars and common freight cars, and brought, on an average, from 500 to mo wounded men. Ther waa always a larg corps of Red Cross and army surgeons at tne station, aa wen .miiU fnm of stretcher-bearers: and hot fodvl. in th snap of broth, rice, etc.. had been prepared in hug caldrons for th number oi men expeciea. as soon as th train stopped, the atretcner-Dcarer oegan bringing out all of th wounded who war unable to walk. Every man had ready in his hand what tno n.i.i.t. n . iMifliflcstlnn tallv." which contained a description of Ma wound and a record of th treat ment given it sine his reception In th field hospital at th front. Th surgeons glaneea ai me, tames, asked a few questions, and decided Instantly what .h,iM Hnnt. Soma of tha men had their wounds redressed on the apot; some were sent to the hospitals In Dalny for Immediate operations or emergency treat ment; while som wer regarded as strong enough to go directly to a hospital steamer then ready to sail for Japan- After examination, all were fed and fur nished, if necessary, with pipes and tobacco or ma terials for oiirarett. There was no uncertainty, no haste, no confusion, no excitement; and yet In from thirty to forty minutes after the arrival of th train (00 to W0 wounded men had been examined, treated, fed and sent away in atretchera to their respective destinations. It was aa impreaslv an exhibition of skill, thoughlfulness and systematlo efficiency as I had ever seen. People and Events A Norrlstown (Pa.) man exhibits a fin specimen ot Pennsylvania conceit in claiming to be able to pro rounc correctly all the names of places mentioned in th war dispatches. ' Tha lata Mrs. Leslie leaves a legacy of 11.800,000 to th war cheat of American woman suffragists for thi advancement of the cause. TU contribution is big enough and Juicy qnough to attract a superior line ot stumping talent from the ranks of th older parties. Victor Marcks of Nazareth, Pa., rose up in his coffin the other day and protested that he was not ready to proceed with his own funeral. He got out ot the box and into bed. and at th same time told the mourners to go home and dry up. . Trouble piles on trouble's head. Th esteemed William 8ulier of New Tork, having- lost out in th primaries. Is asked to oome Into court and show why he should not o compelled to pay Mrs. Dorothy A. Mason, once known as th "Burg Queen," B.ooo for service rendered. With BlUle It Is "one darn trou ble after another. Secretary of Stat Bryaa has sent a personal ap peal to Congressman Jefferson M. Levy of New Tork, urging th latter to sell to the government Moaticello, th birthplace and horn of Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Levy resented the agitation for the purchase startej by Mrs. Martin W. Littleton last winter, but Mr. bryan'a appeal is likely to receive more serious con sideration. 7 fcsKw: 11 Brief eontttsntioB timely toploe lavtWS. Tks Bs assume ' a respcnaTMlliy for opinion ml correspondent. AH letters sna ' Sect to oadnsatlom f edit. (lermsa Kindness to Americans'. OMAHA, Oct., z To the Editor ot The Bee: I have Just received a leter from my brother. Prof. Benjamin F. Battln, of Swarthmore college, who was with a party of Americans In Constance, at th outbreak of the present war. My brother says th party left Constance August S, In two private cars provided under the di rection of the kaiser, himself. After arriving in London, my brother returned to Germany on two tripa to look for eighty pieces of valuable luggage be longing to Americans, which he secured. He writes, "particularly In Germany, the American Is persona grata, and 1 was overywher rocelved with oxtrem courtesy and kindness. ' I secured from the German embassador at th Hague an unusually efficient special pass." The many German In Omaha and in Nebraska will be pleased to know of the fair treatment of American citizens and of the assistance rendered them In leav ing Germany and In securing their per sonal property. JOHN W. BATT1N. Cbarces Inconsistency. OMAHA, Oct 1 To the Editor of Tho Bee: Why don't Messrs. Spader, Meyer, and their sympathizers keep quiet? It Is ferfectly natural and well enough for those of German descent to sympathize with Germany and the kaiser, but why are they continually seeking to force their views on others? Shortly after the beginning of thewar they were crying to the people to sus pend Judgment until compfote and un biased information were at hand. They were also begging th public to refrain from taking sides with any of tha belli .gerents. They were shouting "neutrality" for all they were worth. In these same letters they were espousing th cause of Germany and the kaiser In their most forceful language. Now they hav quit harping on ''neu trality" and have substituted a llttl .mud-sllnglng. A man's argument must be pretty thin when he resorts to the us ot such terms as, "liars," "darn fools," titc, for those whos opinions differ from his own, H. E. DRESS. 615 South Thirty-third Street t Mother Shlpton's Prophecy. OMAHA, Oct, 2.-TO the Editor of The Bee: I promised to asnd you these old lines of Mother Shlpton's prophecy for the benefit of many who hav never read or heard of them. Th linns wer first published in England In 1185, before tha discovery of America and before any of the dlacoveiies and inventions mentioned therein. All the events have come to pass which she predicted, except the last two lines. Carriages without horses shall go And accidents fill th world with woe; Around the world thought shall fly Jr.' the twinkling of an. eye. Waters shall wonders do, Now stranae, yet shall be true, The world upside down shall be; And gold be found at root of tree, Through hills man ahall ride And no horse or ass be at hla side. Under water, man shall walk. Hhall ride, ahall sleep, shall talk, . Tn the air men ahall be seen In white, In black, In green. Iron In the water Shall float As easy aa a wooden boat. Gold shall be found mid stone In a land that now unknown. Fire and water shall wonders do. Un-land shall at last admit a Jew And thla world to an end shall com In eighteen hundred and eighty-one. MRS, JOHN EVANS, Grandmother of Miller Park Mother's Circle. Concerning Foland. . OMAHA. Oct. 2.-T0 the Editor of The Bee: Several days ago you wer kind enough to print one of my articles en- tilled VPoland." Since then I have re ceived soveral telephone messages and letters from Polish people, complimenting me upon ray efforts. "Try to please all and you can please none." This was never eo forcibly brought home until I read a letter utterly devoid of all connection and sense from some one whom I Judge, from what little 1 can make out of the mud dled remarks, wishes to pass for a Ger man Pole. As th writer has not moral courage enough to sign bis name, I find myself compelled to answer his disjointed, dis connected, rambling letter through the Letter Box. He Informs me that the Poles are heart and soul with th Germans. Mr. Anony mous, permit me to Inform you that it matters little to me where the sympathy of the Poles rest I made no mention ot their feelings toward either Russia, Ger many or AuHtrla. I simply stated, and will restate, that "autonomy mean freedom for the Poles" and that no matter how the war may terminate it will not hav been in vain if it reunites the Polish na tion. The letter tejls m that the German were the only ones to give education to tha Poles. Beyond that It la a mere Jum ble of name Into which la Interpolated a few hints about the place of punishment If the letter I received Is an example of that education,' then all effort In that line ar useless. The Germans ar famed for their great educational system and I am well enough acquainted with them to know they would never stoop so low as to teach people to write cowardly, bus and punslllanlmous letters, such aa the one addressed to me. 103 Park Avenue. C. E. WALSH. Aloe Is to (InresBi Prejudice. OMAHA, Oct. 2.. To tha Editor of Th Bee: I am obliged to your correspondent who arrogates to himself the prerogative of aoeaklng as "we Americans," for his kind permission to sympathise with Ice land or Prussia and thank him also for hla sympathy as "we Americans" with the German people. I am not aware that Germans in America denounce anyone for not sympathizing with them, but they do denounce th extreme partiality for th allies and the unfair and slanderous treat ment of the German cause as reflected in many newspaper headlines, accepting as true the many fake reports spread broad cast through English, French and Rus sian sources, and without scarcely giving any spare to the other side. All my effort have been directed to overcome prejudice on the part of th public, and I shall bf satisfied if I succeed In convincing there that there ar two sides. "We Americans" aays th Germans ar discourteous to the land that has given then) bread. Eminent American historians record th fact that German hav contributed their du share to the wealth, culture and prosperity of this country. "W Americans" aays that Ger mans ar wilfully Ignoring President Wu son's proclamation of neutrality. On U rountrary, they are calling the attention of pro-Rrlt'.sh shouters to thst very proclamation. I do not know what the Illinois "Staats Zeltung" published, but It surely had ample provocation pre sented to It on the part of American newspapt-rs, such ns Harpers. the Courier-Journal, New York Times, and many others. W Americana" says that we will be In vited to taka a hand In settling matters wtien the war Is over, and will certainly tea that Belgian is recompensed "life for life." What buncombe! It Is the skinning of the hare before it is caught. Like the plans of certain editorial writers, al ready settled upon, for the parcelling out of Germany to Its conquering neighbors. They have already arranged thot Ger many shall be spilt up, back Into a num ber of separate petty states. Just as though England demanded that the United States should be split up Into the original states, each formlnn a separate govern ment, making them the easy prey of their enemies, to be bullied and coerced and despoiled by hostile neighbors who object to a union because ot Its strength. I "We Americans" should know that we wer all English as late aa 140 years ago; that we grew weary of England's over lordship and cast It from us. There were lens than 3,000,000 poop! then, and ther have since arrived some 30,000,000 Immi grants, and the difference In degree of Americanshlp at most can be a little matter of four generations, snJ how llttlo that will seem In a hundred years from now. The only noise being made by Germans In America is In defense Malnst unfair and slanderous attacks and misrepre sentations Indulged In by a large number of writers who should know better. Even a worm will turn. A. L. MEYER. Thanks to Miss Dorman. OMAHA, Oct. 2.-To the Editor of The Bee. Through the letter box I want to thank Majorlo Dorman for five votes she gained for me for suffrage., These five men belong to the same household and irevious to thla letter of Miss Dorman were to vote against suffrage, but hr, to them, convincing letter has won m these votes. 651 South Twenty-fourth these votes. MRS. G. H. BLIGH. 651 South Twenty-fourth. Like, to Be Ilambnsrsred. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 2. To the Editor of The Bee. Th greet showman, P. T. Barnum, said the' American people like to be humbugged and from the way some people follow the greatest political hum bug this country ever Produced, and the humbug teachings of Roosevelt, It shows that Barnum was not far oft In his statement By tho work of this great political humbug we today have a minority presi dent who lacked more than one million vote of securing a majority of votes cast for president In 11)12, and one million republicans did not vote. Then an even 100 members of the present congress did not have a majority of the votes cast for congressman in their districts. By the work of spite tho will of the great majority of th people of the United States has been thVarted and may be that way until h law Is passed requiring candidate .to hav majority of all vote cast before ho can take the place that he Is a candidate for. A Governor William T. Haines of Maine wrote m a few days ago, "pluralities are mighty doubtful and it 1 a great weak ness to have a system of government which permits a few people thwarting the will of th majority by" a third party trick, such as was practiced In, our recent election." Roosevelt knows hl "progressive" party Is too dead to skin, yet he still wants to continue to beaf the party that made him, by having spite candidates run In all places where he thinks they will se cure enough votes to defeat republican candidates. Hd the republican party remained in power, there would be no nee"d of a "war tax" today. The war In Europe has dis tracted th attention of our people from th failures and shortcomings of the democrstlc party, which never has and never will run this country successfully. Had there been no war, a "war tax" would have been resorted to by the demo cratic party Just the same, and they could not have hidden behind the wsr screen as they can do this year. 1 am In favor of a law requiring all can didate either for nomination or election to b nominated or elected by a majority vote. If candidates for governor or oongres do not secure the required ma jority at the first election, drop alt can didates but the two higheat, and take an other vote, it Is tim minority rul was dispensed with. - F. A. AGNEW. XAM TRIFLES. Ehe-I will amlt that a woman seldom Weltihs her words. He No; even scales hav their limita tions. he Nonsense! Women don t us big word?. He True, but they would hav to b weighed In such large quantities. Boston Transcript hi-i.af i - Mi reason for mentlnnlnS your name," said the eminent player. ' You are a press asrent; noi an actor. 'U.U.V. m. i Mn.fl Me. Boostlnsrton. ... haa k. anm) actor ta convince a star that he believes all th things he hammers out on th type writer. v asningcon ciar. "DM vour Dlavmat enlov her visit?" said a mother to her small daughter, who hart just bidden adieu to a lime tnena. pi! 'Why yes, mother, I think she did, ' re led the child. "I called her 'my dear" very often, In that dressy ton you us when you have company. Youth s com Rahvlon?" asked the teacher of her Brooklyn class. It fell! cried tn pupil. "And what became of Ntnevehr "It was destroyed." ! . . "And what of Tyre?" Punctured." Brooklyn Eagle. . I - .1.1.. mavm aha) VnnWI dsfe her feller got her a real dlamlng ring." said Rastus Johnslng, "an' when Ah axes i br.,u..a aha MVt flat lift pawned It afore he guv It to her and dat s proot aat 11 s genuine. phia Ledger. Two college students were arraigned before the magistrate, charged wiin hurd In the low spot in iu their motor car. - . "Hav you a lawyer r asuea mo m- trate. . .. "We're not going to nave ,f a t. yer," answered me eraw w I'uvv. nor ided to tell the truth." NW York Times. DAKDELI0NS. The slaughter of the innocents! Does our radiant golden eye Look as though we'd come to bid you A last tearful, sad good-by7 All we ask's a hit of sunshln And a breath df balmy air; A clinging foothold on the groung And we'll grow anywhere. Since In your might you hav decreed Thnt all our race must dl. We'll meet you on the battl flld, A coward's death defy. So send vour hosts against us, Just send 'em right along. We'll fight for every foot of ground A hundred million strong. You may try to break our spirit. But you'll buck against a fence That will make tha German army Look like twenty-seven cents. We've done no harm to you or yours. We're cheerful, bright and fre; We beautify your lawna, and so You ought to lot us be Till the water question's settled, And the street car service good, And votes for women keep tho nation Running as It should. Till the trusts are reguiatea. And the last poor fly Is dead. Then you can spend your mighty wrath Upon our humble head. But Just a word in parting: We were here before you cam. And men have com and men hav gonfc We go on Just the same. And when upon this glorious 'earth Your brilliant course Is run, We'll slowly c-r-e-e-p upon your grave I And wink up at th sun. Omaha, Neb. DAVID. Reo the Fifth A Super Car $1,175 with Electric Equipment, f. o. b. Lansing A New Joy Awaits You in This Extra-Sturdy Car 35,000 Have Found It Mr. R. E. Olds designed Reo the Fifth for men who want better-built cars. i He gave It big margins of safety 60 per cent over capacity. He used costly parts. He had steels made to form ula. This car of extreme cost the factory one-fifth more than if built by usual stand ards. ' Thls car Is built in a model . plant, by a remarkable organ ization. It is built by special machinery designed for this model. A whole building is devoted to tests and analyses. Six weeks are spent on each car. Men flocked' to this car. They found jt saved trouble, upkeep and repairs. They proved that it kept its new ness. They told others about It, until 35,000 men have adopted this super-car. . Keep Up-to-Date A corps of artists in car building experts and design ers keeps this car up-to-date. Beauties and betterments are constantly added. The latest model shows 18 new im provements. Today thts car excels in beauty as It does in hidden parts. And the cost has come down, with doubled output, new ma chines and efficiency. Now this car despite all its im provements. costs 220 less than it used to cost. See the Latest Come see the latest model of this famous car. Come now, for the best driving month are before you. Its lines will delight you. Its "finish, its equipment, its one-rod control offer appealing attractions. But go with us into the hid den parts, which won for this car leading place in Us class. Other cars may serve as well for one season. But when you buy for years to corns you will want a car built like this. Come and see. REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Lan.ing, Mich. L. E DOTY, inc. 2027-2029 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb