Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1914, Page 7, Image 7
NIK HKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. CKTOHKU 11)14. BRIEF CITY NEWS Bool Flint IV Vow Pterin frees UfkUng Futures, Burgess-OrsndenCo. ridellty Storage aad Tea Co. Don. 880. Sworak accountant and auditor. D. 740$. first Tnut Company Are still mak ing city leans. Trompt closing. City Property For results, list that house with Osborne Realty Co. 1. 1474. Bsaatlfal All acodera Snrmes rorSala on the cany payment plan, banket Realty Investment Co. Then Dour 26. Hats Changed HandsThe flats at the northeast corner of Thirtieth and Douglas streets have been sold by Jennie Shaffer to Kern Solomon for 115.000. Fort to Ban Fraaclsoo Uerrtt Fort of the I'nlon Pacific has gone to San Francisco to attend a big meeting of the passenger department representatives to bo held In that city next week. "Today's Complete JCorie Programs may be found on the first page of the classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theater offer. Omahana Go Bast Mr. and Mrs. Joe Redfleld and Bert Potter have Bone to Philadelphia, where they will attend a convention of the National Stationers' as sociation, being held In that city next week. Fit oh Buys Trackage Property J. 8. Pitch has purchased a piece of-trackage property In Walnut Hill section' of C. 8. Nelson for $10,400. The property contains thrte lotg and a fraction near Forty-elxth and Isard streets. Lumber for Grand Stand en Ground' Lumber Is alroady on the ground for the grand stand to be erected In front of the court house for viewing . the Ak-Sar-Bm parades. The Hoard of County Commis sioners is directing the project. ' Klcken's Bond Caaoelled The (5,0,00 bond Imposed on Ueurge V. Hlcken, hus band of the woman who killed Bruno Hansen and then tried to take her own life, was released In police court. Hicken Was held as a material witness. Chambers' DauolAr , Academy Tin home of modern and claaslo dances. In structor of teachers, who are successful both In Omaha and other cities. Classes reopen September 23, 1911 .Telephone Douglas 1871. The school to depend upon. Murray to Meet - Omahans W. IL Murray, assistant' general passenger" agent of the Union Pacific, has gone to Cheyenne to . meet-i the party of Com mercial club members. who are returning from their visit to he " Wyoming State fair at Douglas. . . Six Becraits In - a Say Six recruits were enlisted Thursday 'at 'the Lincoln army recruiting office of the Omaha dis trict and were' sent to Fort Logan, Colo. This is the ' largest - number of recruits enlisted In one day by the Omaha dis trict during the year. To Bold Annual Election The Wom en's Christian Temperance Union Federal of Omaha will' hold its 1 annual meeting Wednesday, October 7, at Baright's hall, Bighteenth and Famam, at 2:30 p. m. There will be election ,of . officers and plans for the coming year. lineman Shocked en Xlffhway Dr. 'Jesse D. Wilson and his emergency hos pital have already had their first case. One of the linemen of the electric light company was - slightly shocked from touching a live wire, but he was promptly cared : for and went back to work In a few minutes. . Baas City for Pension Mrs. Susan Henderson, widow of ' James Henderson, former city fireman, who died of pneu monia ten . years ago, Is aulng the city in Judge Sears district court for pension al leged due since her husband's death. She alleges . that Henderson's illness resulted from service performed for the olty. Visitor Taoogtit to Be Demented A young man about 25 years of age. who gives his name as Ben Tipton, Shelby, la., has been arrested and is being held for elimination because he visited ts-irant and after eating a hesrty nwl refused to pay for It, explaining that the world owed him hl meals. Zgr:r:'!iTHE0S0PHICAL SOCIETY MUVtS INTO NEW QUARTERS Omaha Schools Are Honored by Chance to Exhibit Work Arrangements are being made to ex- J hlblt samples of the work of the Omaha High School of Commerce at the Pan-1 ama-PacKlc exposition. 1 Alvln K. Pope, j chief of the department of esducatlon, eastern quarters Aeolian building. New j Tork, has selected the Omaha school and j In a telegram to Superintendent E. I. Graff says: j The department of education of the 1 Panama-Pacific. International Kxposltlon extntls an Invitation to the city of Omaha to make an exhibit of Its Com- mcrclal High school. If you accept this; Invitation. It will he the only exhibit of ! Its kind In the building. Our policy Is to ; have each state and each municipality participating confine Its exhibit to some phase of educational work in which it excels. We believe no schools can do better work In this line than Omaha, an.l are anxious to have you teach the ls.OU o0 we expect at the exposition the Im portance of this work. Dr. E. Holovtchlner, member' of the Board of Education, said, concerning the invitation: "Here Is a boost for our Omaha High School of Commerce, a part of our public school system, worthy wide and exten sive publicity. The unsolicited lnvlta thm from the chief of the department of education of the Fanama exposition, which singled out our High School of Commerce as the model Institution of Us kind to make an exhibit at the fair. In order to show the world how commercial branehes should be, taught, as they arc In Omaha, Is certainly a mark of din. tinctlon that Omaha can well be proud of, and which should be given as wide publicity as possible.' The Thensophloal society will begin iVs fnll and winter activities In new quar tens which have been fitted up In suite 701 Pee building. This will consist of an audience room with ample seating ca pacity to take rare of the Increased at tendance at the public lectures, and a reading room, which It k Intended to keep open during the day time and a"free li brary will be maintained. There will be free lectures each Sunday evening, and class studies during the week, which will consist of the study of scientific, and oc. cult bonks by popular writer. Several prominent theosophlcal lecturers will speak during the season, and added In terest has apiearrd In the expected visit to the United Ststel of Annie Hesant during the coming year, when she will take part In the conKrcsa of religions at the Panama exposition. -Sunday evening llnr.1 F. Miller will de liver the opening lecture of the season, with the suhlect. "lTnlilema or Ufe"; his theme lMlng icntered about the meaning of life and tho manner of surmounting obstacles and sorrows which come to all, looking at thf m from the h rtden, or spirit ual side, and the attitude of mind which is the absolute protection to every hu man l-enlg. The lecture begins at s o'clock snd Is free. He Want Ads Produce Rosults. fl Federal Grand Jury for Omaha Named Out . of. 300 names from . which Uhlrty ?were selected for service on the federal grand Jury which convenes on October 13 a single- Omaha man was picked. John b.- Peterson, 2531 South Ninth street, is 'the man. The jury list follows: 1 t. H. Albers, pierce; Frank G. Arnold, Fullerton; H.'. 11. Andrews. Callaway; Carl Bang, Fremont: E. N. Brlnge. Ban croft: N..R. Chalfant. Fullerton; James H. Duff, Pierce; . George Engel, Clark son; G, L. Uoppe, Francis; Alvln John ston. Doniphan; W. S. 'Jackson, Valen tine; James A. Mitchell, Grand Island; Albert G. Mansfield, Boone; Henry C. Michaels, Fullerton; John V. Olson, New man Grove; S. M. Park, Norfolk; Frank Pallace, Thurston; George Roach,' Deoa. tur; J. G. Shaffee, Hooper; Frank Stre low, Pierce: Robert Walker, Mason City; Alfred Weddell, Arcadia; A. E. Wood worth, Arcadia. Alternates: William B. Atkins, Kim ball; J. A. McDonald., Scott's Bluff; John C. Peterson. 2T.31 South I Ninth street, Omaha; John H. Stafford, Coleridge; George B. Luft, Scott's Bluff; A. Ben son, Woodlake; George M. Adams, Crawford. SEPTEMBER ALMOST BROKE ONE TEMPERATURE RECORD, According to the weather bureau meterologtcal summafy, the month of September came within two degrees of breaking a temperature record of forty two years. The maximum was 100, on the fifth, and the forty-two-yesr record was in 1896, when the mercury rose t 102 de grees. ' While the rainfall during the month showed an excess over the normal, there is a deficiency of 4.20 inches since Janu arys There were fifteen clear days 1 the month, seven cloudy and eight partly cloudy days. M Several Millinery Specials A Choice Assortment of g f 90 W.ou and w.m I rimmed Ull aJafC s I. V About 600 artistically trimmed Dew hats, good quality materials, su perior styles, not a hat worth less than $6.50. Some worth $8.50; a sale that will demonstrate clearly the superiority of Gill QQ Ilayden values, at O Smart New Ostrich Fancies, 19c Come in black, white and. combina tions and sell regularly at 39c. New Black Velvet Shapes Regular $2.00 values, Turbans and Sailors, in . large and small styles, :.......:. $1.29 $1.50 Children's Hats, 75c 16 doz. 6tyles to pick from, in felts, corduroys, velvets and plush, all neatly trimmed. Ilayden Bros. Iptf 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chickens Saturday, Lb. 13ic Hindquarters, genuine No. 1. spring lamb, lb 12 ' Forequarters, genuine No. 1 spring lamb, lb Oi Fancy No. 1 pork shoulders, per pound .-.-.ISM Fancy No. 1 pork butts, per pound 14 V4 Fancy No. 1 steer pot roast, per pound ; 14s. 12 Fancy ateer round steak, per pound ."..15t No. 1 bulk sausage, lb 10 No. 1 sirloin ateak, lb. . .17 He First quality skinned hams, per - pound 20t First quality picnic bams, per pound 13 First quality lean bacon, per pound 22 xbt First quality back bacon, per pound 17 Vis First quality salt pork, lb. 124 s SOc Cans pure lard. . . . , . .30c H A Y D IM B R O T H E R S $1.00 New Belts at 25c A big line of fancy suede leath er belts and silk ruffled girdles, values to $1; Saturday. . .25c1 $1.00 Klblxtns at (t.Tc Latest Roman and blodere striped ribbons In this lot. , 50c Fancy Itlbbons, 20c Yard NEW XKCKWKAK. All the latest novelties In fancy neckwear; two specials, at 25 nd .-50 Ak-Sar-Ben visitors are always welcome just as welcome no matter whether you visit our store to buy or just to look around. We're trying, and are going to con tinue in every way to make your visit to Ak-Sar-Dcn in 1914 not only the most seasonable but most profitable one you have ever known. Remarkable special bargain oferintfs here Saturday and all next week. Watch our windows and ads Make youraolrea perfectly at home in this store. Meet yonr frlemla here; rheck yowr grip and parcels here. If you want an accommodation, command us. SSI While in the store look over onr Iminenae stock of furniture and ruga on Ad floor. Our spe cial October al pricings will Interest you. Ak-Sar-Ben .Sale Handkerchiefs 5c Handkerchiefs at. . .2H 10c Handkerchiefs at... 5 lfc Handkerchiefs at...74 20c Handkerchiefs at. . . .10 2i"c boxed Handkerchiefs 15s 50c boxed Handkerchiefs 29 75c boxed Handkerchiefs 0 It boxed Handkerchiefs. 59, $3 boxed Handkerchiefs. .$1 All New, Fresh tJoods. First two boxed Items, 3 ta box; last three, 6 In box. Fall and Winter Apparel Most Pleasing to Women Who Can Distinguish Clever Smartness and Artistic Workmanship From Mere Showy Novelty Our cloak buyer, with our New York resident buyer, has secured for Saturday and next week the choicest lot of values in gowns,' dresses, suits and coats we have ever shown during- Ak-Sar-Ben week-r-Values we're confident you cannot duplicate elsewhere. . , 275 Handsome Fall Tailored Suits Less Than Half Saturday Tailored Suits made to sell at $20 and $22.50, all sizes from 16 misses to 44-in. bust. Clever new designs in all most wanted colors. $8.95 Come in broad assortment of good quality wool serges, cheviots, di agonals and fancy suitings; new est ideas in coat styles, satin lined 100 dor. New Waists, maker's samples and surplus, in wit ins, crepe de chines, fine mes salines and chiffons, laces and tub silks, all colors and sizes, to $7.50 values, on o nr sale Saturday yss3 Children's . Dresses, new fall styles made to sell at $2.00, checks, plaids and plain col ors, all sizes 4 to QC 14'years uDC Several Other Specials. at $23.75 NttDLtSS TO TRY TO DUPLICATE Crown Jewel Tailored Suits They look fully worth and are worth as much as the majority of suits you'll find priced at $3o. You have L'5 distinct designs for selection in almost unlimited assortment of fine fabrics anil colorings. See the new ones on sale Sat May. Other splendid Tailored Suit Bargains shown Saturday at $35, $39, $45, $59 UP. Hundreds of Pretty Dresses in satins, ser ges, crepes and fancy poplins, all the "newest styles and colorings including the popular new basque styles, garments made to(sell at $18 and $20, Saturday' JJ ogQ at one price, choice. yl . 100 doz. New Waists, maker's samples and surplus, in large assortment; . Visit our Baby Bazanr. Specials In complete Infants' Outfits. ( YV All the Newest Shapes and Colorings in Men's Hats If you get under one of onr $2.00 or $2.50 specials you'll find you've secured the best value to be had any place at the price. Then there's John B. Stetsons at $3.50 up. No discounting them. -V Boys' and Children's Hats and CapH Gen eral clearance of fall styles that sold to $1 this week and next, choice 25 Men's Hats soft or stiff fets, best styles, sam ples and broken lots of values up to, to close, at -choice 81.00 Leather Traveling Bags, 12.60 values, black only, at 81.45 Maker's samples and surplus, value,you can't afford to miss. Don't fall to see them. Indestructo and Hartman Trunks, about M OFF Floor samples that sold at f 15 to r0, for the 8ale at -810 to S35 Special Shoe Sale Saturday suitable for the $3.00 $2.50 $1.98 A big showing of dressy Slippers Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Women's Shoes in patent, gun metal and kid leathers, 'with leather or cloth tops; good $4.00 value, at Women's kid patent or gun metal, welt sole, Shoes; snappy styles, splendid values, all aiies Women's patent kid and gun metal, button or blucher styles, Saturday, at Men's ShoeB, nifty styles, gun metals, patents, vicl kid and tnn calf . skins; all welt sewed and fitted with best silk nn thread; 83.50. 83.00. 82.50 "d , Misses' and child's, boys', youths' and little gent'a t 1 ft ft dependable school Shoes, $2.00. 81.50 P 1 UU Morning Slippers for men and women, in felt and plush oft 50 and Grover and Queen Quality Shoes for "Women. Stetson and Crossett shoes for men. New nifty styles to select from. Kid Gloves- for Ml Occasions Beat Obtainable at Kach Price. liOiig Kid Cloves All colors; splendid assortment and valu"'" 82.50 t0 v 8.00 Two-Button Kid Gloves All colors, heavy . em broidered backs 81.25. 81.50. 82.0O KiiRllsh Walking tflovea and the popular Doeskla gloves for street wear, special at 81.UU Two-(Map Kid Gloves Regular values to $1-2 o, special lot at 5c t hamoleette and Leatherette Oloven Kayser make, long or short, with embroidered backs, all colors; special at. pair -35. 40 a Sl.OO Specials in Corset Dept. $1.50 IVeduce-U Corset, specla 98? Brassieres trimmed with pretty lace Insertion and edges, on sale at .....40 BOc Bust Uuffles, slightly soiled 23? Women's Wool HweatenV to 14.00 values, white only, with or without belts.. 82.25 Children's -riece Knit Suit, regular $1.50 values, on sale, choice 98? Many Other Kpelal" Saturday. Saturday In the Domestic " Room 72x90 bleached sheets, 60c value 45 81x90 bleached sheets, 59c value 45 81x90 bleached sheets, 75c value 56 Pillow Slips, 42x36, 7c, 10c, 12Hc, lftc . .18 Pillow Slips, 45x36, each, IOC, 12 He, 15c, 18c, 2c. and . .25 German silver bleuched damask, 68 Inches wide, t 85 $2.50 damask Table Cloths, at ....81.45 Quilts, at 5(H-, 7ftc, HV, 91.00, SI. 25, $1.50 up o 85.0U Worth 33 more. Cotton Blankets, $1.50 value, at 05 Cotton Blankets, $2.50 values 81.50 Wool filled Blankets, $3.60 values. ..82.50 Wool filled Blankets, $5.00 values. . -83.48 All Wool Blankets (from 4 iS3 to S25 4 Lrfira-e Squares of Vuti g-ctoita and wash drrs floods t a very low price,' yard, a Ho. Bo, 7o. loo and 18H Underwear and1 Furnishings for the Entire Family at Price Savings of Almost Half Here Saturday Several big special mill purchases enable us to make these remarkable offerings Saturday. Men'a 50c Bocks, silk, cashmere or lisle, all colors, at pair ..25 Regular 15c and 25 Hose, all colors and , sires .12V4 & 8 Men's Union Suit, best known - brands, all styles and sizes, to $3.50 values 81.98 Men's Union HulUi, me dium or heavy, cotton, wool or 'fleeced, two special lots Saturday t .-81.45 "J 98 Men's Flannel Over HhirtA, blues, grays or tans with military col lar, values to $2.50, 'on 81.45 and 08 Men's All Wool Hweater Coats, best styles, all colors' 91-0M, 92.50 and 84.9b Blanket Bath llobei, maker's samples, t $12.50 values, at 95.0H, 4.08, $3.08 & 82.98 Silk Four-in-hand Ties, values to $1.00, Satur day 45 35 & 25 Men's 50c Work hlilrlx, at 35 Men's Iress Hhlrts, val ues up to $1.60, Satur day, choice 69. 49 Women's Union Suits, silk and wool, and all wool, colors and white, all styles, to $5.00 values, on sala at . . 82.08 and 81.98 Women's Wool Union Suits, grey and white, snaps at ....98 and 81.50 Heavy Fleeced Union Mult, three great values at 08. C9 and 40 f'lilt(!rn'a HwmiI I'nirin v, Suit, heavy or medium weight, all sixes ...50 V Fleeced Vests or Pant N Children's Hicepers, Gowns and night shirts, special at .49 Women's Outing Flannel Gowns and Pajamas, val ues to $2.00, on sale at 09 and 08 Women's Silk Hose, blucK, white and all colors, regular $2.00 and $2.60 values at 81.50 and 98 Women's Silk Boot'liope 3 special lots Saturday V sVAVLsT IM ' 1 t"l 'jtJ 1 mm at ....50. 35 and 25 A Complete Showing of Wo men's Wayne Knit and Chil dren's Pony Hose. You couldn't buy any batter or more satisfying hosiery. Ask to see them. , Drugs 5 Toilet Articles 'Look over the list and pick out your Drug and Toilet wants. vWe can aave i you money. 10o Palioollvs soap... L.. Bs 10c Venetian Bath soap... Ivory soap, 6 bars lo ISo Mennen's Talcum.', ,10a ate Orris Tooth powdw I4e too Bradley's ilea 8aU..SSa 76c Banlfluah ...170 1160 Oriental Cream... Mo oOo Sloan's LJnlinent . .Mo 0c Crn.tlon sud White Hose i'erluma. OS.....1SO Vier Klas Talcum , Powdr tor 60o Hubber Gloves aa 1.00 bttl HepaAlca, So. 60o size, 3J tac S1M...1S 60c Pompelan Maasaare i'reain for 8s $100 4-quart combination Hot Water Bottle, special at 1J SOc -quart Fountain Hyiins-e (or 4So 4 10c rolls Toilet Pajr.8fto 76c 1'lnaud's Ulao toilet water S 60c. lebeco tooth paste. 31a (0c LaHlance face powder for .' S9o 1.60 2-quart auarantee'i red rubber fountain syringe S1.SO 13.60 Welltna-ton 1-qt. com- bi nation water bottle. 93.00 Satuiday Spread Specials Fancy pique bed spreads, lace bordered with insertion; reg ular $10.00 values, each, at 85.98 Imported Marseilles bad spreads, extra large site, $5 values, each 83.50 Assorted lot crochet bed spreads, full size, hemmed, $2.00 values, each.. 81.25 Hemstitched sheets, full size, regular $1.89 grade, each 81 Pillow Cases, 45x38 H; extra heavy and well made; regu lar 25c cases, each.... 20 .Table padding, full width and good weight; 29c grade, at. yard 20 16 lbs. Best Granulated Cane Sugar $i Toy Oeparimcnt Specials ronrth rioor Saturday, Toldlnf Boll Oo-Carta, rmiular 76c velur., me lal 6S So Zrteaaloa sVoller Skates, ate I rollers. IhI, at 0o 49s Waste Taper Baskets 86c Mew Teddy Bears, up from ...... 4o 48-lb. sack best high grade Diamond , H flour; nothing like It for breul. pies or cakes, sack Ui 10 bars White Russian. Diamond Heat-'Kni-AU, lenox or lUJilry yuets white, laundry soap 8Be 7 bars Electric Spark soap. . . .'. . .250 "lbs. best bulk laundry starch, . . .Boo 4 lbs. fancy Japan rice. 10c qual ity aso 4 lbs. best hand picked navy beans for s3o The bent domestic macaroni, vermi celli or spas-hettl, packase. . , ,t 1- lb. cans fancy sweet susar corn for . Vao 2- lb. cans early June peas, eztra qual ity, for 100 "New honey, per rack IBo cans oil or mustard sardines. .. S5o Mclu-en's peanut butter, lb... 1340 The best tea sittings, lb ISViO Choice Japan, English Hreakfaat, Ounpowder or rlaaket rlred tra. equal to teas sold for 70c, lb. . . .8o Oolden Santos coffee, lb flOo The Best atrtotly rresk Brrs. STotn laa riaer. per dosea aaVao The best creamery butter, carton or lil'IW, iir lb ..810 Fsncy country creamery butter, per pound B8o Good dairy table butter, lb 8 So Full cream cheese, lb 80o Imported Urn-lea rheese, lb Oo Imported Itoquefort cheesu, lb.,,.40o TBS VEOET1BLE MUtlET TOM TUB rBOPX.B or OlUXi, It lba l'otatca to the peer SOo Tou set what the law requires at Ilayden's. Large market basket Cjreen I'eppnrs tor SOo Large market basket Ureen Tomatoes for IBo Fancy Colorado Cabbage, for kraut, per lb So Fancy Ked Onions, per lb Bo Colorado Katffer 3nrs. bos....Bi.a5 4 bunches fresh lieets or Carrots.. 6c Oodb Cooking Apples, peck SOS t heads freali Hothouse Lettuce.. Bo Hubbard 8quah 10O and 13V Itallaa Blao riaaaa, 4-basket orates, per orate $1.04 Fancy Tokay Orapes. basket. .... raiuy Jonathan. Urimes Oolden or Bellflower Apples, box t.tlM LIQUOR DEPARTMENT llayilnn's Hperlal Whisky, bottll In bond, i years old, full quart.. 11.85 California I filar Brandy, per bot tle, at VBo Old Taylor. -year-old. full qt Bo Old Ouckenhelme Kye, years old, full quart , 91.00 Maryland Hye. years old. full quart tor 7BO Rock and Kye. full quart Sfto Home made Oiape Wine, jjgr teal. 91.00 Bunklat California Wlnea. any kind, full quart Boo California Port or Sherry at. per bot tie t0 California Port or Sherry, per gal lon I $1.85 lhoa and KaU Orders ItUed Friday Wight Sunday sad Monday. Big Special Sale of Ranges af Greatly Reduced Prices r. Starting- Saturday and ooatlsalng aest week wo will offer soma very rare bargains la Bangea. 16S.00 extra lartce, extra heavy steel Range, complete with reservlor, high warming closet and oven thermo meter, beautifully nickel trimmed; sale price $48.50 I60.U0 Range, as above, except without reeervolr, sale price 943.SO 40.0u eleel Ranges, heavy steel range, beautifully nickel trimmed, large oven and high closet; sale price. at $35.00 $16.00 steel Ranges, full slae oven, a bargain, at B3S.BO $55.00 steel Ranges, sale price . .$!. VTe SeU "Qarlan'" -Boaowa," "Jewel" and "Bailee Eternal" Oast aad Steel atauges. IOH1I SXATBS 91.BO Best Orads, Ball Bearing- Boiler Skates, adjustable to fit any alas shoo, either boy's or girl's, special (or Bt aroay, only, at $1.1$ J